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This chapter presents a brief description of the study that is conducted by

the writer. In this chapter there are six subtitles. They are : (1) background of the

study, (2) problem of the study, (3) purpose of the study, (4) research hypothesis,

(5) Significance of the study, (6) scope and limitation of the study, and (7)

definition of key-terms.

A. Background of The Study

Basically, English is an international language that should be learnt since a

person was still a kid. In Indonesia, English is one of foreign languages that is taught

in primary school. It is not only known as a foreign language, but also learnt from

school to university live.

Most of Indonesian peoples complain that English is hard to understand.

Aini (2017) stated that many native speakers even agreeing about English is a "bad"

language. It is caused not only by its different word construction but also the

pronunciation, the grammar, the writing and the vocabulary mastery. Between all

of them, vocabulary mastery is the most important thing. In the writer personal

experience in primary school, the writer often faced hard time while studied

English. Now, primary school teachers should recognize what kind of teaching

technique can be used to attract student interests in learning English.


Talking about the importance of vocabulary, Lessard-Clouston (2012:1)

stated that without enough vocabulary, no one will understand each other. Indeed,

people need to use words in order to express themselves in any language. Most

learners know the importance of vocabulary skill. In the writer experience as a

teacher, the writer noticed the fact that students usually find it difficult to speak

English fluently. The students think that speaking and writing activities are tiring

because they use the same expressions and words and very soon their conversation

interrupted caused by missing words.

Lack of vocabulary is the main reason for some communication problems.

Another reason that also happened is the problem of forgetting the words

immediately after the teacher tell the meaning or after they read the words in the

dictionary book, and this also a cause of the lack of vocabulary. The more words

students learn, the easier they memorize them.

Ayuningtyas (2008:1) states that learning a foreign language with

something like song is helpful enough because it is familiar in our daily life.

Miranti, Engliana and Hapsari (2015:171) also said that a song as a media is giving

a good impact in developing students' vocabulary mastery. Law (2014) also said

that children ages are active learners not only at home but also at school. Recine

(2015) said that to improve the vocabulary, students have to read transcripts as they

listen. Since listening popular English song is one of students interests, they will

enjoy while reading the transcript and unconsciously improving their vocabulary.

Borisai and Dennis (2016:91-92) already prove this by their conclusion in their

study that a song could help students to improve their vocabularies, even attracting

their interest to study English and enjoyed it.

Muflihah (2017:372) also states that using English song is profitable for

improve students vocabulary mastery. Bloomsbury International (2013) states that

using songs as learning material is helpful for learn and remember new vocabulary

and idioms. Singing along using popular English songs will help students to

remember new words better than read aloud in the class.

Koteva-Mojsovska (2014:70) stated that using students senses such as sight,

touch, smell, taste, hearing (sound) is the easiest way to learn. By listening to a

popular song, the students are using the sighting sense and hearing sense. They also

can both learn and have fun in the relax atmosphere. The students easily remember

their experiences that connected with physical involvement. These experiences are

the activities happen in the classroom, which involves the senses, what they feel,

what they see and what they hear. They can get these experiences through songs.

So far, to master English skill the students must be able to apply one of the

components of language “Vocabulary” in sentence, because it can help the students

understand what people say or write in English so it very important to be considered.

Vocabulary is an important component of English, because by means of correct and

accurate vocabulary students can speak and write meaningful English.

Alchieri (2017) said that listening to song is a great way to learn English.

When listening to a song, new words that the students never heard before will be

obtained by them. Also, some words that have different context and meaning will

be noticed by the students. Music in the other hand will help their brain more

receptive to hearing English.

Zazulak (2015) stated that between music and memory there is not only have

a strong link but also have a similar areas of the brain that activated when listen or

play music and speaking or processing language. Research from the University of

Edinburgh by Ludke, Ferreira, & Overy (2013:50-51) found that get longer

memories is the benefit of learning foreign languages through songs and the pitch

structure to verbal learning and memory is a help.

In teaching of new vocabulary, especially through listening English popular

song, the teacher should appeal to all the physical senses. The students should both

hear and see all new words. However, listening to the music to the students is better

way to attract their interest in English word, because it is important and necessary

for student’s language development especially in increasing their vocabulary


Based on the explanation above, the writer wants to find the influence of

listening popular English songs to the students’ vocabulary mastery of the fourth

grade students of SDN 005 SAMARINDA in 2018 / 2019 academic year. The writer

chooses the fourth grade students of SDN 005 SAMARINDA as the sample study

because they just learn it for the first time.

The writer choose two English popular song as the media of this study

because a numbers of reasons. The first reason is the students of SDN 005

SAMARINDA have limited vocabulary. Well, as the writer said before it is the first

time they introduced into English, so it will be a little bit strange for them to learn.

They also like to listen to song so it will be an attraction for them to learn English

much and more. Then these songs are quite popular among the students. After that,

the songs are easy to memorize, simple and limited in number of characters. Also,

these songs are the original soundtrack of Disney Movie, which suitable for all ages.

Last, the vocabulary of the songs has been suitable with the English curriculum of

the school.

B. Problem of The Study

Based on the background of the study above, the writer formulates the

problem of the study as follow: “How is the influence of teaching listening by using

popular English songs to the students’ vocabulary mastery of the fourth grade

students of SDN 005 SAMARINDA in 2018 / 2019 academic year?”

C. Purpose of The Study

Based on the problem as mentioned above, the writer would like: To find

out the influence of listening popular English songs to the students’ vocabulary

mastery in form of scores attained by the fourth grade students of SDN 005

SAMARINDA in 2018 / 2019 academic year is.

D. Research Hypothesis

There are two hypotheses used in this study as follows:

1. The Null Hypothesis (Ho) “Listening to popular English songs does not

improve students' vocabulary mastery of the fourth grade students of SDN

005 SAMARINDA in 2018 / 2019 academic year”


2. The Alternative Hypothesis (Ha) “Listening to popular English songs

improves students' vocabulary mastery of the fourth grade students of SDN

005 SAMARINDA in 2018 / 2019 academic year.”

E. Significance of The Study

There are some contributions to be gained from this study as follows:

1. For the English teachers

It is expected that this study can give information to the primary

school teachers that one of useful technique in teaching English is listening

English popular songs.

2. For the English Curriculum designers

It is expected that this study can be an input data and as a

consideration in designing the English curriculum of primary school.

3. For the English learners

It is expected that this study can give fundamental facts for further

writers about listening English popular songs in primary school.

F. Scope and limitation of The Study

Due to limited time, fund and energy (facilities), the scope of this study is

only focused on listening English popular songs to improve the student’s

vocabulary mastery and given listening English popular songs to the students about

three times for each song.


The population is taken from fourth grade students of SDN 005

SAMARINDA in 2018 / 2019 academic year and the song are Idina Menzel “Let It

Go”, lyrics written by Kristen Anderson-Lopez / Robert J. Lopez and Ariana

Grande featuring John Legend “Beauty and The Beast”, lyrics written by Alan

Menken / Howard Ashman.

G. Definition of Key-Terms

1. Influence in this study means the effect or result of listening English popular

songs to the students vocabulary mastery whether it is good result or not.

2. Listening English popular songs means to only give a media with sounds

but not with any visual media. The teacher also gave the students some

papers that they can fill in and completing the lyrics. This method is used to

improve the student’s vocabulary mastery.

3. Mastery means to the scores achieved by the sample of students in given test

on English vocabulary.

4. Vocabulary mastery means the words which have been mastered by the

students of the vocabulary arranged in K13 curricula.




This chapter is presented to give a deeper understanding to the study. In

this chapter, the writer will explain the relation of the previous study and this study.

There are five subtitles in this chapter. They are : (1) the concept of vocabulary, (2)

teaching vocabulary , (3) teaching vocabulary by listening popular song, (4)

curriculum of study, and (5) review of previous study.

A. The Concepts of Vocabulary

Vocabulary is the most important thing to learn English. In order to get

clear description of vocabulary, the writer would give the following definition.

According to Nordquist (2018), Vocabulary is every word that a language

conceived. In addition, Lestari (2015:5) said that vocabulary is the first thing to

master in learning English.

The teacher of English, however, have to pay attention on his mastery on

qualified English vocabulary because without that the teacher cannot using the

language orally or written. The important of mastering English vocabulary is

connected with the duty of teacher as a mediator and facilitator or someone who

provides students with the knowledge and uses it as a tool of communication to

communicate with the students.

Based on the explanation above, the writer can conclude for the word of

vocabulary. Vocabulary is a component of a language that consists of all words that

used as the range of word that known to all individual when they used the language.

With this in mind, it is stated that vocabulary is word that have meaning

after we build them up with the good rules and we can use them to the other as

language. In addition, by language we can say something from our mind. As a

result, listener can understand what we mean and they give response for our

language. And vocabulary also means words which have meaning when heard or

seen even though not produced by the student to communicate with the others

students who try to understand speaking, reading, writing and listening.

a. Vocabulary as a range of word

Words are made up of part of words such as suffixes, prefixes, and stems.

The smallest parts of expression associated with some meaning are called

morpheme. For example, the word “girls” consist of a single morpheme and it

consist of two morphemes, since it is a combination between “girl” and “s”.

b. Vocabulary as a content words and function words

Learning vocabulary is dealing with the lexicon or dictionary that can show

the content words and function words. Content words are word with lexical meaning

that we can find in a dictionary. Function words are word that show the grammatical

relationship or words in sentence. Beare (2017) stated that there are 2 types of

words, which it is called content words and function words. The different is that

content words are giving the important information, while the function word is a

key to understanding the content word. Content words are divided into four classes,

namely noun, verb, adjective and adverb. For example:

Noun : Book, gold, keys, gun, etc.


Verb : See, reading, laugh, check, etc.

Adjective : Happy, sad, strong, beautiful, etc

Adverb : Now, last night, yesterday, tomorrow, etc.

While function words includes: determiner, auxiliary, preposition,

conjunction, interrogative, and modal.

Determiner : The, an, a, any, of, each, etc.

Auxiliary : Do, be, have, has, etc.

Preposition : At, on, inside, outside, etc.

Conjunction : Where, when, how, what, etc.

Modal : Can, will, should, etc.

Here are the examples of content words and function words:

a. I will study English tonight.

Content words : I, study, English, tonight

Function words : Will

b. She can drive a car.

Content words : She, drive, car

Function words : A, can

c. He can play football.

Content words : He, play, football

Function words : can

d. We have to study hard.

Content words : We, study, hard

Function words : Have to


B. Teaching Vocabulary

According to Neuman and Dawyer (2009:385), vocabulary is the words that

we have to know to communicate effectively in speaking, divided into expressive

vocabulary that words used in speaking and receptive vocabulary that words used

in listening. Then, according to Linse (2005:121), vocabulary is the words

collection that known to an individual. Learning vocabulary is the most important

as a part of learning languages since learners learn vocabulary first before they

master more complex structure.

In teaching vocabulary, a teacher needs to use proper technique in order to

help his students have good understanding on new words being learned. Hunt and

Beglar in Methodology in Language Teaching: An Anthology of Current Practice

(2002:256) describe three approaches to vocabulary teaching and learning, they are

incidental learning, explicit instruction, and independent strategy development.

Independent strategy development concerns equipping learners with strategies for

vocabulary learning which means listening is included.

C. Teaching Vocabulary by Listening Popular Song

While vocabulary is the most important thing, the easiest way to teach it

is using listening, especially popular song. Listening is used in this thesis, which

can improve students' vocabulary easier. Andy (2011) write in BBC Teaching

English that there are three way to teach vocabulary through listening. They are

miming verbs, Dictionary work and matching. Borisai and Dennis (2016:91) said

that the students are agreeing to learning vocabulary through pop song. This

technique could promote the student in learning new vocabulary through the pop

songs that they usually to listen. Furthermore, Cahyaningsari and Saleh (2016:95)

said that one of an effective media is lyrics of the song that can be used to learn

English. Their statement is supported by the result of their research which proves

there is an improvement of student's score before and after learning vocabulary with

and without songs. In this study, the writer uses two popular songs. Popular song is

a song that popular enough, or known to the students. "Let It Go" and "Beauty and

The Beast" are songs the writer use, which are popular among the students. Recine

(2015) also stated that if learners listen to a song while read the transcript, it will

built their vocabulary.

D. Curriculum of Study

SDN 005 SAMARINDA using K13 Curriculum as the teaching guide.

Hartati (2014) stated that there are 3 cognitive loads for the 4th grader to learn

English. These cognitive loads are affected by their ages, ability and senses or their

motor activities.

The first thing is they loved to play. They hardly study English in a serious

case like the middle school student do because of their ages that still young. The

second load is they loved to works in group. From the writer experience, works in

group and pair is easier for learn English because the member of pair and group can

help each other. But in the other side, the ability of the students is different. For

example, student A and student B are a pair in works, but student A ability is much

higher that student B. It will be all work of student A if student B does not

understand the material. The third load is they likes to senses and doing something

like demonstrating and role playing something like dialogues in a fairytale. They

also like to listen to song in this age, based on the writer experience.

Then, from the three loads above, the writer is giving a treatment by using

a song to attract them because the writer sure that they will be happy to listen to the

song as played and have a relax atmosphere in class. They also can sing together

after completing the lyrics so it will also makes them relax. For the words, the

teacher chooses words that included in their curriculum in school, so it will help

them to learn the next material. In the curriculum, the competency standard is

understand very simple instructions with actions in a class context while the basic

competency are (1) Respond by acting in accordance with the instructions gratefully

in the context of the class and (2) Responding to a very simple instruction verbally

in the context of the class.

They will learn about colors, numbers and greetings according to the

syllabus. The writer already chooses some words for the treatment that connected

to the curriculum they need so the writer can give a proper treatment.

E. Review of Previous Studies

In this study the researcher quotes some studies that have similar topic.

First, a study conducted by Cahyaningsari and Saleh (2016). They conducted a

study about teaching English using mixed song lyrics that improved the student

vocabulary. The design of this study is quantitative descriptive. They used

observation sheet, interview sheet, questionnaire, pre-test and post test as

instrument to collecting the data. The result of their study showed that song lyrics

can be applied to improving learner's competence in vocabulary.


The second study is conducted by Miranti, Engliana and Hapsari (2015).

They conducted a study about teaching English vocabulary using English nursery

rhymes that improved the vocabulary of kindergarten students. The design of this

study is qualitative case study. They used a counseling sheet and observation sheet

as instrument to collecting the data. The result of their study showed that a song as

a media is giving a good impact in developing students' vocabulary mastery.

The third study is conducted by Law (2014). He conducted a study showed

that listening will improved children's vocabulary even without testing. The design

of this study is qualitative descriptive. He used observation sheet and index of

deprivation as instrument to collecting the data. The result of his study showed that

children are active learners and it's not only in their home but also in school.

The fourth study is conducted by Recine (2015). He conducted a study that

show how to improved English vocabularies. The design of this study is qualitative

descriptive. He used observation sheet as instrument to collecting the data. The

result of his study showed that to build vocabulary, the transcripts can read by the

learners as they listen, then underline or write down vocabulary that is new to them.

The fifth study is conducted by Borisai and Dennis (2016). They conducted

a study about pop songs that promote students’ ability in learning new vocabulary.

The design of this study is quantitative experimental. They used observation sheet,

questionnaire, pre-test and post test as instrument to collecting the data. They

analyze the data using mean and standard deviation of the data. The result of their

study showed that this technique can help students in learning new vocabulary

through the pop songs that they usually to listen. It also motivating them to learn,

then encouraged their attention and motivating in learning vocabulary because they

were happy to learn with their friends and found it easier to remember the

vocabulary. The study through pop song is creating a fun activity in a relaxed and

comfortable atmosphere. Student's motivation was increased and it caused them

having a good attitude in learn English, also they could use English with greater


Based on the earlier study above, the writer thinks that it is necessary to

conduct the research with quite similar topic, but at the same time different with the

previous studies above. The title of this thesis is "The Influence of Listening Popular

English Songs to the Students’ Vocabulary Mastery of The Fourth Grade Students

of SDN 005 SAMARINDA in 2018 / 2019 Academic Year". In this research, the

writer is analyzing the student vocabulary mastery using their score in pre-test and

post test. The writer using experimental quantitative in this thesis and will do

observation also giving pre-test and post test to collect the data, which it is the

student's score. The writer also uses a full English song as the treatment. The writer

hopes this thesis can help the teachers to improving student's vocabulary mastery




This chapter will present the method of the study, also the explanation of

the method used in this study. In this chapter there are five sections. They are : (1)

research design, (2) population and sample, (3) research instrument, (4) Data

collection technique, and (5) data analysis technique.

A. Research Design

The design of the research is experimental quantitative. Experimental

quantitative design is a design that finished the study by do an experiment to the

sample. The characteristic of experimental design is the measurements are taken

before and after treatment, that known as pretest and posttest, and comparing the

measurements (in this study is the score) between the control group and the

experimental group. In this study, the experimental group is given a treatment,

which is popular English song and the sample is the student's of SDN 005


In this study, the writer uses one of Fraenkel’s experimental research

designs is Randomized Pretest-Posttest Control Group Design. The writer uses this

design because it will show whether treatment is succeed or not simply by

comparing the score of the control group and the experimental group (2012:272).

Fraenkel Randomized Pretest-Posttest Control Group Design (2012:271) is as

follow :

RE O1 X O2
RC O3 C O4


R : Random Sampling

RE : Random sampling of Experimental group

RC : Random sampling of Control group

X : Treatment only for Experimental group

C : Non Treatment

O1 : The Pretest result of Experimental group

O2 : The Posttest result of Experimental group

O3 : The Pretest result of Control group

O4 : The Posttest result of Control group

Concerning to Fraenkel, the writer will conduct the research as follow :

Listening English
Pretest Popular Song Posttest Result of EXP Group

( (
O O2)
Without listening
Pretest popular English Posttest Result of CONT Group
songs Treatment
( (
O (O1) O4)

After getting the sample, the writer divides the sample into two groups by

giving the pretest, Experimental group representing as the group which is given

treatment (listening English Popular Song) and Control group representing as the

group which is not given a treatment.


Before giving treatment, the writer will give a pretest and use the score as

the basic score. After giving treatment to Experimental group, both groups are given

Posttest which aims to see the influence between Experimental group and Control


B. Population and Sample

The population of this research is the fourth grade students of SDN 005

SAMARINDA in 2017/2018 academic year. The writer used purposive sampling

that Fraenkel, Wallen and Hyun (2012:100) stated it is based on the writer personal

judgment of previous information about the population that will present data that

the writer need.

The procedure in dividing the samples is simple enough. The writer divides

them based on their class in the school, which have lowest mean score in their daily

score so it will be easier in giving the pretest, treatment and posttest.

C. Research Instrument

Fraenkel (2012:113) stated that there are two basic ways to acquire an

instrument. They are using previously existing instrument that already tested and

an instrument the writer makes personally or had been made by someone else. In

this case, the writer chooses to personally making an instrument.

The instrument of the research is multiple choice test of vocabulary to

complete the sentences. The writer used multiple choices because of two reasons.

First, according to Chun-mei (2007:43) multiple choices test is the most objective

and easier in scoring. Then, Öztürk (2007:400) also stated that multiple choices test

can be managed quickly, easier in scoring, can be applied in a short time even it is

used in a big population, easy to prepare and highly reliable.

The test is arranged based on the word that they have to mastered based on

the competency. The numbers of test items are 50, divides into 2 for pre-test and

posttest with duration 35 minutes, using the rules from the English teacher in the

school, and will use 4 choices each number. The test will be divided as follows:

a. Noun : Numbers

b. Adjective : Colors

c. Adverb : Greetings

d. Verb : Listening and Singing along

Meanwhile, to get the raw score of the student, based on Fraenkel

(2012:189), the writer uses the following formula:

S = R X wt


S : Score Obtain

R : The total number of correct answer

wt : Weight

And only the correct answer are calculated and scored, while the wrong

answers are not calculated.

Try – Out test

Before the test is given to the sample of this study, it will try out to students

of SDN 005 SAMARINDA in two high-grade classes with the total test 35 items.

The aims of giving try-out test are to find the difficulty index, the discrimination

power, validity and reliability.

1. The Difficulty Index

The writer used difficulty index to qualify how good or bad the item is. It

is to identify whether each item is easy, fair or difficulty ones. A good test item is

the item that is not too easy or too difficult. The formula applied to find the difficulty

index (DI) is based on Mahjabeen (2017:311) explanation as follows:

DIF = × 100


DIF : Difficulty index

H : Number of the student in upper group who answer correctly

L : Number of the student in lower group who answer correctly

T : Total number of students in both group

In the evaluation term, difficulty index is symbolized DIF which refers to

Difficulty. Then, the result of index difficulty is classified into the followings:

DIF = 0 – 30% is too difficult,

DIF = 30% – 70% is average.

DIF = 50% – 60% is good.

DIF = 70% – 100% is too easy.

Therefore, the good item is the item which has the D = 50% – 60%.

2. The Discrimination Index

The discrimination index of a test is the test which can differentiate

between high capability students and low capability students. A test item which can

or not be answered by both high and low capability students, is said not good

because it does not have discrimination power. A good test is a test which can be

answered by the smart students only.

All of the students divided into two groups, upper and lower group. The

formula used to find out the discrimination power as stated by Mahjabeen

(2017:311) as follows:
DI = 2 × × 100


DI : Discrimination Index
H : Number of the student in upper group who answer correctly
L : Number of the student in lower group who answer correctly
T : Number of all students

In the evaluation term, Discrimination Index is symbolized R. The result

of discrimination index is classified into the followings:

D = less than 0.2 is Poor

D = 0.21 – 0.24 is Acceptable

D = 0.25 – 0.35 is Good

D = more than 0.35 is Excellent

Therefore, the good item is the item which has discrimination power

between 0.21 – 0.35.

3. Validity

For validating the test, the writer use criterion-related evidence of validity

that had been explained by Fraenkel (2012:152). To obtain criterion-related

evidence of validity, the writer comparing the performance on one instrument that

being validated with performance on another instrument, independent criterion. A

criterion is a second assessment procedure that used to measure the same variable.

Because the instrument has been designed to measure academic ability, student

scores on the instrument is compared with their grade-point averages, as the external

criterion. If the instrument does indeed measure academic ability, then students who

score high on the test would also be expected to have high grade-point averages.

The key index for the validity is the correlation coefficient. It is symbolized

by the letter r, that indicates the degree of relationship that exists between the scores

individuals obtain on two instruments. All correlation coefficients fall somewhere

between +1.00 and -1.00. An r of .00 indicates that no relationship exists. To

measure the correlation, the formula applied is product moment correlation by Carl

Pearson, or usually called Pearson Product-Moment correlation. When the data for

both variables are expressed in terms of quantitative scores, the Pearson r is the

appropriate correlation coefficient to use. It assumes that the relationship is best

described by a straight line. The formula based on Fraenkel (2015:254) as follows:

𝑛 ∑ 𝑥𝑦 − ∑ 𝑥 ∑ 𝑦
r =
√[𝑛 ∑ 𝑥 2 − (∑ 𝑥 )2 ][𝑛 ∑ 𝑦 2 − (𝑦)2 ]


x : Try out scores,


y : Range between try out test score and the student grade-

point score,

n : The sample mean.

4. Reliability

Reliability refers to how consistent they are for each individual from an

instrument to another and from one set of items to another. It is said that the more

similar the scores would have been, the more reliable the test is said to be. A test is

reliable if we get the similar scores from the same students with the same ability but

a different time.

Reliability of the test the writer obtained by using Kuder-Richardson

Approaches, known as KR21. The formula as follows:

𝐾 𝑀(𝐾 − 𝑀)
𝐾𝑅21 = [1 − ]
𝐾−1 𝐾(𝑆𝐷2 )


K : Number of items on the test

M : Mean of the sets score of the test

SD : Standard deviations of sets score of the test

D. Data Collection Technique

The procedures used to collect the data will be the following steps:

1. Giving Pretest from the previous material.


2. Giving a treatment to the Experimental group, listening English popular

songs in teaching English vocabulary for three times each song.

3. Giving the same test (Posttest) to Experimental and Control group and the

mean score of the two groups are compared to see the significant influence

by using t-test.

4. The instrument that is used to collect the data is multiple choices testing

which has been tried out to the fourth grade students of SDN 005


E. Data Analysis Technique

In analyzing the data, to find out the significant influence between listening

English popular songs and without listening English popular songs, the writer uses

t-test. This analysis is used to determine the significant influence of listening

English popular songs to the fourth grade students of SDN 005 SAMARINDA.

The formulation of t-test, as follows:

𝑀𝑎 − 𝑀𝑏
2 2
√ 𝑆𝑎 + 𝑆𝑏
𝑁𝑎 𝑁𝑏


t : The significant influence of two means

Ma : Mean score of Experimental group

Mb : Mean score of Control group

S a2 : Standard deviation score of Experimental group

Sb2 : Standard deviation score of Control group

Na : Number of students in Experimental group


Nb : Number of students in Control group

From the formula above, the formulas of Mean score and Standard

Deviation (SD) are presented below:

1. Mean Score



M : Mean score

X : The score in a distribution

N : Total number of the sample

2. Standard Deviation (SD)

∑ 𝑋2
𝑆𝐷 = √


SD : Standard deviation

∑X2 : The sum of square of the scores subtract mean score

N : The number of population

3. df(Degree of Freedom)

𝑑𝑓 = 𝑁1 + 𝑁2 − 2


𝑑𝑓 : Degree of freedom

𝑁1 : The number of population of Experimental group

𝑁2 : The number of population of Control group



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Alchieri, Alberto. 2017. How Does Listening To Music Help You Learn English.

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