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In life, everyone have their own decisions. Sometimes it’s the smallest

decisions that can change your life forever. The life of a teenager seems to

change daily. The teenager is a uniquely human phenomenon. One minute a

teen seems interested in a new sport, topic in school, or type of music, only to

completely shift gears the next. Constantly exposed to new ideas, social

situations, and people, teenagers work to develop their personalities and

interests during this time of great change. Adolescents are known to be moody,

insecure, argumentative, angst-ridden, impulsive, impressionable, reckless and

rebellious. Teenagers are also characterized by odd sleeping patterns,

awkward growth spurts, bullying, and snobbish. Before their teenage years,

adolescents focus on school, play, and gaining approval from their parents. But

now, those former goals are replaced with a desire for independence, as

teenagers work toward becoming young adults.

Moreover, the words “teenager” and “rebellion” often seem synonymous.

“Our youth now love luxury, they have bad manners, contempt for authority; they

show disrespect for elders, and love to chatter in place of exercise. Children are

now tyrants, not the servants of their households. They no longer rise when

elders enter the room. They contradict their parents, chatter before company,

gobble up their food and tyrannize their teachers.”, while this may sound like

somebody’s description of your teenager, it was actually written by Socrates, who

died in 399 BC. Truly teenage rebellion has been around for a long time.

During adolescence, teenagers develop emotionally, cognitively, and

physically. Society has always portrayed teenagers as rebellions. But, how much

of that is true? Many adults (especially parents) believe that teenagers are

rebellious. We all know, that this statement is somewhat valid but do we know

how rebellious we teens really are and in what part of our lives? Or which gender

is the most rebellious?

Being a teenager is exciting. You see the world opening up to you, the

rules you follow and the expectations you have more nebulous and challenging.

It’s like advancing to a new level of life. It can be daunting, and the rush to

experience the new can cause rebellion against the old. This battle between

adults and teenagers, the protectors and the protected, can cause a lot of friction

in any family. The reasons for rebellious teenage behaviour are numerous and


However, Parents are considered as the first teachers of a child, but after

all these years, a child will eventually become a teenager. At the age of thirteen,

most teenagers start to feel the need for independence and free will, and if not

met, it will be the beginning of rebellion. Every teen goes through some sort of

rebellious stage in or after the precious years of puberty. It is a superiority

syndrome that teens get to let the world know that their views and opinions are

supposed not to be ignored. Ninety-eight percent of teens go through it, lots do it

just to show off and some do it because of an incredible feeling of self-

righteousness. During this stage, teenagers feel pressured both at home and at

school. The media also affects how they make their decisions. What they see

and hear makes them think that it is the right to do to fit in and not be alienated.

Teenage rebellion is a sign of teens separating from parents in their

transition to adulthood. “Keep your friends close but your parents close, too,”

(Saxbe, 2016).Teens tends to hang out more with their peers than their parents

as they reach adulthood.

In today's generation, teenagers tend to do what they want and where

their happiness is at. Since the researchers are also a teenager, they can likely

do the research easier. By conducting this kind of research, it can help to

discover the possible causes of teenage hostility and deals with rebellious

students by looking and seeing through their own perspective. This research also

helps people to understand other sides. This research is conducted to discover

further what is truly meant by teenage rebellion from different views and

comprehend each situation. The purpose of this research is to identify the causes

and effects of teenage rebellion so that guidance may be given to

parents/guardians in dealing with their rebellious teens, and also on

understanding that this is some kind of natural phenomenon in every child’s life

whether they are encountering emotional, behavioural and mental problems

regarding on the parent’s manner of authority.




1. Profile of the

1.1 Age;

1.2 Gender.

2. Total level of
hostility of the
3. Level of hostility of
the respondents in Seminar about causes
Survey questionnaires
terms of: of teenage rebellion

3.1 Cynicism

3.2 Anger

3.3 Aggression
4. Significant
between the
demographic profile
of the respondents
and f their level of

Figure 1

Figure 1 shows the focus of the study about teenage rebellion. Box 1 has

the input; it includes the basic information about the study. Box 2 refers to the

process that the researchers undergone to conduct the study, the survey

questionnaires focusing on students opinion and perception. Box 3 represents

the output, which is the proposed material by the researchers.

It shows the profile of the respondents (age and gender), survey

questionnaires on the factors affecting teenage rebellion in Batangas City.

Seminar will be the output of the study.


This study aimed to determine the factors of teenage rebellion happening in

Batangas City.

More specifically this study sought to answer the following questions:

1. What is the demographic profile of respondents in terms of:

1.1. Age

1.2. Gender

2. What is the total level of hostility of the respondents

3. What is the level of hostility of the respondents in terms of:

3.1 Cynicism

3.2 Anger

3.3 Aggression

4. Is there a significant relationship between the demographic profiles of the

respondents in terms of their level of hostility.

5. Based on findings, what program on seminar can be conducted to raise the

awareness about the causes of teenage rebellion.


Null Hypothesis

Ho1: There is significant relationship between the demographic profile of the

respondents and their level of hostility.


This study is primarily focused on some of the major factors that cause

rebellious group growth in today's society. The researchers aim to discuss what

factors result teenage rebellion that is happening today in the city of Batangas. In

this study, the respondents will be questioned about being involved in rebellious

group in their lives. Also, the researchers want to know why it is widespread.

Further, teenage rebellions are quickly increasing. The target participants are

teenagers in AMACC Batangas.The total teenagers at AMACC Batangas area

are more than what we expected, however only 100 teenagers will be used.


This study aims to give significant awareness, information and learnings to

everyone. Likewise, it is believed that this study is also beneficial to the readers

and future researchers. The results of the study will be of great benefit to the


Teenager who is experiencing rebellion now will have an idea on

what’s going on at some point in their lives and they would know how to help

themselves away from such act, how to handle things, and how to mend

their broken relationship with their family. They will also be on track again to their

goals in life like studying and finishing school for them to be better citizens of this


Ordinary teenager would know that being a rebellious child won’t do

them any good and how to avoid the problem. They would also be aware of the

things that they are doing if it builds them to be better man or destroy them.

Teachers could be informed how they will respond on these

circumstances. They may counsel the teenagers that are undergoing this act of

rebelling to their parents. They can help their students and they can also help the

parents by standing as the mediator between their students and the parents .The

teachers may stand as the second parents of the students; they can help them

and be the one to advice when they are not open to their parents or if their

parents are not with them or in abroad.

Parents will be able to have an idea on what their children are going

through. They would know how to help and handle them without hurting their

feelings and they can make their relationship stronger than before.

Future researchers will be aware that this study will serve as a guideline

for their future study, and they can make this study as their source to develop a

better research.


To help the researchers attain better understanding of the study and to

minimize if not eliminate ambiguity, the following terms are defined:

Rebellion - is a resistance against something, particularly the government

Authority or other controlling forces (Merriam Webster, 2018).In this research,

rebellion define as the main subject of the study.

Alienation - a state of being cut of separate from a person or group of

people. The noun alienation describes the feeling that you’re not part of a group

(Dictionary, 2014). In this research, alienation defines as one of the

characteristics possesses by the main subject.

Rebellious- refusing to obey rules or authority or to accept normal

standards of behaviour, dress etc, having or showing a tendency to rebel

(Merriam Webster, 2015).In this research, rebellious is define as one of the

characteristics possesses by the main subject.

Independence - the time when a country or region gains political freedom

from outsider control (Merriam Webster, 2015).In this research, independence is

define as the fact or state of being independent of the main subject.

Superiority Syndrome- If you have a superiority complex you believe that

you are better, cleverer or more important than other people (Dictionary, 2013).

In this research, superiority syndrome is a kind of disorder in which the rebellious

teenagers are undergoing.

Adulthood- when you stop growing and start shaving you are in

adulthood, it is a point where you reach maturity (Encyclopedia, 2018). In this

research, adulthood define as a stage in life in which teenagers will reach and go


Parenting- refers to the intricate of raising a child and not exclusively to

the biological relationship. (Merriam Webster, 2014).In this research, parenting

defines as the teenagers guidance and support during their rebellious period.

Hostility -an unfriendly or hostile state, attitude, or action, Acts of

Fighting in a war. (Merriam Webster, 1828).In this research, hostility defines as

an attitude of the subject.

Revolution- Is a successful attempt by a large group of people to change

the political system of their country forces (Encyclopedia, 2014). In this research,

revolution defines as the teenagers’ sudden change of perspectives and attitude.

Disobedience - an act or instance of rising up especially: a usually

localized of an established government (Merriam Webster, 2002).In this

research, disobedience defines as an act of the main subject.




This study is design as a quantitative study aiming to awaken everyone about

teenage rebellion .This study provides collection of data on the respondents

profile through the use of survey questionnaires.


The study will be conducted in AMA COMPUTER COLLEGE at Bolbok,

Batangas City. The target participants are the teenagers either males or females.

The total teenagers of AMACC at Bolbok, Batangas City area are more than we

expected, however only 100 teenagers either male or female result will be used.


The researcher will be using the respondent's profile form indicating their

name, age, sex and survey questionnaires (about causes of teenage rebellion )

which will be use as a measurement of sentiments of selected respondents as

teenager. In gathering the needed primary data in the study, the researchers

conducted series of survey needed in identifying the causes of teenage rebellion.

The said survey was equipped with a questionnaire.


Firstly, the research study will be conducted in AMACC Batangas,

Batangas City area and ask some teenager permission through the researchers

consent letter for the system to be developed where the survey questionnaires

will be administered. In order to support the validity of the data, survey has been

conducted to gather information.

Secondly, the questionnaires will be administered to teenager; however,

100 teenagers will be used only. The test will be retrieved right after the

respondents are finished answering the test. The researchers were also

consulted in the internet, books and tutorials that are conducive in developing the

system. The researchers have visited different libraries to have detailed research

and also read different materials that are relevant to the study being conducted.

Lastly, after the result and the research have been finalized, the

researchers will give a copy to the school as a contribution for the school



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