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Violence against women in India is going side by side with the technological improvement in
modern world in the country. This violence against women in India is because of the male
dominated society here. Women generally face various kinds of crime like dowry death,
sexual harassment, cheating, murder, girl child abuse, robbery, etc. Violence against women
which counted as crimes under the Indian Penal Code are rape, kidnapping and abduction,
torture physically and mentally, dowry deaths, wife battering, sexual harassment,
molestation, importation of girls, etc Women are not allowed to feel safe anywhere because
it can happen at any place like home, public place or office. It is a big issue related to
especially working women which cannot be ignored as it is slackening the growth of the
country. Women in the Indian society have always been considered as the things of
enjoyment from the ancient time. They have been victims of the humiliation, exploitation and
torture by the men from the time of social organization and family life.

In a country like India with a diverse and rich culture we have seen that almost all religions
worship female goddess, but this has an irony attached to it. On hand we see women are
given the status of mother earth and on the other hand we see women being suppressed by
male chauvinism.

Our country saw a big example in the wee hours of 17th December. When a 23 year woman
was brutally gang raped on the doomed night of 16th December. A huge crowd of angry
protests came out on the streets demanding for change.

Even after happening of such incidents regularly in the society, there has been no change. It is
very complex and deeply rooted in the Indian society even after increasing education level of
the people. Violence against women happens because of inefficient legal justice system, weak
rules of law and male dominated social and political structures.

Violence against Indian women is a blot on the nation and the society as well. As long as the
Indian women are subjected to violence, the international image of India is also going to
suffer Therefore, it is crucial to take stringent measures to eradicate any kind of violence
against Indian women.



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