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Fish Physiology and Biochemistry 27: 19–28, 2002.

© 2004 Kluwer Academic Publishers. Printed in the Netherlands.


The effects of fish anaesthetics (MS222, metomidate and AQUI-S) on heart

ventricle, the cardiac vagus and branchial vessels from Chinook salmon
(Oncorhynchus tshawytscha)

J.V. Hill, W. Davison and M.E. Forster∗

School of Biological Sciences, University of Canterbury, Private Bag 4800, Christchurch, New Zealand; ∗ Author
for correspondence (E-mail: malcolm.forster

Accepted: September 30, 2003

Key words: anaesthetics, branchial arteries, heart, teleost, vagus nerve

The acute effects of 3 fish anaesthetics (MS222, metomidate and AQUI-S) were investigated on 3 parts of the
cardiovascular system of Chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha). All 3 anaesthetics reduced the contractile
force of paced strips of ventricular myocardium. MS222 reduced the contractility by almost 75%, and was more
potent than metomidate and AQUI-S, which reduced the contractility by about 25%. MS222 blocked vagal nerve
transmission to the heart at the normally applied anaesthetic concentration (NAAC) for Chinook salmon, whereas
metomidate and AQUI-S required 100 times their NAACs to have the same effect. Using myography, MS222 and
AQUI-S caused a maximal 30–40% dilation of EBAs at 10% NAAC, whereas the equivalent effect with metomidate
was only seen at 100% NAAC. MS222 again caused the greatest dilation of the ABAs. AQUI-S dilated the ABAs
at up to 50% NAAC, but this was reversed so that there was no dilation at 100% NAAC. Metomidate did not affect
the ABAs. These data from in vitro and in situ experiments, which generally show inhibitory effects, are used to
suggest possible cardiovascular outcomes in anaesthetised Chinook salmon.

Abbreviations: ABA – afferent branchial artery; EBA – efferent branchial artery; NAAC – normally applied
anaesthetic concentration (MS222 100 ppm; AQUI-S 60 ppm, metomidate 7 or 10 ppm).

Introduction blood, especially through the venous system where

blood pressures are low (Satchell 1991). As anaesthet-
Impaired cardiac function during anaesthesia can have ised fish are often immobilised, greater emphasis is
detrimental consequences in fish. Reduced gill perfu- placed on the heart for adequate perfusion.
sion will cause hypoxia which would eventually lead Local anaesthetics affect nerves and muscles by
to death. A reduced cardiac output will also increase interfering with ion movements. Nerves become in-
the recovery time as fish anaesthetics are removed capable of transmitting action potentials and all types
from the site of action in the blood and then de- of muscle lose contractile ability (Roweland 1974;
graded and/or excreted elsewhere. In dogfish (Squalus Hall and Clarke 1991). In mammals, local anaesthet-
acanthias) 95% of accumulated MS222 is excreted by ics can cause the heart to reduce contractile force and
the gill and 5% is metabolised and excreted via the induce arrhythmias (Hall and Clarke 1991). Neural
kidney (Stenger and Maren 1974). control of the heart may also be impaired. Some
Cardiac output, as a product of heart rate and stroke general anaesthetics such as halothane, enflurane, iso-
volume, is controlled to meet demand. Agents that af- flurane and nitrous oxide are known to have a negative
fect the heart directly or by interference with intrinsic inotropic effect on the heart in vitro but often no effect
cardiovascular control could compromise cardiac out- in vivo, probably due to compensatory homeostatic
put. In addition, skeletal muscle contractions move control (Stoelting and Miller 1989). MS222, a chem-

ical with local anaesthetic properties, is known to Materials and methods

affect the contractility of the heart of rainbow trout
(Oncorhynchus mykiss, Ryan et al. 1993). Similarly, Chinook salmon from a local aquaculture facility were
analogues of the active component of AQUI-S signi- transported to the University of Canterbury. They were
ficantly affect the cardiovascular systems of mammals kept unfed in a large (1.5 m3 ) tank with flow through
(Dundee and Clarke 1979). artesian well water.
Vagal outflow has a negative chronotropic effect on The NAAC for MS222 and AQUI-S were found
the heart in many teleosts and elasmobranchs (Ran- to be 100 ppm and 60 ppm, respectively. These con-
dall 1970; Satchell 1991; Olson 1998) but, in some centrations anaesthetise most Chinook salmon within
teleosts, there are also sympathetic fibres in the vagus 5 min. Initial tests showed the equivalent NAAC of
which can increase heart rate (Saito and Tenma 1976; metomidate to be 10 ppm, however, later work showed
Donald and Campbell 1982; Taylor 1992). It has been this was over-anaesthetising fish during surgery so the
suggested that MS222 can block excitatory adrener- NAAC was reduced to 7 ppm. The paced ventricle
gic vagal stimulation of the heart of parore (Girella strip experiment uses the original 10 ppm concentra-
tricuspidata, Montgomery et al. 1986). In contrast, tion, while the cardiac vagus and myography exper-
a decrease in heart rate in rainbow trout after 30 iments use 7 ppm. It should also be noted that the
minutes of 100 ppm MS222 anaesthesia was attributed recommended dose of AQUI-S 17–25 ppm.
to increased cholinergic vagal tone and was reversed All experiments were approved by the University
by intraperitoneal and/or intrapericardial injections of of Canterbury animal ethics committee.
atropine (Lochowitz et al. 1974). Other authors sug-
gest tonic cardiovagal inhibition is depressed centrally Paced ventricle strips
during MS222 anaesthesia (Houston et al. 1971).
The fish gill fulfils a number of vital functions Chinook salmon (mass 78 ± 4 g, range 58.0–117.0 g,
including ion regulation and respiration. The gills n= 16) were killed with a blow to the head. The
receive all the cardiac output immediately after it heart was exposed, excised and placed in a 15 ◦ C
is ejected from the heart and this blood must be fresh water fish saline (Gesser et al. 1982) bubbled
oxygenated adequately before it enters the systemic with 0.5% CO2 , 19% O2 , 80.5% N2 . The ventricles
circulation. Fish gill haemodynamics are controlled (mass 55 ± 4 mg, range 34 – 86 mg, n= 16) were
by hormonal, neural, local and physical parameters dissected free then cut in half in the median plane.
(Wood 1974; Olson 2002) that can react to numer- Two pieces of 5–0 silk were tied to each ventricle half,
ous exogenous and endogenous changes in order to one to a remnant piece of bulbus arteriosus and the
maintain gill function. Changing gill haemodynamics other to the apex. The preparation was placed in a
with exogenous compounds is potentially detrimental water jacketed tissue bath at 15 ◦ C containing gassed
to the fish. Anaesthetics, and local anaesthetics in par- saline. One piece of the silk was tied to the base of
ticular, are known to affect vasoactivity in mammals the tissue bath and the other to the arm of an isomet-
(Hall and Clarke 1991). Vasoconstriction or vasodila- ric force transducer (1 g, Ugo Basile, model 7003).
tion can alter the pattern of blood flow through gill The transducer was attached to a Gould transducer
filaments and lamellae (Farrell et al. 1979). This may pre-amplifier and the signal sent to a chart recorder
in turn influence respiratory gas and ion exchanges (Yokogawa, LR4110). To induce the muscle to con-
(O2 , CO2 /HCO− 3 ) and could lead to hypoxia and/or
tract silver wire electrodes were placed either side
hypercapnia. of the ventricle and 3 to 5 mV pulses (5 ms dura-
The following work examines the direct chem- tion, 12 pulses/minute) were applied with a stimulator
ical effect of three commonly used fish anaesthetics: and voltage amplifier manufactured in the Biology
MS222, metomidate and AQUI-S, on the contractile department. Stimulator output was verified using an
ability of ventricular myocardium, the control the car- oscilloscope. Many authors add adrenaline to heart
diac vagus has over a spontaneously beating perfused strips to maintain contractility (Farrell 1998). This is
heart, and the vasoactivity of the branchial arteries. important in the performance of the intact heart, but
less so for isolated strips which are not moving fluid.
After a 15-min equilibration period, anaesthetic
was placed in the external Ringer’s in a concentrated
bolus which was mixed with the action of the bub-

bling gas. The 3 anaesthetics were tested at 10%, 25%,

50% and 100% of their NAAC. Each concentration
was left for 15 min before applying the next higher
concentration. After exposure to the last anaesthetic
concentration ventricles were washed in situ with fresh
Ringer’s 3 times over 15 min, and the force of con-
tractions measured a final time. Controls were run in
parallel without the addition of anaesthetics.
Contractions during the final minute of each period
was used for analysis. A 2-way ANOVA and Tukey’s
HSD post-hoc test were used to compare the anaes-
thetics’ effects at different concentrations. P ≤ 0.05
was used to indicate a significant difference.

The cardiac branch of the vagus

Chinook salmon (mass 95 ± 6 g, range 44.2–196.3 g,

n = 16) were killed with a blow to the head and
then pithed. A mid ventral incision was made from
the vent to the isthmus and the heart exposed. The
left operculum was removed, the gills on the left side
severed, and the animal placed on its right side. The
posterior cardinal vein or hepatic vein was cannu-
lated and perfusate (Ringer’s solution) was introduced Figure 1. a-b. Graphs of proportional decrease in the contractile
immediately. Perfusate pressure was adjusted until force of the ventricle with increased anaesthetic concentration or
with time. The anaesthetics were MS222 (), metomidate () and
the heart was pumping spontaneously and the sinus AQUI-S (♦) and a control (). (a) shows data as a percentage of
venosus was not over expanding. After opening the maximum contractile force and (b) shows data as a percentage of
pericardium the ventral aorta was cannulated and out- the controls. Error bars are ±1 SEM. n = 8 for each data point.
put pressure arbitrarily set at 47 cmH2 O. Input and C=significant difference from control at 15 min. ∗ = significant
difference from the control value at the equivalent time. + = MS222
output pressures were recorded with pressure trans- data significantly different from metomidate and AQUI-S treated
ducers (Model 4-327, Bell and Howell Instruments ventricles at the equivalent time.
Division, Pasadena, California) and the data amplified
and recorded on a Devices MX4 recorder.
A 1 to 2 cm incision was made in the skin, along same range of voltages was applied to the vagus and
the line where the edge of the operculum meets the the effect on the heart rate and perfusate pressures ob-
body, from a mid-lateral position to the top of the oper- served. The anaesthetic in the pocket was then washed
culum. When pulled free from the muscle this skin out thoroughly with Ringer’s for 5 min and the same
formed a pocket at the base of which a branch of the range of stimulation voltages was repeated. The 3 an-
vagus could be found. The pocket was immediately aesthetics were tested at their NAAC. If no response
filled with Ringer’s to prevent desiccation and death occurred the concentration was increased by 10 times
of the nerve. The volume of the pocket was estimated and the stimulations tried again. This was repeated up
at 200–400 µl. A platinum hook electrode, attached to 100 times the original anaesthetic concentration.
to the variable voltage and pulse rate stimulator, was The data were qualitative. An effect was defined as
placed under the nerve. the requirement for an increase in voltage needed to
A range of voltages at 25 Hz was used to stim- elicit a particular change in heart rate or pressure that
ulate the vagus. Changes in heart rate or pressures was also followed by a decrease in voltage required
could be observed from the output pressure chart. A after washout. As the voltage required for particular
voltage range (2 V maximum) was chosen from a effects could increase spontaneously with time this
voltage having no effect to a voltage producing a large was not always easy to determine.
effect. Anaesthetic was then added to the well of sa-
line around the vagus branch. Over the next 5 min the

The branchial arteries levels (Figure 1) which shows that the effects of all of
the anaesthetics were reversible.
Chinook salmon (359 ± 145 g, range 78 – 1362 g, n =
9) were killed with a blow to the head and their blood The cardiac branch of the vagus
heparinized via the caudal vein using a heparinized
Ringer’s. The ABAs and EBAs were then dissected The initial heart rate of the preparations was 89 ±
out and placed in cooled Ringer’s until required. Two 3 bpm (n = 16) whereas the mean heart rate of instru-
mm lengths of vessel were mounted in myographs mented live fish 3–10 times larger was 50.8 ± 3.1 bpm
(myograph model 400A, myo-interface model 410A, (unpublished data). The preparations generally las-
J.P. Trading, Aarhus, Denmark) in Ringer’s bubbled ted for 3–6 treatments during which time the output
with 0.5% CO2 in air at 15 ◦ C. Access to a limited pressure pulses were regular. With time, heart rate
number of fish with a large size range meant ini- tended to decrease and become irregular, and pressure
tial tensions had to be estimated, based on previous changes became more variable. Upon stimulation of
experience (Forster et al. 1998). The vessels were the vagus a variety of chronotropic and inotropic re-
then left for 1 h to equilibrate. After equilibration sponses were observed (Figure 2). The intensity of the
the anaesthetics were placed in the saline as a small, changes was always voltage dependent although the
concentrated bolus and were mixed thoroughly with a exact nature of the changes and the voltage required
Pasteur pipette. The 3 anaesthetics were tested at 10%, to cause changes varied between preparations. Evid-
25%, 50% and 100% of their NAAC. Each dose was ence for a sympathetic branch of the vagus in Chinook
left for 15 min before the next highest dose was added. salmon was also observed (Figure 2d).
Analysis was performed on the final minute of each The application of 100 ppm MS222 to the vagus
exposure period. The effect of anaesthetic type, an- increased the potential required to affect the heart
aesthetic concentration and vessel type on vasoactivity (Figure 3). This effect was readily and quickly revers-
were compared using 2-way repeated measures AN- ible after anaesthetic washout. A limited number of
OVA and Tukey’s HSD post-hoc tests. In all cases tests with 20 and 50 ppm MS222 showed similar res-
P ≤ 0.05 was used to indicate a significant differ- ults. Metomidate and AQUI-S could affect conduction
ence. All error values are 1 standard error of the mean down the vagus at 100 times their effective anaes-
(SEM). thetic concentrations (Figure 3). However, recovery
required a greater number of washes than with MS222
and was usually incomplete. The results showed that
Results MS222 affected neural transmission through the vagus
at concentrations equal to and lower than its anaes-
Paced ventricle strips thetic concentration whereas metomidate and AQUI-S
did not.
In every trial the ventricle strips contracted for the
duration of the experiment. However, there was some The branchial arteries
intrinsic decrease in contractile force with time. The
control ventricle contractions were significantly lower Mean starting tensions for the EBAs and ABAs after
at 45, 60, 75 and 90 min than at 15 min (Figure 1a). 1 h equilibration were 2.34 ± 0.25 mN, n = 9) and
Anaesthetic effects relative to control values are also 1.73 ± 0.16 mN (n = 8) respectively. The afferent
shown (Figure 1b). vessels tended to relax more than the efferent arteries,
All 3 anaesthetics had a negative inotropic ef- and, as noted, initial tensions were influenced by the
fect although their potencies differed. MS222 af- very different sizes of the donor fish. However, the
fected ventricle strips at its lowest tested concentra- tension of the control vessels did not change over the
tion, whereas metomidate and AQUI-S only affected duration of the experiment.
the strips at their highest concentrations (Figure 1). Both anaesthetic type and concentration affected
However, the data suggest all the anaesthetics had a EBA and ABA vasoactivity. EBAs dilated in response
dose dependent effect. MS222 had a greater effect to all 3 anaesthetics at all doses except 10% metomid-
than metomidate and AQUI-S at all concentrations ate (Figure 4a). MS222 and AQUI-S treated EBAs be-
(Figure 1). haved similarly, whereas metomidate was a less potent
After washing out the anaesthetics the contractile dilator at lower concentrations. The pattern of ABA
forces of all treated ventricle strips returned to control vasoactivity was more complex (Figure 4b). MS222

Figure 2. a–e. Changes in cardiac output pressure of in situ spontaneously beating Chinook salmon hearts following electrical stimulation of a
branch of the vagus nerve. (a) and (b) show typical responses to vagal stimulation using a range of voltages. Lower voltages generally caused
a slight decrease in mean pressure and a slight decrease or irregularity in the heart rate. Higher voltages caused similar effects but of a greater
magnitude. The greatest effect was a complete cessation of the heart beating (c). Less common responses included increasing the regularity and
force of contractions (d) and a mild decrease in systolic pressure (e).

was again a potent dilator. AQUI-S initially dilated

vessels but this trend reversed at higher concentra-
tions. Metomidate had no effect. Although overall the
relative magnitude of dilation was greater in the EBAs
than ABAs, this might have been influenced by the
lower initial tension on the ABAs.


Paced ventricle strips

Figure 3. Figure 3. Graph of proportion of nerves inhibited by ex-
MS222, metomidate and AQUI-S all decreased posure to different concentrations of the three anaesthetics. n=7–10
myocardial contractility with MS222 having a greater for each treatment.
effect than metomidate and AQUI-S. The effect of
MS222 on chinook salmon ventricle strips was very
similar to its effect on the ventricle strips from rainbow compared to approximately 30%, 60% and 85% in
trout (Ryan et al. 1993). At MS222 bath concentra- rainbow trout (data read from Figure 1 in Ryan et al.
tions of 25 ppm, 50 ppm and 100 ppm the decreases in 1993). Perfused heart preparations from rainbow trout
contractility in this study were 40%, 54%, and 75% (Ryan et al. 1993) and tench (Tinca tinca, Shelton

cat papillary muscle (Reneman and Janssen 1977) and

it is often noted for its minimal effects on the cardi-
ovascular system (Gooding and Corssen 1976, 1977;
Dundee and Clarke 1979; Stoelting and Miller 1989;
Hall and Clarke 1991; Aitkenhead and Smith 1996).
However, etomidate has been shown to cause a de-
crease in stroke volume and contractility in the cat
heart using an isolated heart lung preparation (Fischer
and Marquort 1977). During metomidate anaesthesia
the cardiovascular system is remarkably stable (Hall
and Clarke 1991). This information suggests com-
pounds related to AQUI-S have more severe effects on
hearts than metomidate and its analogues, but this was
not the case in this study.
The greater effect of MS222 versus metomidate
and AQUI-S is not unexpected as local anaesthetics af-
fect myocardium, and bronchial and vascular smooth
muscle (Stoelting and Miller 1989; Hall and Clarke
1991). The negative inotropic effects of local anaes-
thetics in mammals are well documented as are the
serious consequences of injecting significant amounts
of local anaesthetic into the blood stream which then
affects the heart and vascular smooth muscle (Mc-
Donald and Wann 1978; Hall and Clarke 1991). In
contrast, intravenous anaesthetics and hypnotics are
Figure 4. a–b. Graphs of proportional change in tension of Chinook delivered directly into the blood, often into individuals
salmon efferent (graph a, n = 9) and afferent (graph b, n = 8) that are unwell, and so must have minimal deleterious
branchial arteries in the presence of MS222 (), metomidate () effects on the cardiovascular system. Therefore, the
and AQUI-S (♦) and the controls (). Error bars are ±1 SEM. ∗ =
significant difference from the control value at the equivalent time.
lesser effects of metomidate and AQUI-S, compared
MS, Me, Aq = significant difference from MS222, metomidate, to MS222, on the ventricle strips were probably to
AQUI-S treated branchial vessels at the equivalent time. be expected. However, most mammalian general an-
aesthetics (Black 1980; Hall and Clarke 1991) and
short acting intravenous narcotics such as propanidid,
and Randall 1962) show qualitatively similar results methohexital, ketamine and althesin do possess some
to MS222 exposure. undesirable cardiovascular side effects (Fischer and
The negative inotropic effects of metomidate and Marquort 1977).
AQUI-S were quantitatively similar, and smaller than The muscle relaxing effect of all 3 anaesthetics
the effect of MS222. There are no comparable fish were reversible within 15 min of removing them from
studies on these anaesthetics or any of their analogues. the external medium. In vivo the process could be
The active component in AQUI-S is isoeugenol. In prolonged by a compromised heart as removal of the
mammals, compounds related to both AQUI-S (pro- anaesthetic to sites of excretion and/or degradation is
panidid, propinal, estil), and metomidate (etomidate, probably perfusion limited.
propoxate) are short or ultra-short acting intraven- Ryan et al. (1993) demonstrated a decrease in
ous anaesthetics or hypnotics (Hall and Clarke 1991). power output of the isolated rainbow trout heart ex-
Propinal was abandoned as an anaesthetic because it posed to MS222. Reduced cardiac contractility will
caused, amongst other negative effects, severe circu- reduce the stroke volume ejected by the ventricle if the
latory problems (Dundee and Clarke 1979; Hall and afterload is unchanged (Forster 1989). In vivo, this po-
Clarke 1991) and propanidid has negative inotropic tential effect could be countered. Anaesthetic induced
effects on the hearts of dogs and guinea pigs (Rene- vasodilation of vascular smooth muscle may cause
man and Janssen 1977). In contrast, etomidate does systemic hypotension lowering ventral aortic pressure.
not affect myocardium from these species or isolated This would delay closure of the semi-lunar valves

permitting a longer ejection period and allowing the versibly increases the excitation threshold and blocks
heart to maintain it’s cardiac output. Any decrease nerve conduction (Frazier and Narahashi 1975).
in venous tone, reducing preload on the heart, will In contrast to MS222, metomidate and AQUI-S
also impair cardiac output (Farrell and Jones 1992). could only block the vagus nerve at extreme concen-
The negative inotropic effects observed in the vent- trations, unlikely to be reproduced in vivo. Action
ricle could be countered with neural, hormonal and/or potentials can be blocked by inert gases, general an-
direct myogenic homeostatic responses (Laurent et al. aesthetics, barbiturates and alcohols (McDonald and
1983) so that the net effect on the whole anim- Wann 1978) although the concentrations required to
als may be negligible (Fischer and Marquort 1977). block action potentials may be greater than the effect-
However, anaesthetics may also block or attenuate ive anaesthetic concentration. Etomidate affects ion
homeostatic responses. Examples include: local an- movement in frog (Rana esculenta) myelinated nerve
aesthetics which block nerves, metomidate and its fibres at 24 ppm (Benoit 1995) but this concentration is
analogues block a step in the production of cortisol at least 6 times higher than the concentration required
(Olsen et al. 1995), and halothane is thought to block to cause anaesthesia in fish (Summerfelt and Smith
the carotid baroreceptor mediated increase in heart 1990). Etomidate has no effect on the nerves of dog
rate in response to hypotension in humans (Stoelt- and guinea pig hearts at the anaesthetic concentrations
ing and Miller 1989). The negative inotropic effects generally used (Reneman and Janssen 1977).
of local and some general anaesthetics (halothane, Although MS222 can affect the vagus in vitro at
enflurane) have been implicated in a reduced aortic 100 ppm, a typical anaesthetic bath concentration, for
blood pressure in mammals (Black 1980; Stoelting it to have an effect in vivo this concentration must oc-
and Miller 1989). The cause of death due to local an- cur at the site of the nerve. Accumulation studies of
aesthetic systemic toxicity is cardiovascular collapse MS222 in fish suggests this does occur. Hunn (1970)
caused by myocardial depression in conjunction with found that 8 species of fish all accumulated more than
vasodilation (Aitkenhead and Smith 1996). 100 ppm MS222 in their brain after 5 min exposure to
Impaired cardiac performance may cause fish ad- MS222. Similar high concentrations of MS222 were
ditional problems during recovery. Handling prior to found in the brain of Pagrus auratus (Ryan 1992).
anaesthesia and/or the anaesthetic may cause stress However, rainbow trout showed a reduced heart rate
that can induce activity, and both stress and activity after 30 min of 100 ppm MS222 anaesthesia which
will increase the work rate required by the heart. The was elevated after intraperitoneal and/or intrapericar-
reduced maximum work rate of an inotropically im- dial injections of atropine (Lochowitz et al. 1974).
paired heart in an aerobically challenged fish would This suggests MS222 was not blocking the vagus or
decrease the time to exhaustion and prolong recovery inhibiting production of the negative chronotropic to-
from hypoxia and anaesthesia. As one of the main nus centrally. In contrast, it has been suggested that
goals of anaesthesia is to mitigate stress, a stress free there is a rapid depression of central autonomic control
induction and an anaesthetic that does not cause a centres including tonic cardiovagal inhibition (Hous-
stress reaction would be advantageous. ton et al. 1971). The sympathetic branch of the vagus,
which increases heart rate in Girella tricuspidata,
The cardiac branch of the vagus is blocked by MS222 and its analogue benzocaine
(Montgomery et al. 1986). Additionally, the phasic
MS222 increased the potential required to initiate response to sound stimuli of sound sensitive neurons
and/or maintain a signal down the vagus nerve. This in the medulla of Tilapia leucosticta and Rutilus ru-
nerve can decrease, and in some species of fish, in- tilus ceased during MS222 anaesthesia and the afferent
crease heart rate (Saito and Tenma 1976; Taylor 1992). output from the medulla to the lateral line was de-
MS222 affects other neural paths in fish including: creased by 70% (Späth and Schweickert 1977). These
the lateral line nerve fibres in cod (Gadus gadus), conflicting results show more work is needed.
Tilapia leucosticta and Rutilus rutilus; the Ampullae No accumulation studies using metomidate or
of Lorenzini of dogfish (Scyliorhinus canicula); and AQUI-S have been published on fish, so the rate of
the trigeminal nerve activity caused by physical stim- accumulation and the maximum attainable concen-
ulation of the skin in Tilapia leucosticta and Rutilus trations for these chemicals are unknown. However,
rutilus (Hensel et al. 1975; Späth and Schweickert the present study suggests very high concentrations of
1977). Work on squid axons showed that MS222 re- both metomidate and AQUI-S are required in order for

peripheral nerve inhibition to occur. However, metom- of anaesthetic effects from the effects of hypoxia is
idate and analogues of AQUI-S used in mammals are difficult.
intravenous anaesthetics and as such their primary site
of action is assumed to be the central nervous system. The branchial arteries
The vagus nerve does not show an ‘all or nothing’
response because it is a nerve bundle. This was evident The myography experiments showed that all 3 anaes-
during the vagal stimulations as application of higher thetics dilate EBAs. MS222 dilated the ABAs while
potentials to an MS222 affected vagus could increase metomidate did not. The effect of AQUI-S was not
the response of the heart. Theoretically, an exogenous straightforward, as in 6 out of 9 of the EBAs and
agent could have a graded inhibitory response depend- 7 out of 8 of the ABAs the tension at 100% NAAC
ing on how many nerve fibres were affected. The was greater than the tension at 50% NAAC. As lower
magnitude of the effect on a nerve would be determ- concentrations cause dilation, and the increase in ten-
ined by the sensitivity of different neurons within the sion occurs late in the experiment, this may be a time
bundle (Roweland 1974; Stoelting and Miller 1989) dependent effect of AQUI-S.
and also the penetration of the agent into the bundle. MS222 and AQUI-S had a maximal effect on
The amount of penetration of a local anaesthetic is EBAs at 10% NAAC. This shows these anaesthet-
affected by the agent (dissociation constant, lipophili- ics are potent vasodilators. MS222 and AQUI-S may
city), the solution (pH, ionic concentration), and the show a dose dependent effect using a range of lower
nerve bundle morphology (anatomy, perfusion, adja- concentrations. In contrast, metomidate had a dose
cent tissue) (Stoelting and Miller 1989). The inability dependent response over the anaesthetic range tested
of AQUI-S and metomidate to affect the vagus nerve and a maximal response may not have been elicited.
could be controlled by these factors. Similarly, these Although the anaesthetics had a greater propor-
factors could modify how these anaesthetics affect tional effect on the EBAs than on the ABAs, the EBAs
groups of muscle fibres. had a greater absolute starting tension. The control
Carp (Cyprinus carpio) under prolonged MS222 of gill blood flow is complex (Nilsson and Sundin
anaesthesia eventually showed atrioventricular disso- 1998) and it is not possible to attribute functional
ciation, which the authors attributed to hypoxia (Ser- significance to the relative changes in tension. The
faty et al. 1959). In the present study this was noted ABAs contain blood at a higher pressure and are vis-
in in situ perfused hearts as they were beginning to ibly thicker than the EBAs. The ABAs have a greater
fail and die, although this was probably not due to proportion of relatively inert connective tissue com-
hypoxia. It has been noted that some local anaesthet- pared to vascular smooth muscle. MS222 and AQUI-S
ics can also cause atrioventricular conduction blocks also vasodilate isolated, perfused salmon tails (S.E.
in human patients as well as arrhythmogenesis (Mc- Rothwell and M.E. Forster, unpublished data).
Caughey 1992). Ryan et al. (1993) found that 10 ppm Potentially, a general vasodilation could have ma-
MS222 caused arrhythmia and complete arrest of the jor consequences. Systemic vasodilation would reduce
whole heart of rainbow trout. dorsal aortic pressure. A reduction in venous tone
Electrocardiograms (ECGs) directly measure elec- would affect filling of the heart and cardiac output.
trical activity in the heart and have been used to Anaesthesia almost always causes some stress and
monitoring changes that occur during fish anaesthesia. activity, but systemic vasodilation could counteract
Few notable changes were observed (McFarland 1959; any stress or exercise induced vasoconstriction. A
Campbell and Davies 1963) and where changes did branchial vasodilation will alter gill haemodynamics,
occur (greater lag before ventricular re-polarisation) but could also protect cardiac output from a heart
the anaesthesia was prolonged (at least 30 min) and which is inotropically compromised by an anaesthetic.
the changes were likely to be due to hypoxia (Yamam- As anaesthesia affects respiration, hypoxia may occur
itsu and Itazawa 1988; Fredricks et al. 1993). Local which could induce further cardiovascular changes.
anaesthetics have been implicated in widening of the
QRS complex in human patients (McCaughey 1992).
This effect was also noted in carp (Cyprinus carpio) Acknowledgements
anaesthetised for 2 h with 800 ppm 2-phenoxyethanol
(Yamamitsu and Itazawa 1988) but, again, separation We gratefully acknowledge the assistance of Alistair
Jerrett and the New Zealand Institute for Crop and

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