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TPB 36
Anggota :
1. Aifani Imelda 119350071
2. Ni Putu Eren Gita Ananda 119180042
3. Okta Parina 119260077
4. Raffa Prahara Wardhani 119260126
5. Shafira Auliya 119180051
6. Tamam Athallah Rheyly P 119350058
1. Suffix that means a person who (-ARIAN)
2. Suffix that means state or quality (-TION)
3. Suffix that means sound (-PHONE)
4. Prefix that means self (AUTO-)
5. Suffix that means specifies direction (-WARD(S))
6. Prefix that means both (AMBI-)
7. Suffix that means relating to or resembling (-ULAR)
8. Prefix that means not (IN-)
9. Prefix that means down (CATA-)
10. Prefix that means through, across (TRANS-)
11. Prefix that means on behalf of, before (PRO-)
12. Suffix that means rule, government, power (-CRACY)
13. Suffix that means resembling, characteristic (-LIKE)
14. Prefix that means from (OF-)
15. Prefix that means well (BENE-)
16. Suffix that means paralysis (-PLEGIA)
17. Prefix that means in union, acting together (SYM-)
18. Prefix that means again (RE-)
19. Prefix that means alone, single, one (MONO-)
20. Prefix that means two (BI-)
21. Suffix that means relating to, characterized by (-ICAL)
22. Suffix that means having the quality of (-ITIVE)
23. Suffix that means full of (-FUL)
24. Suffix that means without something (-LESS)
25. Prefix that means completely (EX-)
26. Suffix that means comparative/ more/ action or process/ a person who does an action (-ER)

1. Prefix that mean together (COR-)
2. Suffix that means in a manner.... (-WISE)
3. Suffix that means state or condition of, skill of (-SHIP)
4. Prefix that means not (NON-)
5. Suffix that means name, word (-ONYM)
6. Prefix that means againts (ANTI-)
7. Suffix that means state or quality of (-UOUS)
8. Prefix that means to (AN-)
9. Prefix that means around (CIRCUM-)
10. Prefix that means between (INTER-)
11. Prefix that means surprass (OUT-)
12. Suffix that means tending to (adj.) (-ATIVE)
13. Suffix that means abnormal fear of (-PHOBIA)
14. Prefix that means too much (OVER-)
15. Prefix that means partial, half (SEMI-)
16. Prefix that means many (POLY-)
17. Prefix that means above, more than (SUPER-)
18. Suffix that means characterized by, group of (-SOME)
19. Suffix that means material (-EN)
20. Suffix that means younger or inferior / diminutive (-LING)
21. Suffix that means pertaining to / relating to (-IAN)
22. Prefix that means within (INTRA-)
23. Suffix that means having the quality of (-ACTIVE)
24. Suffix that means able to be (-IBLE)

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