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Lesson Plan

Lesson Plan for Identifying Bullying and Using Strategies to Help with Bullying (lesson title)

School Counselor: Elizabeth Rosenfeld

Target Audience: 4th graders
Mindsets & Behaviors: M3: Sense of belonging in the school environment
(limit of three) B-SS2: Create positive and supportive relationships with other students
B-SS9: Demonstrate social maturity and behaviors appropriate to the
situation and environment
Lesson 1 Of 1

Learning Objective(s)/Competency
Students will: be able to gain knowledge of the different types of bullying and know the
difference between bullying and teasing.

Students will: Be able to have strategies to use if they are being bullied or if they see
someone being bullied.

Chart Paper
STAR Model of Problem Solving Worksheet
PowerPoint Presentation
Pre/Post Test

Evidence Base:
X Best Practice
X Action Research
⬜ Research-Informed
⬜ Evidence-Based
Procedure: Describe how you will:
Introduce: Ask the class (5 min):
● Will start by asking class, “What is teasing?” Record answers on a
chart paper.
● “What is bullying?” Record answers on a separate chart paper.
Communicate The lesson objective of today will be to learn the difference between
Lesson Objective: bullying and teasing and to have strategies to use when being bullied or
when someone is being bullied.

Teach Content: Present (15 min):

● Use PowerPoint presentation to give definition and examples of
bullying. Clarifies there is a distinct difference between teasing
and bullying. Counselor defines the types of bullying (physical,
cyber, social, and verbal).
● Students learn STAR problem solving method.

Practice Content: (10 min):

● Counselor divides students into small groups and gives each
group a scenario to read and discuss.
(10 min):
● Groups are called back and they have one representative tell about
their scenario, one tells about what kind of bullying is happening
and why they think that, and one who explains the two solutions
they came up with for the scenario.

Summarize: (7 min):
● Counselor will have students share what they have learned about
bullying and a strategy that they liked that they plan to try. Record
answers on new chart paper.

Close: (3 min):
● Have students complete post-test as their exit ticket to check for
Data Collection Plan – For multiple lessons in a unit, this section only need be completed once
Participation Data:
Anticipated number This classroom lesson about bullying will be delivered to all 34 students
of students: in 4th grade during an English class period.
Planned length of 50 minutes
Mindsets & Behaviors Data:
A pre-test and post-test will be administered. By the end of the lesson, at least 95% of the
students will know the difference between bullying and teasing. 75% of the students will be
able to describe a strategy they can use if they are bullied or see someone being bullied.
▪ Pre-test administered before first lesson- yes
▪ Post-test administered after lesson- yes
▪ Pre-/post-assessment attached- yes
Outcome Data: (choose one)
⬜ Achievement (describe):
⬜ Attendance (describe):

X Discipline (describe):
By June 2021, students in grades 4-7th will decrease their number of discipline referrals by
10.5% from 38 to 34.

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