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Moneyberg’s 7 Rules to:


Increase The Quality Of Your Life By Learning

How To Network With The Best
Hello Friends,

I would first like to congratulate you on taking this first step in turning your dream
life into a reality. Below I have listed the seven most common problems I see in
motivated men have as they try to communicate and network with other high status
individuals in society, and I have provided comprehensive solutions to each of those

While we were never taught these principles in school, they are imperative for success
and it is paramount you internalize these concepts. Once mastered, you will
immediately see an increase in the quality of your social circle and the quality of what
you can achieve as a result of it.

I’m excited to see where you take things.


Derek Moneyberg


I have to start with the obvious. You simply cannot polish a turd. If you are a loser,
or someone who is lazy and not interested in contributing to the achievement of
others’ goals, this isn’t for you.

It is of utmost importance that you conduct yourself with integrity, and you should
never try to “persuade” or trick people into believing you are something you are not.
Simply put, high value individuals spend time with other high value individuals, and
the first thing you must ensure is that you have value to share.

With that being said, how do you know if you “have value?”

Value is simply the ability to solve another’s problem, whatever that may be, or a skill
that can help others achieve their goals. High value individuals know what they want
in life and move towards those goals with massive velocity.

Helping them overcome the obstacles that come up along their goals is a great way to
help them out. Removing friction or expediting the process for them is another way to
add value if they haven’t met a complete roadblock. Don’t only look for surface level

Additionally, “value” doesn’t have to be career oriented. After spending over a decade
teaching dating advice to men, many people like spending time with me because they
know they will have more fun than without me.

Being able to listen to others empathetically, or being a positive source or energy, are
other ways to provide value to others. Don’t just look at the surface and make a quick
decision (a key trait of low value losers).

Look deeply, there is always a way in.

Now, as a caveat, don’t get too attached to one particular person. Some (most) people
you legitimately won’t get along with, and only those with no status cling and try to
force a relationship (more on this later). Realize that there are many others who can
help you in the same way.


Once you have value, you need to actually share it with others. Now, let me be clear

You should not participate in quid pro quo behavior. Always provide value. If the
people in your network are truly people that you want to be interacting with, THEY
WILL RECIPROCATE. If not, they are not people who you want to be interacting
with in the first place (you can even use this as a quick screening mechanism).

High value people EXCHANGE with and PROVIDE value to each other. It’s not
enough to have value and horde it. It is a huge sign of a scarcity reality when one
thinks that other’s achieving their goals prevents another from achieving theirs.
Successful people know there is plenty of everything (money, success, friends,
partners, or whatever else) to go around, and in fact, many times successful people
rise together.

Imagine in Charlie Munger and Warren Buffet got jealous of each other, that would
be utterly ridiculous. So always identify what the other person has going on in their
life, what they are trying to accomplish, and where they are trying to go, and then
help them make those goals a reality as soon as possible.

Now, a question that comes up all the time is the following: “what happens if you do
not have the ability to help them accomplish their goals? Do you give up?” Sure, if you
want to be a loser. High value, successful people are resourceful. Now, this doesn’t
mean you have to waste your time trying to learn a new skill that doesn’t get you
closer to your goals just to appease someone. You can simply find someone who does
have the skills or ability to help that person, and introduce them.

AGAIN, DO NOT GET JEALOUS or think you are not getting what you want. It
will get reciprocated if the other person is actually worth networking with. If not, you
just saved yourself a ton of time. Win/win. Always find a way, do not give up.
Solutions are always more simple than you think.


Now, on the flip side, when you provide value to others make sure you get what you
are worth. Know that you have value and that you should be treated as such. One
huge mistake I see among especially younger men and women as they start to first
experience massive levels of success is that they undervalue themselves and let others
bully and manipulate them.

Now, what exactly does this look like?

You help others out a ton, you get them lots of results, but you never ask for anything,
or you aren’t persistent enough to get your end of the bargain. Now I am NOT
talking about badgering people. In the previous sections, I mentioned that high status
people will inevitably reciprocate when you help them out. If they do not, or are not
willing, simply move on.

I see so many successful people devalue themselves by hanging around these losers in
disguise, doing their bidding, and getting nothing in return, because they are too
scared to let go of that person for whatever reason. If you see yourself as low value,
others will perceive you as such as well.

Remember that others clearly enjoy what you are doing for them, especially if you are
helping them accomplish their goals. If you step away, either you will get out of this
one sided, manipulative relationship, or the other person will realize they need to take
you seriously. Generally, the way you perceive yourself is the way others perceive
you as well. Once you have the confidence to really own your value, others will see
you as someone with value and not pull this kind of thing on you again.

Remind yourself of the results you have been able to achieve, of the time it took to do
so, and the sacrifices you made while your peers were partying or taking it easy. That
adds up, and you should see it that way. If you are on the path to abnormal success
then own that, and take yourself seriously. DO NOT try and make others think you
are high status, believe it of yourself and others will just accept it. I will explain
exactly how you can practically do this later on in the guide.


One real quick realization you must understand that will tie the last few sections
together is that others don’t actually owe you anything, and you don’t owe them
anything either.

If you feel that someone is being manipulative, pull away, it’s fine if it’s for your own
best interest. I’m not telling you to not reciprocate, just make sure you are not letting
yourself be taken advantage of because you feel you owe something to others.

Have boundaries (discussed later), know your worth, and only associate with others
who treat you as such.

On the flip side, no one else owes you anything. As explained before, if someone isn’t
reciprocating, don’t harass them and complain, or take up their time. Just step away.

Either they are not worth having in your life, or they are busy and will get back to
you later. Don’t waste mental capital ruminating over someone because they didn’t
conform to your idealized version of the world. Live in the real world, and in the real
world no one owes you anything.

Realize this and act accordingly.


It’s becoming more and more rare to find people with real integrity and who actually
have the strength to actually stand for something in life. Most people have never
thought this through, they are totally spineless and they try to conform to the people
around them to “fit in.” This is something you must cut out IMMEDIATELY if you
want to ever have a chance of being a high value person. Warren Buffet even said
integrity is the most important thing he looks for when hiring people, and that should
be the most important trait you should look to develop. When you die, do you want
people to think you were a principled individual who really stood for something, or
someone people look at with neutrality, and then ultimately forget a few years later?

That decision is yours.

Now, how do you actually develop this integrity? Well, it comes down to being honest
and having principles that you ALWAYS stand for. If you have never thought about
this before, start by sitting down and really thinking about what you want to be
remembered for. In Stephen Covey’s Seven Habits of Highly Effective People he
recommends you imagine your funeral and think about what you want people to say
about you. From there, start coming up with traits, moral principles, and standards
you will hold yourself too. And then RUTHLESSLY hold yourself to those standards,
no matter who you are around. I would start by listing out 10. Don’t rush this, take
your time figuring this out, it’s important.

Now of course, I shouldn’t have to tell you to be honest with others, that’s a given.
But the honesty part in integrity really comes into play with being honest with
yourself. Constantly audit yourself as to how you are doing in terms of those
principles and moral traits you made for yourself, and rigidly uphold those
standards. When around others with looser morals and seemingly nonexistent
standards, you must stay true to yourself and stand for what you believe in even if it
makes you stand out and makes others view you differently. And again, don’t do this
for others, do it for yourself. Everytime you break a promise to yourself, you will
experience a drop in self esteem. The constant lack of sticking to ones principles is
what has led to the epidemic of low self esteem as decades of never standing for
anything has totally eroded the self image of the average person. If being different
involves higher self esteem, I think there is an obvious choice to be made. And then of
course, other high value people will recognize you for who you are and it will build an
incredible positive momentum.


It is imperative you understand exactly who you are. Similar to knowing what you
stand for, know what you like and dislike. Know what kind of behavior you will
tolerate and the ones that you don’t like. What kind of things do you like and dislike?
What kind of humor makes you laugh? What motivates you? What annoys you? You
must have a comprehensive understanding of exactly who you are and what you like.
Without this you are just a leaf blowing in the wind. You will be seen as weak by
others, and they will overpower you. Not intentionally, but the most successful people
in the world have rock solid identities and you won’t be able to keep up with them.

Put it another way, if you don’t know who you are, how can you expect others to
know who you are as well? That’s an unreasonable expectation that is quite frankly,
delusional. Successful, high status people don’t have a lot of time, and if they cannot
get a good picture of who you are in a short period of time, they will move on
quickly. So do everyone (most importantly, yourself) a favor and take some time to
really figure out who you are.

And practically, if you now what things you enjoy and what you do not, you will put
yourself in a better position to meet those critical allies you need. Most people go
through life guessing, going to events they aren’t totally excited about, meeting
people they don’t have an opinion on. But by understanding what exactly makes you
tick, you will find yourself at the places you need to be surrounded by those you
should be surrounded by others who think similarly to you.

It’s that simple.

Also, by knowing the things you don’t like, you can create strict boundaries to
keeping those who behave in a way you dislike away from you. This will prevent you
from wasting time trying to figure out what is bugging you like the unthinking
masses do. When you can understand yourself with a lot of clarity, you can save tons
of time by just getting straight to things you need to be doing.


Know what you want from life and move towards it with a sense of urgency. Know
where you are going and take action every single day to get there. This is what
ultimately separates the average person from the ultra successful.

The average person has no drive, doesn’t take action and settles. The high status
person moves though live with momentum towards a predetermined goal and doesn’t
let anything stop them. When an obstacle comes up, a solution is found.

When you have something you are working towards passionately, the right people
will appear and help you out. These are people you will resonate with, help you get
there quickly, and most important respect you, as you will be on the same wavelength.
This is ultimately what will kill all low value behavior. You shouldn’t be consciously
trying to kill low value behavior, otherwise you are definitely still a loser. By having
your focus on something greater than yourself, you will immediately kill any needy
behavior and fixation issues that keep others locked into becoming nothing more than
average. You won’t waste time thinking about stupid gossip or spend excessive time
on social media.

Once again, you can do that exercise where you imagine the end of your life. What
would you like to have accomplished. What kind of impact would you have made? Or
simply think about your dream life. What would it take for you to get there?

It’s likely possible, you just have to take the right actions. So backwards engineer
those goals, and start taking the actions that will make those a reality.

You don’t have infinite time and no one else will do it for you. You’ll immediately
start being more selective about the people you spend time with and more frugal with
your time in general. By changing this a part of your life, you will start seeing
changes everywhere else.

I hope you enjoyed this guide. Start implementing this, and I promise you will start
to see huge changes in just a few weeks. If you would like more help, schedule a free
call with my team and I at:

There we will help you create a free game plan on how you can start advancing your
career and earning your worth.

We’ll talk soon.

Derek Moneyberg


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