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21 Days To A

Daily Practice
Take Back Control Of Your Life
In Just Three Minutes A Day

“Now that she had nothing to

lose, she was free.”
– Paulo Coelho

Legal Disclaimer
21 Days To A Daily Practice: A Guide To Taking Back Control Of
Your Life By Taking Back Control Of Your Personal Time

By Victoria Gigante of

The information contained in this guide is for informational purposes only.

I am not a professional psychotherapist or medical doctor. Any psychological or medical advice that I give is my opinion
based on my own experience.

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21 Days To A Daily Practice: A Guide To Taking Back Control Of

Your Life By Taking Back Control Of Your Personal Time

By Victoria Gigante of

Starting a daily practice saved my life. me develop the inner strength to make
more honest decisions in my life.
Maybe you found this eBook after taking
my free online course “21-Days to a Daily If you follow through with the daily exer-
Practice” offered on my website; maybe it cises laid out in this eBook, you will be
was an article I wrote or my podcast that well on your way to lasting change. You
brought you here; or maybe a good friend will have the firm foundation necessary to
told you about it. make more honest decisions, manifest real
changes in your life, and remain grounded
Regardless of how you found this eBook, as you move through all of life’s transi-
I’m happy that you did. tions.

I wrote this 21-Day eCourse because not Not so long ago I worked an unfulfilling
so long ago, after my entire world crum- job, came home to an unhappy marriage,
bled around me, it was a daily practice suffered greatly with chronic illness, &
that saved my life. My practice was the an- found myself in an endless battle with se-
chor that kept me grounded when the rest vere depression. Even worse, I could see
of my life had become a perfect storm. no way out. I felt stuck, misunderstood, un-
focused, unbalanced, & lost.
My practice became my sanctuary; it was
the safe space to explore who I was be- Now, after finding a daily practice & reap-
yond all the pain and turmoil. It laid the ing the benefits of health, happiness, & bal-
foundation upon which greater levels of ance, I work with people all over the world
self-understanding could be built & helped helping them take back control of their ii
21 Days To A Daily Practice - Victoria Gigante

lives (like I did) using the power of a daily So consider this eBook a guide to help set
practice. you on a course to greater self-
understanding & personal freedom. It is a
Like most things in life, however, a daily resource you can refer to at any time to
practice isn’t the silver-bullet answer to all help you on your journey.
your questions, nor is it a remedy for what-
ever ails you. If I can help you find even one moment of
clarity, then the 2 months I spent writing
Like all the great masters & mystics have this eCourse & putting together this eBook
said throughout the ages, all of the an- will have been well worth it.
swers you seek already live within you;
spending time alone with a practice each To all my followers and friends out there, &
day simply provides you with the time & to all the truth seekers on this journey with
space to find them. me, thank you for the gift of your trust
and support. I only hope this free guide
This is precisely why I don’t tell you how to
can begin to repay you for the love and at-
spend your practice time beyond the 21-
tention that you’ve given me.
day course. That’s up to you to figure out.
You’re awesome. iii
21 Days To A Daily Practice - Victoria Gigante

You’re on your way to lasting
change. Are you ready?

“The way to get started is to

quit talking & begin doing.”
– Walt Disney
You’ve accepted the 21 day

Would you be surprised if I told you that In fact, it takes consistent effort; & even
most people do not follow through with though the effort in this case is very mini-
this 21 day challenge? 
 mal, it's the consistency part that hangs

 people up. 

But it's only 3 minutes a day for 3 weeks! It 

sounds so simple right? 
 So will you be one of the few who follows

 through? I sincerely hope you do. 

Well actually, it's not that simple, as I'm 

sure you are aware. 
 I failed to give myself even 3 minutes a day

 for years, & my growth & well-being were
You see, lasting change is not something stifled because of it.
that happens overnight. 52
21 Days To A Daily Practice - Victoria Gigante

Once I decided to commit to myself, &

make myself a priority, my life changed in
Today’s Action Step:
ways I can't even describe. 
 What value do you hope to gain from devel-

 oping a daily practice?
Let's just say that my little commitment led
to a lot of clarity, & even to writing you this
Insider Tip:
So we’ve got an exciting 3 weeks ahead of
I highly recommend starting a journal to ac-
company this course. Journaling can be-
During the first part of this course, we’ll fo- come part of your daily practice, & your
cus on your external environment & on de- journal can become a written account of
veloping a strong foundation for your daily your personal growth. Find a journal that
 excites you! Add quotes, pictures, & any-

 thing else that inspires you!
During the second part of this course, we'll
explore what a daily practice means for

We’ll experiment with different avenues of

self-expression, & focus on developing a
healthy & inspired attitude that will help
you stay committed to your practice be-
yond this course.

So get ready because the fact that you’re
even reading this means you’re already on
your way to lasting change!

“The beginning is the most important part of the work.”

- Plato 63
21 Days To A Daily Practice - Victoria Gigante

DAY 1: “No one saves us but our-

selves. No one can & no

Motivation one may. We ourselves

must walk the path.”
- Buddha
What's motivating you to

Are you as excited as I am to get rolling When I started my daily practice, my main
with your daily practice? motivation was to tackle the pain surround-
ing my lifelong struggle with my diet.
Let’s do this!
Sounds strange, right?
Today let’s focus on getting clear about
why you want a special time for yourself, & At the time, if you were to ask me “WHY is
what’s really motivating you to change. your diet the motivating factor?” I would
have responded with something like this:
The clearer you can be, the better.
It’s the one area of my life I can’t seem to
get under control. 85
21 Days To A Daily Practice - Victoria Gigante

But WHY was it important to get my diet

under control?
Today’s Action Step:
What’s your main motivation for starting a
My eating habits are affecting all aspects of daily practice?
my life: My career, my physical health, my
relationships & social life. Why is this motivating you to change?

But WHY is that important? Go three levels deep to uncover the real
reason this issue is motivating you to take
I’m lonely, unfulfilled, scared, have no clue time for yourself.
who I am anymore, & feel completely out
of control. How will a daily practice help you grow in
this area?

See what I just did? I went three levels
deep, asking myself the difficult question
“WHY?” Insider Tip:

So now it’s your turn! Be clear about Don’t know why you feel compelled to em-
what’s really motivating you to change & bark on this journey?
That’s ok, just be honest! 

And don’t just say: “I hate my job” or “I’m 

struggling in my relationship.” Part of this journey is about learning how
to be in touch with why you want things.
Go deeper.
Make figuring out WHY the reason WHY

There will be times when you simply don’t you’re developing a daily practice!

feel like doing your practice. 

These are the moments it’s extremely im- Congratulations, you’ve just
portant to understand your motivation for
embarking on this journey.
completed the first day of
your daily practice! 96
21 Days To A Daily Practice - Victoria Gigante

DAY 2:
“Sometimes the questions

Obstacles are complicated & the an-

swers are simple.”
– Dr. Seuss
What are your biggest

Today, we need to prepare for the obsta- Sound familiar?

cles that may come up along your journey
towards developing a daily practice. Let’s plan for these obstacles now to avoid
the frustration that arises when they pre-
Here are the most common obstacles I sent themselves.
hear about:
Here’s an example of how to overcome ob-
• Feeling guilty for taking time for yourself stacles before they arise:
• Difficulty staying committed
Example: Let’s say you do your practice in
• Struggling with schedule changes the morning, but one day you have to go
• Losing motivation when life seems good to work early. How would you handle this
• Losing focus when life seems crazy situation? 118
21 Days To A Daily Practice - Victoria Gigante

Solution: Set an alarm to remind yourself

to take some time for yourself at lunch or
Today’s Action Step:
before bed. Identify the one obstacle you are most
afraid of on your journey towards develop-
It’s that simple! ing a daily practice.

Of course there will be plenty of unfore- Identify two possible solutions for staying
seen obstacles that you won’t anticipate, committed if & when this obstacle comes
but you can be prepared for those as well. up.

How? By remembering that taking even a

short moment to slow down & breathe can
be considered your practice for the day. Insider Tip:

It’s all about your intention & attitude. Re- Use the motivation that we spoke about
member WHY you’re doing this! yesterday to help you stay focused & over-
come any obstacles that arise.
You’ve got this. 129
21 Days To A Daily Practice - Victoria Gigante

DAY 3:
“Tell me what you pay atten-
Values Assessment tion to & I will tell you who
you are.”
– José Ortega y Gasset
What are your priorities?

Now that we are clear about our obstacles, In this case, you like spending time with
let’s talk about our values. your kids in the morning, therefore the
mornings may not be the best time to
Values affect the way you prioritize your schedule time for your self.
life, & have a huge impact on how you
structure your time & day. After a day or two, you may call it quits out
of frustration, or convince yourself that
So, let’s say you decide to do your prac- your daily practice conflicts with your daily
tice every morning before breakfast, but life.
you have children & value spending the
mornings with them. See how easy it can be to set yourself up
for failure? 11
21 Days To A Daily Practice - Victoria Gigante

Don’t set yourself up for failure!

Today’s Action Step:
Understanding your values will help you Assess your priorities. What do you value,
succeed on this journey. & how will your daily practice support,
rather than conflict with those values?
Values can also help you choose what to
do for your practice. Be as specific as possible.

Let’s say you value music. Perhaps your

practice can involve playing an instrument,
or singing. Insider Tip:

If you value spending time outdoors, per- When considering your values, it’s helpful
haps it can involve spending time in na- to consider how they interact with your mo-
ture, like going for a walk or gardening. tivation for starting this course.

Experiment until you find what works best

for YOU. 12
21 Days To A Daily Practice - Victoria Gigante

DAY 4:
“Surround yourself with only
Support Network people who are going to lift
you higher.”
– Oprah
Who’s here to support you on
this journey?

While developing your daily practice, it’s If the people in your life don’t support your
helpful to have support. commitment to a daily practice, this may
lead to difficulties down the road.
This support can come in the form of
friends, a support group, co-workers, fam- As your practice becomes a fixture in your
ily members, a therapist, or a life coach. every day life, you’ll be less willing to com-
promise about when it takes place, & how
A good support network will: much time you dedicate to it each day.

1. Listen as you process emotions So you must be clear with both yourself &
2. Help you stay focused
those around you that your practice is not
3. Provide positive reinforcement
4. Allow you to change & grow negotiable.
5. Encourage you on your journey 14
21 Days To A Daily Practice - Victoria Gigante

It’s also helpful to have someone around to

hold you accountable.
Today’s Action Step:
Identify 2-3 people that you trust to serve
Sometimes support comes from unex- as your support network. Tell them that
pected places, & the people that end up you are embarking on this new journey.
supporting you the most may not be the
obvious choice.

So don't overlook anyone! Insider Tip:

Having a support network is an often over- Are there people in your life that would
looked key to lasting change. benefit from starting their own daily prac-
tice? Wouldn’t it be awesome to support
We are deeply affected by the people in
each other on this journey? Encourage
our environment. So pay extra attention to
them to start!

today's action step! 15
21 Days To A Daily Practice - Victoria Gigante

DAY 5:
“Time is a created thing. To
Time Assessment say ‘I don’t have time’ is
like saying ‘I don’t want to.”
– Lao Tzu
Where does your time go?

Have you found the optimal time for your Now identify the parts of your day in which
daily practice? Or are you still struggling to you have a choice about what you are do-
schedule some “ME” time? ing.

To properly answer that question, let’s do a For example, if you have an hour to your-
little time management exercise. self for lunch, part of this time could be
considered flexible if you’re free to do
Think about your day-to-day schedule. what you want.
What are your fixed activities?
It's easy to see how we wouldn't be able
These usually include things like sleeping, to spare a whole hour, but when we can't
working, commuting, eating, & other obliga- even spare 3 minutes, then something is
tions that cannot be moved around. off, am I right? 17
21 Days To A Daily Practice - Victoria Gigante

So take note of any people & situations

that leave you feeling drained.
Today’s Action Step:
Create a simple schedule for yourself.
This can easily eat up large chunks of
time, & create the perfect scenario for Lay out the hours of the day, & start filling
pushing aside your daily practice! in each of your fixed activities. Then move
to your flexible activities.
Your practice time needs to be off limits to
others! It’s YOUR time ! You must cherish Based on this assessment, identify a time
it & not let people interfere with it. of day to perform your daily practice.

The world will survive without you for

THREE minutes! Insider Tip:

But, sometimes you will feel like it won’t, Do you have an inconsistent schedule?
which is why it’s important to (gently) in- Consider attaching your daily practice to
form all the people close to you that this one of your fixed activities, like right after
time is off limits. breakfast, right before you go to sleep, or
right before you take a shower.
It’s OK to be flexible, but in the beginning
especially, your practice needs to be as
non-negotiable as getting to work on time,
or putting your children on the school bus. 

I strongly recommend doing your practice “They always say time

as soon as you wake up since the least
amount of distractions normally occur at changes things, but you
that time.
actually have to change
However, only YOU know what works best
them yourself.”
for YOU. Experiment until you figure out
what works, & then stick with it. - Andy Warhol 18
21 Days To A Daily Practice - Victoria Gigante

DAY 6:
“You are who you are when

Practice Space nobody’s watching.”

– Stephen Fry
How will you make your
space safe?

What is a safe environment? While it would be nice if we could all have

a private room to call our own, that isn’t al-
A safe environment is a space that allows ways possible.
you to be your Self.
But that’s ok!
In the context of your daily practice, safe
means alone. One way to declare a space safe is by hav-
ing a special object in your environment
Whether we want to admit it or not, we are when your daily practice commences.
effected by those around us. In this case,
being around other people will inhibit your For example, when I perform my daily prac-
ability to express yourself fully & freely. tice, I’m in my bedroom. However, my safe 20
21 Days To A Daily Practice - Victoria Gigante

space is created when I roll out my yoga

Today’s Action Step:
Identify a space where you feel completely
A good friend of mine creates a safe space free to be yourself, where you won’t be
by lighting a few candles. And a client of bothered or interrupted.
mine creates a safe space by chanting a
short mantra prior to commencing her How are you going to utilize this space for
practice. your daily practice?

Just remember that it’s important that you

are on your own & free to be yourself. This Insider Tip:
is one environment where there are no ex-
pectations & there is no judgement. Create a space that inspires you. Think
about the colors, textures, & objects in
So check that negative self-talk at the your space. Everything has an energy at-
door! tached to it! More is less.

“Many people suffer from the fear of finding oneself

alone, and so they don’t find themselves at all.”
- Rollo May 21
21 Days To A Daily Practice - Victoria Gigante

DAY 7:
“Everything you can imag-

Create A Vision ine in real.”

– Pablo Picasso
Do you have a clear vision of
what you want?

When I ask people what they want, the re- The vision of what you want is uniquely
sponse is usually the same: yours.

“I want to be happy.” When I started this journey, part of my vi-

sion was to finally feel comfortable con-
Or calm, or motivated, or vibrant... necting with people over a meal.

But what does that even look like? But for you it may be something totally dif-
ferent, like overcoming your fear of being
The truth is that we spend so much time
alone, or learning to accept abundance
worrying about what we don’t want, that
into your life.
we rarely take the time to get clear about
what we do want. 23
21 Days To A Daily Practice - Victoria Gigante

The clearer you are, the easier it is to mani-

fest change in your life.
Today’s Action Step:
Close your eyes & visualize what you want.
So it’s time to clarify your vision!
Develop your vision by creating your own
One way to do this is through the creation version of a Vision Board. Here are some
of a Vision Board: A collage of images, examples of how to do that:
phrases, & words that serve as a visual rep-
resentation of what you want out of life. 1. Place post-it notes around the house
with quotes & words of encouragement.
By writing a few words about the images
you place on the board, you set a clear in- 2. Create a virtual Vision Board online (i.e.
tention for your vision. Pinterest, Photoshop).

For example, a musician may have an im- 3. Go the old-fashioned route & start cut-
age of a piano with the following words ting up magazines & photos!
written underneath it: “I inspire people with
music.” How will you develop a daily practice that
supports the growth needed to make this
You can even include affirmations to sup- vision a reality?
port these intentions.
Insider Tip:
For example, if you’re telling yourself, “My
music isn’t good enough,” include the af- Remember the big WHY behind your moti-
firmation, “My music inspires people.” vation to start this journey.

So first identify what you want & then envi-

sion what that looks like.

As your daily practice develops, your vi-

sion may change. Be open to whatever
arises, & don’t be afraid to adjust your vi-
sion accordingly. 24
21 Days To A Daily Practice - Victoria Gigante

DAY 8: “Emotion always has its

Your Body roots in the unconscious &

manifests itself in the body.”
– Irene Claremont de Castillejo
Are you in touch with your

We're 9 days into this course & you've cre- sciousness because it brings you into the
ated an excellent foundation for develop- present moment.
ing a daily practice.
But a word of caution: Getting in touch
So now we must explore how you're going with your body doesn’t simply mean being
to make your practice your own. aware of aches, pains, & illness. It means
communicating with your body on a
A great place to start this exploration is deeper level.
through body awareness.
It also means that you must learn how to
Body awareness is an awesome founda- tame that endless mind chatter long
tion for awakening higher levels of con- enough to listen in! 26
21 Days To A Daily Practice - Victoria Gigante

A simple & effective way to get in touch

with your physical body is by doing a body
Today’s Action Step:
scan. Do a body scan:

What is your body trying to tell you? Close your eyes & slowly direct your aware-
ness to your toes.
If you have chest pain, consider all the is-
sues that might be causing heartache in Move this awareness up through different
your life. parts of your body until you reach the
crown of your head.
Tight shoulders? Perhaps you're taking too
much responsibility for things out of your Notice any physical sensations that occur,
control. You're literally carrying the weight such as tingling, tightness, throbbing, or
of the world on your shoulders. stabbing pain.

Digestive issues? There might be some- What messages are you receiving from
thing in your life you're having a hard time your body?
How will you create a daily practice in line
You’re going to be amazed at how much with these messages?
you can learn from your body!

“The secret of health for Insider Tip:

both mind & body is not to Does your motivation for starting this
course manifest in your physical body? For
mourn for the past nor to
example, if you started this course be-
worry about the future, but cause you feel stuck in your life, does that
pain manifest in your body? If so, how?
to live the present moment
wisely & earnestly.”
- Buddha 27
21 Days To A Daily Practice - Victoria Gigante

DAY 9: “Rather than being your

Your Emotions thoughts & emotions, be the

awareness behind them.”
– Eckhart Tolle
Are you in touch with your

Your daily practice should never feel Your physical body is a direct reflection of
forced. When it does, it’s not sustainable. your emotional body.

So what can you do? If you’re physically exhausted, tired, weak,

& sick, chances are your emotional health
Yesterday we talked about getting in touch can probably be described with those
with your physical body. same words.

We also briefly touched upon how you can If you’re physically vibrant, energetic,
use that awareness as a vehicle to tap into strong, & healthy, this same concept ap-
deeper levels of self-awareness. plies as well. 29
21 Days To A Daily Practice - Victoria Gigante

When taking time for yourself, it’s impor-

tant to consider how you feel, both physi-
Today’s Action Step:
cally & emotionally. Write down three words that describe how
you feel physically, & then connect them to
How can your practice reflect this aware- how you feel emotionally.
How will you develop a daily practice that
Well, if you feel tired, do something relax- reflects your awareness of this connection
ing. If you feel energized, go out for a walk. between your physical & emotional body?
If you feel dull, get creative.

Sounds simple, but so many people ne-

glect to make this connection! Insider Tip:

Every day is different, & it’s important that If you feel yourself resisting letting go emo-
you feel that difference, both physically & tionally, double check your external environ-
emotionally, & reflect the change in your ment. If your external environment really
practice. isn’t “safe,” this could be leading to some
internal resistance to letting go.
There are no expectations of what your
practice "should" look like, so take the
pressure off!

That’s how you create a sustainable daily

practice that you can be excited about,
each & every day. 30
21 Days To A Daily Practice - Victoria Gigante

DAY 10: “Nature does not hurry, yet

Time In Nature everything is accom-

– Lao Tzu
What can you learn from

Step away from the computer, put down are paying close enough attention, you’ll
the cell phone, & turn off the TV. notice something different.

When was the last time you went for a Nature can also balance out our emotions.
hike? Swam in the ocean? Or even just
watched the rain fall? Feeling out of control? Look for things in
nature that are stable, like rocks & trees.
You can learn so much about yourself by
simply observing the world around you. Want to go with the flow & stop resisting?
Spend time in water, or look at images of
Nature is always changing. You can walk flowing rivers.
the same path every single day, & if you 32
21 Days To A Daily Practice - Victoria Gigante

Want to feel inspired? Watch the sunrise,

or look at a rainbow.
Today’s Action Step:
Go for a walk. Stare out the window.
Want to feel nourished? Spend time with Swim. Spend time with animals. Watch the
animals that make you feel comforted & sunset. Smell flowers. Or simply step out-
warm. side & take a deep breath. Do something
that puts you in touch with nature.
Want to feel light? Listen to the wind. Want
to feel cleansed? Watch the rain. What did you learn about yourself from
this experience?
From the twinkling stars at night to the
puffy white clouds during the day, there How will you incorporate the healing
are endless ways to be inspired by nature. power of nature into your daily practice?

Allow nature to be the vehicle through

which you reconnect with yourself.
Insider Tip:

Pull out your camera & try to capture the

beauty of nature. This simple act of slow-
ing down & closely observing life around
you can completely change your perspec-

“There is a sunrise & a sunset every single day, & they’re

absolutely free. Don’t miss so many of them.”
- Jo Walton 33
21 Days To A Daily Practice - Victoria Gigante

DAY 11:
“Life isn’t about finding your-

Get Creative self. Life is about creating

– George Bernard Shaw
When was the last time you
did something creative?

You'd be surprised how many people can't Unless you have a career that allows you
remember the last time they did something to be creative, chances are your right-brain
creative! is slightly neglected in your life.

With the hustle & bustle of daily life, it’s When this happens, we live out of our mas-
easy to let creativity slip away. culine, yang energy, & operate out of our
But creative expression is a doorway to
emotional expression, so spending your We become logical, realistic, controlled, &
daily practice tapping into your creativity is practical.
an excellent way to deepen your self-
awareness. If these qualities aren’t properly balanced
out by feminine, yin energy, & an equally 35
21 Days To A Daily Practice - Victoria Gigante

active right brain, it won’t be long before

life becomes dull, rigid, & boring.
Today’s Action Step:
Do something creative! Sing, dance, paint,
We can even start to turn things that seem draw, cook, write: How did it feel to let go?
creative into routine tasks!
What did you learn about yourself from
For example, while cooking can be an awe- this exercise?
some form of self-expression & creativity, it
can also be a rigid mechanical process as How can you incorporate creativity & self-
well. expression into your daily practice?

So be mindful!

If you’ve been out of touch with yourself Insider Tip:

for a while, it may seem overwhelming to
do something creative. Pretty much anything can become a form
of creative expression! If you don’t know
Thoughts like, “I have no clue who I am!” & where to start, take a task you do regularly
“Where do I start?” may come up. & see if you can add a creative flare. For ex-
ample, you get dressed every day, right?
Well, luckily the answer is simple: Start
Well, perhaps today you can experiment
somewhere. Anywhere!
with some different color combinations!
Remember, this is YOUR daily practice.
There are no expectations. There is no

So let go & be creative!

“Creativity requires the
courage to let go of
- Erich Fromm 36
21 Days To A Daily Practice - Victoria Gigante

DAY 12:
“Always do what you are

Explore afraid to do.”

– Ralph Waldo Emerson
What will you do today?

It’s day 12: You made it over the half-way When choosing what to do, remember the
mark! That's awesome. key components of a daily practice:

You know what else is awesome? Time to look within.

Today YOU get to decide how you spend Time to be honest.

your time.
Time for yourself.
That's right! It’s time to start exploring
what you'd like to do for a daily practice. Remember: There are no expectations,
goals, or rules.
So today, you’re on your own. But don’t
worry! You’ve got this. And there’s absolutely zero judgement! 38
21 Days To A Daily Practice - Victoria Gigante

Before you begin, review your motivation

for starting this journey, remind yourself of
Today’s Action Step:
your vision, & create your safe space. Explore how you’d like to spend your daily
practice. Have fun & let go!
It’s always great to start your practice off
with an exercise that gets you in touch
with your physical body. Connect this
awareness to your emotional body. Insider Tip:

Ask yourself how you feel. Don’t know what to do? Remember some
of the things we’ve explored: We did a
Honor those feelings & choose your daily body scan, spent time in nature, & got crea-
practice from a place of honesty. tive. These are always excellent options! 39
21 Days To A Daily Practice - Victoria Gigante

DAY 13:
“Remember that wherever

Gratitude your heart is, there you will

find your treasure.”
– Paulo Coelho
What are you grateful for?

Life is hard & we all suffer. It’s easy to get The same thing goes for any statement
caught up in cycles of negativity. that involves the word “would’ve,”
“could’ve,” or “should’ve.”
“I don’t want this.”
Just stop!!
“I don’t like that.”
Let’s turn those statements around & start
“I hate this.” focusing on what you DO want, what you
DO like, & what you DO love!
But how can you find inner peace & happi-
ness if you’re so focused on the stuff you One simple way to do this is through grati-
don’t like, don’t want, hate, or fear? tude. 41
21 Days To A Daily Practice - Victoria Gigante

Every time you find yourself thinking or

speaking about all the things you don’t
Today’s Action Step:
like, counteract this negativity by focusing Create a list of 5 things you are grateful for
on what you are grateful for. in your life.

At first, you may have a hard time feeling How does it feel to acknowledge the
grateful for anything. things you are grateful for?

But in time, you’ll realize that there is truly

always something to be grateful for.
Insider Tip:
For example, you’re alive, right? You’re
breathing? If you haven’t started a journal yet, I highly
recommend starting a gratitude journal &
Well there you go. That’s something to be making this exercise a regular part of your
grateful for, now isn’t it? practice, especially beyond this 21 day
Gratitude is an awesome vehicle for over-
coming any obstacle in your life.

The faster you can learn to be thankful for

all the little roadblocks you encounter, the
faster you’ll start to move forward!

“Acknowledging the good that you already have in your life is

the foundation for all abundance.”
- Eckhart Tolle 42
21 Days To A Daily Practice - Victoria Gigante

DAY 14: “Breath is the bridge which

connects life to conscious-

Your Breath ness, which unites your

body to your thoughts.”
– Thich Nhat Hanh
What can you learn from your

Understanding your breath is an awesome pressure raises, & your body receives the
way to raise your level of self-awareness. signal that it’s time to flee the situation.

Tuning in to your breath means tuning in to Your body is on high alert!

the present moment.
Now think about the times when you feel
Ever notice how your breath becomes shal- completely relaxed. Your breath is slow,
low & short in stressful situations? calm, & rhythmic.

This breath comes from your upper chest. It originates deep in your belly, utilizes your
entire lungs, & opens up your chest.
After a few minutes of this type of breath-
ing, your heartbeat increases, your blood 44
21 Days To A Daily Practice - Victoria Gigante

It also helps to lower your blood pressure

& heart rate.
Today’s Action Step:
Tune into your breath.
Do you live your life on high alert, taking
short & shallow breaths? Do you take short, shallow breaths into
your upper chest? Or do you take long,
Unfortunately most people do, & many deep breaths that fill up your entire lungs &
don’t even realize it! originate in your belly?

So awareness of your breath can become Notice how your breath changes in differ-
an awesome way to connect with yourself ent situations.
in any given moment.
How can you incorporate breath work into
And the good news is that it’s relatively your daily practice?
easy to counteract these short & shallow
breaths. All you have to do is start taking Insider Tip:
long, deep breaths.
Breath work is an awesome way to start
But awareness is key! your daily practice & an excellent way to
help you remain calm & grounded during
Being able to reclaim control over your
stressful situations.

breathe, regardless of your external envi-
ronment, is an important stepping stone to
reclaiming control over your life.

“Fear is excitement without the breath.”

- Fritz Perls 45
21 Days To A Daily Practice - Victoria Gigante

DAY 15: “Never forget that once upon

a time, in an unguarded mo-

Affirmations ment, you recognized your-

self as a friend.”
– Elizabeth Gilbert
Repeat after me: "I love you!"

There are many ways you can use positive “Life is magical!”
affirmations: Short, positive statements
that when repeated or meditated upon, These are examples of positive affirma-
can be used to reprogram the subcon- tions. But affirmations can also be nega-

scious mind. tive.

You can use affirmations to set an inten- And if you repeat statements like, “I’m not

tion for the day, or even to set an intention good enough,” “I’m scared,” & “I’m

for your practice. stressed out,” you are affirming to yourself

that those things are true.
“Everything is as it should be.”
Whenever you find yourself engaging in
“I trust the process.” this kind of negative self-talk, it's important 47
21 Days To A Daily Practice - Victoria Gigante

to create a counteracting positive affirma-

Today’s Action Step:
Create a positive affirmation that sets an
Examples include statements like, “I am intention for the rest of your day. Say it out
good enough,” & “I am calm & relaxed.” loud. How does it feel to repeat this affirma-
At first, it may feel uncomfortable repeat-
ing these positive “I” statements, espe- Any time you catch yourself saying some-
cially if you don’t really believe them to be thing negative, immediately counteract the
true. statement by following it up with a positive
So if these “I” affirmations, like “I am awe-
some” & “I am loving,” don’t resonate with
you, then start with those that focus on the
external environment, like “Life is magical” Insider Tip:
& “Everything is as it should be.”
Repeat your affirmation throughout the day
You’ll know when it’s the right time to use as needed! It can be helpful to write it
an “I” affirmation. Trust yourself. somewhere that you will see it regularly. 48
21 Days To A Daily Practice - Victoria Gigante

DAY 16:
“Keep your face always to-

Get Positive wards the sunshine & shad-

ows will fall behind you.”
– Walt Whitman
Look how far you've come!

We really are our harshest critics, aren’t You are doing absolutely AWESOME.
So let’s take a moment to acknowledge all
We call ourselves names & judge ourselves the personal growth you’ve had since start-
for not being perfect. ing this course.

We place such high expectations on our- Where were you at the beginning of this
selves that it can become easy to lose mo- journey, & where are you now?
tivation when we think we aren’t moving
fast enough. Perhaps you’ve created your own safe
space, or finally made a commitment to
But you’ve made it to day 16!!! take care of yourself. 50
21 Days To A Daily Practice - Victoria Gigante

Perhaps you are more in touch with your

body, or feel more in tune with your emo-
Today’s Action Step:
tions. Remember where you were when you
started this journey.
Perhaps you have more awareness of your
breath. Has your level of awareness changed re-
garding your initial motivation to develop a
Maybe you feel more creative. Maybe you daily practice?
feel more connected with nature.
Have you seen positive changes in other
Every step of this process, no matter how areas of your life?
seemingly big or small, is worth acknowl-

And every step offers the opportunity to Insider Tip:

learn & grow.
It can be extremely helpful to write about
In fact, the magic is in the baby steps! the progress you’ve made, or discuss this
with someone in your support network. If
So to ensure that your daily practice contin-
you are using a journal, check out some of
ues beyond this 21-day program, every
your entries from the beginning of this
now & then, take a moment to remind your-
course. You may be surprised to see just
self of this positive growth.
how far you’ve come!
Celebrate every step of this journey.

“If you don’t like something, change it. If you can’t change it,
change your attitude.”
- Maya Angelou 51
21 Days To A Daily Practice - Victoria Gigante

DAY 17:
“The scariest moment is al-

On Your Own ways just before you

– Stephen King
How will you express yourself

It’s day 17 & you’re on the home stretch in Change it!

this 21-day challenge.
This is YOUR daily practice! So make it
Once again, it’s time for you to experiment your own!
with your daily practice.
Still struggling to come up with ideas
So you’re on your own. about how to spend your time & need
some inspiration?
Did you like what you did last time you
spent time on your own? Here are 7 ways, some new & some previ-
ously mentioned, to express yourself
If the answer is yes, AWESOME. through a daily practice:

But if the the answer is no, that's OK! 53
21 Days To A Daily Practice - Victoria Gigante

1. Play with music

Today’s Action Step:
Write songs; sing; learn a new instrument; Experiment with how you’d like to spend
even just listening to music counts your daily practice time.

2. Create art How does it feel to do something on your

Draw; paint; scrapbook; bake; knit; sew

3. Spend time in nature

Insider Tip:
Go for a walk; smell the fresh air; go fish-
ing; watch the sunset
Think outside the box! Anything, from put-
ting on your make-up to driving to work
4. Breathe
can become a daily practice if you ap-
Play around with your breath proach it with that intention. Just slow
down & let go.
5. Get physical

Dance; hike, do yoga; go for a run

6. Write

Create a short story; send a letter; write a
poem; journal “There are no mistakes.
7. Develop a new hobby Only new paths to ex-
Take up cake decorating; develop your plore.”
own YouTube channel; start an organic gar- - Gregory David Roberts

den 54
21 Days To A Daily Practice - Victoria Gigante

DAY 18: “Your vision will become

clear only when you look
into your heart. Who looks

Clarity outside, dreams. Who

looks inside, awakens.”
– Carl Jung
Have you felt supported?

Has your support network pulled through Now that we’re almost near the end of this
for you over the past few weeks? course & you’re about to venture off on
your own, it’s even more important that
When we started this journey together, you your support network is solid.
identified people in which you believed
would be supportive as you develop your Take an honest look at those you’ve identi-
daily practice. fied as your support system.

These are the people that help you to feel Perhaps you’ve been pleasantly surprised
empowered & inspired, & encourage you by a few people.
to continue to gain clarity & grow.
Perhaps a few sabotagers have identified
themselves. 56
21 Days To A Daily Practice - Victoria Gigante

Perhaps you’ve found support from some-

place unexpected.
Today’s Action Step:
Identify the top supporters of your daily
Don’t be afraid to make changes to your practice. Are these the same people you
support network. identified in the beginning of this course?

As you become more in tune with your

wants & needs, you may encounter new
groups of people that are more aligned Insider Tip:
with your true self.
Do certain people leave you feeling drained
Trust the process. & exhausted? You may want to seek sup-
port elsewhere. This doesn’t mean these
As you continue to change & grow, it’s
people can’t be in your life, it may just
natural that your relationships will change
mean that you need to distance yourself
& grow as well.
from them for a while. 57
21 Days To A Daily Practice - Victoria Gigante

DAY 19:
“Life can only be under-

Reflect stood backwards; but it

must be lived forwards.”
– Søren Kierkegaard
Do you make yourself a

A couple of weeks ago, I asked you to as- you may be surprised. They can be com-
sess your values. pletely different than what you thought
they were.
If making time for yourself each day hasn’t
become one of your values yet, ask your- Perhaps you thought scheduling time with
self why not. friends several nights a week was some-
thing you value.
What’s preventing you from making YOU a
priority? Maybe now you find that once a week is
plenty, & that you actually value quiet time
Whenever a new behavior is introduced alone much more.
into your schedule, it can take a while for
your values to be revealed, & when they do 59
21 Days To A Daily Practice - Victoria Gigante

Perhaps you thought sleeping in on the

weekends was non-negotiable.
Today’s Action Step:
Have you been making YOU a priority?
Maybe now you’ve decided that getting up
early & going for a walk is more important. Reassess your values. Have there been
any changes? If so, how do you feel about
Shifts in your values can have a huge im- these changes?
pact on the way you schedule your daily
practice into your life.

So every now & then, reassess where you Insider Tip:

stand. Be open to the changes.
If you find yourself struggling to maintain
You’re growing! your practice in the future, do this exercise
again. 60
21 Days To A Daily Practice - Victoria Gigante

DAY 20: “Within you there is a still-

ness & a sanctuary to which

Be Still you can retreat at any time

& be yourself.”
– Hermann Hesse
Can you detach from your
mind chatter?

You are not your thoughts. In the yoga world, when our minds bounce
around from thought to thought, we call
Most of the time, the inner turmoil that con- this “Monkey Mind.”
sumes our time & energy is related to our
thoughts, & has nothing to do with the pre- When you can “tame the monkey,” you cre-
sent moment. ate space for deeper levels of self-
awareness to arise.
Stop being so attached to your thoughts!
An awesome way to silence your thoughts
The more you can detach from your is by being still.
thoughts, the less inner turmoil you will
feel, the calmer you mind will be. Have you ever heard the sound of silence? 62
21 Days To A Daily Practice - Victoria Gigante

Well, imagine bringing that silence into

your body.
Today’s Action Step:
Spend 3 minutes in silence & stillness. Can
That silence comes through stillness;from you hear the sound of silence?
literally sitting motionless in a quiet environ-
ment. Can you let your thoughts appear in your
mind & not attach any emotion to them?
The goal is to bring this inner silence into
your life even when you aren’t still. How can you incorporate this silence & still-
ness into your daily practice?

And to be able to calm your “Monkey
Mind” in the midst of all life’s craziness. .
Insider Tip:
Again, you are not your thoughts.
Sometimes it helps to focus on your
When this concept really sinks in, you’ll
breath, an image in your mind, or an ob-
breathe a huge sigh of relief!
ject, to prevent your mind from wandering.
But don't just take my word for it! You
Being still & clearing your mind is always
MUST experience this for yourself!
an excellent go-to option for your practice.

“Meditation is not a way of making your mind quiet. It is a way

of entering into the quiet that is already there, buried under
the 50,000 thoughts the average person thinks every day.”
- Deepak Chopra 63
21 Days To A Daily Practice - Victoria Gigante

DAY 21:
“You cannot find peace by
Stay Committed avoiding life.”
– Virginia Woolf
You made it!

Creating time for yourself through a daily You did hard work uncovering your real mo-
practice can help you reclaim your life. tivation for embarking on this journey.

In fact, your daily practice truly becomes a Well, we’ve now spent the last 21 days cre-
microcosm of your life: ating a firm foundation for a sustainable
daily practice that you can feel inspired by
The way you approach your practice re- & excited about.
veals a great deal about the way you ap-
proach life. Since we are at the end of the road, it’s
time to make your practice uniquely yours.
At the beginning of this journey, you devel-
oped a vision for your practice. Over the past 3 weeks, you’ve transformed
in more ways than you realize. 65
21 Days To A Daily Practice - Victoria Gigante

And this is only the beginning!

Today’s Action Step:
Each day that passes increases your self- Recommit to yourself by developing a
awareness & personal growth. clear intention to take your daily practice
beyond this 21-day course.
Be open to what arises within you & go for
it. Don’t question it & don’t ignore it! Ask yourself WHY you want to continue on
this journey.
If you miss a day with your practice, start
again. Every moment is a chance to recom- Go deeper. 


Strive for progress, not perfection.

Insider Tip:
Let go of the past, be open to the future, &
Look within. You are the answer you seek.
be present now.

You’ve totally got this!!

“The future is always beginning now.”

- Mark Strand 66
Thank You!
21 Days To A Daily Practice: A Guide To Taking Back Control Of
Your Life By Taking Back Control Of Your Personal Time

By Victoria Gigante of

It has been an honor and a pleasure guiding you

through the process of developing a daily practice. I
hope you got as much out of this eBook as I did dur-
ing it's creation. I absolutely loved writing this for you
and can't thank you enough for your continued sup-
port of everything I do.

If you have an extra moment, I would love to hear

what you think about this eBook. Please leave a com-
ment at: or if
you'd prefer to contact me privately, don't hesitate to
send me an email at - I read
absolutely every email and comment that comes my
way, and your feedback is always valued and appreci-
ated. So don't hesitate to say hi!

If you haven't already, you can follow me on Twitter

(@VictoriaGigante), and join the community on my
Facebook page. You can also connect with me on Pin-

Feel free to reach out! I'd love to hear from you.

Thank you again. I hope you have an awesome and

empowered day!

xoxo 67

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