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Dry Ice: The Pentagon Records

Yuri Futanari
Naga Shark

Episode 1,
The Heart of the Matter

Most people never have a clue what goes on in their own

small worlds, let alone what goes on behind the secretive and
extremely complex scenes of national intrigue, politics,
governments and a world full of secret organizations, hidden
agendas and deep undercover agents

Lt. Col. Mike The Freezer Applegate sat seemingly

transfixed to a small screen on his desk, as the sounds of an
Army/Navy football game issued from tiny speakers hardly
distinguishable as the roar of a crowd at more than five feet.

Nobody would have guessed at what was on his mind,

nobody that is, except his personal aide Airman Steve Wilder,
who was sifting through piles of documents in a chair close by,
making the desk a miniature skyline of micro skyscrapers of

Applegate was about to embark on a journey into the

surreal world of deep cover intrigue and special black ops,

something hed danced around before, but with which he had
little taste for. He was a look-em-in-the-eye kinda guy. He
never liked much this necessary evil they called covert ops.

He used to read books about the civil war and dream he

was fighting along with Stonewall Jackson and Ulysses S.

Now there were true warriors! No hiding and sniping from

the hedge rows, no siree.

They would line them up to a man and march them out to

their doom face to face. Some times a man could see the
person who shot him.

These days, there were no sides, no battle lines, no

declarations of war, let alone knowing if it was your own people
who killed you or not, and if you died, you couldnt tell if it was
an execution or natural causes even, because they were so
crafty at killing.

No, The Freezer had no taste for such cloak and dagger
stuff, but here he was about to be plunged headlong into it, and
for the life of him, he hand no earthly idea why.

-and youll be needing this form here- Airman Wilder

finally got through to his inner sanctum, And this defines the
areas you will and will not be cleared to enter as an inductee

So now Im just an Airman Basic all over again I

suppose, he grumbled disdainfully to himself

I dont- Wilder began.

That wasnt for you, Wilder he grumbled further, No, I

just dont like all this madness weve come to just to pretend to

keep some kind of delusion they call peace. finishing with a
disgusted shake of his head.

I wish you luck, Sir, Steve offered.

Wish it for yourself, son, the Lt. Col. said mirthfully, Im

taking you with!

Steve Wilder gulped in amazed disbelief, B-but-

Just pack your bags son, he said almost furtively, Its a

long boring flight, so you can brief me on the way

Yes sir! the airman replied hastily and began shoving

papers into folders like one preparing for in imminent wind
storm, and dashing out of the office.

Ep 1, Chapter 2

Strategic Command was at the top of the world.

At least as far as advanced weapons and logistics

technology went.

The most informed nerve center in the world according to

many peoples beliefs, and therefore, one of Americas most
highly guarded and secretive places.

A city of fifty thousand could live in the massive

underground complex carved out of the mountains, and it held
many marvels of modern technology never to be known of by
most of humanity, shrouded in secret, this place of secret
detecting was by its very nature, the thing that Lt. Col.
Applegate liked the least.

From the moment they drove up to the immense blast
resistant steel doors he began to have chills. It reeked of
suspicion and paranoia.

There was a pallor of the cold war still clear across the
surface of the mountain stone as if it has seeped out of the very
people themselves and had drenched the stone with its
permanent stain.

The very rocks didnt even trust any more. So tightly they
clung, making this place seem to literally cringe with distrust.

Even more unnerving was how his assistant was more

intrigued with the sheer enormity of it all.

Airman Steve Wilder was awestricken. He was agape

until a sentry made mention of him catching flies. The place was
more immense than his entire home town and more complex
than even the Pentagon they had just left.

As the vehicles drove deep inside and engulfed them like

the maw of an ancient behemoth, they had to adjust to a
suddenly imposed indoor illumination levels as the light of the
outside world was left behind and swallowed up in the distance
behind them.

It seemed as if they had driven for miles before they were

stopped and asked to leave the vehicle, where they found
themselves being led onto a small electric driven tram.

Even further now, and where the one form of road ended,
suddenly they were going down something that looked much
more like a tunnel. Lights popped up in the floor.

Every single yard deeper into the mountain, Lt. Col.

Applegate become more and more unnerved, while it seemed

that simultaneously his aide was becoming more and more
intrigued and excited.

This annoyed him to no end, but he refused to allow it to

show, so he simply remained blank and unreadable.

Lieutenant Colonel Applegate a voice calmly and

confidently addressed him from the drivers seat as they pulled
up to a diversion tunnel that abruptly ended at a pair of double
doors that seemed almost as immense as the primary doors into
the complex, This is where I let you two out, Master Sgt. Elise
Donaldson will take you from here. Enjoy your visit Sir.

This produced a barely restrained snort of contempt.

Airman Wilder took up a pair of duffel bags and then filled

his hands with two more briefcases, struggling to keep up with
the Lt. Col. as he briskly followed the tall and rather attractive

The doors opened to expose a single room that was

clearly a large elevator.

From there, they began to descend in near silence, save

for the constant whine of electric servos as the elevator motors
lowered them into the bowels of the earth so low their ears
began to pop.

At long last, after what seemed an hour the silent

entourage finally debarked the elevator into a quietly humming
hallways which was lined with a blue material not unlike the
color of his Air Force dress uniform so that he seemed to blend
right into the walls. This unnerved him somewhat. He felt as if
the place was trying to absorb him.

His pensive observations caught the eye of their leader
and she explained the reason for the wall coloring.

You see, Sir, came the studious explanation, if there

were an unauthorized entry at this level, a lot of officers could
be easily targeted against a blank wall of almost any color, but
in this setting, it makes targeting an individual a little bit more
difficult and increases the potential of survival of an officer.

Lucky for them, mused Airman Wilder looking down at

how he suddenly stuck out and it made him suddenly feel as
equally uncomfortable along side his C.O.

Thats nice to know, the Lt. Col. responded

disingenuously. He only felt a deeper feeling of imminent threat
at the idea of how hot the spot was he was now entering.

Ep 1, Chapter 3

Greetings, Lt. Col. Applegate! A senior officer eagerly

pumped his hand, Weve been waiting for your arrival. General
Mitchell Brookham patted the junior officer on the back while
ushering him to a padded char at an ornate oaken table with an
illuminated frosted glass center and a transparent glass screen
descending from the ceiling to almost but not quite reach the
table top.

Im honored He responded flatly with a soft infiltration of


We need your unique talents to help us to achieve a

couple of goals. The general continued unfazed, We have a
special mission, which has been compromised, and we need
you to assist in re-setting the status of this mission to total

But Im an office clerk, he protested.

Now now, dear boy the pinkly balding general

patronized, Its not every day one gets to go out of their quiet
lives and live a little adventure! lightly pretending to punch the
younger officers shoulder.

I see. He muttered back, In other words, you need a

fresh face that nobody else will suspect. Is that it?

Its more than that, Im afraid, the generals face

suddenly grew tired and grave, The compromise is from within
the Pentagon. He let out a heavy sigh for emphasis.

So dont you have people on the inside? he protested

Theyre being watched as well, son, he shook his head

slowly, They cant move without letting it out that were on to
both our compromised situation as well as the knowledge of this
deeply entrenched opposition.

How deeply entrenched are we talking, sir? suddenly

alarmed that any of his own fellow servicemen might be

Deeply. the elder officer replied flatly, his bushy

eyebrows furrowing, all the way up to and including the White

So how did you first learn of their existence?

Actually, the older man took a deep breath and leaned

back for emphasis, then softly replied, Through you.

Me? he was taken aback. How did..?

Actually, your faithful clerk here dug up a large number
of files which, when he activated the system, triggered a code
reader protocol which brought up a set of variable alternatives
which coalesced into evidence of the operation of a hostile
interest within the ranks of our very own government at the
highest levels.

So I? Airman Wilder started.

Yes, and a large number of those documents you were

instructed to bring are going to be analyzed much more closely
now that we have them here for a higher level of analysis so we
can get to the bottom of this.

So thats why you had us come here on such short

notice without giving any reason?

Im afraid so, my boy, Im afraid so. The general walked

away and motioned towards another fatigue wearing Airman
who activated a control and the glass in the room illuminated
with the most striking figure of a woman the Lt. Col. had ever

Amazon didnt quite reach the scope of this beauty.

She was tall alright, at least six feet from just the part of
her displayed from mid thigh, and powerful with arms that leapt
out like hydraulic cylinders on a piece of heavy equipment.

And then there were her eyes, deep blue and incredibly
intelligent, with a look of cold disdain as if shed kill anyone
without hesitation, even her own parents.

She was in black fatigue trousers a black t-shirt and a

black beret, shoulder length wavy blonde hair parted to one
side. Lt. Col. Applegate was never good with weights, but it was

clear that she easily weighed more than two hundred pounds
and didnt seem to have a flake of fat on herunless of course,
you counted her well developed breasts.

This, the general interrupted his reverie, Is

experimental unit one.

The rather unceremonious and unexpected declaration

totally threw him off, What?

This is a genetically engineered machine, son, not in

fact a human.

A robot?

No, he paused, Not a robot, it has a mind and a will of

its own he seemed to be nodding to himself in some secret
agreement before continuing, indeed, a will of its own, but a
loyalty like nothing any human could ever have.

Artificial intelligence?

No, my boy, quite rather biological, superior to ours, but

very much genetically designed

I dont understand

Its a bi-org my boy, the only one of its kind on Earth.

A bi-org? raising his eyebrow in challenge.

Glancing at Airman Wilder, he saw equal bewilderment

and admiration, the younger man was nervously glancing back
and forth between the image and the older men, both entranced
and nervous.

A G.M.O., son, a gene splicing experiment.

Like a clone..?

Oh no, nothing that simple or defective, no, our

researchers took genes from several different species and
added them together into a super human creature that can only
be called an it, or a bi-org.

Shes beautiful marveled Airman Wilder.

Its not a she son, its a biologically engineered

organism: a bi-org for short. As he strode closer to the image,
Actually, its hermaphroditic. It has biological functions of both
genders and is fully viable. It is our hopes some day to fashion
an entire contingent of these weapons.

A what? he frowned and drew back frowning in

revulsion for a second, then, while still staring the look on his
face softened back and he resumed staring, Still he
breathed heavily.

Some sort of super weapon, or, super soldier? Lt. Col.


Super weapon is more like it, its fully enhanced to the

point where it carries armament inside its body, many of which
are area effects weapons, and two WMDs

Shes got a BOMB in her?

No, it doesnt explode, its built for survival. the general

rebutted, but then he continued, No bombs Lieutenant, but its
carrying both biological and chemical weapons.

How can she I mean it survive?

IT is immune to everything, period.

Also, it has internal oxygen supply cells and does not

need to breathe at all times.

These oxygen supply systems also drastically increase

the machines overall stamina.

With 24 hours of spare oxygen at peak operating load,

this machine can remain crated in a self induced hibernation for
flights as long as a week without any adverse effects, fully ready
to deploy from anywhere in the world.

It can be dropped directly into the ocean and swim

underwater, as it has gills as well.

The body tissues have banana spider silk protein

strands interlaced all throughout, making virtually every cubic
centimeter of the body stronger than ballistic nylon.

This bi-org, gentlemen, is a VERY impressive weapon.

the general announced proudly with a level of confidence one
usually saved for such declarations as the end of a war.

So what do you need US for? suddenly confused, It

seems pretty capable all on its own.

Its not immortal son the general proceeded, It has to

eat, sleep, can be poisoned, and it is subject to the adverse
effects of high heat such as fire.

So were supposed to protect it from being killed?

Well, no, not exactly, the general proceeded, But there

is a high chance that someone may desire to capture it and

replicate it for causes not in the best interests of our national

Oh the Lt. Col. pondered, glancing over at his

assistant, So were to do exactly what?

Just return to the Pentagon and sift through the files like
youve already been doing but we are sending you with a
program and a special computer that will enable us from your
desk to search out these opponents to freedom. As of yet, we
do not know exactly who they are, only that they are referred to
as agents of the fall

Ohright, sir, he was now even more nervous,

suddenly wishing he could remain here safely burrowed miles
beneath the mountains instead of walking around virtually naked
right in the nest of the enemy, a place he once thought to be the
safest place he could find himself. And here I thought this was
just for some mission to Cosovo or something.

I see that you begin to understand the gravity of the

situation my boy, well done. The elder man praised, But be
certain not to let the stress show, or they will figure you out, I
assure you.

Oh, thats a relief sir, he sarcastically replied.

Im not expecting this to be easy for either of you son,

and Ill actually have the bi-org working with you.

In the office? he blurted with incredulity.

No-no, my boy the elder man chuckled, She will do

what she does best and you just keep searching through the
Pentagon Records and sending the information back here for

analysis. We will issue the bi-org its orders, you need not worry
about that.

Honestly, sir, Airman Wilder piped up, Id feel a lot safer

if she was in the office with us!

Ep 1, Chapter 4

The flight back to Washington was far longer and more

nerve wracking than the flight to S.A.C. and neither man spoke
a word, both were enrapt with a myriad of conflicting thoughts
and emotions with this new challenge facing them.

Their lives had suddenly taken that fateful turn.

They were spies.

Suddenly, without any warning, a normally fearless

combat veteran felt vulnerable.

It wasnt the type of war he ever wanted to see again.

The old preparedness for red spies infiltrating from the

Soviet Bloc days were back, only worse because he, and his
junior officer were caught up in the middle of it.

The traditionally steel cold eyed man looked rather


To make it worse, there was nowhere to turn.

He could not tell his wife, his dad, his mom, his brother,
his fishing partners, and least of all, his fellow officers in the

After all, they may be this very secretive enemy!

As he unpacked his suitcase that evening, he felt like his
world had been suddenly dropped into a dark gray fog. Nothing
was clear any more, nothing made any sense and nothing was

Is everything alright, honey? Mrs. Applegate asked,

knowing him far too well to not notice, You look a little ill. Maybe
you should take the day off tomorrow honey and get some rest.

Rest, yeah rightIm going to toss and turn and not

sleep a wink from now on he chided himself, Yes, I think youre
right hon, I think a day off would be good for me too.

As he thought about it, and how long it had been since

he had spent any really good time with his wife, he added, And
I think you should take the day off with me.

Really? she was caught off guard. but Im not feeling


No, but we really havent spent a lot of time together in a

long, long while honey and I really would like to just be with you

But if youre not feeling well, shouldnt you rest honey?

Its not exhaustion dear, its stress. Just not enough time
with the lady of my dreams I suspect, not enough time for

Ohokay, she pondered, I think that would be a really

nice idea!

Ep 1, Chapter 5

General Mitchell Brookham was a very worried man, and
people who knew him, could tell this by the look of narrowed
concentration in his eyes.

The otherwise jovial man who was down to Earth and

very personable, even too much so, according to regulations,
was very tight lipped as he stalked into the office of Second
Flight Commander Ernst Beigley and sat down at his desk.

Commander, you know what you have to do, the

general accepted an offered cup of coffee, I just wish you didnt
have to do it.

Yes General, Sir, the commander replied, I agree fully.

Well, then, Im going to arrange for the transport, youll

have the bi-org prepped and briefed.

Sir, yes, sir, the other officer snapped a salute and rose
from the desk with a file folder in hand with the words across it
DRY ICE and left his office as the visiting general remained,
sipping the coffee thinking of future move options.

Ep 1, Chapter 6

Airman Wilder was awakened in a way he truly did not

expect, from a wet dream.

As the dream was fading, he was full of a host of co-

mingled emotions.

There had been this vision of the bi-org there, and him,
and he was shirtless and the bi-org was shirtless as well, large
breasts atop powerful corded muscles, but the cold eyed stare
was replaced with a sultry gaze and there was makeup on the

Although there was nothing more to the dream than that,
it was intense enough to cause his involuntary reaction.

Leaping out of his bed in disgust, he rushed quickly to

the bathroom and took a shower, all the time unable to escape
the visions on the dream and then the progressive imaginations
of wondering what lie beneath the waistline of this genetically
created killing machine.

As he rushed through breakfast, he bit his tongue and

burnt it with coffee.

Cursing his nervous tension, he assembled his clothing

and made certain he was properly in uniform, with one last
glance down the full length mirror on his apartment door, he
dashed out and climbed into his Camaro and sped off to work.

Ep 1, Chapter 7

The general, usually jovial and personable, was leaning

forward as he stalked into the base operations commanders
office were he was offered a seat and a cup of coffee from the
commanders coffee maker.

Graciously accepting the steaming mug, he sipped slowly

and thoughtfully, his brows knit in obvious stress.

Commander, you know what to do.

Yes sir, the former Texan said in a calm and somewhat

surly fashion, Weve been prepared for this type of eventuality
since day one sir, and its fully prepared as to what to do, all I
have to do is present this document and it will proceed to

The general nodded.

The crew is equipped and its equipment is loaded ready

for departure on your mark.

The general sighed tiredly, nodding reflectively, looking

across the desk at a folder with the red letters stenciled upon it

He knew that this was a deep judgment call that could be

the end of everyone involved, including the reluctant Applegate
and the wide eyed fresh out of college Wider.

Such nice lads he mused to himself, and totally

unprepared for this too.

Taking a deeper swig of the stiff brew, just to brace

himself for the next word out of his mouth, he drew a long
deliberate breath, heaving his body in unison, and then quietly
so that nobody outside of the room could have heard, Mark.

The seemingly relaxed commander sprang from his chair

as if shocked from the seat of his pants, snapped to attention
and saluted, looking straight ahead as if a cadet, then dashed
out the door.

Ep 1, Chapter 8

There were rapid footsteps down the concrete corridor as

the commander strode nervously and purposefully toward a
polished stainless steel panel with a keypad inset the concrete
close by.

Punching a few numbers raised the panel exposing an

almost cell like room, with recessed fixtures around the room.

Some alcoves were lit in eerie blue light and others had
screens with images flashing across them, one could see that is
was an information center and that every port had some form of
important service to perform for the occupant.

There on a large bunk sat an immense humanoid.

Hands loosely overlapped, hulking corded arms propped

elbows to knees, the bi-org seemed to just be relaxing and

As the commander entered the room, the bi-org swiveled

its head to casually look upwards and sideways to the officer
who had entered the room.

As the officer saluted the bi-org, it obligingly leaned

foreword and lifted its hulking body to its feet and raised to a full
eight feet and ten inches of height, carrying five hundred and
ten pounds of mass on the soles of its feet.

This was Dry Ice.

It almost drowsily blended into an attention stance with a

smooth mechanically precise salute.

The folder was handed to the behemoth and as the

commander stood waiting, the bi-org opened the folder, gazed
upon what appeared for all who looked to be a grainy
photograph of a crowd of people standing in a field of flowers,
the bi-org visibly altered.

The muscles grew taught, the eyes grew coldly sharp,

the body seemed to grow even taller.

Acknowledged, came a soft and rather feminine voice.

Episode 2
Awakening Eyes

Even though Lt. Col. had called in sick that day, hed had
the forethought to leave the special computer with the Airman
who would be going in.

The computer looked just like any regular palm pilot and
was marked with the traditional department of defense seals
correct for usage within the Pentagon.

As Airman Wilder continued along the routine of his daily

work as if nothing was different, he would simply scan
documents into a file which would be sent through this tiny
computer which would analyze, encrypt and burst transmit the
data back to SAC.

As the day went along, hed received some calls for the
Lt. Col. and advised the callers that the colonel was out sick for
the day but that he did expect him to be back in the following
day, but the office ran just as usual otherwise.

All the time though, the airman grew more and more
uneasy, wondering if someone would suddenly walk in the room
with a silenced pistol and waste him where he sat.

The image came to him more and more vivid all

throughout the day.

By the end of the day, he felt himself perspiring, despite

the fact that he was warned to not look nervous or

As he relieved himself of duty for the day, he made a

note to wipe his face, take several deep breaths and calm his
composure before walking out of the office.

There were the usual hallway bustling greetings and

salutes from junior to senior officers and the brief Hey hows it
going? remarks, which he easily worked through, but as he
drew nearer and nearer to the exit, he had this deep feeling of
dread that at any instant someone would pull him aside and
question him or make some remark.

Upon badging out, he went to the tram and caught the

column 81 to his lot. There on the tram was corporal Leighton,
an Army recruit, and he hopped over to Wilders seat and said
So what you doing this weekend? he slapped the airman on
the arm, Got another hot chick lined up?

Airman Wider almost jumped, Im staying home this

weekend I think.

Bullshit! the corporal guffawed.

Wilder just looked straight forward, after all, he WAS

feeling a little drained already.

Since when? the corporal sensed some tension.

Im pretty tired from that flight.


You didnt know?

No, I thought you were in the office last I knew of.

Something didnt add up. They had been gone for three
days and his closest chum didnt even know? Being wary, he
simply had to find another way out of this.

I took a test flight yesterday at the Naval station in an

Apache and it was pretty demanding. Im glad I didnt try out for
a pilot!

You never told me you were going to seeming more

hurt than anything.

I was invited by the Lt. Col. at the last moment. I thought

why not and well, now I know.

Lucky dog, you, the corporal muttered, You fly boys get
all the perks shaking his head.

I wish it were you that had gone, then maybe youd be

the one feeling sick and not me!

The corporal just laughed and slapped him on the

shoulder a second time, And here I thought you were the speed
demon of Arlington Virginia

Sure! he defended, On the ground!

Well, the corporal hopped up, Heres my stop, see ya!
and he leapt off the tram before the driver could stop.

The tram driver yelled at him something Wilder didnt

hear and sped back up.

Ep 2, Chapter 2

The stealth choppers curved rotor blades were specially

built to reduce noise and radar signature.

The sides of the vehicle were slanted to deflect radar,

and there was a thruster in the tail instead of a rotor for stability.

As the vehicle was lifting off, the bi-org was sitting in the
launch seat with a full compliment of limited issue special
weapons and communications gear.

The team would only go as far as the drop off point and
then return, they were more of a formality than a necessity.

The vehicle its self could be flown back to base by

remote piloting, but the Air Force seemed almost reluctant to let
their super weapon out on its own, as if it needed protecting.

The guys had fondly dubbed the bi-ops Princess D.I.

partly in honor of the fallen royalty and partly because it was the
only thing they could come up with easily with the initials. Some
even went so far as to say it Princess Die because it was a
pure killing machine.

Within a few hours, the vehicle had flown down from

Colorado at supersonic speeds and was approaching the state
of Virginia where there would be heightened radar and other
aerial detection equipment keeping vigil over the Washington

D.C. skyline, so they opted to deploy the bi-org at a distance
and let it work its way into the city.
As the stealth chopper slowed in the night, over a small
valley where there were few lights visible, a small hatch in the
floor of the notar slid open and the bi-org was lowered rapidly by
rope to the ground.

As the bi-org slipped free of the harness, the notar

wheeled and sped away almost silently into the night.

As the trees were still slowing to a still from the rotor

wash, like a great mythical cat, the bi-org had already slipped
into the night.

Ep 2, Chapter 3

Having had this time with his wife had really allowed Lt.
Col. Applegate time to steel himself and relax and let this begin
to take root without upsetting his mindset.

As he greeted Airman Wilder and saw a sense of relief

flood over the young man, it was evident that it had not been
easy for the airman either, which deepened his sense of liking
for the young man.

Did I miss anything? the older man inquired calmly,

looking a lot more like himself.

There were some calls for you, sir, there are notes upon
your desk.

Alright, then its back to business as usual. he said with

a conspiratorial wink.

This was not what the airman expected, but flustered, he

simply replied Yes sir, and went about his duties.

About three in the afternoon, after a rather quiet and
uneventful day, without any warning, an Admiral Welsh
Jacobsen called from the Naval base to ask how the flight had

Flight, sir? the Lt. Col. suddenly drew tight in the chest.

Sure! You remember, you and your airman were down

here the other day and you both took a little airsick and you had
to take leave.

He came across in a deep southern drawl, almost too

absurd to be real.

He went on as if it were all a matter of common

knowledge, I really would have thought that a seasoned pilot
such as yourself would have taken better to our helicopters, but
nothing to be worried about, I just called mainly to let you know
that I support your research one hundred percent Lt. Col., and if
you boys ever just happen to find yourself in any kind of a jam,
well take it from an old buddy of General Mitchell Brookham,
weve got your back. Oh, and well try our best not to have to do
such rough maneuvers with the Apaches next time, if we can at
all avoid it. But lets hope we dont need any more flight
demonstrations in the future, right Lt. Col.?

Umyes Admiral, Ill be sure to bring an airsickness bag

along next time we do that.

As he hung up, Air sickness bag, sir?

A worried frown came across the older mans face, I

dont know airman, he paused, Do you know anything about a
helicopter ride?

Ep 2, Chapter 4

Honestly sir, came the less exaggerated drawl of base

commander Peter Wilkersen, I can only hope that they figure
out that its us and that we have people watching from a distance
for their safety. Its hard to get anything in or out of there as you

I know, he drew a pensive breath, and I hate to drag

them into our mess like this, but really, what choice do we have

None sir, none at all. Theyre the only boys on the

ground we can trust, and theyre right dead center of the
hornets nest and first to get stung if this gets upset before we
can smoke the pests out.

I hope Dry Ice does the job right this time.

The errors were assessed and corrected sir, the base

commander reassured, it was an oversight in training sir, not in
executing orders.

Still the same, its a powerful weapon and too large to


Oh, with all due respect, Id say its pretty good at hiding

It had better be, the general muttered tensely, For all

our sakes It had better be

Ep 2, Chapter 5

As dawn approached, the bi-org switched from night

vision to daylight vision, its irises dilating back down to normal

size from being almost invisible blue rings upon a reflective
green background.

The bio machine had been running toward its destination

at speeds exceeding thirty five miles per hour all night, carrying
almost its own weight in expensive high tech weaponry and
surveillance equipment, without even breathing hard.

The blue in the morning sky was the telltale sign that the
large and highly visible machine would have to lay low until

Slowing, the bi-org reached a small creek and swept the

area for cover.

Reaching a large instrument on the side of its equipment

pack, it opened up a pair of covers to reveal a highly
sophisticated surveillance instrument.

Scanning the hills and hollows, the machine was

searching for concentrations of carbon dioxide, which would be
telltale clues of caverns in the limestone or crevasses deep
enough to put up camouflage.

After locating a ledge with just enough room to lay in, the
weapon unloaded a thin roll which inflated into a not much
thicker air type mattress.

This was followed by some small pitons, which were

driven into the rock face with a slap of the palm and a hazy gray
material was hung over the opening, which obscured the
overhang just enough that it was unclear if anything was in it
besides shadow.

The bi-org then activated a small device which was laid
by its side with a small charcoal shaded square face out toward
the valley and slipped in behind the screen to lay down.

Ep 2, Chapter 6

I made up a story about taking a helicopter ride

yesterday when I slipped up and mentioned taking a flight,
because for some reason, Corporal Leighton didnt know we
were gone for three days!

Odd, he pondered deeply, Then who would come and

call up making comments on our taking that ride that never

Suddenly, he had an idea, Where were you when you

made that comment?

Where was I? he pondered trying to recall, Well best I

recall, I was like row 64-T in the parking lot.

So you were on the tram?

Oh feeling a bit embarrassed, Yeah, I was on the

tram, but there werent any other people nearby,

Well, he reminded the young airman, If theres one

thing Ive learned in my time in the service, with all of this cloak
and dagger spy stuff is that when youre where we are, youre
most certainly being monitored.

Yes, sir, the mortified airman responded, suddenly

understanding, But who else would have made up such a story
on such short notice for us?

Go check the files airman, look for an Admiral Welsh
Jacobsen at the Norfolk Naval Battalion.

Yes, sir, the young man saluted and hurried off.

It wasnt fifteen minutes until he was back, pale faced

and wide eyed, Its all right here sir, as if it had happened just
the way I said it had happened, and the incident was signed off
by one Admiral Welsh Jacobsen!

Why am I suddenly not surprised? he mused aloud,

Well, if theyre on our side then we have good cover, and if
theyre not, they are sure wanting to make it look that way. After
all, maybe they are trying to back track us back to where were
reporting to.

Thats not a happy thought, sir. he was clearly shaken.

No, its definitely not that, he sighed and mused, I

strongly suggest we keep our answers really short and
uninformative in the future airman. he reprimanded lightly.

Yes, sir! the young man agreed rather enthusiastically.

Ep 2, Chapter 7

Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice was at her desk

looking at some information she held in her right hand while
sipping from a glass of water in her other.

Are you completely certain of this?

Yes, ma-am, the young intern replied nervously, thats

exactly what he said.

You know, people will say anything if you torture them
the wrong way a sly smile crossed her face.

Yes, m-m-ma-am the young intern stuttered, But we

have some evidence that this is still the case ma-am oh, she
reveled in being called that, instead of the other way around!

This was the one place a black woman could have some
sense of power, however fleeting, and it felt good!

Be sure to destroy these documents intern, she idly

tossed them back across the desk, sipping her water again,
They will be of no more use now. Ill take the message from

Yes, ma-am he hurriedly scooped up the papers and

dashed from her office a study in nervousness.

You cant get good help these days, at least without

some element of fear involved,she mused, but well, its nice to
see fear in the eyes of a white man.

Softly, she chuckled to herself and opened up a shoe

sales catalog.

Episode 3
Operating in Manual Mode

So, the general queried, An undercover who has

worked with Dry Ice has come up missing?

It appears that way general, sir. The base commander

shook his head regretfully, And it appears that they were
captured by our foe.

I see that there is an actual name these people go by

now the general inquired further.

Yes sir, they call themselves The Agents Of The Fall ,

sir. taking his big boots off of his desk, he stood to face the
general. Yes sir, this is very real and we do have a very real
problem and you did take the right action, in my view, sir.

Lets hope I did, if this comes out, were not only done
for, as is the program, but the entire reputation of the nation is at

stake and this could thrust us into international conflict, the likes
of which we have yet to have seen.

Im keenly aware of that sir, but what other options did

we have, sir?

I know, I know, Im preaching to the choir-hell, Im

preaching to another preacher for Gods sake! I just dont know
what else to do but I so hate to just sit idly by while our best
operatives ever are risking their skins to defend us!

They did sign up for this, sir

Damn I know that! he smacked his fist into his palm,

But it doesnt make it any better! Where is the close in air
support when you need it? You cant send any because its a
covert operation!

Yes, sir, the base commander gravely commiserated.

Well, I feel so responsible.


Yes commander?

Permission to speak openly?

Hesitating, not having any idea what is about to come

next, Permission granted.

I know that this is a biologically manufactured and

genetically enhanced machine were dealing with, but you seem
to have much more interest in it than that.

What do you mean commander? suddenly feeling a
little nervous.

I mean that I reviewed the research on the machine sir,

as part of getting to know its capabilities and weaknesses and I
did a genetic baseline comparison on it

You did what?

I know why you feel so badly sir, its your offspring out

The general grew pale at the revelation that a long secret

fact had been deduced by someone hed never have suspected
of finding out.

What do you know about genetics? he suddenly grew


Not that much, really, sir, the base commander replied

calmly, But I do know how to review the results the technicians
showed me, and you are the only one on file who has a remote
chance of matching.

See general, you have this rare quality that makes you
uniquely qualified for the base of such research: you have a
high incidence of intersexed persons in your family tree and
they have a propensity to retaining 100% of a pre-natal brain.

You were selected because your offspring have the

potential for intellects unimaginable for we normal humans.

The general was caught and unable to believe the word

he was hearing.

The base commander went on, Its no secret that youve
never made below a 4.0 grade average, was the youngest
general in the entire history of modern warfare, made it up the
ranks like no one else alive, and even masterminded and
pioneered this experiment yourself, back when most of the
inherent technology you have used wasnt even and much of it
still isnt heard of.

Hell general, I envy you, I really do. He went back

around his desk, poured them both a fresh cup of coffee which
the general took almost mechanically, I wish it were my boy
erumchild, out there tonight, Id be no less nervous, mind
you, but Id be damn proud! And you should be as well general!

The general sat there in a dazed silence. The secret was

out, yet here he was not being ridiculed, slandered or
scandalized, but praised!

The commander's calm, flat, composed tone somehow

made it seem so surreal too.

And yes, it was his child out there that night, alone, and
not a mindless machine like he had toted it to be, but a very
warm blooded child he had raised up its entire life within the
confines of this deep underground chasm. It was just reaching
puberty when it saw daylight for the first time in its life.

Soon, the child was out on training missions that would

last a month at a time in all kinds of harsh weather and every
time he would fret until the amazing creature came back all
robust and a little bit taller.

The child seemed to thrive in adversity. The worse the

conditions, the greater its achievements and for many years, the
larger it was when it came back home. The fresh air seemed to
do it well also.

But to keep the situation under control, the general kept a
safe distance, doing his best to find reasons to avoid direct
contact with the child as it grew, for fear that there would be too
great a conflict between it and him.

This might interrupt the childs pre-programmed

education and indoctrination that the entire United States was
its family and its responsibility.

So too, he wanted to keep a professional distance that

would not lead to people guessing where the DNA came from
for this marvelous creature.

Well, that was no longer a secret, so what else would

come out? He drearily wondered.

I think youve said enough for one night, commander.

He finally shook himself back to the present, I think its time for
me to take leave for a few hours. Be sure and keep me posted if
anything develops while Im away?

Yes, sir, I will, sir. He respectfully salutedas

respectfully as one can with their boots up on a desk that is.

Goodnight, commander. As he turned to leave.

General sir,

Yes? he tiredly turned back, dreading that something

else might be coming out of this.

I just want to let you know, Im with you all the way. All
the way. With a big proud Texas grin that was seldom seen by
anyone, and it relieved and warmed the general visibly.

Thank you commander, thank you very much.

My pleasure general, its an honor to work with you. Now

get on to bed, sir, Ill keep watch through the night.

Ep 3, Chapter 2

The Lt. Col. and the Airman continued nervously working

trough heaps and reams of files, seeming for all of the world to
be doing exactly what they had always been doing, simply
making sure errors were corrected and files put back into their
proper places.

But you could see the growing nervousness mingled with

an underlying excitement, even just three days back from SAC
and fully looking so much like their old selves that nobody would
have remembered anything was astray ever.

But right at lunch time, a strange call came in.

Lt. Col. Applegates office, Airman Wilder speaking.

Is this the records accreditation and corrections

department for the Air Force? a feminine yet decidedly British
sounding voice came over the line.

Yes, it is, were you seeking records ma-am?

Well, maybe, but they have to be certain ones in

particular, if you have them. The voice seemed almost
seductive, yet, strangely ice cold and disdainful, with a snobbish

Well, ma-am, we have access to every de-classified file

on record here, even if its not in our office, we can requisition it
and have it here in our office within 24 hours.

Well, I dont really care of its classified or not darling, I
just want it.

Well, ma-am, the military doesnt work that way. Were

unable to release documents that are classified. With this, he
stood up and waved to the Lt. Col. who was on another line.

What if I offered you a million dollars, darling? the odd

ladys voice offered. At that moment, under the heightened
alarm, the Lt. Col. rapidly excused himself from his caller and
switched to speaker phone.

With that, the young airman offered, Ma-am, maybe I

should refer you directly to the Lt. Col.?

Never mind, darling, Im in a hurry, I dont have time for

petty arguments. I suppose Ill have to get them through other
channels, such a shame, you seem like such a nice boy with
the disdainful offhanded compliment, the line closed with a
piercing high pitched click.

The two men stared at each other with cold looks of


Ep 3, Chapter 3

Oh, those neer-do-well yanks, an older British woman

declared as she hung up the phone, her neck encrusted with
jewels worthy of the royal family.

Her artificially darkened hair was obvious even without

the roots showing, and her makeup did nothing to hide her age.

Still, a muscular young olive skinned man stood by her
side wearing white pants, soft deck shoes and no shirt, clearly a

Sylvester, the woman announced.

Yes Madame? the young man responded subserviently

with a hint of an Italian accent.

I do believe that its time to let Belvediere go to

Washington, dont you think?

As you wish Madame, the young man bowed and

hurried off.

Robert, another muscular young man hurried into the

room, dressed likewise to the first, but taller and blonde of hair.

Yes Madame, the young man said in a thick German


Stay with me while Sylvester is gone, darling, I get ever

so lonely you know. Pretending to look faint, yet ending the look
with an almost disgusted look.

Yes Madame.

Ep 3, Chapter 4

His wife was right when she said that her husbands
solution to any resistance was to cut it down with a chainsaw.
and the president indeed did intend to cut down all resistance
from within or overseas, to his plans for a Fourth Reich.

Deutschland du bralis was the motto he was raised

under and it was one he would soon see come to fruition, once

he had the unlimited ability to cut down every enemy of the

Within the short span of a few years, a few well placed

German infiltrators had almost thoroughly eliminated the
American economy without even making the country look like
there was a problem.

With the cooperation of the Chinese, they had all but

disintegrated the economic existence of the once wealthiest
nation in the world, reducing it to its knees for the final death
blow, not long off in the future when it would become a
protectorate of the great empire of Germany.

And the most laughable part of it all was that everyone

thought that he was an illiterate Texan!

He had to smile to himself, he had really duped the

American people, just like his father and even a few other well
placed politicians in D.C.

It was so close he was getting antsy and had been

warned not to show his hand by those back home who were
watching and making sure that things went the way that they

After all, its not often that one gets the opportunity to
have the entire nation groveling for their very lives at ones feet,
especially when they helped to put him over them!

He really had the lowest contempt for these ignorant

sheep who would soon be slaughtered like so many diseased
animals who no longer served any purpose, America would
become New Germany!

He couldnt restrain the maniacal stuttering laugh of his at
the thought of it.

His family would be the ruling elite and by the time the
world grew wise to it all, it would already be to late because
every country in Europe was being duped into subservience by
their strict adherence to the words of their clergy.

We almost won the last time, but weve learned our

lessons and these fools have forgotten all about it! He mused.

He could barely believe it himself, just how willing people

are to forget the whole issue of left to themselves long enough!

Despite the best efforts of people to remind their fellow

citizens, in time the memories faded, people go on with their
own selfish little worlds and forgot the greater ideals they once
thought they believed in!

Soon enough, it all glazed over and was swept away by

the winds of time.

But Germans he postulateddo not forget!

Ep 3, Chapter 5

Deep in the heart of a mountain lie a man, fraught with

images and nightmares too horrible for him to stand.

As he awoke from a nightmare in a heavy sweat, and

panting, he reflexively reached for his heart medicine and
nervously picked a tiny pill out, poured a glass full of water from
a pitcher beside his bunk and nervously gulped it down.

Oh my baby, he groaned in dread, What kind of father

have I BEEN to you?

No amount of science, military indoctrination, idealism or
distance was enough to separate a man from the love of his
only child.

Even if some people saw the child as a cold blooded

killer and a puerile monstrosity, it was his child they were so
harshly judging out there! And people wanted her dead for
becoming exactly what people had raised her to be as if she
were a rabid dog or some beast without any senses of morality
or love or duty or dignity!

How could they?!he asked himself in outrage, The

very thing saving their lives, liberties and freedoms and shed
condemned by those very same people she has worked so
hard for so long to protect!

So, here she lives, in seclusion, in virtual exile of her own

country, an abhorrence who people will throw stones at, try to
shoot, or who knows what!

A prisoner in a mountain of machinery, making her feel

even more cold and more alienated, so that the only time she
leaves the vault of her safe keeping, shes on a mission to kill
and destroy, making her look even more villainous!

But wait! he caught himself, Calm down! Be realistic! So

far almost nobody on Earth outside of this mountain know of her
existence! Get a grip man! he cautiously warned himself,
Youre loosing your grip, and youll do her no good if that

Getting up, he walked over to his small cabinet, one of

his few luxuries, and poured himself a tall Scotch, meandered
over to his sink and pulled out some sleeping pills, and with a
deep swig of the Scotch, took two of the potent relaxers.

Returning to his bunk, he sipped the Scotch for a while,
and when he felt the effects of the tranquilizers, downed the
remaining Scotch and laid down to let the feeling of oblivion set
in and carry him off to a more pleasant sleep.

Ep 3, Chapter 6

The following night was perfect.

It rained.

As the downpour made normal vision difficult, the bi-org

took advantage of the added concealment and increased its
speed of run to 45 mph along roads lined with fields surrounding
local towns as it drew closer to Arlington, VA.

As the night passed, there were brief breaks in the rain

where it would have to leave the road and go into the fields, in
case vehicles were out and about.

Thankfully the rain was consistent most of the night, and

it drew up into the city limits of Arlington before morning rush
hour traffic a full day ahead of scheduleat least the schedule it
had for arriving there in the DC area.

As urban warfare training kicked in, the bi-org quickly

absconded of some poor beggars rickety old shopping cart, and
swiftly arranged its equipment in the cart to look like a load of
scrap metal and containers for recycle.

In a moment of compassion, the bi-org returned and gave

the beggar the majority of the possessions inside and the more
valuable metals with a curt military apology and $1000.00 in 20
dollar bills.

Figuring no bum would be seen anywhere on the streets
with that kind of money and would hide away with their hoard
and drink themselves into oblivion until the money ran out, or
else someone caught them and robbed them while they were
drunk, the logic ran simply that there was little chance this poor
beggar would be reporting it to anybody any time soon.

Thanking it profusely, the beggar hurried off in glee

mingled with paranoia not sure if he was hallucinating or not.

Throwing smelly ratted out holy urine covered blankets,

the bi-org swiftly made its way into the center of the district
using built in satellite guided GPS. Thankfully, it had the ability
to shut off its own olfactory senses for such reasons.

By mid morning, the fly covered hulk was lumbering along

down various streets just looking for opportunities to set up a

Around noon, sensors detected a truly empty building

with a reasonably concealed alley and heavily bolted and

The thing that the owners or securers had overlooked

was a metal roll-up door on the dock which was inside the court
of several seemingly derelict buildings, many of which also had
beggars and fugitives in them.

Swiftly picking the lock it slipped inside and threw off the
wretched smelling blankets.

Ep 3, Chapter 7

Wilder and Applegate were diligently and feverishly

sifting through reams and reams of papers, looking for ones with
key words and names on them when a knock came to the door.

Both of them frozewhy they did not know, the door was
knocked on a lot by persons lost or being respectful, but this
knock was somehow different.

Reflexively, as they gazed at each other, Wilder went to

the corner and retrieved his M-16 and the Lt Col. pulled his M-
1911 from his briefcase, sliding it in the small of his back.

As Wilder took a position with a clear view of the door

from behind the heavy reams of paper which would serve as a
partial barrier if by no means perfect, the Lt. Col. asked who
was there.

Special Delivery for Lt. Col. Applegate and Airman

Wilder, came a heavily muffled voice.

What is it? He said as his heart clenched and climbed

half way up in his throat, looking at Wilder with a clenched jaw
sign of stress and alert, he withdrew from the door and went to
his desk, pulling the side arm out and laying it in his lap looking

As Airman Wilder went around the corner into the storage

room and pulled the door to a crack peering through with rifle
muzzle trained at the door, the Lt. Col. invited the mystery
person inside verbally ready in a heartbeat to dive under the
desk and brace for anything and return fire if possible.

As the person fumbled with the door, it became apparent

that they were holding a large and rather unwieldy package.

Finally, with a thrust of the door which made both men

wince in apprehension, a tall man burst into the room with what
appeared to be another huge stack of documents in boxes.

As he grinned and kicked the door closed, it was
apparent that it was the Base Commanders third assistant, the
same gentleman whos driven them in the tram.

Goddamn! the Lt. Col. swore under his breath, you

about got yourself-

Shhhh! the sergeant hushed him, the smile vanishing

form his face, as he suddenly ripped the top box open, Quick!
Put these on! as he produced body armor.

The alarm was not the same as before, it was not that
latent dreaded lump in the throat kind of alarm, it was that ice
cold chill that comes when you realize that this time, its for real!

As Wider excitedly dashed out of the storage room and

grappled with the body armor the sergeant slowed him down
with a gesture and calmly said, Airman, a poorly installed piece
of equipment is a defective piece of equipment. Now relax, slow
down and put it on right or it wont do you a lick of good.

In another minute the men were donning their outside

rain gear which luckily was seasonable at this instant.

So whats the scoop? Applegate tried to stifle the

shuddering in his voice.

Things are hot, sir, he looked dead level, Too hot.

Were extracting you now while theres a good chance of getting
you out alive.

Okay, well, I suppose we should get on with it. Wilder

said trying to be brave.

Youll have to leave that here, the sergeant indicated

the rifle, Too visible, and too suspicious.

Are we to go unarmed then? the Airman asked.

No, I have a little something for you here, compliments

of Dry Ice. Seems she has taken a liking to you two. he
pronounced with a soft chuckle.

Wilders mood suddenly changed, She did? feeling an

oddly warm feeling begin to quell the nervous shudders.

Reaching into the next box down with a little bit more
grace, the sergeant pulled out a briefcase, and opened it up.
Inside was a fully functional plastic piece of machinery which
although difficult to make out at first glance, upon further
inspection revealed its self to be a very high tech sub machine

Stunned into amazed silence, the two Pentagon office

clerks were dumbfounded

Finally a low whistle came from the Airman, Geez! What

does she carry?

We have a host of weapons she uses, depending on the

assignment, this is one which seldom gets used because few of
her missions call for its use.

A brief look of confused doubt crossed the Airmans face.

Oh, the sergeant chuckled, Its not for lack of

effectiveness of the weapon I assure you! This little baby can do
a hell of a lot more damage than your old antique there can and
it even has a longer range and is twenty seven times more
accurate! shaking his head calmly in reverence of the device,
No sir, you have a top of the line weapon here!

Taking a long breath to re-focus. the sergeant brought
them back to the situation at hand. Nowbefore we find
ourselves in actual need of these, let us depart, motioning
towards the door, Gentlemen

Episode 4
Entering Automatic Mode

By 3pm the warehouse was rigged all over with a myriad

of sensing equipment, many so small one had to find them with
a magnifying glass if they were dropped.

The largest of them was the size of three dimes stacked

together, and this one was placed upon a one pound block of a
super explosive so powerful it would bring the entire building to
the basement, except for the parts which would be visiting other
adjoining counties and the water beyond the beach.

This one she placed in the center of the room.

It had a cyber-arm, making it sensitive only to the bi-orgs

thought commands.

If anyone tried to tamper with it, it detonated.

If anyone was even so much as in the building while it

was away, the sensor would detonate.

Only the bi-org was able to arm and disarm or trigger this
weapon, the detonator had been specifically coded in a
language only compatible with the computer inside the bi-orgs

This made the sensor utterly impossible to remove from

the control of the bi-org, and if all went bad, the bi-org could
detonate it remotely by satellite uplinks.

To further the complication, the entire load of equipment

remaining was stacked carefully around the bomb.

That way nothing would survive in functional fashion and

little would even remain to be recognized, preventing the
revelation of top secret technologies.

On top of this, it all served as additional shrapnel.

With this, Dry Ice coded up a protocol, scanned the entire

room and posted the intel to SAC.

Soon, maps of everything in minute detail down to the

number of mice and living plants within 100 feet of the building
were being formulated in 3-D on the clear display screen in the
command board room.

Ep 4, Chapter 2

In that same command room

Two figures stared transfixedone wide eyed in wonder
and the other misty eyed in paternal distress.

There in vector line display, a 3 dimensional model of the

bi-org lay sleeping on its inflatable mattress.

A command call came in via a satellite transponder

notifying the bi-org that the targets had been successfully
acquired and that the party was proceeding to the LZ at the
naval yards.

A small nondescript privately marked chopper was

parked there to take them to a private executive air strip seldom
used except for in all out emergencies.

The rule was discretion being the better part of valor,

therefore they chose this option to reduce visual contact with

The bi-org did not stir, but transmitted an

acknowledgment cybernetically.

Remaining in the lowest energy consumption level

possible was one of its long term mission survival programs.

The bi-org was in something akin to hibernation, only

without any of the drawbacks of chemically induced hibernation.

It could wake instantly to full operational mode upon any

input requiring physical response.

The bi-org was in direct communication with several

hundred thousand land and space based communications
networks seeking out potential threats.

The two men were seeing a complex maze of digital
information screaming past them at incomprehensible speeds,
making windows blurring of green text on the phosphorescent
plates all around the prostrate figure, all of them seemingly
floating around the center like individual digital dreams.

At one point a sensor marked an elevated brain

temperature in correlation to one of the windows

Both men sat bolt upright.

And there it wasas all the other windows shrank to

nothing, the one alerted window froze on a string of text and
zoomed in to fill the entire imagea cold semi feminine
machine like voice noted, Teletype message: transportation of
target safely out of red zoneunidentified source. Operative
recommends elevate alert level 7.

Reflexively without even thinking about it, the General

responded, Roger that Dry Ice, you have a clear to go.

So rapidly did the bi-org change metabolic states that the

two men, who had tried for years, still could not actually see the

The bi-orgs image sprung from the mattress like an

ejection seat and landed lightly on its feet like a cat.

The air mattress deflated all on its own and rolled its self

The room zoomed out and the bi-org began to arm its self
with a choice few weapons from the pile of equipment, then as
the image began to go fuzzy, the voice came over again,
Transitioning to Combat Mode...

The image went blank as the bi-org exited the edge of the
buildings interior.

The base commander took hold of the generals arm,

rather improperly for official protocol and gave him a light subtle
push then pull to let him know that he was not alone.

In the near darkness of the suddenly de-illuminated

command room, it was difficult to see the tears running down
the generals cheeks.

Ep 4, Chapter 3

As the small helicopter lifted off the pad, and the pad
crew gave the pilot a thumbs up and the pilot replied in kind,
they wheeled off to the south in a low pattern over the poorer
suburbs towards the normally abandoned air strip.

Today there was a small detail there, just enough to

oversee the securing of the grounds and the operations of the
tower instruments.

They were well aware of the threats that were involved

and were heavily armored: two Bradleys fitted with TOW
missiles were there to see the event through.

As men were poised in various positions, a private

looking small jet was ready with engines running and pilots were
in full combat flight suits.

Nobody knew quite what to expect, but whatever it was,

they wanted to be ready.

It too a long five minutes and twelve seconds for the pilot
to set down at the air strip and disengage the door locks.

Not seconds after the three men disembarked from the
copter, the rotors, already up to speed lifted the vehicle clear of
the ground

Ep 4, Chapter 4

Simultaneously, as the copter had left the Naval base,

another copter which had been below decks on a cargo ship, a
Mil-24 Hind began a heavy low flight across the water and onto
the beach, with specially modified missiles designed to collide
with the rotors of a helicopter or an engine and cause pinpoint
physical damage, rather than actually explode.

These specially designed missiles were built to destroy a

hardened target and not leave any evidence of a conventional
weapon, but rather an in-air collision with a bird.

The idea behind this special weapon was to make the

downing of the vehicle look like an accident.

There were only three ways this would go down: they

would die in the copter, or the plane, or they would get shot on
the landing strip and the bodies conveniently found in the
wreckage of a freak aircraft fuel line failure.

The scenario had been rehearsed for weeks already by

hired Chinese Air Force Pilots.

None of which could be traced back to the White House.

Ep 4, Chapter 5

As the powerful bio-machine left the building,

surveillance had not stopped, only the additional burdensome
information irrelevant to the mission.

The reason that the transmissions were so easily
monitored in Chinese was that the NSA was also monitoring
them and the bi-org simply tapped their lines.

A quaint irony, the bi-org logged in its summary of


This was something that it had never done before,

expressing emotions or views of its own. But then, it had never
been the target of its own nations government before either

Apparently this had some kind of effect on its logic

patterns and caused a logic control flux, or maybe it had
something to do with the sudden recent cessation of menstrual
cycles that it was hiding from the medics who had grown to trust
its automated diagnostics programs...

Ep 4, Chapter 6

The hind had orders to destroy all vehicles and capture

personnel on the ground for torture and interrogation, if
possible, directly from the White house.

As the small copter was lifting off, it had been warned of

its imminent danger and the pilot took advantage of the news
and took evasive actions.

Instead of returning to the Naval air field, it took a more

southerly route, into the hilly regions far outside of town.

This was a contingency designed to divide and draw off

such pursuers as would be needed to put the air strip under
complete air control.

It was a race to the finish.

The little craft was completely unarmed as there was
nowhere to conceal effective anti-aircraft weaponry on it.

And launching an RPG or other similar weapon from

within the cabin would be sure suicide, a last ditch effort if all
else was lost.

Consequently, the co-pilot was holding just such a

weapon rather nervously, knowing that launching it would most
likely be both of their deaths in this enclosed space.

Ep 4, Chapter 7

As the radio crackled the go ahead under scramble alert

conditions, the men all suited up in flight suits, with built in

These two men were the only links to the entire event
and would be more crucial as witnesses than the lives of their
fellow soldiers.

Everyone knew what was on the line, both Navy and Air
Force members alike.

There was no rivalry this day, only a mutual need for the
support and aide of their fellow American soldiers to a very real
threat on American soil from their very own American

Faces were grim.

As the turbines of the jet began to whine to life there was

a background frenzy of excited voices as radio silence was
broken in alarm.

The Mil-24 had been spotted in fast entry and fully

The bi-org had scanned the Russian computers and the

Chinese software extensions and knew exactly everything down
to the last time the windows had been washed about this craft.

This information was transmitted to the air strip even as

they were preparing to depart it.

Every microsecond counted.

Even as the din of the radios in the cabin was difficult to

understand, it carried the unmistakable pallor of imminent death.

People were sweating.

The cushioned seats didnt have any comfort, and the air
conditioner didnt quell the intense heat of the armored flight
suits designed to virtually withstand space re-entry.

Time was lagging on so badly that Airman Wilder seemed

to be seeing the whole world slow down...

And then it was therein the window!

The silhouette of the monstrous Soviet warship of the

skies. Closing in at over 180knots and armed with a cluster of
missiles and a heavy Gatling style gun.

He reflexively began to scoot himself as if to make the

plane pick up speed faster.

They were taxiing down the last turn before they could
achieve takeoff speed.

As they turned, he strained against his seat belts and
better training like a little child in terror knowing that this device
of death had him, a mere clerk in his sights!

All because he knew something, and didnt really know

what it was he knew!

Trying to look out the other windows, he caught the Lt.

Col. in a frozen form, stoic as if already accepting his fate, jaw
clenched as of prepared for the impact of the missile.

Episode 5
Entering Accelerated Mode

It had been instantaneously evident that running was not

an option, and the bi-org had commandeered a young ladys
convertible Corvette at the nearest intersection.

Belt yourself in, the bi-org ordered in a strangely glassy

electrical voice, You will need to stay with your vehicle when I
am through using it.

The girls screaming turned into a stunned silence as the

eerily electronic voice commanded her, and she obeyed as if

In a high speed pursuit, the bi-org knew that it could
neither jam, nor shut off the Lo-Jack or the On-Star

Instead, it took advantage of this fact and hoped that the

police would remain adequately close by to make it to the air

Thinking ahead, the bi-org copied the dispatchers voice

over the radio, and transmitted the destination of the Corvette
as if the dispatcher had either read the bi-org's mind, or had lost
their own mind.

As the dispatcher stared in blank faced surprise at her

own voice coming from her own radio, she hurriedly tried to
disclaim the assertion.

There was a Q & A session in rapid response and it got

very confusing, bringing more and more police into the
conversation of this truly bizarre anomaly of two dispatchers out
of one, like a split personality.

Eventually, the young lady began to realize her situation,

whimper and sink down into her seat.

Clearly, she had not gotten the car form her daddy to
actually drive like this, especially not in the passenger seat with
this bizarre giant electronic woman-bot taking it over from her,
borrowing it for what seemed like a suicide trip.

The Corvette sped on with its police escort in tow, and a

helicopter over head, which quickly turned to two copters.

As the vehicles raced down the freeway, the pursuit was

adequately confusing as to deteriorate any set plans of actually
stopping the vehicle.

The bizarre alter ego was somehow perfectly predicting
every turn and to top it all off, the vehicle would signal its turns!

Those turns of course were often at speeds exceeding

150 mph though!

The passenger, petrified in terror had peed her self, and

was cowered as low in the now wet seat as she could get, while
remaining belted in.

The distance from the air strip was difficult to estimate in

time, so its was best to just count off the miles.

Oddly enough, the urgency of this mission, clearly one

the bi-org knew it could fail at, had caused an unsettled feeling
inside, not designed into its programming.

It knew that failure was not an option, but a rescue

mission was not how it was designed, as this could complicate
more critical mission objectives in some instances where being
expendable was part of the givens.

When not being expendable became a prime directive,

the whole equation had suddenly changed.

This was beyond pure survival, it became a requirement

of the actual mission.

Nobody had to explain why, mainly because everything

was always in the brief, but also something inside the bi-org was
telling it that survival was far greater than, that of a nation, it was
the survival of a new species.

I wonder if bi-orgs will get maternity leave? the bi-org
quietly mused, but being sure to keep the computer interface

This was the bi-orgs first ever private thought.

Ep 5, Chapter 2

As the missile struck the engine nacelle erupting into an

explosive shower of parts, followed by the adjacent engine, the
tail fell off of the plane, shredded from pieces of the engines.

Thankfully, they were not up to full speed or there might

have been more damage.

Still, because of the manner in which they failed, the

resulting chassis failure managed to see the whirling collection
of serrated supersonic alloy blades drop into the cavity of the
aircraft and not to the ground outside.

The pilots pulled ejection cords that blew the front panel
of the specially modified air craft off and launched them three
hundred feet into the air on columns of pale blue flame.

The combined absence of the tail and the thrust of the

ejection seats drove the landing gear beyond its limits and it
buckled, leaving the plane to topple nose-ward and skid to a
burning halt.

This only helped the tumbling mass of super alloy claw

its way forward through the passenger compartment of the
vehicle it had been designed to propel through the sky.

It whirled in one massive spiral around the hull before

exiting, leaving various pieces of its self and other items
shredded in its path.

The main doors automatically blew off, which although it
allowed a draft to fan the fire, pushed the billowing smoke up
and out of the cabin toward the missing tail section.

In to much shock to realize the situation, Airman Wilders

instincts took over as he unbuckled and tried to leap to the COs
aide where a blade was poised in his neck and he was slumped
and breathing heavily while blood seeped from the gash.

Only when he flopped to the ground did the realization

come to him: His legs were missing below the knees.

The sergeant was dead, chest ripped open with pieces of

metal all through him.

The engine had taken a deflective roll through the tail

section, dragging its self through the middle of the cabin before
exiting half way through the sergeant and out the passenger
side just behind the cabin, barely missing the co-pilot.

Dragging himself, and screaming out the Lt. Col.s name,

airman Wilder crawled on his hands and knees, minus calves
beneath them, and pulled himself up to the Lt. Col.s side.

It was getting dark... he noticed inside his mind as his

voice echoed hollowly around his mind, Is this the way it feels
to die?

Shock and massive bleeding were taking place, and his

blood pressure was rapidly falling, but he was determined to not
let his CO die in the flaming wreckage.

As he fumbled clumsily with the belt with the COs arms

in the way and loosing eyesight and his sense, balance.

He recalled when he had failed the flight test and the
feeling of G-lock in the centrifuge.

This steeled him and he recovered knowing that the brain

can really work on a lot lower oxygen if one focuses hard

Seemingly there were breaks in time...

Blackness...then a lightening...

Then the snap of the belt latch

Darkness again...and another resurgence of dim gray


Then the rasping breath of the CO on his shoulders as

he vaguely could make out the downhill slope to the exit, which
had no ramp to the ground...

Darkness again...then a moment of glaring sunlight...

The odd sensation of falling in slow motion.

Then final darkness.

Ep 5, Chapter 3

As concussions thudded around the air strip, the Bradley

closest to the tower erupted into flames as a missile punctured
its hull.

Only one soldier survived because he was thrown out the

open back door by the concussion before the fire wash
enveloped the insides.

The other Bradley launched its first salvo and the expert
Chinese pilot swiftly dodged it with the seemingly cumbersome

The second missile had the improbable fate of striking

the incoming missile launched by the copter.

As the missiles erupted in mid air, the visibility of both

vehicles was momentarily obscured, and both sides thought that
this would be a good opportunity for an easy kill, only to find
both missiles missing their targets.

It was a Mexican stand off, Air versus ground.

One machine carried TV guided missiles and one with

heat seekers.

The Bradley, receiving intel from the bi-org made a

sudden life saving maneuver to counter the next salvo, which
had to be computed by the older Russian computer and left
more than adequate time for the bi-org to calculate every aspect
of the move and give the best direction to move in the growing
pallor of smoke to dodge the missile.

Upon retracing the launch, the Bradleys own computer

made a best guess shot at the Hind, only scarring its tail a little.

It had become a war of computers: One Russian, one

American and one cybernetic.

As the Corvette sped into the compound a warning signal

was issued to stave off getting friendly fire and this saved the
girl and her vehicle from certain extinction by excited Navy
Seals and Air Force SOG who were already trying to find some
weakness in the thickly armored chopper.

Remain with your vehicle! the bi-org electronically
barked, while pulling the keys and the purse from the car.

Jumping out of the car, it immediately unleashed two

thickly built weapons unlike anything any normal soldier would

The DB-50s began belching white hot flame like torches,

only with an ear splitting buzz as the two worlds fastest sub-
machine guns propelled small .50 caliber bomblets at the target.

The skin of the hind erupted like a collection of super-

sized firecrackers, each flash ripping a gaping hole in the skin of
the vehicle.

As the pilot sensed this rear attack, they swung to level a

12.5mm soviet chain gun on the bi-org.

At the moment the guns unleashed salvos, the bi-org,

reading the computer driven command and reflexed out of the
path of the armor piercing rounds designed to penetrate three
inches of steel.

Continuing to spray the face of the hind, the windshield

began to fly apart at the multiple layers of bullet resistant glass
were blown off until the windshield failed totally.

The blast inside the cockpit turned the two Chinese pilots
into goo all over the cabin.

Pilotless, the machine began to list and slid from the sky
in a large crash of flying rotors and expelling missiles like a
party package on the Fourth of July.

As Navy Seals and Airmen rushed to come out the door,

the bi-org ordered them to halt.

For no sooner than the machine stopped spewing rotor
parts, the hatch unlatched and out came rifle muzzles spitting
7.62 caliber Chinese armor piercing rounds.

The effect was startling.

The skin of the bi-org would jerk back as if hit, but there
would only be a dime sized tiny burst of blood, hardly worthy of
being recognized as a bullet wound.

The weapons of the bi-org were empty, but as it took

repeated hits from head to toe, in what seemed an impossible
display of bullet resistance, the bi-org rapidly swung the two DB-
50s down to its sides where a special dispenser shoved new
rubber magazines in while the collapsed ones fell into small
receptacles as smoothly as any automated system ever built.

Lifting the weapons to bear the bi-org ripped through the

belly of the hind killing two of the commandos inside by
fragmentary wounds before the clips withered and had to be

An RPG came up and was just on the verge of launching

when, from the opposite side, the other contender had received
firing orders and struck the midsection of the downed Hind from
around the gearbox.

There was a white flash followed but three red flashes

and a plume of smoke, which quickly gathered into a billowy fire,
engulfing the entire Hind with burning jet fuel.

Ep 5, chapter 4

There is a saying, Trouble comes in threesand then

theres a saying, Always bring backup.

Sometimes for the good guys, the second one leads to
the first.

As two more hinds were closing in on the air strip, it was

obviously time to evacuate the targets.

As the bi-org ran to the plane which was now being

reduced to slag in the intense heat, nearby a telltale streak of
blood led to the targets Applegate and Wilder.

It was unquestionably a top level emergency for both

men were clearly in shock and suffering advanced blood loss.

Without hesitation, DB-50s still in its grip, the bi-org

actually scooped both men up and onto its shoulders, using the
short hot barrels as spatulas of sorts, leaving a pair of second
degree burns on a few sections of the two men's torsos as they
leveraged the men upward into position on the walking
weapon's shoulders.

As it turned, using all the intel available to it, the bi-org

returned to spraying the cockpits of the two newly approaching

As rockets screamed past the bi-org and its precious

cargo, the DB-50s again reduced the glass to sand, ending the
lives of the pilots and co-pilots.

Only the special method that the Hinds were constructed

under preserved the commandos in the lower cabin.

The bi-org would have to leave these to the remaining

soldiers and the crowds of police and rescue vehicles in route to
the emergency.

Its always good to have an exit strategy.

Ep 5, Chapter 5

Somewhere in a deep dark cavern he could not clearly

remember, nestled amongst cables and pipes from another time
lay Airman Wilder.

There, with a sense of soft muddled calm, he floated in a

soft thick layer of plush animal furs

As he lay there contemplating this fantastic cavern, a soft

voice was heard.

It was not understandable, but it was clearly feminine.

There seemed an oddly melodic feeling to it

Out of the blurry distance the sound grew closer and

closer, until the image of a mammoth blonde woman hulking in
muscle materialized and walked close.

Where are we? he mused aloud

shhhhhwas the reply

I just wondered, he passively apologized and it seemed

as if the woman had no shirt on.

Covered in blurry red dots, the blurry giant woman came

up close and seemed to be removing his shoesonly he didnt
feel itand for some reason she seemed a little bit too
close...he just could faintly detect his legs moving.

Suddenly alarm flooded into his hazy mind Where is the

Colonel?? he screamed, Where is the Colonel??

Then, the room went dark and as he drifted off, the
feeling of alarm uncontrollably subsided

Ep 5, Chapter 6

Ive always hated spies the Lt. Col. thought to

himself, Always fucking up everything. All this cloak and dagger
shit just aint meant to be done!

Then, he was back in a place of charcoal silence again

Ep 5, Chapter 7

The general addressed the officers in the conference

room, many of which were Air Force, but some of which werent
even American,

Three Israelis, three Aussies, and two Britts were there

as well, involved heavily in this issue and doing all they could to

As you all know, he began his address, This is a world

wide group we are facing. glancing around with a calm, dead
level expression of concern and seriousness, Many of you
know already that your own governments are infiltrated just like
our own.

Taking a deep breath and leaning back some however,

he continued, We are here with a host of evidence of this
conspiracy that reached the top of all of our governments and is
the driving goals of the German and Chinese governments
behind the scenes.

He gestured for an assistant to change the holographic

images while he spoke.

We have a truly difficult task ahead of us and not a lot of
hope of achieving it, at least without the full cooperation of
everybody here.

Images of known and suspected members were being

shown, marked as 'known' or as 'suspect' below their names,
ranks and publicly recorded positions and affiliations.

I trust you have been briefed about the events leading

up to this minute, so I suggest that we proceed from the known
into options we may, or may not, have.

There was a brief period of silence as the lights in the

room came back up and they all for a moment just glanced
around at one another assessing each others emotional
reactions to the news.

Gentlemen? he opened the floor.

As the director of security for the Mossad, the Israeli

leader of the trio began, I assure you naturally we are of the
utmost concern, knowing that the Germans have already tried to
wipe us out and to wish to do so still.

As the head of the joint investigation units of the Royal

British Naval and Aerial branches, one Brit declared, we are
certainly aware of some of these meddlings already, and this
only confirms our ongoing investigation was correct and
therefore we are ready to join forces with you in this operation.

The Australian Parliamentarian and the General with him

both nodded to one another, then the Parliamentarian replied,
We have no choice but to pitch in and help stop this as quickly
as possible. he pulled up his papers to rack them into a more
neatly squared stack, laid them back down before himself with a

look of amazement and resignation, Count us in all the way on
this one mates.


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