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Future Money: 7 Ways to Profit

as SDRs Replace the Dollar
After an Ice-9 scenario freezes global markets, we expect CurrencyShares and U.S. Treasury bill ETFs that mimic
policymakers to restore liquidity into the system by flood- major world currencies.
ing it with the IMF’s Special Drawing Rights (SDRs). When
that happens, the U.S. dollar will lose its role as the world’s CurrencyShares are ETFs backed by bank deposits. They’re
dominant reserve currency and SDRs will reign supreme. denominated in a specific currency. Each CurrencyShares
product pays the short-term bank deposit interest rate that’s
But SDRs will only be held by central bankers and mon- being paid in each country.
etary elites. They won’t trickle down to the rest of us. So
For the U.S. dollar component of the SDR, we chose BIL,
how can you profit from them?
which is an ETF of U.S. Treasury bills with maturities
We’ve come up with seven different ways. Our first idea ranging from one–three months. Treasury bills are the
takes advantage of a loophole that allows you to invest in a safest, most liquid U.S. dollar-denominated securities in
“synthetic SDR.” While our other strategies help you pre- the world.
pare for the rise of SDRs, this is the only way we are aware
BIL is a good match for the dollar component of the New
of that everyday investors can invest in SDRs.
World Money motif because it’s an ETF that closely resem-
It uses a relatively a new platform called Motif Investing. bles holding a bank deposit denominated in U.S. dollars.

Here’s what you need to know… We originally created the motif shortly after the IMF
announced the yuan would be added to the SDRs. We
Motif Investing: How to Invest in Big Ideas rebalanced it when the specific weights each currency
received were announced. At the time, the weights were
Motif Investing is a concept-driven trading platform. It allows
as follows:
you to create portfolios of up to 30 stocks or exchange-
traded funds (ETFs). • SPDR Barclays 1–3-Month T-Bill ETF (U.S.
dollar): 42%
You can pick how much portfolio weight you want to
allocate to each stock or ETF. Then, after you’ve created • CurrencyShares Euro Trust: 31%
and weighted your motif, you can buy it through Motif • CurrencyShares Chinese Renminbi Trust: 11%
Investing’s brokerage platform for just $9.95.
• CurrencyShares Japanese Yen Trust: 8%
Motif Investing offers more than 150 professionally built • CurrencyShares British Pound Sterling Trust: 8%.
portfolios. But we’ve built one from scratch exclusively
for Rickards’ Strategic Intelligence readers. Since we created the motif, prices have shifted slightly
those initial percentages. But we believe it still mirrors
It’s called “The New World Money” motif — a simple our expectations for SDRs, and we’ll look to rebalance at
way to buy all the currencies included in the SDR basket least once a year if our expectations or these percentages
in a single click. have substantial changes.
Quite simply, if the SDR appreciates against the U.S. dol- Because our SDR motif is made up of bank deposits and
lar in the future, this motif will rise in value. It has low Treasury bills, it will benefit from the deflationary envi-
risk and low volatility because it’s made up of ronment we’re currently experiencing. And remember,
w w w. ag or a fi n a nci a l .com
future money: 7 ways to profit as sdrs replace the dollar

right now SDRs are for IMF members only (i.e., sovereign exploring the site. (Motif will also send you an email
countries). This makes our motif idea even more attractive, requesting you to verify your email address. Just click on
because it allows you to essentially create an investable the link they send to be verified.)
version of an SDR.
Feel free to check out the rest of the site, including in-
The Basics of Motif Investing structions for building your own motifs. But remember,
you can’t do anything like that until you actually open an
The best way to think of a motif is like a fully customiza-
ble ETF. investment account.

Like an ETF, the motif can hold different amounts of When you’re ready to do that, click “Complete Account
stocks — say, for instance, more shares of a blue chip Application” at the top of the screen.
stock and fewer shares of a small-cap stock.
You’ll be asked to enter basic information — name, ad-
But there are some key differences. First, unlike with an ex- dress, etc. (Again, you need to be a U.S. citizen or a legal
change-traded fund, investors are free to choose what goes U.S. resident to open an account.)
into a motif. If you buy an exchange-traded fund from a
typical broker, you have no say what stocks the fund holds The site will also ask about your financial goals and expe-
or how much of each stock it owns. The management is rience. Then it’s time for regulatory information, includ-
completely out of your hands. ing your Social Security number. And you have to agree
to the terms and conditions of being eligible to receive
Not only do motifs let you precisely control how each stock NASDAQ real-time stock quotes.
is weighted, you can also choose to exclude or add stocks
as you see fit. In fact, once you buy a motif, you’re free to Finally, agree to Motif’s terms and conditions and your
add more stocks to it or sell individual stocks out of it. application is complete.
That’s because a motif doesn’t represent a portion of a It could take one–two business days to process and ap-
basket of stocks, like shares in an exchange-traded fund prove your account. But while you wait, you can start the
do. A motif is a basket of stocks. You actually own the process of funding your account.
shares of the stock in the motif.
Or explore the site some more… when you’re ready to
You can choose exactly how much to invest in the motif
put money in, so you can start trading, look for “Fund
(a minimum of $250) and Motif will automatically split
Account” under “My Investments.”
your cash into the motif’s holdings. The company con-
siders buying and selling a motif a single transaction. In
other words, if you buy a motif that consists of 30 stocks,
Get Ready to Trade Motifs
you’ll pay a single commission of $9.95 — even though You have several different options to fund your account.
you are actually buying shares in 30 separate companies.
You can have your bank link to your Motif account. The
The only catch is that you need to join Motif in order to company has connections to several banks already — if
take advantage of our “private” motif. So while we don’t your bank is one of them, simply click on its name to
have a business relationship with Motif, we strongly start linking your accounts. (You’ll need the username
recommend checking them out. (Just keep in mind that and password you use to log into your bank’s website.) If
you must be an American citizen or a legal U.S. resident you don’t see your bank listed, just click “I have a differ-
to use Motif’s services.) ent bank.”
And Motif makes it easy to open an account. In fact,
You’ll need to enter your bank account number and rout-
you’re free to explore the site without risking a single
ing number, which you can find on your bank’s website
cent. Just go to
or on your personal checks.
and enter an email address and password.
You’ll next be prompted to open and fund an investment You can also choose to transfer money and stocks from
account — but you don’t have to. To skip it, just click on an existing brokerage or IRA account by filling out an
the words “Motif Investing” at the top of the screen. ACAT transfer form.

You’ll be prompted to enter your first and last name — You’ll find complete instructions on the form. Just follow
but that’s all the information you’ll need to give to start the directions and mail, email or fax the form back to Motif.
future money: 7 ways to profit as sdrs replace the dollar

There’s also an option to use a wire transfer, and you can There are two ways you buy this “secret” silver coin: buy
even just mail Motif a check — though that is the slowest them individually, or in bulk, where you can shave 10–15%
method for funding your account. off your per-coin price, booking an immediate paper gain
of 10–15% over the individual coin buyer. Of course, you’ll
You’ll need to deposit at least $250 to start trading motifs,
need to determine how much of your investible assets you
and at least $2,000 if you want to trade on margin. And if
want to allocate to silver when you make this decision.
you’re opening an IRA or Roth IRA, you’re subject to IRS
contribution limits. But once your account is open and If you’ve bought precious metals and coins before, check
funded, you can start buying motifs… to see if your dealer sells the Silver Niue. If not, or if you’ve
never bought bullion before, a quick Google search can
We’ve decided to make our “New World Money” motif
help you find a coin dealer near you. Just be sure to look
private. That means the public won’t be able to find them
for reputable reviews and check other sources before
in Motif’s database. To buy it, you’ll need to log into the
making your first purchase.
site and then click special link to our motif page.

For the “New World Money” Motif, In addition to the synthetic SDR motif and Silver Niue,
we recommend considering five ETFs that cover the three
CLICK HERE AFTER CREATING A sectors most likely to profit from the rise of SDRs.
Let’s look at each of those sectors in detail, and the ETFs
Clicking the link will bring you to the motif’s home page. that could benefit your portfolio.

These are the basics to help you get started with Motif invest- U.S. Stocks
ing. Please visit Motif’s website at
if you have any lingering questions, and consider opening After a long, powerful bull market, the stock market is
a risk-free account to check them out. expensive. Future returns from U.S. stocks are likely to
be lower than historical returns.
You can also see more details and instructions in online
report The Only Way to Own New World Money, which is a But the outlook for low returns in stocks makes a critical
full write up of this investment opportunity. assumption: That there are no major disruptions to the
global monetary system.
Again, until the IMF opens SDRs for trading outside of elite
circles, our New World Money motif is the most direct way So, let’s consider the outlook for U.S. stocks with this
to invest in their rise as the global reserve currency. assumption: The elites use the SDR to re-inflate the global
monetary system, and replace the U.S. dollar as the world’s
But there are other investments you can buy to prepare reserve currency.
your portfolio for the day when the U.S. dollar loses its
luster. Precious metals are a good place to start. If SDRs replace the U.S. dollar as the world’s reserve cur-
rency, then high-quality U.S. stocks could produce great
The Best Silver Coin returns. Many investors would want to own stocks as
As you may know, Jim has many gold recommendations, inflation hedges.
including the two outlined in our report, The Perfect Gold Good companies have pricing power. They also have pow-
Trade: The Safest Way to 1,178% Gains. Jim also believes
erful brands and lasting competitive advantages. They’re
you should hold 10% of your investible assets in physical
even better if they’ve been managed by executives who think
gold — that is, bullion coins and bars.
like long-term shareholders and haven’t participated in any
But we also recommend holding silver to complement bubbles or overpriced acquisitions over the past decade.
your gold investments. In fact, we expect silver to rise
The ProShares S&P 500 Dividend Aristocrats ETF
further and faster than gold on a percentage basis after
(NOBL) is an ETF that includes such companies. NOBL
the coming collapse, just as it did after the 2008 panic.
tracks the S&P 500 Dividend Aristocrats Index, which is
Again, we’re talking about silver bullion. Our favorite is a made up of S&P 500 stocks that have grown dividends
kind of coin known as the Silver Niue. This silver coin is for at least 25 consecutive years. Companies that have
from a tiny island nation in the South Pacific. (That’s why accomplished this feat are rare and worth consideration.
Jim sometimes refers to these coins as “secret island silver.”) The index that NOBL tracks has outperformed the S&P
Our favorite weight for the Niue is the 2 ounce coin. 500 with lower volatility since its inception.
future money: 7 ways to profit as sdrs replace the dollar

Another ETF of U.S. stocks with a proven history of out- This ETF tracks the Russell RAFI Developed ex-U.S. Large
performing the major stock indices is The PowerShares Company Index — an index that weights stocks by funda-
BuyBack Achievers ETF (PKW). It tracks an index of mental measures. Measures include adjusted sales, retained
companies that have used stock buybacks to reduce their operating cash flow and dividends plus buybacks. Two firms,
shares outstanding by 5% or more over the trailing year. Frank Russell and Research Affiliates, have established and
Its portfolio is rebalanced four times per year. maintain the Russell RAFI indices.
Since its inception in late 2006, PKW’s performance has FNDF weights its portfolio in a much smarter way than
doubled the performance of the S&P 500 Index. It’s gained other ETFs, which simply use market capitalization.
124%, versus 60% gain for the S&P. Weights can make an especially large difference in emerg-
Successful investing in stocks is not just about buying ing market funds.
and selling at opportune times. It’s also important to own Weighting by market cap tends to overweight exposure to
companies that treat their shareholders well by not diluting
overpriced, slower-growing, complacent companies.
their claims on assets. It’s best to own companies that
boost each individual share’s claim on company assets For example, Chinese state-controlled banks are among
year after year. the top holdings of the most popular emerging market
ETFs. But just because Chinese banks have large market
Think of it this way…
caps doesn’t mean they’re good investments. In fact, these
Imagine a company’s assets (and the earnings produced by bank stocks are likely to suffer from share dilution if Chi-
those assets) are a pie. A good corporate buyback strategy na’s debt problems get out of control.
treats each share of stock like a slice of a pie that gets big-
ger each year. Far too many companies dilute their share FNDF is limited to holdings in developed market econo-
counts, which has the effect of making pie slices smaller. mies, with exposure to companies based in Japan, Europe,
Canada, Australia and Switzerland.
PKW achieves the goal of making pie slices bigger at a
steady pace, thereby lifting the value of each share at a Finally, FNDF is a way to indirectly buy foreign (non-
pace that exceeds the growth in the underlying company’s U.S. dollar) currencies, because the fund does not hedge
net income. And it does this with the convenience and its currency exposure. In an SDR reflation scenario, the
diversification of an ETF. U.S. dollar would probably fall sharply against developed
market currencies. Owning FNDF gives your portfolio
So both NOBL and PKW are doorways to the companies the benefits from owning both high-quality international
most likely to bounce back quickest from an Ice-9 scenario. stocks and foreign currencies.
International Stocks For similar reasons, we also like the Schwab Fundamental
From the perspective of U.S. investors, the international Emerging Markets (FNDE). This ETF tracks the Russell
stock market is loaded with risky, low-quality companies. RAFI Emerging Markets Large Company Index, which
Many international companies are poorly managed and weights stocks by adjusted sales, retained operating cash
resemble government bureaucracies. They simply haven’t flow, and dividends plus buybacks — rather than market
adopted Corporate America’s focus on creating share- capitalization.
holder value.
FNDE also offers exposure to emerging market currencies,
Instead, international companies often mindlessly pursue because its top holdings are based in South Korea, Brazil,
growth projects or acquisitions regardless of incremental China, Russia, and Taiwan. Emerging market currencies
returns. are likely to appreciate against the U.S. dollar in an SDR
reflation scenario.
On the other hand, if the SDR replaces the U.S. dollar
as the dominant reserve currency, owning international FNDE therefore offers you a double bonus of owning
stocks can be a great hedge. So we suggest considering both high-quality emerging market stocks and emerging
international stocks — but only from companies that pass market currencies.
tests for value and quality. The Schwab Fundamental
International Large Company Index ETF (FNDF) holds Finally, we suggest considering gold investments beyond
stock fitting this description. physical bullion and the other plays we’ve described.
future money: 7 ways to profit as sdrs replace the dollar

Gold Stocks stocks that are already in production and generating revenue.
If SDRs become the dominant reserve currency, gold prices
Ice-9 Preparation
would rise very sharply in terms of U.S. dollars. Gold
stocks would then become some of the best-performing, If the SDR replaces the U.S. dollar as reserve currency,
most sought-after assets in the world. most investors stand to lose a great deal of purchasing
power. However, there are many ways you can position
You may already have exposure to gold stocks, but you yourself now to profit from this coming shift.
might not own a diversified basket of smaller gold stocks.
Remember, the seven recommendations detailed above
Smaller gold producers offer more upside than larger pro- are not meant to be a replacement for your portfolio, but
ducers, because they can grow production and gold reserves merely a supplement. By incorporating them into your
more quickly. They can be more flexible. And they often
portfolio, you have the opportunity to not only maintain
become buyout candidates as large gold companies seek to
your purchasing power during the rise of the SDR, but
grow production through acquisitions.
increase it.
For exposure to smaller gold producers, we recommend
Also know that with the exception of the Sprott Junior
the Sprott Junior Gold Miners ETF (SGDJ). This ETF
Gold Miners ETF (SGDJ), we will not be tracking these
owns 30-40 gold stocks with market caps between $250
million and $2 billion. All the stocks are liquid and trade plays in the Strategic Intelligence model portfolio.
on major U.S. and Canadian exchanges. But you can expect us to keep you updated on the first
Sprott adjusts each stock’s weighting based on two factors: signs of an Ice-9 scenario — or any other impending crisis
revenue growth and price momentum. It also rebalances — as well your best course of action in coming issues and
its portfolio twice per year. This keeps poor-performing alerts of Strategic Intelligence.
companies from dragging down returns over time.
We’ll be in touch soon.
It also avoids owning gold companies with market caps
All the best,
below $250 million in order to limit exposure to the high-
est-risk, exploration-stage companies. There is a place in
your portfolio for carefully selected exploration-stage gold
stocks that have not yet reached production. But for an SDR Dan Amoss, CFA
reflation scenario, we recommend owning a basket of gold Senior Analyst, Rickards’ Strategic Intelligence

Copyright by Agora Financial, LLC. 808 St. Paul Street, Baltimore, MD 21202. All rights reserved. No part of this report may be reproduced by any means or for
any reason without the consent of the publisher. The information contained herein is obtained from sources believed to be reliable; however, its accuracy cannot
be guaranteed.

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