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AREA OF Variables Research Questions Intervention or Innovations The Action Negotiation Timeline Resources Data

FOCUS Research that need to be Collection

STATEMENT Group undertaken Ideas
IV Specifically, this study sought 1. Identify the students who Selected Secure letters to December The following Results of
Self-Efficacy  Gender have low self-efficacy and MAPEH Principal in the 1-10 resources are students
answers to the following questions:
and Time  Grade Level time management by Students in conduct of the validation needed in the performance
Management  Age 1. What is the level of Self Efficacy of viewing records of student’s MRNHS surveys and conduct of the AR: during practical
of Selected  Economic performance. (cluster gather of  Meeting place test in MAPEH
Selected Students in MAPEH Subject of
Students in status sampling) data  time
MAPEH MRNHS as an entire group and when grouped  Printers/ laptop/
Subject of paper
according to gender, grade level, age,
MRNHS V 2. The students will be  Survey Form/
 Self-Efficacy economic status? scheduled to answer the – January 1- Personal Profile
 Time - Survey Form/ Personal 30  General Self-
2. What is the level of Time
Management Profile discussion efficacy (GSE).
Management of Selected Students in MAPEH - General Self-efficacy (GSE), result and  Validated
conclusion questionnaire of
Subject of MRNHS as an entire group and
- Validated questionnaire in Time
when grouped according to gender, grade Time Management. February: Management
level, age, economic status?
3. Giving Rewards for
3. Is there any significant difference increasing the level of
their self –efficacy and
in the level of Self Efficacy of Selected
time manangement.
Students in MAPEH Subject of MRNHS as an 4. Attendance log in every
performance in MAPEH.
entire group and when grouped according to
gender, grade level, age, economic status?
4. Is there any significant difference
in the level of Time Management of Selected
Students in MAPEH Subject of MRNHS as an
entire group and when grouped according to
gender, grade level, age, economic status?
5. Is there any significant relationship
between the level of self-efficacy and time
management of selected of Selected Students
in MAPEH Subject of MRNHS?

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