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Name:Damar Pietradagya Dewantara



Topic Sentence:Malang Becoming Student Center For college

A. cheap living costs
1. cheap and affordable food
2. there are still many boarding houses at affordable costs
3. cheap hangout place

B.Comfortable Atmosphere
1. city park
2. Fresh Air
3. not much pollution

C. Have Several Well known Campuses in the country with different Focuses
1. General Social Studies,Science and Enginering:
a.Brawijaya University
b.University of Muhammadiyah Malang
2. Education Studies
a.State University of Malang
3. Vocational Studies
a.State Polythecnic of Malang

In conclusion that the increase in student population in Malang is due to the large number of
things offered in the city not only the Credibility of Higher Education but also supporting factors
such as living costs and comfortable city atmosphere
Malang Becoming Student Center For college

Malang Becoming student center for college the factor why there’s many student that chose
malang for study is first Cheap living Cost,Student don’t need to worry about their spending like
food there’s so many place’s to eat in malang and most of them are affordable and then there’s a
lot of cheap boarding house for new student in malang that want to find affordable living cost and
last thing is cheap hangout places. Second Malang have comfortable atmosphere because the city
have many beautiful city park like merjosari park and slamet park furthermore the city air is fresh
which make student feel comfortable when they are studying.and then the city still don’t have that
much of pollution even though over the year the atsmosphere and pollution is chaging .third
Malang have several campuses with different focuses so if the student want to focus on general
social studies,science,and engginering there is brawijaya university and Malang Muhammadiyah
University next is campus that more focus on education like state university of malang where
student that want to focus on education can choose this university and if student want to choose
vocational studies they can choose state polythecnic of malang as their option.In conclusion that
the increase in student population in Malang is due to the large number of things offered in the city
not only the Credibility of Higher Education but also supporting factors such as living costs and
comfortable city atmosphere

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