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This configuration guide is a step by step guide to assist partners/subcons to perform commissioning of the Flexi Pa

However this document is not meant to replace the official manuals/training documentation already provided. Partn

Before starting please ensure the following

Latest LCT is installed. (Currently is version 3.2). If you do not have them please obtain from site supervisor
To install LCT proceed to the LCT setup folder and run the Launch.exe application

Install LCT FP MW3.2 and all necessary Java and FTP software
To avoid clash install in a different directory as existing U-LCT 7.0. *This is not guranteed to work 100% so it is adv
separate PC for Flexi Packet commissioning
After installation is finished you should have the following installed
The LCT, Netbuilder along with the 3 tools as above
FileZilla Server (FTP Server)

Lastly please install also the License Manager from the same folder as the LCT Software

Select only FlexiPacketRadio, Start Menu Shortcuts, Desktop Shortcuts and lastly
HASP Key drive installer.
orm commissioning of the Flexi Packet MW system

mentation already provided. Partners are advised to study those

obtain from site supervisor

anteed to work 100% so it is advised until further notice to use

*For first time installation it is recommended to refer to the Solution Overview and First Installation Procedure Docu

There is two solutions for the Flexi Packet MW 16 E1, 1 Hub persite solution and 32 E1 2 Hub persite solution

Fan Tray Main Board

Access Slot 2
Access Slot 1
Not equipped for Hub 2 !

*Note for 2 Hub persite solution, Hub 2 (the second Hub) will have NO card installed ins Access Slot 1.

After HW installation is completed connect your PC as per diagram below.Mgmt port connected to LAN port of PC a
port of PC. Console cable is provided with each Hub.

Set your PC IP to subnet mask (No GW needed)

Run the A-2200 First - Time Installer tool

Note if you have the below error message then most probably it is clashing with another software using your COM p
Close Hyperterminal or any other similar sw (like Putty etc)

If you have SRAL/SRA4 dial up connection configured you need to disable that before proceeding
Right Click on your PC's My Computer icon, select properties
Select Device Manager
Select Modems and Communication cable between two computers and disable it
Do not forget to enable it once you have finished commissioning the Flexi Packet
Once the program is started it should progress for 20 - 25 minutes. Please do not attempt to disrupt the process
The Hub will reset a few times during this process. Once everything is complete the SW will prompt you to disconne
port and connect it to slot 1 port 8. Do not press OK until you have shift the connection

Once everything is complete the SW will prompt you accordingly

You may proceed to the commissioning portion

*Warning: If you have a 2 Hub persite solution please proceed to the next worksheet First Time Installation
and continue from there! Do not proceed to the Commissioning stage just yet
First Installation Procedure Document along with this guide

32 E1 2 Hub persite solution

TDM Interface Card (TIC)

Power Supply 1
Power Supply 2

ed ins Access Slot 1.

ort connected to LAN port of PC and Console port connected to COM

nother software using your COM port

fore proceeding
attempt to disrupt the process
e SW will prompt you to disconnect you LAN cable from the Mgmt

orksheet First Time Installation - 2 Hub

Repeat the First Time Installation procedure for Hub 2.
However there will be an error message encountered once you press OK. This is because there is no module insta

This is not a problem. In this case press OK to close the program

Now open a Hyperterminal session to Hub 2 with the following settings

Make sure you COM port is still connected to the console port of the Hub

Login with Username and password root/root

We will now config the rest of the missing config via CLI

First we set the IP address of the Hub. Obtain the IP address from planning document !

IP Address of Hub Subnet Mask (No

shortform, can only accept
in full not as /24 etc)
You can view IP configuration with the above command

Continue the configuration with following commands below

*Note before starting the above commands please make sure that the SFP modules have already been insta

Now connect the console cable to Hub 1 console port and login to Hub 1

Run the following commands

This should complete your First time installation for 2 Hub scenario
Now you can proceed to the Commissioning section
because there is no module installed in slot 1
Subnet Mask (No Default GW. If not provided
shortform, can only accept cannot be left blank. Put in
in full not as /24 etc) instead
odules have already been installed in Slot 0 port 1!
Run the FlexiPacket Commissioning Tool as above
Make sure your LAN cable is connected to Hub 1, slot 1 port 8 for this to work.

For FPHub Login, Password is private

For FPRadio Login Password is sysmanager
At the IP settings, click modify and change the IP according to planning document. For default GW, if none provided

After clicking OK, the SW will prompt you to change you PC IP as the IP address of the Hub has changed. Change
network as the Hub. For example Hub IP is, PC ip is

The SW will then close, reopen the SW and untick the First Installation box. In the IP address field put in the new IP
Login with the same passwords

Now we will add the radios to the Hub. First make sure the radios have all been connected to the power injector.
There should be no alarm indication on the power injector.The Hub must be able to reach the radio for this step to w
Double check that in the login stage you have put in the correct password for FPRadio Login (sysmanager)
Click on topology management and click modify. At the next window, click on Add

Add the parameters for the first radio (main radio). You can only choose I/F 1. For port always make sure that
that main radio is using port 1. Choose NNI and tick on the Tagged box. Fill in the IP address, Subnet Mask and
Gateway. Get the values from planning doc. Like before cannot leave the GW blank. If none provided fill in
Click on Add once again to add the second radio (Standby).

Once you have fill in for the second radio click apply

At the pop up window click start. It will start applying the configuration. Once it is finished the Green LED will appea

Click Stop then Close to finish the configuration

You should now get the following window above indicating succesful configuration of FRP IP address. If it doesn't a
a few minutes to refresh

*Note some computers have issues with the Add button in the Topology Management greyed-out. If in this case res
If this does not clear the problem, reinstall the LCT and make sure the Java is reinstalled completely.

To finish up the commissioning click on LPG Commissioning and then Add

Fill in the parameters as below, for I/F the option it will always be 1. Using the drop down window select port 1 and
is always Main, and port 2 is protection. For PCC unless stated otherwise by planning doc, choose 20 for both radio

Once done, click on Apply. At the first pop up window (GbE parameters) click next, at the next window BBModem P
For Near Site Radio choose Ethernet for Synchronization Mode, Leave the rest at default
For Remote Site/End site choose Radio
Ensure that Radio Channel Length is 512kbps and Radio Port Service is Up. The rest can be ignored. Click next on

Keep clicking next at each window until you reach the last window (We can configure the rest of the parameters late
At the last window there will be a finish button. Click it and the following pop up window will appear
Click Start to begin configuring the Protection Configuration, once finished Click stop then close.

To confirm that the configuration for protection has been succesfully done , the LPG table should have the configur

You have finished the first part of the commissioning

. For default GW, if none provided key in, do not leave blanks

of the Hub has changed. Change your PC ip to be in the same

IP address field put in the new IP address for the Hub

onnected to the power injector.
o reach the radio for this step to work
adio Login (sysmanager)
port always make sure that
IP address, Subnet Mask and
nk. If none provided fill in
nished the Green LED will appear
of FRP IP address. If it doesn't appear, give the SW

ment greyed-out. If in this case restart the PC

stalled completely.
p down window select port 1 and 2, make sure that port 1
ning doc, choose 20 for both radios

, at the next window BBModem Parameters

rest can be ignored. Click next once this has been set

ure the rest of the parameters later)

ndow will appear
op then close.

G table should have the configured parameters

Firstly we need to prepare a map in our Netbuilder

Right Click on the blank Map, select New> Network Element

Give a name to your NE, choose SNMP protocol and key in the IP address. Click OK and your NE should appear in
You need to add minimum 6 NEs per hop (4 Radios , 2 Hubs). For 32 E1 2 Hub per site solution 8 needs to be add

Save the map and give it name

Close the Netbuilder and open the LCT

In the LCT select File>Open Map

Open the Map that you have saved earlier
The NEs should appear now in the Map (Only local sites should appear, far end is not visible until alignment is done
If the sites do not appear, check the IP that has been configured if it is correct. You can also double check the settin
the map

To login to the Hub double click on the icon and put in the password private. Make sure that User Class is ReadWri

For the Radio, the password is sysmanager , User Class is Admin

OK and your NE should appear in the blank map
er site solution 8 needs to be added
not visible until alignment is done and configuration is complete)
u can also double check the settings in the netbuilder when building

sure that User Class is ReadWrite

To continue with the commissioning firstly, we need to load the appropriate licenses into the radio

First retrieve the USB License Key that comes with the delivery., Insert into the USB port of your PC

Now login in to the main radio and select License Upgrade

Select the Equipment Tab under Status and Config (Status and Config > Eqpt). The window below opens
Select license upgrade

The window below appears.

Select License Key Generation
The License Key Generation Window appears. If it does not make sure you have installed the License Manager (Ch
The License Key Credits on Key should show 5 or 2 depending on the part number
Fill The License Mask and Challenge Number Field in the License Key Generation Window with the existing value
Double confirm that the Challenge Number is correct before pressing Generate

And fill here

Take the values here

Select all the blank checkboxes. (Make sure Up to 28 MHz, Up to 16 QAM, 64 QAM, 128 QAM, 256 QAM is checke
In some cases only 2 licenses are available, Up to 28 MHz and 16 QAM. In this case select this two
Select Generate.
A Pop up window will appear. Click OK on the status window
A string of numbers will be generated. At this point DO NOT CLICK QUIT OR CLOSE THE MAIN WINDOW.
Always leave the License Key Generation window open in the background until licenses are fully loaded

Go back to the License Upgrade Window, and click Modify License

A new pop up window should appear. Click on Modify

You can now edit the fields. Double clicking on the field will give you the option of editing it
Now copy the values in the License Key Field and paste it into the empty field
Paste here

Edit Field window


Double Click


Make sure all four fields are filled with values generated in the license key window. Only then click ok
Important : Make sure you copy the correct values from the License Key Generation field!

Click OK once only all values are entered and correct!

The license will now be loaded into the system. Wait for a minute. The Max Capacity of the system should now cha
Earlier from 20 Mbps, it should now be 200 Mbps or 100 Mbps

Check the other parameters as well to see if the license is properly loaded
Go to the Equipment Status and Config screen, Select Configure under RF, double click on the channel bandwidth
should allow it with the license loaded
From the Equipment screen select Configure under BB Modem
Under Most Efficient Profile enter 5. The system should accept it now
If you have only 2 licenses or up to 16 QAM only, you can enter only 2
If both tests above are OK, then the licenses are properly loaded and now you can close the License Key Generatio
Only close the window when confirmed ALL licenses are working

If both tests are not ok recheck that the correct values are copied and pasted
Must Match!

Repeat for the Standby Radio

es into the radio

SB port of your PC

he window below opens

nstalled the License Manager (Check Introduction worksheet for details)

on Window with the existing values in the License Settings field

And fill here

M, 128 QAM, 256 QAM is checked)

ase select this two
ntil licenses are fully loaded
. Only then click ok
neration field!
ity of the system should now change

e click on the channel bandwidth and select 28 MHz. The system

n close the License Key Generation window
Set the RF Parameters per the screenshot below starting with the main radio

The channel bandwidth should have been set earlier to 28 MHz, key in the Tx Freq values as provided by the plann

Set the BB Modem Parameters as below

Change the TX Profile and Most Efficient TX Profile to 5. Disable ATPC and set Tx Power as per planning
If only license of Up to 16 QAM is provided you can only change the Tx Profile and Most Efficient RX to 2

Double Confirm Synch Parameters for the radio

Double Confirm Selection of Synch Flow and make sure that synch is set as (Set ealier at Commissioning Part 1 us
Ethernet for Radio at Near End
For Far End Radio Choose Radio!

Radio For Far End!

Repeat all the above steps for the standby Radio (remember to change synch parameters accordingly)
After both radios have been configured you can start alignment
To check the RSL you can go to
q values as provided by the planner
x Power as per planning
d Most Efficient RX to 2
ealier at Commissioning Part 1 using the Commissioning Tool)

adio For Far End!

ameters accordingly)
Now to finish up the commissioning we proceed to the Hub

First we need to configure the E1 Module Parameters

Change the IP Address (Called the Interworking Function IP Address), Subnet Mask and GW based on the tabl

IP address Subnet mask GW

Near Site Hub 1
Near Site Hub 2
End Site Hub 1
End Site Hub 2

For Jitter Buffer and Inactivity Threshold please use the figures below. Repeat for Hub 2 in 2 Hub solution.
Next we add the synch source. Select Synchronization. At the Hub in the Near End (If for 2 Hub site it is always
Change the SSM to Enable (Double Click and selct Enable) Select Clock Source

Change to Enable

Click Add Sync-E or Add Line to add Synch source either from existing E1 ports or Ethernet port
Click Modify and double click in the Port column to choose a Synch source (refer to planning doc) either Maxis E
If nothing provided Choose the E1. Select Add Line and Select Port Mod 2 Port 1

For End site repeat the above steps but choose Mod 1 Port 1 as priority 1 and Mod 1 Port 2 as Priority 2. Qualit
There is no need to set for Hub 2
ask and GW based on the table below

r Hub 2 in 2 Hub solution.

nd (If for 2 Hub site it is always Hub 1)

or Ethernet port
to planning doc) either Maxis E1 or Ethernet Port

od 1 Port 2 as Priority 2. Quality level can be set as PRS

To Create Any Service Go Services > Create

To create Ethernet Service we first choose E-Line, specify a Service VLAN as provided by planning doc and give a
Choose also a Profile Name From the drop down menu (Again provided by planner)
Choose UNI for First Port and NNI for Second Port. For First Port use the Module and Port provided by the planner
Module 1 LPG 701. After this click Advanced

Then select Preservation for VLAN Manipulation, User-defined for CE-VLAN ID and input customer VLAN and CE-C
After this click Insert
Your value is now inserted in to the table Click Close and then Create in the earlier window
Click Yes when asked to enable Admin State, this will enable the port for you

Your Service is now in the Services Table

Follow the planning document and make sure all your parameters are correct!. Also configuration must be repeated
Make sure you match the Service VLAN at both sides
For 2 Hub solution Ehternet Service is only for Hub 1. No Ethernet Service can be created on Hub 2
vided by planning doc and give a description
and Port provided by the planner. For the second port always choose

d input customer VLAN and CE-COS as given by planner

o configuration must be repeated at both sides.

created on Hub 2
This is for 1 Hub Configuration. For 2 Hub you need to proceed to next worksheet to complete
To Configure E1 as before proceed to the same screen
Choose CESoP Profile Name 16xE1_8fr
Enter Service VLAN provided by planner
Click PseudoWire

Enter Description as E1 #1
Destination IP is the Hub at the other side. This is the IP we set earlier. For example we are configuring Site A, Des
CE-VLAN ID you can key in 1 for the first E1
Local UDP and Remote UDP Port we use 50000
For First Port choose Module 2 Port 1 for the first E1 and always choose Module 1 LPG701 for Second Port
After this is done press click insert

IP On the Remote side

Your E1 is now in the table

Repeat for the remaining 15 E1. Remember to change your description (ie E1 #2 , E1 #3 etc)
Maintain your Destination IP address
Change you CE-VLAN ID, for E1 # 2 CE-VLAN ID is 2 E1 # 3 is CE-VLAN ID #3 and so on
Change your UDP Port by adding 1 to the first E1. For example UDP Port local and Remote for E1 #2 is 50001, E1
Change your First Port for example E1 #2 is at Module 2 Port 2 , E1 #14 is module 2 port 14 etc
Refer to the table below for more clarity

E1 # Local + Remote UDP Port First Port E1 #

1 50000 Module 2 - Port 1 17
2 50001 Module 2 - Port 2 18
3 50002 Module 2 - Port 3 19
4 50003 Module 2 - Port 4 20
5 50004 Module 2 - Port 5 21
6 50005 Module 2 - Port 6 22
7 50006 Module 2 - Port 7 23
8 50007 Module 2 - Port 8 24
9 50008 Module 2 - Port 9 25
10 50009 Module 2 - Port 10 26
11 50010 Module 2 - Port 11 27
12 50011 Module 2 - Port 12 28
13 50012 Module 2 - Port 13 29
14 50013 Module 2 - Port 14 30
15 50014 Module 2 - Port 15 31
16 50015 Module 2 - Port 16 32

After you have inserted ALL 16 E1s click close

Then at the next window click create and select yes when you are asked to enable Admin status

Your 16 E1 service is now created in the Services table

Repeat for the other site and remember to switch the destination IP address
Refer to the table below for reference

E1 # Local + Remote UDP Port First Port E1 #

1 50000 Module 2 - Port 1 17
2 50001 Module 2 - Port 2 18
3 50002 Module 2 - Port 3 19
4 50003 Module 2 - Port 4 20
5 50004 Module 2 - Port 5 21
6 50005 Module 2 - Port 6 22
7 50006 Module 2 - Port 7 23
8 50007 Module 2 - Port 8 24
9 50008 Module 2 - Port 9 25
10 50009 Module 2 - Port 10 26
11 50010 Module 2 - Port 11 27
12 50011 Module 2 - Port 12 28
13 50012 Module 2 - Port 13 29
14 50013 Module 2 - Port 14 30
15 50014 Module 2 - Port 15 31
16 50015 Module 2 - Port 16 32

E1 Module IP address Subnet mask GW

Near Site Hub
Near Site Hub
End Site Hub
End Site Hub
re configuring Site A, Destination would be Site B E1 module IP address

01 for Second Port

ote for E1 #2 is 50001, E1#3 is 50002, E1#4 is 50004

Local + Remote UDP PortFirst Port

50016 Module 2 - Port 1
50017 Module 2 - Port 2
50018 Module 2 - Port 3
50019 Module 2 - Port 4
50020 Module 2 - Port 5
50021 Module 2 - Port 6
50022 Module 2 - Port 7
50023 Module 2 - Port 8
50024 Module 2 - Port 9
50025 Module 2 - Port 10
50026 Module 2 - Port 11
50027 Module 2 - Port 12
50028 Module 2 - Port 13
50029 Module 2 - Port 14
50030 Module 2 - Port 15
50031 Module 2 - Port 16
Local + Remote UDP PortFirst Port
50016 Module 2 - Port 1
50017 Module 2 - Port 2
50018 Module 2 - Port 3
50019 Module 2 - Port 4
50020 Module 2 - Port 5
50021 Module 2 - Port 6
50022 Module 2 - Port 7
50023 Module 2 - Port 8
50024 Module 2 - Port 9
50025 Module 2 - Port 10
50026 Module 2 - Port 11
50027 Module 2 - Port 12
50028 Module 2 - Port 13
50029 Module 2 - Port 14
50030 Module 2 - Port 15
50031 Module 2 - Port 16

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