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Impact of Barangay Health Campaign in the Healthy Living

of the Residence in Multinational

This research is

Submitted by: Jalos, Chorwin B.


Submitted to: Mr. Robert Ian Ugale Viray

Year. 2019
Chapter 1

The Problem and its Background

This chapter includes Introduction, Statement of the Problem, Scope and

Delimitation, Conceptual Framework, Significance of the Study, and the Definition of
Terms used.


This research focuses to the Impact of Barangay Health Campaign in the Healthy
Living of the Residence in Multinational. By conducting this research there is the
possibilities to be know how the Barangay Health Campaign help to the residence, how
they can improve the knowledge of the residence for maintaining the good condition of
the healthy lifestyle of every residence or people in one existing barangay.

Today, most people are facing different diseases that need to take a medicine. This
is the reason that's why every Barangay are need to conduct Health Campaign to make
sure that every residence that who has a disease can take a medicine by the help of
Barangay Health Campaign.

For mothers that who are pregnant, they need also a help of Barangay by taking a
check-up every month to make sure that their baby is still safe. The Barangay Health
Campaign is the program that help every people in existing Barangay by giving free
check-up, free medicine, etc.

Significance of the Study

This study focused on Explaining the Impact of Barangay Health Campaign in the
Healthy Living of the Residence in Multinational. The results of the study will be
beneficial to the following:

Barangay Captain and Barangay Officials. They provide the encouragement to the
residence to enjoy the Health Campaign for their Healthy Living as a residence of the

Community. It can provide some help to improve the knowledge of every residence
about health.

Future Researcher. The person who can get some ideas that can help his research

study to be a useful and helpful study.

Government. The establishment where we can get some information and some guide
on how to conduct a campaign for one existing Barangay.

Health. Referring to the achievement of the BHC for every residence that who are
enjoy the campaign.

Respondents. Those people who are will be have an awareness on the said study, and
its role in the study.

Students. Those people who can be the part of the campaign as a volunteers.

Teachers. Those people who can help to gives some ideas and information to the
future researchers to make a useful and validated study.

Conceptual Framework

This study focused to the Input, Objectives, and Output of the said study. And
shows the relationships of every variable.

Figure 1.


1. Demographic Profile 1. Distributing the
1. Information about
the background data

of every respondent.

2. Common Barangay 2. To know the Common 2. Knows the Common

Health Campaign BHC by using survey. Barangay Health


3. Effects of Barangay 3. To determine the

3. Knows the effects of
Health Campaign information about
Barangay Health
the effects of BHC by
using questionnaires Campaign.

and survey.

4. Problems Encountered 4. To determine and 4. Information that about

in conducting Barangay analyzing the information
the problems encountered
that get from the
Health Campaign. in conducting the Barangay
Health Campaign.

5. Solutions to the 5. Analyzed and know the

5. To analyze the data that solutions to the problem
Problem Encountered get from the respondents.
encountered in conducting
in conducting Barangay the Barangay Health
Health Campaign. Campaign.

Statement of the Problem

The study focused on the Impact of Barangay Health Campaign in the Healthy
Living of the residence in Multinational. Specifically, it aims to answer the following

1. What is the Demographic Profile of the respondents?

A. Gender C. Employment Status

B. Status D. Age

2. What are the Common Barangay Health Campaign?

3. What are the effects of Barangay Health Campaign?

4. What problems encountered in Conducting Barangay Health Campaign?

5. What solutions to the problems encountered in Barangay Health Campaign?

Definition of Terms

Impact. This is referring to the results of the Barangay Health Campaign in the
Healthy Living of the Residence in Multinational.

Barangay. The establishment that help to be ensure that the Health Campaign is
existing and it is the establishment who conduct a Health Campaign.

Campaign. The plan that will provide a different program that related to the needs of
the residence.

Multinational. The place where we can get a respondent to help the research study.

Residence. Those people who will be the respondents that can give their ideas to

help the researcher for the said study.

Health. The main goal of the campaign and the most important for every residence to
get it to make their lives to be strong and be a nutritious one.

Scope and Delimitation

This study will mainly focus on the Impact of Barangay Health Campaign that can
affect the Healthy Living of the Residence in Multinational. It will also the boundary
that deal with the place where the residence is living and also where the researcher can
conduct and gather a data to help his research study. And it will deal also with the
delimitation or who’s the people or will be the respondents of the study. The Scope and
Delimitation refers to the boundary and parameter that can help to guide the researcher
to focuses on where and who are the possible respondents that can provide some
information to help his study.

Chapter 2

Review of the Related Literature and Studies

This chapter includes review of the related literature and studies of the Impact of
Barangay Health Campaign in the Healthy Living of the Residence.

Impact of Barangay Health Campaign

According to AmeriHealth (2019) the Impact is a process of knowing the

effectiveness of an organization that the main goals is to provide a plan to conducting
any kinds of campaigns or programs that actually the focus is to help others.

The Impact of Health is not only in conducting in Barangay, Municipal, but also in
Schools. According to Mark Pearson (2012). School-Based Inventions and Campaigns
are used to promote health and a wide variety of public health problems. Schools are
considered to be key sites for knowing the Impact or the Effectiveness of Health
promotion programs for their potential to reach the whole population in particular
age-groups and instill health patterns of behavior early life.

According to Food Based Dietary Guidelines (FBDG) that recommend nutrients

intakes or population targets into recommendations of the balance of food should be
consuming for a healthy diet. The Impact of Food-Based Dietary Guidelines has been
actively promoted internationally by the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) and
World Health Organization (WHO).

In view of the related studies of Impact of Barangay Health Campaign that the best
and helpful campaigns are the Food and Agriculture Organization, and the World
Health Organization that focuses is to promote the effectiveness of healthy diets
through nutrition education.

Healthy Living Education

Impact of Healthy Living Education in our country is a health effective response to

the people around the world. On the other hand, according to Federico JA-Perez Cueto
(2012). Commercial Food Marketing has considerably one of the helpful and
effectiveness program about health. Meanwhile, Public Health Campaigns for healthier
eating have had limited impact to date. Social Marketing suggests that successful
commercial food marketing campaigns can provide useful lessons for public sector
activities. The aim of the present study was to empirically identify food marketing
success factors that, using the social marketing approach, could help public health
campaigns to promote healthy eating for healthy lifestyle.

According to Robert Wood Johnson (2012). Public Health Campaigns focus on

preventing and raising awareness widespread diseases and health topics by education,
empowerment, and healthy promotion on every possible levels. And the power of mass
media or a commercial can influence all aspects of people lived, including health and
well-being, and can be harnessed to promote health by performing, informing,
motivating, and empowering people to change behavior and by producing or providing
a platform for advocating healthier policies and civic action.

Campaign Studies

According to Hawkes .C (2013). Promoting of studies in the different organization

that the main goal is to help the healthy lifestyle of every people in the world. They
have provided studies to help others to reducing the knowledge and aware the people of
what the health is important in everyone. This Campaign Studies is the helpful and
useful plan to know the Impact of the Barangay Health Campaign in the Healthy Living
of the Residence in Multinational.

Healthy Living Studies

According to Edison Triton (2018) The Infinite Dial, this study is referring to how
we use the social media that can help in health purposes. This study argued that the year
2018 might have been "the year that social media changed forever".

View of the related studies shows that the researcher used the social media to easy
conduct a campaign to help the healthy living of everyone in one Barangay, and also to
help everyone to improve the knowledge in healthy lifestyle. The social media is the
easy way to get an information easily to provide plan to know the Impact of conducting
campaign in Barangay about health.

Effects of Barangay Health Campaign

According to Ankit Chandra (2014). Health awareness campaign can increase the
awareness of people in the rural parts of the country about palliative care. To improve
the attitude of the community about delivery of palliative care services, more sustained
efforts are required to make them believe that palliative care can be provided by the
community volunteers also and not necessarily only by professionals.

According to Zhijan Li (2011). Health Care System is reform a major issue in

many countries and therefore how to evaluate the effects of changes is incredibly
important. Health Care System is aimed to evaluate the effect of recent health care
system reform.

View of the related studies of effect of BHC that conducting a campaign it can give
the awareness of every residence on existing barangay to help to maintain their health
care for their healthy lifestyle.

Problems Encountered in Conducting a Barangay Health Campaign

According to Katelynn Kenworthy (2017). The world Health Organization is

refers to the Filipino Health care System ad "fragmented". There is a history of unfair
and unequal access to health services, that significally affects the poor. The government
spends little money on the program which cause high out of pocket spending and
further widens the gap between rich and poor.

According to Earl Enrico Alcala (2017). The Health Summit is a strength to attain
the wholesale engagement of Barangay Local Government Units which is critical to
achieving the desired health outcomes in Davao Region. Barangay officials were urged
to take the lead and work closely with Health Workers in addressing problems given
that Local Government Units have more leverage when it comes to finding solutions.

The preceding citations shows that the problems in some campaigns are the
unequal or unfair of giving a chance for the rich and poor families, there is the big
problems hay are encountered in conducting a Barangay Health Campaign.

Solutions in Problems Encountered in Conducting a Barangay Health Campaign

According to XJ Luo (2010). The objectives or the purpose to learn in the

condition and the relative problems is the satisfaction that is about the utilization of the
community Health Services.

According to JRV Caringal (2010). Abstract Hospital Information System is a

vital to decision making and plays a crucial role in the success of the institution.
Computerization of the Medical record and documentation has resulted in efficient data
management and information

View of the related studies of Solutions in Problems Encountered in Conducting

Barangay Health Campaign shows that the improving of the technologies ate so helpful
to easy make a solution. By using a computer, it can easily get some information from
the websites and it can satisfy the respondents or the residence to use it for searching of
what the health is important.

Chapter 3

Research Design and Methodology

This chapter describes the methods and technique used, population and sample of
the study, instrument used, data gathering procedure and data processing and statistical

Methods and Technique Used

This study entitled Impact of Barangay Health Campaign in the Healthy Living of
the Residence in Multinational is treated as a descriptive study. This research utilized
the quantitative descriptive method of research that focuses on the Impact of Barangay
Health Campaign in the Healthy Living of the Residence in Multinational. It is a study
designed to analyzed and describe the Impact of Barangay Health Campaign in the
Healthy Living of the Residence in Multinational.

Quantitative research method is basically applied to the collection of data that is

collected when researcher has adopted the positivist epistemological approach and data
is collected that can be scientifically proven.

Descriptive research method is the collection of information without the changing

the environment. The researcher was collected the information about the some
characteristics of a population or a phenomenon.

Population and Sample of the Study

The population of this study were the 15 residence in the Multinational. Sampling
research process of identifying the relevant respondents for the conducted study of

Convenience Sampling was used by researcher for easy to conduct a survey to get
the data from the respondents. This convenience sampling is uses to conduct a survey
for the residence in Multinational were is will be the possible respondents of the study.

Instrument Used in the Study

The self-made questionnaire was used by the researcher to conduct a survey. It

was distributed to the 15 residence coming from different people. The survey
questionnaire consisted of the Residence Demographic Profile to help the researcher to
determine the residence.

Construction. This study used a self-made questionnaire to determine the

Demographic Profile of the respondents, the Impact of Barangay Health Campaign,
Common Barangay Health Campaign, Effects of Barangay Health Campaign,
Problems encountered in Barangay Health Campaign.

Validation. The research made questionnaire was validated by our teacher in

Practical Research Mr. Robert Ian U. Viray, a teacher in Saint Francis Academy Inc.
Paranaque City and entitled with Master Degree in Filipino.

Administration. By the approval of research teacher, the researcher was able to

administered the questionnaire to the respondents for this study about the Impact of
Barangay Health Campaign in the Healthy Living of the Residence in Multinational.

Retrieval. The administration of questionnaires had been successful and the

respondents were able to answer the questions that needed to the study. And the
researcher was able to collected and successfully gathered the relevant data from the

Data Gathering Procedure

The researcher was able to gather the relevant data after distributing the
questionnaires to the residence as the respondents of this study.

• Formulation of asking permission.

• Identifying the respondents.

• Provide a letter asking permission has been submitted to the research teacher

Mr. Robert Ian U. Viray.

• Mr. Robert Ian U. Viray approved the letter asking permission to begin conducting

a survey.

• The researcher prints the questionnaires.

• The researcher personally administered the instrument to the respondents.

Data Processing

The statement of the problem was basis of the questions about the Impact of
Barangay Health Campaign in the Healthy Living of the Residence in Multinational
that pertains to the reliable output of this research study. The results of the
questionnaires were analyzed, interpreted, and computed.

Frequency Count. It is a tool in statistical that count the number of times that
each variable occurs within the sample, it is also pertains to the tabular arrangement of
the gathered data from the respondents together with the corresponding frequency.

Percentage. It is used to calculate the proportional rate of the responses in the

effectiveness of the uses of internet.

1. Formula to find the Percentage is:

% = F/N x 100


% = is equal to the percentage.

F = is equal to the frequency observed.

N = is equal to the total number of the respondents.

This solution is used to calculate the percentage of the response in the

effectiveness of this study.

Weighted Mean. The statistical method used to determine the Impact of
Barangay Health Campaign in the Healthy Living of the Residence in Multinational.

2. Formula to find the Weighted Mean is:

WM = W x M/N

whereas :

W = is equal to the weight.

M = is equal to the mean.

N = is equal to the number of respondents.

This solution is used to calculate the weighted mean of the study entitled Impact of
Barangay Health Campaign in the Healthy Living of the Residence in Multinational.

Chapter 4

Presentation, Analysis, and Interpretation of Data

This chapter presents the gathered data, the results of the statistical analysis are
done and interpretation of findings. These presented regarding the Impact of Barangay
Health Campaign in the Healthy Living of the Residence in Multinational.

Demographic Profile

The study focused on the first problem which is the profile of the respondents. The
profile of the respondents was tabulated and computed according to the following
classification the gender, status, employment status, and age.

Gender . The gender was refer to person's roles as woman or a man in society

varies cross culturally according to what things ate considered to be a masculine

or feminine.

Table 1. Gender of the Respondents

Gender Frequency Percentage

Male 5 33.33

Female 10 66.67

TOTAL 15 100

Under the male gender, it got the frequency of 5 and solved by the researcher as
percentage of 33.33. While the female got 10 with percentage of 100.

This table shows that female got the highest frequency because they are more
conscious regarding to their healthy compared to male. By the researcher named
Panopio that female is more focus in their family healthy lifestyle. It has been said that
they are more conscious and they are more family oriented.

Status. The respondents position in relation to another or others, and especially

in regard to social group, and the amount of respect in others.

Table 2. Status of the Respondents

Status Frequency Percentage

Single 8 33.33

Marriage 4 26.67

Divorce 1 6.67

Widowed 2 13.33

TOTAL 15 100

In status, the single respondents got the highest frequency of 8 that solved with a
percentage of 33.33. While the divorce respondents got the lowest frequency of 1 with a
percentage of 6.67.

This indicates that single respondents got the highest frequency because they can
focused on finding their ways on how to live and how to participate the activities of
their Barangay.

Employment Status . It refers to the respondents work in a company on the

basis of work or duration of work done.

Table 3. Employment Status of the Respondents

Employment Status Frequency Percentage

Employed 5 33.33

Unemployed 10 66.67

TOTAL 15 100

On the other hand, in employment status, the unemployed got the highest
frequency of 10 with a percentage of 66.67, while the employed got the lowest
frequency of 5 with a percentage of 33.33.

It shows that unemployed respondents got the highest frequency because of they
are experiencing some difficulties on their lives because of these difficulties that they
tend them to find some alternatives like being a volunteers to some activities of
Barangay like campaigns that gave them improvement for being a unemployed men.

Age . The respondents’ length of time has live or has existed. And the time of

life where the respondents or people does something or becomes legally able to

do something.

Table 4. Age of the Respondents

Age Frequency Percentage

15-18 years old 2 13.33

19-22 years old 2 13.33

23-26 years old 1 6.67

27-30 years old 0 0

30 and above 10 66.67

TOTAL 15 100

However, the age in ranging 30 and above got the highest frequency of 10 with a
percentage of 66.67. And in the age ranging 23-26 years old got the lowest frequency of
1 with a percentage of 6.67.

This indicates that age ranging in 30 and above got the highest frequency because
of they are more dominant that has hopefully developed a stable identity, he/she moves
into the adult world for seeking a partner with whom to share work, sex, and friendship
than youngest.

Common Barangay Health Campaign

This study focused on the second problem that dealt of the Common BHC as
perceived by the respondents of the said study.

Table 5. Common Barangay Health Campaign

A. Public Health Weighted Mean Average Description


1. Anti Drug 3.14 Effective

2. Anti Rabist 3.33 Effective

3. No Smoking 2.34 Fairly Effective

4. No Alcoholic 1.66 Not Effective


5. Anti Abortion 3.06 Effective

GWA 2.71 Effective

In Common Barangay Health Campaign, the Anti Rabist got the highest
percentage if 3.33, while the No Alcoholic Beverages got the lowest percentage of 1.66.

This implies that Anti Rabist got the highest frequency because it was the most
effective campaign than the others about in health. And these finding can supported
through observation that the residence believes to the campaign of Anti Rabist.

Effects of Barangay Health Campaign

In third problem of this study dealt on the Effects of Barangay Health Campaign in
the Healthy Living of the Residence in Multinational shows in table 6.

Table 6. Effects of Barangay Health Campaign

Effects Weighted Description

Mean Average

1. Sustain Healthy Lifestyle 3.94 Highly Effective

2. Increase knowledge about 3.94 Highly Effective

Healthy awareness

3. Encourages in eat 3.80 Highly Effective

vegetables or any food that

are nutritious.

4. Encourages you to workout 3.47 Effective

and balance healthy diet.

5. Increase and gives ideas on 3.54 Highly Effective

how to maintain healthy lifestyle

GWA 3.74 Highly Effective

In this table, the sustain healthy lifestyle and increase knowledge about healthy
awareness got the highest percentage of 3.94, while the encourage you to work out and
balance healthy diet got the lowest percentage of 3.47.

It can be inferred in this table that the sustain healthy lifestyle and increase
knowledge about health got the highest frequency because it can provide the awareness
of the residences about health.

Problems Encountered in Conducting the Barangay Health Campaign

This fourth problem in this study looks into the Problems Encountered in
Conducting the BHC as perceived by the respondents.

Table 7. Problems Encountered in Conducting Barangay Health Campaign

Problems Weighted Mean Description


1. Are out number of 3.54 Highly Effective


2. Lack of qualities for the 3.34 Effective

medical allied

3. Lack of volunteers and 2.53 Effective


4. Lack of experience 2.40 Fairly Effective

5. Lack of knowledge about 3.14 Effective


GWA 2.99 Effective

It can be noted in the table 7 that “are out number of materials” got the highest
percentage of 3.54, while the lack of experience got the lowest percentage of 2.40.

This implies that “are out number of materials” got the highest frequency because
it can be affect during the conducting of campaign in the Barangay, it can also affect the
time management in conducting Barangay Health Campaign.

Solutions to the Problems Encountered in Conducting Barangay Health


The fifth problem in this study dealt into the Solution to the Problems Encountered
in Conducting BHC that perceived by the researcher.

Table 8. Solutions to the Problems Encountered in Conducting Barangay Health


Solutions Weighted Mean Description


1. Identify alternative for the 3.27 Effective


2. Conduct training for skill 3.34 Effective


3. Interviewing the recruitment of 3.33 Effective


4. Encourage the volunteer to 3.47 Effective



5. Disseminate information about 3.40 Effective


GWA 3.36 Effective

In table 8, shows that the encourage the volunteer to attend training got the highest
percentage of 3.47, while the identify alternatives for the materials got the lowest
percentage of 3.47.

This indicates that the encourage the volunteers to attend training got the highest
frequency because it was help the improvement of the campaign and can least less
diseases in Multinational.

Rating Scale . is a closed-ended survey questionnaire feedback in a comparative

form for specific particular product and it is a method that required to use in research
when they with the various aspects of a product.

Rating Scale

Legend Mean Scale Description

: 3.50 - 4.00 Highly Effective

2.50 - 3.49 Effective

1.50 - 2.49 Fairly Effective

0.50 - 1.49 Not Effective

Chapter 5

Summary of Findings, Conclusions and Recommendations

This chapter presents the summary of findings, so that the conclusions was drawn
from the findings and the corresponding recommendations.

This study was taken with the general objectives which will can determine the
research study. The Impact of Barangay Health Campaign in the Healthy Living of the
Residence in Multinational.

This study is about the Barangay Health Campaign is considered as the key to help
all the residence by conducting a campaign. This study is a quantitative study which
was designed to investigate the Impact of Barangay Health Campaign in the Healthy
Living of the Residence in Multinational. In looking to the objectives for the design, it
was found to be formulated. This study was consist of statement of the problem that
was answered by the respondents. And the review of the related literature and studies
was gathered and collected by the researcher in regarding the concept study about the
common barangay health campaign, effects of barangay health campaign, problems
encountered in conducting barangay health campaign, and the solutions to the problems
encountered in conducting the barangay health campaign that influencing those
variables. And in the methodology, the data was collected by the researcher by using
surveys and questionnaire that these obtained data were analyzed by using standard
deviation, weighted mean, and the percentage. And the data was presented in every
variable by the researcher and was analyzed and interpreted and the data of the study
was tabulated and formulated.

Summary of Findings

1. Demographic Profile

Gender . In the gender, the female got the frequency of 10 with the

percentage of 66.67, while in male got the frequency of 5 with the percentage

of 33.33.

Status . In the status, the single got the frequency of 8 with the

percentage of 53.33, marriage got the frequency of 4 with the percentage of

26.67, widowed got the frequency of 2 with the percentage of 13.33 and the

divorce got the frequency of 1 with the percentage of 6.67.

Employment Status . In the employment status, the unemployed got the

frequency of 10 with the percentage of 66.67, while in unemployed got the

frequency of 5 with the percentage of 33.33.

Age . In the age, the 15-18 years old got the frequency of 2 with the

percentage of 13.33, 19-22 years old got the frequency of 2 with the percentage

of 13.33, 23- 26 years old got the frequency of 1 with the percentage of 6.67,

27-30 years old got the frequency of 1 with the percentage of 0, in 30 and above

got the frequency of 10 with the percentage of 66.67.

2. Common Barangay Health Campaign

In common barangay health campaign, the anti drug got the percentage

of 3.14, anti rabist got the percentage of 3.33, no smoking got the percentage of

2.34, no alcoholic beverage got the percentage of 1.66 and the anti abortion got

the percentage of 3.06.

3. Effects of Barangay Health Campaign

In the effects of barangay health campaign, the sustain healthy lifestyle

goth the percentage of 3.94, increase knowledge about healthy awareness got

the percentage of 3.94, encourage in eat vegetable or any food that are nutritious

got the percentage of 3.50, encourage you to work out and balance healthy diet

got the percentage of 3.47 and the increase and gives ideas on how to maintain

healthy lifestyle got the percentage of 3.54.

4. Problem Encountered in Conducting the Barangay Health Campaign

In problem encountered in conducting the barangay health campaign, the

art out number materials got the percentage of 3.54, lack of qualification for the

medical allied got the percentage of 3.34, lack of volunteers and funds got the

percentage of 2.53, lack of experience got the percentage of 2.40, lack of

knowledge about BHC got the percentage of 3.14.

5. Solutions to the Problems Encountered in Conducting the Barangay

Health Campaign

In solutions to the problems encountered in conducting the barangay

health campaign, the identify alternatives for the materials got the percentage of

3.27, conduct training for skill enhancement got the percentage of 3.54

interviewing the recruitment of volunteer got the percentage of 3.33, encourage

the volunteer to attend trainings got the percentage of 3.47, disseminate

information about BHC got the percentage of 3.40.


This study presents the conclusions that is the end or the finish of a process and
decision that reached by reasoning. Based on the findings derived from this study, the
following conclusions was drawn:

1. The findings shows that in the demographic profile, the highest percentage in

the variable of gender is from the female. In status is the single that got the

highest percentage and in the employment status the unemployed that got the

highest percentage. And the 30 and above in age got the highest percentage.

2. Base on the findings about the common barangay health campaign, the not

effective in terms of campaign is the no alcoholic beverages campaign, while

the anti-rabbis campaign was the effective in terms of campaign about health.

3. Based on the findings about the effects of barangay health campaign, the

barangay health campaign is effective by encouraging the residence to

workout and balance healthy diet, while sustaining the healthy lifestyle there is

highly effective to be conducted.

4. The result shows about the problems encountered in conducting barangay

health campaign that lacks on conducting barangay health campaign that is

fairly effective, while in terms of are out number materials is highly effective.

5. The result shows about solutions to the problems encountered in conducting

the barangay health campaign was all effective in terms of identify alternatives

for the materials, conduct training for skill enhancement, interviewing the

recruitment of volunteer, encourage the volunteer to attend trainings, and

disseminate information about health.


This study presents the recommendation where is a suggestion or proposal as to

the best course of action. The following recommendation are offered based on the
findings and conclusions of the study.

1. It is recommended that the public health campaign must be implemented the

ideas and information to increase the awareness of the residences.

2. It is recommended to utilized those effects and explain it to the residence by

meetings to give an idea on what the purposes of the campaigns.

3. It is recommended that the problems in conducting the barangay health

campaign must be presented in a forum to provide a solution that will be


4. It is recommended that the solutions to the problems encountered in

conducting the barangay health campaign by increasing and intensifying the

trainings for the barangay health workers


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