Geology Prelim Reviewer

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TOPIC 1 a.

The existence of hard bed rock and their

depth from inclination.
b. The mechanical properties along and
Geology – is the science of the earth.
across the site of the proposed project;
Engineering Geology – define as the branch of applied
c. Presence, nature and distribution pattern
science which deals with the application of geology for
of planes of structural weakness.
a safe and economic design and construction of a civil
d. The position of ground water table in
e. Seismic character of the area as
Types of Engineering Geology
deciphered from the seismic history and
1. Civil Engineering
prediction about future seismicity.
2. Mining Engineering
3. Construction – Engineer are responsible for
3. Petroleum Engineering
the quality control of construction materials
4. Environmental Engineering
will derive enormous benefit from his
geological background of the nature material
Basic objective of engineering geology
such as sand, gravel, crushed rock.
1. It enables a civil engineer to understand
engineering application of certain conditions
Geology in Water Resource Development –
related to the area of construction, which are
Exploration and development of water resources have
essentially geological in nature
become very important area of activities for scientist,
2. It enables a geologist to understand the
technologies and engineers in all part of the world.
nature of geological information that is
absolutely essential for the safe design and
Geology in town and Regional Planning – a town
construction of civil engineering project.
planner is concerned essential with land utilization in
as best and as aesthetics a manner as possible for
Geology in Construction Job – in all types of heavy
developing cities and towns for meetings social needs
construction jobs such as buildings, towers, tanks,
in different areas.
dams and reservoir, highway, bridges, traffic and
hydropower tunnel etc. Full geological information
about the site of construction (or Excavation) and
about the natural materials of construction is TOPIC 2
paramount importance.

Aspect of Geology in the three aspect of Construction Rocks, Tectonic Plates and Continental Drift
1. Planning – following geological information is
greatly useful in planning an eng’g. Project. Alfred Wegener – was a German Meteorologist,
a. Topographical Map – give details of relief formulated the “Theory of Continental Drift” and
features and are essential to understand published his theory entitled “The Origin of the
relative merit and demerit of all the Continents and Oceans.”
possible sites.
b. Hydrological Map – give broad details Continental Drift Theory – stated that the continents
about the distribution and geometry of were joined together at one time in the pas and have
the surface water channels and also now drifted apart. It is like a jigsaw puzzle-like
occurrence and depth contour of appearance of the coast of Africa and South America.
groundwater. – Also made of the magnetic orientation of the rocks
c. Geological Map – Petrological characters on either side of the ridge.
and structural disposition of rock types as
developed in the proposed area depicted The 3 Evidences of Continental Drift.
in geological maps. 1. Same Fossils
2. Design – some of the geological characters 2. Continental Edges and Rock Formation
that have a direct or indirect bearing upon the 3. Glacial Evidences
design of a proposed project are:
Theory of Place Tectonics – stats that the Earth’s Crust 4. Indo-Australian Plate
is divided into distinct plates that move relative to one 5. North American Plate
another on the Earth’s surface. 6. Pacific Plate
– Theory also states that the Earth’s crust is broken 7. South American Plate
into large and smaller pieces called plates.
Minor Plates – is any plate with an area less than 20
Part of the Earth involves in Plate Tectonics million km² but greater than 1 million km².
1. Lithosphere – The rigid outer part of the
earth, consisting the crust (Oceanic and The eight Minor Plates
Continental) and the upper mantle. 1. Caribbean Plate
2. Aethenosphere – is a part of the upper 2. Arabian Plate
mantle that exhibits plastic properties. 3. Juan de Fuca Plate
4. Nazca Plate
3 Types of Plate Boundaries 5. Scotia Plate
1. Divergent Boundary – these plate boundaries 6. Philippine Plate
are occurred along mid-ocean ridges and 7. Cocos Plate
continental rift zones. The crustal plates move 8. Indian Plate
partly because of their boundaries. This
material pushes the plate’s apart, performing Three types of Rocks
new crust. 1. Igneous Rocks – Formed when magma cools
2. Convergent Boundary – at the opposite edges and hardens.
of the plates, the motion causes them to 2. Metamorphic Rocks – Formed under the
collide with other plates and either slide surface of the earth from metamorphosis
under them or ride up over them. (change) that occurs due to intense heat and
3. Transform Boundary – occurs when the edges pressure (squeezing).
of plates slide against each other. Earthquakes 3. Sedimentary Rocks – Formed from particles of
are also common along transform boundaries. sand, shells, pebbles, and other fragments of
Subduction – is the sideways and downward
movements of the edge of a plate of the earth’s crust The Rock Cycle – most rocks on earth began as igneous
into the mantle beneath another plate. rocks. When igneous rocks are exposed on the surface,
– A geological process that takes place at convergent time and weather break the rock down into smaller
boundaries of tectonic plates where one plate moves pieces. This process is called weathering or erosion.
under another and is forced down into the mantle. – wind and water carry the smaller pieces of igneous
Seafloor Spreading – a process that occurs at mid- rocks into piles called sediment beds.
ocean ridges, where new oceanic crust is formed
through volcanic activity and then gradually moves
away from the ridges. TOPIC 3
- A magnetic force that cause to the rocks to spread.
Volcanology, Folds, Faults, and Joints
Zone Divergence – the plates are pulled, and not
pushed apart. The main force driving this plate to
Volcanology – Made up of two words. Vulcan and
motion is the “slab pull” that arises when plates sink
logos with Vulcan being a latin word “the ancient god
into the mantle under their own weight at subduction
of fire”, and logos being a greek word for a branch of
knowledge. A branch of Geology that, from the root
word itself, deals with Volcanoes.
Major Plates – is any plate with an area greater than
20 million km².
Volcanoes – are landforms that mostly occur in
destructive and constructive boundaries where plates
The seven Major Plates
are pushed together or dragged apart. Volcanoes are
1. African Plate
vents in the Earth’s crust through which lava, rock
2. Antarctic Plate
fragments, hot vapor, and gases are ejected.
3. Eurasian Plate
– Volcanic eruptions created the Earth’s first Types of Volcanoes
atmosphere. Magma ejected from a volcano is called 1. Composite Cone Volcano – also called
lava. stratovolcanoes, these are cone shaped
– Volcanoes erupt because of density and pressure. volcanoes composed of layers of lava, ash,
The lower density of the magma relative to the and rock debris.
surroundings rocks causes it to rise. 2. Shield Volcano – these volcanoes are broad,
and domed-shaped with along, gently sloped
Formation of Volcanoes – it’s formed when magma sides. Such volcanoes can cover very large
rises up to the Earth’s surface. The magma, now called areas but never grow tall due to the
lava, will cool and harden on the Earth’s crust and will composition of lava that flows from it which
pile up and as time passes by, the volcano will become are very fluid.
bigger and bigger. 3. Cinder Cone Volcano – Composed almost
entirely of loose, grainy cinders and almost no
Hotspots – Existed below the plates that would provide lava. These kind of volcanoes are usually small
localized sources of high heat energy (thermal plumes) with vey steep sides and a small crater on top.
to sustain volcanism. In 1963, J. Tuzo Wilson, 4. Calder Volcano – A volcanic feature formed by
Canadian geophysicist who discovered transform the collapse of a volcano into itself, making it
faults, came up with an ingenious idea that became a large, special form of volcanic crater.
known as the “Hotspot Theory”.
Classification of Volcanoes
Parts of Volcano 1. Active – a volcano will be classified as active if
1. Main Vent – is the weak point in the earth’s at the present time it is expected to erupt or is
crust where hot magma has been able to rise erupting already.
from the magma chamber and reach the 2. Dormant – A classification of volcano that is
surface. currently not erupting and is not active but is
2. Volcano’s Throat – The uppermost section of expected to erupt within recordable history
the main vent. Its the entrance to the volcano. and is expected to erupt again in the future.
3. Crater – is the opening at the top of a volcano. 3. Extinct – A volcano that is not expected to
Where the lava comes from as an eruption erupt any time soon. This is because these
happens. volcanoes lost their lava supply.
4. Ash Clouds – the cloud of ash emitted into the
sky created during an eruption. Consist of Classification of Eruption
small pieces of pulverized rock, minerals and 1. Explosive Eruption – Happens because of a
volcanic glass. build-up of gas under very viscous slow
5. Secondary Vent – is where some of the extra flowing and thick magma.
magma is pushed out from. Often flows 2. Fissure Eruption – Will emit a lot of lava from
molten lava onto the flanks (sides) of the a fracture or fissure. Because lava would
volcano. usually have a low viscosity, the gas can easily
6. Magma Chamber – is a large underground escape.
pool of molten lava underneath the earth’s
crust. Types of Volcanic Eruptions
7. Lava – is the silicate rock that is hot enough to 1. Hawaiian Eruption – a fluid basaltic lava is
be in liquid form, and which is expelled from a thrown into the air in jets from a vent or line
volcano during the eruption. of vents (a fissure) at the summit or on the
8. Sills – these forms when lava goes between flank of a volcano.
cracks, pools, and then crystallizes in the 2. Strombolian Eruption – are distinct burst of
vents. fluid lava (usually basalt or basaltic andesite)
9. Dikes – accumulated ash and solidified lava. from the mouth of magma-filled summit
10. Parasitic Cone – small cone-shaped volcano conduit. Are often associated with small lava
formed by an accumulation of volcanic debris. lakes.
3. Vulcanian Eruption – is a short, violent,
relatively small explosion of viscous magma.
4. Plinian Eruption – The largest and most Faults – are a large crack in the Earth’s crust where the
violent of all the types of volcanic eruptions. rocks move against each other. It is not easy to shift
5. Lava Domes – it form when very viscous, massive chunks of crust, so it takes a great amount of
rubbly lava is squeezed out of a vent without pressure to build up before the rocks will move.
6. Surtseyan Eruption – are a kind of Kinds of Faults
hydromagmatic eruption, where magma or 1. Normal Fault – where the crust is being pulled
lava interacts explosively with water. apart, normal faulting occurs, in which the
overlaying (hanging-wall) block moves down
Lava Viscosity – The character of volcanic eruption are with respect to the lower (foot wall) block.
largely controlled by the viscosity – “gooeyness” or 2. Reverse Fault – where the crust is being
resistance to flow – of the magma: low viscosity fluids compressed, reverse faulting occurs, in which
flow more easily that high viscosity fluids. the hanging-wall block moves up and over the
footwall block – reverse slip on a gently
Folds – When the layer of rock in the Earth’s crust fold. inclined plane is referred to as thrust faulting.
The land’s surface is pushed up as a hills or mountains. 3. Strike-slip Fault – Crustal blocks may also
This process is called orogeny. move sideways past each other, usually along
nearly vertical faults. Described as sinistral
Classification of Folds when the far side moves to the left, and
1. Symmetrical Fold – Folds with the same angle. dextral, when the far side moves to the right.
2. Asymmetrical Fold – Folds with different
angles. Earthquakes – are cause by a sudden slip on a fault.
3. Isoclinal Fold – similar to symmetrical folds, Stresses in the earth’s outer layer push the sides of the
though not only does it have the same angles. fault together.
But these folds are also parallel to each other.
These folds are both symmetrical and aligned Aftershocks – part of living with earthquakes is living
in a parallel fashion. with aftershocks. Earthquakes come in cluster.
4. Overturned Folds – Such folds are so intense Aftershocks are earthquakes that usually occur near
that the fold appeared to have turned over on the mainshock.
5. Recumbent Folds – These folds are even more Foreshocks – sometimes what we think is a mainshock
extreme compared to overturned folds as is followed by a larger earthquake. Then the original
these are nearly horizontal. earthquake is considered a foreshock.
6. Chevron Folds – Folds in a zigzag pattern,
instead of a curving pattern, these folds have. Difference of Magnitude and Intensity
a. Magnitude – determined from measurement
Types of Folds seismographs. Intensity measures the
1. Anticline – a fold that arches up as both sides strength of shocking produced by the
of the rock are pushed inward. earthquake at a certain location.
2. Syncline – a fold that sinks down as both sides b. Intensity – determined from effects of the
of the rock are pushed inward. earthquakes on people, structures, and the
3. Monocline – a one sided slope connecting two environment.
horizontal or gently inclined strata.
4. Domes – like anticlines but instead of an arch, Joints – also called fractures are surfaces along which
the fold is in a dome shape, like an inverted rocks or minerals have broken, thus generating two
bowl. free surfaces where none existed before.
5. Basins – are like synclines but again, instead
of a sinking arch, the fold is in the shape of a Types of Joints
bowl sinking down into the ground. 1. Systematic Joints – roughly planar, parallel to
each other, usually regularly spaced.
2. Non-systematic Joints – curved and irregular.
No obvious spatial relationship
3. Joint system – form when two different joints d. Specific Gravity – mineral is a comparison
set occur in the same rock. or ratio of the weight of the mineral to
4. Sheet joints, or exfoliation joints – curved the weight of an equal amount of water.
fractures characteristic of intrusive igneous e. Hardness – is how resistant a mineral is to
rocks. scratching, not how easily it breaks.
5. Columnar joints – are typical of extrusive Hardness depends on the bonds within
igneous flows and shallow tubular intrusive the mineral, the stronger the bond, the
igneous roks. harder the mineral.
f. Fracture and Cleavage – describe how a
mineral breaks. If the mineral break very
TOPIC 4 nicely along smooth planes, it’s called
Type of Cleavage
Mineral Exploration & Development, Economic
a. Cubic
Geology, & Paleontology
b. Octahedral
c. Pinacoidal
Mineral – is a naturally occurring chemical compound,
d. Rhombohedral
usually of crystalline form and abiogenic in origin.
e. Muscovite (one direction)
f. Feldspar (two direction)
Mineralogy – is the study of minerals.
g. Halite (Three Direction)
h. Calcite (Four Direction)
Composition of Minerals
g. Tenacity – describes how the particles of
a. Naturally occurring
mineral hold together or resist
b. Solid Substance
c. Inorganic Origin
Types of Tenacity of Mineral
a. Brittle
Properties of Minerals
b. Sectile
1. Physical Properties
c. Malleability
a. Color – is the most obvious property of a
d. Flexibility
mineral, but it is often non-diagnostic.
e. Elastic
Sometimes distinctive, often unreliable,
f. Softness
affected by chemical impurities, surface
g. Tensile
coating, grain size & weathering.
h. Fragility
b. Streak – is the color of the mineral in
2. The Chemical Properties
powdered form, it shows the true color of
- the chemical properties of minerals mainly
the mineral.
reflect the chemical properties of the atoms
c. Luster – is the property of minerals that
present in each minerals.
indicates how much the surface of a
mineral reflects light.
3. Crystalline Properties
- Metallic: opaque and reflects light as a
- The process of mineral form is known
CRYSTALLIZATION. Crystal form is the
- Submettalic: opaque and dull. And it is
outward expression of the orderly
dark colored.
arrangement of atoms inside the mineral.
- Nonmetallic: does not reflect light like a
Classification of Minerals
- Waxy: looks like paraffin or wax
1. Native Elements – The category of the pure.
- Vitreous: looks like broken glass.
Most minerals are made up of combinations
- Pearly: appears iridescent, like a pearl.
of chemical elements. In this group a single
- Silky: looks fibrous, like silk
element like the copper shown here are found
- Greasy: looks like oil in water.
in naturally pure form.
- Resinous: looks like hardened tree sap.
2. Silicates – the most widespread of the
- Adamantine: looks brilliant, like
minerals they are made up of oxygen and
3. Oxides – mineral compounds combining a Sub-stages of Mineral Exploration – in which mineral
metal with oxygen or a metal combining with deposits are identified, evaluated, and prepared for
oxygen and hydrogen. mining. Exploration and development can be
4. Sulfides – made up of sulphur combined with subdivided into sub-stages.
another mineral, usually a metal. A. Available Land Resources – mineral
5. Sulfates – made of compounds of sulphur exploration is a temporary use of the land. It
combined with metals and oxygen. Tend to be requires looking for clues over a large area to
soft, and translucent. find rare, valuable and hidden minerals.
6. Carbonates – comes from the combination of B. Prospecting & Early Exploration – Explorers,
carbon, oxygen and a metal or semimetal in the early stages of mineral exploration,
element. It can easily dissolve even in mild explorers are often called prospectors. Early
acids. exploration involves very little ground
7. Phospate – not as common in occurrence as disturbance. Using hand tools , mineral
the other families of minerals. They are often explorers take a very small sample of rock,
formed when other minerals are broken down earth and water for analysis and make maps
by weathering. of geology and other feature.
8. Mineraloids – the term used for those C. Intermediate Exploration – exploration
substances that do not fit neatly into any of activities include geological mapping and
the eight classes of minerals. aerial surveys to obtain detailed geological
data. Intermediate exploration will begin,
Rock Forming Minerals – any mineral that forms once an exploration plan is submitted to
igneous, sedimentary, or metamorphic rocks and that mines or an exploration permit is obtained.
typically, or solely, forms as an intimate part of rock- a. Drilling and Trenching – looking deeper
making process. into the earth helps geoscientist better to
understand what is hidden from view and
Mineral Exploration & Development – it is a estimate the quantity and value of
investigative activities prior to mining. Mineral resources.
Exploration is a process of finding a concentration of b. Covering the Cost – Mineral exploration is
minerals. expensive and does not generate
Mineral Exploration & Development Factors D. Advance Exploration
1. Geological Factors – Geological risk can be a. Drilling and Bulk Sampling – Drilling
thought of as the likelihood and degree to result in many rock samples being taken.
which actual mineralization (its quantity & Bulk sampling takes a large amount of
quality) differs from what is anticipated at the rock out of the ground. The lab to test the
point a decision is made to undertake samples may be either on-site or at
exploration or development. specialized facility off-site.
2. Technical Factors – Technical risk can be b. Project Development Design – They
thought of as the likelihood and degree to begin to make plan to extract the rock,
which actual recovery of a mineral during process it and handle by-products.
mining and processing differs from what was E. Mineral Development
anticipated. a. Plans – planning occurs at all stages of the
3. Environmental, Social, and Political Factors – mineral exploration life cycle but is a
A resource be extracted in ways that are particular focus during the development
consistent with a nation’s preferences and stage, which focuses on formal plans for
policies for environmental protection. It can project construction, operation and,
be extracted in ways consistent with finally, closure and reclamation.
preferences and policies of local communities. b. Engagement & Consultation – it is
4. Economic Factor – Economic risk is an important part of mineral exploration life
overarching type of risk because it cycle.
incorporates and reflects the three other c. Agreements – Formal Agreements are
categories of risk cited above. developed with government, aboriginal
communities and key stakeholders to
provide a framework for understanding Fossils – the remains or evidence of ancient plants and
key commitments for mineral animals may be either the whole organism or part of it.
development, operation, benefit sharing
and caring for and restoring the Paleontologist – the person who study the fossils.
d. Site Development – Construction Type of Fossils – fossils can be divided into two
proceeds after government approval and categories, fossilized body parts (bones, claws, teeth,
can take several years to complete skin, embryos, etc.) and fossilized traces, called
depending on the scope and location of ichnofossilis (which are footprints, nest, dung,
the project. toothmark, etc.)
F. Restoration & Reclamation – this means that 1. Mold Fossils – a fossilized impression made in
most equipment, buildings and facilities will the substrate, a negative image of the
be removed and any affected land reclaimed organisms.
and restored. Planting and other site 2. Cast Fossils – formed when a mold filled in.
treatments are used to restore grasses, plants 3. Trace Fossils, incnofossils – fossilized nests,
and trees on rock pile and disturbed surface gastroliths, burrows, footprints.
areas. 4. True form Fossils – fossils of the actual animal
or animal part.
Economic Geology – is concerned with earth materials
that can be used for economic and/or industrial 6 Ways of Organism Turns into Fossils;
purposes. 1. Unaltered Preservation – like insect trap or
plants parts trapped in amber, a hardened
Economic Potential – the capacity of the earth to form of tree sap.
supply materials needed for economic and/or 2. Permineralization – petrification – in which
industrial purposes. rock-like minerals seep in slowly and replace
the original organic tissue with silica, calcite or
Mineral Deposits – naturally occurring accumulations pyrite, forming rock fossils. Can preserve hard
or concentrations of metals or minerals of sufficient and soft parts.
size and concentration that might, under favourable 3. Replacement – an organism’s hard parts
circumstances, have economic value. dissolve and replaced by another minerals.
4. Carbonization – Coalification – in which only
Ore Deposits – a mineral deposits is sufficiently rich to the carbon remains in the specimen – other
be worked at a profit is called an ore deposits, and in elements, like hydrogen, oxygen, and nitrogen
an ore deposit the assemblage of ore minerals plus are removed.
gangue is call the ore. 5. Re-crystallization – hard parts either revert to
more stable minerals or small crystals turn
Renewable vs. Non-renewable Resources into large crystals.
1. Renewable – will not run out because they 6. Authigenic Preservation – molds & cast of
are replaced as quickly as they are used. organinsms that have been destroyed or
2. Non-renewable – are used faster than they dissolve.
can be replaced, so the supply available to
society is limited. Classification of Fossils
1. Biological Classification – this system has a
Mineral Resource – is a concentration or occurrence of detailed system that include description of the
material of intrinsic economic interest in or on the body. All species related to earth, air, fire and
earth’s crust in such form, quality & quantity that there water and classified accordingly.
are reasonable prospects for eventual economic 2. Fossils of Animals – are classified, as are living
extraction. specimens, by observing the body structures
and functions.
Paleontology – it is the study of the fossils of ancient
plant and animals. The study of past life using fossils. It
is an important source of evidence.
3. Classification Division 3. Paleobotany – is the study of ancient plants.
a. Kingdom These fossils can be impression of plants left
b. Phylum on rock surfaces.
c. Class 4. Micropaleontology – is the study of shells
d. Order from deep-sea microorganisms in order to
e. Family understand how earth’s climate has changed.
f. Genus
g. Species
Source of Evidence
a. Body of Fossils - Fossils of organisms’ bodies
Earthquake Engineering, Earthquakes and Effects, and
are usually the most informative type of
Earthquake Waves
evidence. The most common types are wood,
bones, and shells.
Earthquake Engineering – is an interdisciplinary branch
b. Trace Fossils – Trace fossils consist mainly of
of engineering that designs and analyzes structures,
tracks and burrows, but also include coprolites
such as buildings and bridges, with earthquakes in
(fossils feces) and marks left by feeding.
c. Index Fossils – Index fossils are used to
determine approximate age.
Earthquake – is a result of a sudden release of energy
d. Geochemical Observation – may help to
in the earth’s crust that creates seismic waves.
deduce the global level of biological activity,
Seismic Waves – is an activity of an area refers to the
or affinity of certain fossils.
frequency, type, and size of earthquakes experienced
over a period of time.
Fossil Fuels – are fuels formed by natural processes
such as anaerobic decomposition of buried dead
Hypocenter (Focus) – is the point on the fault where
organisms, containing energy originating in ancient
rupture occurs and the location from which seismic
waves are released.
Caboniferous Period – occurred from about 360 to 286
Epicenter – is the point on the earth’s surface that is
million years ago. At the time, the land was covered
directly above the focus, the point where an
with swamps filled with huge trees, ferns and other
earthquakes or underground explosion originates.
large leafy plants.
Fault Line – is the surface trace of a fault, the line of
Type of Fossil Fuels
intersection between the earth’s surface.
a. Coal – is a hard, black colored rock-like
substances. It is made up of carbon, hydrogen,
Fault Plane - are the cracks or sudden slips of the land.
oxygen, nitrogen and varying amounts of
Fault Scrap – is the topographic expression of faulting
b. Oil – is another fossil fuel. It was also formed
attributed to the displacement of the land surface by
more than 300 million years ago. Some
movement along faults.
scientist say that tiny diatoms are the source
of oil.
Why Earthquakes Happen? – earthquakes are usually
c. Natural Gas – is lighter than air. Natural gas is
caused when rock underground suddenly breaks along
mostly made up of a gas called methane.
a fault.
Sub-Disciple of Paleontology
Mainshock – in a series of earthquakes which occur
1. Vertebrate Paleontology – the study of fossils
over a relatively short period of time in a particular
of animals with backbone.
area, the mainshock is the quake of greatest
2. Invertebrate Paleontology – examine the
fossils without backbones – such as molluscs,
corals, arthropods.
Foreshock – are those earthquakes which occur Earthquake Waves
immediately preceding a mainshock in the exact same 1. Seismology – is the study of earthquakes and
area in which the mainshock occurs. seismic waves that move through and around
the earth.
Aftershock – are smaller earthquakes that occur 2. Seismic Waves – are the waves of energy
afterward in the same place as the mainshocks. caused by the sudden breaking of rock within
the earth or an explosion.
Causes of Earthquakes 3. Body Waves – travelling through the interior
a. Surface Cause – Great explosions, landslides, of the earth, body waves arrive before the
slips on steep coasts, dashing of sea waves, surface waves emitted by an earthquake.
avalanches, railway trains, heavy trucks, some 4. P Waves (Primary Waves) – this is the fastest
large engineering project cause minor tremor. kind of seismic wave, and, consequently, the
b. Tectonic Cause – Structural disturbance first to arrive at a seismic station.
resulting in the parts of the lithosphere is the 5. S Waves (Secondary Waves) – is the
main cause of this type of earthquake. secondary waves, and are easily distinguish on
c. Volcanic Cause – Volcanic eruption produce a seismogram as a result.
earthquakes. Earthquakes may proceed. 6. Love Waves – the first kind of surface wave.
It’s the fastest surface wave and moves the
Effect of Earthquakes ground from side-to-side. It produced entirely
a. Ground Shaking – shaking of the ground by horizontal motion.
the passage of seismic waves, especially 7. Rayleigh Waves – the other kind of surface
surface waves near the epicentre of the waves. A Rayleigh Wave rolls along ground
earthquakes are responsible for the most just like a wave rolls across a lake or an ocean.
damage during an earthquakes. It moves the ground up and down, and side-
b. Faulting and Ground Rupture – when an to-side in the same direction that the wave is
earthquake event occurs, ground rupture is moving.
only where the fault zone moves.
c. Landslides and ground subsidence – Seismographs – earthquakes are recorded by
avalanches, landslides, slumps and rock slides instrument called seismographs. The recording they
are triggered by ground shaking. make is called a seismogram.
d. Damage to man-made structures – such as
roads, bridges, dams and buildings from Magnitude – measures the energy released at the
ground motion depends on the type of source of the earthquakes.
e. Fires – often associated with broken electrical Intensity – measures the strength of shaking produced
and gas lines, is one of the common side by the earthquake at a certain location. It is
effects of earthquakes. determined from the effects on people, human
f. Soil liquefaction – Groundwater, san and soil structures, and the natural environment.
combining during seismic shaking to form
liquefaction during a moderate to powerful
earthquake. TOPIC 6
g. Flooding – can come from many sources such
as broken water main pipes, dams that fail
Footing & Foundation; Shallow & Deep Foundation
due to the earthquakes and earthquakes-
generated tsunami.
h. Injuries and Death – damage and loss of life
Superstructure – part of the building that is entirely
sustained during an earthquakes result from
above the foundation or basement.
falling structures and flying glass and objects.
i. Tsunami – are a giant waves that can cause
Substructure – lower portion that transmits the load of
floods and in some cases may reach up to 100
the superstructure into the supporting soil.
feet in height.
Foundation – lowest part of a structure constructed Types of Deep Foundation
below the ground level that’s transfer the structural 1. Pile foundation
loads from a building safety into the ground. 2. Caisson (Well or Pier) foundation
3. Shaft foundation
Bearing Capacity – capacity of soil to support the loads
applied to the ground. Settlement – is the vertically downward movement of
structure due to the compression of underlying soil
Footing – the lowermost portion of the foundation because of increased load.
which is in direct contact with the sub-soil and is often
called shallow foundation. Loads from Structure
a. Dead Load – Weight of Building
Khair – Cutch Tree (Acacia) b. Live Load – Weight of Occupants and
Load – forces, deformation, or acceleration applied to c. Lateral Load – Wind and Seismic
a structure or it’s component. d. Any other such as Uplift etc.
e. Weight of Equipments
D/B – Depth with ratio.
Requirements of Foundation
Cast-in-situ – cast in place. 1. Structural Stability
2. Not impairing Function of the Building
Frost heave – the lifting of a soil surface or pavement 3. Durability
due to the freezing of moisture in the underlying soil. 4. Economy

Purpose of Foundation Types of Settlement

1. To support the structure 1. Uniform (No settlement) – all pans of the
2. To distribute the weight of the structure over structure undergo equal settlement.
large area so as to bring down the intensity of 2. Tilt/Tipping – tilt occurs when an entire
load within the safe bearing capacity of soil. structure rotates due to non-uniform
3. To distribute the non-uniform load of the settlement.
superstructure, uniform the sub-soil. 3. Differential or uneven – settlement occurs
4. To increase the stability of the structure as a when the soil beneath a structure cannot bear
whole. the weights imposed. Can cause a building to
shift out of plumb causing cracks in the
Factors affecting selection of Foundation foundation, structure, or finish.
1. Loads from the building
2. Types of soil Causes of Settlement
3. Types of structure in neighbourhood 1. Weak bearing soil
4. Types of foundation 2. Poor Compaction
3. Changes in moisture content
Two Types of Foundation 4. Maturing trees and vegetation
1. Shallow Foundation – the depth at which the 5. Soil consolidation
foundation is placed is less than its width. D/B
≤ 1. Causes of Foundation Failure
2. Deep Foundation – the depth at which is 1. Evaporation
placed is greater than its width. D/B ≥ 1. 2. Transpiration
3. Plumbing Leaks
Types of Shallow Foundation 4. Drainage
1. Spread footings/ foundation 5. Inferior Foundation Construction
2. Mat or raft footing foundation 6. Inferior Ground Preparation
3. Combined footings/ foundation 7. Poor Soil Condition
4. Grillage footings/ foundation
Footing – is the lower part of the foundation which is
constructed below the ground level in solid surface.
Purpose of Footing Flat Plate / Slab – a mat is used for fairly small and
 Transfer the “Live & Dead Loads” of the uniform column spacing and relatively light loads.
structure of the soil over a large enough area
so that neither the soil nor the building will Flat Slab Thickened under Columns – columns
move. subjected to a very heavy loads usually the flat plate is
 Resist settlement & lateral load. thickened under columns to guard against shear and
negative moments.
Requirements for Footing Design
 Allowable Bearing Capacity of soil (building Two way beam and Slab – when the column spacing is
codes of various organizations in diff. large and carries unequal loads it would be more
Countries gives the allowable bearing capacity economical.
that can be used for proportioning footings.
 Total Load( live load + dead load) Flat slab with pedestals – for columns subjected to
 Length and width of Column. very heavy loads usually the pedestal are provided at
the base of the column.
Spread Footing – it is a type of structural component
that acts as a base for a building’s foundation. Rigid Frame Mat – used when columns carry extremely
heavy loads. In such designs, basement walls act as ribs
Individual Footing – also called single footing or or deep beam.
isolated footing. Most simple type of foundation
footing. Piled Raft – the mat is supported on piles. Used where
the soil is highly compressible and the water table is
Wall footing – often called strip footing or Continuous high.
footing, commonly found in load-bearing masonry
construction. Combined Footing – a footing supporting two or more
columns in one row.
Inverted Arch Footing – it is used to be provided for
multi-storeyed buildings in olden times. Strap Beam Combined Footing – also called concreted
or cantilever footing. Consist of two or more footing on
Single Footing – in which the loaded area (b x b0 of the individual columns, connected by a beam, called strap.
column has been spread to the size. B x B through a
single spread. The base is generally made of concrete. Grillage Footing – it is used when heavy structural
loads from column, piers or stanchions are required to
Stepped Footing – for heavily loaded column, which be transferred to a soil of low bearing capacity.
requires greater spread.
Types of Grillage Footing
Sloped Footing – concrete base does not have uniform 1. Steel Grillage – foundations consists of steel
thickness, but is made sloped, with greater thickness at beams also known as grillage beams which are
its junction with the column and smaller thickness at provided in single or double tiers.
the ends. 2. Timber Grillage – Where the soil encountered
is soft and is permanently water-logged
Mat / Raft Foundation – a large slab foundation that is building walls can be economically supported
used instead of multiple spread footings. Typically used by suitably designed timber grillage
when there are poor and weak soil conditions. foundation.

Type of Mat Foundation

1. Flat Slab
2. Flat Slab thickened under column
3. Two way Beam and Slab Types
4. Flat slab with pedestal
5. Rigid Frame Mat
6. Piled mat

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