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"[17] Now I beseech you, brethren, mark them which cause divisions and offences
contrary to the doctrine which ye have learned; and avoid them.
[18] For they that are such serve not our Lord Jesus Christ, but their own belly; and by
good words and fair speeches deceive the hearts of the simple." - Romans 16:17,18

How could a staunch KJV only, fundamentalist, Baptist preacher/teacher who preaches
against the Catholic Church be a Jesuit? You have to understand how they work. Jesuits
can and do pretend to be anyone, including the most extreme opposers of the Vatican.
Their infiltration and subversion always serves the greater good of the "mother church". I
have come to the conclusion that Peter Ruckman is a plant to discredit the KJV only
movement. They trained and educated him and made him the most well known of all the
KJV only preachers. The reason for this was to discredit the movement to the majority of
Christians. Pretty much everything he teaches defending the inerrancy and preservation
of the King James Bible is 100% true. The problem is many of the other doctrines he
teaches, his own personal Christian walk, and the attitude and language he uses. I believe
there to be too many pieces of evidence to ignore if someone were to say that this man is
just deceived in certain areas or struggling in his walk with the Lord. The following will
examine some of the false doctrine he teaches, events in his life, and a look at tactics the
Jesuits use. Please read everything before you make up your mind. This is in no way,
shape, or form an attack in the inerrancy and preservation of the Authorized 1611 King
James Bible. I believe in KJV only, but this man has done much damage to a very
important truth.
A native of Wilmington, Delaware, Peter Ruckman is a son of Colonel John Hamilton
Ruckman (1888–1966) and a grandson of General John Wilson Ruckman (1858–1921).
Ruckman was reared in Topeka, Kansas, attended Kansas State University, and received
a bachelor's degree from the University of Alabama. Ruckman married Janie Bess May
of Sawyerville, Alabama, and they had five children together.[2]
Ruckman entered the U.S. Army in 1944 and became second lieutenant, although he
never saw action. At the end of World War II, he volunteered to serve with the
occupation forces in Japan and while there studied Zen Buddhism. Ruckman claimed to
have had paranormal experiences during this period, including (in his words) "the
experience of nirvana, which the Zen call samadhi, the dislocation of the spirit from the
body....Looking at my moral life following that experience, and my desire at times to
commit suicide, I realize I had produced a passive state that was an entrance for spirits."
Ruckman returned to the United States "uneasy, unsettled, full of demons." Drinking
heavily, he became a disc jockey during the day and a drummer in various dance bands at
night. Sometimes verging on suicide, he began to hear voices, and he met with a
Jesuit priest to explore the possibility of joining the Roman Catholic Church.
On March 14, 1949, he was converted to Christianity after talking to evangelist Hugh
Pyle in the studios of WEAR radio in Pensacola. Ruckman then attended Bob Jones
University (BJU), where he received a master's degree and Ph.D. in religion.[3] In 1959,
after several separations, Ruckman's first marriage was dissolved. Ruckman has
since been divorced again and married a third time.[4]
The Bible says, "[31] It hath been said, Whosoever shall put away his wife, let him give
her a writing of divorcement:
[32] But I say unto you, That whosoever shall put away his wife, saving for the cause of
fornication, causeth her to commit adultery: and whosoever shall marry her that is
divorced committeth adultery." - Matthew 5:31,32
"[2] A bishop then must be blameless, the husband of one wife, vigilant, sober, of good
behaviour, given to hospitality, apt to teach;
[3] Not given to wine, no striker, not greedy of filthy lucre; but patient, not a brawler,
not covetous;
[4] One that ruleth well his own house, having his children in subjection with all gravity;
[5] (For if a man know not how to rule his own house, how shall he take care of the
church of God?)
[6] Not a novice, lest being lifted up with pride he fall into the condemnation of the devil.
[7] Moreover he must have a good report of them which are without; lest he fall into
reproach and the snare of the devil.
[8] Likewise must the deacons be grave, not doubletongued, not given to much wine, not
greedy of filthy lucre;
[9] Holding the mystery of the faith in a pure conscience.
[10] And let these also first be proved; then let them use the office of a deacon, being
found blameless.
[11] Even so must their wives be grave, not slanderers, sober, faithful in all things."
- I Timothy 3:2-11
Ruckman is the pastor of Bible Baptist Church in Pensacola, and his writings and
recorded sermons are published by his Bible Baptist Bookstore.[5] Like his father, Peter
Ruckman early demonstrated artistic talent, and he often illustrated his sermons in chalk
and pastels while preaching.[6]

Even other supporters of the King James Only movement reject Ruckman's position that
the English KJV is superior to existing Hebrew and Greek manuscripts,[10] and they also
criticize Ruckman because "his writings are so acerbic, so offensive and mean-
spirited that the entire movement has become identified with his kind of
confrontational attitude."[11]
This was the goal of the Jesuits. To get everyone to throw out the baby with the bathwater
in the case of the KJV only issue.
Ruckman does not believe that a fetus becomes a living soul until it is born and
takes its first breath.
"I teach that a baby is not a living soul until it breathes. I'm considered a great heretic
for teaching that, but then again if a man goes by the King James Bible he's bound to
be a heretic these days. And so I don't teach that abortion is murder like the brethren
do and for that reason I'm considered a heretic by some of the brethren...Some of the
brethren get so hung up on these things you know, they say, 'Abortion is murder;
abortion is murder.' They show you pictures. Well they're trying to prove, they're
trying to prove that thing looks like a person, it is a person. That's what Darwin taught.
You gotta watch that business." - Dr. Peter Ruckman
How can we let this slide? Abortion is murder end of story and no true born again
Christian would EVER say otherwise.
"[13] But the angel said unto him, Fear not, Zacharias: for thy prayer is heard; and thy
wife Elisabeth shall bear thee a son, and thou shalt call his name John.
[14] And thou shalt have joy and gladness; and many shall rejoice at his birth.
[15] For he shall be great in the sight of the Lord, and shall drink neither wine nor strong
drink; and he shall be filled with the Holy Ghost, EVEN FROM HIS MOTHER'S
- Luke 1:13-15

Ruckman also believes in UFOs and blue aliens with blue blood, black aliens with green
blood, and gray aliens with clear blood.[13] Further, he believes the CIA has implanted
brain transmitters in children, old people, and African-Americans and that the agency
operates underground alien breeding facilities.[14]
More information that discredits KJV onlyists.

Ruckman holds many peculiar doctrines and has a proud, cultic

attitude that he alone has truths that no one else in church history has
In bragging up his book The Salient Verses, Mr. Ruckman makes these comments: “If
you are able to obtain a copy [of Ruckman's proposed new book] you will have, in your
hands, a minimum of 200 advanced revelations that came from the inerrant English text,
that were completely overlooked (or ignored) by every major Christian scholar since 90
A.D. This would include all of the modern Bible revisers (1800-1999), all of the faculty
members and staffs of every major ‘Fundamental’ (Conservative and Evangelical)
seminary, university, and college in Europe and America since 1500, and every Greek
and Hebrew scholar (or teacher) since 1611. … Actually, if a Bible believer has this
work he will have the accumulated knowledge of Cornelius Stam and Ethelbert Bullinger
… Clarence Larkin and C.I. Scofield, Ewing, Osborne, Tilton, and PTL … Pember,
Peters, Gaebelein, Pentecost, Lindsey, Kirban, Rockwood, Webber, and Van Impe …
plus the Puritans, Reformers, major evangelists (Moody, Sunday, Finney, Torrey,
Wesley, etc.) and all that ANY Greek and Hebrew scholar … ever found out–that was
SO–in the last 200 years” (Peter Ruckman, Bible Believers’ Bulletin, Jan. 1994, pp. 2,4).
In The Unknown Bible, Ruckman claims to hold to 14 “biblical truths” which all other
Bible teachers have overlooked. On page 347, Ruckman modestly claims: “Do you
realize that in these last two chapters, you have learned a dozen things that were unknown
to the greatest Bible teachers in the world? In 2000 years of church history, they haven’t
even been able to find the passage which dealt with these things we have been talking
Some of Ruckman’s long-overlooked “biblical truths” include the following:
(1) Angels are thirty-three year old males without wings; and all women in the
Church Age will receive thirty-three year old male bodies at the Rapture.
(2) The plan of salvation for Tribulation saints is faith plus works and the plan of
salvation in the Millennium is works alone.
(3) When the believer is born again, his soul is literally cut loose from the inside of
his fleshly body. (Ruckman takes spiritual circumcision very literally!)
(4) Demons are winged creatures ranging in size from those of flies and mosquitoes
to eagles and vultures.
(5) Sexual unions constitute marriage in God’s sight.
(6) The soul is an invisible bodily shape. “The problem is the word ‘soul,’ but since
there isn’t one pre-millennial, soul-winning, fundamentalist who knows what a soul
is (see the entire library of books published by Eerdmans, Baker, Zondervan, and
the Sword of the Lord before 1970) … The soul in the Bible is an invisible BODILY
SHAPE. In the Old Testament, the soul is almost synonymous with the body, for it is
STUCK TO IT till death” (Ruckman, Problem Texts, p. 145).
(7) The flood mentioned in 2 Peter 3 is not Noah’s flood but is one that supposedly
occurred at the judgment of the earth, when Satan was cast out of Heaven. He
admits that no other Bible teacher has held this view: “Now who could get a
message so simple all muddled up? Answer: Every major fundamental Bible scholar
and teacher in the United States, without one exception. If you were to ask Henry
Morris what the verses refer to he’d say Noah’s flood: ditto Harry Rimmer,
Clarence Larkin, J. Vernon McGee, Swindle (sic), MacArthur, Bob Jones III … the
Scofield Board of Editors” (Ruckman, The Unknown Bible, p. 67).
(8) “God has ordained on this earth 12 boundaries, with 12 nations, who are
destined to leave this earth (transported by angels–Luke 16:22), and populate outer
space infinitely and forever, beginning with the 12 constellations that are seen on the
earth once every 12 months” (The Unknown Bible, p. 588).
(9) “In eternity, the Christian is in New Jerusalem; he is in his apartment house that
is made out of transparent gold, like clear glass. … He is called out on trips, and
these trips take him to Mars, Jupiter, Venus, Saturn, Uranus, etc. transporting
couples into gardens placing them down and saying, ‘be fruitful and multiply, and
replenish the earth’” (Ibid., p. 592).
(10) “I know they [demons] have to be small. … there’s two little animals that have
wings. One’s a fly and the other’s a mosquito. Know what these things are? They’re
pictures of demons. THE THINGS HAVE WINGS” (Ruckman, Demons and
Christians, Bible Baptist Bookstore, 1976, side 1).
Some Ruckmanites have challenged me to refute the Ruckman doctrines we have cited. I
don’t have to refute them; they are self refuting for the simple fact that they have no
biblical authority, just as Rome’s dogmas of purgatory and the ascension of Mary are self
refuting. Why should we have to refute nonsense? The Bible instructs us to avoid the
foolish and unlearned questions of heretics (2 Tim. 2:23; Titus 3:9-11), and Ruckman’s
new doctrines certainly fall into this category.
THE JESUIT PLAN - Branding people KJV only Christians "Ruckmanites"
Most people today who defend the King James Bible get branded a Ruckmanite! That
was the plan.

Ruckman admits to having some involvement in hundreds of church

Those four messages [by Ruckman] were enough to split three national
fellowships, more than fifty colleges and universities, and several hundred local
Ruckman, Peter. Ruckman’s Battlefield Notes. p. 45
At one time, I had a list of fourteen Baptist churches in the Pensacola area that
had split off the Brent Baptist Church where I used to pastor.
Ruckman, Peter. The Books of the General Epistles. Vol. 1. 2005, p. 170
In this video by Ruckman "Ordinance vs Sacrament" he says that...
...there are saved Catholics?!?!
Watch from 3:20 to about 5:00
If you read the testimony of former Jesuit priest Alberto Rivera he talks about some of
the tactics they use when they infiltrate churches. One of these tactics is to tell other
Christians that they know people who are saved Christians in the Catholic Church and
this is all done while they are pretending to be Protestants. This tactic make Christians
think the Catholic Church is Christian too and that there is salvation within the Papacy.
Read his testimony below:
Go to the third page(Page 15)
Go to the first page(Page 21)

In conclusion, if Ruckman is not a Jesuit he sure acts like one. If he is not a Jesuit set up
to discredit the KJV only movement then he has done so on his own with all of his false
doctrine and behavior. Stick to the King James Bible, but avoid Ruckman. There are
plenty of other researchers out there who do a fine job of defending God's Word. God

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