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HBO July 24, 2019

Group Activity


1) All groups will read Chapters 4 and 5 topics as indicated below. Aside from Roberto
G. Medina’s book on Human Behavior in Organization, you are required to read at least
two (2) more books which are related to the topics below. You may get your sources
from the library or online. Kindly use proper citation and information of your additional
references using APA/MLA format in your answer sheet.

2. Each Group has to submit a typewritten short paper by 4:00pm, Friday, July 26, 2019
(double spaced font size 12). Minimum pages is 4, maximum pages of 6. Kindly put
your paper on top of my desk at the Business Admin Program (BAP) faculty room.
Please include the team members name for my reference.

3. This report is equivalent to 100 points.

Chapters for Review and Discussion:

Chapter 4: Values, Attitudes and Job Satisfaction

Questions for Review and Discussion

1. What are values? How are they learned?
Values are basic convictions about what is important to the individual. They
contain a judgmental element of what is right, good, or desirable (Bitonio, 2011).
According to McShane and Glinow (2008), values are stable, evaluative beliefs that
guide our preferences for outcomes or courses of action in a variety of situations. They
are learned and influenced by our own decisions and actions when something makes us
mindful of that value, we can think of specific reasons for applying the value in that
situation, and the work environment supports behaviors consistent with the value.
2. What are the types of values?
There are two types of values; terminal and instrumental. Terminal Values are
desirable end-states of existence, the goals of that a person would like to achieve
during his or her lifetime while instrumental values are preferable modes of behavior or
means of achieving one’s terminal values (Jannat, 2009).
3. What is meant by “value incongruence”?
4. What are terminal values? What examples many be provided?
These are values that we think are most important or most desirable.
These refer to desirable end states of existence, the goals a person would like to
achieve during his or her lifetime.
They include happiness, self-respect, recognition, inner harmony, leading a prosperous
life, and professional excellence.
Examples of terminal values include family security, freedom, and equality

5. What are attitudes? What are their main components?

HBO July 24, 2019
Group Activity
Attitudes are simply expressions of much we like or dislike various things.
Attitudes represent our evaluations, preferences or rejections based on the information
we receive. It is a generalized tendency to think or act in a certain way in respect of
some object or situation, often accompanied by feeling. It is a learned predisposition to
respond in a consistent manner with respect to a given object. There are three
components of attitude are; Cognitive Component, Affective Component and Behavioral
The cognitive component of attitudes refers to the beliefs, thoughts, and
attributes that we would associate with an object. It is the opinion or belief segment of
an attitude. It refers that part of attitude which is related in general knowledge of a
person. The cognitive component of attitudes refers to the beliefs, thoughts, and
attributes that we would associate with an object. It is the opinion or belief segment of
an attitude. It refers that part of attitude which is related in general knowledge of a
Affective component is the emotional or feeling segment of an attitude.
It is related to the statement which affects another person.
It deals with feelings or emotions that are brought to the surface about something, such
as fear or hate. Using the above example, someone might have the attitude that they
love all babies because they are cute or that they hate smoking because it is harmful to
Behavior component of an attitude consists of a person’s tendencies to behave’in
a particular way toward an object. It refers to that part of attitude which reflects the
intention of a person in short run or long run.
Using the above example, the behavioral attitude maybe- ‘I cannot wait to kiss the
baby’, or ‘we better keep those smokers out of the library, etc.
6. What is meant by “negative affectivity”?
7. How are attitudes formed?
Attitudes are formed over time as we are exposed to stimuli and make an
evaluation (McLintic, 2017). These are learned and acquired as we experience the
world, in which our thoughts and emotions coalesce into attitudes, and these then affect
our behavior.
8. What are the most important attitudes in the workplace?
It may seem as if skills and experience are the most important characteristics of
an employee, but attitude plays just as big of a role. According to Belcher (2019), there
are five key attitudes that businesses should seek out in employees to ensure a
harmonious professional environment and a productive staff. These are the following:
Respect for others; Infectious enthusiasm about life; Commitment to the job; Innovative
ideas and finding new ways; and Helpfulness with others.
9. What happens when employees are dissatisfied with their jobs?
Some employees leave their jobs for better opportunities, while others choose to
stay and remain unhappy. Dissatisfied employees can negatively affect a company
because they typically lack motivation, perform poorly and possess negative attitudes.
These symptoms have a way of spreading to other employees, infecting entire
departments and the company’s bottom line. Dissatisfied employees may also affect
their workforce productivity, customer retention, employee turnover, and the reputation
of the business.
HBO July 24, 2019
Group Activity
10. What factors are associated with job satisfaction?
According to the website of,
satisfaction, the factors associated with job satisfaction are: the working environment,
fair policies and practice, caring organization, appreciation, pay, age, promotion, feel of
belongingness, initiation and leadership, feel of being loved, safety and security,
challenges, responsibilities, feedback. The other source of the topic said that optimal
working conditions, opportunity for advancement, workload and stress level, and
financial rewards may also be associated with employees’ job satisfaction (Hill, 2019).

Chapter 5: Motivation

Questions for Review and Discussion

1. What conditions make job performance possible in any organization?
Job Performance may be viewed as a function of the capacity to perform, the
opportunity to perform, and the willingness to perform (Ivancevich and Matteson, 1990).
2. What motivates people to behave differently?
People are motivated to behave differently because of their different needs and
wants. These are the deficiencies that an individual may experience at a particular time,
it may be need for food, self-esteem or need for social interaction (Ivancevich and
Matteson, 1990).
3. How many define intensity as an element of motivation?
4. What does Abraham Maslow espouse in his hierarchy of needs theory?
He suggested that human beings have a hierarchy of needs. That is, that all
humans act in a way which will address basic needs, before moving on to satisfy other,
so-called higher level needs.
Maslow represented this theory as a hierarchical triangle. This shows how basic needs
must be met before one can “climb” the hierarchy, to address more complex needs. For
example, first one must meet the basic, physiological need for food, water and warmth.
After that the focus would be on the need to be safe, then the need to belong to social
groups, and so on up the hierarchy.The important thing to recognize is Maslow’s
contention that one’s sense of well-being. i.e. the ‘feelgood factor’ increases as the
higher level needs are met. This means that in order for motivation to occur at the next
level, each level must be satisfied within the individual themselves.
5. According to David McClelland, what motivates people?
He identified three motivators that he believed we all have: a need for
achievement, a need for affiliation, and a need for power. People will have different
characteristics depending on their dominant motivator.
According to McClelland, these motivators are learned (which is why this theory is
sometimes called the Learned Needs Theory).
McClelland says that, regardless of our gender, culture, or age, we all have three
motivating drivers, and one of these will be our dominant motivating driver. This
dominant motivator is largely dependent on our culture and life experiences.

6. What is the two-factor theory?

7. Under the equity theory, when does equity exist?

HBO July 24, 2019
Group Activity
Under the equity theory, when does equity exist?
According to the equity equations stated by Redmond (2016), an equity exists when the
Output or Input of an individual equals to the compared Output or Input of others. These
outputs are the benefits that a person is awarded from a job, while the inputs are
anything of value that a person brings to a job.
8. In what way does job design motivate people?
Having motivated employees is one of the most important things within any
business. According to Robinson (2014), Job Design is a psychological theory of
motivation that is defined as the systematic and purposeful allocation of task to groups
and individuals within an organization. The five core characteristics of job design are
skill variety, task identity, task significance, autonomy, and job feedback. Employee
motivation comes from many areas. By designing jobs that encompass all of the core
characteristics, it can help increase employee motivation, in turn improving
9. What does the OB Med program consist of?
To become an OB/GYN, individuals must earn a bachelor's degree, complete
medical school and fulfill a 4-year residency requirement. During residency, students
spend at least 50 hours per week attending to patients and learning from doctors. After
they complete their residency, applicants must then take boards or licensing
examinations before they can legally practice medicine.
OB/GYNs need to have strong communication skills, make quick decisions, be
self-motivated and be able to work long hours. Since advances are often made to
medical technology, OB/GYNs must also be willing to keep abreast of changes through
continued education or workshops and seminars.
10. What is the nature of profit related pay?
The situation in which the pay of employees is related to the profit made by the
employer. The purpose is to increase motivation, commitment, and effort by the
workforce by ensuring that all staff have a positive stake in the commercial success of
the company. For such a scheme to be a success it must be believed in, valued, and
understood by all concerned. Staff must clearly understand that a bonus payment will
be forthcoming if the organization has a good year but will not be if the organization
does not make profits. Above all, profit-related pay should never be used as a means of
cutting wage and salary bills. Its general effect is to put up wage and salary bills and this
legitimately raises the expectations of the individuals concerned. The simplest of these
is to allocate an amount from the surplus generated by the organization and to share
this out among employees. For maximum equality, this will be as a percentage increase
in all employees' salaries.

Source: Human Behavior in Organization by Roberto G. Medina, Ph. D.

Ivancevich, J. and Matteson, M. 1990. Organizational Behavior and Management.

Richard D. Erwin, Inc. United States of America.

HBO July 24, 2019
Group Activity
McShane, S. and Glinow, M. 2008. Organizational Behavior: Emerging Realities for the
Workplace Revolution. McGraw-Hill Education (Asia). Philippines.
Bitonio, J. 2011. Values, Attitudes and Job Satisfaction. Published in LinkedIn.
Retrieved from
Belcher, L. M., 2019. Five attitudes that are important in workplaces. Chron. Retrieved
July 25, 2019 from:
Jannat, A. 2009. Organizational Behavior – Values, Attitude, Job Satisfaction. Published
in LinkedIn. Retrieved from
Hill, B. 2019. What Are the Factors Affecting Job Satisfaction?.
McLintic, M., 2017. How attitudes are formed and predict our behavior. Firebrand.
Retrieved July 25, 2019 from:
Redmond, B. F., 2016. Equity theory overview. Retrieved July 26, 2019 from:
Robinson, A., 2014. Design a job that motivates employees. Hireology. Retrieved July
26, 2019 from:


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