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There is/are = existe(m)/há / There was/were = existia(m)/Havia(m) / There have been/has been = existiu/existiram/houve Presente Simples

There would be = existiria(m)/Haveria There will be = existirá/haverá / There should be = deveria existir/haver (Hábitos, rotinas, verdades)
Verbo auxiliar: DO/DOES
Estrutura básica do Pronomes Pronomes Pronomes Pronomes Pronomes Verbo to be Verbo to be
inglês: Sujeito + verbo + Pessoais Possessivos Possessivos do Objeto Reflexivos Presente Passado *Use o verbo
I He
complemento I My Mine Me Myself I am I was auxiliar para
You She fazer perguntas
How was your day?
You Your Yours You Yourself You are You were We It e formar frases
IT (My day) was nice.
S V C We Our Ours Us Ourselves We are We were They na negativa.

Something happened yesterday. They Their Theirs Them Themselves They are They were Do you/we/they like soccer?
Does he/she/it like pasta?
S V C He His His Him Himself He is He was
I/You/We/They don’t (do not) like soccer.
She Her Hers Her Herself She is She was
There is a problem. He/She/It doesn’t (does not) like pasta.
It Its Its It Itself It is It was
S V C I/You/We/They play soccer.
He/She/It plays soccer..
*Quando falamos sobre he/she/it na
afirmativa, o verbo terá S no final
-WH words -WH phrases (plays, goes, has, likes).
Marcela Harrisberger
What (O que) What time (Que horas) English Teacher - Coach Passado Simples
Where (Onde) What kind (Que tipo) (Acontecimentos passados)
When (Quando) How much (Quanto)
Why (Por que) How many (Quantos) Verbo auxiliar: DID
Who (Quem)
How (Como)
How long (Quanto tempo) The English Language Mind Map I
He *Use o verbo
How often (Qual frequência)
Which (Qual) She = DID auxiliar para fazer
We perguntas e formar
They frases na negativa.

Did you/we/they/he/she/it play soccer

Verbos modais
Presente Perfeito yesterday?
CAN = poder (permissão)/conseguir (habilidade) Verbo auxiliar: HAVE/HAS Uso: (nunca dizer quando a ação aconteceu): I/You/We/They/he/she/it didn't (did not)
Passado = COULD Para falar de algo que começou no passado e play soccer yesterday.
HAVE HAS ainda não acabou. I/You/We/They/he/she/it went to the
I He
MAY = possibilidade/permissão Para falar de experiências que você teve na vida movies yesterday.
You She sem falar quando elas aconteceram.
SHOULD = deveria We It Para falar de algo que aconteceu no passado e
They ainda é relevante no presente. Verbo to be no passado
WOULD = (iria): would like (gostaria), would be (seria) *Use o verbo auxiliar sempre Palavras comuns: recently, already, never, yet, (Era(m), estava(m))
que usar o presente perfeito. lately, for (time), since.
You I
Futuro We = WERE He = WAS
Formas Contínuas (Presente e Passado) She
Going to + verb = ação planejada. They
(Ação em andamento em um determinado período de tempo) It
I’m going to study English this weekend.
Sujeito + verbo to be + verbo principal no -ing + complemento Were you/we/they at work yesterday?
Will + verb = decisão tomada na hora da fala.
I’ll go to the supermarket on my way home. I’m reading a book about American History. Was he/she/it at work yesterday?

Presente simples = futuro agendado. Are you enjoying the movie? You/We/They weren’t (were not) at
work yesterday.
The flight leaves at 10am. I was watching TV when they arrived.
Were you studying yesterday morning? He/She/It wasn't (was not) at work

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