Comp Literacy - Chapter 6 Computer Ethic and Security

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UTM Foundation

Computer Ethic and
Dr. Siti Hajar Othman &
Dr. Nazmona Mat Ali
Faculty of Computing,
UTM Johor Bharu
Email: /
Phone: 07-55 32372 /
Website: &
Table of Content: CHAPTER 6

1) Computer Ethics
2) Intellectual Property
3) Computer Security
4) Computer Security Risks
5) Security Measure


 Privacy – What are the threats to personal

privacy and how can we protect ourselves?

 Security – How can access to sensitive

information be controlled and how can we
secure hardware and software?

 Ethics – How do the actions of individual

users and companies affect society?

What Is Security?

 Security is defined as “the quality or state of
being secure—to be free from danger”
 Security is often achieved by means of several
strategies undertaken simultaneously or used in
combination with one another

 Specialized areas of security

 Physical security, operations security,
communications security, and network security
What Is Information Security?

 The protection of information and its critical
elements (confidentiality, integrity and
availability), including the systems and hardware
that use, store, and transmit that information
 Through the application of policy, technology, and
training and awareness programs

 Policy, training and awareness programs and

technology are vital concepts
1) Computer Ethics

 ETHICS is a set of moral principles that govern the

behaviour of a group or individual

 Computer Ethics is set of moral principles that

regulate the use of computers
 E.g.: Using computer appropriately

Basic Rules of Computer Ethics

1) Do not use computer to harm other users.

2) Do not use computers to steal other’s information
3) Do not access files without the permission of owner.
4) Do not copy copyrighted softwares without the authors
5) Use Internet ethically.
6) Do not use other user’s computer
resources without their permission.

Rules or precautions
in the Computer Room
1) No noise making is allowed
2) Acts of vandalism such as fighting should be avoided
3) Burglary alarms should be installed in the computer room
4) Always switch off all electrical appliances after use and
shut down computers after use
5) Prevention of unauthorized access to
the computers
6) No eating or drinking in the computer room
7) Leave all hardware and furniture in their
original place
8) Do not bring in any sharp objects to the
computer room.

2) Intellectual Property (IP)

 IP is an intangible property that is the result

of creativity (ideas, inventions, art, writing,
processes, company, product names or logo)

 There are 4 types of IP:

 Patents: for inventions
 Copyrights: for brand identity
 Trademarks: and for product appearance
 Design: for materials.

2) Intellectual Property (IP)

Type of
Examples of intellectual property
Trade marks Product names, logos, jingles
Appearance of a product including, shape, packaging,
Registered designs
patterns, colours, decoration
Inventions and products, eg machines and machine parts,
tools, medicines

 Example: Software
- Software is a product of human intellect -> a kind of IP
- e.g.: Adobe, the Adobe logo, Windows and etc.

2) Intellectual Property (IP)

 IP rights are the rights to which creator are entitle

for their work
 Copyright Law issues led to the development of
Digital Right Management (DRM).
 DRM is a set of access control technologies for restricting the
use of proprietary hardware and copyrighted works

3) Computer Security

 Threats to computer security include

criminals, computer crimes, and other
 Computer criminals:
 Employees
 Outside users
 Hackers and
 Organized crime
 Terrorists

Computer Crime

• Malicious Programs • Social networking

– Viruses risks
– Worms • Rogue Wi-Fi hotspots
– Trojan horse • Theft of hardware,
– Zombies software, data, and
• Denial of service computer time
(DoS) attacks • Data manipulation
• Internet scams, such – Computer Fraud and
as phishing Abuse Act
4) Computer Security Risks

 A computer security risk is any event or action that

could cause a loss of or damage to computer hardware,
software, data, information, or processing capability.

 A cyber crime is an online or Internet-based illegal act

4) Computer Security Risks


5) Security Measures

 Restricting access
 Encrypting data
 Anticipating disasters
 Preventing data loss

Restricting Access

 Biometric scanning
 Fingerprint scanners
 Iris (eye) scanners
 Passwords
 Firewalls
Encrypting Data

 Encryption is the process of coding information to

make it unreadable, except to those who have the
 E-mail encryption
 File encryption
 Web site encryption
 Virtual private networks
 Wireless network encryption
 WEP, WPA, and WPA2

 Cryptography is the science of disguising and

revealing encrypted information
 Usually refers to keeping any intercepted
information private

 Cryptographers are mathematicians

who specialize in making and breaking codes

 Annual salary is usually between

$60,000 to over $100,000/year
End Chapter 6

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