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Prologue: (Nagkayayaan ang magpipinsan na mag-travel)

Pinay tourists: Mary, Irish, Nellie
--sa gitna--
*Video Chat*
Mary: Uy girls! Anu na? Kamusta na yung drawing natin? 2020 na!
Irish: Mga hindi matuloy tuloy na plano eh noh..kulayan na kasi
Nellie: Ano?Tuloy na ba tayo next week? Mag-iimpake na ko seryoso, walang halong biro
Mary: Ayan si Irish pagsabihan mo baka malate at maiwan ng eroplano
Irish: Wow Mary ha says you na sugar daddy ang hanap
Mary: Shhh! Satin lang yun uy. Osha, kita kits
Nellie: Chat chat na lang mga couz. Bye!

--lalabas na yung tatlo--

Introduction: ALL except the Pinay tourists
Eng: Good afternoon everyone! We are group 4!
Fijian (Fiji): Bula Ni sa Bula!

Samoan (Samoa): manuia le aoauli!

Tongan (Tongo): Mālō e lelei!

Chamorro (Guam): Buenas tåtdes!

(All translates to good afternoon & good day)

--papasok na yung tatlo--
Characters: Angela, Johannah, Mary, Irish, Nellie, Graezy (Aunt)

-sa kaliwa, gilid-

Angela & Johannah: (puts lei/s on tourists as a greeting) Aloha! *shaka*
(The three sits)
(Sasayaw si A & J)
*Phone rings*
(Sinagot ni Nellie)
--sa kanan, gilid--
Graezy: Hello? Nellie, balita ko nasa Hawaii kayong magpipinsan? Sakto, dito na rin kayo
magbakasyon sa amin. Ipapakilala ko na rin kayo sa Tito niyo! Sunduin ko na lang kayo sa
airport ha. Ingat kayo!
--insert ad-libs--
Nellie: Tara bili tayong pasalubong para kina Tita
(They went for some shopping in Hawaii and bought wine and chocolates)
--travels (airplane), maglalakad lakad—

--by the blackboard--

*nanibago ang tatlo sa weather ng Canada*
Irish: Ugh! Jetlag!
(Graezy picked them up at the airport)
I, M, N: Titaaaa! (hugs and mano)
Graezy: Good thing na nagsuot kayong toque. Maninibago talaga kayo sa panahon. Oh and
around the 6ix lang kami. Few clicks away lang.
(The three were dumbfounded)

Slangs: Toque – winter cap ; The 6ix – Toronto area ; Clicks – kilometers
--travels (car) maglalakad lakad--

--by the blackboard--

Characters: I, M, N, Graezy (Aunt), Fredo (The husband/Uncle and a businessman),
Jannah (tagaluto at kasambahay)
*At doorsteps*
(The three politely takes off their shoes while their Aunt does not)
Graezy: Hun??? There are people I’d like to introduce to you.
(Nagmano din sila sa kanilang Tito)
(They hand over the wine and chocolates they bought from Hawaii)
(Graezy introduces her nieces) After a while…(Fredo went to his room to get dressed for work)
Graezy: Osha have a seat. Maghintay lang kayo at kakain na tayo.
(The three silently waits sitting on the couch) and (Jannah is preparing at the kitchen)

(Fredo shouted “HOOOOLY man!” from his room and they could hear his scream at the lounge)
(Naglakad ng padabog si Fredo while coming out of his room)
(They argued about how Graezy didn’t wash off his socks)
Fredo: I can’t find any of my socks at all! Wait, don’t tell me didn’t wash my socks!!?
Graezy: Eh? I think…I did? I’m sooorryyyyy!!! I was so excited to see my nieces…that I
completely forgot ‘bout it!
F: So, I’m just gonna go to work without socks? What would people think of me?
G: Just…buy some on the way. I’m really sorry.
F: Ugh! Fine. Next time, okay hun? Just put them on the chesterfield.
G: Yes hun. Go for a rip!
(After some time and when the situation cooled off, Fredo went to his work so the magti-tita
ang naiwan sa bahay)
G: Pasensiya na ha…Nakita niyo pa kaming mag-away.
(Jannah handed the meals and organized them on the table)
G: Have a seat and let’s eat!

Slangs: Chesterfield – sofa ; Go for a rip – have a good time

--by the blackboard--

Characters: I, M, N ,G, J & Clarissa (delivery woman)
(The fork is held in the left hand and the knife in the right while eating. The tines of the fork
should face down)
(Graezy gives the first toast. The guests then returned the toast)
G: Cheers!
(Do not begin eating until the owner of the house starts)
(When Graezy starts eating, the rest of them starts as well)
(Nellie rests her elbows on the table)
G: Do not rest your elbows on the table my niece
N: (obeys her aunt)
*continues eating*
Clarissa: Pizza delivery!
(Jannah went to pick the pizza and gave Clarissa some tips)
(Irish points her finger at Jannah)
Irish: Tita, siya po ba yung nakwento niyo sa amin na matagal niyo nang kasambahay?
G: Shhh! Huwag kang magtuturo. Masama yan dito. Pero oo my niece she’s Jannah.
*continues eating and they chatted for a while like nagkamustahan*
(Their ending scene ay nagtatawanan sila)
--closes curtain--

--sa gilid palakad si Gie--

Characters: Gie Anne, Angela, Nellie, Mary, Irish
*at the counter*
Jannah: Your order, ma’am?
Gie Anne: Umm..Iced cold brewed coffee, kindly put a lot of ice, Espresso double-double,
Grilled Bagel Breakfast Sandwich with Bacon and Timbits. On the go.
*after a while*
J: Here’s your order ma’am. Thank you!
G: Can I have serviette?
(Jannah handed it to her, Gie thanked her and left)
--maglalakad pagitna--
(Gie drinks her hot coffee on the go while on phone)
(While Gie was walking, Nellie, Mary & Irish were laughing out loud, they let out an open-
mouthed guffaw with their coffee on the go as well)
*Phone Call*
G: Hello? Oh yeah, I’m at Timmies. Oh, really? Got it!...Let’s link up at 5 in the afternoon
tomorrow. Oh sure! I’ll bring my mandems. Yeah..See ya!

Slangs: Double-double – coffee with 2 creams & 2 sugars ; Serviette – napkin ;

Timmies – Tim Hortons ; Link up – meet up ; Mandems – friends

--by the wall- (opposite ng blackboard)

--galing sa labas, maglalakad si Angela papunta sa nanay niya--
SCENE 7: LEAVING HOUSE AT 18 (Being Independent)
Characters: Jannah (Daughter) & Johanna (Mother)
(They talk about Jannah moving out of the house at the age of 18)
Jannah: Mom, *holds her mother’s hand* please don’t think that I’m leaving for good. I’m doing
this because I should be independent by now. I must discover and explore things freely. Above
all, I want to learn and find more about myself. Please do understand me, mom.
Johanna: *holds her daughter’s hands as well* Darling, don’t worry too much. You may be a
grown-up woman now but you will always be our sweetest baby. I respect your decisions and
please don’t think that I’m kicking you out just because I’m not asking you to stay. I’ll try my
best not to miss you too much because I’ll be begging you not to leave.
Jannah: Please don’t worry too much, mom. I’ll just call you on facetime okay? I will also visit
home often. I will miss you and our home. I promise that I will comeback as someone you can
be truly proud of.
(The two of them hugged each other tight)
--closes curtain--

--sa gitna--
Characters: Clarissa & Fredo
*On the bench*
(Clarissa is busy with her cellphone when Fredo approached her)
Fredo: Hey! How are you? Are you having a great day?
Clarissa: Oh yeah I’m doing well and having a blast today. How about you?
F: Oh well me too
C: The weather is looking good today unlike yesterday huh
F: Yeah…but you know what? Can I have your name and number?
C: Oh, sorry I already have someone
F: Come on, it’s fine
(Clarissa ignored him and gave him a dirty look)
(Fredo closes in)
C: Douchebag!
(Clarissa left hurriedly)
(Fredo also left)

Slang: Douchebag – jerk

--sa harap--
--maglalakad si Irish habang nagtatawag kung sino magbe-bet--
SCENE 10: COCKROACH RACE (Australia Day)
Characters: Irish (referee), (Mga nag bet) – Mary, Gie Anne, Clarissa, Graezy
(Lalapit sila M, G, C, G kay Irish upang magtaya)
Irish: Okay okay place your bets and choose names *shows a notepad with list of cockroaches’

Mary: I choose Yamito!

Gie Anne: I choose Roach!
Clarissa: I choose Juanito!
Graezy: I choose Brownie!
Irish: so everyone's done choosing their bets. Attention! In 3 2 1 *releases cockroaches from the
glass bottle*
(kicks a toy cockroach onto the finishing line)
I: Cockroach Yamito wins!!! Congratulations Contestant Mary! Have a good day everyone!


--1st scene: by the blackboard--
--kantahan: maglalakad lakad--
Song: Proud Corazón (from Coco)

Fredo: *places and organizes pictures of the dead in a table*

Angela: *places and organizes candles*
Nellie: *places and organizes flowers*
(kinamusta nila ang mga yumaong mahal sa buhay while looking at their pictures)
(they prayed for them)

*Music slowly starts*

Jannah & Nellie – guitar
Some cast – other instruments
(During the 1st verse, nakapalibot ang ibang casts kina Jannah at Nellie, feeling the music)
(Chorus: dahil upbeat na, magsasayaw na, feeling the music)
(2nd upbeat: maghihiwa-hiwalay to entertain and interact with the audience)

ALL CASTS: (slowly forms a straight line and bows)

Fin ~

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