Bode Plots: 1 Control Lectures by Lubn Moin

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Bode Plots

Control lectures by Lubn Moin 1

From last class

„ Sketching the Root Locus for a given system

„ Determine the stability of the system based
on the R-L sketch

Control lectures by Lubn Moin 2

Today’s class

„ Sketching a bode diagram for a given system

Control lectures by Lubn Moin 3

Learning Outcomes

„ At the end of this lecture, students should be

able to:
‰ Sketch the bode diagram for a given system
‰ Identify the system’s stability based on the
determined Gain Margin & Phase Margin

Control lectures by Lubn Moin 4

Frequency Response Method
¾ Frequency response analysis and design methods
consider response to sinusoids methods rather than steps
and ramps.

¾ Frequency response is readily determined experimentally

in sinusoidal testing.

¾ Frequency response is readily obtained from the system

transfer function (s = jω) , where ω is the input frequency).

¾ Link between frequency and time domains is indirect.

Design criteria help obtain good transient time response.

Control lectures by Lubn Moin 5

Frequency Response Method

¾ The frequency response of a system is steady-state

response of the system to a sinusoidal input signal.

¾ For linear dynamic systems, the steady state output of

the system is a sinusoid with the same frequency as the
input, but with the same frequency as the input, but
differing in amplitude and phase angle (there is a phase
shift in the output).

¾ The frequency response can be computed for a single

frequency, and can be plotted for a single frequency, and
can be plotted for a range of frequencies.

Control lectures by Lubn Moin 6


V2 I P
™ Note that the quantities , 2 , and 2 are unitless quantities.
V1 I1 P1

However, when scaled logs of the quantities are taken, the unit of
decibels (dB), is assigned.

2 0 lo g 1 0 = lo g -m ag n itu d e (L M ) o f th e v o ltag e g ain in d B
2 0 lo g 1 0 = lo g -m ag n itu d e (L M ) o f th e cu rren t g ain in d B
1 0 lo g 1 0 = lo g -m ag n itu d e (L M ) o f th e p o w er g ain in d B

Control lectures by Lubn Moin 7

There are two types of Bode plots:

„ The Bode straight-line approximation to the log-

magnitude (LM) plot, LM versus w (with w on
a log scale)
„ The Bode straight-line approximation to the
phase plot, φ(w) versus w (with w on a log

Control lectures by Lubn Moin 8

Num=[a b]
Den=[c d]

Control lectures by Lubn Moin 9

Standard form for H(jw)

„Before drawing a Bode plot, it is necessary to find

H(jw) and put it in “standard form.”

K(s + z1 )(s + z 2 ) ⋅⋅⋅ (s + z N )

H(s) =
(s + p1 )(s + p 2 ) ⋅⋅⋅ (s + p M )

1 1
G ( s) = G( jω) =
τs + 1 τjω +1

Control lectures by Lubn Moin 10

Five types of terms in H(jw)

1) K (a constant)
2) 1+j (a zero) or w (a pole)
w1 1 + j
3) jw (a zero) or 1/jw (a pole)

4) Any of the terms raised to a positive integer power.

 w
For example, 1 + j  (a double zero)
 w1 
5) Complex zero/poles
2α w w2 1
1+j 2 - (a complex zero) or (a complex pole)
w0 w0
2α w w2
1+j 2 - 2
w0 w0
Control lectures by Lubn Moin 11
1. Constant term in H(jw)

If H(jw) = K = K/0°
Then LM = 20log(K) and φ(w) = 0° , so the LM and phase responses are

LM (dB) φ(w)

0o w

0 1 10 100 w

Summary: A constant in H(jw):

• Adds a constant value to the LM graph (shifts the entire graph up or down)
• Has no effect on the phase

Control lectures by Lubn Moin 12

Factor Constant ,K

|G(jw)| /G(jw)

LM (dB) φ(w)

0o w

0 1 10 100 w

Control lectures by Lubn Moin 13

2. A) 1 + jw/w1 (a zero): The straight-line
approximations are:

w w -1  w 
If H(jw) = 1 + j = 1 +   ∠tan  
w1  w1   w1 
 w 
2 
 -1  w 
Then LM = 20log 1 +   and φ (w) = tan  
  w1    w1 
 

¾ To determine the LM and phase responses, consider 3

ranges for w:
1) w << w1
2) w >> w1
3) w = w1
Control lectures by Lubn Moin 14
So the Bode approximations (LM and phase) for
1 + jw/w1 are shown below.

LM φ(w)

20dB slope slope
= + 6dB/oct 45o = +45 deg/dec
= +20dB/dec (for 2 decades)
0dB w 0o w
w1 10w1 0.1w1 w1 10w1

Summary: A 1 + jw/w1 (zero) term in H(jw):

• Causes an upward break at w = w1 in the LM plot. There is a 0dB
effect before the break and a slope of +20dB/dec or +6dB/oct after
the break.
• Adds 90° to the phase plot over a 2 decade range beginning a
decade before w1 and ending a decade
Control lectures after w1 .
by Lubn Moin 15


20dB slope
= + 6dB/oct
= +20dB/dec
0dB 3dB
w1 10w1
asymptotic approximation
Control lectures by Lubn Moin 16

Factor ω1 (a zero):

|G(jw)| /G(jw)

LM φ(w)

20dB slope slope
= + 6dB/oct 45o = +45 deg/dec
= +20dB/dec (for 2 decades)
0dB w 0o w
w1 10w1 0.1w1 w1 10w1

Control lectures by Lubn Moin 17

2) B w (a pole): The straight-line approximations
1 + j
w 1

1 1∠0 1 w
If H(jw) = = = ∠− tan  
w 2 2
 w1 
1+j w -1  w  w
w1 1 +   ∠tan   1 +  
 w1   w1   w1 
 
 
 1  -1  w 
Then LM = 20log  and φ(w) = -tan  
 w 
 w1 
 1 +   
  w1  
To determine the LM and phase responses, consider 3 ranges for w:
1) w << w1
2) w >> w1
3) w = w1 Control lectures by Lubn Moin 18
So the Bode approximations (LM and phase) for w
1 + j
are shown below.
LM w1 10w1 0.1w1 w1 10w1
0dB w o w
slope 0
= -20dB/dec slope
= - 6dB/oct -45 = -45 deg/dec
-20dB (for 2 decades)

Summary: A 1 + jw/w1 (zero) term in H(jw):

• Causes an downward break at w = w1 in the LM plot. There
is a 0dB effect before the break and a slope of -20dB/dec or -
6dB/oct after the break.
• Adds -90° to the phase plot over a 2 decade range beginning
a decade before w1 and ending a decade after w1 .
Control lectures by Lubn Moin 19
Factor 1+
jω (a pole)

|G(jw)| /G(jw)

LM w1 10w1 0.1w1 w1 10w1
0dB w o w
slope 0
= -20dB/dec slope
= - 6dB/oct -45 = -45 deg/dec
-20dB (for 2 decades)

Control lectures by Lubn Moin 20

asymptotic approximation

LM w1 10w1
0dB w
= -20dB/dec
= - 6dB/oct

Control lectures by Lubn Moin actual 21

Lets try!
Plot a bode plot for a transfer function:-

20 ( s + 1 )
G (s)H (s) =
s(s + 2)

100 ( s + 1 )
2) G (s)H (s) =
s ( s + 10 )

Control lectures by Lubn Moin 22


Æ Don’t forget to bring:-

„ Ruler

„ Pencil

„ Eraser

For Bode Plot Sketching…

Control lectures by Lubn Moin 23

Plot a Bode Plot!

200( s + 1)( s + 10)

G (s) H (s) =
s ( s + 100)

Control lectures by Lubn Moin 24

Replace s=jw into G(s)H(s)

G ( jω ) H ( jω ) =
j ω ( j ω + 2 )( j ω + 10 )

Rearrange form:-

G ( jω ) H ( jω ) =
ω ω
j ω (1 + j )( 1 + j )
2 10

Control lectures by Lubn Moin 25

This transfer function has 4 forms:-

i. Factor Constant, K=10

ii. Factor

iii. Factor 1
1+ j

iv. Factor ω
1+ j

Sketch for magnitude and phase!

Control lectures by Lubn Moin 26

Control lectures by Lubn Moin 27
Gain Margin

G M = − 20 log G ( j ω ) ω = ω = − LM (ω G M )

Phase Margin

φM = 180 + ∠G ( jω ) ω =ω

The system is stable if BOTH

G M > 0
φ M > 0
Control lectures by Lubn Moin 28
Example : Determine the system’s stability

GM = −(−29.5) = 29.5dB

Since G > 0

φ M > 0


φ M = 180 o + ( − 117 o ) = 63 o

Control lectures by Lubn Moin 29

Example : Determine the system’s stability


GM = −(−20.8) = 20.8dB

ΦM Since

G > 0
φ M = 180 + ( − 253 ) = − 73
o o o M

φ M < 0

Control lectures by Lubn Moin 30

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