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CRITERIA A – Maybe a 2/4

 Introduction has aim and rationale

 The formula is not explained properly. Xn and f’(Xn) can be explained.
 The gradient formula – not explained how they got the formula
 The values and calculations of the iterations are not explained clearly.
 No clear flow - gaps

CRITERIA B – Maybe a 2/3

 Key terms in the newton formula are not defined and explained.
 Terminology of “root” since it has two meanings.
 No explanation how initial estimate is made – a lot of steps are lacking.
 Graph is repeated and not clear

CRITERIA C – maybe a 2/4

 Only explained square roots. Could’ve done cube roots too. – not creative
 Student applies unfamiliar mathematics out of personal interest, but personal engagement is
lacking, very superficial
 Tanx example is not explained well enough.

CRITERIA D – Maybe a 1/3

 Reflection is not in depth. very vague.

 “this method can be used in any field….” Not explained properly.
 Special implications are not explained and reflected upon.
 Superficial and lack of depth – only present towards the ending

CRITERIA E – Maybe a 2/6 or a 3/6

 Not explained how x intercept of tangent will be closer to the root than the estimate.
 Calculations of the method are not shown
 Differentiation.
 Topic wasn’t explored properly; cube roots weren’t mentioned.
 Lack of steps raises the issue of the lack of understanding – partial rather than good

TOTAL – 10/20

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