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Researcher 1: How does generation X incorporate emojis on their Facebook posts?

Researcher: What are the emojis you usually use in your posts?

IDI-008: it depends on my post. Yes. Ahh. I just share post and I am using a ‘bless’ emoticon now.

Researcher: What do these emoji mean?

IDI-008: it has a circle on his head.

Researcher: How do you use these emojis on your posts?

IDI-008: ahh. I don’t use that on my post. I don’t have interest in posting that. I just only share. Share. I
like to put emoticons on that. So that is it.

Researcher 2: Why does generation X use emoji on their posts?

Researcher: Does using emoji help you in communicating with others? How?

IDI-008: yes. It seems to help because there are others who can’t really understand our language. Let us
just say they are... the post that you shared is in bisaya... The Tagalog can…Right? In just a laughing emoji
they can already know that you are laughing on your post.

Researcher: What are the advantages of using emoji? How?

IDI-008: it is less hassle than to type the ‘haha’.

Researcher: What are the disadvantages of using emoji? How?

IDI-008: its disadvantage? There is none... maybe... for me it can really help.

Researcher 3: What insights can be gleaned in using emoji?

Researcher: How does the use of emoji helps you express on facebook?

IDI-008: it is still the same.

Researcher: Does the use of emoji make you different from other Facebook users? Why?

IDID-008: ahh... Different. It is different... the millennial that... They are really different because there
some of them who uses it for nothing and they use any emoji. They’re really different because I use only
one emoji. I can’t really say that I am like them.
Researcher: Are you going to continue using emoji as a way of expression? Why or why not?

IDI-008: yes. It is nice and it is easier to express your feelings. Especially if you’re feeling thankful. I don’t
know what emoji is that. Can you look for it? That is what I keep on using repeatedly.

Researcher: What is your purpose in using emoji on your posts?

IDI-008: so it won’t become a hassle. You can directly use it instead of typing. It is good if you have
girlfriend to tag in your post. Haha.

Researcher: How did you learn to use emoji on facebook?

IDI-008: in Facebook. Just by myself.


Researcher 1: How does generation X incorporate emojis on their Facebook posts?

Researcher: What are the emojis you usually use in your posts?

IDI-009: it depends on your post. There is a crying, a laughing and the teary eyes emoji. Laughing emoji
if it is funny.

Researcher: What do these emoji mean?

IDI-009: depends. A teary eye because of laughing or a teary eye because of crying. It depends in your
interpretation about what you mean in commenting.

Researcher: How do you use these emojis on your posts?

IDI-009: how did I use it? I put it in the last part of my sentence. It is not appropriate if I put it on the
first part of my sentence. Hahaha

Researcher 2: Why does generation X use emoji on their posts?

Researcher: Does using emoji help you in communicating with others? How?

IDI-009: partly yes and partly no. it depends on your post or the usage. There are times that it has no

Researcher: What are the advantages of using emoji? How?

IDI-009: its advantages? It seems to just show your feelings to their post or to your post. It seems to
express what you wanted to say. Of course, if you are about to cry you will also use a crying emoji and if
you’re laughing, you will also use a laughing emoji. You are really expressing your feelings.
Researcher: What are the disadvantages of using emoji? How?

IDI-009: its disadvantages? If you press the wrong... If you press the wrong emoji in your post and it is
not appropriate to the post the reader will become angry. It can cause … what do you call that? It can
offend them.

Researcher: How did you manage these situations?

IDI-009: sometimes if they give comment on my post I will explain but sometimes I send message them

Researcher 3: What insights can be gleaned in using emoji?

Researcher: How does the use of emoji helps you express on Facebook?

IDI-009: can help? Can it help? I think it can’t. I think there is no... I don’t know. For me it seems to be a
design only to show your feelings because in the way you speak…in writing your message the people
could recognize that you feel angry, if you are crying or whatever your feeling is so it becomes an
additional your message. I think that’s it. That’s it!

Researcher: Does the use of emoji make you different from other Facebook users? Why?

IDI-009: I don’t really use much because I feel that I am different from them. There are times that I can’t
use it properly so it is better if I don’t use it. There is really a different because I think the millennial can
really express their feelings using the emoji on their post and as for me I don’t think I have used it

Researcher: Are you going to continue using emoji as a way of expression? Why or why not?

IDI-009: it’s okay. It is okay if I continue but it is also okay if not. I think it is just the same, maybe for the
millennial there is really a need in using it but in our age it is okay because before we can also express
our feelings through words and there are no things like that.

Researcher: What is your purpose in using emoji on your posts?

IDI-009: my purpose? Just an additional. It is just like emphasizing that if you are angry, you are really
angry but I can just express my anger without it. Without putting that in my sentence.

Researcher: How did you learn to use emoji on Facebook?

IDI-009: just me. I explore on my phone and observe it other people post and if I really need to use it or
not. I just rarely use it and sometimes if I am tired instead of typing the word I just use emoji a ‘haha’
emoji. Most of the time I use the emoji which has a teary eyes, a teary eyes because of happiness.

Researcher 1: How does generation X incorporate emojis on their Facebook posts?

Researcher: What are the emojis you usually use in your posts?

FGD-005: mostly I use a smiley emoji, sad. It depends on the thought of my post.

Researcher: What do these emojis mean?

FGD-005: crying? What does it means? Just like what I said, the meaning always depends on my post or
the thought of my message. Just for example, my message is sad so the emoji that I will be using is also a
sad emoji.

Researcher: How do you use these emojis on your posts?

FGD-005: to post? I use it according to my feelings and of my post. What is on my post and what emoji to
be used appropriate to my post.

Researcher 2: Why does generation X use emoji on their posts?

Researcher: Does using emoji help you in communicating with others? How?

FGD-005: yes it can help because they can interpret your message through the emoji that you are using.

Researcher: What are the advantages of using emoji? How?

FGD-005: the advantage is that it can help in interpreting the message. It can help the reader about the
content and about feelings of the person who posted it. Other advantage? So far that’s all it can help
interpret and it can make you happy. It can make the readers happy. If you are reading a text or a
message with a lot emojis it can make you feel excited.

Researcher: What are the disadvantages of using emoji? How?

FGD-005: one of the disadvantages is sometimes they misinterpret what you really mean because the
reader will only focus on the emoji not on the thought of the message. There was an instance where my
child and I argued because of misinterpretation of the emoji being used. Sometimes I can click the wrong
emoji and I cannot replace it.

Researcher: How did you manage these situations?

FGD-005: I just talk to her that it is not what it means and that she misinterpreted the emoji. I just talk
to her.

Researcher 3: What insights can be gleaned in using emoji?

Researcher: How does the use of emoji helps you express on Facebook?

FGD-005: it can help because it is one way of expressing and it gives impact about your message.
Researcher: Does the use of emoji make you different from other Facebook users? Why?

FGD-005: Sometimes I go with the flow. The millennial are really good in using emoji, even their chat
and the way they use the emoji. I can really see that it has a difference. Sometimes my children would
say that I am very millennial also. The millennial exaggerate the use of emojis compare to mine because I
use only one or two. Most of their messages are compose of emojis and there are only few words. That
is how they are right now; they are replacing the words with emojis.

Researcher: Are you going to continue using emoji as a way of expression? Why or why not?

FGD-005: yes I will to continue to use it because it makes me happy. (Laughing)

Researcher: What is your purpose in using emoji on your posts?

FGD-005: my very purpose? It can help me in expressing my feelings and what my post is about.

Researcher: How did you learn to use emoji on Facebook?

FGD-005: I just saw it on my phone. In an apps. Then I tried to use it and that’s when I learn and I am
also watching with my children and I will imitate them until I like to use it too.

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