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\p ° | ° INTRODUETION + FLUID PROPERTIES 6 For A Alatic Quad stron Gorce Ss gens il & Bluids only chow resistance to combpremive bea CMARTER-\ ° Com promi bi Way = Ce K ca —V3P Ke bulk meduly 2 tigdeedatc etoes = at = a Vol. atvain % ¥- io or. 33 2 Bet) C= Ppead of tt ie ao i Sound tr ame uw 20,000 Wme amore compressible Than voater ei mach me. << 0-2 = Quad te Incompresiwle mach vo = V_ Li 6 Presume TO KP = fv + Reason oh vis costty w Cae of Bgss Gs moleculor, bonding (to, 2 TH § uy AL) + Reason “ veoe aa cOAe MH Opres Bs amolecalor ewer (Sepa T4 ag > an) de gua me FF o£ 9 x * Newton's dau Viscosity T= dy 2 Me generally al< [Fd in kets] _ Constona- for Revstontan Suid = siohe Sean forse -requiived fos Vimeo velndiiy gropie Te wr dy jor amaatt ane dy. Vv Ay ‘ ay % ee es 3 8 © Dynamic —s Vecosity (as) = ~~ = boso— = NS (oon Poise, ) YOO cm-See Cm-Sec / s => \iky = 10 Potse ae » Kihemohe (yy wy 2 > (|o u Ean ae = = Jiwys lo Stokes, [ris = 18 sty % ot * Non- Newtonian guitar i Te 1) +B) Dilatant => Suaga in waren solution | Rtse stench. Poeudoplosee = Faint , blood, Ripstas Bingham = Avoth Roate 1 Hed R heopeetic IAT wit Ame ( Gugsum in 120, Rehuper dale” Trixotrobic => BAY witn time (tee cream) TL deod (aa vo — nen- Visco, — Bomerenidle Sentare demvion ds dua ko Unibatonced Cohewtve forces Excess Premuna Invtea Barid droplet Boge = t= v2 g » de a Beeler : Exes Rrevamna Tide a bubble Kee LT o Excem Presrana taside Bouks to t wee AS | % Exprevston fos cagitlony rise ex fail To Habe Sura tenon force = ots of Suda wise /fall 2 . : Fe (ore * Laren : = ange contace : = he Us ro . ia 6 . aces BB > Aas water ; % = N32 > ays x Ry © Expression for capitiony, nfse bo (lat pose rei he {oT (Ke &g & CHAeeTER -2 CFU STATIC) A)RRESSURE op tks “Es VAEM ENT 0 Fox atl numenicad UNRIN Omd) Unless te Ustance be plore, ee Problem we howe to tnd Aprroye Prewur absolute preyute Sa ouked ° Ma} megative Seusg Prema OPK AAKEN BR cComRdonad wih a neagiive Fan favs = Ree * eae Vem WAST bet = lor ter Keay [Ato mm ms column = \O-S im GH wakwm eolucn o NWydvodlare daw = dP -w: — ‘ ia 2 Conversion Gone QUA colwmn to amour Qua column Sighs Saqha Se nA aa oO Ly wate tor even Ly waria Jor Aawne wedune (los ds Qrsa 3 ( sreudd- Vordd < on 4 ges - ge ) 4 e Recording te faacal's dow , ta a Shotte ULL, Frere at a fom So Aqatly Motivated va all divs, i s Daulined type manomeben ay \_ . Senet Hed eee hy Vo Ly ® HYDROSTATIC Fore es | DD Rydvesiatte Gorey on Blak Arlaces. ! Foe wAt wie 8 A= Area oh Mes Sunhace he Wate + Fe ner force acting Lan Yo Ax af Ne dfsiance Fx Ausemce of cent syravity, a rows ee crass ce, Grom Gee Uquia Acace, Lvaticle autance) © Fewer Yor all orfeniarten ove [it ts Tnazgendemt of wale’) ) © Value 4 W Yor BMandond canes Wyo 4 ye 2d x We $a Gir el ~-~wrwewewvy nw Huslrostette (orces on cunwed Sonkgaces ° Horigonia\ tombooent 2 th Ts equal to Wydrostatc (ore en verttcle Projector ama omd rwis force od of center, Of Premsung oh corregpending Aveo, o Nentice® component 2 fs ts 2ayrad to weiter 4 tHe RAGE contained sre curved Suntace HW tres [re e Leyid Araface - TW wit ack at ane center of aventtey oe Seeresfondtvg wagyrk , Fue WARE 1 fe sa vu oe. Por ey enticed volume of tad Redyeckion above ma cored Tz Centveid Vahance Aovrtence . 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R= Ate at Fak od on — = (. \ou Saar ak ee ee \ dempored Il oe By oy St \ SS \ Ay > RY wav, way vy | Feats vohen - ox © a4 * 33 ‘ Be Eb gow e ; Oy =[ BOP ey QW Wyo yl BW | mney (onvecthve, comprare [exists vohen (lous Ts en -ani ony OCCU MR te Screased veloc Orns de ste change in diredilen ° tangential arcelenadton 0 Normah accolenacton © Chean AOln woke 2 dW Ve $ ae + Roratton al a (ad Courtcle . B= wrt a Wyps wLR Be & oat V Lox - . = . = Tov ew z By Se Ue oS (a 2 oe on Core 8h wl Bw % = Cs oe oF oe Sk 3 = c 2 5 * + Wet Wye, =o for teretatieeol Qioso o Nord = 2 = VAV = Q@QZ Be AM Yr 2p ow © Circulation => ee 6 zane = zx ae > Velocity, Rorentiok Gunctton (>) Ps oo : ‘4 4 extss

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Vortex mosten (ine i 3 ae dvr fqde Ne ww —? forced Vortex Vere conse. Kee Vortex Cana ARR KE ED Oe mn . (vee Vortex wh © Bennaulli!s equotion Th apelicable ° VE = con, © Vorlex ano genualy Yeeotertenal Bt - <( 1 usnen beth poinis ao a ke enn Weaken on edhe e Forced vovre x © Bemaultits ec? wet applicable : 2 VEU © Vortex ang Senay rroteioned oe SF (re ro) voren vot points ane 2% 2 : eke on andre : He REW™ 2 helg we ay Pong bala, vor. of Genabola = fx 7 eH ae Kinelc enensy forrechon factor (a) « = Kfvadal 2 1, i us dA Um Nocak vehecs = AY Ve ave. Veloct Renu ‘ 5. Ve oc +e Momentum correth on Sector (® . 7 evra - ge Cova 1 Netti = ae fran Cneen ent) Nao avy. + Gor Slows snreugh % Pe CHOPTER-S LAMINAR FLOW Lyfcoun ta Compressible Slow] + Dane 4 voetsback — ecu” Me NS a ar vad dor AML capers Qed, \ orm hamin a Slovo Ao Bee x wads Ro yrom Cewken\ine : Ge wh, v (3): x (ay £ & ws oe Ge ce) Ce eta —] ah coe Res SVD WD & " no ciyondad (Inellwed | verteak .. ilorm xaminay flew _ blw eed plore , Diclance bho Plake= 6, un\t idan & YY Apom plake Seanface RR = Uhy -9) To = (28 = CH g YL 8g-¥) nex ei es e Sn Ve Fe rnax » OF AV (oles Va oy Vedid for Meri gontaQ fives only. ~+,rvrewrwvwe CHARTER 6 “se DIMENSIONAL ANALYSIS * Reyola’s wo, (Re) [ Pipe Seve 2 Rez Fro L Sav Fy A e Froude mo, (Fs) Lagi way, POA , eles] Pee fF 2 AL % Tso, e Culen's no. (ey) Ceavitation] fue |& 2 NO & je 2 Webets mo. (We) L. Cagilenity’ v we TE = = o Mach wo. (M) [Hemmer blew , Sorte, Supe sonic, Aubsonic| mele 2 Muy, = oct Ee iE 7 = ime oc 8 + Geomebtc Fiwilanity eo Le fn. ee > be = Anbn _ id ap pb Be ibe L. 2 Kinemoke Fava loni ty Ore Cyr), = be 5 We Qi), 2 be Q/t)¢ A Ut)» Vr Or=(B _ (Ca), = = WA) ¢ o Dynamic sti tent apprepniccke Mmenstonley numbens ane Com ponad CUM T ER Flow THROU KAY Pipes © Major \osces Deney, wes Bath equi hae Raut _ Rarer Ayd \a pe + Minor \osses = dD Sudden Expansion less 3 Wy = Qe.) a D exit los > We yo q ‘5 3) Sudden contratton lex ab hy = (hy vi e Le zy “) Ewtey lows = VE xo.s) os Ue ag oo 5) Bend lowes = hy = et : oO Mn ee aes a =e Ware fay Ng «© Powm trang mignon Awrough Ropes Powoen = Sq GH acted 4 — H- hg > foe mox, Porum “rearymi coy 4 CHAPTER - & ROooNnDARY LAYER THEDAY + Rounder layer regen do ufscou, £ yoteHencl Je Benneauttits equ’ wot appadie. . Roundeny conditions ot wro ure ue & Us Voo we & gH 2 oy nro br0 «Displacement Wickn es CS*) & lw y= 85 Vea SS (tor 4) dy x 2 sre fo oe 2 momentum Twiekneyg, @) SEC Bay ° Energy Wich esd & JRO Dy * Sh tor = - ape fac » ih s & Vor Karman rmemeniuvs ‘Twiteqred aysntion for lew OUR Alok Qlake as ax ata Sus ae bap bere Fe) To = Udall Shean Stress = momentum AWieknes X= Ablone from aan) edove Uso = bree Streams vetedty Foe Gen SANT) Ge Ge cet a a SS Cys cma. Qrichton © oa 08 : Seyret & ; | Pt Gene xe oe V Vetoctae Prolite & SF eloct 0 6 “S i OO x & $ aE x © Up 1 Je, : Me ay ye apo e $ ee a & Q eee Jee 3 we Ww. 348 Ugh 35 35 § Ve Ay Pe Re 8 a ° Beundony lagu Aggarortion du |) _ = =o 8). B BW 2 awe DR FEST EEEIEsee ee ome TRCOMLECCatOne EEE Cl LLL Re eUeM EL o ; ' & Blausius Equatons (applied when velocity poradiie ts not oytve) | Sorbent) O-34) & Qaye ane 0. Ot4 a aa Reg Res) ¢ ©: 664 Scone & a Fite (Re) CHARTER- A TABVLENT FLOW ° Recording Xo Reynot Als Ta. = Slo! © Hee. to Prandd\ Wevis Xdy =S Tage S27 % %) Ue Prand\ S| douatte — ain K= O-4 Jor Rive {roe wr Bsrance From pige ward + Velocity distes loukton fn Funbutent (leo tm fibe < re We RENE Rnd Fe 2s bgeitamnic distri buten . Hshpdgna may omooth Roe ee ° Hyg dere dager ety rou Pigg ker $! Ke ows, Wettey a at Me UHH n eM $= hetgnh ol Kaw \nont Aoulo ery on Oe Wier wane VE Kinehic Uscoctty, \* = [Rs E- t Mikusadsels Conditton ~—_— a aura = K -V i < dr ee Yenc V = 2404 v* Rt 4 ou 2 7 elt or voy Ko < 6 4 Aramsitton ce A 4 6 K < - Roun q 4 - Reano\a's Londen 4 Tre orca ree ataat { » 4 WoL VAK Zio —S rantttey 4 : > 4 jon < NVA K — Rough 4 ape 1 u-V ¥ { — = SS. & e = ou) + > [rae from Pige Wa }) ‘ Ts 28 IF 4) ‘ 7 ae pe ot, ae . POURM RR Amodthy = Ange + Sao VR dea, @) j : i aa de9,(@ AY Sor rough ype , !

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