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MatwemArycs CHNPTER — AINERR ALGEBRA Probert ea fq Detamimant retin . Def nation » Whe Aum o oducts, fel ements of Yow on Column vwith the Correnbonding. factor da Known og Aehaminody Vous of Sauron modeix . a. [Atl = lal + \psy= lav \e\ © \Axt\) = \R) + (8) 3, Bra Aquano cmokryin Mf gach element Ao avo et column & yo “than value O4 ts cletaminart da eno. 4. Dna Aquona wortvix, Wo Awe Tors ex column ove Adentol or fn Preportion, Amen dekenminont & gur0 5S. We detaminank value Ka Akers Qammebyty anodyix a odd ord hb olan " 2en0 , + Symmdbde abyix, i AT= @ « Akew Aymmeteto mobix | at = — 2 otto gonah mmodtyiq } MA =L 6 Gyny worvi¢ con be caxprened as Jum of wn eye, owmd Dis Symmetry} co modhrlic *s 8 “ = (2 a) i @ae) = ao \ y Angonetric aon symm thet He. Detamivent value Monsyeno aks Supmmebttc moder g even order howe perfect Acurane an Vika dokenmrinendh, Yo, Ve 1a. eaten lor -\, ‘Os Rs adquonr mortyrl x 2 Orden Sy’ and & omy Acolee then, LK A = KA) “y A is a non Admgulen Cie. WAI ¢0) modytx osde SW mm + ACA) = aye Ly adja ILE ee | o RS = Gah \Ay + lad.a) = Nari) * Wore Gaza) = ey —\ej> + te") ip) i} Pieri Baas = Res hen, no. ad vnekhs gltcorhlovs = Bx4ae yp. A add Hom, = 2xox Gey AH Caged=t when A= Beep Ryo bertes ol Rom o ef 9 matin x \. a 3. Delfnabien : Me orden of Wepre evdeud non-pere aminor ub called sane “ morris , Rank oh mul) matyix & We Romi o\ mon —Brgulon. matrix ws Ws oder, be Re Preto man modric, SA) < wna Land Ss. ‘ = m HER ong swo mods coy Of Some orden Ahen Cre) 4 QA) + BB ga= sat) B&G) S wind 30), 8@4 + The determiaank vada gf an ortwagoral mothtn acta sock ee eS ee Fe FD) Dem a a 3. Sna matrix all vows ox Columns ana Wdeahedh Oo broportierad “then vom Js 1. J. AD VxWN Matte with voank n tien SaA)= A Vo. MF By AXN Maly & VAD = 1 hem SE4A) =| We do aXN Moatyian Bg eM ey aakrr 8 edi) = ° Echelon form + me vumbe al genes belore mon~yene Rowments Wn a raw one lewrman Auch no~ 7 ynos Vn mext row | + Zeno ous Gh amy) runt follow non-B TOs , > Te noe Non- Zane ows wn above dorm % Knows a0 Th rank, # oaly ~cow emotions ane allowed Ao gb re echelon Jpow . System f ainean Capatons Homogeneous, non- Homegemous a Wwe Jee AX =o [always consiy r\ Ax=@ Tevied = Aol" ae 7 { orn" \o ry ee ae Scouser Seen ea) an MO Solu” \mee val =e ae) ¥ see) Conmstent Unique rol” v e@ = See) =n Ambit pole \A) €0 S@= @e \pxFy = x= + Normalised veckor x, aS qylven by + me Se -S=3 x, ~~ Xz Xy 5 -*ny & staid to be Bars 4 vector Space Vv BN Th aatisGey betes 2 conditiog Me Xx Xe Mn one Aincorlyy Wwdeben dey 1° Shaws vector Abace Vv. 1 * i\ dohenmimont vector Sek S$ Sy Non qero Anew bath Cordihors voll be 4 aalisfied . + sf] ET} Bette ge “apg | | | { ‘ j i ‘ xX 4 \w 1 1 j | j § 1 { { Popeyes \ Eigen Nabus & Cigen Vertors. * Delination: me roots \ chrowathenttric equation \A-AtT|\=0 awn Known ad Beyun vous . = Yo each vatur (agen) hee 2xkts a non-2mo Neclor X, Roath nok AX = AK | Wun X ue called Coagen Vector. [use (A= AS) X =o for wanton] le Eigen Vector corresbonding tp Aistind® igen volusk aye veal Seema te smo x ane bua, ortneqonah a. Sf aly me Reqding minors oa weal Auger Sic meri x ow kodkve Amen aly 4 eigen valu ong peritive . 3. Te Eigen Meclor covredboning a Ach Caen valr Hany Aguaang moatrt < ang alway neal Yndependeah . We Eigen vectors corresbonding fe repeated enigery valued Wmoy 22 rou nok be Jade ben dink . . Maeric maul plicit Gr) + no - 4 Homey ow E’gen value is regeoded + Geometric muti piichty Gin) nee Limeanlsy inaehends Rice vrctors, commespond de veeheaked Ragen value. S- Sam af Cgen vals = Tore ef matrix 6. Wodusk 6 Coen Volus = \e H Bgen wluss 3 A= Chen valu & ae 8. Sqn volun @ a Uagonad mab GF elon open mabric ang ty diagonal aQomend — 4. % Pp ds agen valur of, ip. SO ee ee an + IR) A wigen valun of (ody) jo, W A we atgen vata of A Aen niger vale of » Ars ar : > 7 a sy Ae Oo . A+KT SB AK ) od do given by ee) = _£ (en@) — ga) Rondom Variable ee Continow RV, - i Aakea countable valu ae ae ~ DEAK Voluss An \anll ~ Probsisitity on aduen is A a ~ Yorbobility On given Feats, rons fut, dy probability deusty fi = Yoo = _JSawde= \ mean Ga) o Expectation [Ew] Wiz Ee = § Ex Pes i y co Dicewete. J
\a 4. Exbonentral Dish bubon Probabitity Dewy Kanchion = ks . Ae [x26] een At mean a Noe = hy 5. Normal Dis dei bution { -1 Fowa)\> ges tie clay Ure mean = WA Vou = wes Me Dare De AB Cockficient gl correlation GD ; Sy 2 2 ®)Y-5) ve Sy Wen, oy Sex = ERM Sy = EGS) + Yeqverston Wine A yon + Wa)= Te G(eS) > Gade be 5) Mee, byxr > T Sy m . Tearesdon Dre oh Xon wy De vr. a WS) 3 &E)= bey la- 8) % Wee, xy = ae! 6 Ce yey: bux CHAPTER -3 CALEY LVS Triqnometric Lormulos aN ene sats ome Sim@ryy = Stax foxy + Sry terre Gn Eye Gare ay — Bry Cre CARLY) = (ors way > Sing Bry, Cor (ey) > (oon Cory ¥ Ann Gry s tem) = kent & tomy fame \~ tem they 6. ton ka) = Kemx — temy \ & toma % (ak Bey) = lok x (ky —\ Caos cocky B. OHRy) = Cbxotyer Coty — Coo cs 9. SimQa) = ASox wrx = Bkoawe le ban Do, Jo. (OS) = COSn- Gite = ACatx-\ = atinty = Na dovitx \atomdx, te kan Q@x) = 2 tow, le towne Va. BBW = BSimxe— Wenn 13. GaG@x)= Woke = Blan WG. Lan Gx = Brome - bom \- Bho \S. QCarx foay = Con ery) © Coa (x-y) 16. -A Wx king = Crary) — oa Ce) \e. Avr ry = Sn ty) + &-9) \g. 2 Cox ny > Gngey)— Gr) a. Burn + arxs | do. Setu- kortr=\ dv. Cored. — Catoce | Seme Mondond Aiwits \ yw dt 0" Lat! @. die, (\e 0 - Seo =a © x0 Qex)* =e 4. dom So = \ qG. iw Wray = e x40 Xe % 3. arr weer =\ : Keo to, Aw “38 | Xe ae 4 om dL) aoe 1 aw Gar = © 5. hn OF Be yO ee 6. him \- nme om x0 aoe a dome Slandend Aiffowntiats x st OF > oF Reger e —> eft ww — uve vu : 2 —» 43-3 7 Swe —3 Casto Coohx —> nx Sux — tax (osx —s -Sinx tonx —> Seco Coserc —> — Coreercobe Secx — > Secttann Coke — 5 — Corectx Site Hy Some srendond tntegrel jo nt ya x net oF Lega, = oe et > eF wa aly = fete] Any — > Coot loan —> + Sx ey Se) Corec —3 Qua (Cee (etx) Seex —S dn Seort tome) cakx —» gnlsvx) \ > ity Sa =\ A — > coats \oRr Ls dev Vee weet x >There se see arr ee Cl Vat mo ee ee OE] aay > 4G — SER) Freer? in (+ Se) — ws atte) 2 hn A en en Maan a Ae as 7 YN gay ant continous Ranchos hen, irs —> ts conhnow a-% —s BY wnt roy Bs connork bay — * 5 B wotvow [£ d#04 + evmy const. Qunctton ds continent . aN Relynomtok us cont nous, + Sey But, ox, &% ) e* ans oles Continord Roller throvem 1. Qa Go Cominow om [o,5] 2. Qe, co asnivable on (a,b) 3. eo = Qw men, Trane exists alteoat ome bdat, Auch ted he =0 c € (a,b) degrangts mean Value “Kheoren 1. Qe) ds comttvens on To, 3. Rey a Aomvable on (ap) anen Tene axis atteaat Leomr C € @,b) Auch Anod— &i© = Qdy)- Se baw Comcny}s mean value theorem, 1. er B ge one Criimow on [a,b1 3. Yor Aw ane derivable on (a, 6) 3. gw to Tren, MH ARISES Otork one hein ) © GD Arh thot | OQ _ &)- go Jw)~- ged Taujor's Senter Exhanton = nem, BBO Gr combinoraly, fjountiabie ob + 7) fer= Yoo » G-ay@ 4 so he Gee) Bop # === - Ao azo Taulod’s Series WV Moclauvin's Savas Say = Yorr xo *¥ We) 48h 4 ~~} - \ 3 ge ee By fa, xs Wat yt af oll. 2\ i 6 re RWG Gres xe gt Le 3 sy xy sek HE Ve xara ti. Ww Bow 0 Oe ee eM HEM US LL anu vi % © dade) Pore a. a 3) WwW Gy rans) = ~ Leek rP ast poe aa Tao Some twboriemt Exbantiona Q-+y" Be Ae “We t)" Sie eee + QHty te Lane ae ea gee a one. © Ve = G-%) +4) ’ as yeah = Gatp Cree ae) , yor yeas (rey Clee rs 2) 3 Maxtma £ minima [ Grale veritable) > + Relative eminimey ; dy.0 & Sy do potak ef minima , om Int 5 =p Me absolute or Alebod ani moa CN fey Oe D6) is Aafned OS amit. f Qoy fan art ts velakive minima nth © Relatue wmaxtma Bec By Zo qelwh ol maxima % ag > oharlwte on eroal marl nq = wor. § ko AW jas velaltve wari Guy (4 Potwk Ah infleaton \ dyro ASL, ax a b ay. a a yout & inllexion ax Maxima £ minima [ & variables) « Sind BY 4 Dy DH oy + Ale BW a Daye \ We 4 =0 BM ae do ge Poioneng Yeinls ee he Oa ee cs. abe alesis, gone Bey “S t= Me Wy a # oo ie Some q amen hak Gtetonany, ‘ goin aa rpelative winter ¢ amen “Ane Batt enon 4 go\nk 3a vetodtve mada yhe- GS So A FT FD ‘o-6* $o Ap.0 40 _—. pernd oA tallertion ob wot Soe polub . yi = =o no Conclusion con be drawn / ateqration Probar e 1. Jo ax = ufvdx — ((&: ( vax] dx Ee \vete] a a. J -< a “s é a 4 J 5 OF a foods = 2 f Qerdx AY Po = feo; ve he © Nee ke ee (ees J 9 em) dx oO de = Qo» Qe) Qa-% 2 fied 9 MR = Yo De ° 8 (Gey = Leo 6 [> feds = rat §eordx if Yexd= Q@ ita Gea = Re Wo in vw even K=\ ib avo odd Sin Coa" dx = y (man) Gman-2) Guanes) = = -- Ke y Womin boty even R=) ofmawite. Gonna Qunchion @ Ine [et ot dt ha = YM = I = Jv 2 * Covamo, ones da not ddined & ve integers Beto Qunckion (B) Fiman) = fr Gee fe n)= Be F @,n) =a Length 2S a B= fe blew x=q K xeb t= J Je @y & \ Lengin a arc Y= Xu dw Ye CB Yea 1 STF ay KH % { uta de = fests dx = Webers) ---- 6 xK Length 3 one v2 Qo) bw 6-0 & O= “Pa Length oh owe X= de) A Y=VW bw tah Beebe te b= dx\y(ayt dt { jeyre ty Volume, o, Zoid revolution Oh owe y= fo orrround = Oty blo xe AL xab b Nol. = | wy dx « Volume of Aalhd vevodukton ove %= Sq PmMound W-orcGs blo yor ¢ wed Viok. = oc < a Change io ena C Cevnencd concept Tacobin ) Te tramslormins, equyretions UL x~ oy) A a=? Gv) ww OW tN = yy Ww Uy ty pM ov J Row Seay = ff Blery FY dety dX § (aes) 1 we Pla) 5 B= $ (une) Sff ttenspiatata = SJ ferrin atte A) Cantextan te bela coordi nares Lx 4¥J Cre) a (22) = v Sf Peery ydady = { [trey rade agi Ror a circle Meee polar Limits . e— © & AT xr , @) Eads, & Feheded coor deeded 2 x= vw GO y> vene oa ay ( xyes\)o Sed Jf fears = ify Ger) warded oy o- for oO under yas obo em 6 0 PAT 37 0% b ©) Conterian to Apvertcol Cordivactes Me Bag CIO = Seng Sn Be Serd GH owa Cee sing Y g— obir S{JSersyietoss= [jf gorge) sueqatahte er ax Apne Tolal denivatve YW u= Ley) ~men total derivolve of —.rChL|TLr Shh av OK dt dy de Choi cute YH Ponbrad darfvodive A x= oH 6 ye YO work. uw Ww Ww Ww YM. Q By OH aT by ee JL Ny Qe 2 WW A WLM po ys SH Bw OS ¥ s WA Une Up he OF Be Se Us = Un-% + Vy Ss Homoqemova fowetion ‘h Rus, Ky) = Ary) hen Lem) Ba Home genous Ques of degree *’, Euler's tnrovem D 4 us ery) een, «£35 oR = 14K with degree Sn? [nome gene) ak VR X ° ay ww = . Oe "Sony + ve alnaya w) it es L& > os ane Vemegences wht mi £m degree fey A ag mh ny 2 YH ED ae go = - yer “O34 F yr aes 4 *alrsyg. yw a uz §&y) do not Wi bub Fu va ) Yromoge nots ih dogee ‘) 1 Men, , x34 Oo > ax * 8% i) Fey YW Be > on FAM ys * os a = gw) deo -9] CHACTER=4 VECTOR CMLCULLS dot product =3 &.B = 18).1B) wre Cros product => &xB = \&).\G\ Gn ‘i vs @?2 5 . > mY By TP p— Seaton, ———» Vd = Verto Oud) qes-g a V-F xd Scaler =a dyv.F Lo, Vector G yxeP > Veto 5 Oy F + F positon vetor y Pa xt rug + gk AV = det F dys ¥dgk ace, Guyayat 3 BY ow Ler Bunkace bCuysy=e 3 vb gb * normal dange . woe = (Reet Re eR). (4) = Wee rds sats wy OMe unit vetror vermol to Aware 6 &y3) 4 Oven by. A=. wo 1 Weal DY OL ame omale bo two Runfaces Qos) = Zug By = Gat Yom P anen, so = Gare + VDav-e \ WD s6 \ \evs)ave\ BW Pert ays e Ze gov = WwW) = Peevey me, + Vi = 4S. > T fe = pe + ae Diveetional Derivative a Aenlee 4 Gus) om & in Aivechon oA vecor @ Ga oven by = GA), mMarimum Valur Arechonad derivative te deafarce Mer yay Se ak oink Ye Oven by | eo “ % Nae = a reDy- (CEt +R p+ RR) See i dv.P= VP zo ss Fd Avlensidod Vector coh = vxP a] 49 4% > 2 2 = oo fF ROR wale? = VKP to SH FG Wwerelational Pres of A vont ’ ae > ye adv (cat F) = 0 ele ays or Bone . nve! two } ev. wxP)=e ae Pe Cunt Carad Q) = 6 eluiings L@xB) : we 7x (vb) =e ; ! » * Ba FR do Mandond dolensd. ) ie. VP =O for above tonditien > Green's Theorem * 3 R&D £ T&y) ane two difeuntiable Qunetion Bx y 1 deimed by, Region B& bounded aI Ron pre Closed cure C then , Uwork done = $ Fas tidy = iff Be) dey 7 Sto kes Theorem Fe Wee Rt FRE 1S Aoumbble vedor boint function defined onan open ace § bounded by Aimble closed Cume Co them ’ ds= dxdy x,y plane wre § [[ (vx? J 4 ads ee coy soy ds= dyag BZ Plane \a.2\ on teeta uve dor Mmple [dS = dg da > 3X plane ee Closed cure yaa) Caw Divenquace theovemn YPSnt+ AR eRe w Ulfewrible vector point Qometion Aakines on cloued Swolece Ss a Ne tume V tren « ins f Fads = [ v®av Vv Notes 1} Dine tniegrod gy aaked nen pon of vbove ‘Theevem Will be wed, Almgle Wkeopnakion wit t,4,3 velahou OR ulbs Rluded B Calo weted . - CHRPTER-S DIFFERENTIAL COU eTtion ‘ tn ssfowt CMT Me ondr oc) hqhert ovdoud clentvadive occusina, equation do Known os ordost ah Dé. ; ‘ Degree” - Tue clegree of Whe ordeud datwative voien dssivetie | Ore Wee from Yrackonall Rows . SolwHons to difirrentic’ equation [Isr eral ‘ |, Vaniable Aepmole oe = Xoo - &y) | 2. dy Gory ax &s5G,-y) women BQ, ans Nemegencus 4 Bowne cboree eek wenn de = vaxdy ay ax 3, Liweor Aierwntios eye? dy Cu= 6 wre @= Yoo ax Stax Q= geo men TE = 6 / Gow oa WE) = face) dx + Crock iene Eo yation_ 3 DE. w Ww Jjoom Wax aN dy =o ” aoe st when sqyotton So grad DE, Soiu® Joe + J Cems oJ N freee Spon ) da =e a rl lCUh BD ” Waheqvestion foctor Wo chove 2am de mak Exod. Coue~) NBM ane homegenow 3 Aewne dooyree cr. = —\|— Mx & Ny Cave omen MAN ov nok Frewmogemoss bub OM = ying) B N= x (x,y tre lL Hs) Mx - my Cone-2 . = 43 ran_ow G&rode BB ex = Jer or const. then TH =e N Coxe 4 Siete 3B, SN _ am BH yy = ea ex cont. Then TLE. v ortmegonod Wwojecory 1. Elnd tne ll Caw 4 given fawiily of CGuwe 2. Replace dy yy - ak auch 5 ; me ay Cae 3. Golve the vexuttomt te gek ortvieqoncd Arajedtory Sol 4o i Kerwetio® eayotion | Wisher order) —¥de de a” a, a _- Ow = wie STR A= Yo v 4 Qocre Anen Lee BD homogenous vi QS= CF a. if far Fo +new doe NOM™ Momogenow 1. GSS CR+PL Rooks _g AwxiVeny Eau | Cowes Yonding, Combinenfey far cr) Veal 8 Dichnck my mamel Ge & GI ecme™* A vet Bequot mimim | Gx tansy em 3B, Imaginary LF E*( 6 wate HG, eee) method to (oa PL. foe mon Nowogenouy X DE le Tyge=E when feo =e Hint Replace DB by x de ROD Ore. Or = “et se) K. Tepe when Mo = orxe ox Gnd . Wink Y Replace v voy - 0 vm im &) 3. Wye wren Jor = x Hing! vosite Qi) da the [pew of Qety = le & ah RP KS AW - Qexy = ek WAT SA aK Qeayt se Vr ak eae es —- b eaey wren §6o = acre Wasv= Coke — or eX Bnex Onex oe oy or. a XK Hind i AL Rt ecm mar a Yo) Ber) S. Tyges3 wonen f= Kv here V = GaARx 2 Hinks a Pre 2 xv= xe tiv _ YO wv $e) &) [a0 I> 22 = Rex be. Wiqnomedvte Yane® 6. OT 4 when we e\ aS 8 CAA rom Bnx & (osx fo y= Rw Emetnod 9 vantedton 2A Ronan ekei] CEH Gum) 4G VOD PT= AvwR +8 VO | nore, Ae - Ve Rey de wav _vdu wrens ian B= bere dx tev dae Fuses Dilwale wht veriable ceefficted Couchy's ~ Euler difermtial Car. ‘er rae ph gat ye Loo On)y = doo pk xaet ond pe ZH Mogx ry Adlutton ea : 7 4. xd eo mpc 6 es v= 6 C03) PV= ECE) (e-2) Standard forbiad dilerumbied Ca rodton 4 AH 4 BRU 4. CBW yw A oer Sx * Toe ant ERS Fe . % Tie =o mm koe w parabott « a \ E- uae . A) | s-a gat) Ute)y= AL eM) de os L@nesy = _o SF yqr L (els) = oo. qeored 4, Shoe L(etw)= Fey (i aes atl 22 oD) 4) = [te ae é * LG) = GED A L(y = or gy LQ) = FS ” al Sif J Se ae" = LF a an SB LC) = Lay = FG ten, LW = Ss ky - Yoo LOY) = SU - Sy. - Bed 5 LOQ™) = Ss WG) -F Yo -swe@ - We FD LW = Fe them, s dim Ue) = din 8. Fe 40 S00 eis Eo = kin ‘8. FR . ke Yinllo) = tom he 400 Kao CHAPTER =A ComPLEX VaARIRBLE eee Be arly Z> FOr +I so Mo ze 7k 7 Re 3. w=) s Taye | Cure, vyoot hung. & 9) . Prrqunent a. B= O= tan ) he x two comblex Numba Oy hae VEX on Rare Vo} Yane smen, > AY ]rdx) = Ong, FONNS 9 a2 Ale) = ATNyg OTN YW Awalutic umetion GeV A We ev ry _s Pralute . c “ Nx 9 Ny ong a wre ee ete ome lyhe function Amen WBS) & VGy) one orvrmogonak B upy ans tanwonte Gus” Ax, y BE a EMO Vex Tyyno Milme Anomson metvned +o fad 3 H Cose-\ when Vw) vw qven 4 ‘ay > ety = atu ; (f. y= ~Ve] . inteqroke Me) by wePlectng, L=ZBK wee WH Cone-2 vohen Vay) ua atven . Ray = Uae buy = Vy viv Tr. Mee Vy) + pub t= ZB Wao amd Wheqrage ~ Taylor's, Seni Exlpanelon A 8a) w analytic ok Point 2. Yes, Se = Yoo + 3) Neo « 8255 Rao eae By + clomrent Senter s@r= E onl g-3) + £ abn eee wee Gee v a ae Cwolyite Voud- Vrind gle peak W TL Tindiple fark ua olbccen! =) gis romevable Sing wlan ” 4 ame car infinite tems of => % Js exsentiad Pendle york we fy Anne one Quite kamy 5S Bots a ole. Windpe gart J de Wle SS YQy w nobonalyte ad 2, + Rekdue s Im dowrent Series Exbaneon Bh LG) the weffscred of is ds called westdue 4 Qe obzag HH gan ta Ample pole ol Soy then Ros. $G) - ok (3-9) & are ae eh x Bea do a pole with Rosner San? bet Bi 2 di Le SEAN J] 320 ZI (m1) \ 3 a Couchy!s wkaqvol theorem ~ BH Rey % omelyhe omd Gd WL’ contmous ustin and on sme bounds cha wdmple Closed cuawe dren § Erdg =o Cc) Le no poles trade CLWE & On Cuve Comes Aaseqrod orm ton _ © A Wy. co omalyte witrtn od ow youndonyy a ame Chesed cumse Co, Soy q gole dude with Aoyrre \- §& a, = ami. cay £ « GY) \ H gole twaide with dope € (n+) j, dar ae = ast. 3”. tpl ¢ @-ay™ a Ay" Bau He : Comrchyy's Rortduod Krewe eo @ + Est Wreratlon 2 gud Bas pee ok OC), ty O Pur X=), A tz 0 ga Co), &O oe T= KH), f x=@), ot Gy), ww ® Swiion\y, Conktnue , by ry cokes updated valiuy , & Nevion Bisechlon mekhod os b a oe ohne Yay Qe zo \e-al ce Zao whin b= Weer Ute 2 A= lown Lui n> no. A \ernoblon reauiced, € = enor 5. False Rositten metned 02 veel Gola method Ashe Venton Roomate, So a b \ Xs alos = > fa — Sew \ peo? tow Gw~ &eo eo, Secank mekhod Ae \emation formula ts Pre Fy = Se FE = FH FE) kX wh 8&) — $ Ga) \ » Newton . Raghson mmeunod he Wienatton Qermue XS Sane a Kay ¢ \ he. xe xe - Ree BY Gay YG) Xe Sey Key ‘Orden af ne. oh, Cat [oes [eomgme EEE [Re Newton Bisection \ Your | Crrngo \ dy | ereset =e False Position | stew Secant metned |= vate] Saas ere aes \ \ \ee Newton Raghson \ wes [rsa nave 2 ‘\ \ lore WV 7 v Geren ak present If Aquane 4 Wruton. + Culms smerved [ $3 = Fv) i tenation foomuts ue Yaa= Yet W9 rn Wp) Xone Inrh Bee Gye yee Wh Cee ye) Ba = Ger A OH) Backward Gules wetred_L H~ Raz) Yon = Ba * WE an Bon) Y Solve 2.Qn” for Aon by cabsattng, WB Xn 3 modified Culea's method oF Runge Kuta 2nd orden i= VQ Cre ye) >> we Mik, Kis WC xan, York) 2 THenatton Jormute x5 Wee Wot & X= oth Runge Katia 4th orden [4a < Ley 4 Kye WAC 40) mh \ ' & Cama Yor bs) Ke Ket a2 ket hy, . fo = 6 Ky > WA ery yee te) Kus WA (Xt, Yorks) Venton formula is Ye Yr 6 X= eth Numentcal Saterrebton _ AY “Wrage goided rude. [ecadk Yor er degree baryon] accorseg OCD Xn Jieoss= 5- [Ges end + ACHE === Bey 2) Gimbpsouls 4 sue [roveed Yor 2nd deyree Gelynows’} aconces (Ob) (yes = B [Qed + Ye tte) % #2 Use wards =~) | c) Smbpsor's whe [eoweedck fer 3rd degree ery rerda] acomery ob?) esse Z»Loes) * 2 CY POLY arte 7 d +A uae ergy ---) 3

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