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Summary of the Content

Antonio’s Pigafetta is an Italian scholar and explorer from the republic of Venice.

He traveled with the portugese explorer Ferdinand Magellan and his crew by order
of the King Charles 1 of spain on their Voyage around the world.

Antonio’s Pigafetta is one of the earliest written accounts. Pigafetta was seen as
credible source for a period, which was prior unchronicled and undocumented.

His work become a classic that prominent literary men in the west like William
Shakespeare. His travelogue is one of the most important primary sources in the
study of precolonial Philippines. His account was also a major referent to the events
leading to Magellans arrival in the Philippines, his encounter with local leaders, his
death in the hands of Lapulapu’s forces in the battle of Mactan and in the departure
of what was left of Magellan’s fleet from the islands.

The document reveals several insights not just in the character of the Philippines
during pre colonial period, but also on how the fresh eyes of the European regard a
deeply unfamiliar terrain, environment, people, and culture.

Antonio’s Pigafetta wrote his firsthand observation and general impression of the
Far east including thier experiences In the Visayas.

In Pigafetta’s account, thier fleet reached what he called the Landrones islands or
the “Islands of the thieves”

“These people have no arms, but use sticks, which have fish bone at the end, They
are poor, but ingenious, and great thieves, and for the sake of what we called these
three islands the Ladrones Islands”.

The Ladrones Island presently known as Marianas Islands. It s located

south-southeast Japan, west-southwest of hawaii, north of new Guinea, and east of
Philippines. On March 16, Pigafetta reported that they reach the isle of Zamal, Now
Samar, but Magellan decided to land in another uninhabited island for greater
security where they could rest for a few days.

After two days, March 18 nine men came to them and show joy and eagerness in
seeing them and welcomed them with food, drinks, and gifts.

The natives gave them fish, Plam wine(uraca), figs, 2 cocho, Rice(umai),cocos.

Pigafetta characterized the people as very familiar and friendly.

They different islands. The fleet went to Humunu Island (Homonhon)

Pigafetta referred to as the “Watering Place of Good signs”. And he wrote that they
found the first signs on gold. On march 25th they saw 2 ballanghai(balangay), a long
boat of full of people in Mazzava. The europeans entertained these men and give
gifts. Magellan asked for money for the needs for his ships and expressed that he
came as an friend not enemy. The king gave magellan of food of chinaware. The two
then expressed their desire to become brothers.

After a few days, Magellan was introduced to the king’s brother who was also a king
of another island. Pigafetta reported that they saw mines of gold. The gold was
abundant that parts of the ship. The house of second king were made of gold.

And Pigafetta describe this king as the most handsome of all the men taht he saw
in this place.This king was named Raia Calambu,king of Zuluan and Calagan(Butuan
and Caragua). and First king was Raia Siaga.

On march 31st, which happened to be eastern Sunday, Magellan ordered to predise

a mass by the shore.The king heard anf he sent twp pigs. Pigafetta reported the
both kings participated in the mass.

After the mass, Magella ordered that the cross be brought with nails and crown
in place. The cross the nail, the crown were the signs of his emperor and he was
ordered to plant it in the places that he would reach. And magellan explained the
cross be beneficial for the people, because once they saw other spaniards saw the
cross, they woukd not cause them troubles. The king allowed the crooss to be
planted. This mass would be as the first mass in the Philippines, and the cross
woukd be the famed magellan’s cross still prederved at present today.

After 7 days, magellan’s decided to move to the other islands. They learned of the
island of ceylon(leyte), bohol, Zzucu(Cebu) and intended to go there. By April 7th
Magellan and his men reached the port of cebu. Magellan’s mens, and king of cebu,
met in open space. The king offered a bit of his blood and demanded magellan to do
the same.

Pigafetta reported that the pleasure to magellans speech. Magellans asked the
people who would succeed the king after his reign, people said the eldest child of
the king. Pigafetta also related how the people talked about, how at age.and he
wrote that thier men overyoyed seeing people want to be a christians with thier will.

On 14 of April, Magellan encouraged king to be a christian and burming all the idols
and workship the cross instead. The king of cebu baptized as christisnds.

On the 26 of April, Zula the principal of man in islanf of mactan asked for a boat so
that he would be able to fight the chief named lapu lapu. Magellans offered a boats
and desire to go to mactan himself to fight. They are all 49 .The battle begin.
Magellan died in battle.

Pigafetta stay in the balangay so that he would see how they fought.

They wanted to keep the magellan’s body as a memento of their victory.

Magellan’s men elected Duarte Barbosa as the new captain.

Pigafetta also told how magellan’s slave and interpreter named henry betrayed
them. The natives had slain all the men except the interpreter and Juan Serrano who
was already wounded. The fleet departed and abandoned Serrano. They left Cebu
and their journey around the world.

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