Crypto Lesson Plan

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Nicholas Hevrin

EDU 214-1005

Lesson Plan Title: Cryptozoology Project

Concept / Topic to teach: Students will be learning about cryptozoology and presenting to the
class in groups about specific creatures in cryptozoology using PowerPoint and Word.

General Goal(s): Students will research and learn about creatures and be able to present for 7
minutes about their creature of choice.

Specific Objectives: Cooperate with a group to create an informative and entertaining

PowerPoint presentation for the class. Use Microsoft Word to create a wanted poster for the

Required Materials: Computer with internet and Microsoft PowerPoint and Word. Flash drive
with presentation for the teacher and handout for entire class.

Anticipatory Set (Lead-in): I will lead into this topic of showing my students pictures and
videos of bigfoot sightings and loch ness monster sightings. This will then lead to me explaining
what cryptozoology is and that they will be doing projects on these creatures.

Step-By-Step Procedures:
Step One:
-Students will split into groups of three or four students
-These groups will then select a cryptozoology creature to do their research on a list will be
provided and others not on the list may be chosen if approved.
Step Two:
-Students will work in these groups to create a PowerPoint presentation to present to the class to
explain the myths and origin of their creatures.
-Students will also create a wanted poster for the creature as if they are trying to get pictures of
the creature.
Step Three:
-Groups will present their projects to the class to be graded.
- Presentations will be given to the teacher via flash drive.

Plan for Independent Practice: Independent practice will be done when groups are creating the
presentations. Students will need to do research to understand the habitat and location for their
creatures through rumored sightings. Creating the wanted poster will also require research to be
as accurate as possible.

Closure (Reflect Anticipatory Set): I will have students vote on which presentations they
enjoyed the most out of all presentations and we will discuss what we learned about the
creatures. We will also discuss what issues we found in our research as to why these are false
claims or even what about them makes us believe.

Assessment Based on Objectives: The assessment will be based on the grading rubric for the
presentations. This will cover things like number of slides, length of presentation, creativity, etc.

Possible Connections to Other Subjects: This lesson will help students learn to use both
Microsoft Word and PowerPoint to present material to a group. This will also help them learn to
research topics and understand a credible vs noncredible source.

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