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1) (a) P - filament ; Q - cathode ; R - anode ; S - X-plate ; T - Y-plate

P -filemen; Q - katod; R -anod; S - plat-X; T - plat-Y
(b) The process whereby electron is released from the surface of a hot metal surface.
Proses di mana elektron dibebaskan daripada permukaan logam panas.
(c)(i) Period/tempoh, T = 5 x (5 x 10-3) = 0.025 s
(ii) frequency/frekuensi, f = 1/T = 1/0.025 = 40 Hz

2) (a)(i)P - Light Dependent Resistor (ii) Q - transistor; (iii) S - relay

(i) P - Preintang Peka Cahaya (ii) Q - transistor; (iii) S - geganti
(b) To control the base current.
untuk mengehadkan arus tapak

(d) Increase/bertambah
(e) As VH increases, the base current increases causing the collector current to increase
by a large magnitude. This will cause the relay to complete the circuit which contains the
Bila VH bertambah, arus tapak bertambah menyebabkan arus pengumpul bertambah
dengan magnitud yang besar. Ini menyebabkan geganti melengkapkan litar yang
mempunyai motor.

3) (a)(i)P - NOT gate ; (ii) Q - AND gate ; (iii) R - OR gate

(i) P - get TAK; (ii) Q - get DAN; (iii) R - get ATAU

(c ) (i) exclusive-OR gate (EX-OR gate)

get eksklusif-ATAU
(ii) X = A �B

4) (a)NOT gate/get TAK

(b) Input Output
1 0
0 1
(c) thermistor/termistor
Resistance of E Decreases
Rintangan E Berkurangan
Current flowing through the logic gate Low
Arus yang mengalir melalui get logik Rendah
Condition of the alarm ON
Keadaan penggera HIDUP

5) (a) A - aerial ; B - diode ; C - loudspeaker

A - arial; B - diod; C -pembesar suara
(b) n-p-n
( c ) electrical energy to sound energy.
tenaga elektrik kepada tenaga bunyi


(e) Acts as a current amplifier.

Bertindak sebagai penguat arus.

6) (a) Both d.c and a.c voltages can be used.

Kedua-dua a.t.dan a.u. boleh digunaklan
(b) - As an a.c. voltmeter
- sebagai voltmeter a.u.
- To display the shape of the input electrical signal.
- memaparkan bentuk isyarat input elektrik
(c) Because of electron beam is negatively charged.
kerana sinar elektron bercas negatif
(d ) V = 2eV / m = 2(1.76 x 1011) (2000)
= 2.65 x 107 ms-1

Q It
(e) n = =
e e
n = 2 x10-3 (10 x 60 )/ 1.60 x 10-19
= 7.5 x 1018 electrons

7) (a) The process of converting alternating current into direct current.

Proses menukar arus ulangalik kepada arus terus.
(b) The diode in Figure 1 is connected in series to the resistor R. The diodes in Figure 2
are connected in a quadrangle with two junctions connected to the power supply and the
other two junctions across the resistor R.
Both input are alternating current voltages and the outputs are direct currents.
Diode in Fig.1 is used as a half-wave rectifier while in Fig.2 the diodes are used as a full-
wave rectifier.
Diod dalam Rajah 1 disambung secara sesiri dengan perintang R. Diod dalam Rajah 2
disambungkan secara bentuk segiempat dengan dua simpang disambung kepada bekalan
kuasa dan dua lagi simpang merentasi perintang R.
Kedua-dua input adalah arus ulangalik dan outputnya adalah arus terus.
Diod dalam Rajah 1 digunakan sebagai rektifier separuh-gelombang manakala diod
dalam Rajah 2 digunakan sebagai rektifier penuh-gelombang.
(c) Current flows from/Arus alir dari
X → P→ S →A→ B → Q → R →Y
(d) Capacitor/Kapasitor

8) (a) a material whose resistance is between the resistance of conductors and insulators.
sejenis bahan di mana rintangannya adalah di antara konduktor dan perintang.
(b) - A semiconductor material such as silicon is doped with a trivalent element like
- bahan semikonduktor seperti silikon didopkan dengan unsur trivalen seperti boron
- three covalent bonds are formed between the boron atom and three silicon atoms
leaving a positively charged hole.
- tiga ikatan kovalen dibentuk antara atom boron dan tiga atom silikon meninggalkan
satu lubang yang bercas positif.
- the positively charged holes becomes the majority charge carrier of the semiconductor
and hence the name p-type (positive-type) semiconductor.
- lubang bercas positif menjadi pembawa cas majoriti semikonduktor dan oleh demikian
dinakakan semikonduktor jenis-p
(c) - dry cells - the positive terminal must be connected to the collector while the negative
terminal connected to the emitter.
- sel kering - terminal positif mesti disambungkan kepada pengumpul dan terminal
negatif disambungkan kepada pengeluar.

- Thermistor and resistor - thermistor must be connected to the upper portion of

the circuit while the resistor below the thermistor - so that when the temperature is high,
the voltage across the thermistor decreases causing an increase in the base current.
- termistor dan perintang - termistor disambung kepada bahagian atas litar sementara
perintang di bawah termistor. - supaya apabila suhu menjadi tiggi, voltan merentasi
termistor berkurangan menyebabkan peningkatan dalam arus tapak.
- other component - a siren is required - to produce a sound to alert the user of a fire.
Circuit B is the most suitable because, the dry cells are connected correctly as described
above, the location of the thermistor and the resistor is correct and have a siren to
produce sound in case of a fire.
- komponen lain - siren diperlukan - untuk menghasilkan bunyi kuat jika berlakunya
kebakaran. Litar B adalah paling sesuai kerana sel kering disambungkan seperti
dinyatakan di atas, lokasi termistor dan perintang adalah betul dan mempunyai siren.
(d) (i) (1000/500+1000)x12 = 8 V
(ii) 12-8 = 4V
(iii) Yes because the potential difference across R1 is greater than 1V
Ya kerana beza keupayaan merentasi R1 adalah lebih besar daripada 1V.

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