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Scienctific Basis and Application of Information Fields in Medicine

by Marcus Schmieke


Since quantum physics revolutionized the understanding of physics,

information is considered the most fundamental level of reality. Matter and
mind seem to be based on informational processes connected with
consciosuness. Philosophically information is a third ontological state beyond
the duality of mind and matter. Psychologically it relates to the concept of the
collective subconscious as explained by C.G. Jung. In traditional far east
systems of healing information relates to the term life energy as expressed by
the concepts of Qi or Prana. The term information field approaches information
as a physical reality, where information is organized as a field within a
mathematical model of space.


作者: 馬可斯 施梅伊克


由於量子力學對於物理的革命性理解 ,信息是現實世界的最基本層次 ,而物質

與心智二元對立的第三種宇宙本體狀態。 如由心理層次來說,信息則與榮格所解
釋的集體潛意識觀念相關。而在東方療癒傳統中, 信息則與被稱為 "氣" 或 "般
納" (prana) 的生命能量觀念相連。如果用 信息場 這個詞來表達信息在數學空

The Information Field determines controls and accounts for much, if not everything in our life and
organism. The Information Field is essentially a physical field. The great physicists of the 20th
century, by developing quantum physics, arrived at a new paradigm that is a cornerstone of
today’s natural science: reality at its most basic level is not matter, but information. The
Information Field, on which all creation is based, only becomes concrete physical reality through
contact with consciousness. What this means is: information, the physical Information Field, is the
basis for all material reality! It is the primal cause out of which all physical processes and matter
arise, and that controls all physical processes. The Information Field is located behind the
quantum level, it is the inner form and structure of the vacuum.
The concept and the term of the Information Field are the results of a unified field theory or “world
formula” that Burkhard Heim postulated in the late 1970s. This theory is very complex and most
seasoned physicists claim that it is incomprehensible. I invested much time and effort
to present it in a more comprehensible form when I was younger. Based on this endeavor, the
Information Field became the most important basis for both my theoretical work and for the
technical systems that I later developed. Burkhard Heim’s theory is based on a world view
that includes twelve dimensions. A world with twelve dimensions is probably difficult or even
impossible to imagine; we know the three dimensions in space and when we hear that time is the
fourth dimension, it still makes sense. Since Einstein we (we physicists, that is) are speaking
of four-dimensional space-time. But twelve dimensions? Adding more dimensions to the
four that we already know is not so uncommon in modern physics. The most extensive
dimensional model that I am aware of is the left-handed mode of the heterotic string theory as
described by a research group named “Princeton String Quartet”, comprising 26 dimensions.
Before discussing in depth (well, somewhat) Burkhard Heim’s theory and what the Information
Field has to do with it, I would like to give a greatly simplified representation of it, for those among
you in a hurry and for habitual diagonal readers:

The Information Field in simple words

Probably all scientists in the world, as well as all philosophers and all religious people, and
probably the whole world agree on this: we humans carry two aspects within us. First the body,
the material part of us, and then the mind, the consciousness. This dichotomy (meaning the
division between two things) is the basis of everybody’s world view, be they a judge, a doctor or a
mailman. Now those two are very, very different from each other, the material body in comparison
to the mind and the consciousness. It is very hard to understand how they ever manage to work
together, even though this is of course necessary and works reasonably well in practice. We just
don’t know exactly how they do it! Now what I am saying is this: the link between matter and
spirit, between the body and the mind, is the so-called Information Field . It is neither a physical
nor a mental thing. It is something completely new, carrying both those properties within itself and
can therefore translate from the language of the body into the language of the consciousness.
So the two parts can speak to each other: the mind can create shapes within the Information
Field that manifest in matter. It also works the other way round: the material world can influence
the mind over the Information Field. All this is very, very important for us humans, because
when mind and body cannot communicate with each other, when they are not pulling in the same
direction, then we get sick. Life means body and consciousness, mind and matter being in
harmony. Death is when they separate. I have called this concept “Lebensfeld”, field of life, in
my second book; today I refer to it more generally as Information Field. It is in this field that all
utterances and activities of life are taking place. Ancient cultures have called it “chi” or “prana”,
some people simply say “life energy”. Yet it is not energy in a physical sense; it is more
about information, hence the name.

Burkhard Heim’s Unified Field Theory

As I already mentioned, the field theory as described by Burkhard Heim was the life’s work of a
scientist who worked alone. The solitary nature of his working environment stemmed from the
time when he worked at the Max Planck institute with C. F. von Weizsäcker. On the one hand von
Weizsäcker did not believe that Heim could handle the monumental task of finishing Einstein’s
work, given his poor health; on the other hand, Heim was known for not shying away from
exposing his famous teacher, boss and colleague when he believed in having the better end of
an argument.
The self-chosen isolation in his work led to Heim having to solve some mathematical problems by
himself, even though they had been solved already by others, such as the axiomatic discrete
geometry by Alexander Gelfond: he had simply never heard of it! This problem may have been
also an opportunity, enabling Heim to follow his own way away from the scientific mainstream.
Burkhard Heim began his work where Einstein had come to a stop: the theory of gravitation. He
found out that certain anomalies in Einstein’s theory were due to Einstein working with an
approximate value that was not quite accurate: he had assumed the field mass as being zero. If
you calculate it correctly, then you can (or rather you need to) represent the field equations of
gravitation and the energy-impulse tensor no longer in a four-dimensional, but in a sixdimensional
The reason for introducing these two additional dimensions or degrees of freedom was simple
mathematical necessity. Einstein was using a matrix with 16 (4 times 4) equations,
Burkhard Heim devised a matrix with 36 (6 times 6) equations. There you have it: 6d space-time!
In this way , the theory of gravity could be derived comprehensively and consistently, quantum
physics could be deduced from this, followed by the general theory of relativity, and there was a
plausible structural formula for the mass of all elementary particles. So the 6d world view
had practical implications for many areas in science. The next task for Burkhard Heim was to
interpret this fifth and sixth dimension, a task at which he succeeded after extensive work. He
described these dimensions as a kind of control field for space over time, calling them
transdimensions, dimensions that were constantly updating themselves over time into space and
thereby controlling all that happens here in physical space. The interesting thing about this: the
mathematical-physical processes in the trans-dimensions are energetic by nature, which means
their contribution to the energy-impulse tensor is nonzero. We are therefore indeed dealing with a
physically and energetically active reality that is located beyond time, but time-like in a
mathematical sense. To be more precise, we are only moving and living in three dimensions, as
time and the two trans-dimensions are what you could call imaginary dimensions.
This “control space”, if you want to call it that, controls everything that happens within the material
realm. It is located outside our 3d space or alternately everywhere in this space, beyond any
spatial imagination that might be possible for us. And yet it is communicating with us
at every moment, the space “down here” is constantly influenced by what happens “up there”;
and I do not mean this in a religious sense, but in a strictly physical way. The interaction between
the trans-dimensions and the three-dimensional world works through interaction
particles. Similar to Fritz-Albert Popp’s description of the mechanism of biophotons, Heim
postulated that photons constituted the internal interactions of trans-space with
time. According to him, photons were always arising when trans-space was in a condensation
process with time. Photons are continuously created in our body through all kinds of biochemical
interactions, their creation transmitting information from the energetic control field. Light has
always been a symbol and a metaphor for a higher dimension, for the divine, in many ancient
cultures; just think of the halo in images of saints.
Apart from the photon there exists yet another interaction particle, namely the graviton, a cousin
of the photon in the family of electromagnetics. The graviton is able to do a few things that its
cousin is not, like being effective over large distances or penetrating matter. When gravitons cut
through 3d space, quantum probability modifying fields are created, i.e., fields that alter the
probabilities of quantum processes.

The World in Twelve Dimensions

In its final version, Burkhard Heim’s model consists of twelve dimensions:

Picture A: Burkard Heims 12 dimensional quantumfieldtherory

Dimensions d7 to d12 are also referred to as the consciousness space, d9 to d12 mathematically
represent the mind. The higher dimensions communicate over the time wave with the four-
dimensional space-time in which we exist. The two lower levels of consciousness space, d7 and
d8, constitute the global Information Field. Our consciousness normally has no direct access to
the Information Field because due to ist dualistic nature it can either orient itself toward the
external physical reality or the inner psychic reality.
So we have four additional dimensions, the fifth to eighth dimensions, that stand behind the
manifest reality of fourdimensional space-time. Behind this four-dimensional Information Field, or
above it, there is the four-dimensional field of the mind or consciousness. Looking at this model
again, it allows us a very clearly structured understanding of reality: a four-dimensional physical
reality that we inhabit and know well. Parallel to that there is a four-dimensional spiritual
consciousness reality, our inner space, the existence of which nobody can deny, especially
scientists. But these two realities, four-dimensional space-time and the four-dimensional spiritual
consciousness space, need to communicate. And it is not difficult to understand why they cannot
communicate directly: they do not have a common language. They need an interpreter.
For this purpose, there exists a third field in between the matter field and the mind field – the
Information Field! Information controls matter, itself being shaped and structured by

Information Field and Consciousness

The psychologist C. G. Jung was the first to discover that the individual unconscious is directly
communicating with some kind of global Information Field, he chose to call this the collective
unconscious. Similar physical events sometimes occur in different places simultaneously or
almost simultaneously without there being a causal relationship between them. Jung called this
phenomenon synchronicity. Between such events, that may appear to us as just being a chain of
interesting coincidences, there seems to be a clear context, although one that usually remains
hidden from our understanding.
I would like to formulate something here that I like to call the law of the fifth dimension; Burkhard
Heim expressed the very same thought himself, thereby freeing Albert Einstein posthumously
from his sorrow that the universe could be full of randomness, without meaning and without God.
Heim said that the probability of a physical process, its quantum probability, depends on its
meaning and importance for that of which it is a part, for the greater whole. He called these
superordinate structures “holomorphisms”.
The sixth dimension allows conflicting points of view to assume different positions within a single
reality. Each of us is taking an individual position in this world, having his own perspective, while
all these perspectives are contradicting each other.
There is no thinkable way to to get two realms of consciousness to be congruent. There is no
model to even describe such polytexturality; this would require an infinitely-valent logic which
does not and probably cannot exist. The sixth dimension opens up the opportunity to experience
complex contexts of meaning and realms of consciousness as existing in parallel. What a relief!
We can thus exist in contradicting and yet interacting realms of consciousness that define us as
individuals. Burkhard Heim called this sixth dimension the aeonic dimension, because its
dynamics act as an agent for the cycles of human history, the cosmological cycles and the
development of our individual consciousness.
The fifth dimension creates the identity of the individual, the sixth protects it from breaking apart
on the reflective boundaries of existence and consciousness. This is a deep insight; it took me
many years of studying Burkhard Heim’s works to achieve it. I do not really expect anyone
to spontaneously comprehend it.

The Search for Meaning

One and the same universe can be interpreted in totally different ways by different individuals.
Each human has his own meaning, defining his identity, and we are able to switch between those
different spaces using the lowest function of our consciousness, namely, free will.
This orientation towards meaning is manifested in much simpler things than a human being. Take
for instance a single electron: a physicist adhering to traditional thinking patterns may view it as
nothing else than a simple electron, possessing certain properties that are known to everyone.
Everyone in physics, that is.
But we know today that an electron is an electron only in relation to something else. Its properties
and its identity are defined by its relation to a higher level; for instance an electron as part of a
living cell. I have skipped a few steps here in order to save you some reading time and myself a
few keystrokes. An electron in a physicist’s laboratory thus moves in a different way, following a
different set of rules than an electron “knowing” that it is, or will be, part of a living cell. This
makes a tremendous difference! The electron draws its identity from the relation to the context it
is a part of, from its meaning in creation. Or, in Sanskrit or in Buddhist tradition: from its dharma.
The identity of an elementary particle does not exist in itself, but in the relation to its environment
or in the relation to that of which it is a part. I already quoted Burkhard Heim on this: that the
quantum probability of a certain process depends on the benefits, the importance and the
meaning it has for its overlying structures or holomorphisms.
Another example: the synthesis of amino acids is a mathematically extremely unlikely process
within a cell. But it happens anyway, because it is “useful” to the cell, therefore gaining increased
Everything that happens down here in the physical world, the activities of atomic nuclei and the
biochemical processes in our bodies, the directions they are taking, depends on the
context of meaning with all the layers above. In this way the entire fabric of reality is ultimately
woven and connected by such contexts of meaning, by an intellectual construct, by a mental
process, this process being manifested in how the probability of certain events
is increased. We find this mechanism of identity-creating contexts of meaning in the universal
Information Field; it is located in the fifth and sixth dimension. The relationships of several layers
of complexity in reality, for instance the electron in relation to the cell, is located in the fifth
dimension. The sixth dimension enables mutually exclusive and/or complementary contexts to
coexist, further enabling individual points of view and options for the future.
Burkhard Heim described these processes as ascending and descending activity streams. When
these flows of information reach the four-dimensional space-time, in other words, the physical
world we live in, they are time flow or time waves according to Kozyrev’s model, gravitons
according to Heim and probability fields in the sense of quantum physics.
It is these dynamic events in the Information Field that create the complex structure of reality as
we know it. Certain ascending and descending activity streams between the levels that Burkhard
Heim called beta (bios) and gamma (psyche) correspond with what we call “consciousness”.
Only in the Information Field all those facets of reality find common ground and result in a
consistent whole. So if we keep researching the Information Field we have the most direct and
appropriate means to find out more about ourselves, about life and its meaning.
Indeed, we experience our own identity only through being integrated in meaningful contexts. We
are what we are not just for ourselves, but primarily for others. We are being given our identity by
the meaning of our existence, our mission and our responsibility for others, for something that
is bigger than ourselves. Ultimately, for the greater whole, if you want to call it that.

Health and Consciousness

It goes without saying, but for the sake of clarity I would like to make the following statement
anyway: science and conventional medicine do not acknowledge the existence of information
fields and their medical and other applications due to the lack of scientific evidence; such
recognition would require placebo-controlled clinical trials.
All our theoretical findings about the nature of the Information Field, the structure of the world and
about reality and all that goes beyond it allow us deep insights into our world and our self. And
still, up to this point they are just that, theoretical findings.
So my colleagues and I went one step further in the past few years, implementing those findings
into the physical world as practical applications and actual devices that were meant to use the
power of the Information Field for the benefit of mankind.
Although many people probably know that I own a company that deals with the practical
application of this technology, we have deliberately avoided writing about this company and its
products in this article. This is about the basics and the background, not about business.
As is generally known, we implemented Information Field technology in the medical field with
good results so far. Less known is the fact that using the same technology we are striving for
success in other fields as well, for instance architecture, agriculture, personality development
and, more recently, management consulting and business management.
There is a huge difference between theory and experiment and real life. When I observe single
electrons in our laboratory reacting to thought processes, I see tiny, yet significant changes and
may have proven a theory. But when I see physicians and healers trying to apply those findings
to humans through Information Field analysis, I feel that our work is really making a difference in
this world.
Applied Information Field medicine, as it is commonly referred to, is still in its initial stages after
several years of research. Although there is already a number of users serving an even greater
number of clients and patients, the level of public awareness and the acceptance of our ideas
in official medical circles is still very limited. Not that this bothers us in any way: Our confidence,
our plans and the hearts and the good will of those who work with us could not be any bigger!
Where Mind and Body Meet
Our mind and our consciousness have influence on our body. They may awaken it or make it
tired, the may make it sick or healthy. Everyone probably knows this and there is ample evidence
of this fact in conventional medicine.
Psychosomatic diseases, often popularly called “imaginary” diseases, can cause “real” symptoms
in the body. Conventional medicine blames the “feelings” and “emotions” of the patient for the
symptoms in such cases, practically accusing his body of some kind of misconduct.
They believe psychosomatic diseases should not occur at all as they are against medical logic.
In controlled clinical trials half the test subjects usually receive actual medication (referred to as
“verum” in studies, this being Latin for “the real one”) while the other half receives simulated
treatment, mostly pills made of sugar or starch, the technical term for this being “placebo”
(also Latin, meaning “I will please”). None of the test subjects know if they are getting the actual
medication or the placebo pills. In many such controlled trials one third
of the placebo patients are healed; obviously not by the small dose of sugar, but for some other
reason. But what other reasons could that be?
The placebo phenomena are very unwelcome to official medicine, just like psychosomatic
diseases. The “logical” and “scientific” attitude is that all the placebo patients should have
remained sick, while as many of the verum patients as possible should be healed by the new
drug that they are researching in the trial.
Sometimes the opposite occurs in controlled trials, the so-called “nocebo effect”. A number of
patients in placebo groups often maintain that the medication (remember: sugar!) is giving them
severe side effects and many of them even have to discontinue their participation in the study
for this reason. So there are not only “imaginary” healings, but also “imaginary” side effects,
although the latter do not occur quite as often.
A somewhat similar phenomenon are spontaneous remissions: cancer disappears without being
treated. This has always been a known phenomenon in medicine, but lately reports have
surfaced indicating that it may be much more common than previously thought. A Norwegian
research team, trying to assess the effectiveness of broad-based breast cancer screening,
reported six years ago that in 22 percent of the patients breast cancer had obviously disappeared
for no apparent reason and without being treated in any way. They concluded, slightly perplexed,
that this just simply seems to happen more frequently than expected.
Then there is faith healing: religious people praying for healing or making pilgrimages to places
like Lourdes, many of them being freed from their diseases for no other discernible reason than
their faith and prayers. There is even a medical documentation center in Lourdes for examining
and keeping records of such healings.
All those phenomena have been known in medicine for a long time and are well-documented:
psychosomatics,placebo and nocebo effects, spontaneous remissions and faith healing. Still,
none of them are ever discussed at greatlength in medical journals or at conventions. It seems as
if this relatively large number of “unfounded” healings and diseases is somewhat embarrassing
for the leading representatives of medical science, not fitting into the prevailing patterns of
diagnosis and therapy, the pillars of medicine taught at universities and managed by health
insurance systems.
If you regard all these unexplained, yet not inexplicable phenomena as a cohesive group, there
can be only one conclusion: they are not solely based on “faith”, “miracles”, “imagination” or
“belief”. They must all have a tangible functional and scientific basis. Anyone who has read this
article up to here knows what this thought is coming down to; our consciousness is affecting our
bodies, as we know by now, and this works the other way round, too. The medium, the control
center and the mediator between physis and consciousness is the Information Field!

Information Field Medicine

The very young discipline of Information Field medicine is based on these assumed capabilities of
our consciousness to “speak” and “listen” to the body with the help of the Information Field.
We have worked for many years on finding out how to connect the consciousness with the
Information Field.
For most humans this is normally not possible because consciousness, due to its dualistic nature,
can focus either on the outside physical reality or on the inner psychic reality.
The first solution for this problem came from C. G. Jung who provided the description of the
collective unconscious that connects the individual consciousness of every single human being
with some kind of global Information Field.
An effect of this global consciousness is the phenomenon that Jung termed “synchronicity”:
identical or very similar events taking place in different locations simultaneously or in rapid
succession, without there being any outwardly related causes. Under such circumstances, it is
often said colloquially that “there was something in the air”. But who, or what, put it there?
One way of achieving a connection between conscious and unconscious content is based on
quantum physical noise processes. Our own innovation in this area is to couple two open
resonant circuits to work in parallel; those circuits, so-called Kozyrev diodes, are located in the
previously described Kozyrev mirrors. Their noise processes or rather their oscillatory behavior
are compared in order to find out, simply put, if a person is in resonance with “healthy” or with
pathogenic “sick” vibrations.
Once the result of such a comparison has been obtained, we can attempt to transfer, or perhaps
more correctly, to tune in a positive oscillation pattern back into the organism.
20 years ago researchers at the PEAR Lab at Princeton University provided experimental
evidence that such physical random processes can be influenced at will by the consciousness of
a test subject or by unconscious factors. However, we also aim to determine changes in the
environmental Information Field by matching the two oscillatory fields.
We have researched and devised yet another, very different method to communicate with the
Information Field. This method has no electrons oscillating, but only photons. Electrons and
photons are both elementary particles.
During the past decades dozens of elementary particles have been discovered, and a few more
have been what you could call invented, but the basic particles are still electrons, protons,
neutrons, photons and positrons.
Photons are also referred to as light particles and are fundamentally different from electrons; for
instance they possess no mass and no charge. They are moving in a vacuum at a constant
speed, at the speed of light.

Picture B: The research carried out by Prof. Robert Jahn of Princeton University showed that
consciousness can resonate with the noise.

The German biophysicist Fritz-Albert Popp has been known for his life-long effort in developing
the theory of biophotons. He was able to prove that all cells in the body communicate with each
other using biophotons, or light. Popp tracked down the mathematics of health that is also
represented by the spatial distribution of biophoton emissions in the human organism, which
shows a certain approximation to lognormal distribution.
I have been bestowed with the honor of continuing the life’s work of this great biophysicist in a
practical application. We were able to implement a regulatory diagnostics system using newly-
created measuring technology based on Popp’s theories. This method is meant to give a
comprehensive insight into the holistic health state of an individual by performing quick and
reproducible measurements on the subject’s hands. It is not acknowledged by conventional
medicine, therefore we intend to do further research on ist application in cooperation with a
number of clinics and institutes, thus continuing Popp’s work.
But back to our resonant circuit: there are only photons oscillating in it. I say “only” because they
have no mass, so there really is not much to them! In Burkhard Heim’s quantum field theory
photons are the connection or the interface between between three-dimensional space and the
fifth and sixth dimensions. These two dimensions act, according to Heim, as a kind of control
reality, as you probably recall from the last chapter. They cannot interact with the physical three-
dimensional space directly, but only through interaction with time. These interactions through
time are achieved in our physical reality by photons, by light. It is for this reason that we found it
obvious and technically necessary to use those quantum physical oscillation processes of
photons as a potential interface to the Information Field.
In the practical implementation we are using a pulsed laser beam that behaves like a series of
single photons; it is directed at an angle of 45 degrees towards a semitransparent mirror. It can
now be either diverted from this mirror or cross it; the decision on which way it takes is a pure
quantum effect or “random”. There is no physical cause for it to go either way and no influence
from external factors.
Based on Heim’s theories it is exactly those seemingly random quantum leaps that constitute
information in its purest form. We assign the information flow of light quanta to a particular object
with the intention to read the Information Field of this very object; of course this description is
greatly simplified. In the same way we attempt to write or induce information into the Information
The first phase of this process is called “analysis”, the second phase “optimization”. In the latter,
all information that is to be transmitted to the recipient is compiled in an “optimization list”. The
term “recipient” applies not only to humans, but also to animals or inanimate objects or even
abstract constructs like a business.
The content of this optimization list is then brought in resonance with the recipient; this is
achieved by the noise generators described above. The choice of information is determined by
the Information Field analysis, but may be amended by manually entered elements. This can be
especially useful when the user wants to work within the intellectual and professional categories
that he is familiar with through his former work experience.

Information Field-Controlled Frequency Therapy

A further development of Information Field medicine is its combination with mechanisms
stemming from electromedicine, especially so-called frequency therapy, in order to extend the
function of such systems to the cellbiological and electrical levels of life. Electromedicine has
been used for decades to treat diseases, but is not recognized in its entirety by conventional
medicine. This applies in particular for the use of specific therapeutic frequencies in conjunction
with Information Field medicine and all the applications of the therapy described herein.
Therefore we feel that further research and studies in this area are of great importance.
The new opportunities arising through the combination of Information Field medicine and specific
electrical frequency therapy were presented to me when meeting the Portuguese engineer and
homeopath Nuno Nina for the first time. It took no more than five minutes for Nuno to convince
me of the necessity to complement our Information field therapy with this new type of Information
Field-controlled frequency therapy.
Three things immediately convinced me of Nuno’s ideas: First, his charismatic personality; his life
is centered around finding the best possible therapy for each of his patients, tirelessly in search of
new methods, all the while he is completely undogmatic.
Then I was instantly persuaded by the working principle he proposed: if we could translate the
impulses from the Information Field into a language that was able to influence the human cell in a
physiological way, then we could pass the information right where we wanted it- in each cell of
the human body. Electric currents and impulses could be exactly that language because cells
function on the basis of electrochemical processes.
And finally, I was impressed by Nuno’s detailed reports on his work with more than 100 patients
per day. I flew to Lisbon the very same week to see his clinic, talk to his patients and get to know
Nuno better.
This encounter suddenly made me see my own work in a much more comprehensive and
enhanced way. Today I am fully convinced that every disease has deep connections into the
Information Field and that it must be our objective to find and treat these using Information Field
Nuno showed me a whole new perspective on the situation of a sick person: he believes that the
deeper cause of disease manifests itself as an emotional trauma, usually during childhood or
sometimes even before birth. This trauma now creates a permanent situation of psychic stress,
he reasons further; this could lead to the so-called extracellular space becoming acidic. Acidic in
this context means lack of free negative ions or charge carriers. The goal of frequency therapy
would be to restore a healthy cellular environment by compensating the lack of negative charge
carriers; this goal can only be achieved if one finds the required frequencies for the specific
situation. Nuno had already compiled a comprehensive collection of frequencies, signal shapes
and current dosages by working with more than 40,000 patients over the years.
Once I had gained all this knowledge, I immediately wanted to put this well-rounded and complete
concept into practice. The technical principle of Information Fieldcontrolled frequency therapy is
basically quite simple: the required frequencies are determined using the Information
Field and then transmitted directly to the human body using electric currents applied to the hands
or other body parts of the patients. The therapy currents are so weak that they are barely
perceived by the patients. However, the practical technical implementation was much more
complex than I had expected; it cost us two whole years of intensive work. A team of hardware
and software developers, therapists and other specialists worked virtually day and night to finish
the product, 40 of which Nuno alone is using in his clinics today.
I am particularly happy that not only Nuno Nina and his team, but more than 400 therapists
worldwide are using these systems today to expand the possibilities of Information Field
medicine. I really would like to publish a whole book about the results achieved with these
systems some day.

The Truth About Disease

When asking a very simple question to both physicians and patients, both of them will pretty
reliably give the wrong answer. The question is: when is a person sick? The patients would
obviously answer referring to their own situation, citing a list of their symptoms. You are sick
when you have high blood pressure; when you suffer from depression; when your digestion is not
functioning. And so on, all day long.
The physicians would reply in a more educated manner and with more professional distance, but
with equally wrong answers: you are sick when certain organic processes, regulative
mechanisms, organs or organ groups are not working physiologically (in English: like they are
supposed to).
If you define health in this way, you reduce human beings to mechanical objects whose single
parts function (or, in this example, do not function) isolated from each other. But this is not how
we humans are made! Everything within us is connected, from single orthopedic interactions to
the interactions of body, mind and soul, all held together by meaning. You cannot classify and file
the health problems of a human being and put them in drawers labeled with ICD-10 codes from
A00 (cholera) all the way to B99 (unspecified infectious disease, or “I don’t have a clue”). My view
is this: a person can become sick when and because they lose their meaning within. When they
are not in their dharma anymore, as the Vedas put it, not where they belong, not with their
mission in life. The steps we can and must take against disease are therefore not isolated repairs
of single parts; we must bring the patient back to where he really is and where he should be.
Every life, no matter how terrible the current situation may be, is always meaningful, every
moment of it. In a larger context, this is the main task we have been assigned in our work. We
need to bring meaning and spirit back into natural science, into psychology, into medicine. This is
the grand vision we have set for ourselves.

Intention and Goal

What does all this mean specifically for our work in the Information Field and for the work of our
partners in the medical field?
First, we have the therapist. He or she has an intention and this intention forms a vector,
formulated in physicalmathematical terms. This vector could be, for instance: “I want to help the
patient to get well again.” Ideally, the patient is sharing this attitude. But here is the catch: very
often patients are exhibiting false intentions and goals that cannot possibly work,
If the two vectors of the therapist and the patient are aligned, they span a strong mental field, a
consciousness field. We can prove the existence of such consciousness
fields today, using quantum physical processes!
In this consciousness field Information Field technology is supposed to act as a quantum physical
interface. If this consciousness field cannot be established because the goals of the therapist and
the patient are not aligned, we find that resonance is missing. This is not uncommon, but rather
the norm. Most patients do not go to see a doctor or therapist with the intention of becoming
healthy, even if most would indignantly deny this.
For the patient, disease is unconsciously the most meaningful condition, otherwise he or she
would not be sick. I am fully convinced that the way towards health means to make being healthy
the most meaningful alternative for the patient. The rest is a number of medical and technical
details that today’s medical personnel can usually easily handle.
This statement may sound overly daring and looks easy enough to refute: assume that the patient
is known to be carrying viruses, or bacteria, or has suffered injuries or something else damaging
his body. Is this not a tangible and evident cause for disease?
To which we reply: then why are so many people at the same time not carrying those pathogens,
even though they were exposed to them as well? Or why are there people for whom the
pathogens did not lead to the outbreak of the disease? Why one and not the other?
And this is where Information Field medicine comes in: making health the most meaningful
alternative for the patient. If you think for a moment about this approach in Information Field
medicine, you will discover striking similarities to the practice of psychotherapy and the findings of
modern psychology.
As I previously stated: when working with a client or patient in the Information Field, the definition
of the intention, of the true goal of this work always comes first.
They will never tell you this right from the start because they are not aware of it themselves. If
they were aware of it, they probably would not be here needing help. So if you ask the patient:
“Why did you come to me?” the answer will often be: “Because I am sick.” Good, but that is not
exactly a goal. So, keep asking: “What do you want to achieve? What is your goal?” Number one
on the list of answers to this: “I do not want to be sick anymore.” Not surprising. But: unfortunately
our unconscious does not know the concept of negation. If I keep repeating that I do not want not
be sick anymore, all it keeps hearing is “sick…sick…sick…” and acts accordingly.
So: the goal, stated in a positive way? “I want to be healthy again!” Better already. The problem is
just: “healthy” is an abstract concept with no clear meaning for the individual. And defining health
from negations is of course not acceptable after what we just heard. “I want to get rid of my chest
pain.” “The heartburn should go away.” “Without my sleeping disorders life would be much
better!” What did the unconscious just hear? Exactly. Pain. Heartburn.
Sleeping disorder.
You usually need to keep digging for a while until the true goal, the real intention comes to light.
One of the most beautiful examples I ever encountered was a doctor
attending one of our user meetings who wanted to know how she could treat herself. As is
generally known, doctors do not make very good patients; they know too much about the topic at
hand and they believe that the rules for a healthy lifestyle and for compliance only apply to their
This lady had some chronic disease or injury to her leg. So we asked her about her goal. Her
answer: that her leg should stop giving her pain. After some more questioning and digging, and
several more non-answers she suddenly burst out: “I want to be able to dance again!” There it
Dancing for her was an expression of life force, of joy, a symbol for a happy time in her life, and
this was what she wanted back. So we anchored this meaning and this goal as her intention in
her analysis and optimization. Anyone working with this technology recognizes after some time
that finding the intention is the central cause for success or failure: did I define a goal that really
contains some meaning? Or is it just superficial? This is of course not only a maxim for the
application of Information Field medicine, but also how you should try to find your way in life.
Antoine de Saint-Exupéry has put that thought to words in a much more poetic way than I ever
“If you want to build a ship, don’t drum up the men to gather wood, divide the work and give
orders. Instead, teach them to yearn for the vast and endless sea.”

Further Readings:

1. Brand, Christiane and Diehl, Robert Noriam, Healing with Information Medicine,
2nd Ed., 2013

2. Dunne, Brenda J.; Jahn, Robert G.: Margins of Reality; The

Role of Consciousness in the Physical World, ICRL Press, 2014.

3. Heim, B.: Mensch und Welt: Der kosmische Erlebnisraum des

Menschen /Der Elementarprozess des Lebens /Postmortale
Zustände? /Grundbedingungen von Gesundheit /Ein Bild vom
Hintergrund der Welt, Resch, 2008.

4. Heim, B.: Elementarstrukturen der Materie, Resch, 1989.

Kaznacheev, V; Trofimov, A: Cosmic Consciousness of
Humanity, Tomsk. 1992.

5. Kozyrev N.A., Nasonov V.V.: On some properties of time,

discovered by astronomical observations, in Problemy
issledovaniya vselennoi, 1980.

6. Schmieke, Marcus: Das Lebensfeld: Naturwissenschaftliche

Grundlagen einer spirituellen Auffassung des Lebens, Synergia,

7. Schmieke, Marcus: Naturwissenschaft und Bewusstsein: Das

letzte Geheimnis, Synergia, 2006

8. Schmieke, Marcus: The Second Path, to be published in 2016,

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