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Master`s thesis topics in

applied geophysics
Wide range of topics possible, covering different geophysical methods and applications! Within the current research
projects, we in particular have topics on the application of seismic methods for mineral exploration and mine planning.
One example:
Topic, data and methods: Data processing and interpretation of seismic data from Siilinjärvi phosphate mine for mine planning

Mining requires knowledge about the lateral and depth extent of the mineralization and host rocks at the Siilinjärvi phosphate mine.
In this work, you get to participate in the data collection (summer/early fall of 2018), processing and interpretation of a seismic data
set collected in a water-drainage tunnel at the Siilinjärvi mine. The processing of these data may involve development of an
interferometric redatuming approach (to move surface seismic sources to the depth level of the tunnel, as if the sources were places
in the tunnel) for seismic reflection imaging or development of a tomographic seismic velocity model of the target area. The exact
focus of the thesis is determined based on the skill set of the student.

Timing: Thesis proposal as a part of the Master`s thesis seminar in the spring of 2018. Seismic data collected at the Siilinjärvi
phospate mine in summer/early fall 2018. The thesis finalized by early 2019. For this work, you will get paid for ~4 months!

Wider context: Tied to H2020 RIA Smart Exploration (an international project with 25 research institutions and companies from
Europe, University of Helsinki is a partner in this project) project 12/2017-11/2020 focused on the development of cost-effective,
environmentally-friendly tools and methods for geophysical mineral exploration and mine planning. The Master`s student gets to
participate in the field work & project meetings with this international network.

If you are interested, contact Emilia!

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