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Name:Naveen Gadad

Roll no:06

Q1) What is relationship by marketing? (marks ??)

Probably wrongly copied.

Ans.Many cannels partnership are the part of a broader, significant trend called relationship
marketing. in the context of distribution channels, relationship marketing refers to the
concern efforts by a company not only to work closely with customers to better
understanding and satisfying their needs but also to develop long term , mutually beneficial
relationship with them. Conversely the customers can seek to engage in relationship
marketing with their suppliers.
Relationship marketing aims to build long-term mutually satisfying relations with key parties,
which ultimately results in marketing network between the company and its supporting
Q2) What do you mean by needs, want and demand?

Need: Need is a basic human requirement .people need food, air, water etc to survive. People
also have a need for recreation, education.

Want: Need becomes a want, when they are directed to specific objects that might satisfy the
E.g. A person needs food but wants rice and dal. Another person needs food but want
sandwiches and soft drink.

Demand: Demand are want for a specific products backed by ability to pay. Many wants
Benz car, few can offered it. Therefore while ascertaining demands markets must not only
measure “how many people want their product but also how many would be willing to pay
and buy it”.
“Marketers create needs” is wrong. Markets do not create needs. Needs exist in the market.
Marketers might promise that the idea of owing a “lance” would satisfy a person need for
social status. They do not however create the need for social status.

Examples relevant to Indian context.

Q.3) Explain the significance of environment forces in marketing?

Ans. Opportunities:
• Reliance Company entering into info-com. and retail marketing business.
• Reynolds Company introduced its product as a use and throw pen in India as it did in
other markets world wide. But it could not find the market response as it was from
other markets because of the Indian consumers’ psychology. Indians developed
emotional attachment towards the pens they used. They had the conservative
mentality imbibed in them. The difference between buying a re-fill and a new pen
was just Re.1, but the Indian psychology works that a rupee saved is 2 rupees earned,
so they came up with the concept of re-fills in India.
• Lakme did not anticipate the threat of the entry of international players like
Maybelline and Revlon. As a result, it lost huge market share of high-end users to
• In the retail industry, the small kirana shops are facing the threat from the possible
entry of Reliance company into the retail market segment.
As a precautionary measure HLL is up to making it’s marketing through the retailers
more organized through investment in upgrading, providing merchandise assistance to its
retailers to make the retailers to sustain the competition from big players like Big-Bazaar

Need for Environment Analysis:-

Environmental Analysis attempts to give an extensive insight as to the current market
conditions as well as of impact of external factors that are uncontrollable by markets. These
play an important role in convincing potential customers regarding changes in the market
trends, market conditions etc.
The 5 stages in the environmental Analysis as follows:
Audit the Environmental influences

Assessment of the nature of the environment

Identify key environmental forces.

Identify the opportunities & Threats with respect to the environmental forces

Format strategy
Importance of Environment Analysis:-
a. Awareness
b. Knowledge of matter relating to govt.
c. Market Analysis.
d. Diversification & resource allocation
e. Identify opportunities
f. Country threats
g. Competition bottlenecks
Environmental monitoring:-
Environmental monitoring is also called, as environmental scanning is the process of -
i) Gathering information regarding company’s external environment,
ii) Analyzing it,
Forecasting as to whatever trends the analysis suggests.

Describe micro and macro environments. Explain the significance of each component.

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