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ROL NUMBER: 181762



If we talk about today and yesterday teachers, then its huge difference now a days. Education is
changing, but very slowly and we need to help that change along. We are expected not only to
teach ALL students regardless, we need to take responsibility for them if they don’t learn. But
the biggest challenge is that the traditional school model doesn’t seem to be enough anymore.
Our students need to be taught another layer of skills. If I think back my teachers inspired me
most but teachers don’t have limited resource to teach students. They work honestly and actively
but now a day teaching methods skills and techniques has been changed. Today is modern world
as compare to yesterday teacher don’t have facilities to teach in the classroom. He/she don’t
know the techniques as compare today teachers know. Today teachers have developing
technologies which they are using for teaching prospective. In urban areas teaching is better
teachers are using methods techniques in the schools but when talking about rural areas mostly
teachers don’t have access on the internet or labs in their schools to teach students. The literacy
rate is going down when talking about yesterday teaching. Times have changed, haven’t they?
Today pupils are living in the most intensely stimulating period in the history of the world.
Today’s teacher, besides delivering content, must also be a role model, part time parent,
counselor, cashier, administrator, tech expert, nurse and care-provider. He/she must be organized
and knowledgeable and must realize that information isn’t bound mostly in books anymore but is
available anywhere and everywhere.

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