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Teklif Çağrısı 2019 1.

Dönem KA2 - Yenilik ve İyi Uygulamaların Değişimi için İşbirliği

KA229 - Okul Değişimi Ortaklıkları
Form Kimlik No KA229-F8F4BE06 Son Başvuru Tarihi (Brüksel Saati) 21 Mar 2019 12:00:00

Main objective of the project Uygulamaların Değişimi


Project Acronym ÇYS

Project Title in English FORTUNE IN GARBAGE

Project Start Date (dd-mm-yyyy) 01-09-2019

Project Total Duration 24 ay

Project End Date (dd-mm-yyyy) 30-09-2021

National Agency of the Applicant Organisation TR01 (TÜRKİYE)

Language used to fill in the form Türkçe

For further details about the available Erasmus+ National Agencies, please consult the following

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Teklif Çağrısı 2019 1. Dönem KA2 - Yenilik ve İyi Uygulamaların Değişimi için İşbirliği
KA229 - Okul Değişimi Ortaklıkları
Form Kimlik No KA229-F8F4BE06 Son Başvuru Tarihi (Brüksel Saati) 21 Mar 2019 12:00:00

Project Summary

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Teklif Çağrısı 2019 1. Dönem KA2 - Yenilik ve İyi Uygulamaların Değişimi için İşbirliği
KA229 - Okul Değişimi Ortaklıkları
Form Kimlik No KA229-F8F4BE06 Son Başvuru Tarihi (Brüksel Saati) 21 Mar 2019 12:00:00

Please provide a short summary of your project. Please recall that this section (or part of it) may be
used by the European Commission, Executive Agency or National Agencies in their publications. It
will also feed the Erasmus+ Project Results Platform.

Be concise and clear and mention at least the following elements: context/background of project;
objectives of your project; number and profile of participants; description of activities; methodology to
be used in carrying out the project; a short description of the results and impact envisaged and finally
the potential longer term benefits. The summary will be publicly available in case your project is

In view of further publication on the Erasmus+ Project Results Platform, please also be aware that a
comprehensive public summary of project results will be requested at report stage(s). Final payment
provisions in the contract will be linked to the availability of such summary.

6-15 yaş çocuklara eğitim-öğretim veren okullarımızın birçok misyonu vardır: Bunlar, öğrencilerimizin
sağlıklı bir ortamda yaşamasını sağlamak, çevre ve doğa konusunda girişimci, yaratıcı, yenilikçi
yönlerini geliştirmek, onları çevresel sorunlara duyarlı kılarak gelecek kuşaklara sağlıklı bir çevre
bırakma konusunda bilgilendirip diğer insanları da çevreye duyarlı hale getirip bir farkındalık

“Çöpte Yatan Servet" (ÇYS) projemizin amacı;

-Okullarımızda, sokaklarımızda, kasabalarımızda rastgele çöp kutularına atılan ve çoğu zaman

çevreye savrulan çöplerin, evsel ,elektronik ve diğer atıkların yerinde ayrıştırılmasını sağlamak,
-Öğrencilerimizin beceri ve yeteneklerini kullanarak atıkları geri dönüşüme kazandırmak,
-Bertaraf edilecek atık miktarını azaltmak,
-Gelişmiş ülkelerin geri dönüşümden nasıl istihdam sağladığını ve çöpten nasıl ekonomik kazanç
sağladıklarını anlamak,
-Doğal kaynaklarımızı verimli kullanarak enerji tasarrufu sağlamak.
-Bilgi ve teknolojiye dayalı, yenilikçi uygulamaları yerinde görmek ve ülkelerimizde uygulamak,
-Küresel sorunlara dikkati çekmek,
-Kültürelarası diyaloğu geliştirmek, yabancı dil becerilerini geliştirmek, evrensel değerleri
-Öğrenci, öğretmen ve toplum olarak 21.yüzyıl becerileriyle donanmak ve sağlıklı bir çevrede
yaşamanın bilincine varmaktır.

Koordinatör okulumuzun geçen yıl başlattığı ve sürdürülebilir hale getirmeye çalıştığı geri dönüşüm
çalışmaları sonucunda, atıklar yerinde ayrıştırılmıştır. Öğretmenlerin rehberliğinde, öğrencilerin birçok
beceri ve yetenekleri keşfedilmiştir. Öğrencilerimizin derslerde öğrendikleri teorik bilgiler, bilim ve
teknolojinin yardımıyla, öğretmenlerimizin de mühendislik becerileriyle dönüşüme uğramış,
fonksiyonel ve yararlı ürünler elde edilmiştir. Bu projenin yarattığı büyük beğeni ve etkiyle İspanya'nın
Fundación Patronato Avemariano de Granada, İtaly'nın Istituto Comprensivo "Gabriele Rossetti,
Romanya'nın Colegıul Natıonal Unırea, Focasani, Macaristan'ın Szent Imre Kalolikus Általános Iskola
és Háromkirályok Óvoda ve Türkiye'deki Baruthane Ortaokulu stratejik ortaklığa girip uluslarası proje

Geri dönüşüm sorunu, ulusal olmaktan ziyade uluslararası bir sorun olduğundan kurumlarımız AB
ülkelerindeki geri dönüşüm çalışmalarını, AR-GE araştırmalarını ve yenilikçi uygulamaları yerinde
görüp uygulamaya çalışarak kurumlarına ve yaşadıkları çevreye katkı sağlamayı amaçlamaktadırlar.
Ayrıca akıllı, sürdürülebilir ve kapsayıcı büyüme için yeşil kaynakların verimli kullanımı,
küreselleşmek, yenilikçilik, bilgi ve teknolojiye dayalı hareket halinde bir Avrupa, AB 2020 stratejisi

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Teklif Çağrısı 2019 1. Dönem KA2 - Yenilik ve İyi Uygulamaların Değişimi için İşbirliği
KA229 - Okul Değişimi Ortaklıkları
Form Kimlik No KA229-F8F4BE06 Son Başvuru Tarihi (Brüksel Saati) 21 Mar 2019 12:00:00

olup bizleri de bu projeye yönlendirmiştir.

Proje katılımcıları yenilikçi, vizyoner, sosyal sorumluluk yönü gelişmiş, girişimci 32 branş öğretmeni
ile 10-15 yaş grubu 64 öğrenciden oluşmaktadır.
Projemiz onaylandıktan sonra proje koordinatörlerimiz tüm işlemleri ve yurt dışı hareketlilik
faaliyetlerini planlayıp sözleşmelerle imza altına alacaktır. Proje ekibimiz, projemizin tanıtımı için
öncelikle bütün öğretmen, öğrenci ve velilerimizle toplantı yapacak, akabinde ilçe mülki
amirleri,belediye yetkilileri, STK‟lar, kamu kurum ve kuruluşlarının yetkili kişileriyle bir araya gelerek
projemizi tanıtıp bilgilendirme yapacaklardır.

Projemiz yürütülürken konuyla ilgili Çevre ve Şehircilik İl Müdürlükleri ve yerel yönetimlerle

görüşmeler yapılarak afişler, broşürler bastırılıp öğrencilerimize, velilerimize ve kent halkına
dağıtılacak. Okullarımızın ve kasabalarımızın en hareketli yerlerine afişler asılıp dikkatler konuya
çekilecek,"Çöpte Yatan Servet" (ÇYS) adlı uluslararası Web sayfası kurulacaktır. Proje logosu
tasarlanacak. Projemiz e-Twinning'de paylaşılarak projeye uluslararası boyut
kazandırılacaktır.Okullarımızın Web sayfalarında, Facebook, Twitter, Instagramda proje hesapları
açılıp paylaşımlar yapılarak çalışmalar yerel ve ulusal basında duyurulacaktır. Öğretmen, öğrenci, veli
ve kent, kasaba halkına geri dönüşümün faydalarını anlatan konferans ve seminer verilecek, ayrıca
koordinatör okulumuzda ortaklarımızın da katılacağı uluslararası bir geri dönüşüm sempozyumu

Proje ekibimiz projemizin sonuçlarını görmek için anlaştığımız geri dönüşüm firmalarının topladığı çöp
ve atıkları takip edecek ve belediyenin çevre birimiyle görüşecektir.Okullarımızda, evlerimizde ve
kasabalarımızda geri dönüşüme kazandırılan atıklardan elde edilen kazancın değerlendirilmesini ve
halkın uygulamadaki memnuniyetini ölçmek için yerel yönetimlerce hazırlanan ön test-son test anketi
ve görüşmeler yapılacak.

Projenin kasabamız, şehrimiz, çevremiz ve geleceğimiz için hayati önemi olduğunu, proje ekibimiz
kamu kurum ve kuruluş çalışanlarına, STK'lara, halkımıza anlatıp onları da projemize dahil edecektir.
Böylece atıklardan ve çöplerden yaratıcılığımız gelişecek, ekonomik kazanç elde edilecek ve
projemiz süreklilik kazanacaktır. En önemlisi de çalışmalar sonucunda gelecek kuşaklara temiz ve
yaşanılır bir doğa bırakılacaktır.

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Teklif Çağrısı 2019 1. Dönem KA2 - Yenilik ve İyi Uygulamaların Değişimi için İşbirliği
KA229 - Okul Değişimi Ortaklıkları
Form Kimlik No KA229-F8F4BE06 Son Başvuru Tarihi (Brüksel Saati) 21 Mar 2019 12:00:00

Please provide a translation in English. This summary will be publicly available in case your project is

Our schools have many missions: to ensure that our students live in a healthy environment, to
develop innovative, creative and entrepreneurial aspects of environment and nature, to make them
environmentally conscious and to make them aware of the future generations of the environment and
to make other people aware of the environment and to create awareness.

The aim of our " Fortune in Garbage " project;

-To ensure that waste that is thrown into random garbage cans in our schools, streets, towns, and
often thrown into the environment is disposed of in place of household ,electronic and other waste,
-Recycling waste using our students ' skills and abilities,
-Reduce the amount of waste to be disposed of,
-To understand how developed countries employ recycling and how they make economic gains from
-Energy saving by using our natural resources efficiently.
-Seeing innovative applications based on information and technology on the spot and applying them
in our countries,
- To draw attention to global problems,
-Develop intercultural dialogue, develop foreign language skills, assimilate universal values,
-As a student, teacher and community 21. century it is equipped with century skills and to reach the
consciousness of living in a healthy environment.

As a result of recycling efforts initiated by our coordinator school last year and tried to make it
sustainable, wastes were decomposed in situ. Under the guidance of the teachers, many skills and
abilities of the students were discovered. With the help of science and technology, theoretical
knowledge that our students have learned in the courses has been transformed into engineering
skills by our teachers and functional and useful products have been obtained. With the great
admiration and impact of this project, Spain's Fundación Paternato Avemarano de Granada; Italy's
Itituto Comprivivo "Gabriele Rossetti; Romania's Colegul National Unirea, Focsani; Hungary's Szent
Imre Kalolikos Éltalános Iskola és Hromkirályokóvoda and Turkey's Baruthane Middle School
Strategic Partnership have entered into Project.

Since recycling problem is an international problem rather than a national problem, our institutions
aim to contribute to their institutions and the environment they live in by considering recycling studies,
R & D research and innovative practices in EU countries. In addition, a European strategy based on
the efficient use of green resources, globalization, innovation, information and technology for smart,
sustainable and inclusive growth has led us to this project.

Project participants are innovative, visionary, social responsibility oriented, entrepreneurial 32 branch
teachers and 10-15 age group consists of 64 students.
Once our project has been approved, our project coordinators will plan and sign all transactions and
activities of mobility abroad. Our project team will first meet with all teachers, students and parents to
promote our project, and then they will present our project to the local civil servants, municipal
authorities,NGOs, public institutions and organizations.

While our project is being carried out, posters, brochures will be printed and distributed to our
students, parents and urban people. Posters will be hung in the most active places of our schools
and towns and attention will be drawn to the issue, an international web page called "Fortune in

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Teklif Çağrısı 2019 1. Dönem KA2 - Yenilik ve İyi Uygulamaların Değişimi için İşbirliği
KA229 - Okul Değişimi Ortaklıkları
Form Kimlik No KA229-F8F4BE06 Son Başvuru Tarihi (Brüksel Saati) 21 Mar 2019 12:00:00

Garbage" (FIG) will be set up. The project logo will be designed. Our project will be shared in e-
twinning and international dimension will be added to the project.On the web pages of our schools,
Facebook, Twitter, Instagram project accounts will be opened and shared and the studies will be
announced in the local and national media. An international recycling symposium will be held in our
coordinator school, where our partners will participate.

To see the results of our project, our project team will follow the waste collected by recycling
companies and meet with the Environment Department of the municipality.Pre-test-final test survey
and interviews will be conducted by local governments to assess the recovery from recycled waste in
our schools, homes and towns and to measure public satisfaction in practice.

The project is of vital importance to our town, city, environment and our future, and our project team
will tell public institutions and organizations, NGOs, our people and our project. Thus, our creativity
will develop from waste and garbage, economic gain will be achieved and our project will gain
continuity. Most importantly, as a result of the studies, a clean and livable nature will be left to the
future generations.

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Teklif Çağrısı 2019 1. Dönem KA2 - Yenilik ve İyi Uygulamaların Değişimi için İşbirliği
KA229 - Okul Değişimi Ortaklıkları
Form Kimlik No KA229-F8F4BE06 Son Başvuru Tarihi (Brüksel Saati) 21 Mar 2019 12:00:00

Participating Organisations
Please note that the PIC code is a unique identifier for the organisation within the whole Erasmus+
Programme. It should be requested only once per organisation and used in all applications for all
Erasmus+ actions and calls. Organisations that have previously registered for a PIC should not register
again. If an organisation needs to change some of the information linked to the PIC, this can be done
through (

Applicant Organisation
PIC Legal name Country


Partner Organisations
No PIC Legal name Country

1 930688132 Fundación Patronato Avemariano de Granada İspanya

2 931492844 Istituto Comprensivo "Gabriele Rossetti " İtalya


Szent Imre Kalolikus Általános Iskola és

4 901847316 Macaristan
Háromkirályok Óvoda

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Teklif Çağrısı 2019 1. Dönem KA2 - Yenilik ve İyi Uygulamaların Değişimi için İşbirliği
KA229 - Okul Değişimi Ortaklıkları
Form Kimlik No KA229-F8F4BE06 Son Başvuru Tarihi (Brüksel Saati) 21 Mar 2019 12:00:00

Project Budget Summary

This section summarises the budget you have requested and provides a breakdown per participating school. In case your project is approved, each
of the participating schools will be offered a separate contract with their own budget.

Note on budget capping: According to the Programme Guide, the project budget for School Exchange Partnerships is limited to 16 500 EUR per
school and per year of project duration (Special Needs Support and Exceptional Costs for Expensive Travel do not count for this cap). For your
project, the current budget cap is 165,000 EUR. Please note that this cap applies to the partnership as a whole, while there is no limitation on how
these funds can be divided between the schools participating in the project.

Budget Items Grant

Project Management and Implementation 36000.00 EUR

Learning, Teaching, Training Activities 127140.00 EUR

Total Grant 163140.00 EUR

Learning, Teaching, Training Activities

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Teklif Çağrısı 2019 1. Dönem KA2 - Yenilik ve İyi Uygulamaların Değişimi için İşbirliği
KA229 - Okul Değişimi Ortaklıkları
Form Kimlik No KA229-F8F4BE06 Son Başvuru Tarihi (Brüksel Saati) 21 Mar 2019 12:00:00

Grant for
Exceptional Individual Linguistic
ID Activity Type Travel Grant Grant
Costs for Support Grant Support Grant
Expensive Travel

Short-term joint staff

C1 9150.00 EUR 0.00 EUR 17808.00 EUR 0.00 EUR 26958.00 EUR
training events

Short-term joint staff

C2 7110.00 EUR 0.00 EUR 17808.00 EUR 0.00 EUR 24918.00 EUR
training events

Short-term joint staff

C3 6600.00 EUR 0.00 EUR 17808.00 EUR 0.00 EUR 24408.00 EUR
training events

Short-term joint staff

C4 7110.00 EUR 0.00 EUR 17808.00 EUR 0.00 EUR 24918.00 EUR
training events

Short-term joint staff

C5 8130.00 EUR 0.00 EUR 17808.00 EUR 0.00 EUR 25938.00 EUR
training events

Total 38100.00 EUR 0.00 EUR 89040.00 EUR 0.00 EUR 127140.00 EUR

Budget per Participating Organisation

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Teklif Çağrısı 2019 1. Dönem KA2 - Yenilik ve İyi Uygulamaların Değişimi için İşbirliği
KA229 - Okul Değişimi Ortaklıkları
Form Kimlik No KA229-F8F4BE06 Son Başvuru Tarihi (Brüksel Saati) 21 Mar 2019 12:00:00

Organisation Country of Organisation Grant

BARUTHANE ORTAOKULU (903963856) Türkiye 37938.00 EUR

Fundación Patronato Avemariano de Granada (930688132) İspanya 32958.00 EUR

Istituto Comprensivo "Gabriele Rossetti " (931492844) İtalya 30408.00 EUR

COLEGIUL NATIONAL UNIREA, FOCSANI, (929310829) Romanya 30918.00 EUR

Szent Imre Kalolikus Általános Iskola és Háromkirályok Óvoda (901847316) Macaristan 30918.00 EUR


Budget Items Grant

Project Management and Implementation 12000.00 EUR

Learning, Teaching, Training Activities 25938.00 EUR

Special Needs Support 0.00 EUR

Exceptional Costs 0.00 EUR

Total 37938.00 EUR

Fundación Patronato Avemariano de Granada

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Teklif Çağrısı 2019 1. Dönem KA2 - Yenilik ve İyi Uygulamaların Değişimi için İşbirliği
KA229 - Okul Değişimi Ortaklıkları
Form Kimlik No KA229-F8F4BE06 Son Başvuru Tarihi (Brüksel Saati) 21 Mar 2019 12:00:00

Budget Items Grant

Project Management and Implementation 6000.00 EUR

Learning, Teaching, Training Activities 26958.00 EUR

Special Needs Support 0.00 EUR

Exceptional Costs 0.00 EUR

Total 32958.00 EUR

Istituto Comprensivo "Gabriele Rossetti "

Budget Items Grant

Project Management and Implementation 6000.00 EUR

Learning, Teaching, Training Activities 24408.00 EUR

Special Needs Support 0.00 EUR

Exceptional Costs 0.00 EUR

Total 30408.00 EUR


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Teklif Çağrısı 2019 1. Dönem KA2 - Yenilik ve İyi Uygulamaların Değişimi için İşbirliği
KA229 - Okul Değişimi Ortaklıkları
Form Kimlik No KA229-F8F4BE06 Son Başvuru Tarihi (Brüksel Saati) 21 Mar 2019 12:00:00

Budget Items Grant

Project Management and Implementation 6000.00 EUR

Learning, Teaching, Training Activities 24918.00 EUR

Special Needs Support 0.00 EUR

Exceptional Costs 0.00 EUR

Total 30918.00 EUR

Szent Imre Kalolikus Általános Iskola és Háromkirályok Óvoda

Budget Items Grant

Project Management and Implementation 6000.00 EUR

Learning, Teaching, Training Activities 24918.00 EUR

Special Needs Support 0.00 EUR

Exceptional Costs 0.00 EUR

Total 30918.00 EUR

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Teklif Çağrısı 2019 1. Dönem KA2 - Yenilik ve İyi Uygulamaların Değişimi için İşbirliği
KA229 - Okul Değişimi Ortaklıkları
Form Kimlik No KA229-F8F4BE06 Son Başvuru Tarihi (Brüksel Saati) 21 Mar 2019 12:00:00

Please list and describe all project activities and indicate an approximate timing when they will start. In
particular, you should include project activities other than the Learning, Teaching, Training activities,
for example: project management meetings, dissemination activities and other local activities and
events in each school. Learning, Teaching, Training Activities

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Teklif Çağrısı 2019 1. Dönem KA2 - Yenilik ve İyi Uygulamaların Değişimi için İşbirliği
KA229- OkulDeğişimiToremoveOrtaklıklarıthis notice,visit:
Form Kimlik No KA229-F8F4BE06 Son Başvuru Tarihi (Brüksel Saati) 21 Mar 2019 12:00:00

Id Activity Type Description
Our Wealth project, which lies in the garbage, will begin with
the work of decomposing and recycling the waste on site,
signing the grant contract with the UA, and promotional
meetings. The participants will be selected, pedagogical
training and language studies will be carried out; the
necessary permits will be obtained for mobility, travel
procedures will be carried out and the necessary financial
accounts will be determined. The promotion and
dissemination of the project will continue throughout the
project as well as in subsequent processes due to this project
being a long term project, it will continue on the ÇYS website,
the partners „ web pages, social media accounts and the
press. The project will be concluded by closing meetings and
P1 Other Project Events 09-2019 writing the final report.

Eylül 2019: September 2019:

- Video meeting with participating institutions. - Information
and promotion meeting will be held simultaneously in each

- Promotion of the project will be done in our schools, on the

websites of our schools, in the local press.

- A joint group will be established for the promotion and

sharing of the eys project on social media.

Ekim 2019: October 2019:

- Project Coordinator Baruthane Middle School director and
UA Project grant contract will be signed. - The selection
criteria of the participants will be determined according to the
opinions of the partners and announced to the participants in
exchange for signature.
- The participating Election Commission shall be established
separately in each country and the participants shall be
- Monthly meeting with partners via skype.What should be
done in October will be discussed.
- International English language course will be opened in order
to get foreign language education. Each country will take its
course in-house.
P2 Other Project Events 10-2019 - The emblem of the project will be designed.
- The Web page of the project will be established.
-Jointly project promotional materials-hats, T-shirts will be
- Co-educational programs will be prepared. - A companion
agreement will be prepared in writing for the duties and
responsibilities of the participating personnel. - The parents
„ consent and learning agreements with the participating
students will be prepared.

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Teklif Çağrısı 2019 1. Dönem KA2 - Yenilik ve İyi Uygulamaların Değişimi için İşbirliği
KA229- OkulDeğişimiToremoveOrtaklıklarıthis notice,visit:
Form Kimlik No KA229-F8F4BE06 Son Başvuru Tarihi (Brüksel Saati) 21 Mar 2019 12:00:00

- Joint authorization documents will be signed in

preparation with our partners.

Kasım 2019: November 2019:

- The November meeting with the partners will be
held over the internet and what needs to be done
will be discussed. - Recycling work done by
partners in their countries will be shared.
- Project evaluation studies will be carried out and
coordinators will inform the participants.
- The project logo will be designed and prepared
with partners. - Travel plans will be made,
economic and secure plane tickets will be made to
provide research.
- English and Turkish brochures will be prepared
and distributed to the partners for the project.
P3 Other Project Events 11-2019 - Participants will have passports and visas,if any. -
Plane tickets for the first move.
- Each partner for the project will prepare banners
in their native language and hang them in the
visible places of their schools and cities.
- The accompanying agreement, in which the
duties and responsibilities of the participating
personnel are written, will be signed. - Parents
„ consent and learning agreements will be
signed with the participating students.
- Project work and activities will be published in joint accounts
on social media.

Short-term joint staff Recycling Journey To Granada, Spain

C1 12-2019
training events
Aralık 2019: December 2019: Recycling Journey To
Granada, Spain

- A flow information meeting will be held with the partners at

the Fundación Patronato Avemariano de Granada school.
- Discussion of travel plans with the school of Fundación
Patronato Avemariano de Granada. - Participants will have
travel insurance.
- The first mobility to the institution Fundación Patronato
Avemariano de Granada will be held on December 2019.
- Printed and digital materials to the participants will be
provided at the Fundación Patronato Avemariano de
P4 Other Project Events 12-2019 Granada. - Europass, Ecas,Pike. - End of Mobility Partners
I.they will prepare a flow assessment report and send a copy
to Project Coordinator Baruthane middle school.
- Our project will be introduced in our schools, the work
done will be exhibited, wealth lying in the garbage project
corner will be created.

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Teklif Çağrısı 2019 1. Dönem KA2 - Yenilik ve İyi Uygulamaların Değişimi için İşbirliği
KA229- OkulDeğişimiToremoveOrtaklıklarıthis notice,visit:
Form Kimlik No KA229-F8F4BE06 Son Başvuru Tarihi (Brüksel Saati) 21 Mar 2019 12:00:00

- Parents will be informed.

- The studies will be published on the EIA website,
on the web pages of our schools and on common
accounts on social media such as EIA facebook,
EIA twitter, EIA Instagram.

Ocak 2020: January 2020:

- Assessment meeting with teachers, students and parents
after mobility to the Fundación Patronato Avemariano de
Granada school
will be held.
- Brochures, posters, T-shirts, pens and trophies etc. it will
be printed and distributed, the stand will be opened.
- Theme to the garden of our schools, The Orchard will be
made through representatives of environmental
organizations. - Paper obtained from trees, napkins, etc. the
theme of recycling of materials will be given to our students
simultaneously in our schools through representatives of
P5 Other Project Events 01-2020 environmental organizations.
- The work will be shared on the project website and on all
partners „ school sites, on our social media accounts and in
the press. - Project activities during and after mobility will be
shared on our social media accounts, local media and
partners „ websites.

Şubat 2020 :February 2020:

- Simultaneous “painting” competition will be held between
participating schools on recycling. The first three works,
whose products were assessed and awarded in March 2020,
will be on display in e twinning, on social media, on our
websites and in our schools. -within the scope of the wealth
lying in the trash project which we also run on e-Twinning, the
tools and materials that our students design and make from
recycling will be exhibited and displayed in a corner of our
schools. - Each school will design at least two of its recycling
products and display them at a fashion show in Romania.
P6 Other Project Events 02-2020 -Our work and activities will be posted on the ÇYS website,
joint accounts on social media such as ÇYS facebook, ÇYS
twitter, ÇYS Instagram.
- Monthly project evaluation meeting with partners

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WatsApp üzerinden yapılacak.

Mart 2020: March 2020:

- Simultaneously, each country will hold a “SLAOGAN”
contest on the conversion of waste and the works entering the
degree will be published in e twinning, on the project page on
social media, on our websites and exhibited in our schools.
-Each partner will carry out works for the supply of space and
trees for “recycling memorabilia Forest” in their school or
anywhere in the city where they live. - With the support of
teachers, students, parents, representatives of public
institutions and organizations, due to Forest week with the
participation of NGOs, each country will be planting trees on
March 21, 2020.
- Students will be told by experiments how natural fertilizer
P7 Other Project Events 03-2020 “compost”(organic fertilizer) obtained from domestic waste is
obtained by science teachers in our schools.”
- Project work will be shared in our websites, wealth lying in
rubbish ( FYS )social media accounts, local media.
- A monthly evaluation meeting will be held with the partners
via WhatsApp.

Nisan 2020: April 2020:

- “Zero waste bags” and “Zero Waste Nets” produced by our
schools from recycling and waste materials will be exhibited
and sold. - Paper obtained from trees, napkins, etc. seminars
will be given to our students and parents in cooperation with
the provincial directorates of Environment and urbanism or
local executive authorities or the Department of Environmental
Engineering of universities for recycling of materials and “Zero
Waste”. - During the seminar, stands were opened and
brochures, posters, T-shirts, pens, trophies etc. it will be
printed and sold.
-2. a companion agreement will be signed for mobility. -2. for
mobility, parents and parents „ consent and learning
P8 Other Project Events 04-2020 agreements with students will be signed.
- The work will be shared on the project website and on all
partners „ school sites, on our social media accounts and in
the press. - Monthly project work from WhatsApp will be
evaluated with the partners.

Short-term joint staff Designing clothes from recyclable materials and

C2 05-2020
training events meeting at creativity fashion show

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Mayıs 2020:May 2020: participants meet in Focsani,

Romania, at a fashion show to design and
creativity clothes from recyclable materials.
- Colegiul NATIONAL UNIREA will discuss travel plans
between FOCSANI school and other partners.
- An information meeting will be held for teachers, students
and parents who will participate in mobility. - Participants will
have travel insurance.
-2. a companion agreement will be signed for mobility. -2. for
mobility, parents and parents „ consent and learning
agreements with students will be signed.
Focsani 2. there will be movement. - End of Mobility Partners
P9 Other Project Events 05-2020 II.they will prepare a flow assessment report and send a copy
to Project Coordinator Baruthane middle school.
- The studies will be posted on the FYS website,on the web
pages of our schools and on sickle accounts on social
media such as FYS facebook, FYS twitter, FYS Instagram.

Haziran 2020: June 2020:

-5 June World Environment Day due to
environmental awareness studies in the cities we
live in (garbage collection, distributing leaflets,
making activities, etc.) will be held.
- “Zero waste bags” and “Zero Waste Nets”
produced by our schools from recycling and waste
materials will be exhibited and sold. - Paper
obtained from trees, napkins, etc. seminars will be
given to our students and parents in cooperation
with the provincial directorates of Environment and
P10 Other Project Events 06-2020
urbanism or local executive authorities or the
Department of Environmental Engineering of
universities for recycling of materials and “Zero
Waste”. - During the seminar, stands were opened
and brochures, posters, T-shirts, pens, trophies etc.
it will be printed and sold. - The work will be shared
on the project website and on all partners „ school
sites, on our social media accounts and in the press.
- Monthly project work from WhatsApp will be
evaluated with the partners.

Temmuz 2020: July 2020:

P11 Other Project Events 07-2020 - Expansion will continue.

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- The survey created by the partners will measure the

awareness work in the town and city where the project
lives, and the results will be shared on the project
website and on the Web pages of our schools. - Project
work will be shared in the relevant institutions and
project news will be made in the local and National
- Studies in schools will be projected and disseminated
on E twinning.
- Studies, activities will be shared on the social media
accounts of the EIA Group.
- Our project works will be shared on the websites of our
schools and kept up to date.
Monthly project work from WhatsApp will be evaluated with
the partners.

Ağustos 2020: August 2020:

- Dissemination works will be done.
- Promotion and sharing on social media will continue.
- Video recording of the use of the beaches where we live and
the situation of the waste will be made and the differences
between the partner countries will be determined. These
studies will be shared with our teachers and students in a
way that sets an example for the partners.
P12 Other Project Events 08-2020 - Teachers and students going to different countries and
cities due to holiday “”recycling” centers to visit, review and
observe different studies about Zero Waste, note and share,
will be provided.

Short-term joint staff What can we do to prevent pollution, prevent

C3 09-2020
training events waste and recycle?

Eylül 2020: September 2020: what can we do to

prevent pollution, curb waste and recycle?
- Due to the opening of the new academic year, a
joint meeting with participating institutions will be
held on Skype under the direction of the project
- The partners will meet with their teachers and
students to review the project work.
P13 Other Project Events 09-2020 - A companion agreement will be signed, in
which the duties and responsibilities of the
participating personnel are written. - Parents
„ consent and learning agreements will be
signed with the participating students. 3 with
partners. there will be a flow information meeting.
- Participants will have travel insurance.

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3 to the Istituto Comprensivo “Gabriele Rossetti “institution

in Vasto, Italy, on September 2020 to prevent pollution,
prevent food waste and recycle. there will be action.
- Project expansion work will continue. - End of Mobility
Partners will send a copy of the evaluation report to the
project coordinator Baruthane middle school.

Ekim 2020: October 2020:

- The Istituto Comprensivo “Gabriele Rossetti
“institution in Vasto, Italy, will hold an evaluation
meeting with our teachers, students and parents
after mobility.
- Project dissemination work will continue on social
media and in the press.
We will be brainstorming in our schools about how
a clean and livable environment can be. As a result
of this event, the ideas will be made concrete with
P14 Other Project Events 10-2020
visuals and exhibited in the ÇYS project corner.
Each school will visit a recycling center in or near
the city with its own teachers and students,
document their impressions, observations with
various visuals, and share them on the project‟s
Web page, on the schools „ web pages, and on the
social media accounts of the FYS.
- Monthly project work from WhatsApp will be
evaluated with the partners.

Kasım 2020:November 2020:

- One of the EU‟s 2020 priorities-efficient use of
energy and resources-will be the work of local
governments for a green and competitive
economy, partners will visit their local governments
with their students.
- In order to raise awareness and create public
opinion, pictures will be made and designs will be
created on Environment and recycling with
students and parents in the busiest parts of the city
where we live with the cooperation of local
P15 Other Project Events 11-2020 administrators.
- Each country will compile “proverbs, idioms and
maxims” related to the country of the environment
and display them in its school.
- How long does the waste that causes the world‟s
ecological balance be lost (what waste is lost in
nature when?) awareness will be created by
making board Studies in our schools.
- Project work will be shared in the local press on
our social media accounts of the wealth lying in the
trash ( FYS).

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- Monthly project work from WhatsApp will be

evaluated with the partners.

Aralık 2020: December 2020:

- Our students will be able to gain new skills from
waste and make product designs by using
technology in coordination between the courses.
designed products will be exhibited in our schools.
- With the participation of all institutions,
“environment and recycling themed” New Year
calendar will be prepared and printed and
presented to teachers, students and their families
in our schools.
P16 Other Project Events 12-2020 - Partners will prepare and mail each other “New
Year cards” using recycling paper and products. It
will be noted that there are words about the
environment on the cards.
- Dissemination works will continue periodically.
- Project work will continue at Servet E Twinnig,
which lies in the garbage.
- The partners will be evaluated monthly project
work from WhatsApp, and opinions and
suggestions will be shared.

Ocak 2021: January 2021:

- Expansion will continue. - Promotion and sharing
on social media will continue.
- Students who participate in or participate in
mobility within the scope of ÇYS project will be
able to communicate with each other and continue.
- Simultaneously, the science teachers in our
schools will show students how water is treated
and how drinking water is obtained through
P17 Other Project Events 01-2021
experiments. - He will visit a garbage collection
center in the city where he is with students from
each country simultaneously.
- Recycling work, activities at the school will be
shared on E Twinning, on our social media
accounts, on our websites.
- Project evaluation with partners will be done on

ŞUBAT 2011: February 2021:

A monthly meeting will be held with the partners over the
internet and what needs to be done will be discussed.
- Recycling work done by partners in their own countries will
P18 Other Project Events 02-2021 be shared.
-4. teachers, students and parents of students who will
participate in the mobility will be informed.

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- A companion agreement will be signed, in which the duties

and responsibilities of the participating personnel are written.
- Parents „ consent and learning agreements will be signed
with the participating students. - Travel
arrangements will be made.
- The work will be shared on the project website and on all
partners „ school sites, on our social media accounts and in
the press. - Monthly project work from WhatsApp will be
evaluated with the partners.

Short-term joint staff Observing The Positive Effects Of Recycling

C4 03-2021
training events On Wildlife

Mart 2021: March 2021:

- 4 with partner institutions.there will be a flow
information meeting.
- Szent Imre Kalolikus Általános Iskola és
háromkirályok Óvoda school to discuss travel
4. There will be an informational meeting with
teachers, students and parents who will participate
in the mobility. - A companion agreement will be
signed, in which the duties and responsibilities of
the participating personnel are written. - Parents
„ consent and learning agreements will be signed
P19 Other Project Events 03-2021
with the participating students. - Participants will
have travel insurance.
Szent Imre Kalolikus Általános Iskola és
Háromkirályok Óvoda school in Tiszafüred in
March 2021 to observe the positive effects of
recycling on wildlife and to see and observe
recycling works in place in Hungary
4. mobility will be done.
- End of Mobility Partners 4.a copy of the flow
assessment report will be sent to coordinator
Baruthane secondary school.
- Expansion will continue.

Nisan 2021: April 2021:

- An internal evaluation of the project will be
conducted with our partners.
- A short story competition on the environment will
be held simultaneously. The works entering the
degree will be evaluated and exhibited in our
P20 Other Project Events 04-2021
schools and will be shared on our web pages.
-Each school project will be evaluated by taking the
views of the local people, parents and students.
These studies will be turned into a general report by
the coordinating school..

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The material and spiritual dimensions of the project will be

calculated through interviews with shamaklarla and
concrete data collected by companies collecting waste.
- The work will be shared on the project website and on all
partners „ school sites, on our social media accounts and
in the press. - Monthly project work from WhatsApp will be
evaluated with the partners.

Mayıs 2021: May 2021:

- The partners will hold the end-of-year exhibition
on “recycling, imagination and creativity” designed
by teachers and students from waste in their own
country and will share the visuals. - Games will be
played from recycled materials created by students.
- The partners will travel to a recycling center
where the waste is decomposed simultaneously
P21 Other Project Events 05-2021 and conduct investigations and share their
research with each other through e Twinning. - The
work will be shared in local and national press and
social media accounts.
- Monthly project work from WhatsApp will be
evaluated with the partners.
- Project work, activities will be published
continuously on social media joint accounts such
as ÇYS website, ÇYS facebook, ÇYS twitter, ÇYS

Short-term joint staff Environmentalists Meet At Recycling

C5 06-2021
training events Symposium

Haziran 2021:June 2021: Environmentalists Meet

At The Recycling Symposium.
- Travel plans will be discussed with Baruthane
Secondary School in Samsun, Turkey.
- Participants „ travel insurance will be made,
tickets will be received.
- A companion agreement will be signed, in which
the duties and responsibilities of the participating
personnel are written. - Parents „ consent and
learning agreements will be signed with the
P22 Other Project Events 06-2021
participating students. - To meet environmentalists
at the recycling Symposium of participating
institutions on June 2021, to see, examine and
interact with recycling studies in Turkey, Baruthane
Secondary School 5. they will be found in mobility.
- Necessary materials will be provided
to the participants. - End of Mobility
Partners will send a copy of the
evaluation report to the project
coordinator Baruthane middle school.

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Our work will continue to be disseminated on the

EIA website, on the web pages of our schools,
and on shared accounts on the EIA facebook,
twitter, Instagram.

Temmuz 2021: July 2021:

- Project evaluation meeting will be held with
foreign partners via Skype.
- The partners will hold project results meetings
within their own bodies.
- A joint report will be prepared with the
P23 Other Project Events 07-2021 participating schools on the project studies and
results. - Local and national media coverage of
the project will be provided.
- Project outputs will be shared on the wealth
lying in the trash website and on social media
wealth lying in the trash on Facebook, twitter,
Instagram joint project group.

Ağustos 2021: August 2021:

- The final report will be prepared and submitted to
the UA in accordance with the report from all
P24 Other Project Events 08-2021 partners.
- After the end of the project grant, activities that
ensure the continuity of the benefits of the project
will continue to be carried out.
- Dissemination efforts will continue.

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Teklif Çağrısı 2019 1. Dönem KA2 - Yenilik ve İyi Uygulamaların Değişimi için İşbirliği
KA229 - Okul Değişimi Ortaklıkları
Form Kimlik No KA229-F8F4BE06 Son Başvuru Tarihi (Brüksel Saati) 21 Mar 2019 12:00:00

Participating Organisations

Applicant Organisation
PIC 903963856


Legal name (national language) BARUTHANE ORTAOKULU

National ID (if applicable) 763530

Department (if applicable)

Acronym BO

Kalkanca Mahallesi Mehtap Caddesi 295. Sokak


Country Türkiye


Postal Code 55100





Telephone +903624450051, +905435688646

Fax +903624450051

Okul/Enstitü/Eğitim merkezi; Genel eğitim (ilkokul
Type of Organisation

Is your organisation a public body? Evet

Is your organisation a non-profit? Evet

TR 25 / 112
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KA229 - Okul Değişimi Ortaklıkları
Form Kimlik No KA229-F8F4BE06 Son Başvuru Tarihi (Brüksel Saati) 21 Mar 2019 12:00:00

Associated Persons

Yasal Temsilci

Gender Erkek

First Name ÇİFTLİ

Family Name SÜLEYMAN


Position Okul Müdürü


Telephone +905056313917

Preferred Contact

If the address is different from the one of the


Kalkanca Mahallesi Mehtap Caddesi 295. Sokak


Country Türkiye


Postal Code 55100



İrtibat Kişisi

Gender Kadın


Family Name SAKİNE

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Form Kimlik No KA229-F8F4BE06 Son Başvuru Tarihi (Brüksel Saati) 21 Mar 2019 12:00:00


Position Öğretmen


Telephone +905333467139

Preferred Contact Evet

If the address is different from the one of the


Address Baruthane Ortaokulu

Country Türkiye


Postal Code 55000



Background and Experience

Please briefly present the school and include the following information:

● General information (e.g. the covered programmes/levels of education, number of staff and
learners in the school)

● What is the school's motivation to join this project?

● Who will be the key people in charge of running the project in your school? In case these
persons leave their post in the future, who will take over their role?

● Is there any specific experience or expertise that this school and its staff can contribute to the

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Located in the Baruthane District of Ilkadim, Samsun, our school is a public institution that started
serving as Baruthane Secondary School in the 2017-2018 school year. There are a total of 750
students,3 administrators, 49 teachers, 1 civil servant and 6 assistants in our school which provides
education to 10-14 year old students.Our school is 4 floors and has 22 classroom s, laboratories, 1
Visual Arts and 1 technology and design workshops, 3 administrators, 1 Guidance and 1 teachers.,
It consists of 1 Staff, 1 officer room, library, multi-purpose hall and canteen. Our garden has
basketball, volleyball courts, seating and a ceremonial area. Social, cultural, sporting activities
despite being a new school; our school, which has achieved great success in different projects and
made a difference, has developed environmental awareness with its "recycling project" which it has
been carrying out since its inception, while developing the "social financial leadership and
Entrepreneurship"aspects of entrepreneurship,has also collected 905 units of blood donations and
internalized values such as assistance, sharing, social responsibili ty and he got his name mentioned
and appreciated on his channels and social media groups. We have conducted international language
camp in our school in order to develop the inter-cultural dialogue and language between EU
countries. Personnel mobility and e
our efforts to transform our ongoing project with learning into a long-term and broader participation
strategic partnership are continuing this year with the project "TÜBITAK 4004 learning language in
nature". Robotics and coding, TÜBITAK 4006 Science Fair, TÜBITAK 2204 our project
applications are continuing this year. During this period, 2 Erasmus+KA101 projects, one of which
is the coordinator of the school also applied to the theme Brotherhood, Samsun Maarif movement,
nutrition friendly school, such as many local and national projects are available. Our staff who will
carry out our project is composed of our teachers who have Erasmus + Ka 101 project experience
and Turkish teachers who have experience in English; Ilkadım TEMA representative who also ru ns
the TEMA fraternity project in our school who are active in different projects; who develops the
vision of their staff who share what they have learned with their staff; who Our volunteer staff, who
have project experience and desire, will take part in the execution of the project since the personnel
who will carry out the project will be separated from our school. Our teachers and students who are
open to change and innovation, eager to learn,willing to increase their professional knowledge and
skills, participating in various in-service trainings, courses and seminars every year to make different
and innovative practices with our students in our school, and who do projects, are very eager to see
different practices from EU countries and their colleagues and to

Does this school have a valid eTwinning school label?

Hayır No

Various labels exist for successful eTwinning projects and schools. Before answering this question,
please make sure that you are familiar with the concept of the eTwinning school label. You can find
more information about the eTwinning school label here:

Have you participated in a European Union granted project in the 3 years preceding this application?

Hayır No

Partner Organisations
Fundación Patronato Avemariano de Granada

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PIC 930688132

Legal name Fundación Patronato Avemariano de Granada

Legal name (national language) Colegio Ave María Albolote

National ID (if applicable) 18000040

Department (if applicable)


Address Jacobo Camarero nº3

Country İspanya


Postal Code 18220


City Granada



Telephone +34661617534, +34661617534


Okul/Enstitü/Eğitim merkezi; Genel eğitim (ilkokul
Type of Organisation

Is the organisation a public body? Hayır

Is the organisation a non-profit? Evet

Associated Persons

Yasal Temsilci

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KA229 - Okul Değişimi Ortaklıkları
Form Kimlik No KA229-F8F4BE06 Son Başvuru Tarihi (Brüksel Saati) 21 Mar 2019 12:00:00

Gender Kadın

First Name Maria Aurelia

Family Name Suarez Cuadros

Department Direction



Telephone +34958466154

Preferred Contact

If the address is different from the one of the


Address Jacobo Camarero nº3

Country İspanya


Postal Code 18220



İrtibat Kişisi

Gender Kadın

First Name Alejandro Javier

Family Name Ceballos Garcia

Department European projects



Telephone +34958466154

Preferred Contact Evet

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KA229 - Okul Değişimi Ortaklıkları
Form Kimlik No KA229-F8F4BE06 Son Başvuru Tarihi (Brüksel Saati) 21 Mar 2019 12:00:00

If the address is different from the one of the


Address Jacobo Camarero nº3

Country İspanya


Postal Code 18220



Background and Experience

Please briefly present the school and include the following information:

● General information (e.g. the covered programmes/levels of education, number of staff and
learners in the school)

● What is the school's motivation to join this project?

● Who will be the key people in charge of running the project in your school? In case these
persons leave their post in the future, who will take over their role?

● Is there any specific experience or expertise that this school and its staff can contribute to the

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KA229 - Okul Değişimi Ortaklıkları
Form Kimlik No KA229-F8F4BE06 Son Başvuru Tarihi (Brüksel Saati) 21 Mar 2019 12:00:00

Granada Ave Maria Schools has trained students for generations for 128 years.Our educational vision
continues to adapt to the growing complex and real needs of society.Our institution continues its work
with 400 training staff with a great professional commitment. from our platform,
Esparraguera operates with 8 schools named Casamadre, Varadero, Vistillas, La Quinta, San Isidro, San
Cristóbal, Albolote. In addition to the well-known stages of kindergarten, elementary and secundary
within our institution, we have two residences, a special language school, all vet degrees, special
education, adult life, graduation, summer camps, internships and training for the transition that offers a
very large range of extra activities. The main purpose of our school is to develop the entire human
potential of all students, to encourage their emotional, social, intellectual, moral and religious growth
through a unified effort of the entire school community; to develop and place deep love and respect for
the person, family and society. We aim to educate our students to work for themselves, to achieve a
personal method of study. Through culture, research and them, we are trying to create a spirit of concern
and research because they know how life creates them so that the spirits of creativity can flourish. We
respect the authenticity of every student who has to mature their personality in a different way and raise
them within that framework. The Reverend Andres Manjón, our founder, should be considered one of
the pioneers of the “active school”, along with other theorists such as Pestalozzi or María Montessori,
where the activity, movement and intuition of the student are essential for physical and intellectual
development. An important feature of the active school is that it does education -training with cheerful,
dynamic and Stormy classes. This is a result of their creative and productive work, in which students
have a lot of involvement as teachers. In such schools, deductive or inductive analytical methods are
used for the cognitive development of children. Andrés Manjón engages in a methodology in which the
student's teaching learning process is produced through play, outdoors, and in interaction with nature.
We can say that the pedagogy of Granada schools is summarized in four basic titles: education must be
fun, teaching must be active, teaching must be intertwined with nature, teaching must be methodical. For
this purpose; - all teachers seeking the quality of teamwork and teaching
and non-teaching staff coordination, - participation and commitment of all members of society in the
education process of schools, - working as a partner of teachers and families in the education of students,
- our school; trust, respect, dialogue and family atmosphere characterized by coexistence, - diversity of
educational situations and needs, abilities, motivations, interests and expectations according to each
student appropriate individualized

Does this school have a valid eTwinning school label?

Hayır No

Various labels exist for successful eTwinning projects and schools. Before answering this question,
please make sure that you are familiar with the concept of the eTwinning school label. You can find
more information about the eTwinning school label here:

Have you participated in a European Union granted project in the 3 years preceding this application?

Evet Yes

Please indicate:

EU Programme Erasmus +

Year 2016

Project Identification or Contract Number 2016-1-PL1-KA2I9-026260_2

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Teklif Çağrısı 2019 1. Dönem KA2 - Yenilik ve İyi Uygulamaların Değişimi için İşbirliği
KA229 - Okul Değişimi Ortaklıkları
Form Kimlik No KA229-F8F4BE06 Son Başvuru Tarihi (Brüksel Saati) 21 Mar 2019 12:00:00

Applicant/Beneficiary Name COLEGIO AVE MARIA ALBOLOTE

Istituto Comprensivo "Gabriele Rossetti "

PIC 931492844

Legal name Istituto Comprensivo "Gabriele Rossetti "

Legal name (national language) Istituto Comprensivo "Gabriele Rossetti"

National ID (if applicable) 92034540697

Department (if applicable)

Acronym Istituto Rossetti

Address Via Bachelet

Country İtalya


Postal Code 66054


City Vasto



Telephone +39087369805

Fax +390873380461

Okul/Enstitü/Eğitim merkezi; Genel eğitim (ilkokul
Type of Organisation

Is the organisation a public body? Evet

Is the organisation a non-profit? Evet

Associated Persons

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Teklif Çağrısı 2019 1. Dönem KA2 - Yenilik ve İyi Uygulamaların Değişimi için İşbirliği
KA229 - Okul Değişimi Ortaklıkları
Form Kimlik No KA229-F8F4BE06 Son Başvuru Tarihi (Brüksel Saati) 21 Mar 2019 12:00:00

Yasal Temsilci

Gender Kadın

First Name Maria Pia

Family Name Di Carlo


Position Headmaster


Telephone +39087369805

Preferred Contact

If the address is different from the one of the


Address Via Bachelet

Country İtalya


Postal Code 66054


City Vasto

İrtibat Kişisi

Gender Kadın

First Name Emma

Family Name Columbro


Position Teacher

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Teklif Çağrısı 2019 1. Dönem KA2 - Yenilik ve İyi Uygulamaların Değişimi için İşbirliği
KA229 - Okul Değişimi Ortaklıkları
Form Kimlik No KA229-F8F4BE06 Son Başvuru Tarihi (Brüksel Saati) 21 Mar 2019 12:00:00


Telephone +39087369805

Preferred Contact Evet

If the address is different from the one of the


Address Via Bachelet

Country İtalya


Postal Code 66054


City Vasto

Background and Experience

Please briefly present the school and include the following information:

● General information (e.g. the covered programmes/levels of education, number of staff and
learners in the school)

● What is the school's motivation to join this project?

● Who will be the key people in charge of running the project in your school? In case these
persons leave their post in the future, who will take over their role?

● Is there any specific experience or expertise that this school and its staff can contribute to the

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KA229 - Okul Değişimi Ortaklıkları
Form Kimlik No KA229-F8F4BE06 Son Başvuru Tarihi (Brüksel Saati) 21 Mar 2019 12:00:00

The Comprehensive School" Gabriel Rossetti " consists of early childhood, elementary and first level
secondary school. Comprehensive schools provide uninterrupted education to students between the ages
of 3 and 14. The Comprehensive School" Gabriel Rossetti "stands as a competent" professional
community " and is committed to providing a quality service to the area due to the human resources that
the principal can count on: teachers, administrative staff, collaborators Scholastics, suppo rt figures
from local authorities and affiliated associations. The comprehensive education plan of" Gabriel
Rossetti " was created and developed as a vertical and continuous curriculum based on an innovative
design, a broad educational proposal. The educational values on which our POF is based, listening,
welcoming, collaboration, integration of students with special needs, inclusion of non -Italian students.
In this context, families called upon to share this responsibility with school education are given a n
important role that is very beneficial for their children to grow in a balanced way, and this is
accomplished only through a constructive dialogue and a commitment to participation in the life of our
school . The Comprehensive School" Gabriel Rossetti " aims to educate the role in society and to
continuously improve the skills acquired to become citizens of the world and promotes self -specificity.
In its previous years, the schools, part of the Rossetti Vasto Institute, have carried out several projects
aimed at promoting respect behaviors for both the environment and social relationships, with the aim of
promoting the cultural integration, social and emotional well-being of students. For a conscious active
citizenship and multilingualism; - from 2010
from the Institute is one of the schools participating in the Environmental Protection Project organizer
proposed by Ecoschools (fee), which receives green flag recognition several times - "Sports at school"
and "all the same and all the same" for social inclusion and multiculturalism - LLP-Comenius, "how to
prevent bullying at school," was the Coordinator of a project to promote a peaceful and inclusive school
climate, - Junior high school 1, third year
exam preparation courses for certificate key English test (KET) for students, - Project ICARUS, P. O.
Project Erasmus + KA229“ the power of MATEMETICS" project will be developed over the next two years and will be
related to the exchange of good practices in mathematics teaching for students aged 9 -13 between 5 partner schools - ESF
Abruzzo 2007-2013 with special address for orientation, development and promotion of education, education and work
reforms to improve integration and improve employment. In addition, Gabriel Rossetti offers orientation courses (music al,
artistic, scientific-technological, scientific and Environmental) for secondary school students to guide teaching to users and
to align with policies and schooling in Europe)

Does this school have a valid eTwinning school label?

Hayır No

Various labels exist for successful eTwinning projects and schools. Before answering this question,
please make sure that you are familiar with the concept of the eTwinning school label. You can find
more information about the eTwinning school label here:

Have you participated in a European Union granted project in the 3 years preceding this application?

Evet Yes

Please indicate:

EU Programme Erasmus+

Year 2018

2018-1-PL01-KA229-050640_4 “The Power of

Project Identification or Contract Number

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Teklif Çağrısı 2019 1. Dönem KA2 - Yenilik ve İyi Uygulamaların Değişimi için İşbirliği
KA229 - Okul Değişimi Ortaklıkları
Form Kimlik No KA229-F8F4BE06 Son Başvuru Tarihi (Brüksel Saati) 21 Mar 2019 12:00:00

Applicant/Beneficiary Name Istituto Comprensivo "Gabriele Rossetti


PIC 929310829


Legal name (national language)

National ID (if applicable) not applicable

Department (if applicable)

Acronym CNU

Address Str. Cezar Bolliac, nr.15

Country Romanya


Postal Code 620167


City Focsani



Telephone +40237215659

Fax +40237215659

Okul/Enstitü/Eğitim merkezi; Genel eğitim (ilkokul
Type of Organisation

Is the organisation a public body? Hayır

Is the organisation a non-profit? Hayır

Associated Persons

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Teklif Çağrısı 2019 1. Dönem KA2 - Yenilik ve İyi Uygulamaların Değişimi için İşbirliği
KA229 - Okul Değişimi Ortaklıkları
Form Kimlik No KA229-F8F4BE06 Son Başvuru Tarihi (Brüksel Saati) 21 Mar 2019 12:00:00

Yasal Temsilci

Gender Erkek

First Name CORNEL

Family Name NOANĂ

Department Management

Position Director


Telephone +40745264466

Preferred Contact

If the address is different from the one of the


Address Str. Cezar Bolliac, nr.15

Country Romanya


Postal Code 620167


City Focsani

İrtibat Kişisi

Gender Kadın




Position Teacher

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KA229 - Okul Değişimi Ortaklıkları
Form Kimlik No KA229-F8F4BE06 Son Başvuru Tarihi (Brüksel Saati) 21 Mar 2019 12:00:00


Telephone +40745389118

Preferred Contact Evet

If the address is different from the one of the


Address Str. Cezar Bolliac, nr.15

Country Romanya


Postal Code 620167


City Focsani

Background and Experience

Please briefly present the school and include the following information:

● General information (e.g. the covered programmes/levels of education, number of staff and
learners in the school)

● What is the school's motivation to join this project?

● Who will be the key people in charge of running the project in your school? In case these
persons leave their post in the future, who will take over their role?

● Is there any specific experience or expertise that this school and its staff can contribute to the

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Teklif Çağrısı 2019 1. Dönem KA2 - Yenilik ve İyi Uygulamaların Değişimi için İşbirliği
KA229 - Okul Değişimi Ortaklıkları
Form Kimlik No KA229-F8F4BE06 Son Başvuru Tarihi (Brüksel Saati) 21 Mar 2019 12:00:00

The National College of“Unirea”, one of the first schools in Romania, is a regional public institution
and a very well-established institution established on 7 January 1866. It was established as the first
Secondary School in the area. It became Unirea high school in 1884-1885, when the high school was
incorporated. This change was crucial as there were no other similar schools from Buzau to Barlad.
“Unirea " high school is a four-year high school and junior high school level serving the Vrancea
County Community ( it has 726 students, including class students. The middle school has one
class for each level,with at least 30 students of each class. The high school also has every level: 4 -5
grade Math-Computer Science; 1 grade Natural Sciences, 1 grade –People, 1 grade social science
classes are available. The school is located in the heart of Vrancea district, Focsani city. Although it
holds a small number of citizens (about 75,000 citizens), it has a rich history. Our community is
mostly known for its wine production, which is one of the most important wine producing regions in
Romania and the European Union. Employment opportunities for parents of” Unirea " national
college students focus mostly on local companies operating in confectionery, economics and
agriculture. Family incomes are very variable, but it means most of our students come from modest
households. The seriousness of teaching and the quality of teaching at Unirea” High School made it
the reputation of transcending the boundaries of Putna District, which imposed itself as one of the
most important secondary schools and a representative institution for scientific and cultural life. This
is where famous magazines were published: “Liga Culturala” (Cultural Society - 1891).Famous
people in the field of Science and culture became teachers or students in “Unirea”.Since 1997 our
institution has been named “Unirea” National College, the decision of the Ministry of Education is
based on both the high school tradition and the results of previous years. Even if it is based on the
prized tradition of a classical Romanian education, “Unirea” has recently shown an obvious
performance adapted to the requirements of modern education. Our area is a very popular tourist
it is not an attraction. That's the main reason our community is formed almost entirely by Romanians. (98.68%). The
rest of 1.32% is represented mostly by Hungarian and Romani people. Extra -curricular activities extracurricular
activities are created by both teachers and our students. These are: drama club, Discussion Club, STEV, “Green Team”,
Cheerleading Club, Dance Club, Student Council, Media Club, robotics club and choir. Our institution attaches
importance to the social integrity and permanent education of t he students,improving the potential of each student and
helping them reach their maximum capacity.. We strive to ensure that our students have the chance of equal preparation
and professional attestation at European and international levels. Therefore, wit h this project, we have established a
strategic partnership with Erasmus+, E Twinning etc. introducing international projects and bringing awareness to them

Does this school have a valid eTwinning school label?

Hayır No

Various labels exist for successful eTwinning projects and schools. Before answering this question,
please make sure that you are familiar with the concept of the eTwinning school label. You can find
more information about the eTwinning school label here:

Have you participated in a European Union granted project in the 3 years preceding this application?

Hayır No

Szent Imre Kalolikus Általános Iskola és Háromkirályok Óvoda

PIC 901847316

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Teklif Çağrısı 2019 1. Dönem KA2 - Yenilik ve İyi Uygulamaların Değişimi için İşbirliği
KA229 - Okul Değişimi Ortaklıkları
Form Kimlik No KA229-F8F4BE06 Son Başvuru Tarihi (Brüksel Saati) 21 Mar 2019 12:00:00

Szent Imre Kalolikus Általános Iskola és

Legal name
Háromkirályok Óvoda

Legal name (national language)

National ID (if applicable) 18221376-8520-552-16

Department (if applicable)


Address Fő út 26

Country Macaristan


Postal Code 5350


City Tiszafüred



Telephone +360659511027


Okul/Enstitü/Eğitim merkezi; Genel eğitim (ilkokul
Type of Organisation

Is the organisation a public body? Hayır

Is the organisation a non-profit? Hayır

Associated Persons

Yasal Temsilci

TR 41 / 112
Teklif Çağrısı 2019 1. Dönem KA2 - Yenilik ve İyi Uygulamaların Değişimi için İşbirliği
KA229 - Okul Değişimi Ortaklıkları
Form Kimlik No KA229-F8F4BE06 Son Başvuru Tarihi (Brüksel Saati) 21 Mar 2019 12:00:00

Gender Kadın

First Name Rita

Family Name Urbánné Tóth


Position directress


Telephone +360659511027

Preferred Contact

If the address is different from the one of the


Address Fő út 26

Country Macaristan


Postal Code 5350


City Tiszafüred

İrtibat Kişisi

Gender Kadın

First Name Annamari

Family Name Olah


Position İngilizce ve Coğrafya Öğretmeni


Telephone +360659511027

Preferred Contact Evet

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Teklif Çağrısı 2019 1. Dönem KA2 - Yenilik ve İyi Uygulamaların Değişimi için İşbirliği
KA229 - Okul Değişimi Ortaklıkları
Form Kimlik No KA229-F8F4BE06 Son Başvuru Tarihi (Brüksel Saati) 21 Mar 2019 12:00:00

If the address is different from the one of the


Address Fő út 26

Country Macaristan


Postal Code 5350


City Tiszafüred

Background and Experience

Please briefly present the school and include the following information:

● General information (e.g. the covered programmes/levels of education, number of staff and
learners in the school)

● What is the school's motivation to join this project?

● Who will be the key people in charge of running the project in your school? In case these
persons leave their post in the future, who will take over their role?

● Is there any specific experience or expertise that this school and its staff can contribute to the

TR 43 / 112
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Teklif Çağrısı 2019 1. Dönem KA2 - Yenilik ve İyi Uygulamaların Değişimi için İşbirliği
KA229- OkulDeğişimiToremoveOrtaklıklarıthis notice,visit:
Form Kimlik No KA229-F8F4BE06 Son Başvuru Tarihi (Brüksel Saati) 21 Mar 2019 12:00:00

Szent Imre Kalolikus Általános Iskola és Háromkirályok Óvoda is located in the centre of the Catholic
town and founded in this autumn 150. it will celebrate its anniversary.. Our institution has a strong
position within the city because of its long-established history. The institution consists of 44 teachers,
Saint Imre Catholic Primary School with 430 students aged 7 to 14, and Kings kindergarten with 11
teachers and 125 children aged 3-6. Our goal is to provide children with all kinds of necessary
knowledge and experience. We want to help them live a happy life full of interesting things. We'll
help them pass their exams after they get out of school. Our town and school are in the middle of the
country and close to the country's second largest river. Tisza River, Lake Tisza is a beautiful place in
Hungary. Tourism is getting stronger every year. The environmental education p rogram in our school
is at the center of our pedagogical program. Our town and school are at the centre of a unique
environment of Lake Tisza and the river Tisza. Focusing on nature, knowing, understanding,
and we have great opportunities to protect the environment and educate people. Environmental nursing
at the school is a pedagogical process in recognizing nature, assimilating experiences of nature.
Environmental Nursing not only provides information, but also develops emotion, purpose, ability ,
and enables children to promote nature. Our school is completely close to the environment we live in
near the Tisza River, one of the largest and longest rivers in Hungary. Environmental protection in our
school is also very important for teachers and students. We are constantly repeating our environment
not only because we have to give it away for future generations, but also in our curriculum. We must
save and live in this place. We are responsible for that. Every year teachers in our schools take
students to nature to understand and know very well. We must use nature with savings and live with
respect to nature.On this occasion, events are held for special occasions throughout the year at our
school. -Earth Day-collect waste on your own. - Clear the barriers. - Tree planting-walking on foot or
cycling around Lake Tisza. - Going to Kisköre to see the reservoir / water tank / cistern. - Selective
waste collection-Water Day-conservation of Creation the key staff to carry out the project are our four
English teachers. Our key personnel have the opportunity to introduce all the world's history, places,
monuments and super places called World Heritage sites to the students in the field of history,
geography as well as foreign languages and are extremely knowledgeable and experienced in guiding
foreign students and teachers to visit beautiful places in our country and in nature. Our staff, who have no
EU project experience, are willing to participate in various projects with erasmus+ countries by establishing str ategic
partnership with this project and are interested in learning and sharing what they have learned, practicing in their courses,
researchers and collaborators.

Does this school have a valid eTwinning school label?

Hayır NO

Various labels exist for successful eTwinning projects and schools. Before answering this question,
please make sure that you are familiar with the concept of the eTwinning school label. You can find
more information about the eTwinning school label here:

Have you participated in a European Union granted project in the 3 years preceding this application?

Hayır NO

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Teklif Çağrısı 2019 1. Dönem KA2 - Yenilik ve İyi Uygulamaların Değişimi için İşbirliği
KA229 - Okul Değişimi Ortaklıkları
Form Kimlik No KA229-F8F4BE06 Son Başvuru Tarihi (Brüksel Saati) 21 Mar 2019 12:00:00

Project Description

Priorities and Topics

Please select the most relevant horizontal or sectoral priority according to the objectives of your

SCHOOL EDUCATION: Strengthening the profiles of the teaching professions

If relevant, please select up to two additional priorities according to the objectives of your project.

Please select up to three topics addressed by your project.

Research and innovation

Environment and climate change

Social / environmental responsibility of educational

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Teklif Çağrısı 2019 1. Dönem KA2 - Yenilik ve İyi Uygulamaların Değişimi için İşbirliği
KA229- OkulDeğişimiToremoveOrtaklıklarıthis notice,visit:
Form Kimlik No KA229-F8F4BE06 Son Başvuru Tarihi (Brüksel Saati) 21 Mar 2019 12:00:00

Please describe the motivation for your project and explain why it should be funded.

Protecting nature, the environment is a human and moral responsibility as well as an important
mission of our schools. Keeping our school, our neighborhood, our city, our parks, our forests, our air
and water clean and using it consciously; leaving a clean and healthy world for future generations of
its important mission is.

Research by the European Environment Agency(EEA) and OECD found that while EU countries such
as Germany,Austria, (64%) were successful in sorting and recycling their rubbish, countries such as
Italy, Spain, Hungary (10-25%) were low, and countries such as Turkey (7%) and Romania (1%) were
very low, burying the vast majority of rubbish in landfills. (

The top priorities of the EU 2020 targets are climate change and clean energy, sustainable transport,
sustainable production and consumption, conservation and management of Natural Resources. The EU
and its member states aim to prevent the negative effects of waste in the life cycle on the environment
and health through recycling; a green economy that uses more efficient resources.

One of the major causes of environmental pollution is litter. Rubbish pollutes nature, disrupting our
health and destroying our resources. The waste will be designed, converted and functional and
exhibited by students, albeit on a small scale, under the guidance of teachers. These studies will be
instrumental in the development of environmental awareness in students and gaining new skills that
will make their learning used.
Young people will make an example of their good work by marketing their work and making
economic gains, as well as contributing to the Prevention of environmental pollution and energy

Recycling awareness is not sufficiently developed, local governments are not interested in the subject,
the public does not reach the necessary level of consciousness about the subject, garbage disposal to
the environment, pollution of our seas, the spread of stench in the environment has directed teachers
and students to recycle the waste.

Awareness of recycling of waste will be created with the international project ÇYS. Our
environmentally friendly project partner institutions have seen the need to protect the environment in
which we live and to improve waste disposal, recycling and recycling of waste and felt responsibility
in this regard. Believing that we will best fulfill this mission with our partners, we will implement our
"wealth lying in the garbage" project to see and consciously implement recycling practi ces in place in
the EU.

Those of us who act with a global awareness of citizenship and an entrepreneurial spirit in order for our children to live in
a clean, healthy, green environment, are our students 21.we will use our natural resources efficiently by collaborating
with our EU partners, local governments, NGOs, universities and environmental organizations to eliminate the problem of
garbage around us and recycle waste in order to gain century skills.

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KA229 - Okul Değişimi Ortaklıkları
Form Kimlik No KA229-F8F4BE06 Son Başvuru Tarihi (Brüksel Saati) 21 Mar 2019 12:00:00

What are the objectives you would like to achieve and concrete results you would like to produce?
How are these objectives linked to the priorities you have selected?

With changing consumption habits, rapid population growth, the amount of waste produced in Europe in
2020 is expected to increase by 45 percent compared to 1995 Data, according to OECD data.Where we
live, garbage problem, environmental pollution is increasing every day, our schools, homes, work places,
solid and electronic waste,garbage is thrown into nature, parks, seas, nature, water, air is getting a little
more polluted every day.In a world where technology is improving day by day, waste is still not being
recycled., the desensitization of local governments and NGOs has mobilized the teachers and students of
our environmentalist schools.

Although recycling is regulated by environmental laws in our countries, the desired level of nature and
environment has not yet been reached. However, many countries in the EU have shown their differences
in nature and Environment and have turned waste and garbage into a benefit by recycling. One of the
most important missions of us educators is to educate our children, healthy generations who can produce
at the same time they consume, and leave a livable environment.

With the trainings we will give to our students and parents, we will design many products that will
decompose waste in our schools, homes; discover the talents of our students;develop their skills. We will
re-use, showcase and market these products. We will develop other projects and establish foreign and
domestic partnerships through e learning and create awareness of the prevention or reduction of waste
formation in the international arena and protect our natural resources and environment with zero waste.

We will meet with local administrators and public officials to put recycling bins, waste containers in our
schools, parks, streets( non-points).The provincial directorates of Environment and Urbanism will give
talks to our students, teachers and parents to give lectures or seminars on the importance of recycling to
the environment, the economy, for future generations.

It will be seen from the activities of waste collection and recycling companies in the areas where we live,
and it will be understood that many people will have jobs, that garbage and waste will be valued, that
environmental pollution will be largely prevented.

In order to achieve the goal of recycling and reintroducing waste together with teachers, students and
parents in our institutions, the implementation and innovation in the EU must be seen on the spot and
cooperation between us must be improved.

The EU sixth Environmental Action Programme (6.ÇEP) ' s priority is the Prevention of waste and
recycling. The work we will do with our partners, the trainings we will receive, the good practices, the
observations we will make will ensure that the garbage that creates pollution and threatens the health of
society, the waste is reintroduced to the economy and raise awareness in the recycling works where we

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KA229 - Okul Değişimi Ortaklıkları
Form Kimlik No KA229-F8F4BE06 Son Başvuru Tarihi (Brüksel Saati) 21 Mar 2019 12:00:00

How are the planned activities going to lead to achievement of the project's objectives?

After the acceptance of our project, a meeting will be held on skypee with partners for effective
project management.The project coordinators will hold a project information meeting with the
teachers,students and their parents. ÇYS website, youtube channels will be established and our project
will be promoted. All partners will be included by establishing the EIA Group on Facebook, twitter
and Instagram to ensure that the work is open to all stakeholders and the work will be published on
the schools ' web pages.For an effective project, our participants will communicate through these
channels and inform our students on a regular basis.
With the proposals and contributions of the partners, the project logo will be designed and Italy
"Gabriele Rossetti school will set up the FYS website. As one of the goals of the EU Sustainable
Development Strategy, we encourage the reuse and recycling of waste in order to maintain a healthy
life cycle and to use natural resources efficiently.; in order to minimize waste production, students,
teachers, parents and partners, Provincial Directorate of Environment and Urbanism, recycling
company authorities, Omu Environmental Engineering and NGOs will participate in the International
Environmental symposium at Baruthane secondary school. We will meet with NGOs, local
managers,public institutions and organizations to initiate incentive practices to recycle wast e.

With the support of the universities in our city, our schools will be given seminars on Environment
and recycling.In our region, waste, garbage, recycling, cleaning of our environment with teachers,
students, parents and environmental residents before the project, during the project and after the
project pre-test-final Test survey, interviews, observations and video shoot will be made and analyzed
by the Universities of our towns and the results will be announced and shared with the public on the
ÇYS website, ÇYS youtube channels and

Through the guidance of teachers, students ' theoretical knowledge will be combined with their
imagination and converted into practice, and designs of various products from waste will be made.

Our experiences in mobility, observations, photographs and videos of good case studies will be
published on our website, in social media settings and in the local press. These efforts will encourage
our colleagues and other individuals who want to renew themselves and intend to prepar e an EU
project to raise awareness of recycling in the cities where we live.

The schools in the project lies in the wealth that the EU countries with the garbage we're going to do a
more comprehensive understanding of practices and policies between countries, mobility, professional
competence and the development of the capacity of our teachers, the strengthening of intercultural
communication, to develop a sense of EU citizenship, students, parents and our people to create
awareness of recycling, environmental awareness and the efficient use of economic resources and will
be instrumental in fulfilling our social responsibility, albeit minimal.

eTwinning and Erasmus+ platforms

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KA229 - Okul Değişimi Ortaklıkları
Form Kimlik No KA229-F8F4BE06 Son Başvuru Tarihi (Brüksel Saati) 21 Mar 2019 12:00:00

Have you used or do you plan to use eTwinning, School Education Gateway or the Erasmus+ Project
Results Platform for preparation, implementation or follow-up of your project? If yes, please describe

We have used and will continue to use eTwinning, the School Education Gateway Platform or the
Erasmus + project outcomes platform to meet our expectations with our trash Wealth project,to share
the gains we will achieve in an international and cross-cultural context, to deliver the results to wider
segments and to exchange mutual information.
By running this project in eTwinning and sharing the project results from the Erasmus + project results
platform, we can set an example for others, collaborate and develop different projects by
communicating with teachers, educators in the EU. The problem of acquiring new skills for our
teachers and students, taking part in social responsibility projects and being a role m odel for young
generations sensitive to environmental problems is one of the common problems of our developing
countries, especially Turkey, Romania, Hungary, Spain and Italy, as well as European countries.To
this end, the work we will do within the scope of our project 21. century. teaching teachers and
students with skills will be instrumental in the proper separation and recycling of waste in our schools,
homes and environment.

As we move towards the EU, we follow the School Education Gateway Platform a nd have experience
with EU education policies,Education News, new trends, good examples and practices, knowledge
about education projects and we will share our own knowledge and experiences. With the School
Education Gateway Platform, the boundaries between educators were lifted and the language problem
was solved so that we could easily access the information of other countries and teachers and

The Erasmus + project results platform is our most important guide for preparing and disseminating
our project. He inspired us in the preparation of our projects and opened our horizons and led us to
different researches and studies. It will also allow us to be visible by sharing the summary and results
of our projects and will allow us to come up with different ideas and find new strategic partners.
Because the issue we are dealing with in this project is not only the problem of our school, our district,
our province, our country, but also the problem of all developing countries.

In order to increase the visibility of our project, to expand our project and to inform and support
education in EU education policies and to develop cooperation with educators, we will carry out The
Wealth project lying in the garbage in eTwinning with volunteers, especially the partner institutions of
our project. Because it's personal
we aim to increase our professional development, to develop intercultural communication and
cooperation, to have multilingual skills, to recognize new methods, to create different learning
environments; to bring our students and teachers together with new information and communication
technologies; to contribute to the development of our institutions; to bring clean and healthy
environmental sensitivity; to increase the importance of recycling and to ensure
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If your project proposal is building on previous or ongoing eTwinning project(s), please explain how
you plan to achieve this. Please clearly identify the relevant eTwinning project(s) by including the
project title and project ID. In addition to the information provided here, do not forget to provide
further information about the eTwinning aspect of your proposal in all other relevant parts of the
application form.

Our research showed that some recycling projects were carried out in etwinining, but there was no
comprehensive project like our EIA project. Therefore, the initiative of the Baruthane Secondary
School in Turkey and the long research results of the Fundación Patronato Avemariano de Granada in
Spain,Italy's Istituto Comprensivo "Gabriele Rossetti, Romania's Colegiul National Unirea, Focasani,
Hungary's Szent Imre Kalolikus Általános Iskola és Háromkirályok Óvoda schools in partnership and
cooperation with the wealth E Twinning project in the garbage has started to be implemented.

Our wealth eTwinning project, which lies in rubbish, will be carried out in four phases: "Environment,
Waste, Recycling, alternative energy generation" in a one –year period from March 2019 to March

The aim of this course is to provide students with an awareness of social-environmental responsibility
in line with the curricula in our courses and with interdisciplinary cooperation, to enable them to
develop social entrepreneurship and creativity aspects; to encourage them to have an entrepreneurial,
creative and innovative vision on recycling; to enable them to communicate and collaborate with
people in different countries using information technologies; to instill; Baruthane Secondary School,
Fundación Patronato Avemariano de Granada, Istituto Comprensivo "Gabriele Rossetti, Colegiul
National Unirea, Focasani, Szent Imre Kalolikus Általános Iskola és Háromkirályok Óvoda schools
have entered into a strategic partnership in Twinning platform and are carrying out The Wealth project
lying in the garbage.

Please keep in mind that experts will evaluate your application exclusively on the basis of the
information provided in the application form. Therefore, when answering this question make sure to
describe the eTwinning project(s) you plan to build on. Likewise, please be aware that independently
of the experts' evaluation of the quality of your application, the National Agency may verify the
provided information about your eTwinning project(s). In case the information is not correct, your
application may be disqualified.


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Please briefly describe who will take part in the project, including:

● Who are the different groups that will take part in the project activities (e.g. pupils, teachers,
other school staff, parents, etc.)? Please also include information on local participants (those
who will participate in project activities, but will not travel as part of the project).

● How are these groups going to participate?

● If pupils are involved in the project, please specify their age groups.

Note that specific details on selection of participants in Learning, teaching and training activities do
not need to be repeated here if they are described in the dedicated section of the form: Learning
Teaching Training

Our project participants consist of 32 teachers and 80 students. Our teachers are innovative and open
to professional development, social and environmental responsibility conscious and experienced
entrepreneurial branch teachers who are experts in the field.

Our teachers and students who have done a local project on recycling of waste and who understand
the importance of recycling and believe in the sustainability of this project are those who are eager to
share their experiences with stakeholders and with the authorities of the place where they see the
policies and practices in different countries through inter-school exchange. Our participating students
are in the age group of 10-14 and consist of students from different groups in socio-economic and
cultural terms. Our project includes disadvantaged students who are open to learning and
development, and guidance will be given to them.

Our environmentally friendly students will participate in mobility under the guidance of our teachers.
Each of the participating institutions will hold a meeting at their school and inform students and
families who will participate in the mobility. Participants will be determined by a fair and transparent
exchange of volunteers by an independent commission after receiving the parent's consent certificate
for mobility.

Although they do not participate in mobility, our schools ' other staff, students, parents, other
educational institutions, urban dwellers, local administrators, NGOs are the beneficiaries of the many
educational activities, activities and after-mobility activities that we will do, and the complement of
the goals we want to achieve, the provider of earnings. Because our project is not limited to 24
months, it will be a long-term sustainable project for our schools and cities.

Common authority documents will be signed during the preparation phase with our partners for t he
healthy management, realization of our project and the provision of quality learning outcomes. The
project management team,including our partners,will be established and the communication, travel,
training and project coordinators will be selected, with one person from each partner. An agreement
will be signed in writing on the duties and responsibilities of these personnel. Coordinators for
effective project management will be in touch with Whatsapp, Messenger and skype.

In the event of a subsequent dispute with the partners, alternative partners will be acted upon, participants will be added
from the back-up list if they give up after the participants are determined, and necessary measures will be taken to
ensure that the training is not disrupted.Our participants are qualified to represent our school and our country
abroad,have responsibility in carrying out effective projects, have developed environmental awareness, are enthusiastic
about e-learning in our schools and have a vision of self-improvement, have developed social responsibility missions,
are willing to learn different cultures and foreign languages, active citizenship awareness, entrepreneurial vision,
learning to other students and teachers

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Participants with fewer opportunities: does your

project involve participants facing situations that Evet
make their participation more difficult?

How many participants would fall into this


Which types of situations are these participants facing?


Economic barriers cultural differences social barriers

How will you support these participants so that they will fully engage in the planned activities?

Participants, Baruthane Secondary School, Fundación Patronato Avemariano de Granada, Istituto

Comprensivo "Gabriele Rossetti, Colegiul National Unirea, Focasani, Szent Imre Kalolikus Általános
Iskola és Háromkirályok Óvoda schools will be composed of teachers and students and effective
cooperation will be developed by the project executive teams of the schools in question in order for
the participants to get maximum benefit in the project. Our teachers will provide effective guidance to
our students in order to carry out the planned activities in accordance wi th their purpose.

Our poor students who are economically weak and who are exposed to obstacles and exclusion in
social life, living in rural areas and in refugee situations will be allowed to participate in mobility for
social inclusion and acceptance and will be supported socially, spiritually and psychologically by this
project. In order for these students to benefit from equality of opportunity, intercultural
communication and interaction will be established between the students. Impoverished students w ho
are subject to obstruction and exclusion will be accepted and socialized by their peers through group
work, trainings and various activities that will be included in the project.

With the change of time and conditions, the students in this group will b e able to develop their
capacity, analyze problems creatively, work in teams, communicate effectively, have knowledge
literacy skills, get along well with others, understand and participate in democratic life, work hard
and learn to learn for life. With this project,these students will be able to look at the world through a
different window, to come together with people from different cultures and geographies, and to
develop their self-confidence and creativity and gain social acceptance.

At the end of the project, all participants will be given a project Participation Certificate by the host
institution. The participation certificate will also be explained to our students and their families that
the students are active in EU projects, increase their experience in recycling and environmental
projects and will make them advantageous in these fields.

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Funds for Project Management and Implementation

Funds for 'Project Management and Implementation' are provided to all Strategic Partnerships based
on the number of participating organisations and duration of the project. The purpose of these funds
is to cover diverse expenses that any project may incur, such as planning, communication and
project management meetings between partners, small scale project materials, virtual cooperation,
local project activities, promotion, dissemination and other similar activities not covered by other
types of funding.

Grant per
Number of
Organisation Role organisation and per Grant

Applicant Organisation 0.00 EUR 1 12000.00 EUR

Partner Organisation 0.00 EUR 4 24000.00 EUR

Total 5 36000.00 EUR

Project Management and Implementation

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Please describe the tasks and responsibilities of each partner school. Explain how you will ensure
sound management of the project and good cooperation and communication between partners
during project implementation.

Our project coordinators have the authority to make task distribution between participants,
organize financial issues and sign. The participants will mutually sign the learning
agreement informing them of their duties and responsibilities.The student will have his
parents sign the parent's consent petitions.
In the preparation phase of our project for effective and competent project management, we
will have discussions with the coordinators of our partners via whatsApp, signing a
partnership authorization document, creating a group partnership with key personnel on
facebook, twitter, instagram and WhatsApp for strong communication. The project will be
expanded by making instant shares.

Our communication coordinators are responsible for project preparation and execution,
official correspondence with UA,communication with our partners. The project coordinator
will examine the official documents required within the scope of the project.

Our travel coordinators will be in charge of the travel organization and will make passport
and ticket reservations and make the participants ' health and travel insurance.It will
finance domestic and international expenditures, document them with invoices and make
their accounting.

Our education coordinators will plan the transportation and cultural activities in iaşe, ibate and inner city in
Turkey and abroad. The history, geography, language, cultural characteristics of the countries to be visited,
etc. they'll brief you on the issues. It is responsible for the preparation, implementation, evaluation and
reporting of surveys before and after the project.

Effective communication and cooperation will be established with our partners during the project wri ting
phase, and each partner will be encouraged to actively use eTwinning to work together before and after
mobility. The project logo will be created by the partners and the promotion of the project will be made on
their website. Istituto Comprensivo "Gabriele Rossetti will set up the project website, Szent Imre Kalolikus
Általános Iskola És Háromkirályok Óvoda will run the project's YouTube channel. Baruthane Secondary
School will hold an international symposium on the project.

Also, to determine the host accommodation in the country where mobility will be, to be able to receive
training and
to provide the learning / application environment of theoretical knowledge, to conduct orientation studies for
Providing printed and digital materials to all participants during the 5-day LTT,
To prepare cultural programs and organize panoromic tours and introduce them with a guide, to provide
participants with breakfast,lunch and dinner,
Closing after the course, holding a document ceremony and providing the participants with course attendance
The host partner is obliged to sign the Partnership Agreement and send it to other partners via e -mail.
Participants are required to take part in training programs, fill out observation forms and report a t the end of
the day.

Please make sure to include all project management meetings, events and local activities of each
school in the section: Timetable

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How did you choose the project partners? Does your project involve schools that have never
participated in a Strategic Partnership? If yes, please explain how more experienced schools can
support less experienced partners during the project.

In our research, it was observed that countries such as Italy, Spain and Hungary, which reveal their
differences in nature and environment in Europe, turn the consumption result to benefit by recycling
and develop new applications, different projects and protect future generations a little more. The lack
of awareness of recycling activities in developing countries such as Turkey and Romania, the
unconsciousness of resources, the minimization of waste and environmental impacts of waste have
shown that we are far behind the EU level in recycling.

We conducted research on eTwinning and the internet before identifying our project partners. Taking
OCED data into account, we will benefit our students, teachers and institutions by establishing a
strategic partnership and effective cooperation with schools in the countries (Italy, Spain) that have
done previous studies on recycling and have been successful in this regard (Hungary) that have shown
progress in the waste management and recycling sectors (Romania) that are very weak in recycling
studies (Romania).

We conducted research on E Twinning, Erasmus+ project results, The School Education Gateway
Platform and the internet, and determined our partners to meet our expectations through interviews.

When choosing our project partner, we will be able to see successful recycling activities in Italy and
Spain on site, to benefit from these activities and to contribute to the Erasmus+ project experiences
that our partners in these two countries have carried out as a result of Strategic Partnership in
previous years to be a starter and experience for other partners Baruthane Secondary School, Imre
Kalolikus Általános Iskola És Háromkirályok Óvoda, Colegiul National Unirea, Focsani

- Effective communication and cooperation with our partners will be established during the writing
phase of the project and the project logo will be created and the presentation of the project wil l be
made on the websites of our schools.
- The Servet E Twinning project, which lies in the garbage with the participation of the partners, is
being carried out. - Istituto Comprensivo "Gabriele Rossetti will set up the project website.
- Szent Imre Kalolikus Általános Iskola És Háromkirályok Óvoda will run the project's YouTube
- Baruthane Secondary School will hold an international symposium on the project.
- Fundación Patronato Avemariano de Granada will print English booklet, pamphlet, about t he project.
- Colegiul National Unirea, recycling fashion show where Focsani showcases its products from waste
he will prepare and present.

Our partners will be in constant communication with live connections on Skypee, WhatsApp,
Messenger for an effective and efficient project, even though their duties and powers are clear. They
will act together in the dissemination of the project. In addition, the social responsibility aspect of the
project will make the work and efforts of our partners continuous. The project group will be established and
our work will be published and social awareness will be created on our institutions ' websites, facebook, twitter and
social media accounts such as instagram and YouTube.
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List of Activities
Do you plan to include transnational learning, teaching or training activities in your project?


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Form Kimlik No KA229-F8F4BE06 Son Başvuru Tarihi (Brüksel Saati) 21 Mar 2019 12:00:00

Please describe the practical arrangements for the planned Learning, Teaching and Training activities. How will you select, prepare and support the
participants, and ensure their safety?

The role of students and teachers in these studies, education for recycling in schools, the sensitivity of young population t o nature and
environment, the benefits of recycling to economy and environment, the mobility of participants in ord er to see sample applications by our
students and teachers.;

- Participating in in-service training seminars and courses eager to learn and teach,
- Have the ability to recognize problems, produce solutions and discuss them, have the responsibility to car ry out effective projects, - have the
ability to represent our countries abroad,
-Enthusiastic about e-learning, Erasmus+, who conducts and volunteers e-Twinning projects, has a vision of self-improvement,
- Environment-friendly, natural resources protection awareness and social responsibility missions developed,
- Willing to learn different cultures and foreign languages, developed democratic sensitivity, active citizenship awareness, - interested in learning
and Research, high level of observation and imagination that can help our institutions develop,
- Will be selected from role model teachers and students who have entrepreneurial vision, who can transfer their learning to ot her students and

The project executive teams will hold an information meeting with all Institution staff and student parents for the selection of participants in their
schools. Under the supervision of an independent commission, teachers and students will be determined by the board and the el ection stage will
be videotaped and signed with the minutes for each mobility in a fair and transparent manner. The project participant contract, in which th e tasks
and responsibilities of the participants are written and the expectations are included, will be signed and a copy of the 'p arent's consent' for the
students will be given to the participants.
Our project execution team will use the UA site for an effective project,such as Twiter, Instagram, erasmus+ information Pool on Facebok etc.he
also followed the groups and entered into the process of communicating and collaborating with experienced friends. Our institutions will act
together and make references to previous projects by interviewing those with experience abroad.

Our travel coordinators will receive assistance from expert p ersons and related units on issues such as insurance, visa, Social Security, transactions before and during travel.
The health and life safety of the participants will be secured with appropriate insurance. The visa requirements of the desti nation country will be settled by applying to the
Consulate of that country in advance. Our project coordinators will receive the necessary permissions by making official corr espondence for mobility and personnel permits.

After the project acceptance, participants will be given seminars on first aid and security.During the meeting, participants will be given a guide on the issues to be
considered in mobility, hotel and host institutions, facilities in accommodation, contact information and practical informati on on how to move in case of emergency and
emergency telephone numbers.

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Form Kimlik No KA229-F8F4BE06 Son Başvuru Tarihi (Brüksel Saati) 21 Mar 2019 12:00:00

Please specify each of the planned learning, teaching and training activities in the table below.

No. of
No. of
Leading Starting Accompany
ID Activity Title Activity Type Participant Grant
Organisation Period ing

Recycling Journey To Patronato
Short-term joint
C1 Granada, Spain Avemariano de 12-2019 16 8 26958.00 EUR
staff training events

Designing clothes from
recyclable materials and Short-term joint
C2 UNIREA, 05-2020 16 8 24918.00 EUR
meeting at creativity staff training events
fashion show

What can we do to Istituto

prevent pollution, Comprensivo Short-term joint
C3 09-2020 16 8 24408.00 EUR
prevent waste and "Gabriele Rossetti " staff training events
recycle? (931492844)

Szent Imre
Kalolikus Általános
Observing The Positive
Iskola és Short-term joint
C4 Effects Of Recycling On 03-2021 16 8 24918.00 EUR
Háromkirályok staff training events

Environmentalists Meet BARUTHANE

Short-term joint
C5 At Recycling Symposium ORTAOKULU 06-2021 16 8 25938.00 EUR
staff training events

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Activity Details (C1)

Field Activity Type

Okul Eğitimi Short-term joint staff training events

Activity Title

İspanya'nın Granada Şehrine Geri Dönüşüm Yolculuğu

Leading Organisation Participating Organisations

Istituto Comprensivo "Gabriele Rossetti "
Fundación Patronato Avemariano de Granada COLEGIUL NATIONAL UNIREA, FOCSANI,
Szent Imre Kalolikus Általános Iskola és Háromkirályok Óvoda

Starting Period Duration (days) Country of Venue

12-2019 7 İspanya

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Description of the activity:

● Describe the content, methodology and expected results of the activity.

● How is it going to be related to or integrated with the normal activities of the involved schools?

Recycling Journey To Granada, Spain

16 students and 8 teachers meet in Granada, Spain, to carry out planned activities and to examine, interact with, develop coo peration in good samples on site.

1. Day (Sunday)

The participants arrive in Granada and settle into the hotel.

2. Day (Monday)

- Orientation training and interaction at the school. - Presentation of daily activities.

-Information about the state of the recycling system in Spain. - Games and dynamics about recycling awareness.

3. Day (Tuesday)

- Visit to Recisur, Spanish waste recovery company for Public Enterprises and private companies (Armilla, Granada). - Ecoideas (Granada) nature Class

4. Day(Wednesday)

-Visit to Ecopark (Polígono El Florío, Granada)" eco-education class", observation of studies. - Visiting Lagunas del Padul and nature class (El Padul,
Granada), participating in studies.
5. Day (Thursday)

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- To develop students ' creativity and skills, to conduct workshops using recycling materials, - to evaluate activities performed by students
- Visiting Huerto Alegre Farm, an educational and environmental resource for students (Albuñuelas, Granada).

6. Day (Friday)

- Visiting the Alhambra.

- Making information about recycling in downtown Gymkhana-talk about everything learned, results and future proposals.
- Sharing the data of the studies with the participants, eTwinning, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, project website and local med ia, - delivery of participation

7. Day (Saturday)

Airport transfer and return home.

Does this activity combine physical mobility with virtual exchanges through eTwinning?

Evet yes

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Please explain how this will be achieved and what the expected benefits are.

We continue our Wealth project in Turkey at the "Fundación Patronato Avemariano de Granada" in Spain, the Istituto Comprensivo "Gabriele
Rossetti" in Italy, the "Szent Imre Kalolikus Általános Iskola és Háromkirályok Óvoda" in Hungary, the"Colegiul National Unie ra, Focsani strategic
partnership and cooperation in e twinning.

Since our Wealth project is an international project, we will continue with the same name in eTwinning with our partners in t his project in order to
meet our expectations, share the gains we will achieve with our environment and with relevan t people, with non-governmental organizations, ensure
that it takes place in an international and cross-cultural context, deliver the results to wider segments and Exchange

We can share our work in eTwinning and set an example and develop different projec ts by communicating with teachers and educators in the EU.

In order to increase the visibility of our project, to spread our project and to be aware of EU education policies and to sup port education, environment,
nature and to develop cooperation with transnational educators, we are carrying out the wealth eTwinning project which lies in the garbage.

We aim to spread awareness that efforts should be made at local, regional, national and international levels for the more car eful and informed use of
natural resources, but if we are acted together, we can have our future and our environment.

TR 62 / 112
Teklif Çağrısı 2019 1. Dönem KA2 - Yenilik ve İyi Uygulamaların Değişimi için İşbirliği
KA229 - Okul Değişimi Ortaklıkları
Form Kimlik No KA229-F8F4BE06 Son Başvuru Tarihi (Brüksel Saati) 21 Mar 2019 12:00:00

How is participation in this activity going to benefit the involved participants?

- Our participating teachers and students will see different applications for recycling waste in different countries. - They will
see the environmental and natural policies and practices of different countries and become conscious of comparing them with
their own countries.
- Environmental sensitivity will improve in our students and teachers. - They'll pay even more attention to recycling.
- Global citizenship awareness will develop for our children to live in a clean, healthy, green environment. - The
entrepreneurship of our students and teachers will increase.
- The self-confidence of our students will improve, the awareness of responsibility will increase,
- Participants whose vision will develop will be assigned new missions and will be able to particip ate in different projects. -
Language skills of teachers and students will develop.
- Students and teachers will develop intercultural relations.
- Our students and teachers will gain transnational cooperation and experience.
- These activities will enable our students to develop skills and competencies. - To meet different cultures and languages and to be
instrumental in the development of democratic values.
- E in the field of learning, teachers and students will be able to realize themselves.
- Students spend their extra-curricular time in quality and efficiency and will have an impact on the development of their academic
- Teachers and students participating in project mobility will contribute to the development of the institutional capacit ies of their schools. - Students
will be able to develop multifaceted, lifelong learning and progress towards EU citizens

Groups of Participants

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Teklif Çağrısı 2019 1. Dönem KA2 - Yenilik ve İyi Uygulamaların Değişimi için İşbirliği
KA229 - Okul Değişimi Ortaklıkları
Form Kimlik No KA229-F8F4BE06 Son Başvuru Tarihi (Brüksel Saati) 21 Mar 2019 12:00:00

No. of
Sending Organisation / Duration No. of
ID Distance Band Accompanying Grant
Country (days) Participants

1 3000-3999 km 7 4 2 7632.00 EUR

Istituto Comprensivo "Gabriele

2 500-1999 km 7 4 2 6102.00 EUR
Rossetti " / İtalya

3 2000-2999 km 7 4 2 6612.00 EUR

Szent Imre Kalolikus Általános

4 Iskola és Háromkirályok Óvoda / 2000-2999 km 7 4 2 6612.00 EUR

Group 1, Activity (C1 - İspanya'nın Granada Şehrine Geri Dönüşüm Yolculuğu)

Sending Organisation Country of Venue


No. of Accompanying Persons (including Total No. of Participants and accompanying

No. of Participants
teachers accompanying pupils) persons

4 2 6

Group of Participants - Budget


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Teklif Çağrısı 2019 1. Dönem KA2 - Yenilik ve İyi Uygulamaların Değişimi için İşbirliği
KA229 - Okul Değişimi Ortaklıkları
Form Kimlik No KA229-F8F4BE06 Son Başvuru Tarihi (Brüksel Saati) 21 Mar 2019 12:00:00

Distance Band No. of Persons Grant per Participant Total Travel Grant

3000-3999 km 6 530.00 EUR 3180.00 EUR

Individual Support
No. of Participants Duration per Participant (days) Grant per Participant Total (for Participants)

4 7 742.00 EUR 2968.00 EUR

Duration per Accompanying

No. of Accompanying Persons Grant per Accompanying Person Total (for Accompanying Persons)
Person (days)

2 7 742.00 EUR 1484.00 EUR

Total Individual Support Grant 4452.00 EUR

Group 2, Activity (C1 - İspanya'nın Granada Şehrine Geri Dönüşüm Yolculuğu)

Sending Organisation Country of Venue

Istituto Comprensivo "Gabriele Rossetti " / İtalya İspanya

No. of Accompanying Persons (including Total No. of Participants and accompanying

No. of Participants
teachers accompanying pupils) persons

4 2 6

Group of Participants - Budget

TR 65 / 112
Teklif Çağrısı 2019 1. Dönem KA2 - Yenilik ve İyi Uygulamaların Değişimi için İşbirliği
KA229 - Okul Değişimi Ortaklıkları
Form Kimlik No KA229-F8F4BE06 Son Başvuru Tarihi (Brüksel Saati) 21 Mar 2019 12:00:00

Distance Band No. of Persons Grant per Participant Total Travel Grant

500-1999 km 6 275.00 EUR 1650.00 EUR

Individual Support
No. of Participants Duration per Participant (days) Grant per Participant Total (for Participants)

4 7 742.00 EUR 2968.00 EUR

Duration per Accompanying

No. of Accompanying Persons Grant per Accompanying Person Total (for Accompanying Persons)
Person (days)

2 7 742.00 EUR 1484.00 EUR

Total Individual Support Grant 4452.00 EUR

Group 3, Activity (C1 - İspanya'nın Granada Şehrine Geri Dönüşüm Yolculuğu)

Sending Organisation Country of Venue


No. of Accompanying Persons (including Total No. of Participants and accompanying

No. of Participants
teachers accompanying pupils) persons

4 2 6

TR 66 / 112
Teklif Çağrısı 2019 1. Dönem KA2 - Yenilik ve İyi Uygulamaların Değişimi için İşbirliği
KA229 - Okul Değişimi Ortaklıkları
Form Kimlik No KA229-F8F4BE06 Son Başvuru Tarihi (Brüksel Saati) 21 Mar 2019 12:00:00

Group of Participants - Budget

Distance Band No. of Persons Grant per Participant Total Travel Grant

2000-2999 km 6 360.00 EUR 2160.00 EUR

Individual Support
No. of Participants Duration per Participant (days) Grant per Participant Total (for Participants)

4 7 742.00 EUR 2968.00 EUR

Duration per Accompanying

No. of Accompanying Persons Grant per Accompanying Person Total (for Accompanying Persons)
Person (days)

2 7 742.00 EUR 1484.00 EUR

Total Individual Support Grant 4452.00 EUR

Group 4, Activity (C1 - İspanya'nın Granada Şehrine Geri Dönüşüm Yolculuğu)

Sending Organisation Country of Venue

Szent Imre Kalolikus Általános Iskola és Háromkirályok Óvoda /


No. of Accompanying Persons (including Total No. of Participants and accompanying

No. of Participants
teachers accompanying pupils) persons

4 2 6

TR 67 / 112
Teklif Çağrısı 2019 1. Dönem KA2 - Yenilik ve İyi Uygulamaların Değişimi için İşbirliği
KA229 - Okul Değişimi Ortaklıkları
Form Kimlik No KA229-F8F4BE06 Son Başvuru Tarihi (Brüksel Saati) 21 Mar 2019 12:00:00

Group of Participants - Budget

Distance Band No. of Persons Grant per Participant Total Travel Grant

2000-2999 km 6 360.00 EUR 2160.00 EUR

Individual Support
No. of Participants Duration per Participant (days) Grant per Participant Total (for Participants)

4 7 742.00 EUR 2968.00 EUR

Duration per Accompanying

No. of Accompanying Persons Grant per Accompanying Person Total (for Accompanying Persons)
Person (days)

2 7 742.00 EUR 1484.00 EUR

Total Individual Support Grant 4452.00 EUR

Activity Budget
Budget Items Grant

Travel 9150.00 EUR

Individual Support 17808.00 EUR

Total Grant 26958.00 EUR

TR 68 / 112
Teklif Çağrısı 2019 1. Dönem KA2 - Yenilik ve İyi Uygulamaların Değişimi için İşbirliği
KA229 - Okul Değişimi Ortaklıkları
Form Kimlik No KA229-F8F4BE06 Son Başvuru Tarihi (Brüksel Saati) 21 Mar 2019 12:00:00

Activity Details (C2)

Field Activity Type

Okul Eğitimi Short-term joint staff training events

Activity Title

Geri dönüştürülebilir malzemelerden giysi tasarlama ve yaratıcılık defilesinde buluşma

Leading Organisation Participating Organisations

Fundación Patronato Avemariano de Granada
COLEGIUL NATIONAL UNIREA, FOCSANI, Istituto Comprensivo "Gabriele Rossetti "
Szent Imre Kalolikus Általános Iskola és Háromkirályok Óvoda

Starting Period Duration (days) Country of Venue

05-2020 7 Romanya

TR 69 / 112
Teklif Çağrısı 2019 1. Dönem KA2 - Yenilik ve İyi Uygulamaların Değişimi için İşbirliği
KA229 - Okul Değişimi Ortaklıkları
Form Kimlik No KA229-F8F4BE06 Son Başvuru Tarihi (Brüksel Saati) 21 Mar 2019 12:00:00

Description of the activity:

● Describe the content, methodology and expected results of the activity.

● How is it going to be related to or integrated with the normal activities of the involved schools?

Designing clothes from recyclable materials and meeting at creativity fashion show

16 students and 8 teachers meet in Focșani, Romania, to carry out planned activities and to examine, interact and develop co -operation with good examples
on site.

1. Day (Sunday)
- Participants come to Focșani and settle in the hotel.

2. Day (Monday)
- School-official project opening ceremony and meeting.
- Observing some classes and talking about recycling in our school. - Presentation about the state of our country in recycling.

3. Day (Tuesday)

- Visiting Aviputna, a good practice example of industrial recycling,

- A guided tour of the Vrancea County Environmental Protection Agency to see and understand the environmental status of Vrancea County in the recycling
meeting area.
- To explain the observations and impressions of other institutions about the environment and waste in Romania. - A typical Romanian meal in a traditional

4. Day (Wednesday)
- To learn about recycling activities in Tișița Quays.
- To visit focșani (plastic materials factory)examples of good practice in recycling.

5. Day (Thursday)
- To visit the main wastewater treatment plant in focșani.
- To participate in the workshop on designing and creating clothes from recyclable materials.

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Teklif Çağrısı 2019 1. Dönem KA2 - Yenilik ve İyi Uygulamaların Değişimi için İşbirliği
KA229 - Okul Değişimi Ortaklıkları
Form Kimlik No KA229-F8F4BE06 Son Başvuru Tarihi (Brüksel Saati) 21 Mar 2019 12:00:00

6. Day (Friday)
- Fashion Show display of clothes made from recyclable materials,
- Don't exchange ideas about the latest project. Exchange views and impressions of partners about what we have seen / learned s o far
- Project work, Twinspace, eTwinning, You Tube, Project website, school sites, Facebook, Twitter, instagram etc. sh aring on social media accounts.
-Farewell speeches
- Issuance of Participant certificates participating in Project Training.

7. Day (Saturday)
Airport transfer and homecoming

Does this activity combine physical mobility with virtual exchanges through eTwinning?

Evet yes

Please explain how this will be achieved and what the expected benefits are.
Since we are a very new institution in the field of Erasmus+ and eTwinning, we will use this platform to communicate with our colleagues in Europe
and see project work in different countries and take part in projects and develop projects.

We will also run the "wealth lying in the garbage" project, which is an international project and which we will carry out very fondly together with our
partners and other colleagues at e twinning. With this project, our teachers and students will develop understanding, self -confidence and
entrepreneurship to recognize other cultures and languages. On this occasion, we will communicate with teachers, educators, s tudents in the EU, and
we can take part in different projects as well as develop e learning projects.

We aim to spread the awareness that the importance of living in a healthy and clean environment can only be achieved through careful and conscious
use of natural resources, for which everyone should strive at local, regional, national and international levels.

TR 71 / 112
Teklif Çağrısı 2019 1. Dönem KA2 - Yenilik ve İyi Uygulamaların Değişimi için İşbirliği
KA229 - Okul Değişimi Ortaklıkları
Form Kimlik No KA229-F8F4BE06 Son Başvuru Tarihi (Brüksel Saati) 21 Mar 2019 12:00:00

How is participation in this activity going to benefit the involved participants?

The main objectives of the five-day mobility to Romania are::
- To promote green solutions to environmental problems in Romania and around the world
- Scientific research for the use of non-polluting technologies will be encouraged. - Protection of green
spaces to be encouraged
- Support of polluting measures of cities and mountainous regions. - Promoting the importance of
environmental education.
- The importance of living in a healthy and clean environment will be reached.
- To draw attention to the importance of national fauna and flora which are endangered by industrial
development and its importance will be reached. - New information about the natural environment will
be discovered.
- Concern for the environment and respect for the environment will be improved.
- To be encouraged to learn how to use recycled materials and waste in a creative way.
- Students and teachers will be encouraged to participate voluntarily in recycling activities and to
advocate for a healthy and clean environment.
- To be aware that environmental activities are a way of socializing or recreational activities.
- To be aware that it is possible to maintain a healthy environment for the present and future
generations. - Awareness will be created by increasing sensitivity to the environmental approach of
joint efforts from different countries.
- To develop cultural interaction between teachers and students, to understand different cultures and
languages, to develop awareness of democracy.
- Teaching and students will be provided to do different Erasmus+ an d E Twinning projects. - The
institutional capacity of our schools will increase.

Groups of Participants

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Teklif Çağrısı 2019 1. Dönem KA2 - Yenilik ve İyi Uygulamaların Değişimi için İşbirliği
KA229 - Okul Değişimi Ortaklıkları
Form Kimlik No KA229-F8F4BE06 Son Başvuru Tarihi (Brüksel Saati) 21 Mar 2019 12:00:00

No. of
Sending Organisation / Duration No. of
ID Distance Band Accompanying Grant
Country (days) Participants

1 500-1999 km 7 4 2 6102.00 EUR

Fundación Patronato
2 Avemariano de Granada / 2000-2999 km 7 4 2 6612.00 EUR

Istituto Comprensivo "Gabriele

3 500-1999 km 7 4 2 6102.00 EUR
Rossetti " / İtalya

Szent Imre Kalolikus Általános

4 Iskola és Háromkirályok Óvoda / 500-1999 km 7 4 2 6102.00 EUR

Group 1, Activity (C2 - Geri dönüştürülebilir malzemelerden giysi tasarlama ve yaratıcılık defilesinde buluşma)
Sending Organisation Country of Venue


No. of Accompanying Persons (including Total No. of Participants and accompanying

No. of Participants
teachers accompanying pupils) persons

4 2 6

Group of Participants - Budget

TR 73 / 112
Teklif Çağrısı 2019 1. Dönem KA2 - Yenilik ve İyi Uygulamaların Değişimi için İşbirliği
KA229 - Okul Değişimi Ortaklıkları
Form Kimlik No KA229-F8F4BE06 Son Başvuru Tarihi (Brüksel Saati) 21 Mar 2019 12:00:00

Distance Band No. of Persons Grant per Participant Total Travel Grant

500-1999 km 6 275.00 EUR 1650.00 EUR

Individual Support
No. of Participants Duration per Participant (days) Grant per Participant Total (for Participants)

4 7 742.00 EUR 2968.00 EUR

Duration per Accompanying

No. of Accompanying Persons Grant per Accompanying Person Total (for Accompanying Persons)
Person (days)

2 7 742.00 EUR 1484.00 EUR

Total Individual Support Grant 4452.00 EUR

Group 2, Activity (C2 - Geri dönüştürülebilir malzemelerden giysi tasarlama ve yaratıcılık defilesinde buluşma)
Sending Organisation Country of Venue

Fundación Patronato Avemariano de Granada / İspanya Romanya

No. of Accompanying Persons (including Total No. of Participants and accompanying

No. of Participants
teachers accompanying pupils) persons

4 2 6

TR 74 / 112
Teklif Çağrısı 2019 1. Dönem KA2 - Yenilik ve İyi Uygulamaların Değişimi için İşbirliği
KA229 - Okul Değişimi Ortaklıkları
Form Kimlik No KA229-F8F4BE06 Son Başvuru Tarihi (Brüksel Saati) 21 Mar 2019 12:00:00

Group of Participants - Budget

Distance Band No. of Persons Grant per Participant Total Travel Grant

2000-2999 km 6 360.00 EUR 2160.00 EUR

Individual Support
No. of Participants Duration per Participant (days) Grant per Participant Total (for Participants)

4 7 742.00 EUR 2968.00 EUR

Duration per Accompanying

No. of Accompanying Persons Grant per Accompanying Person Total (for Accompanying Persons)
Person (days)

2 7 742.00 EUR 1484.00 EUR

Total Individual Support Grant 4452.00 EUR

Group 3, Activity (C2 - Geri dönüştürülebilir malzemelerden giysi tasarlama ve yaratıcılık defilesinde buluşma)
Sending Organisation Country of Venue

Istituto Comprensivo "Gabriele Rossetti " / İtalya Romanya

No. of Accompanying Persons (including Total No. of Participants and accompanying

No. of Participants
teachers accompanying pupils) persons

4 2 6

TR 75 / 112
Teklif Çağrısı 2019 1. Dönem KA2 - Yenilik ve İyi Uygulamaların Değişimi için İşbirliği
KA229 - Okul Değişimi Ortaklıkları
Form Kimlik No KA229-F8F4BE06 Son Başvuru Tarihi (Brüksel Saati) 21 Mar 2019 12:00:00

Group of Participants - Budget

Distance Band No. of Persons Grant per Participant Total Travel Grant

500-1999 km 6 275.00 EUR 1650.00 EUR

Individual Support
No. of Participants Duration per Participant (days) Grant per Participant Total (for Participants)

4 7 742.00 EUR 2968.00 EUR

Duration per Accompanying

No. of Accompanying Persons Grant per Accompanying Person Total (for Accompanying Persons)
Person (days)

2 7 742.00 EUR 1484.00 EUR

Total Individual Support Grant 4452.00 EUR

Group 4, Activity (C2 - Geri dönüştürülebilir malzemelerden giysi tasarlama ve yaratıcılık defilesinde buluşma)
Sending Organisation Country of Venue

Szent Imre Kalolikus Általános Iskola és Háromkirályok Óvoda /


TR 76 / 112
Teklif Çağrısı 2019 1. Dönem KA2 - Yenilik ve İyi Uygulamaların Değişimi için İşbirliği
KA229 - Okul Değişimi Ortaklıkları
Form Kimlik No KA229-F8F4BE06 Son Başvuru Tarihi (Brüksel Saati) 21 Mar 2019 12:00:00

No. of Accompanying Persons (including Total No. of Participants and accompanying

No. of Participants
teachers accompanying pupils) persons

4 2 6

Group of Participants - Budget

Distance Band No. of Persons Grant per Participant Total Travel Grant

500-1999 km 6 275.00 EUR 1650.00 EUR

Individual Support
No. of Participants Duration per Participant (days) Grant per Participant Total (for Participants)

4 7 742.00 EUR 2968.00 EUR

Duration per Accompanying

No. of Accompanying Persons Grant per Accompanying Person Total (for Accompanying Persons)
Person (days)

2 7 742.00 EUR 1484.00 EUR

Total Individual Support Grant 4452.00 EUR

Activity Budget

TR 77 / 112
Teklif Çağrısı 2019 1. Dönem KA2 - Yenilik ve İyi Uygulamaların Değişimi için İşbirliği
KA229 - Okul Değişimi Ortaklıkları
Form Kimlik No KA229-F8F4BE06 Son Başvuru Tarihi (Brüksel Saati) 21 Mar 2019 12:00:00

Budget Items Grant

Travel 7110.00 EUR

Individual Support 17808.00 EUR

Total Grant 24918.00 EUR

Activity Details (C3)

Field Activity Type

Okul Eğitimi Short-term joint staff training events

Activity Title

Kirliliği önlemek, atığı engellemek ve geri dönüşüm için neler yapabiliriz?

Leading Organisation Participating Organisations

Fundación Patronato Avemariano de Granada
Istituto Comprensivo "Gabriele Rossetti " COLEGIUL NATIONAL UNIREA, FOCSANI,
Szent Imre Kalolikus Általános Iskola és Háromkirályok Óvoda

Starting Period Duration (days) Country of Venue

09-2020 7 İtalya

TR 78 / 112
Teklif Çağrısı 2019 1. Dönem KA2 - Yenilik ve İyi Uygulamaların Değişimi için İşbirliği
KA229 - Okul Değişimi Ortaklıkları
Form Kimlik No KA229-F8F4BE06 Son Başvuru Tarihi (Brüksel Saati) 21 Mar 2019 12:00:00

Description of the activity:

● Describe the content, methodology and expected results of the activity.

● How is it going to be related to or integrated with the normal activities of the involved schools?

What can we do to prevent pollution, prevent waste and recycle?

16 students and 8 teachers meet in Vasto, Italy, to carry out planned activities and to examine, interact and develop coopera tion in good samples on site.

1. Day (Sunday)
- Participants arrive at Vasto and settle in the hotel

2. Day (Monday)
- Introduction of schools and participants.
- Introduction of the city of IC Rossetti and Vasto.
- ”Let's see the school " introduction of school support department activities in the school.
- Workshop on determination of household packaging for recycling and recycling. - Reflection of the day, visiting Vasto city center.

3. Day (Tuesday)
- Environmental education at the Rossetti School.
- Interaction of local schools for problem solving;
-Focus on the feasibility of this program, which aims to create an eco-sustainable development culture.
- Workshop on close and in-depth knowledge of all waste produced at home. - Origin of material, use, recovery, recycling and new projects.
- Reflection of the day and rounde table (round table meeting). - Visiting the Vasto Marina area.

4. Day(Wednesday)
- Visiting classes, holding class meetings and working according to the environmental education program and activities with the students and teachers of the
Rossetti Institute:
- Process of rebirth (video) to a new object.

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Teklif Çağrısı 2019 1. Dönem KA2 - Yenilik ve İyi Uygulamaların Değişimi için İşbirliği
KA229 - Okul Değişimi Ortaklıkları
Form Kimlik No KA229-F8F4BE06 Son Başvuru Tarihi (Brüksel Saati) 21 Mar 2019 12:00:00

- Rossetti Institute to visit preschool teachers / schools; discussion in the school library. - What can we do to prevent pollution, prevent food waste and
- “Sharing good practices about bullying prevention”in association wit h the Junior School student council.
- Reflection of the day meeting with the mayor and / or EU policies and Education responsible for Vasto Municipality

5. Day (Thursday)
- Cultural visit in Rome.
- Observation and examination of Environment and recycling in Rome.

6. Day (Friday)
- Visiting the Rossetti Institute's primary school.
- Meeting with teachers and workshop on best practices of creative recycling laboratory activities. - Meeting with personnel who are involved in the
implementation of the project.
- Discussion about the project, important project questions.
- Rossetti Junior Orchestra show Exchange rating. -Farewell dinner

7. Day (Saturday)
- Airport transfer and return home. Day

Does this activity combine physical mobility with virtual exchanges through eTwinning?


TR 80 / 112
Teklif Çağrısı 2019 1. Dönem KA2 - Yenilik ve İyi Uygulamaların Değişimi için İşbirliği
KA229 - Okul Değişimi Ortaklıkları
Form Kimlik No KA229-F8F4BE06 Son Başvuru Tarihi (Brüksel Saati) 21 Mar 2019 12:00:00

Please explain how this will be achieved and what the expected benefits are.

With our international project "wealth lying in garbage", we aim to make the difference of many countries in the EU regarding nature and Environment
and to turn waste and garbage into benefits by recycling. Italy's recycling of more than 60%"s rubbish is therefore important for other countries to set an
example and our cooperation and communication on Environment and recycling is very important.

E Twinning project aims to cooperate with teachers and students in different countries by providing effective communication a nd to explain to our
students that “waste is not a waste but a source”. We will develop a sense of duty and responsibility to our teachers and student s, their families to
contribute to the protection and development of our environment. We aim to create a synergy between schools, f amilies and companies, NGOs and to
educate environmentally friendly, environmentally friendly people.

Using it and technology tools, we aim to enable our students to make effective presentations, share about the environment, ex change mutual information,
together reveal products such as stories, poems on the environment, design posters, logos, and create their creativity and ent repreneurial aspects together.

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Teklif Çağrısı 2019 1. Dönem KA2 - Yenilik ve İyi Uygulamaların Değişimi için İşbirliği
KA229 - Okul Değişimi Ortaklıkları
Form Kimlik No KA229-F8F4BE06 Son Başvuru Tarihi (Brüksel Saati) 21 Mar 2019 12:00:00

How is participation in this activity going to benefit the involved participants?

Benefits of educational activities in Italy for both foreign ( partners) and Italian students and teachers:

- To develop the social skills of the students and teachers involved in mobility.
- Increasing school attendance and motivation for students with special education needs, a significant percentage of students w ith BEP will participate in
mobility (%
- A significant percentage (25%) of students at risk of leaving school by eliminating the risk of leaving school will be involv ed in mobility-improving
the foreign language skills of teachers and students.
- use of the best and most innovative resources available to teachers in their lifelong learning and especially for the eco-sustainable development culture
- Support students ' personal development based on learning methodology by doing and doing collaborative learning.
- These trainings and student exchanges have the contribution of bringing together students and teachers directly involved in the project and enabling them to meet personally.
- Each meeting / mobility, having the opportunity to compare the results of 6 different groups of students and teachers from 6 different countries.
Furthermore, through change, students and teachers have the opportunity to interact with people and peers from different lang uages and cultures, to develop democratic values, in
order to personally compare the following living conditions.
- To set an example for subsequent project and planning events and to ensure that they are aware of the good practices adopted in various schools. - To develop language skills
related to the English language, which is the language spoken in the host country and / or the main instrument language.
- To develop transverse skills such as relationship building and exchange of knowledge in a different cultural and social conte xt, capacity for dynamism, adaptability, intercultural
awareness and-European citizenship.

Groups of Participants

TR 82 / 112
Teklif Çağrısı 2019 1. Dönem KA2 - Yenilik ve İyi Uygulamaların Değişimi için İşbirliği
KA229 - Okul Değişimi Ortaklıkları
Form Kimlik No KA229-F8F4BE06 Son Başvuru Tarihi (Brüksel Saati) 21 Mar 2019 12:00:00

No. of
Sending Organisation / Duration No. of
ID Distance Band Accompanying Grant
Country (days) Participants

1 500-1999 km 7 4 2 6102.00 EUR

2 500-1999 km 7 4 2 6102.00 EUR

Szent Imre Kalolikus Általános

3 Iskola és Háromkirályok Óvoda / 500-1999 km 7 4 2 6102.00 EUR

Fundación Patronato
4 Avemariano de Granada / 500-1999 km 7 4 2 6102.00 EUR

Group 1, Activity (C3 - Kirliliği önlemek, atığı engellemek ve geri dönüşüm için neler yapabiliriz?)
Sending Organisation Country of Venue


No. of Accompanying Persons (including Total No. of Participants and accompanying

No. of Participants
teachers accompanying pupils) persons

4 2 6

Group of Participants - Budget

TR 83 / 112
Teklif Çağrısı 2019 1. Dönem KA2 - Yenilik ve İyi Uygulamaların Değişimi için İşbirliği
KA229 - Okul Değişimi Ortaklıkları
Form Kimlik No KA229-F8F4BE06 Son Başvuru Tarihi (Brüksel Saati) 21 Mar 2019 12:00:00

Distance Band No. of Persons Grant per Participant Total Travel Grant

500-1999 km 6 275.00 EUR 1650.00 EUR

Individual Support
No. of Participants Duration per Participant (days) Grant per Participant Total (for Participants)

4 7 742.00 EUR 2968.00 EUR

Duration per Accompanying

No. of Accompanying Persons Grant per Accompanying Person Total (for Accompanying Persons)
Person (days)

2 7 742.00 EUR 1484.00 EUR

Total Individual Support Grant 4452.00 EUR

Group 2, Activity (C3 - Kirliliği önlemek, atığı engellemek ve geri dönüşüm için neler yapabiliriz?)
Sending Organisation Country of Venue


No. of Accompanying Persons (including Total No. of Participants and accompanying

No. of Participants
teachers accompanying pupils) persons

4 2 6

TR 84 / 112
Teklif Çağrısı 2019 1. Dönem KA2 - Yenilik ve İyi Uygulamaların Değişimi için İşbirliği
KA229 - Okul Değişimi Ortaklıkları
Form Kimlik No KA229-F8F4BE06 Son Başvuru Tarihi (Brüksel Saati) 21 Mar 2019 12:00:00

Group of Participants - Budget

Distance Band No. of Persons Grant per Participant Total Travel Grant

500-1999 km 6 275.00 EUR 1650.00 EUR

Individual Support
No. of Participants Duration per Participant (days) Grant per Participant Total (for Participants)

4 7 742.00 EUR 2968.00 EUR

Duration per Accompanying

No. of Accompanying Persons Grant per Accompanying Person Total (for Accompanying Persons)
Person (days)

2 7 742.00 EUR 1484.00 EUR

Total Individual Support Grant 4452.00 EUR

Group 3, Activity (C3 - Kirliliği önlemek, atığı engellemek ve geri dönüşüm için neler yapabiliriz?)
Sending Organisation Country of Venue

Szent Imre Kalolikus Általános Iskola és Háromkirályok Óvoda /


No. of Accompanying Persons (including Total No. of Participants and accompanying

No. of Participants
teachers accompanying pupils) persons

4 2 6

TR 85 / 112
Teklif Çağrısı 2019 1. Dönem KA2 - Yenilik ve İyi Uygulamaların Değişimi için İşbirliği
KA229 - Okul Değişimi Ortaklıkları
Form Kimlik No KA229-F8F4BE06 Son Başvuru Tarihi (Brüksel Saati) 21 Mar 2019 12:00:00

Group of Participants - Budget

Distance Band No. of Persons Grant per Participant Total Travel Grant

500-1999 km 6 275.00 EUR 1650.00 EUR

Individual Support
No. of Participants Duration per Participant (days) Grant per Participant Total (for Participants)

4 7 742.00 EUR 2968.00 EUR

Duration per Accompanying

No. of Accompanying Persons Grant per Accompanying Person Total (for Accompanying Persons)
Person (days)

2 7 742.00 EUR 1484.00 EUR

Total Individual Support Grant 4452.00 EUR

Group 4, Activity (C3 - Kirliliği önlemek, atığı engellemek ve geri dönüşüm için neler yapabiliriz?)
Sending Organisation Country of Venue

Fundación Patronato Avemariano de Granada / İspanya İtalya

TR 86 / 112
Teklif Çağrısı 2019 1. Dönem KA2 - Yenilik ve İyi Uygulamaların Değişimi için İşbirliği
KA229 - Okul Değişimi Ortaklıkları
Form Kimlik No KA229-F8F4BE06 Son Başvuru Tarihi (Brüksel Saati) 21 Mar 2019 12:00:00

No. of Accompanying Persons (including Total No. of Participants and accompanying

No. of Participants
teachers accompanying pupils) persons

4 2 6

Group of Participants - Budget

Distance Band No. of Persons Grant per Participant Total Travel Grant

500-1999 km 6 275.00 EUR 1650.00 EUR

Individual Support
No. of Participants Duration per Participant (days) Grant per Participant Total (for Participants)

4 7 742.00 EUR 2968.00 EUR

Duration per Accompanying

No. of Accompanying Persons Grant per Accompanying Person Total (for Accompanying Persons)
Person (days)

2 7 742.00 EUR 1484.00 EUR

Total Individual Support Grant 4452.00 EUR

Activity Budget

TR 87 / 112
Teklif Çağrısı 2019 1. Dönem KA2 - Yenilik ve İyi Uygulamaların Değişimi için İşbirliği
KA229 - Okul Değişimi Ortaklıkları
Form Kimlik No KA229-F8F4BE06 Son Başvuru Tarihi (Brüksel Saati) 21 Mar 2019 12:00:00

Budget Items Grant

Travel 6600.00 EUR

Individual Support 17808.00 EUR

Total Grant 24408.00 EUR

Activity Details (C4)

Field Activity Type

Okul Eğitimi Short-term joint staff training events

Activity Title

Geri Dönüşümün Yaban Hayat Üzerinde Olumlu Etkilerinin Gözlemlenmesi

Leading Organisation Participating Organisations

Szent Imre Kalolikus Általános Iskola és Háromkirályok Óvoda Fundación Patronato Avemariano de Granada
Istituto Comprensivo "Gabriele Rossetti "

Starting Period Duration (days) Country of Venue

03-2021 7 Macaristan

TR 88 / 112
Teklif Çağrısı 2019 1. Dönem KA2 - Yenilik ve İyi Uygulamaların Değişimi için İşbirliği
KA229 - Okul Değişimi Ortaklıkları
Form Kimlik No KA229-F8F4BE06 Son Başvuru Tarihi (Brüksel Saati) 21 Mar 2019 12:00:00

Description of the activity:

● Describe the content, methodology and expected results of the activity.

● How is it going to be related to or integrated with the normal activities of the involved schools?

In order to observe the positive effects of recycling on wildlife, 16 students and 8 teachers meet in Tiszafüred, Hungary, to carry out planned activities and to
examine, interact and develop cooperation in good samples on site.

1. Day (Sunday)
- Participants arrive at Tiszafüred and go to the hostel.

2. day: (Monday)
- Meeting at school in the morning, introducing the countries, schools and themselves of the groups -looking at the studies and earlier studies of the groups
related to the project.
- After lunch, go to Kisköre by bus to visit the reservoir, to see the reservoir / water tank / cistern.

3. day: (Tuesday)
- Visiting the recycling center in tiszafüred.
- Visiting rare animals such as the Hungarians ' kuvasz dog, rafa sheep, grey Hungarian cattle. - Showcasing games from recycled materials created by

4. day: (Wednesday)
- Visiting the gene Protection Center in Hortobágy.
- Observing some lessons about the gene Protection System / procedures of some endangered parts. - Visiting the only Bird Hospital in Europe.

5. day: (Thursday)
- To visit the Tisza River in poroszló, Lake Tisza, lake Ecocentre.
-Creative afternoon! We can create the logo (from Lake Tisza or our group).

6. day: (Friday)

TR 89 / 112
Teklif Çağrısı 2019 1. Dönem KA2 - Yenilik ve İyi Uygulamaların Değişimi için İşbirliği
KA229 - Okul Değişimi Ortaklıkları
Form Kimlik No KA229-F8F4BE06 Son Başvuru Tarihi (Brüksel Saati) 21 Mar 2019 12:00:00

-Observe some lessons about the organization of the reservoir. - Issuance of Participant certificates participating in Project Training.
- Evaluation of the studies by the participants.
- Sharing of the studies to the project website in social madya groups such as Facebook , twitter, instagram, etc. on our school sites, - issuing certificates of
participants participating in the project training.

7. Day (Saturday)

Airport transfer and return home

Does this activity combine physical mobility with virtual exchanges through eTwinning?

Evet yes

Please explain how this will be achieved and what the expected benefits are.
We also carry out our project in eTwinning with effective and efficient cooperation with our partners in order to spread our Erasmus+ project of
wealth lying in the garbage. Because we aim to reach more people in the e learning environment by associating this project wi th the curriculum and
using interdisciplinary and technology. We aim to demonstrate our awareness of nature and the environment, to explain the imp ortance of recycling
and to make our project visible in the e learning environment and to inspire other projects and studies in order to develop our creativity and
contribute to EU development.

In order to increase our personal and professional development, to develop communication and cooperation with our colleagues in different countries, to have
multilingual skills and to equip our students with these characteristics , we are carrying out the wealth E twinning project which lies in the garbage. We also aim
to see applications in other countries, to learn new methods and techniques, to use new information and communication tec hnologies and to improve our creativity.

We aim to carry out this project in order to use our natural resources more carefully and carefully, to live in a healthy and green world and to leave a healthy
environment that can be experienced to future generations and to raise people who are friendly to nature.

TR 90 / 112
Teklif Çağrısı 2019 1. Dönem KA2 - Yenilik ve İyi Uygulamaların Değişimi için İşbirliği
KA229 - Okul Değişimi Ortaklıkları
Form Kimlik No KA229-F8F4BE06 Son Başvuru Tarihi (Brüksel Saati) 21 Mar 2019 12:00:00

How is participation in this activity going to benefit the involved participants?

- Our Erasmus + project will enable our teachers and students in different countries to recognize different cultures and langua ges and to develop cross-
cultural relations.
- The European countries will see their environmental and natural policies and practices in place and have the awareness to compare them with their
own countries. - Environmental awareness and sensitivity will develop in our students and teachers.
- The importance of recycling studies for nature and humanity, future generations will be understood. - Attention will be drawn to the importance of
Natural Resources and the importance of conscious consumption.
- The importance of living in a clean, healthy, green environment will develop by ensuring the devel opment of global citizenship awareness in our
children. - The feelings of responsibility, self-confidence, entrepreneurial spirit of our students and teachers will develop and participate in different
projects will be provided.
- Teachers and students will develop foreign language skills.
- Students and teachers will develop intercultural relations and democracy awareness.
- Students and teachers will have the opportunity to use technology tools and develop their creativity. - E in the field of learning, teachers and students
will be able to realize themselves.
- Students spend their extra-curricular time in quality and efficiency, taking part in social responsibility projects and increasing their academic succes s will be provided.
- To be a role model for other peers and colleagues of teachers and students involved in project mobility and to contribute to the development of the i nstitutional capacities
of their schools.
- The multi-faceted development of our students and teachers, lifelong learning, playing a role in sustainable development, progress towards EU citizens will be ensured.

Groups of Participants

TR 91 / 112
Teklif Çağrısı 2019 1. Dönem KA2 - Yenilik ve İyi Uygulamaların Değişimi için İşbirliği
KA229 - Okul Değişimi Ortaklıkları
Form Kimlik No KA229-F8F4BE06 Son Başvuru Tarihi (Brüksel Saati) 21 Mar 2019 12:00:00

No. of
Sending Organisation / Duration No. of
ID Distance Band Accompanying Grant
Country (days) Participants

1 500-1999 km 7 4 2 6102.00 EUR

2 500-1999 km 7 4 2 6102.00 EUR

Fundación Patronato
3 Avemariano de Granada / 2000-2999 km 7 4 2 6612.00 EUR

Istituto Comprensivo "Gabriele

4 500-1999 km 7 4 2 6102.00 EUR
Rossetti " / İtalya

Group 1, Activity (C4 - Geri Dönüşümün Yaban Hayat Üzerinde Olumlu Etkilerinin Gözlemlenmesi)
Sending Organisation Country of Venue

BARUTHANE ORTAOKULU / Türkiye Macaristan

No. of Accompanying Persons (including Total No. of Participants and accompanying

No. of Participants
teachers accompanying pupils) persons

4 2 6

Group of Participants - Budget


TR 92 / 112
Teklif Çağrısı 2019 1. Dönem KA2 - Yenilik ve İyi Uygulamaların Değişimi için İşbirliği
KA229 - Okul Değişimi Ortaklıkları
Form Kimlik No KA229-F8F4BE06 Son Başvuru Tarihi (Brüksel Saati) 21 Mar 2019 12:00:00

Distance Band No. of Persons Grant per Participant Total Travel Grant

500-1999 km 6 275.00 EUR 1650.00 EUR

Individual Support
No. of Participants Duration per Participant (days) Grant per Participant Total (for Participants)

4 7 742.00 EUR 2968.00 EUR

Duration per Accompanying

No. of Accompanying Persons Grant per Accompanying Person Total (for Accompanying Persons)
Person (days)

2 7 742.00 EUR 1484.00 EUR

Total Individual Support Grant 4452.00 EUR

Group 2, Activity (C4 - Geri Dönüşümün Yaban Hayat Üzerinde Olumlu Etkilerinin Gözlemlenmesi)
Sending Organisation Country of Venue


No. of Accompanying Persons (including Total No. of Participants and accompanying

No. of Participants
teachers accompanying pupils) persons

4 2 6

Group of Participants - Budget

TR 93 / 112
Teklif Çağrısı 2019 1. Dönem KA2 - Yenilik ve İyi Uygulamaların Değişimi için İşbirliği
KA229 - Okul Değişimi Ortaklıkları
Form Kimlik No KA229-F8F4BE06 Son Başvuru Tarihi (Brüksel Saati) 21 Mar 2019 12:00:00

Distance Band No. of Persons Grant per Participant Total Travel Grant

500-1999 km 6 275.00 EUR 1650.00 EUR

Individual Support
No. of Participants Duration per Participant (days) Grant per Participant Total (for Participants)

4 7 742.00 EUR 2968.00 EUR

Duration per Accompanying

No. of Accompanying Persons Grant per Accompanying Person Total (for Accompanying Persons)
Person (days)

2 7 742.00 EUR 1484.00 EUR

Total Individual Support Grant 4452.00 EUR

Group 3, Activity (C4 - Geri Dönüşümün Yaban Hayat Üzerinde Olumlu Etkilerinin Gözlemlenmesi)
Sending Organisation Country of Venue

Fundación Patronato Avemariano de Granada / İspanya Macaristan

No. of Accompanying Persons (including Total No. of Participants and accompanying

No. of Participants
teachers accompanying pupils) persons

4 2 6

TR 94 / 112
Teklif Çağrısı 2019 1. Dönem KA2 - Yenilik ve İyi Uygulamaların Değişimi için İşbirliği
KA229 - Okul Değişimi Ortaklıkları
Form Kimlik No KA229-F8F4BE06 Son Başvuru Tarihi (Brüksel Saati) 21 Mar 2019 12:00:00

Group of Participants - Budget

Distance Band No. of Persons Grant per Participant Total Travel Grant

2000-2999 km 6 360.00 EUR 2160.00 EUR

Individual Support
No. of Participants Duration per Participant (days) Grant per Participant Total (for Participants)

4 7 742.00 EUR 2968.00 EUR

Duration per Accompanying

No. of Accompanying Persons Grant per Accompanying Person Total (for Accompanying Persons)
Person (days)

2 7 742.00 EUR 1484.00 EUR

Total Individual Support Grant 4452.00 EUR

Group 4, Activity (C4 - Geri Dönüşümün Yaban Hayat Üzerinde Olumlu Etkilerinin Gözlemlenmesi)
Sending Organisation Country of Venue

Istituto Comprensivo "Gabriele Rossetti " / İtalya Macaristan

No. of Accompanying Persons (including Total No. of Participants and accompanying

No. of Participants
teachers accompanying pupils) persons

4 2 6

TR 95 / 112
Teklif Çağrısı 2019 1. Dönem KA2 - Yenilik ve İyi Uygulamaların Değişimi için İşbirliği
KA229 - Okul Değişimi Ortaklıkları
Form Kimlik No KA229-F8F4BE06 Son Başvuru Tarihi (Brüksel Saati) 21 Mar 2019 12:00:00

Group of Participants - Budget

Distance Band No. of Persons Grant per Participant Total Travel Grant

500-1999 km 6 275.00 EUR 1650.00 EUR

Individual Support
No. of Participants Duration per Participant (days) Grant per Participant Total (for Participants)

4 7 742.00 EUR 2968.00 EUR

Duration per Accompanying

No. of Accompanying Persons Grant per Accompanying Person Total (for Accompanying Persons)
Person (days)

2 7 742.00 EUR 1484.00 EUR

Total Individual Support Grant 4452.00 EUR

Activity Budget
Budget Items Grant

Travel 7110.00 EUR

Individual Support 17808.00 EUR

Total Grant 24918.00 EUR

TR 96 / 112
Teklif Çağrısı 2019 1. Dönem KA2 - Yenilik ve İyi Uygulamaların Değişimi için İşbirliği
KA229 - Okul Değişimi Ortaklıkları
Form Kimlik No KA229-F8F4BE06 Son Başvuru Tarihi (Brüksel Saati) 21 Mar 2019 12:00:00

Activity Details (C5)

Field Activity Type
School Education Short-term joint staff training events

Activity Title
Environmentalists Meet At Recycling Symposium

Leading Organisation Participating Organisations

Fundación Patronato Avemariano de Granada
BARUTHANE ORTAOKULU Istituto Comprensivo "Gabriele Rossetti "
Szent Imre Kalolikus Általános Iskola és Háromkirályok Óvoda

Starting Period Duration (days) Country of Venue

06-2021 7 Türkiye

TR 97 / 112
Teklif Çağrısı 2019 1. Dönem KA2 - Yenilik ve İyi Uygulamaların Değişimi için İşbirliği
KA229 - Okul Değişimi Ortaklıkları
Form Kimlik No KA229-F8F4BE06 Son Başvuru Tarihi (Brüksel Saati) 21 Mar 2019 12:00:00

Description of the activity:

● Describe the content, methodology and expected results of the activity.

● How is it going to be related to or integrated with the normal activities of the involved schools?

Environmentalists Meet At Recycling Symposium

16 students and 8 teachers will meet in Samsun, Turkey to carry out activities.

1. Day
Meeting the participants and placing them in accommodation.

2. Day
- Orientation studies and interaction,
- Presentations of each school to introduce itself,
- Participation in the recycling exhibition trip on wealth lying in the garbage,
- Introduction of the booklet in which students use technology to develop their theoretical knowledge into practice and the des igns they create.

3. Day
-Presentation of waste, recycling studies in Samsun, - participation in the process of designing the recycling products and the evaluation of the workshops.
- Interviews, interviews and interviews by participants in order to measure public awareness of recycling and environmental awa reness,

4. Day
-Discussions on recycling environment and energy saving with students, teachers ,NGOs and people of the district, municipal an d public officials in our
district, - workshop on waste disposal with participants,
- Visiting Samsun Provincial Directorate of Environment and Urban Planning in order to learn the projects and works of Samsun province in the field of
Environment and nature, recycling,
- To see a recycling sector and the technology to process these products, - to visit the Bafra Kızılırmak Delta and Bird Paradise, which is listed as a UNESCO
World Heritage Site,

5. Day

TR 98 / 112
Teklif Çağrısı 2019 1. Dönem KA2 - Yenilik ve İyi Uygulamaların Değişimi için İşbirliği
KA229 - Okul Değişimi Ortaklıkları
Form Kimlik No KA229-F8F4BE06 Son Başvuru Tarihi (Brüksel Saati) 21 Mar 2019 12:00:00

- Education coordinators, Omu Faculty of Engineering Environmental Engineering, Provincial Directorate of Environment and Urban ism, creating awareness by
holding an international symposium on the wealth lying in the trash to which our theme representative will participate.

6. Day
- Visiting the Solid Waste Collection Center and recycling Museum and electricity generation Center in Samsun Tekkeköy district . - To see the technology to
process the recovered products,
- Presentation of a short film consisting of videos of the activities of the participants every day , - general evaluation, reporting of the work done by the
- Concrete data of the studies done Twinspace, eTwinning, You Tube channel, project website on our school sites, Facebook, twitter, instagram
and the local press, sharing in,
- Presentation of Participant certificates participating in Project Training.

7. Day
Airport transfers and return home..

Does this activity combine physical mobility with virtual exchanges through eTwinning?


TR 99 / 112
Teklif Çağrısı 2019 1. Dönem KA2 - Yenilik ve İyi Uygulamaların Değişimi için İşbirliği
KA229 - Okul Değişimi Ortaklıkları
Form Kimlik No KA229-F8F4BE06 Son Başvuru Tarihi (Brüksel Saati) 21 Mar 2019 12:00:00

Please explain how this will be achieved and what the expected benefits are.

We also carry out our project in eTwinning to increase the visibility of our project lying in waste, to spread our project, t o be aware of EU
education policies and to support education, the environment and to develop cooperation with educators. Because we want to spread our project
in a learning environment and reach more people and become role models to others, communicate and collaborate with people in different places.

As teachers, we strive to improve our personal and professional development, to deve lop intercultural communication and cooperation with our
students, and to have multilingual skills. We aim to see applications in different countries, to recognize new methods, to cr eate different learning
environments, to bring our students and teachers together with new information and communication technologies and to improve their creativity.

This project is also a social responsibility project for us, which gives educators the responsibility to be role models for y oung generations
sensitive to environmental problems, to live in a green and healthy environment and to leave a healthy and livable environment for future

By carrying out this project in twinning, we aim to train individuals with environmental sensitivity to realize effective co mmunication and cooperation with many teachers
and students in other countries, to use information technologies and develop our creativity, to contribute to the development of our institutions, to understand the
importance of recycling..

How is participation in this activity going to benefit the involved participants?

The awareness that waste is not garbage, can be recycled and economic gain from them will be placed .
Environmental pollution damages, the importance of living in a healthy and green environment will be understood.
-Students will be able to design and recycle new products from waste using their creativity using their skills and abilities.
- The amount of waste to be disposed of will be reduced.
- To compare the recycling situation of developed countries and developing countries and to gain awareness of being an EU country.
- The importance of using our natural resources efficiently and saving energy in the world will be understood. - An enthusiasm to see and use
innovative and different applications based on information and technology.
- To draw attention to global problems and to develop a sense of being a subject and object of these problems.
- The development of cultural dialogue, the development of the awareness of democracy, the development of foreign language skills, the
assimilation and dissemination of universal values will be achieved.
- 21 as a student, teacher and community.armed with century skills and living in a healthy environment and taking on the t ask and responsibility of
leaving a healthy and green world to future generations.

TR 100 / 112
Teklif Çağrısı 2019 1. Dönem KA2 - Yenilik ve İyi Uygulamaların Değişimi için İşbirliği
KA229 - Okul Değişimi Ortaklıkları
Form Kimlik No KA229-F8F4BE06 Son Başvuru Tarihi (Brüksel Saati) 21 Mar 2019 12:00:00

Groups of Participants

No. of
Sending Organisation / Duration No. of
ID Distance Band Accompanying Grant
Country (days) Participants

Fundación Patronato
1 Avemariano de Granada / 3000-3999 km 7 4 2 7632.00 EUR

2 500-1999 km 7 4 2 6102.00 EUR

Istituto Comprensivo "Gabriele

3 500-1999 km 7 4 2 6102.00 EUR
Rossetti " / İtalya

Szent Imre Kalolikus Általános

4 Iskola és Háromkirályok Óvoda / 500-1999 km 7 4 2 6102.00 EUR

Group 1, Activity (C5 - Çevreciler Geri Dönüşüm Sempozyumunda Buluşuyorlar)

Sending Organisation Country of Venue

Fundación Patronato Avemariano de Granada / İspanya Türkiye

TR 101 / 112
Teklif Çağrısı 2019 1. Dönem KA2 - Yenilik ve İyi Uygulamaların Değişimi için İşbirliği
KA229 - Okul Değişimi Ortaklıkları
Form Kimlik No KA229-F8F4BE06 Son Başvuru Tarihi (Brüksel Saati) 21 Mar 2019 12:00:00

No. of Accompanying Persons (including Total No. of Participants and accompanying

No. of Participants
teachers accompanying pupils) persons

4 2 6

Group of Participants - Budget

Distance Band No. of Persons Grant per Participant Total Travel Grant

3000-3999 km 6 530.00 EUR 3180.00 EUR

Individual Support
No. of Participants Duration per Participant (days) Grant per Participant Total (for Participants)

4 7 742.00 EUR 2968.00 EUR

Duration per Accompanying

No. of Accompanying Persons Grant per Accompanying Person Total (for Accompanying Persons)
Person (days)

2 7 742.00 EUR 1484.00 EUR

Total Individual Support Grant 4452.00 EUR

Group 2, Activity (C5 - Çevreciler Geri Dönüşüm Sempozyumunda Buluşuyorlar)

TR 102 / 112
Teklif Çağrısı 2019 1. Dönem KA2 - Yenilik ve İyi Uygulamaların Değişimi için İşbirliği
KA229 - Okul Değişimi Ortaklıkları
Form Kimlik No KA229-F8F4BE06 Son Başvuru Tarihi (Brüksel Saati) 21 Mar 2019 12:00:00

Sending Organisation Country of Venue


No. of Accompanying Persons (including Total No. of Participants and accompanying

No. of Participants
teachers accompanying pupils) persons

4 2 6

Group of Participants - Budget

Distance Band No. of Persons Grant per Participant Total Travel Grant

500-1999 km 6 275.00 EUR 1650.00 EUR

Individual Support
No. of Participants Duration per Participant (days) Grant per Participant Total (for Participants)

4 7 742.00 EUR 2968.00 EUR

Duration per Accompanying

No. of Accompanying Persons Grant per Accompanying Person Total (for Accompanying Persons)
Person (days)

2 7 742.00 EUR 1484.00 EUR

Total Individual Support Grant 4452.00 EUR

TR 103 / 112
Teklif Çağrısı 2019 1. Dönem KA2 - Yenilik ve İyi Uygulamaların Değişimi için İşbirliği
KA229 - Okul Değişimi Ortaklıkları
Form Kimlik No KA229-F8F4BE06 Son Başvuru Tarihi (Brüksel Saati) 21 Mar 2019 12:00:00

Group 3, Activity (C5 - Çevreciler Geri Dönüşüm Sempozyumunda Buluşuyorlar)

Sending Organisation Country of Venue

Istituto Comprensivo "Gabriele Rossetti " / İtalya Türkiye

No. of Accompanying Persons (including Total No. of Participants and accompanying

No. of Participants
teachers accompanying pupils) persons

4 2 6

Group of Participants - Budget

Distance Band No. of Persons Grant per Participant Total Travel Grant

500-1999 km 6 275.00 EUR 1650.00 EUR

Individual Support
No. of Participants Duration per Participant (days) Grant per Participant Total (for Participants)

4 7 742.00 EUR 2968.00 EUR

Duration per Accompanying

No. of Accompanying Persons Grant per Accompanying Person Total (for Accompanying Persons)
Person (days)

2 7 742.00 EUR 1484.00 EUR

Total Individual Support Grant 4452.00 EUR

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Teklif Çağrısı 2019 1. Dönem KA2 - Yenilik ve İyi Uygulamaların Değişimi için İşbirliği
KA229 - Okul Değişimi Ortaklıkları
Form Kimlik No KA229-F8F4BE06 Son Başvuru Tarihi (Brüksel Saati) 21 Mar 2019 12:00:00

Group 4, Activity (C5 - Çevreciler Geri Dönüşüm Sempozyumunda Buluşuyorlar)

Sending Organisation Country of Venue

Szent Imre Kalolikus Általános Iskola és Háromkirályok Óvoda /


No. of Accompanying Persons (including Total No. of Participants and accompanying

No. of Participants
teachers accompanying pupils) persons

4 2 6

Group of Participants - Budget

Distance Band No. of Persons Grant per Participant Total Travel Grant

500-1999 km 6 275.00 EUR 1650.00 EUR

Individual Support
No. of Participants Duration per Participant (days) Grant per Participant Total (for Participants)

4 7 742.00 EUR 2968.00 EUR

Duration per Accompanying

No. of Accompanying Persons Grant per Accompanying Person Total (for Accompanying Persons)
Person (days)

2 7 742.00 EUR 1484.00 EUR

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Teklif Çağrısı 2019 1. Dönem KA2 - Yenilik ve İyi Uygulamaların Değişimi için İşbirliği
KA229 - Okul Değişimi Ortaklıkları
Form Kimlik No KA229-F8F4BE06 Son Başvuru Tarihi (Brüksel Saati) 21 Mar 2019 12:00:00

Total Individual Support Grant 4452.00 EUR

Activity Budget
Budget Items Grant

Travel 8130.00 EUR

Individual Support 17808.00 EUR

Total Grant 25938.00 EUR

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Teklif Çağrısı 2019 1. Dönem KA2 - Yenilik ve İyi Uygulamaların Değişimi için İşbirliği
KA229 - Okul Değişimi Ortaklıkları
Form Kimlik No KA229-F8F4BE06 Son Başvuru Tarihi (Brüksel Saati) 21 Mar 2019 12:00:00

Special Costs

Special Needs Support

N o . of
Country of the ants Description and Grant
ID Organisation
Organisation With Justification (EUR)


Exceptional Costs

Country of the Description and Grant

ID Organisation
Organisation Justification (EUR)


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Teklif Çağrısı 2019 1. Dönem KA2 - Yenilik ve İyi Uygulamaların Değişimi için İşbirliği
KA229 - Okul Değişimi Ortaklıkları
Form Kimlik No KA229-F8F4BE06 Son Başvuru Tarihi (Brüksel Saati) 21 Mar 2019 12:00:00

Follow Up
How are you going to assess if the project's objectives have been met?

At the beginning of the project and after the completion of the project activities with our
students, teachers and parents in our schools, homes, public institutions and organizations, the
extent to which waste recycling is gained, garbage collection in ou r city, environmental
pollution and recycling benefits, economy gains, etc. a preliminary test -final Test survey will
be conducted with the support of the universities in our city and they will be evaluated.

Meetings were held with the University's Faculty of Environmental Engineering, the units of
the Provincial Directorate of Environment and Urban Planning, recycling company authorities
and local government representatives, and the amount of waste in the region where we live
before and after the project was saved from being garbage and recycled,the amount of waste,
cleaning our environment, will be determined by Statistics.

The results will be published on the ÇYS website, facebook, twitter, Instagram,in the
ersamus+ corner of our schools. Since our project is not limited to 24 months and is a
continuous project, it will be calculated with the help of recycling companies whether they
have reached their long-term goals or not, recycling bins placed in our schools, homes, streets,
parks, waste disposal towards these bins, how many kilograms or tons of waste are collected
weekly or monthly by authorized companies. In the recycling, which products are designed in
our schools and how much of them are given to authorized companies, the economic gain
obtained will be determined by statistical data. Waste and packaging collection to be done
professionally public institution - organization, NGO
and there will be talks with local representatives for certain periods.While the waste disposal
in our towns will be done at the site and recycled, environmental effects will be minimized,
environmental pollution problem will be avoided and both raw materials use will be reduced
and energy saving will be provided and economic gain will be provided.Concrete data
obtained from the studies will be shared with the public.

Qualifications obtained in educational activities abroad will manifest itself in New, different studies and projects that wil l
have long-term effects on the strategic plan of our institution, the role of our teac hers in increasing the language
proficiency of our students,the professional development of our teachers and the effects of our students on the quality of

To measure the multiplier effects of our project, meetings will be held for teachers, students and parents of our schools
and other schools; recycling satisfaction surveys will be conducted and interviewed; observations and evaluations will be
conducted. A report will be prepared by the project management team on the level of achievement of the obj ectives and
objectives of the project and will be published on our ÇYS Web page and social media accounts, YouTube ÇYS project
channel. The criticisms and comments on social media will be a kind of indication of whether our project has achieved its
All the work done will be exhibited in the Erasmus+ project corner of our schools and will also be filed in the Erasmus+

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Teklif Çağrısı 2019 1. Dönem KA2 - Yenilik ve İyi Uygulamaların Değişimi için İşbirliği
KA229 - Okul Değişimi Ortaklıkları
Form Kimlik No KA229-F8F4BE06 Son Başvuru Tarihi (Brüksel Saati) 21 Mar 2019 12:00:00

How will the participation in this project contribute to the development of the involved schools in the
long-term? Do you have plans to continue using the results of the project or continue to implement
some of the activities after the project's end?

Participants will be able to transfer their knowledge, skills and equipment gained by mobility to our
students, other colleagues, parents and the public in our schools because they are role model
individuals with social responsibility missions, environmentally conscious, enthusiastic about e -
learning, who carry out Erasmus+, E-Twinning projects, who have a vision of self-improvement and
entrepreneurship, who can transfer their As a result of effective cooperation and interaction of the
partners, they will find solutions to the problem of waste in the environment with the power and
inspiration they receive from each other through their work in the field of recycling.

In order to make our long-term project Continuous, a recycling workshop will be included in our
Institutions ' Strategic Plan and on this occasion a recycling workshop will be established in our
schools. With the help of education directorates, environment and Urban Planning Directorates,
Environmental Engineering Department of the universities in our region, various designs will be made
from waste by teaching with the disciplines between courses, theoretical knowledge of the students will
be evaluated and converted to practice and functional products will be designed from these.E learning
courses will be shared with partners instantly. In this way, the students ' knowledge, skills and abilities
will be developed and the lessons will be made concrete and eas y to learn.The works will be exhibited;
the products will be marketed and converted into a lucrative state and will provide income to the school,
the student and The Guardian.This will become a motivator and driving force for our students, teachers
and parents. Recycling works will be exhibited at the end of the academic year.

Environmental and nature issues, recycling of waste will become the mission of our schools. The
exhibition of waste by recycling works will be made into a corporate culture and will serve as an
example to other schools and institutions around us. Further steps will be taken to ensure that our
schools are Eco-Schools.

On Facebook, twitter, instagram and E-twinning, the 'wealth lying in the trash' group was established
and the work was shared on social media and in the local press and the attention of our parents, other
schools, NGOs and public institutions and organizations, the public, universities will be drawn to the
issue and supported. The work will be shared in these groups.

We will organize an International Recycling symposium on 'wealth lying in the garbage' in order to
draw attention to the environmental problem in our region and explain the importance of recycling to
the public.

Since Waste Recycling is an important issue that concerns all people and countries, we educators need
to give the importance of this to each individual in our schools. Because the environment and nature
will be neglected tomorrow is not an issue to be left. Due to World Environment Week, awareness
work will be carried out on recycling of waste in our schools and in the cities where we live every year
in June.

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Teklif Çağrısı 2019 1. Dönem KA2 - Yenilik ve İyi Uygulamaların Değişimi için İşbirliği
KA229 - Okul Değişimi Ortaklıkları
Form Kimlik No KA229-F8F4BE06 Son Başvuru Tarihi (Brüksel Saati) 21 Mar 2019 12:00:00

Please describe your plans for dissemination and use of project results.

● How will you make the results of your project known within your partnership, in your local
communities and in the wider public? Who are the main target groups you would like to share
your results with?

● Are there other groups or organisations that will benefit from your project? Please explain how.

Soon after our project is accepted, the website 'fortune lying in the garbage' (eys) will be established
by"Gabriel Rossetti". The project will be announced to our students and parents, published in the
local newspaper on the school website, and FYS groups will be set up on their social media accounts.
In order to spread our project ,our partners will hold a wide-ranging presentation and opening
meeting where they will invite public institutions, local and school administrators, environmental
and Urbanism related units, waste and packaging company managers, students and parents, Press and
NGOs in their city or town.

Effects on participants:
Environmental volunteer teachers and students to our towns with the Ç YS project " recycling
They will win the forest”.
With the disciplines between courses, teachers and students will learn more pleasantly and easily by
recycling waste using their curiosity and imagination. Participants will develop environmenta l
sensitivity, EU citizenship awareness, cultural interaction and communication, language ability,
Social Responsibility mission. 21. contributions will be made to become entrepreneurial and role
model persons with century skills. The social and cultural skills and professional development of our
participants will increase, self-confidence will improve, awareness of responsibility and awareness of
EU citizenship will increase.

Effects on participating institutions/organizations:

Our mobility with our partners will contribute to the motivation of our staff and contribute to the
development of their school vision through their projects.The studies we will do will contribute to
our being an environmental institution that is sensitive to environmental problems and will reveal our
difference. Our work will be an example to other institutions and organizations.

Expected effects on target groups:

Our participants will share their experiences from their partners in EU countries, the contribution of waste
products to the economy, the benefit of recycling to the economy and Environment and nature with various
meetings and seminars to teachers, parents and townspeople in other schools, and they will continue their
awareness work to raise awareness of recycling and environmental responsibility in our

In order to spread the results of your project, a multiplier effect will be created by organizing an int ernational
symposium on the EIA, which will be attended by all our partners, students, teachers and parents.

Effects on local governments, public institutions and organizations:

The effective cooperation of municipalities and other public institutions and organizations with our schools will
enable them to use appropriate methods and technology and develop new management programs to make waste
management accurate and effective.

The impressions, photos and videos that participants gain in mobility will be p ublished on our websites, on social
media such as eTwinning, facebook and in the press, setting an example for colleagues and others who want to
improve themselves and prepare an EU project.

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Teklif Çağrısı 2019 1. Dönem KA2 - Yenilik ve İyi Uygulamaların Değişimi için İşbirliği
KA229 - Okul Değişimi Ortaklıkları
Form Kimlik No KA229-F8F4BE06 Son Başvuru Tarihi (Brüksel Saati) 21 Mar 2019 12:00:00


The maximum number of all attachments is 10 and the maximum total size is 10240 KB.

Please download the Declaration of Honour, print it, have it signed by the legal representative and
File Size
File Name

k229 Proje doğruluk beyanı.pdf 333

Please attach any other relevant documents.

File Size
File Name

Total Size (kB) 333

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Teklif Çağrısı 2019 1. Dönem KA2 - Yenilik ve İyi Uygulamaların Değişimi için İşbirliği
KA229 - Okul Değişimi Ortaklıkları
Form Kimlik No KA229-F8F4BE06 Son Başvuru Tarihi (Brüksel Saati) 21 Mar 2019 12:00:00


Before submitting your application form to the National Agency, please make sure that:
It fulfils the eligibility criteria listed in the Programme Guide.
All relevant fields in the application form have been completed.
You have chosen the correct National Agency of the country in which your organisation is
established. Currently selected NA is: TR01 (TÜRKİYE)

Please also keep in mind the following:

Only the coordinating school needs to submit the application to its National Agency. Partner schools
need to be listed in this application and must not submit the same application to their own National
Agencies. If similar or identical applications are submitted by different schools to different National
Agencies, all applications may be rejected.

Only schools are eligible to participate in School Exchange Partnerships. Depending on the country
where the school is registered, a specific definition of eligible schools applies. The definition or a list of
eligible schools is published on the website of each National Agency. Before submitting your
application, make sure that all participating schools are eligible in their respective countries.
The documents proving the legal status of the applicant and each partner must be uploaded in the
Participant Portal (for more details, see Part C of the Programme Guide - 'Information for applicants').

Data Protection Notice


The application form will be processed electronically. All personal data (such as names, addresses,
CVs, etc.) will be processed pursuant to Regulation (EC) No 45/2001 on the protection of individuals
with regard to the processing of personal data by the EU institutions and bodies and on the free
movement of such data. Any personal data requested will only be used for the intended purpose, i.e.
the processing of your application in accordance with the specifications of the call for proposals, the
management of the administrative and financial aspects of the project if eligible and the dissemination
of results through appropriate Erasmus+ IT tools. For the latter, as regards the details of the projects'
contact persons, an unambiguous consent will be requested.

For the full description of the collected personal data, the purpose of the collection and the description
of the processing, please refer to the Specific Privacy Statement (see link below) associated with this
I agree with the Specific Privacy Statement on Data Protection

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