Sound Newtons Law

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Newton’s Formula & Laplace’s

♦ Learn about : Newton’s Formula for velocity of sound & Laplace’s correction ♦

Newton assumed that when sound propagates through air, temperature remains constant
(i.e. the process is isothermal).

So, bulk modulus of elasticity B = BT = p

(isothermal bulk modulus BT of a gas is equal to its pressure).

Therefore at NTP
p = 1.01 × 105 N/m2 and ρ = 1.3 kg/m3

= 279 m/s

The experimental value of v in air is 332 m/s at NTP. This discrepancy was removed by


Laplace assumed that the propagation of sound in air is an adiabatic process not the

B = Bs = γP [Adiabatic bulk modulus Bs of a gas = γP]

Where γ = Cp/Cv = 1.41 for air

Which is in agreement with the experimental value (332 m/s) thus,

We can conclude that sound waves propagate through gases adiabatically

Factor affecting Velocity of Sound

♦ Learn about : Factor affecting Velocity of Sound , such as : temperature , pressure ,
humidity , Amplitudes, frequency, phase, loudness, pitch, or quality ♦

(a) Effect of density

Clearly , velocity of sound in gas is inversely proportional to the square root of density of the
gas .

(b) Effect of temperature:- In a gas

v ∝√T

i.e. with increase in temperature velocity of sound in a gas increases.

Let us find velocity of sound in air at t°C.

At NTP vair = vo°C = 332 m/s

When t is small-

Putting vo = 332 m/s

we have, vt = (332 + 0.61 t) m/s

i.e. for small temperature variations at 0° C, velocity of sound changes by 0.61 m/s when
temperature changes by 1°C.

(c) Effect of pressure: In a gas ;

Change in pressure has no effect on velocity of sound in a gas, so long as temperature

remains constant; because ;

P/ρ = constant; as long as temperature is constant.

(d) Effect of relative humidity: When humidity increases, there is an increase in the
relative number of water molecules and hence a decrease in the molar mass (avg. molecular
wt.), and the speed of sound increases.

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