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Registered address:
1D Hrushevskoho St., Kyiv, 01001, Ukraine
Contact us:
30 Naberezhna Peremohy St., Dnipro, 49094, Ukraine
Phones: 3700 (free from mobile in Ukraine)
(056) 735 32 82 e-mail:
from 02.12.2019 17:37 № LNTCOI4B5TP8U7KI Page  1 of 1

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As of 02.12.2019 the account balance is

Total balance
in currency
Account Credit Balance including credit equivalent
Account № Account type currency limit limit (UAH)

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NBU exchange rates on 02.12.2019: 1 RUB = 0.3741 UAH, 1 USD = 23.9723 UAH, 1 EUR = 26.3264 UAH, 1 GBP = 30.8904 UAH


ACCOUNT !"#$%"#!$%%"#&
IBAN !"#$%#&'((#####64518456188452
BANK OF BENEFICIARY JSC CB "PrivatBank", Kyiv, Ukraine
Beneficiary OKPO CODE 2485014637
PURPOSE OF PAYMENT !"#$#% &'%( )*"+ ,-./01-234

The certificate is issued to be provided upon request

Project Manager on Processing Head-Office Customer Documents Nikolaienko Yuliia

Formed by Privat24 self-service system

The facsimile seal and signature are used by agreement of the parties in accordance with Article 207 of the Civil Code of Ukraine
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