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Conference Paper · June 2016

DOI: 10.5593/SGEM2016/B12/S03.046


1 37

1 author:

Lucian-Ionel Cioca
Lucian Blaga University of Sibiu


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Exploration and Mining



Prof. Dr. Lucian Ionel Cioca1

Prof. Dr. Roland Iosif Moraru2

20 y
Ph.D. Stud. Lorena Bălan1

EM na
Ph.D. Stud. Nicolae Băncilă Afrim1

rg G li
Ph.D. Stud. Radu Mareş1

.o S cip
„Lucian Blaga” University of Sibiu, Romania
University of Petroşani, Romania

m ce is
ge en tid
Mine fires or spontaneous combustions has long been and still are a major concern for
.s r ul
underground mine workers safety. Fires can grow rapidly, so time is the critical element
in the evolution of the process. Prompt detection, timely and accurate warnings to those
w n lM

potentially affected, and an effective response can have a huge impact on the social and
economic consequence of a coal self-heating event. This is valid and actual for the
collieries within the Mining Division from the Romanian Hunedoara Energetic
w Co na

Complex. The paper synthesizes the results of a case study regarding the one-year
w fe

length monitoring of mine fire risk in a typical undermined bench face from a selected
eo tio

colliery within this major bituminous coal mining company. Oxygen, carbon oxides,
methane, acetylene, ethylene, temperature and pressure drop values in significant points
G a

were systematically monitored and fire indexes were computed during the survey
c rn

duration period. Coal self-heating and ignition stages were detected, allowing early
warning and effective emergency response.
ifi te

Keywords: mine fire, bituminous coal, worker safety, early detection, monitoring
nt In
ie th

To detect the coal self-heating phenomenon in all countries is applied the mine air
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composition analysis by determining the gaseous components in different underground

areas, both under normal conditions and when there is any change in composition of
mine air [7]. Determined gas can be included, generally in the following categories: i)
atmospheric gas is typically found in any sample (N2, O2, CO2, Ar); ii) combustion
oxidation by-products, including: CO, H2, alkanes (CnH2n+2), alkenes (CnH2n) and
alkynes (CnH2n-2) [3].
Carbon dioxide is not generally regarded as a detection gas, it exists in significant and
variable quantities in coal mine air and, as a result of acid drainage reaction with coal
and surrounding rocks [4]. Certain coal deposits have a high content of absorbed CO2,
the CO2/CO2+CH4 ratio approaching 100 %. Among other gases, carbon monoxide is
chosen as the indicator- detector of coal self-ignition for the following reasons [5]:

16th International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference SGEM 2016

 the carbon monoxide content increase becomes rapidly significant in the early
stage of the process, while increasing of hydrogen gradient becomes
noticeable only at 110 - 125 °C; also, ethylene and propylene are generated at
100 ° C to 125 ° C respectively;
 appearance and variation of CO content are measurable from the early stages
of combustion;
 the gradient of CO content, depending on the temperature, is superior to all
other gases or vapors.

20 y
The paper presents a case study on assessing risk factors of self-ignition in a typical

EM na
undermined bed coal stope in seam 3 bl. III from a mine in the Division of Mining from
Hunedoara Energy Complex. Due to the large number of safety parameters monitored

rg G li
and huge database required, we selected a representative risk factor, namely:

.o S cip
spontaneous combustion [1] and related safety parameters of such phenomenon, whose
development was monitored during a year.

m ce is
ge en tid
The main indexes used to detect the phenomenon of self-heating in both the country and
.s r ul
worldwide are [2]:
w n lM

a.Breathing index
 CO2
I CO2   100 [%] (1)
w Co na

 O2
w fe

where: +ΔCO2=CO2 - 0,03 - CO2 concentration increase, % vol.;

eo tio

-ΔO2=0,265∙(N2 + Ar) - O2 – oxygen concentration decrease, %.

G a

If ICO2 < 30 - 40 % then the situation is normal, while if ICO2 > 60 % the
c rn

spontaneous combustion hazard is high.

b.Carbon monoxide index (GRAHAM index)
ifi te

 CO
nt In

I CO   100 [%] (2)

 O2
ie th

where: +ΔCO=CO - CO concentration increase, % vol.

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If ICO < 0,4 % , there is no risk, while if ICO > 1 % the danger of fire outbreak is
imminent. For information, are shown in Table 1 the expressions defining a number of
other indexes, widely used worldwide for the purpose of early detection of endogenous
The analyzed stope, exploiting coal reserves located in Block III, stope field no. XX
seam 3 (thick seam), using the undermined bench mining method. The monitored
stope’s features and geometrical parameters are: i) stope field length: 60 m; ii) average
thickness at the seam’s normal line: 18 m; iii) seam’s dip: 45 ° - 50 °; iv) sublevel’s
height is 22 m. Block III (seam 3) is crossed by a diagonal fault, direction NE - SW and
an inclination of 70 °.

Exploration and Mining

Table 1. Spontaneous combustion (mine fire) hazard indexes

Crt. Fire index calculation
Index name
Nr. expression
CO Graham ratio (carbon monoxide
O2 index)
CO2 
2 Young’s ratio

20 y
O 2

EM na
3 Willet’s ratio
N 2 exces  CO2  combustibili

rg G li
CO2   0.75CO  0.25H 2 

.o S cip
4 Jones & Trickett’s ratio

m ce is
 CO 
5   Carbon oxides ratio
ge en tid  CO2 
.s r ul
Horizontal thickness of seam 3 is variable, and border area of stope XX is of18 m.
w n lM

There aren’t signaled significant faults or other tectonic jumping. Coal is easily
caveable, having low strength and medium to large friability. The surrounding rocks of
seam 3, in block III, are represented by: i) seam’s roof is constituted by a complex of
w Co na

sandy rocks and gray clays; ii) seam’s floor is predominantly composed of marl, marly
w fe

clay, clay sandstones.

eo tio

The main opening and preparedness workings are directional block galleries,
located at the horizon 350 and 300, followed by cross-cut galleries for each stope
G a

executed at horizons 350 and 300, from directional block drives until the roof of the
c rn

exploited seam. As specific preparation workings for the mining stope field no. XX
stands out: i) the raise put in seam floor at a distance of about 10 m of bed floor; ii) the
ifi te

stope raise executed seam’s floor bed at a about 25 m, between 337m and 367m levels;
iii) the raise digged in the waste rock from the seam’s roof, between 337m and 357m
nt In

levels; iv) the short transversal gallery at the seam’s roof, at horizon 357, acting as
liaison between raise in the roof and the directional for-face provided under the roof; v)
ie th

the cross-cut gallery no. XX, crossing the coal seam and connecting the raises in the
Sc 16

floor with the raises in the roof; vi) directional galleries that will be executed on the
seam (directional for-stopes); vii) gallery / stope plan of attack that is set near the Defor
After completion of the preparatory phase, which will include the
implementation of the plan of attack is to follow the step of forming the escarpament to
achieve discharge behind the stope’s starting line. For coal cutting at the face of the sub-
level’s basic slice (stope itself) is applied the drilling and blasting technique with one
row of usual mine holes and partly with a pickhammer. Mining method consists in
developing a classic stope at the bottom of the coal bed and undermining it behind the
support. The main variants that apply to collieries within the Division of Mining from
the Energetical Complex Hunedoara are schematically depicted in Figure 1.

16th International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference SGEM 2016

20 y
EM na
Fig. 1. Basic alternatives of the undermined bench mining method operated in Mining
Division from Hunedoara Energetic Company

rg G li
.o S cip
The ventilation is done by general depression of the main ventilation fan, applying a
diagonal ventilation scheme. For the monitored undermined bench the basic and
representative ventilation parameters are synthesized in Table 1.

m ce is
Table 1. Main ventilation parameters of the monitored coal face
Crt. ge en tid Ventilation parameter Measuring unit
.s r ul
1 Relative methane flow, qr 2,55 m3/t
w n lM

2 Average daily output forecasted in the stope, T (A) 233 t/day

3 Gas concentration allowed, C 1%
w Co na

4 The unevenness coefficient of gases, K 1,2

5 Ventilation constant in gassy mines, c 22,5
w fe

6 Ventilation time, t 30 min

eo tio

7 The maximum amount of blasted explosive 20 kg

8 Maximum length of the face line, LA 44 m
G a

Cross-sectionnal area of the stope:

c rn

9  minimum area equivalent for two beams, Sl 6,25 m2

 maximum area equivalent for three beams, Sl 9,4 m2
ifi te
nt In


ie th

From the multitude of risk factors that occur during subsurface coal exploitation through
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the undermined bench method was chosen as representative the “spontaneous

combustion risk factor” [6]. The said risk factor evolution was monitored over a period
of one year for the selected stope. The following representative parameters were
monitored based on a systematic in-situ measuring campaign: i) the concentration of
oxygen (O2); ii) the concentration of carbon dioxide (CO2); iii) the concentration of
carbon monoxide (CO); iv) the concentration of methane (CH 4); v) the concentration of
ethylene (C2H4); vi) the concentration of acetylene (C2H2); vii) temperature [8]; viii)
changes in pressure drop.
Based on these parameters values, there were determined the fire indexes. The results of
measurements and determinations are shown in Table 3, and the individual variation of
the monitored parameters are graphically summarized in Figures 2  8.

Exploration and Mining

Table 2. Fire parameters measurements results in the monitored stope

Gas concentrations, % vol. Pressure
Crt. Sampling Measuring Temp. Graham Breathing
drop Remarks
nr. date station O2 CO2 CH4 CO C2H4 C2H2 [0C] Index Index
[mm H2O]
1. 20.3 0.4 0.2 0 --- --- 25 --- 0 66.67
2. Duct 1 6.1 > 6 0.9 0.0025 --- --- --- +6.8 0.018 > 43.48

20 y
3. Duct 2 18.5 0.5 0.1 0.0003 --- --- --- +3.2 0.013 20.83


4. Duct 3 3.3 > 6 4.2 0.0001 --- --- --- +3.4-4 0.001 > 34.10

EM na
5. Duct 5 2.9 >6 2.9 0.0001 --- --- --- 1.6 0.001 > 17.06
Brattice Duct 1,3,5
6. 18.3 0.5 0.1 0.0001 --- --- 25 --- 0.004 19.23
backside ash-filling

rg G li
Duct 4 with

.o S cip
7. Duct 1 5.9 >6 0.8 0.0020 --- --- --- +6.8 0.0125 > 37.5
 150
8. 2015 Duct 2 18.3 0.5 0.1 0.003 --- --- --- +3.2 0.012 19.23

m ce is
9. Duct 3 3.2 >6 4.1 0.0001 --- --- --- 3.4-4 0.001 > 33.90 Foam
ge en tid
Duct 5
3.3 >6 4.2 0.0001 --- --- --- +3.4-4 0.001 > 34.10 insulated
.s r ul
At about 5
w n lM

1. directional 20.1 0.3 0.3 0 ---- --- 26 ---- 0 37.5

m from
stope and
19.9 0.7 0.4 0.0002 0.000867 0.0001156 26 --- 0.02 70.0 about 1.5 -
2 m from the
w Co na

3. 19.8 1-2 6.0 0.0002 --- --- --- --- 0.02 ≈ 150 goaf
gallery floor
w fe

4. Stope 20.2 0.4 0.3 0 --- --- 25 --- 0 57.14

eo tio

At about 1/2
5. 18.7 1.2 0.5 0.0002 --- --- 26 --- 0.01 54,54 from the
09.01 base
front line
At about1 m
G a

6. 17.9 1.2 0.8 0.0002 --- --- --- --- 0.01 40 towards
gallery base
c rn

the goaf
Base gallery
intersection Roof
7. 18.2 0.7 0.8 0.002 --- --- 26 --- 0.07 25.93
ifi te

with face sweating

Roof About 15 m
nt In

8. directional 20.3 0 0.3 0 --- --- 19 --- 0 0 vapour on

gallery the gallery
ie th


Drill hole
1. 18.2 1.2 4.3 0.0001 --- --- --- 0 0 44.44
Sc 16

Drill hole
2. Water outflow from the hole
21.01 no.2
2015 Drill hole
3. 17.2  5 0.0025 --- --- --- 0 0.08 ---
Drill hole
4. 20.4 0 0.3 0 --- --- --- clogged

In January, the monitored stope was characterized by the existence of a spontaneous

combustion at the upper sublevel and in February it was manifested a continuous
process of auto-oxidation. In the samples collected in April from drill holes made
starting from floor and roof directional galleries and from ducts in the dam no. XX level
350, there was revealed the existence of a spontaneous combustion phenomenon at

16th International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference SGEM 2016

different stages. The stope was characterized by auto-oxidation phenomena in different

stages of evolution.

20 y
EM na
rg G li
Fig. 2. Oxygen concentration Fig. 3.Carbon dioxide (CO2) fluctuation

.o S cip
fluctuation (one year monitoring) (one year monitoring)

m ce is
ge en tid
.s r ul
w n lM
w Co na

Fig. 4. Methane (CH4) fluctuation Fig. 5. .Carbon monoxide (CO)

w fe

(one year monitoring) fluctuation (one year monitoring)

eo tio

In May, additional measurements were performed by NIRD INSEMEX Petroşani with

G a

explosimeter MX 2000) and TX 11 toximeter. According to fire indexes values, the

c rn

stope was characterized by self-ignition, but the lack of steam, sweat, smoke and that
ifi te

mined-out coal and stowing water along the entire length of the front was cold, allow
the following explanation: at the end of the fist decade of the month of May, the front
nt In

line came under the area exploited by the SCRI mining method in the previous year. In
mid-May stope under-crossed the gallery at level 350, which realize the connection with
ie th

seam 5, located in the roof of seam 3. Also, both the seam 5 and the upper seam 3 at the
upper slice level have been affected by self-ignition phenomena that have led to closure
Sc 16

of the cross-cut gallery directed to seam 5 (level 350). At the same time, these mine
workings have remained un-caved, thus storing significant quantities of gases (CO2 and
With the creation of aerodynamic connections between the closed and active stope area,
appeared in the face front high concentrations of CO and CO2 (hundredths percent), the
work in stope being performed with mine rescuers on special working schedule basis. In
late May, after intensified ventilation measures implementation, gas concentrations
decreased, measurements in 25 May indicating normal values. It resulted that in June
the stope has been affected by the existence of a spontaneous combustion from the
upper sublevel. In July, second slice exploitation ended, the stope was dimantled and
closed. As a result, the stope had a normal situation in terms of spontaneous

Exploration and Mining

20 y
EM na
Fig. 6. Ethylene (C2H4) fluctuation Fig. 7 Acetylene (C2H2) fluctuation (one
year monitoring)

rg G li
(one year monitoring)

.o S cip
m ce is
ge en tid
.s r ul
w n lM

Fig. 8. Graham Index variation (one year

w Co na

w fe

But in August owing to faulty ventilation fire indexes shows an auto-oxidation

eo tio

phenomenon, which has not evolved to spontaneous combustion, while in next two
months, the situation of the monitored stope was characterized as "normal" in terms of
G a

spontaneous combustion. Only at the end of the reference period (December) but at the
c rn

sublevel I has been manifested a phenomenon of self-ignition. If test results do not

indicate a continuous decrease in oxygen concentration in a confined space, it is an
ifi te

indication that the closed area receives air, in which case it will be ensured additional
sealing of existing dams or building of new brattices, or – further on - based on work
nt In

permits will be applied other methods of spontaneous combustion suppression.

ie th

Sc 16

The phenomenon of coal self-ignition is known as a major hazard in the daily practice
of underground coal mines from Jiu Valley basin. This phenomenon is closely related to
the mineralogical and petrographical composition of coal, composition favoring intense
processes of oxidation, exothermic chemical reactions capable of generating
temperatures above flammability point of coal. After analyzing the causes of fires in
relation to the geological characteristics of coal seams it come that thick seam with
medium and high inclination (such as seam 3) has the most favorable conditions for the
generation of endogenous fires.
The coal reaction of combustion results in the formation of CO, CO2 and water vapor,
occurrence of desorption phenomena and chemical transformation of carbon contained
in the gas, occurrences which determines the production of H2, C2H4, C3H6, CH4. For

16th International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference SGEM 2016

early detection of endogenous fires were developed and introduced into mine practice a
wide range of techniques. The measurement of CO remains the basic detection
parameter for endogenous fires. Measurements whose results are summarized in the
present work were carried out downstream of active and inactive face fronts, being
carried out periodic checks of the relevant parameters, in intake airways across sectors
to avoid false alarms. With increasing awareness and understanding of self-ignition
process related phenomena can be improved the possibilities to detect endogenous fires
in early stages. Timely detection of endogenous fires by implementing specialized

20 y
instruments for measuring and processing the measurement results can play an

EM na
important role in enhancing occupational safety and effectively combating endogenous
fires. In this context, of particular interest appears to be the realization of an integrated
fire detection and endogenous fires prevention system likely to occur in underground

rg G li
collieries from the Mining Division of Hunedoara Energy Complex.

.o S cip
m ce is

ge en tid
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Common Approach Structured for Underground Coalmine Environments, Archives of
.s r ul
Mining Sciences, Vol. 57, Issue 1, pp. 53-60, 2012.
w n lM

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w Co na

[3] McPherson M. J., Ventilation and environmental engineering, University Press,

w fe

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eo tio

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G a

c rn

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ifi te

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nt In

Computer Applications in the Mineral Industry (CAMI 95), pp. 720-724, Montreal,
Canada, 22-25.10.1995.
ie th

[6] Moraru R.I., Băbuţ G.B., Cioca L.I., Rationale and criteria development for risk
Sc 16

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