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I believe in this saying that "Our greatest glory is not in never failing but in rising up everytime

we fail"why?because everytime we fail we should stand up,we must rise, and keep going. Life
must go on because if you fail,it will makes you stronger,braver,and better than before.

To be honest,my biggest fear before was failure and disappointments,I was afraid to fail and to
disappoint all the people who believed in me because if I fail,I might lose my future,my family,my
friends and all the people who surround me. I thought that failure is the end of my journey and
disappoinments will make me feel worthless but it's not the truth is that, It is just a new
beginning in order for me to create something new and a better one. We cannot achieve
success if we don't experience failure and disappoinments because they are the key to success
and that's life you must first stumble before you can succeed because no one reaches vuctory
without experiencing failure and disappointments and our greatest asset to reach victory is
through God because we have endless power when we're travelling with him. All of us start from
a scrath,so what?We just need to feel defeat in order for us to feel glory. Defeat is like victory's
dawn so we need self confidence and strength even when we've been covored with pains and
challenges. We need to always rise hope. I believe that we must go all out to win the battle. We
might cry and laugh,we might be injured for reaching success because "the roots of success are
bitter but the fruits are sweet". We need to fight for our dreams,failures and disappointments are
not excuse in order for us to give up in chasing our dreans,we must win this battle ,we must
bring home the bacon because through this we will hug,cheer, and shout the overflowing joy we
have because everyone of us has its own battle to win. We will stand at the top of the world
someday. We will always be our hero so don't give up,just rest for an hour. You're never be
alone because He is with us and he will walk with us together to reach our goals in life,so let's
just try and try until we succeed.

Yes,the greatest barrier to success is the fear of failure and disappointments yet they are also
the major reason that hold us back from realizing our full potential thay we can do it,and
success is not avoiding failures and disappointments so don't be afraid to face defeat,learn from
your failures and disappointments and build yourself up. Just go fight and win. So be brave and
never give up!

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