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Plagiarism Scan Report

Report Genrated Date 24 Sep, 2017
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1.0 Introduction In the Cambridge Dictionary state that that the meaning o bully, someone
who hurts or rightens someone who is smaller or less power ul, o ten orcing them to do
something that they do not want to do. According to the American Psychological

Association, 40% to 80% o the school-age children have experience bullying during their
school days. In this statement, we can conclude that the bully issue in school is getting
serious rom day to day. There are many types o bullying such as verbal, physical,

psychological and cyber. In my opinion, I strongly believe that most common type o
bullying that happens in school is verbal bullying. This is because according to website, they say that about 44.2% o bullying is teasing which is o ten
playing o ten playing jokes and calling a child names. Hence, rom my opinion, I would

strongly agree with the opinion that bullying is an issue that is di ficult to be eliminated in
schools due to some actors which will be discussed in the ollowing paragraphs. 2.0 Peer

pressure All things appear and disappear because o some causes and conditions. Nothing
ever exits entirely alone; everything is in relation to everything else and thus, one o the
actors which making the bullying becomes more and more di ficult to be eliminated is

peer pressure. Sometimes kids a clique will pressure other kids to participate in bullying.
This bullying can include everything such as leaving mean notes and name-calling to
sabotaging another person’s relationship with gossip, lies and rumours. The reason why the

children participate in bullying is when they do not participate in bullying others, they will
be bullied too. Thus, they have no choices, as they do not want to be a victim by bullying,

they will eventually end up to be bully. The victims are not brave enough to tell the truth to
the teacher. This is because they will be treated more badly by the bullies a ter telling the
truth. Eventually the victims tend to remain silence and keep the truth in their deep heart

but instead telling the truth. In short, teachers and parents are very di ficult to detect the
children whether they are being bullied or not due to the student do not tell the truth. 3.0
School authorities Furthermore, the reason o bullying becomes di ficult to be eliminated in
schools is because the school authorities do not take their responsibilities properly. To be
honest, school authorities only give the discipline punishment to the bullies and they do not
ind out the root cause. A bully must have some individual problems which lead them to
bullying. There are many actors cause a person to be a bully such as he eels jealous or
rustrated, looking or attention, and amily in luences. Hence, the school authorities
should not only give discipline punishment to the bully, they should give counselling
session to the bully. This is because in a counselling session, the counsellor will interact
with the bully and talk to him to ind out what is the root cause. According to Dr. … says
that by counselling the bullies is a more e fective way to deal with it, instead only giving
discipline punishment to them only. Sometimes a bully needs more attention rom other
peoples, so they take a wrong pathway to release their emotion by bullying others. As a
teacher or school counsellor, they have the responsibilities to counsellor a bully instead o
giving punishment. Un ortunately, I can say that most o the schools only use discipline
punishment method to deal with this issue in our country which increasing the di ficult to
eliminate the bullying issue. 4.0 The negative in luences o mass media Apart o that, the
reason o bullying becomes di ficult to be eliminated in schools is because the negative
in luences o mass media. Malcolm X says that, the mass media has the most power ul
in luence on the planet earth. They have the power to make the innocent guilty and to
make the guilty innocent, and that is the power o the mass media. This is because they
control the minds o the masses”. The mass media is including internet, news, movies and
other entertainment sources become a part o daily li e o the students. They can get the
mass media in anytime, anywhere even in the school. The contents in the media introduced
to young people and make them di ficult to distinguish between what is correct and what is

not, as a result stimulating con usion and blind imitation. For an example, most o the
western culture movies that contain the violence elements and these negative elements

will in luence the students to the pathway o bullying. Furthermore, parents nowadays only
ocus o their works and achievements, their children are being ignored as money is more
important to them compared to their own kids. There ore, their children have exposed too

much o negative e fect o the mass media. As a result, children take part in unhealthy
activities such as drug abuse, play truant, involve in gangsterisme and last bullying. In
short, I can say that mass media is a one o the main actor that causes the bulling is

di ficult to be eliminated in school. 5.0 Conclusion In a nutshell, I conclude that so many
actors that in luences the bullying issue becoming di ficult to be eliminated such as peer
pressure, poor system o school authorities and the negative in luences o mass media.
Bullying is an unhealthy activity and it brings many negative e fects to the society and our

students. As a teacher, we have the responsibilities to cure this social problem, to make a
bright uture and a sa e growing environment without bullying to our students.

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