Bluecross Embezzlement

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Established 1848
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“Fear No Man, and Render Justice to All Men” Rankin County • Brandon, MS Volume 163 • Number 18 Wednesday • November 24, 2010
Blue Cross/Blue Shield USM Mass Communications
Two face charges and Journalism Department
inducts Dr. Frank Buckley into
for embezzlement
By Tom Hill
BRANDON – Two former Blue
Hall of Fame
By Marcus Bowers
Dr. Frank W. Buckley, long time
Cross Blue Shield employees who resident of Brandon now deceased,
allegedly generated fictitious claims was inducted into the Univer-
and then cashed the checks worth a sity of Southern Mississippi Mass
reported $229,943.63 were arrested Communications and Journalism
by the state Attorney General’s of- Department Hall of Fame.
fice last week and charged with in- The presenter for Dr. Buckley
surance fraud. According to court was a former student of Dr. Buck-
records, the checks were drawn on ley’s Charlåes Kershner. Kershner
the State of Mississippi Health In- was a 2007 Hall of Fame inductee
surance Plan account. at the USM Mass Communication
Sonja Mitchell, 34, of Jackson, SONJA MITCHELL TIANA WHITSETT and Journalism.
was charged with six counts of in- The inscription on the plaque
surance fraud for six claims that to- County Court Judge Kent McDan- ployee who is on the state insur- which will hang on the walls at the
taled $206,855.12. Those allegedly iel on the morning of Nov. 17 dur- ance program. He said anyone School of Mass Communication
took place between December 2008 ing which they told him they had who could do something like that and Journalism about Dr. Buckley
and March 2009. resigned their positions with Blue had a complete lack of concern for reads: Dr. Frank Buckley served
Tiana Whitsett, 35, of Jackson, Cross Blue Shield. the law, their employer and the tax- as head of the journalism depart-
was charged with three counts of Judge McDaniel told the women payers. ment at the University of Southern DR. FRANK W. BUCKLEY
insurance fraud for three claims that they were presumed to be in- “This is the most unacceptable Mississippi form 1954 to 1963 and who had attempted to gain ad-
that totaled $23,088.51. Those al- nocent of all charges against them. conduct I have ever seen,” he said. left a lasting impression on a gen- mission to the segregated univer-
legedly took place in August 2010 He then went on to say that the “It evinces a cold heart that I could eration of students who went on sity. Remarkably well educated,
Mitchell and Whitsett were crimes they allegedly committed not imagine.” to remarkable journalistic careers. he earned a bachelor’s degree
booked into the Rankin County amounted to direct theft from the At the hearing, Judge McDaniel As department chair, he acquired a from Louisiana College, a law de-
Jail on Nov. 16. Both women made pocket book of every taxpayer in set Mitchell’s bond at $300,000 and press for the Student Printz, mak- gree from Vanderbilt University, a
their initial appearance before Mississippi and every state em- Whitsett’s bond at $60,000. That ing the university the first in the master’s degree from Florida State
afternoon, Mitchell posted a cash country to have its own printing and a PhD. from Southern Illinois.
bond and was released and Whit- operation and allowing students Early in his career, he worked as a
East Metro Road sett posted a surety bond and was the full experience of newspaper reporter, photographer and editor
released. production. He was removed from at serveral newspapers until World

$14M road section begins According to court documents,

the suspects allegedly generated
fraudulent claims on the State of
his position by the university ad-
ministration after fighting unsuc-
cessfully to prevent the confisca-
War II, when he became an ensign
in the Navy. In the late 1960s,
he founded Buckley Newspa-
By Charles Bailey begin on the northern leg of a vital Mississippi Health Insurance Plan tion of the Student Printz when pers which still publishes several
FLOWOOD- With a bid award- new Rankin County road. account for alleged hospital visits the newspaper published a photo weekly newspapers in south Mis-
ed and a contractor in place, offi- The East Metropolitan Road, to Memorial Hospital in Gulfport. of an African-American student See Dr. Buckley, page 3
cials are anxious to see construction See East Metro, page 5 The documents do not specify to
whom the checks were made out or
who cashed them.
The fraud came to light when
an individual received a State of
Mississippi Health Insurance Plan
check and returned it to Blue Cross
Blue Shield because she had not re-
ceived any medical treatment for
which she should have received
a check from her health insurance
plan. Blue Cross Blue Shield staff
then conducted an internal audit.
When BCBS contacted Memorial BRANDON FLORENCE
Hospital, hospital staff there re-
ported that there were no hospital
Friday, Dec. 3 Saturday, Dec. 4
records for the BCBS group mem- 7:00 p.m. 6:00 p.m.
bers who were the recipients of the PEARL PUCKETT
fraudulent insurance checks. Saturday, Dec. 4 Saturday, Dec. 4
Attorney General Office spokes-
man Jan Schaefer said the AG’s of- 9:00 a.m. 4:30 p.m.
County Sheriff’s Dept. is requesting information on the pictured subject. If you anything about any investigation. Saturday, Dec. 11 Saturday, Dec. 4
can identify the subject who drives a late model Black Ford Explorer, please A representative with BCBS did
call the RCSD at 601-825-1480. He’s wanted for vehicle burglary and using
4:30 p.m. 10:00 a.m.
not respond to requests for infor-
stolen Credit/Debit cards. mation on the matter.

Week of Activities

Brandon gearing up for Winter Wonderland

By Linda Horton Mustard Seed will perform. Debbie Jasper St. and then west ending at
BRANDON – Twas the month Burnham accompanied by Jennifer Jasper and College Sts.
before Christmas, when all through Clark and Skylar Harden directs the Saturday, Dec. 4 – The day kicks
the town, lots of Brandon folks hand bell choir. The Brandon High off with two chances for Breakfast
were stirring to get “Winter Won- School Singers directed by Marilyn With Santa in the Senior Center at
derland” week kicked off with the Julian will also perform. City Hall on Highway 80. The first
greatest of ease. Thursday, Dec. 2 - Santa will be is at 8 a.m. and the second is at 10
“Winter Wonderland” is a week at the Brandon Library reading sto- a.m.
of holiday activities planned by the ries to the children at 6 p.m. Dobbs said breakfast consists of
City of Brandon beginning Tuesday, Friday, Dec. 3 - There will be pancakes and sausage. Members of
Nov. 30, with the official lighting of dancing to Christmas music for se- the Mayor’s Youth Council will be
the Christmas tree and culminating nior adults at the Senior Center at on hand to help serve.
Sunday, Dec. 5, with the Brandon 1 p.m. “Santa and Mrs. Santa Clause
Garden Club’s “Deck the Hall.” “The highlight of the season, will be available for pictures,”
Tuesday, Nov. 30 - Mayor Tim an Old Fashion Christmas, parade Dobbs said. “Parents need to re-
Coulter will light the Christmas begins at 7 p.m.,” Taya Dobbs, as- member to bring their cameras to
tree in downtown Brandon, at 6:30 sistant to the mayor, said. “The pa- the event.”
p.m. Immediately following, there rade will follow the same route it Tickets for Breakfast With Santa
will be Carols on the Square on has used in the past.” are $5 each. Children four and un-
the front steps of the Justice Court The parade starts at the corner der are free. Tickets are available at
Building adjacent to the old court- of S. College and Jasper St. It goes City Hall. Members of the Mayor’s
house on Highway 80. north on College St. and turns east Youth Council will travel to Rouse GEARING UP FOR WINTER WON- the week of Nov. 30- Dec. 5. Pictured
This is the first year for Carols on on to Highway 80. The parade stays Elementary School, Brandon Ele- DERLAND WEEK – The City of are (l-r): Erma Jones, Laura Mayo,
the Square and the official lighting on Highway 80 and turns on to Lou- mentary School and to Stonebridge Brandon is getting ready to usher in Angela Jones, Amanda Tolstad, An-
of the Brandon Christmas tree. The is Wilson Dr. Then, at Louis Wilson Elementary School, Wednesday, the Christmas season with Winter gela Bean, Beth Johnson, Mayor Tim
Bells of Faith hand bell choir from Dr., the parade heads south back to Wonderland week. Activities for the Coulter, and Tahya Dobbs.
See Winter Wonderland, page 5 community are planned throughout

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