Object Oriented Programming

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L-T-P: 3-1-0 Cr.-4

Module – I (10 Lectures)
Introduction to object-oriented programming, user-defined types,
polymorphism, and encapsulation. Getting started with C++ syntax,
data-type, type conversions, functions, exceptions and statement,
namespaces, exceptions, explicit and mutable, operators, flow control,
functions, recursion. Arrays, pointers, this pointer, generic pointer and
Module – II (10 Lectures)
Abstraction mechanisms: Classes, private, public construction, member
functions, static members, references etc. class hierarchy, derived
classes. Inheritance: simple inheritance, polymorphism, aggregation,
object slicing, base initialization virtual functions.
Module – III (12 Lectures)
Prototypes, linkages, operator overloading, ambiguity, friends, member
operators, operator function, I/Operator etc. Memory management:
new delete, object copying copy constructors, assignment operator,
this input/output. Exception handling: Exceptions and derived classes,
function exception declarations, Unexpected exceptions, Exceptions
when handling exceptions, resource capture and release etc.
Module – IV (08 Lectures)
Templates and standard Template library: template classes,
declaration, template functions, containers, algorithms, iterators,
manipulating string objects, hashes, iostreams and other type. Projects
design and development using C++.
Text Books:
1. Ashok N. Kamthane- Object oriented programming with ANSI & Turbo C ++.,
Pearson Education.
2. E. Balguru Swamy – C ++, TMH publication.

Reference Books:
1. Programming with ANSI C++, 2/e, Bhushan Trivedi, Oxford University Press
2. H. Schildt – C++, The Complete Reference, TMH.
3. Robert Lafore-Object-oriented programming in Microsoft C ++
4. The C++ Programming Language (4th Edition), Bjarne Stroustrup, Addison-
Wesley Publications.
5. Object-Oriented Programming Using C++, 4/e, Farrell Joyce, CENGAGE


L-T-P: (0-0-3) Cr: 2
Programs on concepts of class and objects (1 class)
Programs using Inheritance (1 class)
Programs using Polymorphism (1 class)
Programs on use of Operator overloading (1 class)
Programs on use of memory management (1 class)
Programs on exception handling and use of templates (1 class)
Programs on file handling in C++ (1 class)
Design a problem on stock and accounting of a small organization, railway
reservation, payroll preparation and optimization problem (3 classes)

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