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The following questions and answers on the API material are

for memorization. The API questions will be open book on the
first part of the exam and closed book during the second half.

Practice remembering the lcey words as opposed to learning the

entire answer.
AI'I 510 EIGHTH ED., .IUNE, 1997 ADDENDA # 1 DEC. 1998, # 2 DEC. 2000, # 3 D e c 2001 and
Aug. 2003


Section 1 General Application

I. Tlie primary code for [lie inspection of lpressure vessels artel Illey enter selvice is7

The API 5 10 Code

2 Rel~ttiveto plessuie vessels, when does M I 5 10 apply'?

(I I)

Onlg applicable to vessels anel tliey have heen placed in service

3. Wliat does tlie API inspection code cover?


Mainte~ia~ice inspection, repail, alteration. atid ~e-ratilipp~ocedulesf o ~pressure vessels used hy

petroletr~narid cliemical process indostr ies.

4 Wliat type ol piessule vessel is enelnpt Sroin periodic inspectiol~requirements?

( I 2 2)

Pressure vessels on movable stluctures covered hp otlierjurisdictio~ialreqoirements.

All classes listed for exemption from the inspection scope of Llie ASME Code Section VUI,
Division I.
Pressure vessels Lhat do not exceed specified volumes 6r pressures

Section 3 - Delinilions

5. Wliat is an alteratio~~?

A phj~sicalclla~igcin any component or a ~e-ratingwliicli lias design inlplications which affect

pressi~re-contnini~lgcapability beyond the scope of cxistillg datn i-cports.

G. Wllat tl~ieesitilations sliould nbt be considered alte~alions'?

(3 1 )

Coniparable or duplicate replacement

. Addition of ~einforcednozzle less tl1a11or equal to existi~igreintorced nozzles

Addition of no7zles not iequiring reinfo~ceineol


7 In what situation would the term "applicable requireeients of ASME Code" be used?
( 3 2)

When tlie ASIiE. Code caiinot he followed because of its new construction orientation (lieu1 or
revised material specifications. inspection requirements, ceitaio heat treatments and presstire tests,
and stamping and inspection requirenlents). the engineer or irispector shall conform to this
inspection code rathei than to tlie ASMF Code. If an item is covered by requirements in the
A S W . Code and tliis irispectiori code oi if there is a cotiflict hetween !lie two codes, for vessels
that liave been placed in setvice. tile requirements of this inspection code sllall take precedence
over tlie ASME Code As an example of tlie intent oS tl~isinspection code. the phrase "applicable
requiretiients of [lie ASME Code" 112sbeeti used in this ilispection code instead of the plirse "in
accordance with the ASME Code."

8 What is an Authorized Inspector or Inspector?

( 3 3)

An employee ol an Authorized Inspection Agency who is qualified arid certified to perlorn1

illspection uilder tliis inspection code.

9 List 4 exarnples of an Autllorized Irispection Agency

( 3 4)

. Inspection organization of the jurisdiction in whicli the pressure vessel is used or;
Inspection organizntion of insurance cotlipany which is licensed or registered to write and actually
rites pressure vessel insurance.
An owner 0 1 user o l pressure vessels who mairltains an inspection organization for activities
relating only to his equipment and not lor vessels intended for sale or resale.
An independent organization or individual licensed or recognized by the ju~isdictionin which the
pressure vessel is used and employed by or acting under the direction of the owner or user.

10 Define "construction code".


. The code or slandarcl to which a vessel was originally built, such as APVASW, API, or Slate

I I What does the term "inspection code" refer to in AP15 lo?

(3 6)

Sliortc~iedLitle lor API 510 used in tliis publication.

A legally constituted govelnmelit adrilinistration, wliich may adopt ~ulesrelating to pressure


I 13 Delilie M;~xi~nuliiAllowable Wor1;ingPressure (MAWP) as i t lelates lo API 510

( 3 9) atid (Sect Vlll UG-98)

. Tile r~iesitnumgage l,iess~~re perinitled at the lop 01' ;I pressuie vessel in its operatirig positioli for a
desigi~atedtemperature illat is h s e d on calculations using tlie r~iinimum(or avelase pitted)
Ihictliess Sor all critical vessel elements, [lot including corrosion allowance oi loading other tli:in

14 Wlletl determining Minimum Allowable Shell Tl~ickness.whnt must he conside~cdwllen mating
(3 10)

. Tempeiature pressure. and all loading

15. What type of inspection uses nondestructive examination procedures to establisll tlie soitability of
presswe vessels for continued operalion?


I G Wl~atis the key element of a11On-sueam inspection'?

(3 1 1 )

Because the !'essel Inlay be in operation while an on-stlearn inspections being canied out. tlie
vessel is not entered for internal inspection

17 Wliat is a Piessuie Vessel ?

( 3 12) and (Sect VIII U-I ( 0 ) )

A container designed to withstand internal or exteinal pressure, whicll can be imposed by an

external source, by the app1ic;ltion of lieat from a direct or indirect source, or by any combination
thel-eof. This definition includes unfired steam generators and otlier vapor generating vessels,
wllicll use Iteat from the operation of a processing system or other indirect lieat source. (Specific
limits and exemptions ofeq~~ipinent coveted by this inspection code are given in Section I and
Appendix A )

18 Who sllall be a presstile vessel engineer?

(3 13)

Sbnll be one or more persons 01 o~ganizationsacceptable to the owner-user who we

knowledgeable and experienced in the engineering disciplines associated with evaluating
mecllanicai and material cllnracteristics which arfect the integrity and reliability or pressure
vessels The pressure vessel engineer, by consulting wit11 appropriate specialists, should be
regarded as a conlposite of all entities needed to properly assess tlie technical requirements

19. WIlat is the definition of quality assurance as given in M I 5 lo?

(.3 "14) . .
. All plaiined, systematic, and preventative actions required to determine il n~aterials,equipment, or
services will meet specified requirements so that equipment will perform satisfactorily in service.
The conten6 o f a qk~alityassurance inspection manual at-e ot~tli~ledin 4 3.

. The woi k necessary to restore a vessel to a conditioi~suitable for snfe operations at tlle design
coadiliotis. "IFdesig11tempelntltre or plessure changes due to iesto~alion,tlien re-inling
~ecli~i~ements~11311also be satisfied


2 1 L is1 tlle b u r exa~iiplesof a Repair Organization,
( 3 16)

. T l ~ eholder of a valid ASME Certilicate of Atitllorizatioii Fot the use ot an approptiate A S W

Code symbol statlip

An owner or user of pressure vessels who repairs liis own etluipment in accordatice with tlle API
5 10 code

A contiactor whose qualifications are ncceptable to the owner or usel of ptesstrre vessels and
tiialtes repairs in accordance with tllis inspection code.

A tepait concetn that is authorized by tlie legal jurisdiction

- A cliange in eitl~ertile temperalute ratings ot tlie rnaximt~rnallowable working plessure tating of a

vessel. o t n change in botli The niaxirii~~rn allowable u'orking letnpetature and pressure o f a
vessel may be it~crenscdot decreased because ol a re-rating, and sotnetimes a re-tating requires a
combinntion 01'changes De-rotirig llelow origirial design conditions is a pelmissible way to
provide for cotrosion. When a re-rating is condt~ctedin ivl~ichtile maximu~nallowable wotking
ptessure or temperature is increased or tile minimum temperature is decreased so thut additional
~iiecbanicaltests are required, it shall be considered an altetation.

2 3 What is a petmissihle way to provide for conosion'?

( 3 17)

De-rating helow original design conditions.

24 Wl~utdistingltislies an exatni~ierfrom and inspector?

(3 18)

A person wlio assists tlie API aotborized pressure vessel inspector by petforming specific NDE. on
ptessttre vessels but does not evaluate the results or those examinations in accordance with API
5 10, i~tilessspecilically trained and autllorized to do so by the owner or user 'The examiner need
1101 be certilied in accordance with API 510 or be ati employee of the owner or user but sllall he
trai~led$nd competent in tl~eapplicable procedures in wllicli the examiner is involved.

25. Define Controlled-Deposition Welding

(3.1 9)

Atiy welditlg tecl~niqtteused to obtain controlled grain tefinenient and tempering o l the onderlying
heat ali'ected zone (HAZ)in tile base metal. Various controlled-deposition tecllniques, such as
le~npet-head(tempering of tlle layer below the cutrent bead heing deposited) and half-bead
(requit ing re~novalof one-half ol'tlie rirst layer), are included. Controlled-deposiliori weldirlg
~equirescontrol of the entile welding ptocedure incli~dingtlie joint detail, preheating and post
heating. welding tecliniql~e.:111dwelding pal.ameters


Section 4 O~r'ner-Userlnspectin~~

lor heco~iiingan inspec101'

26 Wl~atate tlie education and expetience ~eqoi~etnents
(4 2 go lo Appendix B)

Degree in engineering Rr I year experience in tlie design, constroction. repair, operation. or

. inspection of boilers or pressure vessels

or tecl~nologyiro~iin tecliliical college 8r 2 years of experience in
?-year cel tilicate in e~igi~ieeri~ig
tlie design. construction. repair.. opelation, or inspection of boilers or pressure vessels
Equivalent of a iiigli school education plus 3 ycars of expc~ie~ice (and).
Five years experience in the i~ispectiotiof hoile~sor plessttle vessels.

17 Wlio will he responsible to tlie ow11e1-userwhen nltelatio~is.inspections or repairs are performed?

(4 4)

Tlie API aothorized pressure vessel inspector


Section 5- lnspcction Practices

28. Why are safety precatitiotls important in pressure-vessel iiispeciions'?


. Because ol tlie liiiiited access lo and tlie confined spaces of pressitre vessels

29 What guidelines tii~rstan inspector lollow to erlier n vessel tliat llas been in service?
I5 1 )

. O S l U Regulations legaiding Conlitled Space Entry

30 Explain the salety precautions and p~oceduresillat sliotild be taken when pet forming an internal
(5 1 )

. Isolate vessel liom all sources of liqoids. pas o~ vapots.

D~ain.plrrge. clean and ventilate.
&is test,

. Weat protective equipment as required.

Warn all persons working atoltnd tlie vessel tllat inspection personnel ate inside.

. Warn all inside tlie vessel of worl; that is done outside tile vessel
Clieclc all tools and safety equipment needed before inspection.

31 When developing nn illspection plaii foi vesscls tliat operate at elevated teinperetiires (750 to I000
" F) wl~attllinfs sltould be considered wlien assessing tlie remaining life of the vessel?

Creep delbriiiation and stress rupture

e Cieep ciack growth
Ellect ol hydrogen on creep.
Interaction of creep and fatigue
Possible melallorgical elfecls, inclitding a teduction in ductility

32. Locations where liletals of different the~lnalcoellicients of expansion are welded together are
susceptible to what?
(5 2)
Tlierrnal Fatigue

33 Tlie actual oi estimated levels of what Sour items iiiu$t be considered in any evalitation ot Cieep?
(5 2)

Matel ial Cieep Sttetigtll

34 At aiiihient tempetatuies. caihoti. IOW alloy, and otlter Serritic steels riiay be sttsceptible to what?
( 5 2)

Btittle Failure


35 Define Ternpel E~nbrittlenrent
(5 2 )

e A loss of ductility and notclr touglrness due to PWIIT or liigli tenipemtu~ese~viceabove 700
depees F (370 degrees C)

36 Wlrat kind of steel is prone to Ternper E~nb~ittlement?

(5 2)

Low alloy steels. especially 2 114-Ci-1 Mo

37. Wlrat tlrree methods may be used to deter mine the probable rate of corrosion?
(5 3 )

Calculate 1:rte liorrr data collected f ~ o nsailie

i or similar service.
Estininte rate from owner-usel experience or from published data on comparable se~vice.,
011-stream determiliatioli after 1000 hours of service using a suitable corrosio~imonitoring
device or NDE thicltness tneasurements (UT), si~bsequentinspections ~11311be nrade until tlre
corrosio~irate has been established.

18 How should [Ire M A W for tlie continued use ol n pressure vessel he esmblisbed?
(5 4)

. By using tlre Code to which the vessel was fabricated or by using the appropriate formulas and
requii~ementsof the latest edition of tile ASME Code to establish tlie design temperature and
presstire., ~,

39. In corrosivc service, tlie wall tlrickness used in tlie M A W calculatiorrs slrall he the actual
thickness obtained by inspection minus -.
(5 4 )
Twice [lie estimated corrosion loss before tlrc date of tlie next inspection, except as modified in
section 6 4

40 Wliat is tlre most important arid the inost universally accepted method of inspection?
(5 5 )

Careful visual esatnination

4 1 Wlrnt dete~~nines
tlie parts of vessel 11131 slro~rldbe inspected?
(5 5 )

Tlic type ol vessel arid its operating conditions

42 F ~ ptoper
I visual esamination, what su~facepreparation is requi~ed'
(5 5 )

Tl~etype of surface preparation depends on individual circunist;rnces, hut su~Iacepreparation socli

as wire b~usliing,hlasting, chipping. grinding, or a cotnbi~rationof tlrese may be ~etluired.,


4 j If distortioti is suspected du~ingtlie inspection of a ptessute vessel wllat is tlie plopet couise of
(5 5)

If ally distortion of a vessel is suspected or observed. tile overall ditnerisions of tlie vessel shall be
chected to confirm wlietllet or not [lie vessel is disto~tedand, if it is disto~ted,to determine the
extent and seriousness of tl~edistortion. Tlle parts of tire vessel that should he inspected tnost
cnrefitlly depend on the type of vessel and its operating conditions

44 What type ol examine~ssliall tlie whet1 tlie ownelluser reqirires i~lspectiotifor detection of ititetior
su~fncebreaking planar flaws?
(5 5)

. Industry-qualified UT Shear Wave examiners

45, List tlie inspections. wliicli include the leatttres that are comtlion to most vessels and that are most

Examine tlie surf ces of sl1ells and lieads carefirlly fot possible clacks, blisters, bulges, arid otbcr
signs of deter ioration.
Examine welded joint$ and tile adjacent heat-affected zoties for selvice-induced cracks or otlier
Examine the surfaces of all tnan ways, nozzles, atid otlier openings for distortion, cracks, and other
46. Nanie two reasons why it is necessary for the AP15 I0 inspector to examine ilange races.

To look for distottion

To detertnitle tile coridition of gasket-seating sut faces

47. Corrosion rnay cause what two forms of loss?


. Uniform loss - a general, relatively even waslage of a surface area

Pitted appearance - an obvious, inegolar surface wastage

48 Name tlttee ways the minimum thickness of a pressure vessd can be determined

Any suitable nondestructive exa~nination

. Measurements taketi throttgh dl illed Lest lioles

Gatrging lion1 un-corroded stt~facesin the vicinily of tlie corroded area

49 For a cotrotled are:i of considerable size io which the circumferential sttesses govern, the least
tliictness along tlle most critical element of tlie area may be averaged ovet a length not exceeding
(5 7)

Fot vessels witli inside diameters less tllan or equal to 60 inches ( 150 centimelets), otle Iialf tlie

. vessel diatnetet or 20 inches (50 centirnele~s).whicllever is less.

For vessels with inside diameters greater than 60 inclies, one thi~dthe vessel diameter ot 40 inches
( 100 centimeters), wllicllever is less.


50 When can widely scattered pits be ignored?
(5 7 )

. N o pit deptli is more than I12 tlie vessel wall thickness exclusive olcorrosioii allowance,
Total area of pits does tior exceed 7 sq. inches in any 8 inch diameter circle
Suni of pit ditiiensions along any stlaiglit line within tlie circle does not exceed 2 inches.

5 1 , When sliould tlie design by analysis metbods of Section VnI, Division 2, Appendix 4, o f tlie
ASME Code be tised?
( 5 7)
. To determine if cotliponelits with tliinning walls. which are helow tile minimum tequired wall
tliicknesses. are :~deqttatefbr continlied setvice
To cvaltiate blend ground nrens ufliere defects liave been retiioved,

5 2 Wliat do you i s e lo determine i(tlie t1iicI;tiess :it llie weld ot reinote troll1 IIie weld gotJernstlie
:~llowuhleworking plessure wlicn the s u r f ce at [lie weld lias a joint f;ictor otlier llian 1.0:'
(5.7 g)

. For tliis calculation^ llie surface at a weld includes I ilicli ( 2 5 centiiuetels) on eiLlier side of the
weld, or twice the ~ i i i ~ i i n itllickness
~ ~ n i on eitliet side o l the weld, whichever is greater.


53. Describe the govelning tllicitness when ~neast~ring
the corroded thicl;ness ofcllipsoidal acid
(5 7 11)

Tile thickness ol tlie 1;nuclile region wit11 tlle head rating calci~latedby the :~pprop~ iate liead
Tire tIric1;ness ol tlie central portion of the dislred region, in wliicll case the dislied region niay he
considered a spliel-ical segment whose allowable pressure is calculated hy the code foin~ulafor
spllerical shells

54 Wllat is tlie splie~ic:~l

segment o l hot11 ellipsoidal ;lnd to1 isplie~icnl l~eatls'
( 5 7 h)

That area located enti~elywithin a circle wliose center coincides wit11 tlie center of tile head and
\\tl~osediamete~is equal to 80% of tlie shell diameter.
55. On torisplierical lieads. wliat is used as the radius of llle spherical segment'?
( 5 7.11)

Radius of tile dish

56 Tlie radius ot tlre sphe~icalseglnent of ellipsoidal hends sllall he consideled to be what?

( 5 7 11)

The eqoivalent sphe~icalradius KID, where D is the shell dianrete~(eqoal to the major axis) and
lC1 is given in 'Fable I

57 When evaluating metal loss in excess of a vessel's corrosion allowance what M I document
sliould be consulted?
( 5 8)

MI R P 579 Sections 4 5 and 6

Section 6 Inspection and Testing of Pressl~reVessels and Pressore-Relieving Devices

58 When is an internal field inspection of new vessels not required"

(6 1)

Wlien [lie mant~lactures'data teport (Ul) assuling that tlie vessels ale satislactory f o ~tlieir
intended se~viceis nvailahle

59 Name two kstors to be considered wlien inspection inte~valsale being dete~nii~ied

( 6 1)

Tlie risk associated witli operational slrutdown nod start-up and the l~ossibilityof i~icreased
cor~osionclue to exposwe of vessel surSaces to air and moisture.

60 Wlial ale tl~cessential eleliients ol a risl; besed assessmelit inspection'?


Tlie co~iihin;~tion
ol lilicliliood 01 tnilure nnd [lie consequences of hilure


Appsopliatencss of tlie tiiateiials, vessel design conditions relative to ope~atingconditions,
of tlie design codes and standards utilized, effectiveiiess of corrosio~irnoniloting
progronis: and the quality of inspection 1 qualit)l assttiance and maintenance proeraills .

62 Wllat action shonld he taken niter an effective RBI assessment has heen tinislied?
( 6 7)

Cl~oosetile most appropriate inspection tools and methotls based on the degradnlioti expected

- Sel the appropl iate lteqltency for internal and external and 011-streurn inspections
Determine il prcssule testing will be icqtlired based on damage or alter repnirs.
Decide on ptevention :~ndmitigation steps to redtice llie lil;elil~oodof a vessel failure

63 How often sllould e:rh above ground vessel he :ivet~ a visual extetiial inspectioil?
(6 3)

Eacli vessel aboveground shall be given a visual external inspection. p~eferahlywhile in operation,
at least evely 5 yeais or at the sanie interval as tliereqitired intetnal or oli-stteam inspection,
ull~iclieveris less

64 Wlien rn~~kitig
an external inspection, wliat sliall tlie inspection include'?
(6 3 )

. Condition 01 the exterior insulation

Condition of the supports

. Allowance lot expansion

General aliznment ol the vessel on its supports

65 Buried vessels sliall be peliodically monitored to determine their external environmental

condition. What slinll the inspection intelv:lls be based on'!
( 6 3)

Co~rosionrate information obtained during maintenance on adjacent connecting piping of similar

Information from the interval examination of similarly buried conosion test coupons of similar
Infornialion fioin representative portions of the actual vessel.
1nlortn:ition lioln a vessel in similar circunistances.

66 What is tlie mininittin interval lor checking tlie insulating system or outel jacketingof vessels tliat
are known to Rave a remining life of over I0 years ot tliat are protected against external
cot iosion!

Eve1 y 5 yeais and lepaited as iieeded

67 Wllnt is tlie makimom pe~iodhel\veen internal or on-streatn inspection?

(6 4)

Tlic inasi~iiumperiod shall inn1 exceed one half the estimated reinaining corrosion-rate Iil'e or 10
years. wliichevel is less


68 If ille iemaining safe operating life of a vessel is less tllen 4 years, what is inspecti011 inle~val'!
(6 4)

Intc~valinlay be tl1e h~llremaining safe oper:iting life op to a maximom o f 2 yeais

6 9 Under what conditions would a vessel ~ 4 t ha corrosion rate less than 0.005 inch (0.125
inillirneterj per year and ;ut estimated remaining lire greater than 10 years be exempt rrom an
internal inspection and inspecled enter~~ally instead?
(6 4)

Wlten size, configuration, or lack of access mates vessel entr'y for inte~nalinspectioil physically
When llle general corrosion rate of a vessel is known lo bc less Illan 0.005 inch (0. 125 millimeter)
per yenr and the esti~natedremaining life is grealer than I0 years, and all of the following
corlditions ale met:

The corso~ivecllaractes or tlte contents. including. the effect of'trace components. llas been
established by at least 5 years of tlte same 01 cornpa~ableservice experience with the type of
conlen(s being handled.
No questionable condition is disclosed by the external inspection specified in 6 2.
Tile operating temperature of the steel vessel shell does not exceed the lower tenipe~aturelittiits
f o ~tlte creep-luptuie range of tile vessel material.
The vessel is r1ot considered to be subject to environnie~ttalcracking 01 llydrogen damage from the
fluid heing 1,andled. Allernnlively, a RBI assessment, as pemiitted in can he performed to
determilte tltat the risk associated environmental cracting or llydrogen damage is acceptably low
and that the effectiveness of external inspection techniques is adequate for the damage mechanism.,
T11is assessment should include a review of past co~lditionsand likely frltl~reprocess conditions.

The vessel is not strip-lined or plate-lined

70 Write tile ro~ini~la

to he used wlten determining the sale ~emainitlglife of a vessel
( 6 4)

t actual -t required
Remaning. Life Yrs = ----..--------------
Corrosion sale

. Where: tactual =the tl~icl;ness,in incltes m~llirneters),measured at the tirne ot inspection for llle
limiting section used to determine llle minimum allowable tllickness t ~niniinurn= tlte minimum
allowable thickness, in i~lcltes(millimeters), for tile limiting section or zone

71 Theie are two kinds of corlosion lakes to he considered wben calculating llle remaining life of a
vessel What are these types?
(6 4)
. Sltort Tern1 and Term rates


72 Wl~encondoctitlg a pressure test as pail oi a periodic inspection. what sl~alltile sliell ternperatitre
he during the test'?

To minimize the risk of b~ittlef~actore during the test. the metal temperatuie sl~ouldbe maintained
at least .30 O F (-I "C) above tlie minimum design metal temperature lor vessels that are nlore illan
2 inclles thick, or 10' F (-I 2 'C) above for vessels that have a thickness of 2 inches or less The
test temperatu~eneed not exceed 120°F (50UC)l~nlesst h a e is info~~nation on tile brittle
clraracterisfics of Llle vessel material indicating that a lower test tcmperaltrr-e is acceplahle or a
higller test telnperattlle is needed.

73 Wllen should pneumatic testing be done and wlint are some of (lie consideratio~lslo he taten into
(6 5 )

Pneumatic testing may be i~sedwhen hyd~ostntictesting is impracticable because of tempetatube.

lou~~dationor process leasons, lhoweve~,the potential personnel and propelty ~ i s k sshould be

74. Sllould safety reliel v;~lvesever be removed from a vessel during pressure testing'?

Yes, if a pressure test is being condt~ctedin which the test pressure will exceed the set pressure of
the snfety relief valve with tile lowcst setting

75 Wllen a pressure relief valve reqi~iresrepair, wbo is allowed to make rllis repoir?

Tesung and repairs sl~allbe made by a repair organization experienced in valve mair~tenance The
repair orgnnization sliall llave a written qualrty control system with tlic ~uini~numrequirements as
l~stedin 4 5 ol tlie APl 510 code and maintaio a t~ainingprogrml to i n s t ~ ~the
e qoalifications of tlie
repair personnel

76 How often sliall a safety relief valve be tested?

(6 6)

. Tlie intervals between pressore relieving device testing or inspection sliould be determined by the
perforniance of the devices in the partici~larseivice concerned. Test 01 inspection intervals on
p~esst~re-relievingdevices in typical process services sl~ouldnot exceed 5 years, l~nlessse~vice
experience indicates tllat a longer interval is acceptable For clean (non-fouling), nori-corrosive
se~vices,innximum intervals may be increased to 10 years.

77 Pressu~evessel owners and useis are requi~edto maintain pc~manentand piog~essiverecolds of

tlleir pressure vessels What things are included in these records?
(6 7)

Constructio~~ rind design info~mntion

Ope~atingand inspection history.
Repaiil. alteration, and be-~atinginfo~~nation.
Iiitness-lor-se~vice assessment documentntion


Section 7- Repairs, Altcraiioss, and Re-rating of Pressure Vessels

78. Wllo must appiove :uiy repaits or nltetations?

I7 1 I)

All repair and alteiation worl; tnust he nuthotized by tlie authoiized pressure vessel inspector
herore the work is slatted by a repair organization (see 3.13). Autlloiization for alterations to
piesstire vessels tliat cotnply wit11 Section VIII. Divisions I and ?,of tlie A S m . Code and for
repairs to pscssuie vessels tliat coolply witli Section VIII. Division 2, of the AShG Code may [lot
he given until a pressure vessel eiigineer experienced in pressure vessel desigii llas been consulted
aboui tl~ealtc~ationsand repairs atid llas apptoved tllein, Tile autliorized pressure vessel inspector
\$,ill desigiiate llie fiibrication apptovals that are teqiii~ed.Tlie autllorized piessuie vessel inspectot
tilay give prior generill authorization for liil~itedor routine rrliaiis as lotlg as the inspector is sure
tivat the repairs are tl~ekind that will not reqoile piessuie tests

79 W l ~ oshall approve all specified icpait and alleiation work?

(7 1 2 )

I'lle API autl~otizedptessure vessel inspector. afiet the wotl; bas heen pioveit lo he satishctosy
and any required pressure test Itas heen wittiessed

80 What miist be ie~iiovedf~otnbase mtiterial p~ioito welding?

(7 1 3)

Surlace ir~egulatitiesand contaminnlion

81 All tepair a11dalteration welding shall be in accotdance wit11 what code?

(7 2 )

. ASA4E Code, except as permitted in 7 2 I 1

82 What ~niisthe doile before Prelleal or Colitrolled Depostlioti Welding i5 ilsed it1 lieu or PWHT?
(7 2 3)

Prior to using any alternative inetliod a metalluigical review inust be conducted lo deterlnine if the
proposed ;iItetnative is suilable for tlre application

8.3. Name tlle inaterials allowed wlien ~tsi~ig

the alternative pieheating metlloci when notch toughness
testing is not reqoired.
(723 1)

TIie materials shall he liniited to P-Nos P-No I Group 1.2 and 3 and P-No 3. Gmup I and 2
(excludiilg Mn-Mo steels in G~otip2)

84 Naine the nialct ials ;illowed foi use with tile Controlled-Deposition Wclding A4etliod
(7 2 3 2)

The m;ltet ials sliall he limitcd to P-No. I, P-No 3 and P-No 4.


(PWNT) be substituted f'or 360 degree handin:'?
85. Can local post weld lleat treat~ne~it
(7.2 5 )

1'E.S provided tlie following conditions are met:

. Application is reviewed and procedure developed by engineer experienced in presstlre vessel

design & PWHT requirements.
In evaluating the suitability of a procedure. all applicable factors (base metal thiclaness, ~niaterial
properties. etc ) are considered

. P~elieatof 300 deg~eeor higller pel WPS is maintained.

PW13T temperature is inaintnined ior distance not less tlian 2 Limes base metal tlriclaless measured
fiam weld A minimum of 2 thermocouples is used. Heat is applied to any nozzle or otller
altacliment in PWI-1T area

86 Wl~atco~~sideretions
nus st be given to the repail of stainless steel overlay and cli~ddings!
(7 2 6 )

. Consideration slsall be given to factors wliicb rnay augment the repair sequence stlcll a stress
level. P number of base matetial, selvice environment. possible previously dissolved hydrogen,
type of lining, deterioration of base metal properties (by ternper.e~nbrittlementof chromiom-
molybdenum alloys), ~ninimumpressurization temperatores, and a need for fut~lreperiodic

87 Pel AP1 5 10, state [lie design ~equirenientsTOI:

Brrrr Jobrrs. Rel~iflceltlotrPor1.i.
New Co~tnectro~zs, FiIIet Cl'eld Pnrcltcr.
O i ~ e ~ lParclrcs.
a)~ Flr~shpnrcltes
(7 2 7)

. BUTT JOINTS - slit111lrave complete penetration and li~siori,

REPLACEMENT PARTS - slrall be fabricated in accordance wit11 tlie applicable require~nents
of Llie appropriate code.
NEW CONNECTIONS -design, location, and method of attachment sliall be in accordance with
tl~eapplicable requiremen8 of the appropriate code.
FILLET WELDED PATCHES - require special design conside~ations.tliey are tempolary
repairs Also it must be true that;

(a) Tire fillet-welded patches provide design salety eyuivtllent lo teinforced openings
designed accord~ngto the applicable seclio~iof [lie ASME Code
(b) The fillet-welded patclles are destgned to absorb the membrane strain of the pats so tllat
in o c c o r d o ~ ~with
c e tile rules of tlre applicable section of the ASME Code, the following

Tile allowable ine~iibranestress is not exceeded in tlie vessel parts 01 tlle

Tile strain in the prrtchcs does not result in lillet-weld stlesscs tllat exceed
allowable stresses for sucli welds

- OVERLAY PATCHES - shall have rounded c o liels.

FLUS13 (insert) PATCHES shall liave ~ou~ided
corners and be installed will1 lull penetrirtion butt


58 Suniiiia~ize tlie rules for the use of a full enciicle~~~ent
lap hand on a ptessure vessel

A lull encircletilent l:~phand repair niay be coilsideied a l o q terin lepait i f the design is approved.
ant1 documented by tlie pressore vessel engineer and the a~~tl~orized API pressure vessel inspector
and the follo\\,i~igrcquitemeilts are met:

Tlie repair is not heing made to a crack in tile vessel shell.

TIie h:uld alone is designed to contain the fttll desigti pressure,
All longitudi~ialseatns in the repair band are lull penetration butt welds wit11 the design joint

. eficiencp and inspection consistet~twith the nppiopriate code.

'Tile circumfetential lillet welds attaching the band to the vessel sllell are designed to ttansfct llle
f'llll longitodi~~alload in the vessel shell. using a joint efficiency o f 0 45, willlout counting on the
integrity of tile original sliell ~iintelinlcoveied hy tlie batid.
I;atigiie of tlie ntlaciiment welds2soch as htigiie resulting Irom difle~eiitialexpansion of the band

. lel~itiveto the vessel shell. slioold he considered if applicable

Tllc band moteiial and weld metal ere suitable for contact with tlie coolained lluicl at the design

. conditions and an appropriate corrosion allowance is provided in tile hand.

Tlle depndation ~nechanismleading lo the need lor lepair slinll be consideled in dete~miningtlle
need for any additional monitoring and Fttlure inspection of the repair Non-penetrating nozzles
(including pipe caps attaclted as nozzles) may be used as long term repairs for other than craclts
wlien the design and metllod o l atmciinient comply wit11 the applicable retjuirements o f 'the
appropriate code. Tlie desigo and reinlorcement of sr~cllliozzles shall consider [lie loss of tbe
original sliell material enclosed by tile nozzle T l ~ enozzle material shall be suitable foi colitnct
with tlie contained fluid at tile design conditions and an appropriate cor~osionallowance sllall be

89 Describe tlie ~naterialsltitable for malting repairs or alteratiolis

(7 2 8)

Sliall conform to the applicable seclio~iof tl~eASME Code, be ot known weldable quality and be
compatible with the original material C ~bon I ot allow steel with a carbon content over 0 35
petcent shall not be welded

90 Wllen iniil~inga repair or altetation, what should the acceptance ciiteria include?
(7 1 9 )

NDE techniques tllat ate in ;~ccordancewith tlie applicable sections of the ASME Cotle or another
applicable vessel rating code.

91 After tep;lirs or alterations. is a pressure test iequired?

(7 2 10)

Repairs - prcssltie test only applied i f inspectoi believes one is #necessary

. Alterations - pressure test are notmally required, Sulijecl to tile approval of tlie Jurisdiction
(whete the jili isdiction's appioval is rerluiied), approjitiate nondestructive exa~iiitiatio~is
shall be
reqttired where a pressure test is 1101 pertormed Substituting nondestructive exaniinotion
procedures lor a piessute test afteiatl alterati<~~i lnay l,e done only after a pressure vessel engineer
experienced in pi-essure vessel design and tlie :iutl~oiized pressllre vessel inspector h;lve heen


92. Write tl~eAPI 5 10 Test pressure (orniola
7.2 10

. Test Pressure = 1 3 MA\W X Stless at Test TempIStiess at Desi~llTe~np

93 List the minimum tensile strength requirenients Tot fillel metals used on vessels weld repairs atid
tlie details of this ~netllodof ~epnir

The fillet inetal used tor weld tepaits sllo~~ld llave mitiimtin~specified tensile strength ecloal to ot
gleatei than the minimum specified tensile strength of tlie base metal. If a filler ilielal is used that
has a iilini~nt~rn specified tensile strengtli lower tlian the minimum specified tensile strength of the
htlse rnelnl, the c~1rllp;itibilityolllle filler ilielal cl~emist~
y u,itll tlie base metal cllernistry sllall be
considered legalding weld ability and service degradation. In addition, the following sllall be inet:

llle ~ e p a tl~ickness
i~ shall not be inore tlran 50 pelcent o f the teqliircd h~iseinetal tl~ickness,
excluding co~rosionallow:~nce

The tllicliness of the tepair weld shall be increased by a ~ a t i oof minimum specified tensile
specified tensile of the filler metal used for tlie repair
strengtll of tile base ~lietaland mi~ii~nli~n

The increased tllickness of the icpair shall have rouuded comets and sl~t~ll
he blended into tlie hiise
iiietal ming a 3 to I fapel

The repair sltall be made with a minimum ol two passes

94 List tlle requirements associated wit11 re-mting a piessure vessel

(7 3)

. Calculations ftotn either tlie manufacturer or an owner-user pressure vessel engineer (or his
designated iepresentative) expel ie~icedin pressure vessel design, fabrication, or inspection shall
justify re-rating.
A re-rating sliall he esbblisl~edin accordance witli the requiieinents of the co~istructioncode to
wl~icl~the pressure vessel was built or by computatiot~sthat are determined using tile appropriate
rorrnt~l;lsin tlie latest edition of the ASME Code if ail of the essential details comply with the
applicable requirenieots of the code being ltsed II the vessel wns designed to an edition or
addendum of t1i.e AS,ME Code earlier illan tlie 1999 Addenda and wns not designed to Code Case
2290 01 2278, it may be re-rated to tlie latest ediliotl/addendum o r tlie ASME Code if permitted by
Figure 7-
Current iiispeclion records verify that the plessure vessel is satisfactory for the p~oposedservice
co~ldilio~ls and that tile corrosion allowance provided is apptopriate An increase in allowable
working pressure or lemperature sl~allhe hosed on t11icl;ness data oblait~edfrom a lecent internal
or on-slream inspection.
Tlie pressure vessel has at some time been pressure tested in accordance with tlie new service
co~lditiotis_ or tlie vessel integrity is mainmined by special nondestructive evaluation inspection
techniques in lieu of testing.
The pressure vessel ii~spectionand re-rating is accept;~hleto the authorized pressure vessel

0 8 / 0 4 Rev 9 FAST TRACK TECHNICAL 281.482.2253 WWW.APIEXAMS.ORG

95 Wl~enis the rc-laring of a p ~ e s s t ~vessel
~ e considered complete?
(7 3 )

Wlie~illle APJautllorized p~esstttevessel inspector oversees [lie attaclinienl of:m :tdditional

nameplate or additional stamping that carries tlie lollowing information:

Rerated by:
Maxiniuiii Allowable Wol king Piessule -psi
at degrees F Date



Section 1 -General
I . What is tlie general scope of APl RP576'

To describe inspection and ~epairpractices lo] autonlntic piessure-relieving devices commonly

used in tlic oil and petrochemical industlies

Section 2 - ReIcresccs

7_ WIrill tlocunie~itshould be ~eletencedto deteiinine tlie appropiiate size lor a plessule relief

. RP 520 Sizing, Selection, and Instollation of Piessure-Relieving Devices in Refineries

Section 3 .- Delinitions

3 Desci ibc a pin-actualed device

(3.1 3)

A non-reclosing pressure relief device actuated by static prcssure and designed to function by
buctli~ig01 brealiing a pin, wliicli holds a piston 01 plug in place

. An annular pressure clialnber locared downsrream of the seat of a pressure relief valve fbi tlie
purpose of nssisting tllc valve in lifting

5 Desci ibe "rated relieving capacity"

(3 3 6 )

Tlle iclieving capacity i~scdas Llie hasis for tile applicalion of a pl-essuie vessel reliel device
deletmincd using llie itpplical~lecode or ~egulalic>n,


Section 4 - Pressure-Rclievi~ig Devices

6. WIrat is [lie function of pressuie-~elievingdevices'?

(4 I )

To protect refinery equipment aiid personnel hy automatically opening at predeterinined pressures

7 Naine common examples of pressuie relieving devices


Di~ectspting loaded
Pilot PRV
Rupture disla

. Weight 1o;kded devices

PiessurelVacuum vent valves

S. Name tlie live types of pressure relief valves

(4 2 . 4 3 . 4 4 . 4.6.4 7)

. Safely valve
Relief valve
Salety ielief valve

. Balanced Safety Relief Valve

Pilot-operated safety rel~efvalve

9 Desci ibe a snfety valve.

(4 Z)(Section VIII UG-I 26 loot notes)

. Actuated by static pressure rlpstleain of a vnive

Spring Itilly exposed ouLside casing to p~olectfroin escaping steam.
Noriiially not presstire tight on their downst~cainside

not be used in what situations?

10 Safety valves sl~ot~ld
(4 2 2)

. Co~rosiverefinely services
Any back piessule service.

. Where discharge is piped to ieinole locations

WIicie escape of lading floid around blowing valves is nut desi~able

. In liqltid service
As pressure conliol or bypass vnlves

I I Desc~ibe a relief vnlve.

(4 3)(Section VIll UG-126 foot notes)

Actu;~tedby static plessure ilpstieam of a valve

. L.ifls ill lp~opoitio~l

lo llie iilcrease ill picssiiie.
Usually ~e:iclieslull lii't at eitl~er10% o i 75% oveipressute

12 Wliy do relicl'vnives liave closed hr>rinets'?

(4 31

To prevent the ielcasc of co~~osive,

toxic. flawinable or expensive fluids


13 Relief valves sliould not be used in wliat situations?
(4 3 2)

In steam, air. gas. or vapor se~vice

In services piped to an ericlosed header unless the effects of any constant or variable bacl~pressore
have been accounted (br.
As pressure control or bypass valves.

14 Tliere are two types ol safety ~eliefvalves What are these two types"
(4 5.4 6)

IS. Descrihe a co~iventiorialsaiety relief valve

Opening pressure, closilig pressure and relieving capacity are afiected hy baclc pressure
Has a closed bonnet
Tlie bonnet cavity is vented lo the downstrea~nside.

16. WIlere are conventional safety relief valves used'?

(45 1)

Refinery process industries tliat Ilandle flammable, liot, or tonic materi:lls.

17 May a conventional safety relicl valve he used on boiler steam d ~ ~ r or

~ nsuper
s lieaters?
(4 5 2)

18, Describe a balanced safety relief valve


Balanced safely relief valves are direct spring loaded and inco~po~ale
a bellows 01 other means to
minimize tlie effects ol backpress~rre

19 What are tlie proper applicrrtions for these pressure balariced safety relief devices:
(46 1)

. Balance safety relief valves al-e normally used in applicalio~lswith flamnlable, 1101or toxic
materials, wliere high pressures are present at tlie discliarge of tlie valve

10. What is a pilot-operated safety relief valve?

(4.7)(Section VIII UG-126 (bol notes)

. A pressure-relief valve in wliicli (lie majo~relievingdevice is combined with and is co~itrolledhy a

self-iictuatcd pressure relief valve (called a pilot valve).


21 What ale some applications ot pilot-operated ~afetyteliet v~llves?
(47 1)

Wllcre a Ia~gerelief atea andlor a Iiigli pressore is required

Where a low differential exis& hetween nornlal vessel ptessure and set pressure of valves
On large low-prcssure storage tatilts (See API Std 620)
Wliere vety sliotl blow down teqoired.
Where bnck ptessure is very big11 and a balanced design is required.
Where [lie process leqitites rlie sensing of pressute at one locatio~iatid the telielof fluid at anothet.
Wliere itilet and outlet ftictional losses are ltigl~.
Wliere in-sitit, ill-sei.vice, set piess1tr.e vet ificaiion is desired.

22 Name so~iiclimitations 011the use of pilot-opelaled salety telief valves

(4 7 2 )

Wilere fluids are dirty.

Tliiclc o~ viscous lluid setvice.
With vapots whicl~polymetize in tlie valve

23 Wh;~lare [lie tllree basic caiegot ies of pressure nndlor vacuum vet11 valves?
(4 8)

. Weight-loaded p~tlletvent valve

Pilot-operated vent valve
Spting and weight-loaded vent valve

24 Wbat are the applications and limilations 01 pressitre andlor vacuum vent valves?
(4 8 I and 2

They ate designed lo prolcct :itniospheric and low pressure storage ianl;s and ate tint genelally
~tsedin applications requi~ingset pressores above 15 lbf/inz

25 Desctibe tile patts of a Rupture Disk Device.

(4 9)

The co~nhinationol a titpture dislt atid ropture disk Iiolder is known as a titptltre dislt device,

26 Natne tlie types of titplute disks.

(4 9)

Conveiitioi~alRtipturc Disk.

- Scored Tension-L.oaded Rupture Disk

Cotiiposite Ruptole disk.
Reverse-Aciing Rupture Disk.
GrItpllite Rupture Disk.

27 Wliat is one ndvanti~geol the gtapliite disk over tnetal disl;s?

(4 9 1 5 )


28, Wl~atis osually the service life of pre-bulged meval lilpttlre disl;s installed so that pressltle acts
against tl~econcave side?
(4 9.3)

e Oiie year - I f not replaced pe~iodicallythey cat1 itipture under normal plessures witliout waning

29 Nor~iiallythe operating pressure o f a system protected by a pre-bulged ruptiiie disk is fionl G5%
to 85% of the disk's predetermined bursting pressule. Wllat determines this pressuie tange?
(4 9 i)

. Tile exact pelcentage depends on the dis1;'s type

30 What precaution shoold lie taken when a ruptuie disk is used in co~nhinaiionwith anotl~eirelief
device and reiiioved lor any ie:tson and will lie reused?
(4 9 3)
They should he l~nndledwit11 care lo avoid dalnage wl~icl~
might cause piematttie ~uptule

Section 5 -Causes of improper Perfor~nancc

31 Wl~atis t l ~ ebasic cause of many tlie dilliculties encountered with pressuie ~eliefdevices?
(5 1 )

3 2 What effect can the severe over sizing of a relief valve have'?

Da~nagedvalve seats

13 List tl~emajor causes of improper pcrfo~mancein pressuie-relieving devices

Dl~magedseating surfdces
Failed springs
ltnpioper seating 8+ adjustnients
P'lugging and slicking
Misapplication of mateiials
Iml~roperlocation, history, or identification

.. Roilgl~I~andling
Impruper differential between operating and set pressures
Improper piping test placedutes

.34. To prevent 1eal;ageol tlie lading fluid, what ~iiilstbe maintained in tlie flatness of seoting
su1fdces oil piessure relief valves?
(5 2)

An optical precision 011 t l 1 e o i d e ~ o l liglil

3 heads/hands


35 Wllat are some leasons for darn~lgedvalve seats'?
(5 2 )

Foreign particles getting into valve
Irnpraper or lengthy piping to the valve inlet o~obstr~ictio~isi n the line
Careless handling d u ~ i n gmaintenance.
L.eakage past the seating surfaces of a valve aftel it has heen installed.

. Iinproper blow down ring settings.

Severe over sizing.

36 U'l~at;lliuost always c:iuses broken springs in plessure relief valves1

(5 3 )

Coriosion (Note: two types - su~face& strcss)

3 7 Wllat clie~iiicalfrequently causes stress-co~rosionspring failrrre i n pct~ocliemicalplants'?


38. What may he done to prevent spring faillrrc due to con-osion?

( 5 3)

Spring inaterial wllicli can resist ille action of the corrosive agent.
Spring isolated by a bellows.,
Spring conled by a coating that can witl~stnridtile operating temperature and environment.

39. What rnediu~llsllor~ldbe used to set the following pressllre relief devices?
(5 4)

Snfety relief valve - air or otbel. gas.
Vupor service valve - ail or inert gas.,
Stc:~n~service valves - steam but air may be used ifsuitable correclions ale applied.
Liquid service valves - water.

40 What is ~eccniimendedfor lubi'icatinf: sliding palls and threads on valves to prevent r0uiing7
(5 5)

Valve paits s l ~ o ~be

~ llub~icated
d wit11 :I material that is compatible will] the selvice and

41 , In gener:rl. wliat sl~ouldhe considered ill determining tile material lo he uscd for pressure-
relieving deviccs?
(5 6 )

. Temperature

. Piesstlie
Cormsion resislance rcqoi~erilents

08/04 Rev 9 FAST TRACK TECHNICAL 281.482.2253 wWW.AP1EXAMS.ORG

Wllen belief valves arc laid on their sides. tlie ?@ringsmay not exell the same fotce all a ~ o ~ t nthe
seating sutface

4.3. Wltat is one iiiipormnt aspect of tlle woik done to PRDs in tlle inaintetiance shop'?

l d avoided sucl~ the applicatioti o i excessive hackp~essuteto hello\vs

Roug111i;lndling s l ~ o i ~he
type \,alves

44 I f RV inlets and oiltlets are not coveled duting sllipli~ent\!,hat provisiotis should he inade7
(5 8 3)

Provision shoold he tnade lor SLICII

coveting during all fut~ireshipnietits

45, Wlrat rislts ate incurled when a l~ydioslatictest o l discliatge piping Ibr a PRD is perlbtrned'?
( 5 10)

. Tlie disl;. spring and body area on the discharge side of valve can be fouled.
Tlie bellows o f a balanced relief valve can be ddaiaged by excessive back pressure.
Tlle dome atra andlor the pilot assembly of a pilot-operated pressure RV ale Iouled and damaged
by the back flow oftlie nitid.,

Section 6 - lospection ond Testing

46 Name two types of itispections

(6 1)

Sl~opinspections1overliaitls and visual on-stlearn inspections

47 Wlien a relief valve is removed for inspection or overhauls what additional inspection sliould be
(6 2)

Inlet and outlet piping sllould be inspected lo! internal deposits al!d iecoids tilade of their

45 A l t e ~a PRV has been rcinstalled what slioltld be clieclted?

(62 I)

. Alter reinstalling tlle related piping sliould he chected to ensure that it i s not imposing loads that
would cause pioblems with tlie pressure relief valve's body such as distortion leading to in-service

49 A con~pleteolieraling lhistory of cacli pressul.e iclief'valve slioold be t11;tiiitnined and should

include wliat'?
(6 2 3 )

. I~lfo~tnationon upsets atid tliei~ellecls on tlle valve.

Tlie extent o l any lealtage tliat lias occurred i n operation
r Any ollie~e\'ide~lceol iiinlll~tictiotiing.


50 Wlleri a relief device is rernobed fro111a system that is in operation. rlame a necessary step to
prevent an i~nexpectedpressure releaye.
(6 2 4)

. Tile space lletween the relief valve and ille adjacent block valve should he vented to ieiease all

5 1 Wllat inlost be done to valves in ltydrollt~o~

ic acid service as soon as they are removed'?
(6 2 5

Tlley mkrst he colrectly neutralized i~nmediatelyalter removal

52 Since inspection ol RV piping cannot he done when removing the valve wl~iletile system is in
selvice wllat alternative inspection can he done to clleck for line any ~najorbloc1;ngc or fouling'!
(6 2 6 )

. Radiograpl~icInspection

53 Wllat can visual inspection ol (lie piping afier the removal of :I PRD i~ldicate?
(6 2.6)

Tile condition of tile process piping whose ir~lcrioris not visible

54 Why sliould caution be used wit11 the I igging to remove a la~gePRD for maintenance?
(6 2 7)

Prevent ;n~niliarypiping and pilot assemblies fro111being damaged.

55 P~iolto performing tlie as received pop test or1 a PRD what sl~ouldbe inspected and checked?
(6 2 8)

Check that die seals arc intact on tlie pressitre set screw and tlie blow down ling screw cover

56. Wlren rnay tile as received pop pressure test be waived hy tile ownedusel?
(6.2 S)

When the valve is extremely louled and tlie test rnay damage tile valve.

. 57, When unusu;ll corrosion, dcposius, or conditions are noted upon receipt of a PRD at tile shop
what sl~ouldhe done?

'I'lie inspector sl~ouldparticipate in tile shop inspection of the PRD

58 Wben is it 1101 riecessary to disassemble at PIU) at the shop?

(6 2 10)

If the v;llve has been tested at the appropliate API 5 I0 itlte~valand lllc as received pop test sllows
tire valve lo he operating properly clisasselnbly is not r~iandalory


59 List at least four of the steps in the inspection of a relief valve upon disasserlibly
(62 I I)

Measure eacl~part's di~iiensions.

Clieck components for wear or corlusioi~.
Seating s~trfacesslloirld be cliecked for rougllness or darnage
* Springs should be checked Tor cracking.

60 Dcrring re-assemhly of a pressure relief valve ulliat should never he done'

( 6 2 12)
The riozzle and seating s~r~taces
sho~ildnever be oiled.

61. Alter re-assembly ol a relief device llow should ally hlow down rings be set?

In accordance will1 the manufacturei's recommendations. .;

62. Wily do some nianulactures recommend at least three pop tests before ~eleasir~g
a relief device for
(6 2 14)

It is believed that the first pop test helps to align all of Lhe components and tl~althe successive tests
veriry tlie actual set plessuie


63. Once the v:rlve is set to pop at its CDTP (cold dilferential test p ~ e s s u ~ite )sl~ouldhe clleclied To1 -?

Leakage and seat tiglltness by increasing the pressure on the test block Lo 90% of the CDTP

64 When applying the lhydralilic test rnetbod to ASME Section VIII plessltre relief valves wl~ileon
equipnient, wllat precautio~isshould be tnlcen?
( 6 2 17)

. Tlie potential for failure of tile rupkrre disk in disld~elielvalve combinations,

Possihle introduction ol loreigt~inaterial into tile valve seiit are From popping.,
Possible ele ease of p~ocessmaterial to tlie atinospllete,
1.t.i :'

I .

65 h4ay a pilot upe~atetlpressure relief valve be tested i n place il no block \ral\'e exists benet11 it?
(6.2 19)

No. it ]nay be inspectetl and ~epairedonly while the vessel is out ol service

6 6 Wliere is a weight lor~dedpressule andlor a vacuum vent used?

(6.2 20) , .

67 What type 01 iailu~eale p ~ e s s u ~andlor

e vac~~onl
vent val\,es prone to'
(6 2 ZO)


68 Is it perniissihle to rciristall a ~upturedisk once it has been onbolted and ~emovedfrom its l ~ o l d e r ~

No, it may not be possihle to get a tight seal and unreliable pertormancc is probable.
\. [. '< :.
., ',A?

69, What are the ol1jectives of a visual on-stream inspection of relief devices?
(63) (,
Make sure the correct device is installed, LIint the correct pressure can he detenniried. thnt there are
not any blinds or-@&i~~stalled, tllat tlie seals are intact and thal tile valve is not leaking. Also
bellows if so equipped are conrlected and clear and vent piping is routed to a safe location. Any
upstream or downstream bloclc valves are sealed or chained in the proper position. Tliat discl~arge
piping is s~rpported,valve body drains and vent stacks are open. any requi~edlifting lever is
present and propetly positioned Any heat tracing or insulation required is in good condition and
operational and if n lilptllre dislc is installed it is properly oriented.

70 API 510 establislies the manimirni interval betweer device inspections 01 tests ol I0 pears. wllal else
should be considered wllen setting the frequency of inspection and testing?
(6 4)

The perlormance ul llle device in a pal titular se! vice

0 8 / 0 4 Rev 9 FAST TRACK TECHNICAL 281.482.2253 WWW.APIEXAMS.ORG

7 1 . How is tlie frequency of'sliop itispectio~ior overl~aulnormitlly dete~rnined?
(64 1 1 )

By tlie opetating expe~iencein the valve's p~esentservice corrosion service would be more
Irequeiit for esmlple

Sectioll 7- Records and Reports

72 What is tlie pri~icipalobjective in teeping records on presstile-~elievingdevices?

(7 1 )

To malie available the infor~nationneeded to ensure tile perfo~manceof the devices nieets tlie
~ e q u i ~ . e ~ ~of~their
e ~ l lvarious
s i~istallations

73. WI~iitsl~ottldthe ~ e c o ~ford a pressure-~elivingdevice include?

(7 2 )

Irs specification data and a continuously accvmulating record ol its tests and i~ispeclionsresults.

74, Which of [lie following per MI 576 might he expected to initiate a work request on a PRD? The API
inspector tir tile Plocess Unit Ol~eratol?
(7 3)



I. Wliat are tlie main points covered in API RP 572'

(I I )

. Descriptions oftlle variolis types or presstire vessels.

Srandards for constroction,
Reasons Ior inspection
Catlses of deterioration.
Frequency & rnetliods of inspection.
Metliods of repair.
Preparation of records and reports.,

Sections :3,4,5 and 6 contain duplicate inforniatioo to tLat Found in tile AP1510. You slrotlld still
read tl~esesections ilowever, at least once.

Section 7 Rcasotis for Inspection

2. What are the hasic reasons lor inspection?

(7 0
To determine the pliysical condition of tlie vessel.
Deteimine the type, rate and causes of deterioration

3 List :it least lbur additional reasons lor inspections

(7 1,72)

Safety liiaintained
Periods of operation without slit~tdownextended -well planried maintenance program
Rate ol deteri@ntion often reduced - iC'71CI a

Iillture r e m l a c e m e n t requirements estimated

,,,&, I i rb-

Section 8 Cnuses of Dcterinrntion

4 List tlie 4 general lotins of deterio~atiori

(8 I )

. Elect~ocliemical
Cornhilintion of all tliiee


5 List tlie 4 general classilicntions of tliings tliat callse dele~io~ation
upon coming into contact will1 a
vessel sui race
(Y I )
O~ganic6r ino~ganiccompounds
Conlaminated 01-ffesl, water

6 Name 6 [actors, wliich ;~cceler:~te

tlie rate of deterioiation
(8 I )


. Stress
High velocity
of flow

7. What is tlie p ~ i m ecause of deterioration in a plessilre vessel?

(8 2 )

8 WIiat are tlre most coliimon internal conodents in refineries'?

(8 2)


9 Define erosion.
(8 2 2)

e The remov:~lol: seface ninterisl caused hy numerous individual impacts of solid or liqllitl particles
or cavitation.

10 E~osionis typically loood w h e ~ ein a vessel?

(8 2 2 )

e Dow~istreamof control valves

* Downstlearn of orifices
Downstrea~iiof pump disclla~gcs
At any point ol: flow di~ectioncliange, such as impingement baltles.


I I Prohletiis with envilonniental ctackinc- have hceri ext,erienced o t Iiigh Iiaidness, areas or lligll
stless or both Exaiiiples of tliis include -
(8 2 3 )

. Chloride stress corrosion cracking of nustenitic stainless steels due to rnoisturc under insulation
Polythionic acid stress corrosion cracking (PSCC)
Cnustic stress corrosion also know as ca~sticenibrittlenient
Arnine stress coriosion cracking in non-stless relieved vessels,

. Ctilbonate stless corlosion cracl;ing i n all;aline systenis.

Wet h)rdlogeri sulfide stress cracking, hydrogen induced cracking, and liydroge~iblistering.

12. Coltosioti heneath relractory linings can cause wliat?

(8 2 4 )

Bulgingol the reftactory

13. What does i:atig!le cmctiiig in a vessel result from'?

( 8 2 5)

e Excessive cyclic stresses the x e orten below tlie yield strength of tlie m:iterial such 8s;
Piessllre stresses
Meclianical stresses
Thermal stlesses

14. Creep dntiiage may be diffic~rltto detect ontil-


Significant damage has occured

15 Wh:it lactor increeses s~tsccptihilityto Iiigli ternperature hydrogen attack in :I vessel's ~naterial?
(8 2 7) I &

Increasing carbon content of tlie Inatel ials

', ;h

16 I n [lie absence o f ' 8 , sulfide cotrosion tares of ate telotively low at metal tempetatitles
below ' ","
(8 2 8)


17. Wlien buried vessels :Ire equipped with adetlllale cethodic protection wlien will excav:ition he
leqtlired for inspection'?
(8 2.9)

Wile11cvidelice ol co;uitigol wrapping damage is tevealed

IS. What ale the ~iiostinipol tent inicrourganisms that directly iliflrlences tlie talc o l liietallic
( 8 . 2 10)

Sttlfate ~etlucingbacteria found in [nay soils


19 Wliat causes lita~iiumnllops to lose dlrctility?

20 Many ol the p~ohleinstl1aL mny develop in pressure vessels are tiaceable to wliat?
(S 5 )

21. Poor urelding, i~ilpropeiheat treatment, Sabrication will1 dinlensions outside tolerances allowed by
ASME Code, improper installation of inlernal equipment, a~idassernhly of flanged or tli~ended
joints are examples or wliat problem?
(85 1)

2.7 List several conseqtiences of improper welding tecliniques

(8 5 2)

. Incomplete penetiation
Lack of lusion
Slag incltision
Porolts welds

23, High residual stresses near welds affecting the pliysicnl properties and corrosion resistance of the
metal is caused by what?

Itliproper hent treatment

24 Dimensional intolerance can lead to what?

(8 5 4)

Stress concentlalions and subsequent kriltircs

25 Wliat are the consequences or impioper instellation ot inteirial equipnient?

(8 5 5 )

Inelficient operation

. Blocl;age ot passages
Displacement oS internal equipment witli presstile surges

08/04 Rev 9 FAST TRACK. TECHNICAL 281.482.2253 wwW.APIEXAMS.ORG

26. imp rope^ fitting or tighteningof flaiiges or threadcd joints may lead to whaV!
(8 5 6)
Leaks and possible lailule

Sectioir 9 - Frerleeecy and Time of Inspection

27 What are tlie important Factors wlien determining the frequency with wlricli a pressure vessel
slioold he inspected"

Tlie late of clele~ioration

Tlie remaining coiiosion allowaiice

28 Wlint event con piovide and op[~litunityfoi an iiispeclion?

(9 2)
An ~insclieduledsliutdo\vn

29 Wh:rt occasional cliecl<!nay locate [lie cause of fttnctioni1 deterioration'!

(9 2 )
A clleclc of a vessel's operating record

30 WlrnI ale tlie most important issties wlien scheduling a unit for inbpections'?
(9 3)
Sarety and reliability

Section 111 Inspection Metliods and Limitotioi~s

3 1 . Before slatting inspection of a pi-essure vessel, what ai-e some bnsic things [lie inspector should
(10 1 )

Deteiiiiirie piessute atid ternperattire coliditioiis under which tile vessel has operated since last
Ascei~ainthe cliaracter o i tlre vessel contents and the function tlie vessel serves in tlie process

32 Name at least S types of tools req~liredby an inspector to inspect a pressure vessel


POItable lights
Tliin bladed knife
Broad cliisel or sciaper
Steel tape mensure(50 feel)
Noteboolts arid pencils

33. Wlieie slioold the exte~naliiispectioli start!


E.steriial inspection slic~lildstart u4rlr laddels stairways. platforms, or v.-all;\vaysco~inectedto or

heaiiiig on tlie vessel Tile condition or iriost parts can be detcrriiined by lrammering


3 II settli~ipol-a vessel lias occurred, arlial should be cbecl<cdfor disto~tio~i
und clacks'?
(10 3s


44. What is tlie recomniended resistance for grounding coneeclions?


5 ollrns 111less. not to exceed 25 olirns

45 Unchecked vibratio~lson nuxiliarp equipment such as gauge connectors can cause wllal rype of
( 1 0 3 10)

Fatigue lailure

46 What type ol i~ispectionis usually sofficient f o protective

~ coatings and insulation?
(103 1 1 )

47 At whnt operating temperato~edoes CUI heco~nea conceln on externally insulated vessels sul?ject
to moisture ingress?
(103 1 1 )

Between 25 to 250 " F

48 WIsal are tlie normally ~equiredmeasurements on external metal surlaccs of a vessel?

(10 3 12)

U~idernormal conditions, at least one meastsl~~ernent ill eocll shell ring nnd one on eacli liead If no
history exists to1 a vessel, tlien get a rending in eacli quad~antof eacli bliell ling

49. WIsat types of corrosion ale found on extelnal st~rfacesof vessel?

110.3 1.3)

Caustic E~iibrittlemcnt
Hydrogen hliste~ing
Soil corrosion

50 Vessels containing acidic corrodents are subject to hydrogen bliste~ing Wllere is this nornially
found in the \lessel'?

. Tilose aleas llelow the Iiqilid level in vessels containing acidic corrodeots are liiole likely tlian
oilier aleas to be sul?ject ro hydrogco bliste~ing.Bliste~sare normally on tlie inside, hut can occ111
on tlie outside su~faceits well

5 1 Wllat sliould a \,essel be cliecked lo1 i f a caustic is stored in it''

( 1 0 3 1.3)

If a caostic inaterial is stored or used in a vessel, tlie vessel slio~~ld

he cliecked for.caustic

0 8 / 0 4 Rev 9 FAST TRACK TECHNICAL 281.482.2253 WwW.APIEXAMS.ORG

5 2 Evidence of wliite salts seeping througl~clacks ill indicate what type of inaterial?
(10.3 13)

53 Unless ~eodilyvisible. lea1;s are best roi~ndby wl~atmeans?

( 1 0 3 13)

. Pressure or Vacutlm testing

54 Describe liow )*oo~vouldtletermine tlie extent of hulginp or buckling on a \'essel in service.

(10.3 13)

(lie changes in ci~cumlerencesor hy 11~olti11g

By ~iicasuri~ig l)l.o(.ilesof tlie vessel wall. Protiles ale
made by taking measurements froill a line palallel to tlie vessel wall. A s u ~ v e y ot~ansit
~ ' ~ or a IS0
deg~eeopticnl plummet may also he used

55, Tl~edegtee of si~rfacepreparation needed lor intern111i~lspectionwill vary with sevelal lactors
Foremost amo~igtliese are:
Type of deterioration expected
L.ocation of any deterionition

56 C13cl;s in vessels are most likely lo occill wlrele?

( 1 0 4 3)

In places wl~erethere ate sharp changes in sl~apeor size 01 near welded scams, especially ira high
stress is applied

57 Wl~atmay p~climina~y
inspeclions seveal?
(10 4 3)

Unsafe contlitioos, s t ~ cas

l ~tliose due to loose inter~inlstliat may Poll or due to badly corroded 01
h~okeninte~~sol 1:lddels 01 platfo~ms

58. A detailed i~ispeclioiisliould start at one elid oltlle vessel :bod worl; toward [lie other end and
include wliat7
( 10.4.4) , .

A systematic procedu~eto avoid overlooking obsctire but i~nportanlitems

59 Wliat should all parts of a vessel be inspected f o ~ ?


I-lydrogen blistering

60 Sollie times [lie depth of a pi1 con he estimated by using wlial simple rnetl~od'?

Extending tlie lead of a ~iiecl~anical



G I Wliat types of nietllods nre used to1 dcterrnining tlie eslenl of cracl;~!

. Dye penetrant
Magnetic-particle (wet or dry)

62 Explain the rlilfere~~ce

in appearance hetweeii erosion and corrosion

Erosior~is cl~araclerizedby a smootl~.Iirigllt appearance: marked by the absence ofthe erosion

product: and metal loss, is osunlly confined to a clearly ~liarkedlocal area.

Cortodetl aleas ale not onen smootl~o~b~ight

63. Shells and heads 01 vessels sllould be inspected for deformatio~lWl~ichis inole likely to slrlfel
, :. u fdeformation'?

Tlie sllell of a vessel

6.1 Now do you checlt for (a) small disto~tions,(b) bulging or bucltling (c) out-of-roundness or

.. Small dislorlions - by plecir~ga straigl~tedge against a vessel.

Bt~lginf/bucl;ling- tneasirring the changes in circumference or by profile (measoring from a line
slrung parallel to tlie vessel),
Oucot roi~ndAiulge- by nieasoring the minimum and ~~iaxirnum internal deviation at the cross
sectional area and compnring tlie iwo.,

65 Wliat is the best inethod of locati~igsuspected deformatio~is?


. Di~ecla flnsl~lightbeam parallel to tile surface lo check for shadows in tiepressions and on tile
non-light sides ot inleinal bulges

66. Wliat is tlie most sensitive metl~orlof locati~igsurface crocking?


. Fl~ro~escerit
Magnetic Palticle Method

67. Wllat is tile difference between cracks and laminalions?


. Ln~ninationslun a t a slant to the plate surface

Cmclu run at rigllt ilogles to tile sol tace

68 Name tllree important lactols in tile itispeclion ol tnetallic linings


.. Tho1 t h e ~ eis no corrosio~i

TI131 tlie linings are properly instulled
Tliat no holes or cracks exist


69 Explain how the Corrosive Tab Metllod is tised to determine the inetal loss on vessel iitlillgs

Small I hy 2 inch tabs ol lining tllat fotm a right angle are welded onto the lining with one leg
ehtended into tlie \lessel Dttling inspections the thickness ot [lie protr~lditigleg is mensored, and,
since both sides of tlie leg are exposed to corrosive action, tlie loss in tliickness wottld be twice
tllat ol tlie lining

7 0 What is the principle method used to inspect noniiietnllic linings like xlass. plastic. rubher.
cnncrcte. and car hori hlocl; ot ht ich

For the most part all of tlie above will be visually inspected lot discontint~itiesor pliysical damage

For paint. glass. plastic, Sr tubber lining tlie spark tester inetliod is ttsed to locate holidays For
concrete. hick, tile, or ielractoty lining tlie l t n ~ n ~ ntesting
cr method is used to locate lack of

71 Name tlle lactots to consider when selecting tools for tllicl;ness meatriernenls

.. Accessibility frotii both sides

Dcsite for NDE methods

.. Accutacy dcsitcd
Time available

72 Wllat is tlie primary incans of oblaining thiclaness measurements?


Ultrasonic instruments

73 To analyze defects in welded scanis tllat are iiot visible on the surface of tlie inctal, wlial two
methods ate used'?

Slleai-wave Ultrasonic

74 How does the 13niiinier Test function in supplementing visual examination of a vessel for the
(108 1 )

. "Tl~iti"-Locate tliin sections in vessel walls. lieads, and atlacllmetits.

"Tightness"- Cliecl; for tightness of rivets, bolts. brac1;ets.
"Cracks and Laelr of Bond" Check for crecks in tiietallic linings and lacl.; of bond in concrete

. linings.
"Scale" Retilove scale nccurn~ilationsfot spot inspections


7.5 Wlieri is trsc of tile Harnrner Test not reco~ii~~iended?
( 1 0 8 1)

. When vessels are itrider pressure

On piping ttpstream from acatalyst bed.

76. Wixtt is presswe testing?


Filling a vessel with licluid or gas and huilding up an internal presslue to a desired level

77 Wliicli is [lie preferred mcthod, pressilre or vncuuni testing, and why?


Pressure te.;ting Leilks lrom an internal pressure source are riiore easily located Witll vacuolll
testing yotr will linow if tliere are leaks. but the location is not evident

78. What sl~oolclan inspector examine before applying test pressure to tlie sllell side of an exchanger?

He sllould inspect tlie tube w;tlls to besure tlle~eis slrfficient wall tliickness to witllstand external

79 i n :in exchanger where the cooli~igwater is tlie lower pressure ?ttenln arid a lhydrocnthon is the
lliglier pressure stream, what is a possilile way Lo detect a leak?
(I08 3)

It may be possible to assess the liydrocarhon coritent upstream and downstremn of the suspect

80 Name tlie two most limits ol corrosiori or otl~erdeterioration that milst be known by inspection

. The retirirrg tlriclcness of tlte part considered

' n e rnte of deterioration.

8 i.Ollen vessels have excess thictness ;hove that required,iot pressure When taliing credit for this
excess t1licl;riess \vllat nii~stillways he considered'!'

1x1soroc cases thc excess tllickness ol the shell or liead plates was used by the designer to
cornpensate lor nozzle openirigs

82. Before determining the limiting or retiring tllickriesses of parts of any pressure vessel, wliat must
he kriowri'?

. Wllicl~Code and edition ol'tllat Code it is to he rated under,

Are there specific regulations regardirig limits and allownhle repairs.


Scction 11 - i\.lctliods ol Repair

53 When is it rcqtii~cdthat a repoil concern making welded repails ton vessel havc a National Boa~d
R stamp7

Wlle~ithe jut isdiction dictates tliat the these ~epaits;lie to inlade by only R stamp lioldcis

54 When is a picssltre test of a vessel normally a reqoirement'!


After an alteration

Scction 12 - Rccords und Reports

85 A coillplcle iccord lile should contnin whot t h e e types ol info~niation'?

(I? I )

. -
Basic data man ti lac tore^'^ diawings, data reports atid specifications, design information. iesulls
of any materidI tests.
Ficld notes notes aiid measu~emei~ts iccoided on site including record of condition of all par&
inspected and iepairs required.
Continnous file - all information on the vcssel's opeinting history, previous inspections, corrosion
]ale labla, records of repairs :rnd replacements.

86 When making reports recommending repairs. who sliould receive these reports?
( I 2 ?)

All management g~oupsThis wollld notmally include engineering, operation, and ~nainteiintlce
incllttle the location, extent, and reasons for recommended iepdir

Appendix A - Excl~arigcrs

87 Wily sliould bondles be cllecked wl~entliey aie tirst plillcd f~onithe sllells?
(A9 1)

. T l ~ ecolor, type, amount, nild location ol scales and deposits often help lo pinpoint coriosion

88 A distiiictive Prussian bluc on bundle tubes indicates the ptesence ot wliat'?

( A 9 2)

89. Coils i i i opcn condenser hnxes and double-pipe enclia~~ger

sllells sl~ouldbe inspected accordin!: to
what API Reuommet~dcdPractice'?
( A 10)


201 Gel~cral

1 Wliat ale tlie modes ol failure that can he tound in teFinery eqoipriient?
, (201 2)

Fatigtle Failures - cairsed by stress reversals. (In machinery these clacks statt at tlie sutlece arid
progress witli each sttess reversal )
Dislortio~~ Failure - occ~lrswlien equipment is s~thjectedto temperatures above design
teriiperature (At lligh ternper atures the tiietal hecomes weaker and rlistortioo occurs which may
teslrll in failure )
Brittle Fracture - carboil steels are susceptible to brittle fracture at ambient temperatures a~icl
below. (A nltl~ihelol tank fnilutes have heell attributed to Llie brittle condition olsteel at low
tetnpetatl~ies,cornhilied will1 liigli loads tliat liave heen i~iiposedby lliermal stress set op rapid
tempelatuse cliatiges)
Excessive Metal Loss - may reslllt in tni111rei f remaitling wall tIiic1:ness gets below safety valve
settings. This is a rare occurrence.
Wrotrg Material or Wrong Gasliels - niay leatl to f:~ilute

2. Co~rosionproblcriis iti refining operations c;111lie divided irito thrce major groups. What nre tliese
(202 I )

Corrosion from components present in crude oil

Corrosion trom chemical used in refinely processes

7 Name tlie coriosion compounds found in crude oil


I-lydtogen Chlo~ideand olganic/inotganic cliloride

Hydrogen sulfide, metcaptans, & organic sulfur compounds
C ~honI dioxide
Dissolved oxygen and w:iter
Organic acids.
Nitrogen compounds

i 4 Wlint is hydrogen chloride? Wlieri does i t become a cotrosion problem in process streams?
(202 022)

I A d ~ Ihydtoclilo~ic
y acid (normally not corrosive ill process streams) It bccornes corrosive wlien
wntet is available to form hydroclilo~ic :wid

5 What do all crude oils contain)

i (102 022)



6 What is the niost active ot tlie sulfi~rcompoonds in causing coriosion in reliiiery eqoipment?
(202 023)

7 At wliat temperatiile range does acceleiated liydrage~isulfide corrosioii occur in refinery eqr~ipment?

Between 450 alh 900 O F

8 What niakes carbon dioxide coi~osive?

(202 024)

- Wlie~iit is combi~iedwith vvater. it hecoiiies carbonic acid.

9 Wliere is coi~osio~i
by caihon dioxide tound to be iiiost severe'?

In hydrogen planLr.

I0 Dissolved oxygen and water is a coirosioii problem in wliat equipment?


I I Wl~enare orga~iicacids very corrosive?

(202 026)

At their boiling temperatures Tlie most severe fbrm of corrosion occurs upon conde~isation

I2 Wlmt two forms ot cor~odenlsare lormed wlieii tiitrugen is cracllted in a cracking or catalytic cracking
(202 027)]

I3 Wl~atis plienol and wliat is it iised rot7

(202 033)

Carbolic ncid - Used in ~efineryoperations in the manulocti~~e

of lubiic:~tingoils and aroinalics

14 Wl~;ltis cat~sticand wliat is it lrsetl lb~in refinery operations?

(202 035)

Sodium Hydroxide - Used lor tlie i~eotralizationol acid components a~idlor grease m;rnofoclt~ie

15. When nrnmo~~ia is permilled to contact coppei base alloys in pH tatiges of 8.0 triid above, scvere
co~rosioiiin tl~reeform o f g e ~ ~ e~iietnl
~ a l loss and stress co~rosio~i
ctiiclting will o c c t ~ ~How
. may this att:tck
he idenlifietl?6

By tile ;Ippeai:lncc ol :I blue salt deposit on the aielal's surface. ,.-

08/04 Rev 9 FAST TRACK T E C H N I C A L 281.482.2253 W.APIEX4MS.ORG

16 Wliat are the primary uses of ammonia in the relining industry?
(202 037)

As a relr i g c ~atit
For neuttillizatioti of acidic cornponelits in ove~lieadstreatiis, liom pipe stills. and cavalylic
cracking units

17 WII:IL tiiuterinls is ariimonia lint nilill to?

(202 0.57)

- Copper h ~ s et~lloys

I S , Wliat is chlorine used for in t e f i l ~ e ~operations

y and wlien does it become very coriosive'!

Used lor tieating coolilig water and i b tlre

~ ~nan~~factute olsodium liypoclilorile lor treating oils
It hecomes very corrosive i n coritncl with small amnotits of moistule

19. Aluminum Chloride - Wliat is it used lot'? WIrat does it ibi m in the ptesence o f water'! How does it
affect carbon steel atid stainless steels?

Used as a calalyst in isometization unils. I t foims llydrocl~loricacid in llle presence of water.

Hydrocl~loricacid causes severe pitting c o ~ ~ o s i oint icarbon sleel and intergranular and stress
cormsioti cracl;ing in stainless

20 Wliat is the tettn applied to attnosplreric cortosio~i!

(202 04 I )


21 Wliat is needed to ptevet~tatmosplietic corrosion?

(202 0.11 )

Elitiiinate water lrotii tile surface of tlre metal by tiieans of a p~olectivebaniet or coating

22. At what leliiperature does hidden co~rasiolilake place under insulolio~iatid fireproofing i f moisture
penetrates tlirortgli c~acksi n [lie insulation'?

111vessels and piping operating below approxilnately 250°F.

23 When does oxygeti hecotiie destructive?

(202 052)

At lhigh temperatutes oxygen teacts with stecl to ctiuse scaling (iron oxide)

24. Wliy may slealn at high cirlise scaling'?

(202 053)

Becarlse tlic stediii limy he decomposed to liydtogeli atid oxygen, and the flee onygeti mi1y calrsc
sevele scalirig


25 Venadium oxide coriosion does not ral;e place helow what temperatir~e?
(202 051)

26 Tlie extent colrosive attack by lint sulfk~rcompounds (sulfili dioxide. hyd~ogensulfide) depends on
what three tliings?
(202 055)

Concentration. temperature. and oxidizing power of [lie enviionment

27 At wlrat tempei;rture does all glap cast iron begin to dete~io~nte.

resulting in extreme brittleness. loss of
slrengtli. scnli~ig,and gtowth?

28 G~owtliol cast iron results l~oliiwllal two tliings?

(202 056)

. Grnpliitization & inliltration olco~rosivegases into the slruculre.

29. Wlrat is grnpllitic corrosioll?

(202 063)

L.ow ternperatore c o ~ r o s i oof~g~a y cast irons in wl~iclitnetallic iron is converted illto corrosion
products, leaving the graphite intact.

30 In what ~natertaldo yo11 lind g~aplriticco~rosionstitl at what temperaillre does 11 occur'?

(202 061)

In cnst iron :II

teniperatoles below the dew point 01 water

31 How can you r e c ~ g ~ l i grilpliilic

ze corrosion?
(202 063)

By the soft porous sttrtcttlre that reniains ill tile arens where it occi~ls

32 Wliat niaterials is ~nerct~ry

iiarmful to?
(202 064)

- Monel and copper based alloys (stress corrosion crocliing)


33 Define Stress Corrosion Cnlcking.

(202 064)

Tlre spont:r~icousI'silu~eol iilctals by clacking i ~ n d etire

~ comhined ;tctio!~olcoirosion and teirsile


34. WIlat is dezincification'?

A type of co~rosiontllai can occur in copper - zinc alloys (brasses) containing less tllan 85%
copper and used in water service

35 What are three types ot rlezincification?

(202 066)

Plug - occurs in localized areas,,

Lnyer - covers large ateas.
I~~tercrystnlli~ic- occitl-s along grain botindaiies
3 6 Wllat ale inliibited brnsses'?
(202 066)

Bla~seswhich have heen illloyed will1 a~senic.anti~nony.or pllosphorus lo inllihit dezincification

17 WIiat is galvanic corrosion'?

(202 067)

An electrochemical type corrosion tllat occurs when two different metals are electrically
contlected, eitl~erby direct contact or by an electrical conductor, and are in contact with an
elect~icalsolution called an "electrolyte"

38. Wliat is contact corrosion (crevice corrosion)?


A type of corrosion tllat occurs at the point of contact 01 in acrevice between a metal and
no~ltnetalor between two pieces of metal in the presence of a corrodent

39 Wllet is biological corrosion?


Cor~osionintli~encedby primitive organisms

40. WIlat ate the tnosl important microo~ganismstl~atdirectly intluence rlle rate of metallic con.osion'?

Sollate reducing bacteria ibund in many soils

4 1 Erosion is i~cqucntlya problenl in equipment otilizin$ the fluidized -solids priticiltle Wllal is illis
(203 02)

If a gas stream ol sulficicnt velocity is passed illrouyli a milss ol lincly divided solids, sucl~as a
powde~.tile niass ol pa~ticleswill hellave vely mt~chlike a tlue liquid

42 Wllat inlellioil ol deleiio~;ttiondoes caviletion induce?

(207 027)

Erosion. Covilations erosion is ilrsocieted wit11 the lo~m:~tion

and collapse ol cavities in a liquid
the metal to liquid interklce


204 - El'fects of High Tenipcratores

rhe flow or plastic defoi niation of metals held fot lorig periods ol titile ;kt stress lower than tlie
normal yield strengtli

44 A stress - ruptiire is what type of failitre"

(20.1 013)

A bt ittle type lailuie -stress tuptttre telatcs tile tiiiie to railure with tempetattlte and stless
45 Wlieti austenitic stainless steels ate lieatetl oi cooled in the teiupetatttre tatige of 750 to 1.650°F. wliat
doe? this m;ll;e tlte illaterial stl$ceptthlc to'
I204 0'2)

46 When fetriiic steels are heated ;tbove a certain tetnpetature (above I 100' F for tnild steel). liow does
this ntlect [lie ti~aterial?
(204 022)

Leads Lo genetol loweling of the tensile stretigtli

47 What is incipient melting (burning)?

(204 022)

When ferritic steels are heated above approxitilately 2.600°F, melting and oxidation will begin at
the p i n hoondaries Tlie steel is called "hu~ned"and will be very weak and brittle upon cooling
48. What is Grnl)liitizntion'?
(204 022)

A sUitclural change i n certain feiritic steels tlrat have operated for a long period of liine bclween
825 and I.40O0F Carbide is ttnstable in that tetnperatltte range and [nay decompose into iton
(letrrte) atid gtapliite (carbon)

$9 What are the two genetal types oi Graphitization?

(204 022)

Ratldon~Graphitization -graphite distributed ~tnifottiilytb~o~tgliottt the steel

Localized Grapliitization - grapliite Ilighly concentrated in local regions

50 WIi;rt is Scesitiznlion'? Wliat happens to sensitized steel wllen exposed to cotlodents?

(204 022)

Wlieti Austenitic slaitiless steels are exposed to tempelatitres of 750 to 1650 "F, precipitation of
conlplex clrrotnittm carbides at the gain boundaries taltes place Wlleti the seiisitized steel is
exposed to cotmdents, intergrnnulat corrosion takes place.


5 1 Wliiit is decarburization'?
(204 034)

Tlie loss of caibon fro111tlle stlilace of a felrotts alloy as a result of heating in a medioni tllat ieacts
with carbon. This iesltlts in lower tensile strength. liatd~less. and fatigue strengtli. It can only be
found by metallurgical esamination.,

52 At what tetiiperalilre does lhydrogeii have a very dcstiuctive effect on steels'?

(104 035)

53 Wliat ~.utve sliows the dirfcrelit steelAernperatule limits tor Iiyd~ogenservice?

(204 035)

Nelson Cllnrl

205 Sitbllormal and Atlibietlt Tempcrati~reEfrecls

. The atnouiil energy necessary Lo cause fractu~ein the presence of a sllarp nolcll or stless

55. Brittle l i actltre can be recognized by several cllaracteristics ,Wile1ate tliese charactel istics?
(105 01)

Cracks propagate at high speed

There mny be a loud repoit or sllarp rending sound
Tl~eteis almost a coinplete lack of ductility.
rile fractl~tedsulfate bas a brittle or faceted sut face

206 - Exccssi\rc Pressure

56 Wlrat is excessive pressule?

(206 01)

Tliose in excess of the M A W of [lie equ~pt~ient

ulider conside~ation

57 Name bur causes ot excessive pressuie.

(206 02 I : 206 022; 206 023: 10G 024; 206 025)

a Added lieat in excess of normol operations

b Blocking off against a pressure sotlrce
c Tlle~malexpansion of a trapped liquid
d I-lydla~tli~.
Iia~riiiieior reso~iitiitvibmtioii


58 Wliat are soriie indications of nverloadirig of etluipment?
(207 02)

Visible distortion
Change of shape
Cllarige of position

5 9 Steel (ferrous alloy) is an alloy of iron and carbon WIiat is tlie carbon coritent range'?

(App I A)

0.01% to 1.7% (Max carhori coriter~tol weld ;~hlcsteels lor Code ptrrposes i s 0.35%)

60 Usunlly lor refir~eryconstrucrion sleels liave less than \\,hat percent carbon'?
(Al'p I A)

Less than I%

61. Steels [or welding liave a maximum of wliat percent carbon content?
(App I A)

62. 'Tliere are two general types of steels Wliat are these'?
(App I A)

Ferritic Steel -ordinary carbon stecl, low and ir~ter~iiediate

alloy steels, and higli alloy steels
(straiglit chromium)
Austcoitic - clitoniiurn - nickel slainless steels

63 Noriferrous metals and alloys contain what pcrceiil iron?

(App 113)

L.ess than 50%

64 Wliat i s tlie orily comriiori copper - nickel alloy and wilat is iiused for? ,
(App 1 B)

Moricl It is used for relatively low tempeiature corrosion resistance

65 Wlinl are !lie major uses of commercially pure copper in refineries?

(App I B )

Eleclricnl co~iduclors,gasltets, and corrosion icsistaoce

6 6 Wliot are the major uses olaluriiitiurn and its alloys iri refineries'?
(App I B )

resistarice and 161strircttrres whicli liyl~tweiyliti s a riecessity.,



Sullirric Acid and Ilydrogcn Fluoride - used in all;plation.s units :IS a catalyst Concentrations of
85% to 95% for sulHr~icacid and ahove 65% for liydtogen fluor ide

PLeihol (Carbolic Acid) - used lo1 the ninnulactirre ol li~biicatingoils and aromatic llydrocarbons

Pl~ospliorieAcid used for a catalyst in polyrne~iznlioihiinits.

Cnnstic (Sodioin 1Iydroxide) - used I'o! neutralization of acidic componenls

Mercury - ~ ~ s in
c dinstruments

- Anlnlonin - i~sedns ;I rel~ige~antand for [lie neirtrnlizotion ol acidic components

Clhloriiic - used to (rent coolin: towel \valet and lor the mani~facti!reof sodilim lhypoclilotite used
to treating oils

Cilloridc - used as n cnalyst lor isoinerization units



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