Final Chesterton

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Humour in his essay: - His literary temperament is that of a

Introduction: -Gilbert Keith Chesterton was a serious writer humorist. He discusses his subject with zest and good humour. In his
and he had no faith in art for art’s sake. He was a satirist and spent his essays, he brings such comparison or incidents before the reader that it
life in vigorously attacking the conclusions arrived at by intellectuals. He makes the reader smile. As he says that the way the journalists are
was a critic novelist and a poet of rank but he was also an essayist of flattering the milliners is the way to flatter a charwoman.
great reputation Richard Church called him ‘The greatest Essayist’ of He creates a rich humour when he tells about a journalist who
his time. Anju English Improvement Course and Computer Centre praised a rich man in these words, “Mr. Midas was quietly dressed in
His contribution : - Gilbert Keith Chesterton has been in the a black frock coat, a white waistcoat, and light great trousers, with
habit of writing essays since his school days. His selves were full of a plain green tie and simple flower in his bottom-hole,.” As if any
exercise book in which were written mostly impressive verses, essays one would expect him to have a crimson frock coat or spangled
and some fragment plays. Chesterton insisted all his life that he was a trousers. As if any one would expect him to have a burning
journalist. He started his career as a reviewer of art books for the Catherine wheel in his button whole.
London book man. It was in Daily News which was edited by A. G. The lawyer’s quality: - G.K. Chesterton writers his essay with
Gardiner in which he used to write in its columns upon all manner of advocate quality. He has a knack of argumentation. He takes the topic
books and upon nearly subject under the sun. His Saturday article in the with confidence and argues the topic with full command. In his essay, “
Daily News was a regular feature for over twelve years. At the same The worship of wealthy” he argues about the uses of words “ Simple,
time he published fiction like ‘The flying Inn’ 1903, Dickens 1906, Quite and modest”. He is not happy with the journalists who use these
Bernard Shaw 1909. He also wrote detective story with father Brown as words to praise or flatter the wealthy men. He says that they degrade
the central character about his novels. We once said, “I have spoiled the value of these words.
a number of jolly good ideas in my time.” “To be simple, is the best thing in the world; to be modest is
As an essayist: - He is a writer of versatile genius and his the next best thing. I am not sure about being quiet. I am rather
essays reveal , an extraordinary range of mind; there was no subject on inclined to think that really modest people make a great deal of
which he could not have found something original, and if possible noise.”
challenging, to say from the fundamental basis of morals to the proper Diction and language: - Chesterton has a great skill in
way of eating cheese. As we know that he was a great book reviewer dialectical writing. He possesses the gift of peculiar simplicity and
and wrote essays on almost all subjects. His essays are eloquent, beauty and with utmost clearness. He agrees only by analogies and
provocative, splendidly graphics and admirably humorous. As an examples. Though there is like you to be real idea behind his display of
essayist all his spirited defense of his own point of view. AEICCC fire works. And then he is talking pianist kind of sense. He knows the
As witty satirist: - Chesterton caught the infection of satire and gambit of man and woman as a reporter knows them and he doesn’t
epigram during the nineties, but he used these weapons for the forget whatever has once engaged his eyes and ears. Mr. S.P.Gupta
defence of constructive principles, old faiths and venerable institutions CONCLUSION: - Thus in nutshell, we can say that the essayist
especially the Catholic Church. the tone of satire with wit can be seen in G. K. Chesterton has a great knack of argument with facts. He never
his essay, “ The Wealth of Flattery” he takes underhand those new allows his essay to get blurred. His essays are replete with wisdom, wit
journalists who were in the habit of flattering rich and distinguish people. and humor. He never writes any idea without reason. Richard Church
“ The journalists who write about Mr. Pierpont Morgan donot say, “ his literary device of antithesis and starting metaphor
say that he is as beautiful as Apollo; I wish they did.” became a bad habit.” But we should not forget that he had a style of
He doesn’t use his satire only for laughing at but for bringing his own which has pleased hundreds of thousands of affectionate
correction and improvement. readers.

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