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Year 8 ( )

The Landlady Quiz Date: ________________________

Time allowed: 40 min
Mark allotted: 25 marks
The Landlady

1- Why does Billy walk ‘briskly’ down the street? [3]

What character trait do you infer?

Which method of characterization is used here?




2- What was unusual about the way the Landlady responded to the doorbell?
Why is this significant? [2]




3- What aspects of the Landlady’s appearance and voice make her seem
trustworthy? [2]



4- How does the description of the weather help foreshadow what will happen
next? Give evidence to support your answer. [2]




5- The effect the notice had on Billy was so peculiar. Discuss [2]



6- Billy’s impression of the Lady turned out to be a little ironical. How far do
you agree? Support your answer with evidence from the text. [2]




Bonus Questions:

7- “Such charming boys! Extraordinarily handsome….tall, young, handsome…

just exactly like you.” [2]

Who says these words? ______________________________________________

Whom is he/she referring to? _________________________________________

8- What is the atmosphere created in the following sentence?

“There were no hats or coats in the hall. There were no umbrellas, no walking
sticks-nothing.” [1]



9- List at least TWO events that help foreshadow the ending. [2]





10- Use the words in the word bank to finish the following sentences.

whiff dainty congenial brisk blemish dotty

façade peer rapacious swamp compulsion conjure up
a. He leaned towards me and I caught a ________________ of garlic.

b. I seem to have a constant _________________ to eat.

c. I caught a __________________ glimpse of the sparkling blue sea through

the trees.

d. For some people, the word 'England' may still _______________ images of

pretty gardens and tea parties.

e. Yassin’s birthday party was one of the most _______________ gatherings

I have had in a while.

f. She walked __________________ into town.

g. The Landlady was a _______________ old woman.

h. When no one answered the door, she ____________ through the window

to see if anyone was there.

i. ______________ landlords only think of how much money they can make.

j. During our visit to Turkey, we stayed in a ______________ hotel.

k. I'm __________________ with work at the moment.

l. What a __________________ thing to say!

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