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The present online web article “Causes of Depression “is written by Groho;,J.(2017).

He is a
psychologist, author researcher and expert in mental health online. He put an effort to discuss the
causes of depression on the basis of two major theoretical framework theories. These two
theories models comprehensively describe the factors which cause depression. The author being
a psychologist generally reviewed the literature on the causes of depression. But unable to
argument comprehensively.
There are only three research references quoted in the article. The author was unable to do
comparative analysis of the theoretical models of causes of depression. It’s a descriptive short
essay in which an effort was made to just describe only two models. The article argument of the
author can be more convincing if the research-based findings were quoted.
“The Bio-Psych-social modal of causation” is a general modal which is widely accepted among
psychological circles.It describes the major factors causing depression. But its unable to identify
the factors which play major role in causing depression. The second model “Gene X
Environmental model of depression” is also introduced by the author.It emphasis on the genetic
basis of depression in relation to the external factors .The author description of this modal
comprehensive but was unable to quote any clinical data based on the modal.Therefore the
argument of the author on the basis of these two general models (frameworks) can not be
validated unless more critical research is done based on these two theoretical frameworks. The
comparative research can be helpful on findings the answer of the question “What causes

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