PurCom Midterms

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On Aids and Strategies: Understanding and analyzing tools of technology

MULTIMEDIA PRESENTATIONS- combination of different medium

- integration of animation , audio , graphics , text and a full motion video through computer hardware
and software for education , entertainment and training

-only needs to use at least 3 media

Types of Oral Presentation

1. INDIVIDUAL - a person who shares relevant information

2. GROUP - composed of at least three members who take turns in sharing a relevant information

-talks about only one topic

Ex. Harassment

3. PANEL- three to six members with a moderator; members are called panelists

-talking about different topics which revolve around a single team

Ex. Human Labors: Harassment, Human Trafficking, Human Right

4. WORKSHOP - 1 to 2 members who act as facilitators to give an experience of how a skill can be

Ex. Basic life Support

5. POSTER- use of a poster in showing one's work

6. DEMONSTRATION - demonstrate how something is done or used


1. Planning the presentation

- know your purpose

- analyze your audience

- make sense of your context

- construct your presentation slides

 make it lights extremely concise and visually uncluttered

 If you need more text, use more slides
 Use images
 Always choose white or light colored slide backgrounds
 Keep the glitz factor low
 Talk to audience, not the screen

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