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Diet Type: muscle gain

Protein requirement : 120 gm/day

Total Energy intake from all 3 macros

Nutrients Total grams/day Calories Percentage

Carbohydrate 30 gm 120 kcal 9%

Protein 80 gm 320kcal 20%

Fat 120gm 1080kcal 71%

Total calories 1520kcal 100%

Menu plan

Meal 1 Breakfast 2 Whole Eggs + 1tbspn butter/ghee + 1 fulka

1multivitamin tablet + 2Vit C celien

Meal 4 Lunch 100 paneer /100 chicken + made with 1tblspn

butter/ghee + brown rice 1bowl + 2 fulka /1
bhakari +1cheese cube

1 Calcium Tablet + 1 Fish oil capsule

Meal 2 pre workout 2 eggs half pan fry+ 30 GM almonds

Meal 5 Dinner 100gm paneer/100chicken boiled + 2 fulka +rice +

1cheese cube

1 Antioxidant tablet + 2 Vit E + 2 Vit C celien

Meal 3 post workout 1 spoon whey protein + any fruit (after 15 min)

Bedtime 1glass warm water

Type Brand

Antioxidant(Alpha lipoic Acid) Healthy origins or Now foods

Vit E Eviono 400 mg

Vit C Celin
Fish oil Health kart or Muscleblaze

Multivitamin any sports nutrition brand like healthkart

muscleblaze or ON


Regular Workout is must.

Drink 4-5 ltr of water daily.

Drink lemon and salt water during workouts.

You can add only green leafy veggies during lunch or dinner meal.

This diet is designed according to your body it is customised diet don't consult this to any other.

Don't miss meals.

Take all supplements strictly.

On non workout day add post workout supplements af bed time in the night.

*Eat good, Feel good.*

#stay_strong #stay_fit...

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