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According to research conducted by the Faculty of the High School Department of University of

Immaculate Concepcion that is entitled "Factors Affecting the Grade 10 students in choosing their
preferred Tracks for Senior High School" (2016), based on their research findings the decision making of
the Grade 10 Students in choosing their preferred track and strand is affected by such factors like
Parental Influence, Aptitude, Interest and Environmental factors.

Among these Indicators, the greatest factors that affects the decision making of Grade 10 Students in
choosing their preferred track and strands is the students's Interest. Then, followed by Environmental
Factors. Next is their Aptitude and last is the Parental Influence.

This led the reseachers to conduct a study regarding the Grade 10 students preferred track and strand.
With the said research study, the researchers will assist and guide incoming Senior High School student
in their decision making towards their preferred tracks and strands by conducting a Career Talk.

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