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Background of the Study

Since poverty is still an issue wherein some students tend

to apply for a part time job along with their studies. The

researchers would also like to enlighten the minds of other

people who are still confused in the concept of being a working

student and how difficult it is to be one.

The researchers’ goal is to find out the relationship of

having a part time job to the General Weighted average of the

selected college students in the vicinity of Manila, since

poverty is still an issue wherein some students tend to apply

for a part time job along with their studies. The researchers

would also like to enlighten the minds of other people who are

still confused in the concept of being a working student and how

difficult it is to be one.

The trend of employment among University students has been

increasing rapidly in the last decade. One of the main reasons

other people suggests are economic reason. According to Green

(1987), following the increase of students taking part-time job

outside campus, researchers questioned its effect on students’

academic performance. Furr & Elling (2000) suggest that there

A Causal Comparative Study to the number of hours spent in a part

time job to the General Weighted Average of selected college
students in the vicinity of Manila
are many reasons why students take a part-time job. However,
regardless the reason why students take part-time job, there is

a belief that student involved in a part-time job do not tend to

have higher academic achievement, because the students’ focus on

study has been divided by working time. According to Sarah and

Hudson (2005), better academic achievement can be achieved only

by students who spend more time on academic related activities

outside of class.

In this research study, the main purpose of the research

problem is to show the relationship of the number of hours spent

in a part-time job and the General Weighted Average of the

students in the vicinity of Manila in order to answer the

questions brought by the general and specific problems of the

study. The problem stated in the study revolves around the

selected college students who are involved in a part-time job

along the vicinity of Manila, considering that there are

Universities around it, therefore the researchers assumed at

least 30 possible respondents to be interviewed.

Research Framework

FIGURE 1: the correlation between numbers of hours spent in

a part-time job and General Weighted Average

A Causal Comparative Study to the number of hours spent in a part

time job to the General Weighted Average of selected college
students in the vicinity of Manila

Number of hours spent

General Weighted Average
in a part-time job

In this research study, the researchers would like to know

the correlation of number of hours spent in a part-time job and

the General Weighted Average.

Statement of the Problem

This research study aim to determine the relationship of

number of hours spent in a part-time job and the General Weighted

Average of the selected college students in the vicinity of Manila.

This study seeks to answer the following questions:

1.) What is the frequency of the hours spent by the part-time

worker in the previous semester?

2.) What is the frequency of General Weighted Average (GWA) of

the part-time workers in previous semester?

A Causal Comparative Study to the number of hours spent in a part

time job to the General Weighted Average of selected college
students in the vicinity of Manila
3.) What is the relationship between of having a part-time job
to the General Weighted Average of the selected college students

in Manila?


Ho: There is no significant relationship between the General

Weighted Average of the selected college students in Manila and

the number of hours spent in a part-time job.

H1: There is a significant relationship between the General

Weighted Average of the selected college students in Manila and

the number of hours spent in a part-time job.

Significance of the Study

These are the beneficiaries of the research study:

Students. This research study will benefit students by

the information indicated to the research for them to inform to

this kind of study about the time spent in part-time job and its

affect to the General Weighted Average of the college students.

Future Researchers. This research study will also benefit

future researchers due to the information and data gathered by

the researchers that may help them in their own studies.

A Causal Comparative Study to the number of hours spent in a part

time job to the General Weighted Average of selected college
students in the vicinity of Manila
Scope and Delimitation of the Study
The research study is all about the relationship of the

number of hours spent in a part-time job to the General Weighted

Average of the selected college students in Manila.

The research study is focused only on the relationship of

the said variables without focusing on the other aspects such as

gender, financial capacity, and size of the family of the

participants that may affect the entire study.

Definition of Terms

general weighted average. Refers to the computed grades of every

students for corresponding quarters/semesters for the whole

school year.

part-time job. Serves as a help for financially unstable

students who are aspiring to learn by being the source of income

that can be used for some personal purpose.

A Causal Comparative Study to the number of hours spent in a part

time job to the General Weighted Average of selected college
students in the vicinity of Manila


Related Literature


According to the National Statistics Coordination Board

(NSCB, 2014), full-time workers in July 2010 recorded a share of

sixty-four and three tenths percent (64.3%) of the total

employed while the part-time workers recorded the share of

thirty-five percent (35.0%). Only half of working students

finish college. (CHED, 2014). According to the latest data from

the Commission on Higher Education (CHED, 2014) that about two

hundred sixteen thousand (216,000) students in Manila are

currently juggling school and work.

CHED said that working students today are mostly into food

service, entertainment and sales, apart from their usual stints

as library and research assistants. These students are forced to

work because of higher commodity prices and tuition fees.

(Vitriolo, 2014). The pressure to balance work and school is

just too much for many working students. According to CHED, that

only fifty percent (50%) of working students get to finish to

college, as many cope and cannot concentrate on their studies,

While some have poor health. While others give up because of

insufficient funds.
A. Part time job

According to International Labor Organization (2003),

part-time job is a form of employment that carries fewer

hours per week than full time jobs.

When it comes to the length of time spent in a part-time

job, different countries have different amount of working

hours. In Australia (2007), part-time job employees work

less than thirty-two hours (32) per week.

In Canada (2007), employee is considered as part time

only if the employee works fewer than thirty hours (30) per

week at their main or only job.

Unlike full time employees, part time employees do not

have entitlement given to those working full time. For

example, in United States (2009), part time employees are

not entitled to any benefits such as health insurance.

B. The Effect of working part-time and student’s academic


(Stern, 19997) concluded that students who work over

fifteen (15) hours a week have lower grades, do less home

A Causal Comparative Study to the number of hours spent in a part

time job to the General Weighted Average of selected college
students in the vicinity of Manila
works, are more likely to drop out, and are less likely to
continue education.

The consequences for some students working longer hours

could be more severe than some other students. (Barone,

1993). Many students who work find some problems balancing

school and work demands (Worley, 1995). May researchers

indicates increase in the amount of working hours most

influence factors (Watanabe, 2005).

Related Studies


According to “Psychosocial Intervention Program for the

college working students in Barangay 168 North Caloocan City”

(2016), sixty-seven percent (67%) of the respondents struggle

most is a poor performance that leads to low grades; while

sixty-two (62%) of the respondents had a hard time in balancing

academic school works and their hours in their job.


According to “Part-Time Job and Students’ Academic

Achievement” (2017), it can be concluded that working part-time

job do not have any significant effect on students’ academic

A Causal Comparative Study to the number of hours spent in a part

time job to the General Weighted Average of selected college
students in the vicinity of Manila
performance. The result of the students’/respondents’ GPA,
despite working outside university, were still high.

A Causal Comparative Study to the number of hours spent in a part

time job to the General Weighted Average of selected college
students in the vicinity of Manila

Research Design

The researchers used Correlational Research Design wherein

researchers will measure two variables, understand and assess

the statistical relationship between them. Correlational

research is looking for variables that seem to interact with

each other so that when the students see one variable changing,

they have a fair idea how the other variable will change. In

this study, the researchers determined if there is a

relationship between number of hours spent in part-time job and

General Weighted Average of working students in Manila.

Sampling Technique and Participants

In this study, the researchers will use purposive type of

sampling, where participants are selected according to purpose.

The researchers will gather at least 30 working students in the

Universities along the vicinity of Manila; therefore, the

sampling to be used is purposive, and non-randomized.

Questionnaires will be given to identify the relationship of the

number of hours spent in a part-time job to the General Weighted

Average of selected college students in the vicinity of Manila.

A Causal Comparative Study to the number of hours spent in a part

time job to the General Weighted Average of selected college
students in the vicinity of Manila

Research Instrument

The researchers will provide a questionnaire to be

answered by respondents that consists questions about the number

of hours the respondents spent in the part-time job for a month,

and the general weighted average of the respondents for the

previous school year.

Data Gathering Procedure

Figure 2. Shows the step by step process of how the

researches will gather data for the research study. The data

gathering procedure for the researchers’ research study consist

of 5 different phases.

A Causal Comparative Study to the number of hours spent in a part

time job to the General Weighted Average of selected college
students in the vicinity of Manila
• The reseachers will seek for the school's head approval 12
for the data gathering procedure that will be conducted
Phase outside the school, bu giving a consent letter signed by
1 the research instructor.

• The researchers will go the different universities in

Phase Manila to look for the respondents of the data gathering
2 procedure for the researchers' research study.

• The reseachers will ask for the respondents consent or

Phase approval to participate in the data gathering procedure of
3 the study.

• The reseachers will ask questions to the respondents that

Phase may help in the researchers' research study.

• The reseachers will interpret the anwers gathered from

the respondents to see the causal-comparative effect of
Phase the time spent in having a part-time job to the General
5 Weighted Average of selected students in the vicinity of

Data Analysis Procedure

The Statistical package for Social Science (SPSS) will be

used to analyse the data collected through the questionnaire.

The statistical tool that the researchers will be used is in the

form of Pearson R. Pearson R is used to determine the

correlation between the variables: hours spent in a part-time

job and the General Weighted Average. These statistics will

provide a table of information that will determine whether there

is a significant relationship or not in the existed variables.

A Causal Comparative Study to the number of hours spent in a part

time job to the General Weighted Average of selected college
students in the vicinity of Manila
Ethical Consideration
The researchers will deal with ethical issues by informing

the respondents of the purpose, data collection, methods, and

extend of the research prior to commencement.

Informed Consent. The research participants will be informed by

the researchers about the procedures involved in the research


Risk of Harm. The researchers will guarantee to the research

respondents that they will not be put to any situation that they

may be harmed.

Voluntary Participation. The participation of the respondents of

the study is all voluntary. The researchers will not be forced

anybody to participate.

Confidentiality. The researchers will give respect and assured

that the participant’s identity, personal information, and their

given data for the study will not be made available to anyone.

Honesty. The honesty and trustworthiness of the researchers to

the data collected from the volunteered participants will be


A Causal Comparative Study to the number of hours spent in a part

time job to the General Weighted Average of selected college
students in the vicinity of Manila




Frequency Percent Valid Percent Percent
Valid 225.00 1 3.3 3.3 3.3

300.00 2 6.7 6.7 10.0

375.00 1 3.3 3.3 13.3
600.00 2 6.7 6.7 20.0
750.00 2 6.7 6.7 26.7

900.00 6 20.0 20.0 46.7

1050.00 2 6.7 6.7 53.3
1200.00 13 43.3 43.3 96.7
1500.00 1 3.3 3.3 100.0
Total 30 100.0 100.0
Table 1: Frequency table for hours spent in part-time job

Table 1 shows the frequency table of hours spent in a part-

time job that indicates the highest frequency of 13 respondents in

spending 1200 hours and the lowest frequency of 1 respondent in

225,375, and 1500 hours.

A Causal Comparative Study to the number of hours spent in a part

time job to the General Weighted Average of selected college
students in the vicinity of Manila
Cumulative 15
Frequency Percent Valid Percent Percent
Valid 1.25 1 3.3 3.3 3.3
1.26 1 3.3 3.3 6.7
1.50 1 3.3 3.3 10.0
1.53 1 3.3 3.3 13.3
1.72 1 3.3 3.3 16.7
1.75 3 10.0 10.0 26.7
1.81 1 3.3 3.3 30.0
1.82 1 3.3 3.3 33.3
2.00 6 20.0 20.0 53.3
2.10 2 6.7 6.7 60.0
2.20 2 6.7 6.7 66.7
2.25 3 10.0 10.0 76.7
2.50 5 16.7 16.7 93.3
2.75 1 3.3 3.3 96.7
4.50 1 3.3 3.3 100.0
Total 30 100.0 100.0
Table 2: Frequency table for General Weighted Average


Table 2 shows the frequency table of the General Weighted

Average of the respondents which indicates the highest frequency

of 6 reaching the GWA of 2.0 and the lowest frequency of 1

respondent in reaching different sets of GWA.

A Causal Comparative Study to the number of hours spent in a part

time job to the General Weighted Average of selected college
students in the vicinity of Manila




TIME Pearson Correlation 1 -.101

Sig. (2-tailed) .594

N 30 30

GWA Pearson Correlation -.101 1

Sig. (2-tailed) .594

N 30 30

Table 3 Correlation between hours spent in a

part-time job and General Weighted Average

Table 3 shows the correlation between hours spent in a

part-time job and the General Weighted Average of the

respondents. The correlation coefficient guidelines expresses

how strong and weak the relationship between the two given

variables. The correlation coefficient for Hours spent in a

part-time job and the General Weighted Average is -.101 and this

shows that the relationship of the two given variables is

negatively weak.

A Causal Comparative Study to the number of hours spent in a part

time job to the General Weighted Average of selected college
students in the vicinity of Manila

There are 30 total numbers of respondents in this research

study. The P-value for this correlation coefficient is .594;

The statistical hypothesis test for this P-value is:

Hₒ: There is no significant relationship between the General

Weighted Average of the selected college students in Manila and

the number of hours spent in a part-time job.

̩: There is a significant relationship between the General


Weighted Average of the selected college students in Manila and

the number of hours spent in a part-time job.

The given p-value of 0.594 is greater than 0.05 which is the

alpha standard value, accepts the null hypothesis. Therefore,

the researchers conclude that there is no significant

relationship between hours spent in a part-time job and to the

General Weighted Average of the respondents.

A Causal Comparative Study to the number of hours spent in a part

time job to the General Weighted Average of selected college
students in the vicinity of Manila



Summary of the Study

In the Philippines, poverty is one of the biggest issued

faced by many Filipinos. In the said issue, many students deal

with poverty by means of engaging into a part-time jobs. In this

research study, the researchers are aiming to determine if there

are relationship of between hours spent in a part-time job to

the college students General Weighted Average. The research

design that will be used in the study is correlational research

design wherein the researchers will measure the two given

variables that seems to interact with each other. The

researchers make a questionnaire to know the hours spent by the

working student in the previous semester and also to know the

General Weighted Average in the said semester. All information

will be gathered only in the vicinity of Manila. After gathering

the data needed in this study, the researchers will be proceed

in using SPPS to analyze and interpret the gathered data. The

A Causal Comparative Study to the number of hours spent in a part

time job to the General Weighted Average of selected college
students in the vicinity of Manila
findings of the gathered data resulted that there are a weak
negative relationship between hours spent in part-time job and

the General Weighted Average of selected college students in

Manila and no significant relationship between the two given

variables. So, the implication of this research study is to help

the students of Manila by informing them that whether they are

having a part-time job or not, still the General Weighed Average

will not be affected since the findings of this study is there

is no significant relationship between the two variable.

Summary of Findings

There are 30 total respondents that are needed in the

study. From the questionnaires given to each respondents, the

hour spent in a part-time job and General Weighted Average was

gathered and interpreted. The Pearson correlation shows a result

of -.101 which indicates a weak negative relationship. The p-

value for this study was resulted to 0.549 which is > the alpha

standard value of 0.05, this only shows for accepting the null

hypothesis of there is no significant relationship between the

two given variables in this research study.

A Causal Comparative Study to the number of hours spent in a part

time job to the General Weighted Average of selected college
students in the vicinity of Manila


This research study was focused on the correlation of hours

spent in a part-time job and General Weighted Average of the

selected college students in Manila. In spite of the research

findings, this study has several limitations that needs to be

accredited. First, the findings cannot be generalized to all the

working students in the Philippines since the data was only

gathered in the vicinity of Manila. Second, this research aims

to only know the relationship between the two given variables

without considering the factors of why students engaged in a

part-time job such as gender, financial capacity, and size of

the family that may affect the whole research study. Lastly, it

is difficult to get accurate responses which are dependent to

the character of the respondents. Whether the respondents will

give accurate or not accurate answers in the given

questionnaires. Since the findings are based on the answers in

each question, the researchers can’t handle the respondents’

honesty in answering the given questionnaires.

A Causal Comparative Study to the number of hours spent in a part

time job to the General Weighted Average of selected college
students in the vicinity of Manila


The research findings in this study conclude that there is

a weak negative relationship between hours spent in part-time

job and the General Weighted Average. However, the findings of

the data indicates that there is no significant relationship

between the two given variables which means when the first

variable rises or falls the second variable will rise of fall

to. So, the students still can achieve a higher grade with or

without a part-time job. In addition, it is hoped that this

research study will give preliminary insights and understanding

on hours spent in a part-time job coping with General Weighted

Average of the students.


The following are the recommended to improve this research


 increase the target respondents

 conduct the research study in different locations

 study the factors on why do students take part-time jobs

 From this study, you can use it as baseline and then

A Causal Comparative Study to the number of hours spent in a part

time job to the General Weighted Average of selected college
students in the vicinity of Manila
compare it to other factor existing on the new study

Reference List
Apongol, F., Butal, G., Calma, D., Colico, A., Guzman, K.
D., Gabas, J., . . . Tibayde, C. (2016). Psychosocial
Intervention Program for the College Working Students in
Barangay 168 . Caloocan.

Arceo, C., Dunca, M., & Tena, L. (2013, September). Factors

Affecting the Academic Performance of the Working Students
in Polytechnic University of the Philippines Santa Rosa
Campus S.Y. 2013-2014. Retrieved from

Muluk, S. (2017). Part-time job and student's academic

achievement. Retrieved from Part-
Time_Job _and_Students'_Academic_Achievement

Nucum, K. (2018). Balancing job and academics as a working

student in the Philippines. Retrieved from

The Freeman. (2016, August 31). Retrieved from

Villahermosa, M., Oba-o, W., & Bagabaldo, J. (2015).

Working Scholars: Life as a worker and an academic
performer. Retrieved from

A Causal Comparative Study to the number of hours spent in a part

time job to the General Weighted Average of selected college
students in the vicinity of Manila

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