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phrodite was the Olympian goddess of love,

A beauty, pleasure and procreation. She was
depicted as a beautiful woman often
accompanied by the winged God Eros (Love). Her
attributes included a dove, apple, scallop shell and
mirror. In classical sculpture and fresco she was
usually depicted nude. Like all the Greek Olympic

gods, Aphrodite was immortal and very powerful.

I fell in love with Aphrodite ever since high school

because of hers and Cupid’s beautiful and
admirable love story. That loved by everyone.
Aside from being one of the well-known Goddess, I admire her beauty. Every time I hear or even write
the word “beauty” I always remember the goddess of beauty, Aphrodite or I am more used to call her
in her roman name which is Venus. She became the definition of beauty for me and most individuals, I

look up to her.

She was also known as the goddess of love, her belief was that no woman should stay and die a virgin.
Therefore, she gladly helped men to charm women with love spells. To prove that, Her special powers
were those of love and desire. She had a belt that had the power to cause others to fall in love with the
wearer. Some of the other Greek goddesses, such as Hera, would borrow the belt from time to time.

Aphrodite had the ability to cause fighting couples to fall in love again.

Aphrodite is the definition of what most women admire the beauty and love that is why she is truly an
admirable goddess. She inspires me to be beautiful and to look beautiful in my own unique ways, she

encourages me to love the beauty that I possess.

Maquera, Rodeza U. BSED English


Athena, Greek Goddess of Wisdom and War also

referred to as Athene, is a very important goddess of

many things. She is goddess of wisdom, courage,
inspiration, civilization, law and justice, strategic
warfare, mathematics, strength, strategy, the arts,
crafts, and skill.

She is known most specifically for her strategic skill in

warfare and is often portrayed as companion of heroes
and is the patron goddess of heroic endeavor.

I like the story on how Athena especially when she was

born, it really amazed me that Athena was born from Zeus after he experienced an enormous
headache and she sprang fully grown and in armor from his forehead. She has no mother but one of
the most commonly cited stories is that Zeus lay with Metis, the goddess of crafty thought and
wisdom, and then swallowed her whole as he feared she will give birth to a child more powerful than
him because of a prophecy – but she had already conceived.

I admire her as the Goddess of War because she symbolizes women’s bravery; she proved that not
only men can be in a war. I like the idea that even before, women can stand out on their own, their
gender did not made them less as a brave and strong being.

In terms of her, being the Goddess of Wisdom I love her for that, because I am very particular in
having wisdom. I admire people who have wisdom, they inspire and drives me to be at my best in
order for me to have the quality of having experience, knowledge, and good judgment; the quality of
being wise.

Maquera, Rodeza U. BSED English


D emeter was a Greek goddess of Agriculture,

Fertility, Sacred Law and the Harvest and
presides over grains and the fertility of the
earth. Although she was most often referred to as
the goddess of the harvest, she was also goddess

of sacred law and the cycle of life and death.

Her virgin daughter Persephone was abducted by

the god of the underworld, Hades, and Demeter
endlessly searched for her, preoccupied with loss
and grief. The seasons halted and living things
stopped growing and died. At this point, Zeus had
to intervene and send his messenger Hermes to the
underworld to bring Persephone back and prevent the extinction of all life on Earth.

As an individual who was exposed in farming, because my father and most of my relatives are farmers,
so it is widely acceptable that we should admire her so without a doubt Demeter is really one of my
favorite goddess. We value the gift of agriculture as much as we could, they are our bread and butter.
Agriculture, harvesting and grains are words that are very important to me, those words in actions
sustain me and my family needs.

I also admire Demeter for showing unconditional love for her daughter, Persephone. Especially when
Hades abducted Persephone, Demeter searched for her daughter endlessly. A deed that every mother
would do in order to be with their child. It just reminds me how a mother can go for her children, it
also enables me to appreciate more my mother’s unconditional love for us.

Maquera, Rodeza U. BSED English


upid was the god of love in Roman mythology. The
name Cupid is a variation on Cupido ("desire"), and
this god was also known by the name Amor ("love").
It was commonly believed that Cupid was the son of
Venus - the Roman goddess of love - and this association
between Venus and Cupid was quite popular in myth,

poetry, literature, and art.

The ancient Romans often depicted Cupid as winged child

or baby who carried a bow and quiver full of arrows. One
of the most popular myths about Eros involves his

relationship with the mortal princess Psyche.

The first story in mythology that I read is their well-known love story “The Tale of Cupid and Psyche” I
loved their story. Cupid is very familiar to me way back in my elementary days, every Valentine’s I
always see Cupid’s picture hanged and posted everywhere. I even had a belief before that Cupid is the
definition of Valentines. Based on what we believed that when Cupid wounded you with his arrow you
will be fell in love with someone he/she also wounded with his arrow. From there Cupid became one

of my favorite God.

Cupid is the God of Love, he is famous in every Valentine’s Day cards, decorations and other things
associated with February 14th the Day of Love. No one hates love, everyone loves and admires love.
Since love is a powerful thing as it binds and builds relationship with individuals. It could be love with
parents, friends, and relatives and to someone. I may grow older but it will never change that , Cupid
will always be my definition of Valentines and he will always be my favorite decorations every 14 th of

the month February.

Maquera, Rodeza U. BSED English


era Greek Goddess of Marriage and Queen of
Olympus Hera is the Queen of the Gods and is the
wife and sister of Zeus in the Olympian pantheon.

She is known for being the Goddess of Marriage & Birth.

Hera was a jealous wife, and she fought with Zeus

frequently over his extramarital affairs and illegitimate
children. For this reason, Hera was known for punishing
offending husbands.

I like Hera because she was the protector of (1) women,

(2) presiding over marriages and (3) births.

I really have a big respect for women. So every time I

see or read about women who were physically or emotionally abused I am very affected. As a woman I
don’t want to experience those, because we, women gone through a lot.

I also value marriage a lot, it is very sacred to me. I respect the law of marriage and whenever I witness
a wedding a part of me is joyful as another woman found the love of her life and that will be her new
home. Despite being the Goddess of Marriage, she was known to be jealous and vengeful towards the
many lovers and offspring of her husband Zeus. I can relate to Hera being jealous, I honestly is a

jealous one but unlike Hera who takes revenge to other women.

When it comes to birth, I wonder how amazing a woman’s body can bear and carry a child for nine
months. A woman’s body can change a lot in that whole process so I really admire women.

Maquera, Rodeza U. BSED English


estia was the goddess of the hearth, home,
architecture, domesticity, family, and the state.
She was one of only three virgin goddesses, next
to Athena and Artemis. Although both Poseidon and
Apollo wanted to marry her, Hestia made an oath
to Zeus that she would remain forever pure and
undefiled, never entering into a union with a man.

Usually, she is portrayed as a modest middle-aged veil-

wearing woman. Sometimes, she stands by a large fire,
carrying a staff or holding some flowers in her hands.

I loved her name ever since we started studying about

mythology, and I loved her more when I found out that she is the Goddess of hearth, home and family.
Since I was a child I really see beauty in a fire, from the light of a candle, the light in the burner of stove
and whenever we cook outside and we use woods. I like the color orange in a fire I found a beauty in

She is also a goddess of the Olympian generation, daughter of Cronus and Rhea and sister to Zeus
Poseidon, Hades, Demeter and Hera. When Cronus swallowed his children for fear one would
dethrone him. Hestia was the eldest and thus swallowed first. I am also the eldest in a family so I liked
her more. She value home and family, and I also value those. To those people who really know me
they characterized me as a family oriented individual.

Maquera, Rodeza U. BSED English


n Greek Mythology, Nike was the goddess of speed,
strength and victory. Also known as Winged Goddess,

Nike is most often pictured as having wings.

Ancient Greeks worshiped Nike because they believed

she could make them never to die and was able to grant
to humans strength and the speed needed to be

victorious in any task they undertook.

In Roman Mythology, Nike was known as Victoria, after

Greece fell to the Roman Empire. She appears with Zeus
on statues in places such as the Temple of Zeus in Attica
and on the west portico of the Temple of Athena in

When I found out about the Goddess of Victory is Nike I already liked her. It suits my personality I am a
very goal oriented individual so “speed” is important to me I wanted to use all my time to do my tasks
and assigned works and I wanted to finish them ahead of time. Time is very precious to me so I want

to make them count.

I do believe that when I want to succeed I should always aspire to win or be at my best in everything
that I do. I may not have wings like Nike or I may not be the Goddess of Victory like Victoria but I am

dedicated and inspired to win against the struggles of life using my own capabilities and talents.

Maquera, Rodeza U. BSED English


HEA (Rhea) was the Titanis (Titaness) mother of
the gods, and goddess of female fertility,

motherhood, and generation.

She was also a goddess of comfort and ease; a

blessing reflected in the common Homeric phrase

"the gods who live at their ease (rhea)."

I liked the character of Rhea as a mother to the

famous Gods and Goddesses. I liked the idea of her
being wise when Cronus wanted to swallow all their
children so when it was Zeus’ turn she wrapped a
stones into baby clothes to deceive Cronus and let
Zeus live normally to retrieve his siblings when the
time comes. I have seen and read a lot regarding
mother’s sacrifices for their children and I saw another wonderful story when I read about Rhea. Really

a mother will do anything for their children and I admire Rhea for being one of those sacrificial mother.

As I was reading about her I liked the meaning of her name. Her name means "flow" and "ease." As
the wife of Kronos (Cronus, Time), she represented the eternal flow of time and generations; as the
great Mother (Meter Megale), the "flow" was menstrual blood, birth waters, and milk. I liked the idea
that her name is so connected to us, women. From having menstrual period every month, to bearing

and carrying a baby for nine months and until breastfeeding up to two years is so amazing.

Maquera, Rodeza U. BSED English


ersephone is the daughter
of Zeus and Demeter. She becomes the
queen of the underworld through her
abduction by Hades, the god of the


The myth of her abduction represents her

function as the personification of vegetation,
which shoots forth in spring and withdraws into
the earth after harvest; hence, she is also
associated with spring as well as the fertility of
vegetation. Persephone is a true nature child,
being the daughter of the goddess of the


Persephone got my attention due to her transition from the daughter of Demeter to being the
Goddess of the underworld. She represents every child who has been loved tenderly and
unconditionally by their mothers.

Persephone as the Goddess of underworld, I am a fan of those characters who has an evil or a bad
side. But that doesn’t mean I am also an evil it is just that I can see beauty in bad or not so good sides.
I also liked Persephone because she is the reason or her abduction was the reason why there is a

spring a time when flowers bloom and trees begin to grow and reproduce.

Maquera, Rodeza U. BSED English


HEMIS was the Titan goddess of divine law and
order--the traditional rules of conduct first
established by the gods. She was also a prophetic
goddess who presided over the most ancient oracles,

including Delphoi (Delphi).

In this role, she was the divine voice (themistes) who

first instructed mankind in the primal laws of justice and
morality, such as the precepts of piety, the rules of
hospitality, good governance, conduct of assembly, and
pious offerings to the gods. In Greek, the word Themis
referred to divine law, those rules of conduct long

established by custom.

Growing up I learned that it is important to have fairness in all things. So I really value justice and
fairness in everything regardless of who you are, your economic status and other. I wanted to inculcate
to others that when they are poor that doesn’t make them less deserving to justice. Although
sometimes we witness how money can deprived justice to others but is still believe in truth, justice and
fairness. Another reason why I really admire her is that she is the definition of justice When I was in
elementary when mom used to draw a weighing scale in one of my projects to represent justice, I did

not understand it at first but as I go on I finally understand it.

I liked Themis because she personified, or represented, fairness, the laws of the gods, and the laws of
human nature, the laws made by man and customs (or tradition). I admire her and I wanted her to

always be remembered in this world full of injustices and unfairness.

Maquera, Rodeza U. BSED English

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