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Young Boy Exploring Mature Woman’s Body

Hello guys,

This is an incident which took place when I was 18. My dad got home a step mom for me after his divorce with
my real mom. Dad was a businessman aged 46 and my step mom was a beautiful looking 37 year old woman.
She was fair, moderate in height and had perfect amount of fats on her body.

Initially I didn’t like her at all as I didn’t like the fact of a stranger woman replacing my mom. I used to behave
rudely with my step mom but she was all the more patient with me. She never got angry or annoyed on me then.
Ours was a two storied apartment. My room was on the second floor while dad and step mom used to stay on
first floor. We had several maids/servants at our place.

One fine afternoon, me and my step mom were sitting in the living room having lunch. We both finished our
lunch and while carrying the plates to the kitchen, a couple of them fell from her hand and in due course the
plates were shattered into pieces. She didn’t wait for the servants to come and gather the broken prices and
instead herself started to pick it. While she gathered the broken pieces, I saw something that blew my mind and
this was the actual turning point of my life.

She was wearing a lose satin gown which helped me to view her boobs the moment she bent down. She didn’t
had a bra on. Her boobs were so beautiful that I had an instant hard on. They were dangling left to right with her
every moment. I told to myself not to look at her in such a manner after all she is my mom. But in vain, I tried
my level best to distract myself but lust took over my senses. I again tired to look at her boobs and her swinging
boobs were a treat to my eyes. I was so into her that she finished collecting the broken pieces and got up and
straight away looked at me. I got scared to hell as she instantly figured out that I was looking at her in an
inappropriate manner. She adjusted her gown and that made me feel ashamed of myself.

I thought she would definitely complaint to my dad about this and I started to avoid an eye contact with her. She
then walked towards the kitchen and I looked at her again. This time, her satin gown had gone far inside her ass
crack. I am site she wasn’t wearing her panty. This scene made me even more horny. The gown had fit inside her
beautiful ass crack in such a manner that I could easily measure her ass cheeks. As she walked, both her ass
cheeks were giving moderate bounces. Shaking to the left and then to the right. “What a beautiful sight that

I immediately started thinking how beautiful she might look with no clothes on her body. The thought of mere
nudity of y step mom made me secrete precum from my penis. My underwear was wet at the tip of my manhood
and I could sense of easily. After walking towards the kitchen, the gown had been released from her ass crack
and it was normal. I straight away ran to my room and starting jacking off. The pressure with which I shoot my
load was tremendous. My balls had almost emptied every singly drop of my cum that day. I still remember I
masturbated thrice that evening.

After that evening, I was tryin to make out my dads behaviour towards me and surprisingly he was normal as
always. Means, my step mom did not complain to him about the incident. I was relaxed but it somehow gave me
confidence to go a step further. Since then, I used to try and have a look at her boobs and brush my hands on her
hips and pretend as if it was accidental. She somehow could make out my strange Behaviour but her focus was to
maintain good relation with me as a mother. She was always good to me and I was so amateur and naive that I
took all her feelings towards me in a wrong way.

One fine day, when dad had gone to office, I went to his room and hid in the connected store room. I knew my
step mom was about to have shower. So I wanted to view each and every part and curve of her body. Everything
was happening as I thought.
After seeing off my dad she came to her room and went to the bath room to have shower. She locked her
bedroom door because of which the bathroom door was not completely shut. I was viewing this scene from the
store room which was located in her bedroom. The moment my step mom went in, I went running towards the
corner of the bathroom door and was looking at her. She first removed her black colored satin gown and my eyes
almost popped out. She was standing right in front of my view in a black bra and a panty.

She then unbuttoned her bra and I was like WTF!! What amazing boobs she had. With every movement of hers,
they were bouncing and dangling and oscillating. What a view that was. She then bent down and in one go,
removed her panty.

OMG!!!! she had such great pair of ass cheeks that I still remember them very clearly till date. As she had bent
down, I could see some pubic hair from behind. I almost felt like kicking the room open and going in to eat her
Pussy. But I controlled myself. While I was busy enjoying a this and fantasizing about her, all of a sudden she
turned back and walked towards me. That scared the hell out of me.

I tried to run but in process fell down and she saw me lying on the ground and have out a loud shout on me. She
immediately covered her boobs with one hand and pussy with the other and even she was equally frightened to
see me in her bedroom. i simply couldn’t believe my eyes that my step mom whom I used to visualize having sex
was standing stark naked right in front of my eyes. She asked me to leave her room right away.

But then one thought strike my mind. I thought of taking advantage of this situation. I knew step mom was afraid
of dad. So I framed a story then and there and said I was here to pass on a message that dad wanted to give u, I
didn’t know you were having a shower as u didn’t even lock your door. I added, that I am gonna tell dad that you
purposely left the door open and walked naked in front of the servants. She was absolutely dumb struck after
listening this and also scared of losing my dad as there was no one to look after her besides my dad. She covered
herself with a towel and was immediately into tears. She simply couldn’t believe that a boy of my age would
frame her in this manner. She apologized, begged and tried everything to console me but in vain.

Finally she asked me what I wanted. “Why are you doing this to me and what’s the purpose of blackmailing
me?” I was on sky seven and went near her and told her softly that I wanted to see her each and every part of her
body minutely. She was in shock again but I guess she expected this from me.

Initially she was very hesitant and gave me lectures on moral grounds but I was least bothered which she knew as
well. Finally she agreed to my commands and said this is the first and last time she would entertain me. I didn’t
reply her and was waiting for her to undo her towel. Tears were flowing down her cheeks and then she untied her
towel and there she was naked again, absolutely naked. I went close to her she was again covering her parts with
her hands. I smelly removed her right hand from her boobs. She had superb boobs with brown nipples.

I touched her left boobs and it was soft like a jelly. She closed her eyes in shame and I continued exploring her
body. I pulled one of her nipple and played with it for a minute or two. They were hard and were looting towards
me. I started sucking one of them and immediately my step mom moved back and said she won’t let me do this.
But I was adamant and blackmailed her to the core, she seemed helpless and stood where she was and I started
sucking her boob. She again closed her eyes.

I moved downwards and was licking her navel. I was on my knees and finally I reached her love hole. It had
considerable amount of pubic hair(not a bush). I removed my tongue and tried to taste her Pussy and looked at
her face. She was all in tears but I continued. Initially i could feel the taste but then I made her spread her legs
apart and asked her to bend down a bit…she followed

Now her Pussy was wide open for me and I opened her Pussy lips and places my tongue inside it. Woww what
great taste of her juice. I was tasting a pussy for the first time and she was tasting amazing. I continued doing so
for a couple of minutes and suddenly the door bell rings. I get up and tell her that I will come back later and she
better be prepared and ran away from her room. That day I masturbated vigorously. My confidence was sky high
and I knew my step mom was completely under my control.

One evening when dad was home watching football match, mom was in the kitchen. I took this opportunity and
went to the kitchen and hold her from back rubbing my penis against her soft ass. She tried to push me away it in
vain. I held her against the wall, lifted her skirt up and out in index finger inside her Pussy. She was scared but I
fingered her for 2 minutes continuously till she wet my finger completely. I then removed the finger and had a
good look at it. It was all drenched in her cum and I put it in my mouth and sucked every drop of her juice. She
was surprised by this actor mine and straight away ran out of the kitchen to avoid any such thing.

The next day when nobody was home, I went to her room again. She was now expecting something wild from
me but was absolutely helpless. I closed the door from inside, went near her, kissed her on her lips, opened her
mouth wide and sucked on her tongue hardly. Kept sucking and exploring her to tongue for a good time. Then I
stopped, lifted her in my arms and took her to the washroom. I removed all her clothes and started finger fucking

Young Boy Exploring Mature Woman’s Body

Young Boy Exploring Mature Woman’s Body

I learned the technique watching online videos and it was working on her. She was in submissive mode and was
responding to my finger fucking. She had cum tremendously and without wasting one drop, I put my to hue right
inside her Pussy. She enjoyed the feel of my soft tongue in her vagina. I sucked her clitoris hardly and she was
literally squirting all her juices all over my face. She was tasting like the most beautiful juice on this planet. All
her body was shivering and shaking and was out of her control.

I waited for her to calm down and gave one more shock of her life. My next demand was her to pee in front of
me. I told her that I always wanted to see how women pee and she has to do it for me. Initially she was very
hesitant and ashamed and denied to follow me but I was not gonna let her go. I convinced her. She sat on the
commode but I asked her to pee in he standing position and she was in shock again. She covered her face with
her hands due to shame and bend down a bit, I spread her legs wide open and was waiting for her stream of
divine juice.

After some time, I saw a drop, then the next, then the next followed by a flood which was passing through her
bush. I was sitting on the ground and opened her lips. The stream was coming right on my face. I she finished
peeing and drops were falling off her pubic hair slowly. I licked her pussy again and now her juice had a mixture
of pee along with cum. I sucked some of it in my mouth and transferred it in her mouth through a kiss. She drank
her own juice without any resistance. By now even she was feeling hot.

I unzipped my pants and asked her to hold my dick. She did it willingly and after stroking it she started sucking
me. I was loaded with cum and wanted to shoot. I was feeling the pressure of peeing but wanted to hold. I made
my step mom lay On The ground,placed my dick at the entrance of her vagina and gave a sudden push. She
almost lost a heart beat as the thrust was sudden and powerful. I covered her mouth with my hand and continued
giving strong thrusts. I could see tears in her eyes.

I then pulled both her legs forward in the air which exposed her Pussy wide open and gave one solid push which
went right upto her walls inside. She was moaning in pain and pleasure. I was about to cum and without her
consent, or without letting her know I shot all my cum inside her vagina. I shot good 5-7 times in one attempt.

I lay on her for a while and removed my flacid and now fat penis from her vagina. I felt the urge to pee to which
my step mom willingly held my penis and directed my stream in the commode. I was happy to see her helping
me and after I finished she also shook my penis to get rid of the final drops of my penis.

After this, my sex life got even more exciting and I had very adventurous set of events which will follow in the
next part.

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My Innocent Mother
This is unbelievable; I never thought anything like this happens in real life. My name is Sham. I was 15 years old
when this exciting incident occurred. I lived in Bombay with my mom Sadhna, 36, she is widowed, and I never
knew my father. I have asked about him a few times and mom gets a strange look on her face and tells me, he
died along time ago so, I learned to not to mention it anymore. Most of the time living with mom is great. Once
in a while she gets into one of her moods then it’s time to head for cover.

I’ve had a few dates with my neighbours Shimla (12 years old), Rajni (17 yrs. old) but they haven’t gotten passed
the hot and heavy kissing and breast feeling stage. These dates always leave me wanting more, but I never got
the nerve to delve into the pot of gold and taste the tender fruit of womanhood. Most of the time I was horny as
hell. With no female comfort, this leaves me with my trusty hand to lull the tension in my body. Sometimes I
would fantasize about my mom (because I was very close to her and we normally do every thing together and I
had glimpses of her breast so many times during her to do the daily chores around the house) being in my room
nude when I jerked off. This usually got me very hot and I would shoot off almost immediately.

Unfortunately this was one of those times. Things were hopping at work, my mom was a part owner of a small
Advertising agency and her biggest client was a being a pain in the ass. She was spending many late nights at the
office working on ideas to make people want to buy the crap the guy made. So, when she got home she wasn’t in
the best of moods. These moods didn’t usually last long. This time her client was taking his business elsewhere
and mom was in a bind. Her nerves were strung out tight, she wasn’t sleeping, and every time I stuck my head
out of my room she wanted to snap it off. After a few days, she was band from the office. Her partner told her to
take some time off that was when hell week began. She was getting worse so I had it out with her. I told her to
see our family doctor, Dr. Ramla to get some help sleeping. The next day she came back with a prescription of
heavy-duty sleeping pills.

That night she took her first pill and was dead to the world. I was tired too and fell asleep in front of the TV until
the phone awoke me a 10 P.M. It was her partner. An urgent matter came up and he needed to talk to mom. I
yelled for mother to attend the phone, but didn’t get a response. I went to her bedroom and found her snoring
away. I tried to get her up, it was no use. Nothing short of a nuclear explosion was going to wake her. I hung-up
the phone after telling my mom’s partner that she was out of it until the morning. A chill went down my spine.
My fevered mind when into overdrive. What else can I do to her without waking her up. It was a hard week and I
was a healthy teenager needing relief. My hand came to mind, but a better alternative was laying in my mother’s
bed unconscious. That very moment I decided to fuck my mom. I was so excited that I almost shot my load
before I reach the bed. She was lying on her back with her head tilted away from me, her mouth slightly open,
and her dark black hair fanned across the pillow. My mom was very pretty. She never dated anyone after my
father’s death and I didn’t understand why she didn’t go out for another marriage. I saw a lot of guys trying to
put the moves on my mother over the years so, I knew she had plenty of opportunities. I slowly pulled back the
covers to reveal her body covered in a pink Shalwar Qameez. Her chest was rising and falling with each breath.
Every time she inhaled her breasts strained to be released from their confinement. Her nipples were outlined in
the thin material. She didn’t wear the bra, and I knew from my previous investigation that she never wear
panties. My mouth was watering for a taste of those tender rose buds. I slowly started to unbutton her top three
buttons of Qameez, I had to stop for a second and get a hold of myself because my hands were shaking a little. I
finally got her last button undone. Her chest was revealed in all its glory. Her breasts were the size of large
grapefruits. I bent forward, put my lips on mom’s right nipple and started to slowly to suck on it, with my hand I
fondled and squeezed the other. The nipples hardened under my attention and mom started to breathe faster. I got
my tongue into action.

I began to lick her breasts. My penis was hard as a steel rod and straining to be let out. I reluctantly let go of her
breasts and quickly undressed. I stood naked above my mother’s body enjoying the strange feeling running
through my body. I wanted to see her all. I worked my fingers under the Sash or Izarband of her Shalwar and
pulled down but didn’t get far. The material was catching under her butt. I had to shift her hips to the side and
work her Shalwar down inch by inch. After all this moving around, she was still out of it. I had a good view of
her pussy. The pubic hair was dark and thick. I went in for a closer look. The nearer I got the stronger the sweet
musk sent became. I stuck my face into her pussy and took a deep breath. I absorbed her sent. This was too much
for my young mind to take, I had to have a taste of mom’s wonderful juicy pussy. I ran my tongue up along the
slit. I felt like I touched an open light socket. I went mad with lust. My tongue probed inside her cunt. Mom’s
mind was out of it, but her body was responding to my eating her pussy. Her legs became wider and the muscles
of her cunt grabbed my tongue and wanted to pull me in. I found the clit and my tongue began a fencing match. I
licked up, around and socked on it. It was like Niagara Falls down there, it was wet. I lapped and socked up the
love juice my mom was giving me. My mom started to moan. This scare the hell out of me, because I thought
she was waking up; I looked up. She was in the same position when last I checked with her eyes closed. I was
safe, but was hurting. My cock was ready to burst. I got up on the bed and moved in between those beautiful long
legs. I grabbed my penis. It felt like I had a boa constrictor hanging between my legs, it was pulsing and jerking
around. I was more then a handful. I rubbed the tip of my cock along her pussy. I said in a whisper “Do you want
my big cock in your cunt Mom?” Getting no negative response to this question, I slowly sled my tree trunk of a
cock into her. Inch by inch I slid home unlit all my 6-inch penis was in; she was so very tight. It felt like I had
my cock in a vice. The moaning from my mother was getting faster and loader. I started to slide back and forth in
her. Man was she wet and warm! I didn’t last long; I felt my ball tingling. My first hot molten jet of cum pulsed
into the vagina. Jet after jet filled her up, it felt like it would never stop. Cum leaked around my cock and down
the crack of her ass. She couldn’t hold the large load of cum my penis was injecting. Slowly the pulses ebbed and
stopped. I have never felt like this before ever in my life.

I was dazed after shooting my huge wad of jism. I was weak and collapsed onto mom’s chest. When I came to
my senses, I looked at the clock on the nightstand, Jesus; it was 3:00 AM. I pulled out my deflated member,
more of my cum was oozing out of mom’s pussy onto the bed sheets. I ran to the bathroom and got some towels
to clean up the mess. I put her Shalwar back on and knotted the izarband or sash and buttoned her qameez and
tucked the sheets around her neck. I was exhausted.

I went to sleep with a satisfied smile on my lips that night. I awoke later that morning, I still felt a little drained. I
showered and made myself some thing to eat. Mom got up after lunch. I was having Tea in the kitchen when she
came in; I was a little nervous. I didn’t know if she would remember, what happen last night through her heavy
drugged haze. She was softly humming to herself; she came up to me, kissed me on the cheek, and said
“Morning”. I replied “It’s afternoon Mom. Did you sleep well.” My voice broke a little. Mom said “I had a
wonderful sleep. Best ever, I had some interesting dreams too. Those sleeping pills are great.” My heart was
thundered in my chest. She thought last night’s activities were a dream, good. I was in the clear.

While the pills lasted, she always woke up with a big load of my cum in her pussy, but her anymore, because
they were addictive. My sex toy was out of reach. I had to go back to using my hand. After having the best going
back to second best wasn’t totally satisfying. Several weeks later she when back to the doctor for another
problem. When she got back, she dropped a bomb on me. She was pregnant! But that is another story.
-----------------------------------------------------------------Indian Son Seduces His Mom
Whenever I got chance I tried my best to get the glimpses of woman breast. My best options was my mother
Radha, my older sister Nina, she was two year older than me my mother old fashioned village lady who knows
nothing about fashion. Most of the time when she is doing house hold work her saree or her kurta and mostly she
unbuttoned the top two or three buttons on it, or whatever she dressed can not cover her big boobs and her
cleavage is always a joy for me and I had no problem to look at her boobs even at nipples too, which are dark
brown and always seems to me erect. She mostly wear lungi or dhooti open on one side, a casual or normal dress
for her and I always tried to get the glimpses of my mother's cunt or bushes of her vaginal hair, and I got
succeeded couple of times too but most often I had no problem to stare her beautifully shaped inner thighs. Her
tight ass is a bit big but very sexy and I often had views of her ass line when her dhooti got stuck in it. My
mother love me too much because I am the only son and younger k** in the house. My two older sisters got
married very young. Because My father always stay out of town my mother always wants me to sleep in her
room. She have a old style large and huge double bed in her bedroom and she always treat me like a small k**
My innocent mother knew nothing about my ambitions, my desires, my lust, my plans. In her eyes I was a small
innocent k**. After getting a lot of glimpses of private parts all the time I had different ideas in my mind. Now I
want to use my hands to feel her body mostly her boobs and cunt and ass. As I told she like to hug me I always
try to touch my fingers on her ass and boobs but very carefully not want to let her to get any clue about it. most
of the time I left my hand rest on her chootar (ass) when I talking to her on bed and try to squeeze a little bit
innocently, try to rub her back and touches her breast and she hug me I always feel her nipples on my chest. One
night I was very horny and mom just came to the room after working her ass off whole day in house chores, she
was looking very tired, as I can say it just by looking her face, she was wearing a black kurta and her same
multicolor lungi and sat on the bed and complained me about her aches all over the body mostly the legs and also
told me she was missing my father too. As a obidient son I offer her to rub her feet to comfort her and to get rid
of that pain I brought milk and dissolved three sleeping pills in it, she accepted and lay down on the bed on her
back. I sat down on the edge of the bed and took one of her feet into my hands. As I kneaded and massaged it,
my mom sighed and relaxed even more. Now at this time if I lowered my head a little I could see up her lungi. It
was already pulled up to above her knees, and was open from the side I could easy look up her waist from the
side and if I lifted her feet while rubbing them, I might be able to get the lungi even higher. Then all I would
have to do is take a peek. My mother must have been really relaxed, because she lifted the leg I wasn't working
on and bent it at the knee. As she did, her lungi fell away and revealed even more of her legs. With her in that
position, I was presented with an unobstructed view of almost all her legs in the power full light of the bulb,
including the creamy white skin of her inner thighs. Seeing her legs in almost their entirety, I was pleased that
they were just as I had imagined they would be--shapely, firm, and above all else, sexy. MYcock slowly swelled
and stiffened in reaction to the sight. Touching her warm skin like I was made it even better for me. As I rubbed
her feet, I imagined that it was her soft, inner-thigh skin that my hands and fingers were massaging. Although I
already saw a lot before and was seeing some of the parts of my mother than I had been dreaming of seeing, I
realized that there might be more available for viewing. If I ducked my head just an inch, I could see up the few
remaining inches of lungi that still covered her upper thighs. If I were lucky, I might be able to see her juicy cunt.
Seeing that my mother still had her eyes closed, I lowered my head so that I could see her pussy. When I did so,
all I saw was darkness. When I looked closer, though, he realized that what I saw wasn't darkness, it was hair.
There weren't any panties to see--only pussy. There's nothing covering her pussy, and I'm getting to look at it. "
being careful to keep up the pace of rubbing so my mother wouldn't open her eyes to find out what was different.
I pulled her leg a little to the side and the channel gaped open even more, by this time, my mother was fully slept,
started light snoring and relaxed and was moaning a little bit and I was clearly able to see the moist and wet
pussy lips of her cunt, then at once still her eyes closed she lowered the leg she had lifted and moved her foot
toward me. she lifted the leg I had just worked on even higher than the one before. This caused even the little bit
of lungi that had been on her thigh to fall away, all the way down to her waist I was exposed to a complete view
of all the area between her legs. I gazed at her pussy and ass. As far as I was concerned, they were the most
perfect I had ever seen, better even than porno movies. I would have stayed there and rubbed her feet until my
arms fell off for the opportunity to keep looking at what my mother was displaying to me. I was just
maddeningly horny. The front of my trousers were bulged out and even had a small damp spot where pre-come
had leaked out of my rigid, throbbing cock. I immediately started jerking myself off, in the same room with my
mother lying on my lap, one hand on her feet and other on my dick and my mind and eyes are full of the wet,
gaping pussy in front of me. While I was doing this I heard a soft humming sound of moan. I felt myself
becoming mad with lust and urge to fuck her right at the spot. I reached between her thighs with my hand and
touched her privates the first time she didn't move but moaned little loudly. I then lift her on her bed, unbuttoned
her kurta. Her large breasts fascinated me, she had a huge aerole and thick chunky nipples. I fondled her right
breast for a few seconds started sucking it, pinching it with my teeth for few minutes and then let her lay down. I
stared for a few seconds between her slightly parted thighs and gathered some courage and decided to have her. I
slipped out of my underwear and knelt on the floor next to her bed. I pulled her knees apart fully exposing her
hairy cunt. I played around with her cunt with my fingers and ended up pushing a couple of fingers into her wet
vagina. That did it, she didn't even blink, so I knelt upright and guided my throbbing erection into her vagina. I
pushed my erection deep inside her started pumping back and forth and within couple of minutes I ejaculated. I
leant forwards, grasped her left breast with my hand and sucked the nipple of her right breast into my mouth, as I
pumped my semen into her hot vagina. My climax over, I relaxed and felt my erection slowly subside and slide
out of her vagina. I released her nipple from my mouth and let go of her breast and moved slightly backwards. I
stared between her spread thighs at her cunt and watched as my semen began to leak out of her vagina and run
down between her buttocks. I began to feel guilty, but at the same time I felt satisfied. I got up and went to the
bathroom. I came back with some tissue and wiped my semen away from her cunt and from between buttocks. I
then swung her legs onto the bed and covered her with her lungi and kurta and over with a blanket and went back
to sleep next to her. The next morning, I woke up and went for breakfast. Mom looked terrible. Don't make a
noise she said I've got a real bad headache. As she poured me some tea and fixed a paratha for me she asked me,
did your father come home last night? I don't know I replied. Why? Oh nothing she replied. To this day I feel
somewhat guilty.
-----------------------------------------------------------------Son tied Mangal Sutra on his Mom neck

I never thought I can give this kind of present for my son from me on the new millenium. My son Ramesh is
working in US and returned home for the millenium. As usual I was very excited to see him. He has been living
in US for 5 years now and he comes home every 2 years. He arrived on the Christmas day as myself and his dad
went to the airport to pick him.
Ramesh was very excited to see us both despite his jetlag and just kept talking. Since we picked him up in the
middle of the night we went to bed soon even though Ramesh wasn't keen. In the morning after the breakfast we
sat down to open our presents. They were lot of them. Jewelry, perfumes, clothes etc... Some were for his friends
and our relatives but most were for his mom and dad.
For the next 4/5 days Ramesh was constantly with me helping in my kitchen and in other chores telling tales
about his US life. Every now and then he went to see his friends to catchup with him. On the 31st, I thought of
asking him on a gift from me for the new year. At lunch, his dad came from work to have lunch with us and on
the table I brought up the topic. His dad also liked it and said he would like give another gift too. Ramesh refused
any gifts at first but I kept stressing. After some time he told his dad that he will accept anything his dad gives
and told me he will think and tell me what he wants from me. Then I asked him "Probably we should get you a
wife!" Ramesh blushed a lot and said "Na...I am too young for it". We laughed off. After few moments Ramesh
said "I know what I want for new year mom! I was afraid to say it before dad." I said "That's good! Then spit it
Ramesh said "Hope you wont be upset mom!"
"I wont..Tell me...If I can afford it I will" I replied.
"Sure you wont be upset mom!"
"Yes honey! I wont! Now tell me" asked him eagerly.
Ramesh paused for a moment and said "Gosh! This is so embarrassing!"
"Come on Ramesh! It wont be that bad"
After another moment he said "I want you mom!"
I laughed "You want me son? You have already got me!"
"No! I mean I want more of you mom!" Ramesh replied.
"More of me! What more honey? Do you want me to come to US too?"
"Well, I want that too but...more means..." Ramesh hesitated again.
I said "Come on Ramesh! more means?"
Ramesh paused again for a while an then said "aah...I want something....that is underneath your saree mom.."
I was stunned. Before I could recover, he continued "I want to lick your yoni (pussy) and enter it mom"
My senses went blank....I could not hear anymore. I could see Ramesh but can't hear his voice. I was dumbfound.
Then suddenly half of my blood rushed to my mouth and suddenly I uttered "I am your MOTHER for god sake
Ramesh! What the hell are your asking?"
Ramesh said "You only provoked me mom. I just told you what I want."
"I am you mother...You don't expect to get gifts like that from your mother!" I paused.
"This is sick Ramesh! Why do you want such a gift from me?"
"Because I love you mother"
"Is this the way to show your love? By asking your mother to sleep with you?"
Ramesh kept quiet.
"Oh Ramesh! What has gotten on to you son? If you are lonely we will get you married!"
Ramesh interrupted "No mom! I don't want anyone but you"
"But I am your mother! You were born out of me. You are my body!"
"But I am a man now mother! You have been great to me as mother and I want you to be my woman too!"
"Shut up! Dont say that kind of words" I screamed.
Ramesh kept quiet and I walked into my bedroom and shut the door.
I kept thinking. I still have these pictures of my son in my innocent and respectful. What happened
to him? He is lusting for his own mother. I bore him for 9 months and brought him to this world. He was a good
student and has done well in his life. And then suddenly this? Must have been the westernisation I thought. My
thoughts drifted along for another hour or so and by then my anger got lost. I felt sorry for Ramesh.

I came out of the room and looked for Ramesh. I looked in his room. He was lying on his bed reading a book. I
walked in towards his bed. He pretended my absence.
I walked up to him, sat on the bed and asked "Why Ramesh? How did you get such an unnatural thought?"
He smiled, then got up, picked up a cd he brought with him, held my hand and pulled me to the computer room.
He loaded the cd and opened a webpage on the cd. The page had a picture of me and below it, it had numerous
links to several text files. The he clicked on one and showed it to me. It was a erotic mother/son i****t story!
All the other files were mother/son sex stories too. Some were consensual and others were ****s. Some involved
sleeping or un-concious state sex. Many even claimed mothers getting pregnant by their sons!
Gosh! So much literature on mother/son i****t!
Ramesh left me there for me to explore more. I was disgusted at first but slowly I got interested in the stories.
Some even write that they recommend mothers to have sex with their sons.
I read through some of them before it was time for me to cook for dinner. I left the computer and Ramesh took
his cd back.
I had to go to bathroom to ease myself off after reading those stories. No wonder those stories gave Ramesh
some sexual thoughts about his mother.

Ramesh never spoke to me about it after that. We had our dinner and we went to sleep early. Ramesh was still
watching tv. That night I had to seduce my husband to fuck me. He was surprised a bit about my sexual
intensions but we had an excellent sex. My hubby is a good lover. But to be frank, during the act I replaced him
with my son fucking me.
But I took care not to utter his name aload. The whole night I kept thinking about those stories. I even dreamt of
them. In the morning after the breakfast, I waited until his dad left saying he will not be coming home that night
as he has y2k work. As soon as he is out I asked Ramesh for the cd. Ramesh didnot utter a word and gave me the
I spent prettymuch the whole day reading those stories. I was suprised to see somany of them. And there were
many with Indian cultural background too!
We had lunch...I went back to the computer. We had afternoon tea...I went back to the computer. I took a break
to cook dinner for both of us and soon after we had our dinner. Ramesh insisted he will go to his friends place
but I told him not to. He was not happy and resumed his tv watching. We both watched the tv until midnight. We
the clock striked 12 we congratulated eachother on new year. His dad rang us from work and Ramesh rang all his
friends here and in US to wish them

After calling everybody Ramesh resumed his tv watching as I went to my bedroom. Then I took off my saree and
my blouse leaving only the bra and pettycoat. Then I called Ramesh.
Ramesh walked into the room and I caould see him being agape looking at me. I told him to come inside and
lock the door. He locked the door and turned towards me and I said "Here is your gift Ramesh! Your mother's
body and her yoni"
Ramesh was very excited "Really mom?"
I said "Yes son!"
He just leaped towards me saying "Oh Thank you mom! Thank you verymuch!" hugging me tight and planting
his lips onto mine. The sensations of my son's lips on mine was excellent. He then he sucked my lips and
tongued my mouth. It was ecstatic enjoying my son's sexual moves and rubs. He was caressing my body with his
hands. He moved his hands slowly on to my buttocksand then inserted his hands between my thighs to touch my
pussy. I sqealed a bit enjoying his explorations. He stroked my ass crack and my pussy with his middle finger for
a moment and the moved his hand to untangle my pettycoat's thread knot. As he untangled I felt a bit shy as I
tried to hold on to my sliding pettycoat but he was too quick to grab my hand. He then whispered in my ear
saying "let me unwrap my gift mom". I was excited to my high with those words. He then untied my bra to
reveal my motherly breasts for him. This time to satisfy his sexual hunger. He then took my nipple into his
mouth and started sucking on it. It was my son sucking my breasts but I had feeling of my lover sucking me.
He kept sucking my breasts for few minutes interchanging them by caressing the other. It was a breast sucking
sex of my life. I wondered where did he learn all this?
Then the took me to the bed and laid me on my back. By now I just bacame a follower doing everything he wants
me to do. He then started kissing my breasts and slowly worked towards my navel and then to my lower
abdomen towards my thick bush. As he reached my bush I inadvertantly raised my legs and folded them for him
to access. He then used his left hand to widen my crack as he looked at my pussy with curiosity. I felt
embarrassed for a moment as he looked on at his birth place. Then he slowly moved towards it to take my clit
into his mouth and starting sucking it. It was at that instant I had my first orgasm. It just happened because of my
excitement I guess.
He sucked my clit for few moments and then his tongue was allover my cunt. He inserted it into my vagina,
fucked me with it and licked every part of my pussy clean. It was then he took off his clothes as I watched him in
desperate condition of having my cunt fucked. I never was in this position before. When ever I wanted I hinted
my hubby and within minutes he was on to it. Now it appeared as if Ramesh took ages to remove his clothes. As
he took off his pajama his cock sprung up like a cunt seeking device pointing towards me. I never imagined I will
get to see my son's erection to the least that I am gonna be fucked by his thick meat.
As soon as he undressed Ramesh moved over me, positioned himself, held his dick with his right hand and then
ran over the head over my pussy lips and my clit. I shuddered as his head touched my clit. He did it for few
strokes and then he inserted it into my vagina. I moaned loud. It was the moment I was waiting for. The union of
yoni and lingam....the union of mother and son....the union of my flesh with me.
I was at my sexual ecstacy as he started fucking me slowly for few strokes. Than suddenly he started pounding
my cunt in vigourous motion. I started moaning more and more louder as he increased his rhythm. It was then I
had my second orgasm. Ramesh too climaxed not long after that as he squirted his potent seed into me for the
first time.
He then collapsed on me patting and puffing as if he had been thru an aerobic session.
After few moments he said "Mom, that was the best gift I ever had in my life"
I asked "Did you enjoy your gift?"
He said "Yes! More than anything! How about you?"
I said "I enjoyed every moment of being your gift" stroking my fingers thru his hair.
He concluded "I love you mom"
I said "I love you too son" as he moved to kiss my lips.
After the kiss he asked me "Will I get to use my gift again?"
I said "Yes! Anytime whenever there is opportunity!"
"How about now?" he said pushing his semi erect dick into my soppy pussy
I was shocked that he is already getting hardon. I replied "Ok son!" enjoying our copulation and anticipating for
another ride of my life! Half an hour after my son finished filling me with his cum, he was fast sleep beside me. I
too was tired from our my sexual encounter and dozed off thinking about all that happened we hours ago.

I donot know how long I slept but I was waken by the sound of somebody opening the front door. I gotup
immediately to find my clothes but heard the steps getting near. I quickly grabbed my blouse and went back to
bed and covered the blanket over me. I didnot even had time to hook my blouse. So I turned on my side trying to
hook atleast the first hook. Then the door opened and it was Ramesh's dad. He switched the light on as I
pretended I just got woken up. I looked at him and said "You're back?" He said "yes! not any serious problems so
came back". He looked at Ramesh as I told him "He wanted to sleep with me here. I will wake him up". I
carefully started turning so that he would not notice my open blouse. By then he interrupted "Don't worry! Let
him sleep here. I will sleep on his bed". I did not attempt to move then on and he switched off the light and went
to Ramesh's room. I laughed at my position. Good that Ramesh is my son. Otherwise which husband would see
his wife in bed with a naked man and walk away saying 'let him sleep?'

Underneath the blanket his son is completely naked with his mothers' drying cunt juices all around his dick and
his pubic hair. And I am wearing my blouse unhooked and completely nakedbelow my stomach with my cunt
filled with his son's thick cum. It gave a whole new meaning for the phrase "looks deceive!" I was so excited by
the scenethat I had to wake Ramesh for another session of mother/son sexual ecstacy.
That night was a night of my life with my son fucking me on my bed and my husband sleeping in next room.
Ramesh too started talking kinky after he knew that his dad is sleeping in his room. During our fuck session he
kept saying words like "Ah! I am in heaven...thanks dad" and "you have a sexy wife dad". I was terribly afraid
that his dad might come back. I think if a mother like me wants to have an extramarital affair, I recommend them
to seduce their sons. How many times you will get to fuck your lover while your husband is sleeping next room?
The next morning I got up early to prepare the breakfast. I felt great that morning! Ramesh and his dad though,
slept well until 9am. Since both had slept late I let them sleep until then and the went to my hubby to wake him
up. I woke him up and he grabbed me to give a good lip kiss for the new year. We both hugged for a while as he
embrassed me tight. I told him he should get up as it is getting late. He murmured a bit, gave me another kiss and
then trotted to bathroom telling me to wake Ramesh up. He dissappeared into the toilet as I went to our bedroom
to wake ramesh up. I woke him up and started pulling his blanket. He is still naked underneath it and I wanted to
take a peek at the manhood that took care of my lust last night. He held on to the blanket and asked where his dad
was. I told him he is in the toilet. Then he suddenly pulled me on to him as I stumbled on him and he gave me a
deep lip kiss. I tried to struggle first but then I stopped as I enjoyed my second kiss of the morning with my
second man. He held my left breast with his right hand and started caressing it while kissing. After a while I
stopped him and got off him telling him to get up and walked out to the kitchen.
Ramesh got up and went to our second bathroom. After a while he came back to me in the kitchen while I was
standing at the kitchen table. He asked me where's his dad and I said he might be taking a shower. He then asked
"where's my breakfast?" I said "wait! its getting ready! Let your dad come." He said "not that breakfast mom!"
and came to me from behind, aligned his dick against my ass cheeks, put his hand into my saree tangles and held
my womanhood and said "this mom". I was so excited with his kinky gesture I almost came. I could'nt help but
moan a little and said to him "you just had late night snack few hours ago! Are you still hungry?" He said
rubbing my mound and his dick "Yes mom! your food is so tasty I cannot have enough of it!" I said trying to
overcome the feeling "this food legally belongs to your dad! So don't try to eat it while your dad is around
"No?...not even a taste?" Ramesh said in a dissappointed tone still rubbing my pussy lips thru my saree. I was so
excited, I could feel my juices coming out but tried controlling it and told him "Nop! not even a taste! Wait until
your dad is gone and you can eat as much as you want"

Before I could finish the sentence, Ramesh took his hand away from my pussy as he saw his dad coming. His dad
must have over heard my sentence, he asked "What is that you want to eat son?" I stumbled on hearing his words
but regained my composure and said "You son is very hungry! He wants his breakfast before you come!" I
almost laughed at the kinky meaning of those words. I was looking at Ramesh who by now walking into the
lounge with a big smile on his face smelling his fingers that rubbed my cuntlips.
"Then you should have given him! He must be starving!" his dad said. Ramesh quickly looked at me with a
lustful gaze and said "See! Dad doesn't object!"
"I don't object! If he is hungry you should feed him Kantam!" his dad added. "I can eat later"
I turned away as I could not smile at my hubby's innocense. I thought to myself "If you know what me and
Ramesh are talking about, you would not only object but kill us both"
We cut the chat and had our breakfast. Ramesh kept passing me "give me your pussy" looks at me. After we had
enough to eat, there is still some left so I asked Ramesh if he would like an another round. He said "No mom!
Not now". He paused a while and then said "I will have my next round after dad is gone to work". I knew what
he was getting at but kept quite. His dad said "That's my boy! Take a break and have another round! It will make
your mother happy!"
Every word my hubby says is inducing a twitch in my already drooling cunt. Added to it Ramesh is taking it
further saying "Will you be happy mom?.........will you?". He kept asking until I said "Yes!"
Ramesh sat on the couch watching tv while his dad dressup to go to work. I knew he is watching tv but counting
the moments of his dad leaving the house. Finally after 10 mins his dad bid bye to me and Ramesh and Ramesh
saw him off and closed the front door. Before I could hear his dad opening the car door, Ramesh is already naked
and untangling my saree. He ripped my saree off and threw it on the couch and dragged me to our bedroom while
hugging me and caressing my breasts.

By the time his dad pulled the car out of our driveway Ramesh got me naked and was all over my body. He did
not listen to my plead that his dad could come back. As he inserted his dick into my wet pussy, I heard my
hubby's car drive away. I didnot have any relief until his car pulled away and before he was gone, Ramesh is
already pounding my pussy with vigourous and long strokes.

I was amazed by Ramesh's restlessness to fuck his mother. His dad did not even leave the premises he has
already made me naked and copulating with my vagina. Before I could come to my senses and started enjoying,
Ramesh already came spurting his hot cream into me. He must have been very hot. We both were patting for
breath and we are in a mess. We both were lying across the bed with Ramesh on top of me. My blouse and
pettycoat lying on the floor. My pussy is all wet with combination of our juices. I was left unfulfilled as Ramesh
finished earlier than me.

"Thanks for the second breakfast mom" Ramesh uttered while controlling his breath. "It was as good as your real

"You have eaten forbidden food Ramesh!" I said smiling. "This food belongs to your dad"
"You know mom" Ramesh said squeezing my nipples "Forbidden food is always tasty...specially my
mother's...Once tasted you can never stop"

And then, dad himself gave me permission to eat" he said as we both laughed.

We spent most of the new year day naked and on bed. We fucked four times before we both were exhausted and
it was time for his dad to get back from work.

It was only in the evening I wore my saree again. Ramesh never gave me an oppotunity to wear it keeping my
pussy wet all the day. He had a final snack before his dad came home and started complaining his dick hurts. I
never had somany fucks in a day for years. Ramesh's dad used to fuck me like that when we were young. Never
thought I will see that day again
To say the least from that day onwards, Ramesh became my second lover. We became mother and son only for
other people and for his dad. It was very hard to balance being mother and lover with a stud son around and
doing all kinds of mischievous things. Ramesh never had enough of me and used to m***** me even when
somebody is around. he does more of it when somebody is around us. He would never let an opportunity go to
fondle his mother's body. I always wondered whether he is doing it for shear lust or to hint people around that he
is bonking his mother. In anycase, I liked it.

Ramesh's four week holidays passed by in a flick. This time his holiday was spent in an unexpected manner
though! He had new girl and I had a new lover. The new millenium has provided me with a son-lover and with
lots of cum in my pussy and another cocktail of love juice marks on my bedsheet. I thought I would get him a
bride this time but never imagined I would become his lover and take his semen in me.
A week before Ramesh's departure, I became sad. Previously, it used to be only a son's see off. Now its a son and
lover. He made me rid of all sexual frustrations I had and took me to a new hieght of sexual ecstacy where only a
son can take his mother to. I felt sad missing a son and a lover. Ramesh has another week in singapore before he
would go back to US. Seeing me very dejected of Ramesh's departure his dad suggested me to take a trip to
singapore with him. I was so excited but at the same time I felt a bit guilty that I am taking advantage of my
hubby. It wasn't until the next day when Ramesh lifted my pettycoat yet again to show me heaven, I decided I
need to have another week of this forbidden dick of my son. So I booked and flew with my son to sinagpore.
Ramesh and I had time of our life. It wasn't a lot different from India but in singapore Ramesh got access to his
mother's pussy even in the night. Shopping and sex were the two main things in our agenda with everything
rolling around those. We talked to my hubby on phone but everytime we talked to him Ramesh was either licking
or fucking my pussy. We both talked together with him while our genitals locked. Only a son can give this
Before we knew the week was over and we had the time of our lives. Ramesh saw me off at the airport the day
before he flew to US.

I flew back with fond memories of our lustful 'honeymoon' followed by a big shopping bag. Ramesh took care of
all the shopping bills. Somehow I felt like I was his escort or a call-girl and Ramesh paid me for my services to
him. The perverted feeling in me was satisfied that I became a personal whore for my son.

After he is gone to US Ramesh called me more often specially when his dad is not around to talk about his
fantacies of fucking his mother. He makes me so hot on phone that I tell him I replaced his dick with my fingures
as we kept talking. I even asked him if he thought of me as his escort during our singapore lustweek. Ramesh
said it was not the case and he payed the bills as a gratitude of me being a perfect mother. It was until later I
found our that Ramesh also paid for my airfare. Ramesh might have did it for love towards his mother but I
certainly felt I escorted my son while in s'pore. With the amount of spending he did on me, I figured its well over
5000 rupees per day. We kept talking about all the kinky things. Our phone calls have become more like lover
calls instead of mother and son ones. He never completed a call without giving me an orgasm when his dad is not
It wasn't another three weeks passed by, I realised Ramesh has left me more than my fond memories of becoming
his lover and probably his whore. The loads of semen my pussy was soaked in all the time when Ramesh was
here finally managed to penetrate my egg. Little did my egg know that the semen was from my own son. Little
did Ramesh's semen knew that it his mother's egg he's penetrating. How would they know? Their job is to
procreate. The evolutionary cycle has turned around with semen from my own son penetrated his own mother's

I went into this philosophy mode. All these mother/son relationships are all created by us. In my opinion
everybody is free to mate with everybody. Look at a****ls; a son always fucks his mother to mate and create
more. Likewise a mother always gives her son a chance to make her pregnant. Take a look at ancient history!
Every culture has mother son turned lovers relationships. The mother earth also mated with her son to produce.
Eve was Adam's mother. Eve also became the wife of her another son/grandson Cain whom she produced
through Adam. Several greek legends married and lusted for their mother. The famous Jocasta and Oedipus
mother/son copulation yeilded 3 c***dren. Jocasta must have been one happy woman when she married her son.

In my opinion mother/son sex is natural thing to do. Since a woman matures and marries generally when she is
15/16, her breeding season is divided between her husband and son/s. The first fifteen years until she turns 30 are
husband's to produce and when her sons turn 15 she should be mating with her offspring and breed with them
until the age of menopause. For me it seems logical and our bodies are designed for it. It is a well known fact that
women reach their prime sexual stage when they are past 30, the age when her sons too reach a sexual age. The
sexual desire of a mother and her son would balance each other at that stage.
I started out late now at 43, but I still feel I have few more years to breed with my son. I am starting now. To say
the least I am pregnant with my son. It felt good. I felt as if I am godess Rati, the love godess who became a
lover to her son Kama, the cupid.
As usual my husband thought his semen lacked some discipline and invaded his wife's womb. My mother-loving
son is very excited that his semen made its way to penetrate his mother's egg and made his sexy and slutty
mother pregnant with his c***d. I have mixed fellings about this. I am not happy because I am pregnant at this
age but at the same time I am excited because my own son made me pregnant. I am fucked by both men of my
life and I became pregnant by both of them.
Few weeks later I was stuck between two males competing for possession of a pregnant female. Ramesh might
have thought he wanted to see his slutty mother belly grow as his baby took shape. So he proposed his dad that I
should go to US. He used the excuse saying hospitals are better there. His dad on the other hand wants me to be
with him so that he can see me safe. I took the backstage letting them sort out as I have nothing to loose. No
matter where I stay I will get good care and my bed will always be warm. If I am here I will have my hubby dick
in my pussy and if I am there my son will still keep it lubricated and wet.
Finally Ramesh won. His dad let go as he knew I will be well there. A week later, during fourth month of my
pregnancy, my hubby saw me off at the airport. I felt sorry for him since he is unknowingly send me to my lover
and illicit father of my baby.
Ramesh picked me up from the airport in US. He was very excited to see his mother-lover. We drove home and
he waited nomore to see his mother naked with her growing belly. We both celebrated with you know what!!! He
fucked me passionately as if a husband parting from his wife for a long time. I don't need to tell you the
happenings in detail after that. The life is usual with doctor visits, pregnant sex, dad/hubby phone calls to India,
sex again, parent talk with my son as mother of his baby, and more sex. We are tired of inventing new postions to
rest my belly while Ramesh filled me
A month later, my son revealed his ultimate desire. A desire to marry me. I was shocked at first but was happy
that he wanted to marry me. He said "Since we are already having a baby together, we should get married."
I did not get his point. I said "But I am already married Ramesh! to your dad! How can I marry you?"
He said "I don't know! Divorce him or..."
I said "Shut up! Why would I spoil a good relationship? And whats wrong with staying as of now?"
he said "Like how?"
I said "Like now! Married to my hubby! You will still get what you getting from me and have me anytime you
like! What wrong with being as now? The baby is yours and I dont' need to change surnames either"
Ramesh interrupted "But I want you all by myself mom! I want to be your hubby! I want to take care of you
I said "That's sweet son! But I am also your mother and still married to your dad! I might be pregnant by you and
sleep with you but relationwise you will still be my son first!"
I could see Ramesh got disappointed by my rejection. He didnot talk to me well for two hours after that. So I put
a proposal. I said "How about an agreement?"
"What agreement?" he asked.
"Since you will be here in US for a while, I can be your wife when I am here!"
"We can marry here and I will become your wife. Whenever I am here I will be called as your wife. But I India I
will be your dad's wife and your mother. You can share my body with your dad but only as your mother as we
are doing now. That means I will be your wife in US and your dad's in India"
The idea seems to have worked with him. But then he asked "What if dad comes here?"
I said "You dad will be the same person to you when you will be in India. He will be my illicit lover here"
Ramesh laughed "Dad? your illicit lover?"
"Yes! Once I am married to you he will become my lover not hubby!"
Ramesh agreed. The following friday, we went to a temple and got married. He put me another mangal sutra
around my neck and formally I accpeted my son Ramesh to be my second husband. I became my own
daughter-in-law. For the firstime after my son fucked me, he removed my clothes and fucked me as a husband. I
felt Ramesh is more a husband to me than his dad as by the time Ramesh married me I am already pregnant by
him and it appeared to me as if I am his real wife.
Five months after we got married, we had a baby girl. Ramesh's dad flew to US to see his daughter. We stayed
together for three months. Ramesh and his dad competed yet again for their first fuck with me after delivery. But
this time his dad won as he is in holiday here. The next day Ramesh took me to a hotel to get his first taste of his
mother-wife's pussy after delivery somehow avoiding his dad coming with us. I didnot tell Ramesh that his dad
had the first milking session with his mother's cunt.

After three months, Ramesh's dad flew back to India giving Ramesh more time to fuck his mother-wife. Ramesh
reluctantly sent me to India after another three months.............
Son tied Mangal Sutra on his Mom neck
-----------------------------------------------------------------a father helped son to look at his mom
I used to spend a lot of time on the computer in our house because of work. But as my son Nikhil started growing
up, he started getting interested in the computer too. Initially, he would wait patiently, but grudgingly for me to
finish with the computer, before he could start working on it. But by the time he became 16 years old, he became
more demanding. And kept saying that he needed the computer more than me, as he had to use it to discuss his
school homework with his classmates over the internet. Being a father, and that too a doting father, I had to give
in most of the times. And if ever Nikhil would throw a fuss, my wife used to take his side only. Slowly over
days, the situation reversed, and I had to wait for my son to finish with the computer before I could start working.

One of these days, I had to urgently use the computer to send an official report to my office through email. But
Nikhil was on it. And I couldn’t wait any longer.

“Beta, I need it urgently” I told my son “Just give the computer to me for 15 minutes and I will give it back to
you after that”
“Dad, please I can’t give it to you now” he replied

“Nikhil, I am not joking” I said more sternly “ I always leave the computer to you, but I need it now”

“Oh Dad, you are sometimes so painful” he said, and put the screen off “ Take the computer, I am going out to
meet Ajay”

“Learn to talk properly to your father” I scolded him

But my words fell on deaf years. He didn’t even bother about me.

“Ma, I am going to Ajay’s house, “ he screamed out

“Nikhil, eat something and go” My wife insisted

“No Ma, I am not hungry now” Nikhil replied and slammed the door shut, as he left

I was watching my son’s behavior and was getting irritated.

“Jyoti, he is going to go out of hand like this” I told my wife “You have to be more strict with him. He doesn’t
even know how to talk to me”

“c’mon Ajit, his age is like that” said my wife with a smile “ He will be ok”

“Hopefully” I said.

Jyoti walked up to me with a cup of coffee for me “Don’t be so angry, my dear hubby.” She said with a smile
“He is our son after all, where else in the world can he demand ? And you know all his friends have their own
computers. Why don’t you get the office laptop and use it and let this be his completely ?”

My wife was a smart woman. She always liked to lighten things and find solutions.

“Maybe I should do that “ I replied

By then I had calmed down and gave Jyoti a kiss. She was 37, but yet llooking so pretty. She was simple yet so
arousing in a way. She was educated and career driven yet so homely. She was fair and slim but had meat at the
right places. I was leching at my own wife ! My body began to stir ! She noticed it in my eyes as she naughtily
smiled back.. I kissed her again, but this time on her lips. She responded but began to laugh.

“what about your report” she asked me puzzled

“Oh shit” I said, as I looked at the watch. “God, I am late. I have to send it within 15 minutes”

And I started working on the report.

I did manage to send it within 15 minutes and was quite relaxed and in a better mood after that.

“Ok, lets give our son a surprise” I told Jyoti

She looked at me puzzled

“Lets move the computer to his room” I announced “Its only for him from now onwards”
“You are such a sweet father,” she told me proudly “you are infact still a baby at heart”

“Yesshhh I am a baeeby, your baby” I replied back in a babyish voice

She walked over to me and gave me a hug. I held her tight and nuzzled my head into her bosom..We held each
other like that for a while and then we went on to shift the computer to Nikhil’s room

We both were quite emotional and need for sex had reduced over the years. Infact it was she who was losing
interest in sex in the last couple of years. And she was getting more and more emotional , wanting to just hug and
cuddle, kiss and hold each other tight. Our embraces hardly ever translated into sex, though she still had such a
wonderful figure.

By the time Nikhil came back we had finished moving the computer to his room.

And he was surprised to see the change.

“Oh thanks dad” he said gleefully “thanks mom”

“ I am sorry for how I was earlier” he added apologetically

Instantly Jyoti melted

“oh my beta, my little beta” she held his face in her hands “don’t worry , we love you a lot. We know you are a
good boy”

Saying this she turned to me “ See you were getting unnecessarily worried about him. He is such a sweet boy.
After all he is our son”

I just smiled and went to my room.

For the next few days, my son and me had no fights over the computer. I had brought the office laptop home.
And would use it whenever I had to do a report. Its internet connection was a bit slower though, as I had to
connect it through the landline telephone. The PC in our son’s room was connected through cable

It was Monday , but I was relaxed as I had taken leave. Later, I was planning to go out for lunch with my wife.
Nikhil was not expected back from school until 2.30 pm

Jyoti was taking her bath to get ready , when my mobile phone rang

“Hello, Ajit here” I spoke into the phone

“Ajit, Good morning Subramanium here” It was my boss on phone

“Now what” I thought silently in my head

“Ajit , I am sorry to disturb you on your holiday” He said “But we need to have the inventory documents

“Okay I will send them soon through email” I informed him as I cursed my boss under my breath. We were all
ready to go out for lunch and this call had spoilt everything .
We had to return by 2.30pm otherwise Nikhil wouldn’t be able to enter the house. But if we left any later for
lunch , we wouldn’t be able to come back on time. I could see our plans fizzle out.

“Jyoti, forget the plans for lunch” I said aloud to jyoti who was still in the bathroom “my goddamned boss called
and gave me work”

I didn’t get any reply from her, but soon she came storming out of the bathroom. She was all dressed up to leave
for lunch.

“whats wrong with your office” she said “why cant they leave you peacefully on your holiday”

“well, I have no way out” I said “ I will have to do it . I am sorry Jyoti, though its not my fault”

“ But then I will tell office that today isn’t a holiday for me as I worked” I added “I will take another
compensatory holiday for this”

Jyoti went to our bedroom and started changing back to her home clothes. I could see she was very angry. Apart
from not going out, now she would have to make lunch at home in a short notice.

I left her alone as when she is angry, that’s the best thing to do. I started working on the inventory report . It took
me an hour to get it ready and was all prepared to send it through email. But If I thought the day was bad enough,
it got even worse when I realized our landline was dead and I wont be able to connect to the net.

I was loosing my cool.

“Damn phone goes for a six when I need it most” I shouted as I slammed the phone’s receiver down after
confirming it was dead.

There was no response from Jyoti, who was in the kitchen.

I thought of the PC in Nikhil’s room. I copied the report on a floppy and walked over to my son’s room, hoping
that he wouldn’t have set a password for logging on to the PC.

Atleast in this case things went right. His computer was already on. Nikhil hadn’t shut it down.

I started attaching the report to the mail. I suddenly heard a sound on the computer and small window opened up.

I realized it was the yahoo messenger’s window.

The message read : “Hey hot_boy , you put up a great show that day. When shall we do it next ?”

At first I didn’t understand what it was . Then I realized my son had been chatting on the messenger and
forgotten to close it. The message was for ‘hot_boy_1990’ from an id called ‘mjaya4u’. I guessed my son’s id
was hot_boy_1990

( I have changed the original yahoo ids a bit in the story, to protect their identities)

I began to wonder what show ‘mjaya4u’ was talking about but soon I got on with sending the report.

As I pressed the ‘Send” button in my email, another message from mjaya4u flashed on the screen : “Why are you
not replying. Are you angry with me ? I am so hot for your cock here”
I was startled. This was downright obscene language. Was my son having some online relationship with a girl ?
Was her name Jaya ? What kind a girl she must be to write like this to another boy?

All kinds of thoughts were going through my head.

But my thoughts were interrupted by another message from ‘mjaya4fu’: “lets jerk-off together again, please. My
cock is hard”

I was stunned. Mjaya4u was a male ! Now it was beyond my tolerance. Before another message could come to
the computer, I logged out of my mail and shut down the computer.

All kinds of thoughts were racing through my mind. But the most important question that kept coming to my
mind was , “is my son growing upto be a gay” ?

If it were true , it was unacceptable to me. I was very disturbed and it showed on my face. Jyoti inquired several
times, but I told her the same thing each time “Nothing”

I was in two minds to tell her or not, but then thought it would be best not to tell , as she would be extremely
shocked. And maybe my fears were baseless, Maybe , Nikhil’s online friend was a gay and not him. Maybe none
were, but just wanted to talk so for kicks. I had to confirm it. But how ?

I struck upon an idea. I will try to be his online friend and find out his actual orientation.

It was Monday , but I was relaxed as I had taken leave. Later, I was planning to go out for lunch with my wife.
Nikhil was not expected back from school until 2.30 pm

Jyoti was taking her bath to get ready , when my mobile phone rang

“Hello, Ajit here” I spoke into the phone

“Ajit, Good morning Subramanium here” It was my boss on phone

“Now what” I thought silently in my head

“Ajit , I am sorry to disturb you on your holiday” He said “But we need to have the inventory documents

“Okay I will send them soon through email” I informed him as I cursed my boss under my breath. We were all
ready to go out for lunch and this call had spoilt everything .

We had to return by 2.30pm otherwise Nikhil wouldn’t be able to enter the house. But if we left any later for
lunch , we wouldn’t be able to come back on time. I could see our plans fizzle out.

“Jyoti, forget the plans for lunch” I said aloud to jyoti who was still in the bathroom “my goddamned boss called
and gave me work”

I didn’t get any reply from her, but soon she came storming out of the bathroom. She was all dressed up to leave
for lunch.

“whats wrong with your office” she said “why cant they leave you peacefully on your holiday”

“well, I have no way out” I said “ I will have to do it . I am sorry Jyoti, though its not my fault”
“ But then I will tell office that today isn’t a holiday for me as I worked” I added “I will take another
compensatory holiday for this”

Jyoti went to our bedroom and started changing back to her home clothes. I could see she was very angry. Apart
from not going out, now she would have to make lunch at home in a short notice.

I left her alone as when she is angry, that’s the best thing to do. I started working on the inventory report . It took
me an hour to get it ready and was all prepared to send it through email. But If I thought the day was bad enough,
it got even worse when I realized our landline was dead and I wont be able to connect to the net.

I was loosing my cool.

“Damn phone goes for a six when I need it most” I shouted as I slammed the phone’s receiver down after
confirming it was dead.

There was no response from Jyoti, who was in the kitchen.

I thought of the PC in Nikhil’s room. I copied the report on a floppy and walked over to my son’s room, hoping
that he wouldn’t have set a password for logging on to the PC.

Atleast in this case things went right. His computer was already on. Nikhil hadn’t shut it down.

I started attaching the report to the mail. I suddenly heard a sound on the computer and small window opened up.

I realized it was the yahoo messenger’s window.

The message read : “Hey hot_boy , you put up a great show that day. When shall we do it next ?”

At first I didn’t understand what it was . Then I realized my son had been chatting on the messenger and
forgotten to close it. The message was for ‘hot_boy_1990’ from an id called ‘mjaya4u’. I guessed my son’s id
was hot_boy_1990

( I have changed the original yahoo ids a bit in the story, to protect their identities)

I began to wonder what show ‘mjaya4u’ was talking about but soon I got on with sending the report.

As I pressed the ‘Send” button in my email, another message from mjaya4u flashed on the screen : “Why are you
not replying. Are you angry with me ? I am so hot for your cock here”

I was startled. This was downright obscene language. Was my son having some online relationship with a girl ?
Was her name Jaya ? What kind a girl she must be to write like this to another boy?

All kinds of thoughts were going through my head.

But my thoughts were interrupted by another message from ‘mjaya4fu’: “lets jerk-off together again, please. My
cock is hard”

I was stunned. Mjaya4u was a male ! Now it was beyond my tolerance. Before another message could come to
the computer, I logged out of my mail and shut down the computer.

All kinds of thoughts were racing through my mind. But the most important question that kept coming to my
mind was , “is my son growing upto be a gay” ?

If it were true , it was unacceptable to me. I was very disturbed and it showed on my face. Jyoti inquired several
times, but I told her the same thing each time “Nothing”

I was in two minds to tell her or not, but then thought it would be best not to tell , as she would be extremely
shocked. And maybe my fears were baseless, Maybe , Nikhil’s online friend was a gay and not him. Maybe none
were, but just wanted to talk so for kicks. I had to confirm it. But how ?

I struck upon an idea. I will try to be his online friend and find out his actual orientation.

I created a new yahoo id for myself : young_bom_male

I knew mostly after 9 pm Nikhil would get online. So did I from my room.

I searched for his hot_boy_1990 and found him easily.

“hi” I wrote to him

“hi” came the reply

“Whats you’re a/s/l” he asked me

I was puzzled. “whats a/s/l” I asked

“Are you new to chatting” he asked “ASL is age, sex and location”

“okay I am 19 year old male from Mumbai” I wrote falsely “What about you”

“18 m mumbai” came an equally false reply from my son

I thought I should come to the point

“So who do you like to chat with , guys or girls” I asked , waiting for an answer anxiously


That answer still didn’t help me clear my doubts about my sons orientation.

“I am sure you have a preference” I asked

“hmmm, older women” came the reply from Nikhil

Though I was relieved he didn’t say “boys”, but I was stunned to hear his preference.

“Why older women ?” I asked inquisitively “and how old”

“Man, they are groovy and juicy, much better than young girls. I like women between 30 and 40” he replied

I know I shouldn’t have delved into my son’s mind any further. It was invading his privacy and also in a way I
was cheating him, pretending to be someone else. But I was too curious to know about my own son’s thoughts. I
never had even imagined this side of his.
“30-40 is much older to you” I said “You can never find any woman of that age who will be interested in you”

“ha ha , I live with one” he announced in the chat window

I was puzzled

“I don’t understand what you mean” I asked

“my mom, yaar” he said plainly

I was now truly stunned and shocked

“what about your mom ?” I asked not knowing what else to write

“my mom is so juicy, man” he said unashamedly about his own mother.

I was livid with anger. I never expected Nikhil had all these thoughts in his mind. I felt like going to his room
and giving him a tight slap. But something in me compelled me to go on with the chat.

“Whats your mom’s age” I asked trying make my queries realistic


“hmmm” I wrote speechless

“Do you like your mom too” came a question from his side

My mind was whirring. I didn’t know what to reply

“I never thought about it” I managed a reply

“Do you have a webcam” he asked me


“Oh, you should get it , it will be great fun” He said “wait let me show you something”

“ok” I replied , not knowing what to expect

Suddenly I got a message saying “accept ..decline”

“accept it” he said “ I am showing you my cam”

I clicked on ‘accept’ and promptly a new window opened up.

After a few seconds an image appeared in the new window.

I could see a pair of hands holding a piece of cloth

“Can you see me” he asked

I realized it was my son’s hands in the webcam window

“yes, I can” I said

“Can you see whats in my hand”

“Yes, a piece of cloth” I typed

“Arrey that piece of cloth is my mom’s panty” he said, as he brought it closer to the wecbcam

I could now clearly see it was a panty. I recognized it too. It was Jyoti’s

I was dumbfounded.

It was a crazy situation. I was his father and he was showing me my wife’s panty.

But I was to get more shocked soon. I saw him unzipping himself and take off his trousers, sitting in the chair
only in his underwear.

“What was he upto?” I thought.

I could just see him from waist below, not his face.

But his stripping was not to end with that. The very next moment he wriggled out of his underwear too ,
exposing his erect penis.

I had stopped thinking. I was beyond it. My senses had been numbed – both at the behaviour of my son, and also
of the present situation.

My son took Jyoti’s panty and placed it on his penis !

My eyes were wide open. I couldn’t even blink

Shouldn’t I put a stop to this chat ? I should have , but I couldn’t. I was helplessly getting dragged into it.

Nikhil was holding the panty around his penis and begin to move his hand up and down.

My son was masturbating using his own mother’s panty !

And that moment I realized that I had a hard on too. I was ashamed. I tried to justify my erection to my own self.
But couldn’t. I had to admit, the situation was arousing me too.

In a few minutes, my son’s hands were a blur, as he jerked his penis with the panty.

He came shortly. And his semen sprayed all across the panty.

For a while there was a silence from both the sides. I couldn’t believe it was really happening. On one hand I was
absolutely disgusted and on the other I was aroused too.

The sound of a message appearing me , brought me out of my trance. “Liked what you saw”

“huh” was all that I could type

“hey buddy, I got to go now” he said “ add me to your contacts if you want to”

Before I could reply, I saw that he had added me. And I just followed suit and added him to my contact list too.
Only when I saw his name (hot_boy_1990) go offline that I woke out of my trance.

I was ashamed at having been a party to my son’s perverted thoughts. But still I was very turned on by it. I
looked at my wife. She was asleep. Sex wasn’t possible. I jerked off and went to sleep.

When I woke up the next morning, Jyoti was already in the kitchen, but Nikhil was still sleeping. I was trying to
figure out what I saw the pervious night was a dream or it really happened, until I saw a pile of clothes kept in
the corner of the room. Amid the pile I could see the same panty. It was lying atop the pile of freshly washed
clothes. Ready to be worn.

I went there to have a closer look. The panty had stain marks, though noticeable only if one sees carefully.

Nikhil came on his mother’s panty and then carefully kept it back with the cloth pile, so that she would wear it . I
couldn’t imagine our son’s mind could work like this.

I was oscillating between feelings of anger and arousal !!

When I saw Nikhil, though he was in his usual self, I didn’t know how to react to him. I was seeing him in a
different light. I was so quiet during the day , that my wife had to ask me whether I was well or not.

I was lost in my thoughts. The images of the previous night wouldn’t leave my mind.

And the more I was thinking about it, the more aroused I was getting. I was trying hard not to, but my feelings
were taking control of me. I was almost waiting for night to come and to be online again.

But before that I went to a nearby computer shop and bought a webcam. I was all set for the night.

I went to our bedroom early by 9 pm. Jyoti was keeping all the dinner utensils back to the kitchen as Nikhil was
seeing a program on the TV.

I logged on but knew Nikhil wouldn’t be online as he was watching TV. I could hear Jyoti talking to Nikhil and
laughing about something. It was turning me on. I was wondering what Nikhil was thinking at that moment. Was
he lusting after his own mother as she spoke to him. These thoughts made my penis become absolutely hard and

Finally Jyoti , came to our bedroom and started changing into her nighty and at the same time I heard the TV
sound go off in the drawing room. I was waiting impatiently. In a few minutes I saw the name hot_boy_1990 pop
up on my screen . Nikhil was online.

“hi” I wrote to him

“hey, hi” he replied “howz life”

“fine “ I said

“want to see me today?” He asked

“yes, why not” I replied

“I think you are a girl, otherwise why would you want to see me” he asked

“no, no I am a guy, but I share your same fantasy” I said, trying to sound convincing

“oh that’s good” he said “ok wait”

And suddenly a cam window popped up on my screen. I could just see his groin area. He was wearing an

I looked behind to see whether my wife could see the screen or not. She couldn’t , and was reading a magazine as
she was lying down. I was relieved.

In no time , Nikhil took off his underwear. And his hard erect penis popped out.

I saw this time he had Jyoti’s bra in his hand.

My penis was throbbing at the sight.

He started jerking off, but I could see he was typing something with his left hand

“I love my mom” came the message from him

“I lust for my mom” followed another message, as he kept jerking himself.

As I was reading this I heard Jyoti’s voice from behind. My heart skipped a beat.

“You are watching porn??” She exclaimed angrily, after seeing a glimpse of the webcam window from afar.
“You have become older but still you like all this trash”

And moment she realized what was on the screen, she got even more alarmed “Ajit that’s is a naked guy you are
watching. Whats wrong with you ? Are you becoming a gay”

I was very nervous.

“No baby, I am just hearing his fantasies. I am not gay at all”

But as we were talking I could see her staring at the screen. “who is that ?”

“Oh some online friend. A young chap who likes older woman” I said

“hmm, strange” she replied as she got closer to me and started watching the webcam with me too.

“whats his age, he looks very young. Hope you don’t get into trouble with the cops for indulging with a minor”
she inquired

“No, he is 18” I said

Seeing her watch her own son jerk off was arousing me to no extent. I put my arms all the way around Jyoti till I
could feel her breasts from the other side.

She didn’t react. I was emboldened. I started rubbing her breasts and her nipples began to get erect with each
touch of mine.

She gave me a kiss on my cheek and then on my lips. First a soft one and then a more wet one. She started
sucking on my lips. I caught her tongue and started sucking on them. We were kissing passionately as my hands
were rubbing all over her body. I could hear slight moans from her. That was enough encouragement for me to
start pulling at her nighty. It was difficult with her sitting on the bed behind me. She got up and took off her
nighty herself. She was standing just in her bra and panty

I realized it was the same panty Nikhil had jerked off on. My penis jumped at the sight.

I hurriedly took off my clothes . Finally we were going to have sex after a long time.

She was going on seeing the screen all the while.

As Jyoti was taking off her bra, a message popped up.

“hey you said you have a cam now. Why don’t you put that on” asked Nikhil

“yes, I will “ I replied.

Jyoti could see the messages very clearly as she moved closer to the screen

“Ajit don’t tell me you will show us on cam . No way” She said

“Darling, just the waist down. It won’t make a difference” I pleaded

She didn’t reply and I connected the cam to the PC.

I made Jyoti sit on my lap, both of us facing the webcam. I adjusted the angle of the camera towards our groin. I
re-assured her as I showed her what would be seen on the cam. And after that I sent a request to him to see our
cam. I could see his name show up in the list of people watching us .

“Wow who is that woman” Nikhil asked me in awe.

“My wife “ I replied

“Then you lied to me saying you are 19”

“Sorry about that. I thought if I told you my actual age it might scare you away “ I said with a convincing reply

“No No I like people of your age” he said “and your wife is hot, man”

I sent a smiley to him

We both were talking to each other, so the action got a bit deferred. He wasn’t jerking hard now, but slowly
rubbing his penis as my wife watched wide-eyed.

“He looks very young” my wife said “Are you sure he is 18”

“Yes he is” I told Jyoti “ He told me so”

Saying this, I put my hands on Jyoti’s pussy. Nikhil could see it clearly.
He was responding with “..mmmmm “ ..and “mmmm “ and “woww” etc etc.

He had no idea he was watching his own mother. And Jyoti had no idea she was watching her own son.

The whole situation was unbelievable for me. I replaced my hands on Jyoti’s pussy with her own as she kept
watching Nikhil jerk off . She unknowingly started fingering herself, which brought out a reaction from Nikhil

“Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh” he said

She started to finger herself faster, even putting her fingers inside her pussy.

“can I call you mom “ came a question from that side.

“yesss u can call me mom” my wife said loudly amid her moaning and panting. I typed it on her behalf.

“Ohhhh Mommm” came the instant reply from Nikhil

“Mommmmma I am going to cum” Nikhil announced

“yessssss, beta , cum for mommmma” told out my wife as her own orgasm started.

I typed the same for Nikhil. I guess those words made him cum in spurts.

Seeing his juices , my wife too came hard and loud. Almost screaming “Cummmm for mommmy”

I was a mute spectator, but I was loving it.

Moment Nikhil came he said bye and logged off .

Jyoti was still turned on despite having a massive orgasm just minutes before. We made passionate love for the
next hour, before went to sleep absolutely tired.

Next day we woke up , as if the previous night was a dream. We didn’t speak a word about it with each other, but
went on with our daily routine.

We left for our offices and Nikhil went to his school. But the whole day I couldn’t stop thinking of what was
happening. I was having an eternal hard-on.

By 7 pm, I returned home to find Jyoti watching TV. She usually returns an hour earlier than me. She was
looking very cheerful and had done up her hair in a very fashionable way.

“You are looking marvellous” I told her as I gave her a soft kiss.

“Ajit, we should go out for an outing. We even missed out the last time because of your office”

“Sure, honey. Where do you want to go”

“Lets go for dinner out in one the nights this week” She replied

“hmm where” I was thinking aloud “ah why not for old times sake to Insomnia”
Insomnia was a night club in Bombay’s Taj Hotel and we were mumber of Taj’s privelage club

“No, we are too old for that” she said with a laugh

“Baby you can still give the younger girls a run for their money. You can pass off as a 20 year old” I said

“Ohh Ajit you are always flattering me. Be practical”

“I am practical, there is no age restriction there. Infact lot of older people also go there” I said “and please we
used to go there so often before. Atleast for old time’s sake”

She laughed “that was 15 –16 years ago”

But then when she looked at my pleading eyes, she smiled “ok baba , we will go there”

“Tomorrow ?” I asked excitedly

“No, No, not tomorrow. Its Christmas and it will be packed” she said

“isn’t that the best, no one will even bother about us”

“ok” she said as she smiled “you always have your way”

“but what about Nikhil ?” She added

“I don’t think he will be interested to go with us. He will prefer his own age group” I said “and moreover I don’t
think they will allow anyone below 18 in insomnia”

“Anyway Ajit, you should ask him”

“Ok” I replied

Nikhil was back home by 8 pm

“Nikhil , would you like to come to Insomnia with us tomorrow night ?”

“No way” he said “I go only with my friends”

He walked into his room without further ado, not giving me a chance to ask him again. Anyway so be it. He will
be embarrassed coming with us. No one wants to go to a night club with his parents. I understood him

Anyway as night approached my mind was somewhere else – the net.

That night , I saw Jyoti as enthusiastic about the net as me.

By 9 pm our entire household had retired to their rooms !

Jyoti was sitting next to me , as we connected to the net. And after that we connected to the yahoo messenger.

“Mommy are you there” came a message the moment we logged on

My wife grinned and typed “Yes beta, mommy is here for you”
I was surprised at my wife how easily she was talking all this.

“what kind of a mom are you?” He said

“why “ my wife replied

“I haven’t even seen you, mom” he wrote. Reading that my heart skipped a beat. Was Nikhil planning to show
himself on cam ?

“On webcam ?” She asked

“On webcam too, but also in real” came the reply

“oh no, that’s not possible” my wife said

“Pleeeeeassse mommy” he said “I love you, I want to meet you”

These words were having an effect on my wife I could see. She was sitting in her bra and panty and the crotch
area of panty was getting wet.

“Ohhh beta” was all that she could reply as she kissed me on my lips.

We kissed as I rubbed her breasts. Her nipples were hard and erect.

Our kiss was broken by a message from him . Pleading her again. She looked at me for help.

“Well, why not ?” I said “just a meeting in a public place is fine”

Jyoti didn’t need anymore peruading

“ok where” She asked Nikhil

“Velocity tomorrow night ?” Came a prompt reply

Jyoti looked at me “but we had planned to go to Insomnia”

Saying this she was about to type something, but I interrupted her. I had different plans and I didn’t want this to
go out of hand. If Jyoti was around, she might have become suspicious at all the co-incidences. So I had to see
that this part of the chat she didn’t watch.

“Jyoti , let me think it over. Meanwhile, darling please bring me a glass of orange juice from the fridge”

“huh ok.” She looked puzzled.

Moment she got up and left , I started typing fast.

“How about Insomnia ?” I wrote

“no, no not there” he said “would you believe my parents are planning to go there too, tomorrow”

“Wont you like to have both your moms in the same place then” I suggested
Either he liked the idea or saw there was no other option he agreed. I am sure he didn’t want to lose this chance
of meeting my wife.

“ok, what time?” He asked

“10 pm” I said

I added another line to sound convincing

“ok, how will we recognize each other”

“hmm ..I will be holding ..a black diary in my hand” he said

“and my wife will have a red rose in her hand..ok ?”

“ok, done” he said “I am already excited. I cant wait until tomorrow”

As I heard Jyoti coming back , I typed in a last quick sentence

“Ok, then see you tomorrow. I got to sleep now, as I have work very early tomorrow”

“sure, and please give my mommy a kiss from my side” he replied

I sent a smiley and pulled the phone cable out .

I wanted no more interaction between my wife and him that night.

My wife walked in “So, have we decided on any place ?” She asked

“yes, but I got disconnected and I am not able to reconnect”

Jyoti didn’t know too much about computers and just went by what I said

“ohhh that’s bad” she said

“But don’t worry, I have spoken the important stuff” I informed Jyoti “He agreed on Insomnia”

“That’s great “ she said

“but how will we recognize each other” she asked

“I told him you will be wearing your red see-through chiffon sari and holding a white cellphone” I said with a
naughty smile

“oh no, I cant wear that” she sounded alarmed.

“But we have decided that, cant change that now. If you don’t wear that he will not be able to recognize us”

“whats wrong with you Ajit ?” She said in an irritated tone “You know I cant wear that. You know how guys
will stare at me in that sari. I just wore it once long back, and I found all guys leching at me. I felt like a cheap
“c’mon don’t dramatise. You look very pretty in that. And moreover lots of women wear that.After all we are
going to a night club, not to some temple or church”

“ok, and how do we recognize him”

“He will be holding a packet of condoms in his hand” I said

“whaaat “ exclaimed my wife

“just joking” I laughed

“This is no joke” Jyoti said sternly “We are just meeting him and coming back. Don’t you fool around then, ok ?”

“ok, my shweetie pie” I cajoled her “don’t get worked up so easily”

“tell me seriously, how will we recognize him ?” She asked again

“ok, serious “ I said trying to be grim “ He will be wearing a yellow underwear”

Saying this I looked at her seriously, trying to control my laughter.

She stared at me and then suddenly she picked up the pillow and started hitting me playfully with it .

I couldn’t help my laughter anymore. Even she was laughing I could hear.

After we calmed down , I told her he will be holding a chocolate in his hand. I lied , but she believed me.

It was second night in a row, we made passionate love. My life had changed for the better

Next day, Jyoti was restless almost all morning. So was I in my office . We were waiting in with anticipation for
the night. Office files seemed boring and mundane to me. Time was seemingly moving so slow that day. I was
dying to to go back home.

The clock finally struck 6 and I rushed off home. Jyoti was already there. She seemed very nervous and couldn’t
concentrate on anything.. Though she was looking towards the TV, she was hardly watching it seriously. She
didn’t seem interested even in her most favourite programs.

Ikhil walked in early from playing cricket today. From 6.30 onwards itself he was at home. And perhaps had the
longest bath ever I had seen anyone take, until the record was immideately broken afterwards by Jyoti. I took a
quick wash. Jyoti was a bit puzzled by Nikhil’s behaviour. Why did he come back so early from play and why
had a he taken such a long time to take a bath ?

Anyway by 8.30 we went inside our bedroom and locked it. She took out her red chiffon. When she wore it I
couldn’t take my eyes off her.

She was standing shyly in front of me. She was wearing a plunging low-neck line bouse, exposing a large area of
her back and bosom And above that she was sexily wrapped around by the almost transparent chiffon sari ! Her
cleavage and full waist was clearly seen through the see-though material of the sari.

“WOW, if I could whistle I would have “ I told her “you are looking awesome”
“Worse than the sari, is the blouse” she said very unsure of the dress she was wearing “but only this blouse
matches with this sari. Ajit, what have you got me into. I wouldn’t have ever even imagined wearing this outside”

“You’ll be ok” I said “ So many women wear that . Infact most wear even more exposing dresses these days, and
especially in night clubs”

I guess she realized the futility of the situation. She had to wear this to meet that net guy. The only choice was
not to meet him. But she was not even thinking about pulling out. I guess even she was very curious to meet the

It was nine, and we were ready to go . We opened our bedroom and saw Nikhil all dressed too and waiting for us.

He was having a black diary in his hand !!

“Surprise, surprise , even I am coming along” he announced with a smile

Jyoti looked taken aback by his sudden participation in our plans . I am sure she wouldn’t like to have Nikhil
around when she would meet this net guy.

But before either could say anything, Nikhil’s jaws just dropped when he saw his mother.

“Ma, wow , you are looking stunning” he eyes showed he truly meant his words.

“ Thank you beta” Jyoti, replied shyly and in an embarrassed way and stood in a manner as if she was trying to
cover her exposed areas seen through the transparent sari

“You are going to kill the guys around” Nikhil added jokingly

“Now enough. You should know how to speak to me” she suddenly become stern “ I am your mother, not your

“ I am sorry mom” Nikhil said apologetically

“So what made you change your mind ?” She asked him, but this time with a smile

“Just like that” Nikhil replied “Actually on my own they wont allow me to enter these places. So I didn’t want to
lose this chance”

Actually, the way Nikhil had groomed himself this evening, even wearing a coat, he could pass off for a 18 year

Jyoti was not too happy at Nikhil being with us, but now it was too late.

‘ok, lets go “ I said

I could see Jyoti had our white cellphone in her hand. I had my plans

We all got into the lift. Jyoti was standing in the middle. The sweet aroma of Jyoti’s perfume was pervading the
lift. I could see the lift man trying to look at my wife’s cleavage from the corner of his eyes. I looked around to
see Nikhil doing the same. Moment he saw my head turning towards him, he started looking straight ahead. I just
smiled. All the men will ogle at her at the nightclub, I was sure. She was looking like a goddess.
We reached insomnia by 9.30 pm. Nikhil got in easily, no one even questioned him. Being a Christmas night,
Insomnia was already packed. We found ourselves a quite corner and settled down.

I got myself a peg of rum and soda and a glass of sherry for Jyoti. Usually she doesn’t drink, but I guess because
of her nervousness she didn’t refuse tonight.

“Dad, what about me” asked Nikhil quizzingly

“What do you want, fruit juice or soft drinks” I asked back

“Noo Dad, atleast tonight let me have one drink” he pleaded “ I am going to be 17 soon”

“No” Jyoti intervened sternly.

I had a change of heart “Its ok Jyoti. He isn’t really a k** anymore. It’s a special day. I think one drink is fine for

Jyoti just shrugged. She had her own preoccupation !

I gave Nikhil some money “Take this. Its for this evening. Go buy what you want”

Nikhil was thrilled . “Dad you are great” he said and left for the bar.

“You are spoiling him” Jyoti told me once Nikhil left.

“c’mon, relax, you are always so hyper about him. Let him enjoy” I said

“And moreover lets look for our internet guy” I told her with a wink

I could see she was tightly holding onto the white cellphone as she sipped sherry from the glass.

Far away I could see Nikhil clutching onto a black diary, as he scanned around for the lady with the red rose !

It was 10pm and her glass of sherry too was over. She seemed very restive and kept looking out at the hands of
any youngster walking past- whether it held a chocolate or not.

I went for a refill for her and me. Nikhil was not to be seen as the music blared out loud.

The dance floor was packed with people’s head bobbing up and down in unison to the rhythm of the music.

“lets dance” I urged my wife

“No, please I am not good at it” she replied

“c’mon who bothers here how anyone else dances” I retorted

“Please no, not now” She pleaded

I could see she was nervous and anxious. It was 10 minutes past 10 .

In her mind , she must have been thinking that this guy might show up anytime.
Only I knew the truth !!

I had already finshed three pegs of rum and jyoti had downed two glasses of sherry and was on her third because
of her nervousness. She was just sitting in a corner and looking on tensed.

“It was a bad idea to meet him” she complained to me “maybe he is just watching me from far and doesn’t plan
to meet”

“Why should he do that.” I asked back “what will he gain out of that. It will be just a waste of time for you and
him. Maybe he is also just nervous or has some other reasons”

I pulled myself closer to Jyoti and put my arms around her.

“cheer up” I told her its not a matter of life and death”

She looked at me. She was looking heavenly and I stooped my head to kiss her, but she resisted.

“Not here. Nikhil is around” she said

“c’mon it so dark and he must have gone in the crowd to find his own gal” I laughed “he is not even to be seen
for the last one hour”

She didn’t seem convinced but allow me to give her a short kiss on her lips.

“Ok, lets go to the dance floor. We will be in midst of crowd there. And see how many couples are kissing there.
No one will notice us” I told

I stood up, but she didnt budge from her place

“please , please. I am dying to kiss you” I pleaded

“You are too much” she laughed. It was nice to see her finally relax a bit.

I held her hand and pulled her towards the dance floor. The way she was walking I could see she was drunk. So
was I !

We were surrounded by men and women, as we began to shake our hips and legs. I put my arms around her waist
and gave it a squeeze. No one could see that for sure. But she looked at me with a twinkle in her eyes “Naughty”
she told me in a naughty way herself !

I moved my hands down to her ass. She didnt react and kept dancing. It encouraged me further as I started
caressing her ass, squeezing it at times. She didn’t seem to mind. The alcohol also seemed to be taking its effect
on her. Her drunk dreamy eyes looked so seductive. I couldn’t resist any longer. I put my lips on her. I could feel
her body shiver for a second as she kissed me back. We were kissing each other so passionately , as if there was
no one around and we were in the privacy of our bedroom. Our kiss went on and on, pressing our lips against
each other, sucking each others tongue and lips. Even lots of other couples were doing the same, so we were not
out of place . No one seemed to bother about us in the packed dance floor, until my eyes fell on a guy sitting on
the stool of the bar and looking at us. He was Nikhil. His eyes were riveted on his mother, and didn’t realise I
was seeing him. And before he did, I turned away my glance, just looking at him with the corner of my eyes once
in a while, as I started kissing Jyoti again.
Marg with father and son
I have found that my mature wife is getting bolder the older she gets. She is more willing to talk about fantasies
and much more willing to act on them. A few days ago we had overnight visitors. An old friend was driving
through town taking his son to a nearby university so we invited them to stay.

I had noticed that both of them checked out Marg’s tits and that she had left a couple buttons undone to show a
little cleavage. This is something she is doing more often and something that I am glad of. It was a regular day
with nothing strange going on. We all went to bed and thought nothing more of it.

The next morning I woke to hear the two men in kitchen as they had an early start. I woke Marg and got her to
admit that she wanted them to see some cleavage as having a father and son look was erotic. I lifted her nightie
and had her talk about it while I ate her pussy. When she was wet I made a proposal. She should wear a night t
shirt that just covered her ass and was tight on her tits and go talk to the pair in the kitchen.

She was turned on by the idea and put the shirt on. I watched her go downstairs and watched her hesitate several
times. At last she pulled the t shirt down, forgetting it made her tits stand out even more, and turn into the kitchen.

I heard simple conversation for a few minutes before everything went silent. I had to be careful, but I did manage
to peak around the corner. Marg was sitting on a stool while the father was behind her. The t shirt was raised just
above her pussy and while the father felt her tits his son kissed Marg. Both of them were nervos and unsure how
what they should do.

It was Marg that took control by taking both cocks out. The father was very unsure about what was going on but
with a few strokes and Marg leaning down to lick him, he soon came. Marg leaned on the counter presenting her
ass and cunt towards the younger who no time entering her pussy. His father, unsure what to do, stood and
watched his son mount her.

I had to keep peaking and hiding so it could continue. I suspect that the son had little experience as his cock kept
coming out and he could not fuck with good strokes. He made little noises and his father finally told him to cum
in her cunt. In moments he did.

I went back to the bedroom and Marg showed up moments later. She was concerned that she had ruined a
friendship as this was not like the fucking seen in porn movies. I watched her clean the cum from her thighs and
hoped this would not put her off experimenting. We didn’t need to worry. Before leaving the father took her
aside and told her it was the best thing sex act he had been involved with. He was really overly polite and Marg
says she had to tell him that next time she wanted him to fuck her and do everything his wife wouldn’t.

I can’t wait to find out what that will entail.

— Son takes photos of his Mom
I had just opened the porn site on the computer in my room and I heard the irritating clanking of mom's bangles
which I appreciate at other times, the clanking of her bangles acts as alarm for me.

"Open the door, did you get dressed we are already late." Mom enquired from outside the door, oh shit I forgot
we have to go to a marriage ceremony and mom had told me to get dressed around an hour ago and here I am
sitting on my chair with my cock out.

"Mom, just give me fifteen minutes." I replied, hurriedly stuffed my cock in my pants.

"Open the door; I want to see what you are going to wear tonight." Mom knocked on the door.

I zipped my pants and gave one last look down my body to check if anything is out of place, satisfied finally I
opened the door. My heart skipped a beat... mom wore a Banarasi sari, shiny green in color with red flowery
pattern which added to its beauty, but the thing that caught my attention was her navel and the length of her
exposed waist, but something was missing which I wasn't able to put finger on.

Then it hit me... OMG, she is wearing the sari very low, that's why I was able to see her navel and below, I could
even see a hint of her navel hairs tracing down in her sari, was she going to wear this for the ceremony.

"Is it too much." She asked me warily looking down and adjusting the d**** of her sari.

Her question broke me out of reverie, then I looked at her whole 'is it too much' of course it's too much, she had
done her hair in a ponytail with a side part and she had applied a touch up of sindoor (vermilion) on the partition
her hair, she has applied a little mascara around her eyes which enhanced her beautiful eyes.

She wore a golden nose ring on her cute little nose, usually around the house she doesn't wear it, my eyes
travelled down her nose on her full sexy lips which was now occupied by the red glossy lipstick and she has
applied something on her cheeks making it rosier.

The ornaments is a way to show off one's wealth in the society and the perfect venue for it is a marriage
ceremony and mom in no way wanted to be behind, she has kept her mangalsutra (a sign that a woman is
married) on top of her sari above her breasts and she wore a gold necklace which she has tugged inside her
blouse, the way it was tugged it looked like a channel inviting any onlooker inside her blouse.

My gaze travelled down on her waist again, this time it fell on her silver waist chain sexily wrapped around her
delicious waist, she looked like goddess Lakshmi (the goddess of wealth and beauty).

"What, why are you staring like that." Mom asked looking right at me with questioning eyes.

"I knew I should have worn the silk sari, it doesn't fit me right." She muttered under her breath.

"It's alright mom, you look fine."

"Just fine, this is my sister's marriage and I can't go just looking fine." She protested.

"Mom, you look good, and the sari fits you right." I said honestly, though I wanted her to change the sari as it
was a little revealing, if the sari slips any lower she will end up showing her pubic hairs.

"Mom, turn around, let me see if your sari is all right from behind." Without saying anything she turned around,
WTF I could easily make out the beginning of her crack, my heart was in my throat, she had her sari sexily
around the curve of her waist, exposing a lot of her smooth milky back.
"Mom, you look very beautiful and the sari looks very gorgeous on you." I replied taking my eyes off her ass.

"Okay, okay, get dressed fast." She flushed when she heard me complementing about her beauty.

The moment mom was out of my room I took out my cock and jerked it hard to the image of my sexily dressed
mom, when a Indian woman is dressed in all their ornaments they look so seductive and fuckable. I came very
hard sending the cum high in air which landed on the keyboard, the second spurt landed on the floor.

I cleaned the cum, took a shower, mom forgot the reason why she came to my room, whatever I decided to wear
the black suit. I descended down the stairs in the living room to find mom sitting on the couch with a mirror in
her hand, she was applying the liquid bindi on her forehead.

"Wear the formal shoes." She said without looking at me, I had worn the sports shoes because it was going to be
a long night and my formal shoes are not so comfortable.

"Mom, they are so uncomfortable, I can't wear them whole night." I protested.

"Either you wear the formal or you are not going with me." Mom answered in a strict tone, giving a last touchup
to her beautiful face.

"But mom..." she cut me off in middle with a piercing glare, an indication to not to argue about it.


Aunt Megha looked very beautiful in the bridal attire, but the centre of attention was my mom with her bold sari
and of course her gorgeous looks, I can bet, even the nervous groom looked at her exposed sexy waist, when
mom climbed onstage for the Varmala ceremony.

"Aryan, why are you sitting alone." I was surprised to hear dad's voice, how did he make it, he was away on a
business trip.

"Will you take photos for me; I have to check the arrangements inside." Dad took out a canon digital camera, I
immediately recognized it as canon EOS 700D.

"Yeah, sure Dad." I replied beaming with excitement.

"Make sure you capture Mom well, otherwise she will get pissed at me."

"Okay, dad I will remember."

I captured many images of mom, she was everywhere. The marriage ended with an announcement of reception in
a nearby famous hotel, as we were close to the hotel we were invited too, though only the groom's relatives are
invited to the reception.


After making a mark at the marriage ceremony Mom wanted to make it even grander at the reception with her

"Aryan, I need your help." Mom asked me, fiddling with her sari she always does that whenever she is shy to talk
about something.
"What is it mom."

"Last time I wasn't much confident about my dress, and you were not much of help either." She said

"So." I urged her to continue.

"I have come up with an idea, I will try different sari and you take photos of me in it, afterwards I can look at the
pictures on the computer and decide what to wear for reception." She completed her sentence and looked at me
with those 'you can't say no to' eyes.

"Okay mom."


Mom went shopping today so I knew I will be taking her pictures so I charged the Dad's camera. I was fairly
excited about the photo shoot because I know I will be getting to see her sexy waist and navel in high quality. I
made a mental note to copy her photos on my computer for future use.

"I think living room would be right." Mom suggested.

"Okay mom."

"You set your camera and all meanwhile I will go change into first sari." Mom said to me with beaming eyes, she
becomes a different person in front of the camera.

I moved aside the cushion, lamp and the vase making room for mom, to stand against the wall. I saw mom
descending the stairs about 10 minutes later, she wore a silk pink and white sari with a simple abstract on it and
she wore a pink low cut sleeveless blouse, even though she was at some distance from me I could make out her
lovely cleavage. She had d****d the end of her sari on her shoulder covering the exposed cleavage and her

Her cleavage appeared pink from the d**** of her sari, I was entranced by its exquisiteness, though I have never
checked her bra but I can tell that her breast size is 32D.

"Are you ready." Mom asked me excitedly.

"Yes mom, stand over there, against the wall." I indicated her towards the wall.

Mom looked so nice against the wall her beautiful skin and the grey wall contrasted very well. Mom had her hair
in a bun, she wore a pink bindi on her forehead and she just wore some bangles on her wrist. She just stood there
with both her hands on the side, she looked expectantly at me waiting for the instruction, while I thought she
would instruct me what to do next.

We both waited in silence for the instruction, finally she spoke. "You are the photographer; you have to instruct
me how to pose."

"Okay mom, keep your left hand on your waist and the other on your side." I instructed her, I pointed the
viewfinder at her and clicked three photos in a row. The photos turned out very nice, she looked very sexy with
her exposed waist.

"Mom, look at the pictures, you look so good." I turned the screen to her.
"Just finish taking pictures, and then we will look at it on my computer." Mom seemed pleased when she saw the
picture, I could see pride beaming from her eyes, even at 37 she looked very beautiful, apart from her lovely
face, the feature I liked the best is her well shaped ass and I have longed to see it naked though I haven't been
lucky yet.

"Keep both your hands on your waist." I had not the least idea about a photo shoot so I asked her to do what I
thought would look good.

"Okay." She put her hands on her sexy smooth waist, I remembered about the low waist sari she wore, could I
get her to pose in that somehow.

"Turn a little to left, mom." She did as I asked; I snapped few pics of her side profile.

"Okay enough." She announced when I was done clicking her side profile. I felt a sharp pang of disappointment;
I wanted to take more photos.

"But mom, I took only few and you looked better in the sari you wore for the marriage ceremony."

"If we don't do fast, how can I try all eight saris." She suppressed a grin when she spoke; I took a breath of relief
as I didn't want it to stop.

After sometimes she came down, she wore a red sari with golden embroidery; she had removed her mangalsutra
and other ornaments. She had her hair spread on her back with few plaid of hair dangling on her forehead, she
wore a red low cut blouse, unfortunately it was covered by the d**** of her sari and I couldn't see her cleavage

"Mom, I think, instead of wearing the anchaal (d****) across I think you should wear it on one side." I suggested
her nervously, not sure what would she make of it.

"Really, but this blouse is low-cut." She asked me pouting her rosy lips.

"Mom, I assure you, you will look good." I advised her, I tried very hard to suppress my excitement.

Mom pulled the aanchal from across her blouse and put it on one side on her shoulder, my trick had worked, now
her sexy cleavage was exposed to my hungry eyes, I could even make out the top of her breast, I think she didn't
wear a bra because if she did the blouse was so low cut that the string would show.

I furiously snapped pictures of her, focusing more at her exposed cleavage. Shit...did I catch a hint of her nipples,
to make sure I looked carefully at her zooming on her blouse. 'Yes that's a nipple' her left nipple was poking
through her blouse just a little and I couldn't see her right nipple as it was covered by the d****.

I was getting a hard on and if I didn't get out of her sight she would definitely notice it.

"I need to go to toilet."

"okay." She replied.

I hurried to the toilet and adjusted my cock such that it wouldn't show even if it gets hard. Not to raise any doubt
I waited for a while. I went in the living room and I saw Mom sitting on the sofa, she was reading some kind of
women's magazine. When she saw me coming she got up to go near the wall, but I got an idea.
"Mom I think you should sit on the sofa and continue reading the magazine and I will take pictures without
disturbing you."

"okay." She replied casually, unknown to my plan.

I took few photos of her from a distance, not to arouse any suspicion. When I saw her engrossed in the magazine
I came near her and pointed the camera on her cleavage, as I was above her I could see even deeper, I could see
the inner side of her breast through the gap.

I could distinctly make out the poking of her

nipple. 'Was she getting aroused as well at this exposure to her son, can I press her further,' I flinched at the

"Mom, can you stand up against the wall."

"okay." She followed my instruction without any question.

"Mom, put your hand on your head and lean against the wall." She did as I said, in doing so the d**** of her sari
slid down and both her breast only covered by the blouse was exposed before my eyes, I could now see both her
nipple poking hard against the material of the blouse.

"Mom, pick up the d**** and hold it in your left hand and keep your other hand on your waist."

She kept silent but after a while she did as I asked and I took her pictures from all angles.

"Enough for now, we will continue it after lunch." She said to me while she put the d**** of her sari on her
shoulders covering it like it was before.


After the lunch I waited in the living room for her, she came after half an hour. She wore a green sari which was
fully green with no sign of any print on it, it was just plain green but it looked different somehow then I realized
it wa the chiffon saris sari and it is made of flimsy material, if a woman doesn't wear a petticoat with these sari
there skin would be easily visible.

"Mom what took you so long." I asked her acting frustrated, that I wasn't interested in the photo shoot and I was
doing her a favor.

"I was changing the petticoat (underskirt), earlier I wore a red petticoat and it would show so I changed into a
matching petticoat." She explained. I flushed red at the mention of her undergarment.

"Mom but I can still see your petticoat." I said to her.

"WHAT... YOU ARE JOKING RGHT." She cried as she looked down at her sari, she moved aside the veils up
to the last covering to check if her petticoat was showing. It is considered a dressing disaster, if anyone ends up
showing her petticoat from her sari.

"This is a very expensive sari set and the petticoat doesn't match it, I was planning to wear it on the reception
party." She said to me with concern heavy in her eyes.

"Are you sure, please look again carefully." She added.

"Mom, you can look yourself." I handed her the

camera, she looked at it carefully.

"What will I do now?"

"Mom you can wear other sari."

"But this was the one I was planning to wear."


"Mom, can't you wear the sari without the petticoat, then it won't show." I spoke, immediately regretting the
outrageous comment I made,

"It's a chiffon sari idiot, my skin will show." She replied.

"Oh, but you can give it a try," I pressed her.

"Okay, trying doesn't hurt." She replied, my cock twitched in my pants at the thought of seeing her naked legs.

Mom came down after a while, I tried hard to look for some skin through her sari, but I couldn't 'hasn't she
removed her petticoat' I wondered, but the movement of her ass was different it jiggled more and I was sure that
she had removed her petticoat.

"Can you see anything." She asked me nervously.

"No mom, I can't see anything, move around a little, to make sure if something shows when you move," I kept
aside the camera and sat on the sofa enquiring her legs.

She walked up and down the living room, the veils of her sari was lifted when she moved and I gasped when I
saw her naked thighs and the black panties she wore, I enjoyed the show but decided to inform her about it.

"Mom I think the sari is very thin, when you walk some of your skin can be seen," I said to mom sounding as
serious as I could.

"I knew, how much can you see."

"I can see up to your thigh." I couldn't speak about her panties.

"Can't you see anything else, take some pictures, I will see myself how much I am showing." Mom asked me.

She was inviting me to gawk at her naked thighs. I picked up the camera and snapped her picture.

"Mom turn around." I wanted to snap some pictures of her ass. She turned around and I could clearly see her
pantyclad ass, the panty was a little small and I was able to see her exposed lower portion through her sari. I
snapped many pictures from all angles.

"Okay enough, show me the pictures now." She sat on the sofa and indicated me to sit next to her. I opened the
recent picture and showed it to her; in the first picture mom's sexy legs were visible. In the next photo mom was
in a walking posture and as her legs were spread, her naked thigh was showing. I watched mom from the corner
of my eyes to see her expression.

Mom seemed flushed with excitement on seeing herself in such a sexy state exposing to camera and her son, I
reluctantly switched to the next image, mom was turned towards the wall and her black panty was clearly visible
in the chiffon sari, I could sense the sexual tension in the room heightening as I switched to the next image, it
was a side profile image apart from her naked thighs and panties the thing that caught our eyes was her nipples
poking very hard through her blouse.

I couldn't resist myself and I turned towards her to see the nipple and met mom's eyes, who were looking at my
crotch, we both retracted our eyes towards the screen, the sexual tension was evident to both of us.

"I think I have to drop this dress, I am going to change in another sari, wait for me." Mom broke the

"Okay Mom I will be right here."

Mom came down after some time, she looked very hot in the sari and she wore all her ornaments - the bangles,
her mangalsutra and the waist chain. The sari fit her nicely and she wore it way below her navel, even lower than
the sari she wore in the marriage ceremony.

"This is my best sari, photograph me well, don't be shy you can tell me to pose any way you like." She had her
eyes on the floor when she spoke; she was shy to have spoken this.

"Why would I be shy, you are the one going to be shy away." I replied boldly, it hurt my manly pride.

"We will see." Mom replied equally bold.

I switched on the camera and indicated Mom to stand against the wall.

"Mom, keep your both hands on your waist and cock your feet." I asked her and clicked some pictures in that

"Okay mom, move aside your d**** so I can photograph your blouse." I took a big risk, mom paused for a
moment then she slowly removed the saris d**** exposing her deep cleavage and her poking nipples, I clicked
many pictures.

"Lift your sari a little from one side." I asked her, mom bent down to lift the hem of her sari, I took many of her
bend down photos, her whole boobs was on display to the camera.

She lifted her hem up to her right knee, her bare feet and gorgeous legs on display. My fingers were shivering out
of excitement of how far could I push her. The last two photos I snapped were shaky. I could see her chest rising
heavily and that she was equally enjoying the photo shoot was evident from her hard nipples.

"Rise the hem a little higher." With pounding heart I asked her and she did, she raised the hem higher to her mid
thigh, the gap formed between both the legs was very inviting.

"Higher mom, it would look good in photo." I asked her quietly, my sound barely escaped from my mouth, she
obeyed me, she slowly rose the hem higher and I could see the elastic of her black panty, I thought she would lift
higher, but she stopped, I clicked her pictures and from the viewfinder I saw mom looking right at my hardon, I
was embarrassed sporting my hardon to my mom.

I was in a messy situation, should I ask her to rise higher or should I make her do other poses, I decided to leave
it for a while and ask her to pose differently.

"Okay mom, put your right hand on the back of your neck and other on your side." I asked her.

"Now who is shy." She tried to suppress her comment with an 'okay' afterwards but I heard it. Now I was
regretting my decision. But she stood like I asked her to.

"Mom bend down and keep your hands on the sofa."

She bend down, she looked very sexy like this, her mangalsutra dangling in front of her and I could see her deep
cleavage and a lot of her boobs, even though the AC was on mom was sweating and her sindoor flowed on her
forehead making her look even more sexy.

"Mom, unbutton the top button of your blouse." I didn't know if she would do that as she didn't wore a bra, but
she closed her eyes and unbuttoned the top button of her blouse, she wore the blouse which buttoned on the front.
I pointed the camera at her and snapped pictures of her milky cleavage exposed seductively from her blouse.

"Wow mom the pictures are coming so nice, this is the best sari I have ever seen." I said foolishly, I was very
happy at where this was going on, I had desired to see her naked since I was a k**.

"Unbutton the second button mom." She did without even looking at me; the cloth of her unbuttoned blouse was
wrinkled, so I decided to straighten it myself. I neared her and with my right hand I reached her boobs, she
sucked her mouth in anticipation, I could feel her heart pounding very heavily as I touched the top of her breast
and straightened her blouse and her mangalsutra.

I heard a sigh as I backed away; I took many pictures in that pose, I was very horny, I wanted to suck on those
lovely nipple covered by just her blouse.

"Mom, unbutton the last button." I said to her with dry mouth, mom remained still with her eyes closed. So I
pressed her again.

"Mom, open your blouse." I said to her in a bold tone this time, she remained still for sometimes then slowly
lifted her blouse and undid the last button of her blouse, I was getting impatient to see her naked boobs. I
snapped pictures furiously of her cleavage free from the restraints of her blouse; the material of the blouse was
stuck on the nipple hiding it from my hungry eyes.

"mom, move aside the blouse covering your breasts and cover it from your hands." I asked her.

Mom with both hands moved aside the blouse and exposed her red nipples to my eyes before she covered them
with her hand , this was the first time I saw her naked boobs, I clicked the camera shooting the seductive goddess
in front of me.

"Okay, mom remove blouse." I asked her shivering with excitement and arousal, my cock was strained in my

Mom slid the blouse from her hands and let it fall on the floor; she kept her hands on her side, her breast stood
proudly in the cold air, her breast was of medium size and I wanted to suck on those gorgeous nipple, I pointed
the camera at her bare breasts, it was better to capture it permanently then just in memories.

I zoomed in at her breasts, I could clearly see her red nipple and I zoomed in even more and I was able to see the
opening of her nipple in great details, I snapped many pictures of her nipple for further uses. Mom was breathing
even more heavily; she had her sexy lips slightly parted and the red lipstick made it even sexier.
"Mom, put your index finger in your mouth." I wanted to see how my cock looked around her lips, she lifted her
hands and put the index finger of her right hand in her mouth.

"Mom, close your lips around it and suck on it."

She sucked on her finger seductively, just looking at her fingering her mouth I was about to cum, but I controlled
myself and took the pictures.

"Mom, hold your breasts with both your hands."

She took out her hand and grasped both her breasts with it, I stood in awe as she squeezed her breasts with her
hand and she had her head thrown back against the wall and had her eyes closed. She enjoyed pleasuring herself
in front of her son.

I took many of her stills with her hands squeezing her breast, it was time to take it to the next level.

"Okay mom. Enough, you pose very nicely." I complimented her to keep the charade going on.

"You think so, and how the pictures are turning out." She said seductively as she flicked her nipple with her

"Mom, the pictures are coming out great, I think we have to try new poses." I announced.


"Mom, first remove your locket." Her mangalsutra was coming in the way, she removed it, she was now topless,
it was a dream come true for me, I wasn't able to fully believe that my beautiful mother was topless before me.

"Okay mom lift the hem of your sari like earlier but with both hands this time."

Mom grasped the hem of her sari and lifted her sari all the way to her mid thigh. Her naked leg looked very sexy
it was the perfect thighs I have ever see, the skin was smooth and the curve of her thighs was very sexy, I wanted
to worship it, kiss it and fuck it.

"Higher mom." My voice cracked.

Mom lifted the sari above her panty on her stomach and held it there, I gasped at the incredible sight that stood
before me, I forgot to take pictures and just stood there taking in the sight. I approached mom and with my hands
grasped the knot of her sari. She gulped hard and backed away falling back on the wall.

Her breasts pressed in my chest, our eyes locked with each other and slowly I untied the knot of her sari, I
backed away from her and took the hem of her sari in my hands and pulled hard, mom was spun around by the
force I left her sari and it fell down to her feet.

I undid her petticoat and it fell to her feet pilling above her sari, mom stood in front of me in just her panty and
the silver waist chain around her waist. Mom was going wild with excitement, she breathed very hard her breast
rising and falling with each breath. She was ready to be fucked but I had to take pictures for later.

I picked the camera and snapped her, even in such state of arousal she remembered to pose as I clicked. I was
able to see her pubic hairs above her waistband.
"Mom bend down and touch your feet."

I walked behind her and snapped the close up of her ass, the panties was stretched across her ass, I could see a
hint of her forbidden place, I saw mom walking to me, she kneeled before me and undid my pants which fell to
the floor, mom took hold of my underwear and pulled it down in one go, I was in ecstasy at the thought of what
she was going to do to me. My 6 inch cock sprang free and I saw mom licking her lips.

I wasn't able to believe that my loving mom, who has cared for me, nursed me, loved me was going to suck my
cock. The moment of bliss finally arrived, she touched my cock with her hands, mom wrapped her fingers around
my shaft and stroked it twice, she was mesmerized by my cock.

Mom formed a 'o' with her parted lips and slightly touched the head of my cock with her lovely lips, 'Oh my god',
she was playing with my balls while she kissed my cock caressing it with her fingers; she cupped my balls in her
hand and squeezed it lightly.

Mom kissed down the length of my cock to my balls, she took one of my balls in her mouth sucking on it. Not
even in my dreams I thought my mom sucking my balls while I looked at her naked boobs. Mom switched to the
other ball and sucked hard at, she took both my balls in mouth at once, sucking both balls at once, while my cock
dangled on her forehead.

I was on cloud 9 when she took hold of my cock with her hand and stroked it furiously while she sucked my
balls, this was too much for me, I came very hard spurting come on her hair and her forehead. I backed away and
picked up the camera, I clicked photos of her covered in my cum.

"Mom, you look very sexy." I just wanted to say this for a while.

"Yeah, I know." She said sexily licking the dribbling cum with her tongue.

"Okay mom lets continue where we left."

I asked her to turn around.

"Mom slide your panties down." I asked her.

Mom seductively slid her panties down exposing the gorgeous puckered hole and the forbidden secret, her pussy
looked perfect, labia was well formed and it was shut tightly forming a very proportionate pussy, while the
engorged clit slightly jutted out indicating her state, she slid the panty down on the floor and stepped out of it.

I snapped many pictures of her pussy and her asshole; she looked just like a goddess in all her glory with just the
silver waist chain wrapped around her waist. I put the camera in the video mode and put it on the table.

I walked to mom with my heart pounding, not sure what I was going to do with her, mom waited for me with a
slutty face welcoming me into a embrace, our lips met and immediately she opened her mouth giving passage to
my tongue, I explored her sweet mouth with my tongue, I touched her tongue with mine and she responded by
sucking on it, she pushed my tongue back entering in my mouth, she swirled her tongue around exploring my

We were taken by desire, I grabbed her boobs in my hands and squeezed it hard, I pinched both her nipples at
once and she flinched in my mouth pushing hard in me, we both parted to breathe.

"Mom I want to fuck you." I spoke my sound barely audible because of the excitement.
"I want to feel your cock inside me, please fuck me baby, pleaseee..." mom said deliriously.

I let go of her boobs and grabbed her cheeks, feeling the softness of it, I have always fantasized about this,
fucking mom was greatest than anything in this whole universe. I bend mom on the armrest of the sofa, she lay
there quietly waiting for my assault.

I approached her and inserted my cock between her cheeks rubbing at her ass hole; I moved my cock down at the
entrance of my birth passage.

"Mmmmmm..." mom moaned with pleasure.

Her sexy moan was making me more aroused, I inserted my hard cock a little inside her, I took hold of her hair
with my hands and pushed inside her, all the way, I could feel her pussy sucking at my cock, mom whimpered
when I pulled my cock out then with a greater force pushed it all the way in.

I fucked my mom, humping wildly into her, she slid her hands under her and rubbed her clit while I fucked her,
after a while I could feel her pussy clenching at my cock, trying to rip it off and take it all in.

"ungghhhh..." mom came with a loud groan wetting my cock with her juices while some of her juice flowed
down her legs.

Her orgasm got me even wilder I humped into my slumped mom even harder, fucking her wildly with my balls
slapping on her pussy, I felt myself building up, I increased my speed and finally came into filling her pussy with
my cum.

"I am going to be sore for a while."

-----------------------------------------------------------------MY SEXY MOM
I was always very close to my Mom. In some ways I felt like my Mom and I were the family, and my father just
lived with us. When my friends got to be adolescents, they got distant from their mothers, and even hostile
toward them. But I felt as close to her as ever.

I didn't start dating until I was 18, but when I did, my Mom would always want to talk to me afterwards about
how it went and give me advice. At those times, she felt more like a close female friend than a Mom. I remember
how, after one of my first dates, she asked for details of how the date went and then finally said, "So? Did you
kiss her?"

"No," I said, blushing.

"Why not?" she said, giggling. "It sounds like she liked you!"

"I don't know. I wasn't sure if I should."

"Ask her out again, and this time stop at the door when you're walking her in. Don't say anything, but just look at
her and smile. If she stares back, then she wants you to lean in and kiss her."
I followed my mother's advice, and got my first kiss. She hugged me happily when I told her about it that night.

I soon had my first girlfriend. After she and I had started necking, my mother asked, "Have you touched her
boobs yet?"

"Mom!" I protested.

"Oh come on!" she giggled. "Do you think girls don't like that too?"

Suddenly, I had an image of my Mom when she was my age, getting felt up by a boy. The thought was
disturbing, but I couldn't stop thinking about it.

"How do I know if she wants it?" I asked.

My Mom moved closer to me on the couch. "When you're kissing her, put your hand on her arm like this. Then
slowly move it up toward her neck." She acted it out as she described it. Suddenly her hand didn't feel like a
Mom's hand. It seemed so tiny and soft. "Then caress her neck with your fingertips and move it slowly down
toward her chest." I felt my mother's hand slide down. "If she doesn't want it, she'll shift her arm to block it. But
if she doesn't block it...." My mother just smiled, her eyes bright.

On my next date, I not only petted for the first time, but my girlfriend even rubbed me through my pants until I
came. Of course, my Mom wanted to hear about all of it afterwards, but I was shy and didn't want to tell. She
kept insisting and finally started to tickle me until I told her everything. But her face froze when I said that I had
orgasmed in my pants.

"Are you mad at me for messing up my pants?" I said anxiously.

She smiled, putting me back at ease. "Oh, no, no, sweetie. It's just're growing up so fast." She studied
me for a moment and said, "You'd better change out of those wet shorts, though." I headed to my room to
change. I was surprised when I saw Mom had followed me in.

"Mom, I need to change."

"I know. Just take them off and hand them to me."

"Mom! I'm not going to change in front of you!"

She laughed. "Don't be silly I used to bathe you, for goodness sakes!"

"But I'm not a little baby anymore."

She looked a little pouty. It was strange to see that expression on her face. Mothers don't pout. They get angry or
disappointed or sad, but they don't pout.

But she said, "Okay, okay. I'll be in the laundry room. Bring it to me there."

I took off my shorts. They really were soaked. I didn't know I had that much cum in my balls I set them aside and
put some fresh shorts on. I started to reach for my pants...but then I stopped. Without asking myself why, I
picked up the wet shorts and walked down to the laundry room in just my shirt and fresh underwear.

When my Mom saw me come in she giggled but didn't mention the fact that I had no pants on. I was blushing as
I handed her the shorts. She inspected them very carefully. "God, they're SO WET!" she laughed. She even
sniffed them before putting them in the washer with some other clothes. As the washer ran, my mother climbed
up and sat up on the dryer. We talked and laughed, but I have no idea what we talked about. All I could think
about was how I was down in our laundry room in my underpants, talking to my Mom, who was wearing a skirt
and sitting high up on the drying machine. She giggled and kicked her legs a little as she talked. I kept reminding
myself that we weren't doing anything wrong or weird. Were we? We were just talking, after all. And I wasn't
wearing any less clothing than I would be at the beach.

We heard the sound of the garage door opening, which meant that my father was home. My mother and I both
looked kind of nervous. My mother quickly handed me some pants from the laundry pile. We went upstairs and
were innocently watching TV by the time Dad came in.

That night, as I lay in bed, I slowly stroked my cock. My fantasies flipped back and forth from my date to images
of my Mom sitting on the dryer. Fortunately, I had a sheet over myself (and over my hand) because my Mom
quickly walked into my room without knocking. I moved my hand and tried to look nonchalant, even though I
was flushed. My Mom sat down on the edge of the bed. She was wearing a satin chemise. I was very nervous,
wondering what she wanted.

"Sweetie, your father and I need some privacy tonight, but I have to leave the bedroom door open because it's
kind of hot. So don't go wandering out into the hall, okay?"

I nodded.

"I knew I could trust you," she said. "I'll just tell your Dad you're already asleep." She leaned over to kiss me
goodnight. I felt the warmth of her body, and smelled her perfume. She held my gaze for a moment before
getting up and heading out of the room.

Part of me wanted to grab my cock again and pound it fast and hard to an orgasm. Instead, I slowly caressed it,
waiting for the sounds I knew were coming. Often in the past I had heard the creaking of my parents' bed,
followed eventually by my mother's moaning. Like many curious k**s, I had sneaked out of my room and
listened at their door. On a few occasions, I had even tried to open the door to get a peek, but it was always
locked. Consequently, the sounds were always muffled and unclear. But when the sounds started tonight they
were louder and more distinct. I could even make out some of the words my mother was saying:

"Yes...fuck's so big and hard in me...suck my nipples....uhhh, yes, bite them...harder, please."

I was on the edge of cumming, but I held back. I wanted so much for this to last. Then I heard some words that
really surprised me:

"Fuck me, Daddy. Fuck your little girl."

I felt a strange mix of emotions. It seemed sick that Mom would say that to my father. But it also turned me on. I
wanted to hear her say it again. I wanted to see what she was doing while she said it. Without thinking about my
promise to her, I got up and, as quietly as I could, walked out into the hallway. Sure enough, the door to my
parents' bedroom was open. I came up to it very carefully and looked around the corner. The head of my parents'
bed was against the opposite wall. But for some reason tonight they were lying with their heads at the foot of the
bed. And my mother was on top of my father. So she could see the doorway, but my father couldn't. (Whose idea
had it been to have sex in this position tonight?)

I told myself that my mother couldn't see me in the semi-darkness. But I did notice that she got a knowing smile
on her face soon after I took up my position by the door. I'd never seen my mother naked before. Her body was
so beautiful. Her breasts swayed as she rode up and down on my father's cock. Her beautiful red hair framed her
soft face. I could hear the sounds of my father's cock slipping in and out of her wet pussy, and even smell the
sweet musk of sex in the air. My mother said it again:

"Fuck me, Daddy."

I heard my father whisper, "I love your virgin pussy, Princess."

I was watching my Mom and Dad fucking. And they were pretending they were a Dad and his daughter. It was
so sick. It was so wrong. But it was so fucking hot. I pulled my pajama bottoms down and started to stroke my
cock. I no longer cared whether I was seen.

My mother moaned, "Oh yes! Do it! Do it nice and hard!"

In response, my father grabbed her hips and started to pound her passionately. (But were her words really for

My hips started to buck. I knew I wouldn't last long.

"I want your cum!" my mother groaned. "Give me your hot spunk! I want it all over me, baby!"

A long, sticky stream of cum shot out of my cock. I quickly used my left hand to catch as much of the spunk as I
could. My mothers eyes got wide and she let out a load moan as she cried, "I'm cumming! I'm cumming for you,

"Do it!" my father groaned back. "Cum all over my hard cock!" He unloaded his cum inside my mother just as
my cock squirted that last bits of cum into my hand. I gingerly pulled up my pajama bottoms and padded off to
the bathroom to wash my hands.

About a week later, my father had to go away on an overnight business trip. When he reminded me, "You'll be
the man of the house while I'm away," I noticed my mother smile. " "

The day he left on his trip, my mother and I hardly talked at all. This was very unusual for us, since we normally
talked nonstop. But there was some unspoken tension in the air. It was not an unpleasant tension. It was like
people waiting for a big event, who could find nothing to say before the time came. We both went to bed early.

I lay in bed, listening to silence. My door was open, as was the door to her room. I thought I could even hear my
mother breathing down the hall. I wanted something to happen, but I was unsure what, and had no idea what to

Finally, I heard my mother's soft voice, calling from her room:

"Sweetie, would you come in here for a minute?"

Without a sound I got up and walked into her room. I held my hands in front of my crotch, to cover where my
pajamas were tenting.

"Yes, Mom?"

"It's kind of weird not having your Dad home, isn't it?"

Actually, my Dad had always been away on business a lot. It was weirder, in some ways, when he was home.
But I didn't say that. Instead, I just agreed.
My mother nodded. "I know you're kind of old for it, but would you like to come sleep in my bed tonight? I
mean, it would be nice for me to have some company too."

Without answering, I lifted the covers and slid into the bed, next to my mother. I noticed that she was wearing
the same satin chemise she had been wearing last week, and also the same perfume. I was nervous, so I lay in the
bed with my back to her. I felt her reach over and start to gently rub my back. Sometimes when we watched TV
on the couch, I'd put my head in her lap and she'd rub my back, but this felt very different.

"Have you done anything new with your girlfriend lately?" she asked softly.

"Not really. I tried–" I cut myself off.

"You what, sweetie? It's okay. You can tell me."

"Well, I tried to touch her between her legs, but she brushed my hand away, so I stopped."

I heard the smile in my mother's voice. "I'm proud of you for being a gentleman about it. And don't worry. She's
just not ready yet." My mother moved a little closer. I could feel the heat of her body. Her hands were now
starting to rub my sides and occasionally venture around to my chest. When she reached around, I could feel her
breasts brush against my back. She spoke again, "Sometimes I think it's kind of unfair. I mean, boys are ready to
do lots of things sexually right away, but girls take a longer time to be ready. But then when girls grow up and
get to be my age, they're as horny as teenage boys. So sometimes teenage boys can't get what they want, and
older women can't always get what they want." She paused, letting what she had said sink in. Then she added,
"Isn't that unfair?"

My voice was almost hoarse as I said, "Yes."

"It's hot in here. Wouldn't you like to take your pajama top off?"

I sat up and took it off. I looked down at my mother in the bed beside me. She was looking up at me with
longing, vulnerable eyes. How could anyone resist her? I turned toward her and we embraced. She gasped in
excitement as we wrapped our bodies around each other. Her hair smelled so sweet, and here face felt so soft
next to mine. My cock was rock hard, and pushed desperately against the pajamas and panties that were
separating it from her."Oh, sweetie," she moaned. "Your skin is so smooth and soft. It's so sexy."

"It feels so good to touch you, Mom."


"Does it? Would you like me to teach you some things? So that you can show your girlfriend when she's ready?"

"Please, Mom, yes."

In an instant, my mother's soft, expert hand had slipped inside the fly of my pajama bottoms and started to
massage my cock. I was groaning and bucking. I could already feel my cock about to spurt. But suddenly my
Mom took her hand away.

"Would you like Mommy to take her nightie off, darling?"

In reply I simply took off my own pajama bottoms off. We clutched each other again, but this time all our skin
was bare against each other. Is anything as wonderful as feeling your mother's body naked against your own? I
started to thrust against her, but she gently guided me onto my back, and kissed her way down to my cock. I
twitched with pleasure when her lips kissed the cap. She stroked it with her hand, very gently and very slowly,
while she said, "Boys cum really fast the first time they do things like this. All boys do. I'll gradually teach you
how to go really slow, so that you can enjoy making it last and please your girlfriend even better. But this first
time I want you to just relax and cum whenever you want to. I'm going to put my mouth on your cock and suck

I groaned at just the thought, making my mother giggle happily.

She continued, "When a girl loves you, she'll want to swallow all your cum. So you know Mommy will take all
yours." I felt her warm mouth engulf my cock. I couldn't believe how wonderful the feeling was: so warm and
soft and moist. She sucked and licked it gently and lovingly. I wanted it to last forever, but soon I felt the cum
slowly sliding up inside my cock, followed by the spasming as it pumped the cum into my Mommy's mouth. She
sucked down every drop, moaning like a hungry puppy as she did.

I was still panting as she climbed back up my body. Smiling, she said, "Kiss me. On the lips." I did, and had my
first romantic kiss with my mother. Our lips tentatively touched at first. It was electric, better than any kiss I had
had with my girlfriend. Then my mother's expert tongue slipped into my mouth, its tip flicking against my own.
When we finally broke the kiss, my mother smiled and said, "There, wasn't that a good kiss?"

"It was great!" I beamed.

"Lots of guys won't kiss a girl after she goes down on them. But that hurts a girl's feelings, so you should always
kiss her afterwards to show her that you care about her and appreciate how good she made you feel."

"I'll kiss you anytime, Mom."

My mother smiled and rewarded me with another sweet and sexy kiss.

We cuddled, kissed and caressed for a few moments. It was so romantic. I always loved my mother, but now I
felt like I loved her even more than I had before. My mother took my hand and put it between her legs. I noticed
that her hair was closely trimmed. She took my fingers and guided them into the folds of her pussy. "Do you feel
how wet I am?" she moaned.


"This is how girls get when they're horny. I'm very, very wet, so you can tell I want you really badly. And if you
follow the pussy lips up like this, you'll find the clit." She sighed as she guided my fingers in gently rubbing it.
"Make sure it's wet from the pussy cream, or lick your fingers before you rub it. Rub it gently at first and see how
the girl responds. If she seems to be really liking it, try rubbing it a little harder." My Mom obviously was really
enjoying it, because she was moaning and jerking her hips violently in response to my touch.

Reaching between my legs, my mother found me hard again. She smiled and said, "Okay. Get on top of me, in
between my legs." She gently guided me into position. Reaching down, she positioned the tip of my cock at the
entrance to her pussy. She looked up at me and cupped my face with her hand. "Do you love your Mommy?"

"I do. I love you so much."

She nodded and smiled. "Push into me."

We both practically screamed with pleasure as I sank into her. I felt her arms and legs wrap tight around me.
After a few quick pumps I was surprised that my mother's voice had suddenly become more visceral. It was
almost a growl as she whispered, "Fuck me. Fuck your Mommy. Mommy likes being fucked."
"Oh yes! I'm fucking my Mommy! Mommy's pussy is so good!"

The sensations were so overwhelming: the feel of our moist, sweaty flesh against each other. The musky scent of
perfume and pussy. The taste and feel of my mother's tongue in my mouth. The sounds of our moaning and
a****listic exclamations. I felt like I was now fully a man, as I pumped my cock into my mother's wet pussy,
making her whimper with every stroke.

Even though I'd already cum once that night, I knew I wasn't going to last much longer: "I'm gonna cum in you,
Mommy! I want to give you my cum!"

This seemed to make my mother almost frantic with lust. "Yes! Yes! Cum in me, baby! Shoot your spunk into
Mommy's pussy!"

As I groaned and felt my cock pumping cum into her, I heard my mother scream in orgasm.

We held onto each other as we panted, spent from the sex. Finally, I whispered, "Thank you, Mommy. Thank
you so much."

She smiled and kissed my moist forehead. "Anything for my boy."

-----------------------------------------------------------------My Son wanted his mother -1-
My wife and I go out once in a while to have a good time. We found out it helps our sex life a lot. Debbie is a
real cutie. She is only about five foot one and one hundred and five pounds. She has blond hair and blue eyes.
Very nice figure, 34 C tits, short by nice legs and a butt to die for. She knows how much I love it when she
dresses sexy. Letting parts of her body show sometimes. It is great watching men try and look down her tops or
when she is sitting, up her skirts. If she has a few cocktails she gets more daring. By the time we get home I am
as horny as can be. We talk about the guys that tried to look at her while we are fucking.
I got a big shock one day. Although I love it when guys can look at her, I never expected something like this to
ever happen. We have a son, that has my name, Jimmy. He's a good looking k** for only f******n. He is
popular but also kind of shy. I know there are girls that want to be around him but he is not ready yet.
I left to go to the store to pick up something for breakfast but forgot my money. I was busy talking to Debbie as
she got ready for her shower and left the money on the table. I turned around and headed home. I pulled up and
parked out front. I ran inside and up the stairs. I was walking to my bedroom when I thought I heard Debbie, she
must have finished her shower early. Looking in the room is when I got the shock. There was my son peeking
through the bathroom door, watching his mother in the shower. What surprised me was I wasn't mad. What I
was, was excited and turned on. Jimmy was standing there playing with himself as he watched him mother. He
was stroking his good sized cock faster and faster. I knew he was going to blow his load any minute so I thought
I had better get out of there. I went back downstairs and out to the car. I pretended that I just got home. I walked
into the house and Jimmy was coming down the stairs. Forgot my money, I told him. He was a bit red in the face,
but played it off real well.
Should I tell Debbie what happened or not. I thought, no I will let it ride. The k** is just growing up, that's all. I
thought about what I saw all week. It gave me many a hard on thinking about it. What I wanted was for it to
happen again. So again I left to go to the store and came back and found my son spying on hi smother in the
shower. This time I stayed and saw him cum against the bathroom door. I think I was even turned on more the
second time it happened.
I was keeping a close eye on my son. He would always be with her when she was swimming in our back yard. I
could see his hard on as he watched his mother. I must have jacked off twenty times in the last week. Debbie and
I also gone out twice that week and she looked hot. She had a great time showing off her body to a number of
different men.
When Friday night came around I thought of something I might be able to do to get my son to do a little more to
his mother than just watch her. It started earlier in the day. It was hot and I stayed home that day. I asked Debbie
if she wanted to swim to cool off. She said that would be great. I asked her to put on this bathing suit I had
bought her when we were on vacation. It only had two tiny patches that just did cover her nipples and a thin strip
down below. What about Jimmy, she asked? He's your son, don't worry about it. Okay, she answered. We
changed into our suits and headed for the pool. Jimmy saw us in the kitchen and I thought his mouth would never
close again. His eyes went up and down his mothers body more than once. She said to him, we will be out at the
pool and she turned and walked away. I was watching him as his cock grew in his pants and his eyes followed
her ass out the door.
Out at the pool Debbie said to me, did you see the way our son was looking at me? It's no big deal honey, I told
her. He is just a boy. But Jimmy he had sex in his eyes, she said. Well, lucky you. Not all women can say that
they turn on their own son. Jimmy, I am serious. Let it go Debbie. So he likes to look at your body, I do to and so
does a lot of men. I know honey, but he is our son. Come on, are you telling me you aren’t excited knowing he is
looking at you? What, she said? Your own son is turned on by you and you don't think that is exciting, I said?
Well, I never thought about it like that, she said. As a matter of fact, I have seen him spying on you a few times.
What, what, and you never told me? I thought it was kind of cute. The k** is growing up and the first one he
wants to look at is his mother. Where, how, was he watching me, she asked?
In the morning when you took your shower. I came back because I forgot my money and saw him at the door
watching you. Did you ever think that I might be playing with myself? I do that when you tease me before you
get out of bed. Again I said, lucky k**. Your impossible, she said. I guess it turned you on knowing our son was
watching me in the shower. Sorry, but yes it did. Why don't you toy with him, I said to her. What, you want me
to tease our son? Just enough to help his grow up a bit. Who better than his mother to help him out? You mean,
to help you out, don't you? She knew me to well.
Come on, it will be fun and I am sure it will turn you on as much as it does me. I fixed up a couple of cocktails to
loosen thing up a bit. Jimmy kept coming out to the pool then back inside. Debbie finally said, come out and join
us honey. Okay mom, I will be out in a minute. About a half hour later he came out. He had on a baggy pair of
shorts. I was sure it was to hide any hard on he got. We swam had a few more drinks, swam again then laid in the
sun. Jimmy kept a close look on his mother whenever she went into the pool. I think we both noticed when he
would start to get excited.
How about some cards, I asked? Sure, Debbie said. Okay dad, was Jimmy's answer. We stayed on the lounge
chairs we were in and sat around a small table. I could tell that Debbie was feeling the drinks, her speech was
slurred. She had to bend over to pick up the cards and when she did her suit top would fall away from her body.
Not much, but just enough to show part of her nipples. Jimmy's eyes were glued to her chest. He didn't even see
his mother watching him watch her. You could see the outline of his cock as it grew. We looked at each other
and raised our eyebrows. She was liking what was happening. Debbie moved and sat like an Indian and when she
did her suit pressed against her pussy lips showing everything. We drank, swam and played cards for a long time.
By this time Debbie was pretty loaded and Jimmy was getting some nice views of his mother.
Debbie laid back and closed her eyes. It wasn't long before she was out. I think mom had to much to drink dad.
She sure did son, I just let her sleep it off for awhile. I was able to make my cell phone ring and I picked it up
like I was answering a call. Your k**ding, I said. You guy can't fix it? Shit, all rite, I will be down in a while. I
hung up my phone and told my son I had to go to my business as one of the guys fucked something up. I got up
and changed cloths. I was watching Jimmy through our window and he kept looking at Debbie. I came out and
asked him to get his mother up in an hour or so, before it got cold and put her to bed. No problem dad. When will
you be home? Sounds like it will take me at least two hours to fix the problem. Okay, good luck dad. Bye son.
I drove down the block and parked my car. I walked back to the house and went around the side. There is a fence
all the way around the house but there was a few places I would be able to look through. Looking through the
fence I was pretty close to where Debbie was lying on her back. All of a sudden I heard my son's voice. Mom,
mom, are you awake? Mom, mom. I watched as he shook her shoulder.
She was out like a light. He shook her again. Nothing. Mom, you sure look good. I love the bathing suit you have
on. Do you mind if I look at you, he asked her? You don't, he said. Thanks. He got above her so he could look
down her top. Wow mom, those are nice, your nipples too, he told her. He was answering for her. This is great.
Knowing my son is so turned on by his mother he will answer his own questions like it was her. You want me to
fix that? Sure I will mom. Jimmy reaches out and puts his hand over her tit. He starts to move his hand in a
circle. It that better mom, he asks? Okay, if you want. Jimmy slides his hand inside her top and pinches her
nipple. Me to mom, I like doing this. Dad said for me to take care of you while he is gone. He told me I was in
charge and that I should be just like him. You like what he told me, don't you mom? I thought so. Jimmy sat next
to her and began to rub her stomach. He moved lower until he was rubbing on top of her pussy. He jumped like
hell when Debbie moved her hips. I guess he thought she was waking up. He went back to rubbing his mother's
Jimmy then stood up and unzipped his shorts and fished out his hard cock. You like it mom. It is just like dads,
don't you think? Thank you, he said. He sat back down and moved his mother's hand over to his hard cock. With
his other hand he slipped it inside Debbie's bottoms. Nice and warm mom and wet too. Your the first one mom. I
am glad too, he answered himself.
I didn't want it to go to far rite now so I took my cell phone and phoned home. I heard it ring and Jimmy got up
to get it. Hello. Hi son, Hi dad. I fixed thing here, so I will be on my way home. How's mom doing, I ask? Shes
fine dad. I left her out back and I went and watched some TV. Okay son, I will take care of her when I get home
and thanks a lot, I told him. It was easy dad, and he hung up.
Quickly Jimmy got back to his mother. He is on his way home mom. Okay, I will. He leaned over his mother and
put his cock against her lips. Like this mom? More, he said. He turned her head to the side and opened her
mouth. He was going to put his cock inside his mother's mouth. I got hard as a rock. I took my cock out and
began stroking it. Jimmy slipped his cock inside his mother's mouth. Then slowly pulled it out, then back in
again. He kept this up for a few minutes. I could see him getting stiff and knew he was about to blast his cum in
his mother's mouth. I know mom, not now, later. He pulled his cock out and shot a huge load all over her face.
That was when I let go too. I shot a bunch against the fence and it dripped down.
I went back to my car and waited for a while. When I got home Jimmy was watching TV and Debbie was still
out by the pool. I will go put your mother to bed son. Okay dad, need any help? I think I got it son. I took Debbie
to our bedroom and could still see some of my son's cum in her hair. Now I had to reside whether I was going to
tell her what happened or wait until something else happens.
My Son wants his mother -2-
I jumped in bed with Debbie and began playing around with her. She came around and began enjoying what was
happening. She was still a bit fuck up so I just kept screwing around with her. She love to be eaten and that is just
what I did. She filled my mouth up twice before I stopped. I slid up her body and slipped my cock inside her. I
began talking to her as she came out of her stupper. I was telling her how good she looked and how Jimmy
thought she looked good too. What are you saying, she asked? I told her what I did and how I hoped that our son
would try and take advantage of the situation. You left me alone with Jimmy while I was passed out? I didn't
think anything would really happen, I told her. Well, she said, did anything happen?
He kind of got the chance to look at you better. Look, she said? Yes, her pulled your top away from your body so
he could look at your tits. You let him, she said? I was watching him from the doorway, I told her. I began
sliding in and out of my wifes pussy nice and slow. He kept talking to you, I told her. He would ask you if it was
okay for him to look at you and he made out as if you told him yes. I was moving faster now and getting Debbie
a little heated up. It was great to see him put his hands on you. Really, she answered. I loved watching him. What
else did he do? He took his cock out and began to stroke it. Uuummmmm, and. He moved up to your head and
placed it against your lips. Jimmy, she said in a sexy way. What happened, she asked? He slipped it inside your
mouth and had you sucking his cock.
By now Debbie was hot as a firecracker and pulling me hard into her. Did you like watching him honey? I sure
did and when he was ready to cum I thought I would shoot off also. You let him cum, she asked? He pulled it out
and came all over your face and hair. Oh God Jimmy, she yelled as she came all over my cock. I can't believe
what just happened, she said, How could I get so turned on listening to what you were saying? It turned me on
too honey. We kept talking about it as I slowly pushed my cock in and out of her.
She looked me rite in the eyes and said, I have something to tell you. Okay, I said. Promise you won't be upset at
me. I promise, I told her. Well, I have known that he has been watching me for about six months now. What, I
said in a high voice? You said you wouldn't be mad. I'm not, I'm just shocked. I didn't want to tell you, thinking
you would be super mad at our son and do something to him. Well now you know differently. Tell me how you
found out, I asked her. Like I said, about six months ago I saw Jimmy in the mirror in our bedroom. He was
watching me change cloths. At first I didn't know what to do. I didn't want to embarrass him and thought it was
just part of his growing up. So I just kept changing my cloths. I never said anything to him about it. But then I
caught him again. Only this time I could see he had his hand in his pants. I don't know what I was thinking but
for some reason I didn't mind him watching me. I undressed real slowly, letting him get a good look at me. Then
I saw him get stiff and I knew he was cuming in his pants. After that I let him catch me all the time. So it did turn
you on knowing your son was watching you? I think so, she answered.
We talked about what we thought might get our son to be able to watch his mother. She told me that when I was
not home she sometimes would put on some of her super sexy cloths. She said he seems to like it when she puts
on short skirts and button down tops. Why don't you put on something like that tonight at dinner time. We can
tell him we are going to go out for awhile after dinner and that is why she is dressed up. Then during dinner I can
fake a phone call again from work and say I need to go back and fix things again. Since we can't go out you can
say you are going to change back into more comfortable cloths. I know he will try to view you somehow. Debbie
goes and changes into a super short skirt and a loose button down top. She looks good and is showing off a lot.
Poor Jimmy couldn't take his eyes off his mother again.. At the counter she would bend just enough to show her
panties. We talked about going out this evening and having a good time. It was great watching Jimmy as she
brought over the plates. She would bend over to serve us and her tits were showing, since she didn't put on a bra.
He was like a cat at the dinner table. I faked the phone call and told them I was needed at work and would be
gone for a long while. Well, I guess I will change back into me comfortable cloths then. I'm sorry honey, I told
her. That's okay, I was looking forward to having some fun tonight though, she said. Slyly I looked at her and
said, mabey when I get home we could have some fun. Jimmy, she yelled. Again I left and parked the car down
the block. I wasn't sure where or how my son was going to view his mother so I had to be careful when I got
back home. Debbie and Jimmy were still in the kitchen doing dishes and I watched them from the kitchen
window. The window was open so I could hear what they were saying. The dishes were finished and she told
Jimmy she was going to go to her room and change cloths. She told him she was going to try on some new cloths
she had bought last week and she would be in her room for awhile. She turned away from him and walked down
the hall.
She entered her room and closed the door. How is he going to watch her, I thought, with the door cloths. He
answered that question real quick for me. He headed out the kitchen door. I snuck around the corned so he
wouldn't see me and watched as he made his way to our bedroom windows. I had a great view of both him and
my wife. I was behind him in some bushes where he would have no idea I was there. Debbie was standing in
front of the mirror. It was hot out so the windows were also open in our bedroom. Damn it Jimmy, I wanted to
have some fun tonight, she said to herself. I put on this outfit just for you. I know how you love to look at my
body when we go out. She leans over and unbuttons one button and pulls the blouse apart. Her tits are showing
all the way to her nipples. You would haved loved this, she said. Jimmy slowly slid his hand down to the front of
his pants and began rubbing himself.
Debbie was pretending she was talking to me as she teased the hell out of our son. To bad you had to go to work
honey. If you would have stayed home I would have done this for you. She undid the rest of her top and let it fly
open then she put her hands on her legs and pulled her skirt up. She had on see through panties on and her perfect
pussy lips could be seen without any problem. Jimmy had pulled his cock out and was jacking off while
watching is mother tease him. Wouldn't you like to play with his honey, she said as she slid her finger along her
panty covered slit.
God honey, I need it rite now. Why arn't you here, she said. Debbie reached between the mattress and pulled out
one of her toys. It was a nine inch dildo. I am sure glad you got me this baby, she pretended to say to me. She
raised her leg up and began to rub the head along her slit. Oh God I need this, she said. I have wanted a big cock
all night. To bad your not home honey. She pulled the panties to one side and pushed the dildo into her super wet
cunt. Oh fuck me, I love it. God I would fuck anyone rite now, she damn near yelled. I looked at Jimmy just in
time to see him shoot a huge amount of cum all over the place. Looking back at my wife I knew she must have
been really charged up because she was also cuming. Jimmy watched his mother finish what she was doing then
leave and head back to the house.
I walked over to the window and knocked. Debbie jumped a mile before she saw it was me. She came over and I
told her just what happened and how hot I thought the whole thing was. She was glad I like it and said that really
got her going also. I told her I was going to ride around awhile before I came home.
-----------------------------------------------------------------My son wanted his mother -3-
I drove around for about an hour then went home. Nothing more happened that night except for Debbie and I
fucking the night away. We did the same thing a few more times and both of us really enjoyed the excitement of
our son getting off watching his mother.
I was in hopes things would go a little further. Like him being able to somehow touch her or something like that.
She told me even though she did get very excited from what our son was doing that she was satisfied with the
two of us getting it on after the fact. I told her she must be driving Jimmy crazy by now and I was sure he needed
to do more than just watch her and jack off. She said she just couldn't bring herself to do anything else. I tried to
convince her that I was okay with anything that might happen and how much it was turning me on just to think
about it. She said that it also turned her on a lot but she just couldn't bring herself to let him have her. I knew that
the only way to make something happen would be if I took charge and did something sneaky.
Labor Day was coming up and on that day we spend some time with friends at the park eating and drinking. We
were getting ready to go and I had asked Debbie to put on something sexy as I loved it when my friends had a
good chance to see how sexy my wife really was. I also wanted to make sure that Jimmy would be excited all
day. We had a great time and Debbie enjoyed all the attention she was getting. We ate, drank and played games
all day long and by the time it was ready for all to go home Debbie was pretty well smashed. Plus I had seen our
son steal a few beers himself. He tried to act normal but it wasn't hard for me to tell he was a bit drunk also.
Once home I left the cooler full of beer on the kitchen floor. I fixed my wife and myself one more cocktail and
sat down at the table. Jimmy was in his room. I told her how much fun I had and how I knew my buddies had a
good time looking at her. Her speech was slurred but I understood her saying, anything for you honey. I kissed
her a few time as I played with her body. She was like putty in my arms. She let me unbutton her top almost all
the way while I slid my hand up her skirt. That feels good big boy, but be careful, Jimmy is home. I told her not
to worry, he was in his room. She let me play around with her a little more than stopped me for fear of our son
coming in.
We sat and talked for awhile, but she was getting pretty tired. Her head would drop down then she would wake
up then do it again. A plan was hatching in my head. I began to hum a few songs as Debbie kind of passed out. I
got up and went to Jimmy's room. Son I got a call from Frank and he needs me to help him with something at his
house. I will be gone for maybe two or three hours. Mom is in the kitchen sleeping, so don't bother her and I will
see you in a while. Okay dad, I am tired myself, so I am going to get some rest too. See you later son.
I drove down the street again and parked the car. I got to the house and went in the back yard. There were lots of
windows in our kitchen so I would be able to see anything that went on. There at the table was Debbie with her
head still down. One thing I noticed was that I had not buttoned up her blouse before I left. It wasn't open all the
way but it was showing her black laced bra. I sat under the window for no more than a minute when Jimmy came
walking into the kitchen. He called out his mom's name but got no answer. All he had on was his boxers and you
could see the outline of his hard on.
He took a seat next to his mom and called her name again. Wow mom, you sure look good, he told her. He
pushed her back in the chair so she would be sitting up. This way he had a much better view of her. Jimmy
leaned over and put his lips to his mothers. I could see his tongue sliding past her lips. It looked a bit sloppy, but
I had the feeling this was his first kiss. He kept kissing her for a good three minutes. Debbie's head started to
move so Jimmy pulled back super quick. Debbie was moaning something, but I couldn't make out what she was
saying. It's okay mom, dad told me to take care of you, he said to her. He said that I was the man of the house
while he is gone. In a soft voice I heard Debbie say, uummmm okay honey. Here mom, rest your head on my
shoulder. He pulled her head to his shoulder. Jimmy kept talking to her as he pulled the blouse away from her
body. Those are beautiful mom. Debbie begins to stir again.
Dad told me to make sure I fixed you one last drink before you go to bed. He got up and put some ice in her glass
then filled it with Rum. He put it to her lips and I watched as she took three huge sips. He then told her how
much better she looked than the girls in the magazines he had seen.
Debbie began to stir again and in a sloppy voice said, what's going on Jimmy? He looked real nervous but
managed to say that dad told me to take care of you because he had to go to Frank's house. With her eyes at half
mast she said, your such a good boy, give mommy a hug. He put his arms around her and hugged her fairly tight.
Debbie's couldn't put her arms around him but one of her arms fell into his lap. It was resting against his hard
cock. When Jimmy sat back he looked down at his mothers arm as it rested against his cock. He let his legs part
and had such a look on his face. Mom, mom, he said but got no answer. She had blacked out again.
From taking pictures and thinking of what might happen I was as hard as I had ever been. I was stroking myself
feeling oh so good. It didn't take much for Jimmy to reach down and release his hard cock through the hole in his
boxers. Now her arm was against his skin. He moved her arm back a little until her hand was next to his dick. He
opened her hand up and placed it around it. His head went back and from the look on his face I don't think he has
ever felt anything that good before.
My son was a quick thinker. He lowered his voice and said, that feels nice honey and he moved her hand up and
down his cock. She was still out and not helping him at all. Let me look at you baby, she said to her. He slid her
short skirt up until her matching black laced panties came into view. I could only imagine what was going
through his mind. This had to be the best time in his life and the most exciting too. He put his hand over her
panty covered pussy and rubbed up and down.
That started to make Debbie moan some. Not only that but her hand began moving around on his cock. Nice
baby, came from her lips. She was still out of it but the feeling she was getting must have been enjoyable. Jimmy
kept rubbing her and gave her a few kisses. Now her tongue was inside his mouth. The more he rubbed the more
she opened her legs for him. Using her free hand she slid the panties to the side showing her beautiful pussy off.
With her hand over his she forced it against her pussy and held it there tight.
This was great but I couldn't let our son do anymore to his mother. Not while she didn't know what was going on.
I wanted to see her letting him have his way with her on her terms. I used my cell phone to call home. When
Jimmy answered I told him I was on my way home and asked how his mother was? Oh, she is good dad. How
long before you get home? I told him I was only about ten minutes away. Okay dad, see you in a few. I thought
to myself, what did he mean, she is good? As if I didn't know. He knew I would be home anytime now so he had
to finish up what ever he was going to do. I almost put the camera down when he dropped to his knees in front of
his mom. Just a little for luck her said. I watched as Jimmy stuck out his tongue and began sliding it along her
slit. Her hands went to the back of his head holding him tight against her. Oh honey that's so nice. He actually
made his mother cum from licking her. As soon as she did he got up quickly, straightened her panties and slid her
dress back down. He buttoned her blouse back up leaving the top three undone. He went to his room and when I
entered the house he was in his PJ's.
I took Debbie to bed and continued where my son left off. Damn, was she hot. She let me use her anyway I
wanted. She came three more times before she went out for the night. I couldn't wait until morning to let her
know what went on with her son.
-----------------------------------------------------------------My son wanted his mother -4-
The next morning I was up before Debbie and sat on the pot looking at the pictures I took last night. It was really
hard for me to go with my hard dick slammed against the bottom of the toilet seat. I printed most of the shots I
took and had them with me when I got back to the bedroom. Debbie looked so peaceful sleeping. But that didn't
last long. She opened her eyes and they were pretty blood shot. Holding her head she said, what the hell did we
do last night. I told her it wasn't what we did, it was what she did. I told her I had to leave soon after we got
home. Oh, I thought for sure we played around for awhile, are you sure you left that soon? I am sure, I told her.
Then it must have been a good dream because it sure seemed to be real to me. Really, what do you mean, I
asked? I thought we were making out and you had your hand all over me. I thought I was trying to get you going
by playing with your cock. Some how I had to let her know what went on and how I let it happen and watched
the whole thing.
Honey, you were playing with a cock last night, but it wasn't mine. Tell me it wasn't at the party, she asked? No.
It wasn't at the party. You were just sexy at the party. Then, where and with who. She stopped in her tracks.
Jimmy, what are you trying to tell me? Did something happen with our son last night, she almost yelled? Well, I
said. You let something happen between Jimmy and me, didn't you? I didn't honey, it just happened. Bull shit,
where the fuck were you? Okay, let me try and explain, I said. You better, God Damn It.
You were feeling no pain when we got home and you wanted to have another drink with me. You began talking
all nasty to me, saying how it turned you on knowing all my friends were trying to hit on you and looking down
you top. It only took a few seconds for you to put your head down and you were out. I thought that it would be a
great time to see how much our son wanted to toy with his mother. JIMMY, she said. That's when I faked a call
from Frank and told Jimmy I had to leave for two or three hours. I wanted to give him time in case he was
nervous. I can't believe you would let our son take advantage of his own mother. Come on, it wasn't like we
didn't talk about it and do things thinking about it. But, she started to say but changed saying, tell me what
happened. Tell me you didn't let him screw me. No he never did that, I told her. Thank God, was her answer.
What happened.
We laid down in bed and I began telling how I was hiding so I could watch what Jimmy was going to do. As I
told her I pulled out the photos for her to see. I explained how he first got to touching her and then kissing her.
How he got her to take a hold of his stiff cock. She was looking at every picture I had taken. I knew she would
like seeing the pictures because they were quite a turn on. I slid my hand under the covers and found the small
patch of hair just above her clit. I moved my finger lower, pressing it against her button. I felt her hips move just
a tiny bit.
I was rubbing her clit in circles as I explained each photo. Look at your mouth as he is playing with your tits. It
looks like you were moaning. By now more than one finger was sliding along her slit, dipping into her entrance
once in awhile. Her hips were moving to the motion of my fingers trying to keep me going. I got to the ones that
showed Jimmy dropping to his knees in front of her. Oh God, your k**ding, she said. I flipped to the next shot
and it showed his tongue licking her along her slit. Jimmy, I want you to do that, please do it now, she asked. I
moved between her legs and started to eat her out. Oh, I love it was all she said as she grabbed the back of my
Looking up I could see she had her eyes closed. Oh honey, mommy loves that. Lick mommy's pussy baby. She
was talking to me like I was her son. You tasted so good mom, I said. Can I keep going? Oh yes baby, don't stop.
Oh fuck, yes, yes, yes, I'm going to cum. Lick me hard baby, more, oh please more. I was using my tongue on
Debbie's pussy so hard it almost hurt. I am going to cum in your mouth. Open it for me Jimmy. Mommy wants to
fill your mouth with her girl cum.
Debbie pulled me into her as hard as she could and began to bounce up and down. She kept holding my head as
she did. Fuck, I'm cummmmmmmmmmmmmmmiiiiiiiiiinnnnnnnnnnngggggg, she yelled. I felt a flood of juices
filling my mouth. It was the best experience I had ever had. I started to cum without touching myself. Just the
thought of Debbie cuming like she was got me off. After she stopped shaking and let my head go. Don't touch
me please. Nothing like that has ever happen to me Jimmy. I felt so nasty and couldn't stop. I want to cum like
that all the time.
Damn, I was hoping she would cum like that all the time too. I have never seen a woman as excited as my wife
was that morning. Debbie finally reached over and felt my cum that I shot on myself. Looks like my husband
liked listening to his little wife. Are you k**ding, I said. I told her I never even touched myself. I guess you
really did, she said. What do we do now honey? Now that we know what i****t with our son might be like. I
sure don't want it to end here, I said to her. I would love to see just how far Jimmy might take this if he has other
chances. Are you sure honey, she asked? I am if you want to go along with it. After the way I just came talking
about it, you know I do, she answered.
-----------------------------------------------------------------Tasting His Mother - (Part 1)

Exactly eight days have passed since our last encounter, and my Son seems very eager for more.
I am totally captivated by his willingness to overcome the inherent conditions that exist between a Mother and
her Son. My efforts to seduce his mind have been successful, and his aching virginity made it plausible.

A hot steamy bath became the 'HQ' for planning my next move forward. It was a place where I could elevate
arousal by caressing my wet naked body,... while imagining his reaction to my forecasted plan. In the past, my
thoughts were carefully calculated in case it backfired, but the risk of failure was no longer an issue, he was
taking the bait.

Years ago when I gave this some consideration, my research revealed that there are many Mothers who have
encountered a wandering eye,... within their own household. I wasn't alone in my quest and discovered it was
more prevalent than imagined. In most cases it was ignored and if unresolved, counseling became the suggested
path. Myself, I chose to embrace his positive reactions to my stimuli considering my participation was
voluntary and intentional. I wasn't going to close that door of opportunity,... but instead left it open,... as an
invitation of sorts. It's existence became so prevalent in society earning the title; 'Oedipus Complex',... validating
it's presence, as well as his own.

Once I crossed the fence, I knew there was no going back. I weighed the risks yet still pursued my intentions,
fueled by my own initiative... I wanted him too.
Having given it some thought, my next scene was set, and it was now time to put it into action. It was important
that I remain on course with respect to pace. Michael has been very receptive of my clandestine operations thus
far, and didn't hesitate when I displayed my breasts on two past occasions. I was no longer fearful that my own
perspective was tainted, and his reactions soothed my earlier insecurities.
I was becoming anxious in seeing his cock,... if he were that bold,... my patience,... wearing.

Afternoons seemed less advantageous perhaps due to timing. The evening hours provided the ambiance of a
dimly lit house which assisted me in seducing him as well. In the past, Michael and I have enjoyed watching
movies together on Fridays evenings, when home alone. I ordered a movie that contained a Mother and Son
relationship that manifested itself into something much more intimate, yet different than our own. I previewed it
myself alone in the bedroom causing me to pleasure myself immediately after. It certainly contains several
scenes that will support his perception of a rather taboo yet pleasurable arrangement.
It was time to take another step forward,...

I knew Michael would return from school around four pm on Fridays. I waited for him to arrive as I sat on a stool
in the kitchen. My white cotton shorts and this low cut blouse will certainly gain his attention. An immeasurable
sense of excitement raced throughout my body as I gazed down at my attire, knowing I'm baiting him in,... once
more. By now,... he surely recognizes my altered state of dress when his Father isn't home. It's an outfit I couldn't
wear in front of Michael,... without raising suspicion from my husband. But my husband wasn't home. Prior to
his arrival I inspected myself in the mirror, constantly. My blouse hung well displaying my bronzed cleavage so
elegantly and my short shorts,...were clung tightly to my curves, my cheeks,... barely covered.
The emotions that ran thru my mind and body are difficult to express, as I gazed at my reflection. I was also very
aware that few mothers will even consider this path, as I tugged on my shorts revealing a little more ass... and
waited for him to arrive.

He wasn't aware I was waiting and when he entered the house, he went straight to his room. I waited for a few
minutes but he didn't appear. I strolled down that hallway,... rather flirtatiously, arriving at his doorway in
seconds. I placed my palms on the doorway and pointed a leg forward... resting on one hip...

' How was your day? '... I asked,... with a playful motherly grin upon my face.
' Oh wow,... it was fine '... he replied,... as he stared so intently at my attire.

I knew my forward thigh was distracting him bad, his eyes locking onto it like radar. I purposely swayed it back
and forth rather elegantly,... to further torment his mind.

' Do you have any plans for tonight? '... I asked... in a softer tone than usual.
' No,... I sure don't '... he responded,... as he noticed my cleavage almost pouring out from my blouse.

' Jesus Mother '... his face reddening with embarrassment.

I switched legs and rested my weight on the other hip as I pushed that thigh forward, while leaning against his
door,... so flirtatiously.

' I rented that movie you wanted to see,... and another one we can watch,... afterwards '... I said so kindly.

I could see his mind working hard,... and fast. His feeble attempts to straighten his room were obvious as he stole
glances at my skimpy attire. As I chatted with him I began twisting my toes into the floor causing my thigh to
jiggle slightly,... effecting his focus even more.

It's hard to explain how arousing it is to stand in my Sons doorway dressed so carelessly, while observing his
lustful yet conservative reactions. My senses are stimulated by a jolt of awareness knowing he gets very excited
about this new adventure. His remaining shyness and hesitation is adorable and something I hope will fade in
time. Perhaps I'll have to revise the earlier rules in place allowing him to initiate as well, but only when the time
is right. Knowing I have a more accurate perception of 'when' we can explore,... I haven't yet considered
surrendering my position of control.

' You look amazing '... Michael said with a shy yet eager smile... as he sat on the end of his bed.
' I'll keep this on for tonight '... I said,... as I continued to jiggle my thigh ever so slightly.

Michaels chest began rising as he sat stealing glances of me, as I lingered in his doorway. I glanced down at my
thigh and looked back into his glazed stare. The room was quiet,... no TV on, no music playing... the sexual
tension was the only thing felt.
Without saying a word I slowly walked up to Michael, as he sat on the end of the bed. His eyes were locked onto
my bare thighs as I took those steps forward,... and flirtatiously so. My heart was racing as I paused in front of
him,... my legs so close to his face. I slowly shifted my weight from one leg to the other, knowing he was
admiring the muscular switch. I saw his hands clench the comforter and his breathing began accelerating. I
watched him scan my legs, his eyes rising up my thighs then making contact with mine. He returned his
downward stare and seemed mesmerized as his eyes just glazed over in lust. I smiled softly at him while I ran my
hand so affectionately down the side of his face.

' Look how smooth and soft they are'... I whispered softly,... into the silent room.
' HHHHhhhhhhhhh '.. came from Michael,... in one long exhale of anticipation.

I pressed one leg closer and bumped it off his chin then rested it in place,... so very close to his mouth.
His silent gaze was so powerful,... such an incredible moment. I was taunting Michael with the legs he has
secretly been admiring for many years,... and his hesitation,... electrifying. I admire his sense of restraint yet
easily breached by exposing, his weakness for flesh. He's aware I will initiate the activity when the opportunity
arrives,... and he now knows,... that time is now.

As my thigh swayed so elegantly, so close to his face I reached for his hand and placed it right on my forward
pointing thigh. When his hand landed on my leg I myself let out a sigh of relief,... escaping from my mouth
without approval. Michaels hand was firmly touching my thigh now,... a soft grasp felt as well.

' Feel how soft they are Michael '... I whispered,... with a soft smile of permission upon my face.
' Oh god Mother,... Jesus',... he whispered in return.

I placed my hand under his chin and raised his head slowly. I tilted my head and smiled warmly at him, and I
kissed his mouth. He locked his lips onto mine,... and our bodies began to tremble... once again. I held that kiss
for twenty seconds or more,... closed mouth but with intention. I broke from the kiss and remained standing in
front of him. I placed my hand over his, and began encircling his hand around my thigh,...

' Feeeeel Michael '.... I whispered.

Michaels mouth instantly dropped open, his breathing, elevated. He was in shock by my willingness to allow him
to touch them so freely,... without judgement. His expression was that of a young man that has discovered
something,... new. His hand began to wander my thigh, shaking but more than willing. I moved his hand around
to the back of my thigh where he squeezed it firmly, while attempting to hide his erection with his other.
As he firmly held the back of my thigh, he looked directly at me and said;

' Unbelievable Mother,..... so soft '.... he trailed off...

I smiled down at him, so affectionately,... so warmly.

' You've been eyeing your Mothers legs for a long time,... haven't you ?... I asked softly.

He silently nodded his head 'Yes',... as he stared straight ahead, gazing at my flesh, his mouth ajar, his
breathing,... loud.

' I rented a movie I think we'll enjoy '... I whispered. His blank stare was so evident as he still nervously clutched
the back of my thigh so firmly. I felt so naughty,... so alive. I stood silently for a few minutes which felt like
hours,... feeling him grasp the back of my leg,... I was soaked. I retrieved his hand from my leg and held the other
in mine as well.

' I'll see you in the Den tonight Michael ' ... I whispered,... and then exited his bedroom.

As I strolled back down that hallway a rush of arousal swept through my body, like a Tsunami of pleasure.
A rush of heat escaped from the top of my head,... ' Oh my god '... I said to myself. My nipples were hard as
buttons and my cheeks were peeking from under my shorts as I strolled away. I knew I was displaying a lot of
cheek !
As I reached the steps leading down to the living room he stuck his head out of his doorway,... seen by the
reflection in the mirror... my hands began to quiver. ' What time? ' he cried out.
Without looking back I hollered; ' 8 pm '... knowing he was eyeing my ass now,... as I swayed down the steps and
around the corner.

I wandered into the kitchen and plopped myself on a stool,... and exhaled abruptly. My psyche was electrified,
my body trembled, my pussy was flooding,... I was juicing, truly. I poured myself a glass of orange juice and
tried to calm my nerves... my hands now trembling. Sexual arousal comes in many forms and this one is
immeasurable !
My knees became weak and goosebumps appeared on my legs and arms while I waited with anticipation. The
mirror clearly defined the view he had which left little to the imagination.... and Michaels must be in overdrive. I
still had a few hours to prepare for this evening. I was so aroused by what just occurred that I decided to step my
pace up a notch, a big notch indeed. When Michael entered the bathroom to shower,... I put my plan into action.

First, I strategically placed some candles in the Den knowing it was a great tool I used to seduce my straight
girlfriends, as a teen. The light that casts across my smooth flesh creates an invitational appearance,... whether
intentional or not. It altered my girlfriends morals,... and has an equal effect on Michael as well. I knew I was
going to take another step forward,... and tonight would be special. By 7pm my body just tingled knowing what
was in store ahead. My rhythmic preparations where coming together with a smile of intent, upon my face. I
could feel Michaels eyes upon me as he wandered thru, surveying the scene in the Den. I offered a soft motherly
smile in return but as the time neared, my smiles became more flirtatious. The candles were in place,... the
snacks and soda were on standby,... and the curtains were drawn.

If I was going to bait him in,... I was going to make it irresistible. I placed both movies on the mantle and I lit the
fireplace. The candles were glowing, the room was warming,... the scene was set. As I stood in the kitchen I
could see a room that was designed to seduce. My body just tingled continuously,... my pussy flooding.

I saw Michael enter the Den,... his thoughts, racing. I poured myself a glass of white Wine and walked towards
the Den. I stopped in the doorway and paused,... smiling at him,... warming his spirit. I knew my outfit was very
risque', as I soaked up his wandering eyes. I knew he was excited,... his tight grip on an adjacent pillow nearby.
He knew this evening was going to even more enticing now,... and that time is near.
As I stood by the mantle I knew where his eyes were as well, my movements, calculated... my ass cheek
popping,... as I shifted my weight.

The sexual tension at that moment is hard to describe. My back was to him, my shorts are so short, clinging
tightly to my cheeks below... yet I've made no effort to correct my carelessness. Michael was clearly observing,...
his silence speaks many words. I turned to kneel by the table to access the remote, my cleavage bounced so
profoundly as I dropped down so abruptly. Michaels eyes didn't miss a beat.

' We'll watch your movie first '... I said... as I nestled into the sofa, his eyes darting all over my flesh, already.
' Okay,... okay '... he replied... noticing the cast across my flesh from the lighting.

Michael did his best to focus on the action thriller,... but my distractions made that impossible. I spent that ninety
minutes taunting his eyes, my legs so close in proximity. Without warning I placed his hand on my calf as I
folded my leg nearby.

' It's Okay' ... I whispered... smiling softly.

The remaining portion of that movie was a blur,... for us both. I was more focused on his hand, and he as equally
consumed by the act as well. The credits were rolling,... yet neither of us wanted to move.

When the second movie began,... I snuggled even closer to Michael,... and placed his hand back on my calf.
By now I was so wet I was almost sloshing, as I adjusted in positioning. I provided many opportunities for him to
gaze,... as I focused away. Every motherly fiber was being tested and somewhat conquered by the thought of
things to come. I have already stepped over the fence,... and tonight will be a giant leap.

The movie was a European production captioned in English. Michael and I were much more focused on this
movie recognizing the early set relationship between her,... and her son. The father has had an affair resulting in
his departure from the home. The mother becomes flirtatious after viewing her Son showering on several
occasions,... without his consent.
That scene in the movie,... was terribly erotic. When the camera panned down to her,... self pleasuring herself,... I
looked over and smiled at Michael,... so warmly... watching him melt back into the sofa even more.
He was very turned on,... VERY.

' Will you pour me another glass of Wine? '... I asked.

Michael quickly rose and headed into the kitchen. It allowed me time to ponder my next move. I knew what I
wanted to try,... so when he returned, I asked him to sit at my feet,... leaning against the sofa.
He instantly recognized my feet on either side on him now,... being flanked by my legs. As the movie played I
began bumping my knees against the sides of his face,... ever so,... innocently. He tried to remain calm but his
breathing said,... otherwise. It was arousing to watch his hands look for something to grasp.
With one movement, I rested my feet in his lap, now squeezing the sides of his face with my calves. I was so
proud of my courage to do so too. Michael gasped loudly, smelling my flesh as I pressed my calves against the
sides of his face.

' Jesus Mother '... he whispered.

' Jesus ! '

Michael knew exactly what I was doing. His efforts to remain in place were so reassuring.
In the movie,... the mother and son were now groping each other in the back of the car,...when I began rubbing
my calves along the sides of his face.

' Jesus Mother,... omg '... he whispered.

I leaned back into the sofa,... my eyes now slanted by desire as I continued to taunt him with my calves, brushing
them against his face. My mouth dropped open when I felt him kiss one as I slipped it slowly past his mouth.

' It's okay Michael '... I whispered quietly.

Michael rested his hands on my calves and grabbed them firmly as we attempted to focus on the sexuality of the
movie as well.

' This is driving me insane Mom '... he said,... as he turned to me... his chest rising fast.

Michaels resistance was compromised once again, weakened by my invitational offerings. The silhouettes on the
TV screen were deeply engaged, their passionate sounds of kissing and groping filled the room. Few Mothers
could bear to remain in the same room listening to the sounds we were hearing, the sounds of him ravishing his
mother,... now screwing her in the back seat,... her nails digging into his back. There was no doubt what they
were doing now... and Michael was intrigued,... to say the least. He was amazed to witness that sex act, indeed.
He was fucking his mother wildly,... and we were both watching. That exact moment was incredible!

' Is he fucking her Michael ? '... I asked.

' Oh my god '... was all he said, in return.

A chorus of expletives flew from the TV as he fucked his mother silly. Michaels hands continued to roam my
calves,... and I was melting. I couldn't wait any longer and slid myself lower, now resting my thighs, against the
sides of his face... blocking his view of the movie.

' Oh god Mother,... Jesus '... he whispered,... gasping away.

I clamped my thighs together entrapping him several times between my soft inner thighs. Michael was panting,...
literally panting now.

My thoughts were of my readers, picturing them observing us from afar. On the TV is a movie showing a son
screwing his mother while I am smothering my own son, between my warm soft thighs. Recognizing my readers
perspective was very empowering, arousing me beyond imagination. I slowly began unbuttoning my blouse,...
yet he was unaware. I waited a few minutes before announcing the act. When my breasts were exposed,... I just
went for it.

' Michael '... I whispered softly.

He was so glued to the TV,... he didn't hear me.

' Michael '... I repeated, and a bit louder.

As Michael turned he saw my breasts exposed once again,... gasping once again at the discovery. His mouth
remained ajar as he twisted for a better view. When I noticed his face was so close to my inner thigh, I pressed it
against him, engulfing his entire face. I saw his eyes roll back in lust,... so I repeated it,... several times.

' Jesus Mother,... your killing me '... Michael cried out.... still focused on that boy screwing his mother madly.

' Do I turn you on Michael ? '... I asked so warmly.

' God yes,... God yes ! '... he cried out.

'Are you okay with this Michael? '... I asked,... as I cupped my breasts.
' Oh yes '... he responded,... his eyes wide with anticipation.

I looked directly into his eyes as I pressed my legs together, entrapping his willing face between my soft fleshy
thighs,... over and over. My right inner thigh was engulfing his face completely,... his efforts to breathe,...
successful. He knew I was considering more,... as I bit my lower lip in arousal watching him surrender to me
taboo advances. A part of me wanted to scream in joy, but my crowd of intrigued readers observing from afar,
held me in place,... silently encouraging me onward.

My shorts were so tight they were creating a profound camel toe that was clearly,... visible. When I caught him
attempting to look at it,... I had to act.
Michael was facing my right thigh and the TV as well. I slowly slid upward and placed my hands on his
shoulders, and guided him to sit,... facing me directly. He gulped hard and quickly turned now, resting on his
knees, looking right at my pussy. I looked deeply into his eyes,... begging for courage.

I pointed to the TV as we both watched him fuck his Mother, right on the kitchen floor !
Seeing their facial expressions as that boy jammed his cock deeper, turned us on like nothing else. We silently
gazed,... mesmerized by the activity. We were watching them,... fuck.

I remained in place, my legs wide, my breasts exposed. Michael was completely captivated, kindly waiting,
silently gazing away. With my legs forward and slightly parted I slowly raised my left leg, his eyes following it
closely. I raised it further and placed my foot on the sofa cushion, then gradually rested my thigh wide against
the armrest of the sofa. With another shift forward my camel toe was now right in his face. As I relaxed my thigh
he was well aware of the invitation. He gulped so hard, his shoulders dropped and a loud sigh escaped from his
' Oh god Mother....... Oh god '... he added... staring right at my protruding pussy.

The seam of my shorts was digging into my clitoris. I could feel the lips of my pussy revealing themselves forced
outward by pressure. I put my hand on the armrest and the other began twisting my right nipple.
' Your a legman,... aren't you Michael '... I asked.
' Do you want to lick them? ' ... I asked so carefully.

As his eyes darted from mine,... to my parted legs,... he managed to nod his head in agreement.
I didn't know how to respond only tilting my head to the side offering a smile of consent. Michaels eyes rolled
back in total lust as he shifted himself even closer... right between my legs.

As he shifted into place my heart was pounding out of my chest, my head was spinning, my dizziness, profound.
Here I was,... alone with my Son and watching an i****tual movie while seducing my own. I sat motionless, my
pussy lips pouring out form either side of my clinging shorts. My legs were wide, invitation,... clear. I gazed
into his eyes as he planted a kiss on my thigh.

' God Mother ',... he whispered just before that kiss landed on my leg. Following his first kiss, my pussy began to
flood even further. His kisses were soft and fast. His path from my ankle to my knee was becoming faster. His
tempo was increasing and so was his breathing. As he nestled between my legs he began pulling my flesh into
his mouth with such suction,... then suddenly,... releasing it. His tongue was now more extended, his trails of
saliva,... becoming adjacent to one another... no spot untouched.

I was melting into the sofa, my own chest rising and fast as Michael continued to indulge. I was so struck by my
courage to display more and more each time as I remained in position, my labia partially exposed. I felt so
vulnerable,... so alive. I have no doubt it's also the thrill of exploring something taboo which is responsible for
the endless thoughts that fuel the need for more. Since we were alone the sense of paranoia was absent. I wasn't
preoccupied listening for distant sounds or signs of intruders... it was just Michael and I,... and his mothers legs.

I shuddered continuously observing Michaels open mouth roaming my legs. My expression was of amazement,
my mouth slightly ajar in reaction. The lust in his method was arousing to see. He was now dragging his tongue
well with his eyes now partially open. He was so passionate, so thorough,... so hungry for my legs. If I could
accurately describe how erotic that was,... I would,... I was on fire !

I still glanced at the closed curtains and the locked side door out of habit before I placed my hand on the back of
his head. Over the past few minutes he has been staring intently at my flowering pussy, forwardly displayed.
My shorts are now revealing his mothers folds, my eyes rolling back in response.

' I can't stop '... I said to myself.

End of part 1,...

-----------------------------------------------------------------Tasting his Mother (Part 2)
... continued from part 1,....

When my hand reached the back of his head another profound exhale escaped his mouth,...

' Oh god '... he whispered, panting,... licking my calf so hungrily. Tenderly I cradled his head rubbing it softly,
ensuring consent. His quick glances at my face are that of disbelief yet ever so grateful. He paused momentarily,
his face wet with his own saliva, his breathing hard,... his eyes, glazed.
' It's wonderful Michael '... I whispered, smiling softly.

His blank face offered no response, only the sounds of air and desire were heard. He knew that I was aware my
pussy was driving him insane with lust,... forbidden lust. My bent leg was laid out wide against the armrest of the
sofa. My other leg, was displayed straight forward, glistening wet from his attention. Like out of a movie I
locked eyes onto his and then I looked right at my soaking camel toe below. The kind of subliminal suggestion
that triggers a reaction from all who see. Michaels eyes were so focused staring so wildly at my potential
offering. His mouth was ajar and his hand now clenched, upon my calf. Almost telepathically I sought approval
from him to wander with my fingertips as I began stroking my inner thigh, looking directly at him. My lustful
stare softened to a more innocent almost naive expression hoping for a favorable reaction from him. Playfully I
began stroking my inner thighs capturing his full attention, now gazing at my protruding labia. My smile
widened when I witnessed Michael, lick his lips.

As I lightly caressed myself I wrapped my extended leg around his back so delicately, so warmly. His breathing
was accelerating and fast. I gazed deeply into his eyes and pressed by leg further into the cushion, my gymnastics
flexibility at work.

' Jesus Mother,.... omg '... he cried out, in a brief moment of frustration. Amazed by his arousal and impatience,
my stroking of my thigh, suddenly became more advanced. I really couldn't believe seducing Michael would be
this easy, yet it required more courage than I thought I possessed. I was at a milestone moment, my legs were
parted, my breasts fully exposed and my obvious camel toe is now,... being closely observed. I looked directly at
him and slid my fingertips down my belly, sweeping them across my labia that was poking from under my
shorts. I slowly traced my fingers across my labia watching it dance and spring back into position as I winked at
Michael flirtatiously.

' Ohhhh godddd '... came from Michael,... as I sat right there, touching myself so freely. He was so mesmerized
he wasn't aware my hands were trembling in fear. Beads of sweat began forming on my forehead, my pulse
skyrocketing. Every image I've ever captioned was flashing in my mind like a relentless slide show, taunting me
onward,... my state of arousal,... unstoppable. My wandering fingers were becoming more assertive as I pulled
the fabric to the side, revealing even more of my soaking pussy.

'HHHHhhhhh '... came from Michael,... in one long exhale, as I continued to touch
myself,............................................ right in front of him !

A trail of drool escaped from his mouth, not sure he was even aware. I was in a zone of sorts, at another
crossroads,... stroking my pussy as I pondered what to try next. All I could hear was my beating heart and his
heavy breathing. His once firm grip on my calf was weakening, his focus now clearly distracted. I sat silently,
soaking it up, touching myself with Michael at my feet, watching so intensely.

' Do you like what I'm doing Michael? '... I asked, so hesitantly.

He silently nodded his head slowly up and down, almost robotically ' Yes. '
I couldn't stop stroking my labia,... even as I battled the internal voices to cease. I've already violated mothers
code a few weeks ago, and I'm driven to push it further... much further. My need to explore this is more powerful
than my instilled morals, can prevent. His sense of restraint is fading,... as well as my own. The ambiance is
radiating, and so are we. The curtains are closed, the door is locked, we were,... 'home alone.'

Out of the blue, I slid my index finger deep inside my pussy and gave it one full twist. Michael gasped loudly in
reaction. I slid that finger from under my shorts and slid it down my thigh, until the trail of wetness faded. I
smiled at him so motherly, while encircling my finger tips on that inner thigh.

' Will you lick me right here? ' I asked,... as I continued taunting him in.
' Oh yes,... I will '... he responded, gasping wildly.

I leaned back further into the sofa and pressed my leg even wider against the arm rest of the sofa, the invitation
was there. I tilted my head to the side offering a silent form of consent. His face was stone white as he shifted
himself closer, between my parted legs. I dragged my index finger as if to guide his approach, I was completely
shuddering already. My legs just quivered in excitement. He recognized my nervousness and paused, but only

' It's okay babe '... I whispered.

' Lick my thigh '... I added, as my head fell back in anticipation,... of his touch.

Michael never looked so wildly excited in all his life. His hands were trembling, his breathing wild,... his
desire,... passionate. When I felt the heat of his breath on my thigh I gulped hard awaiting his touch. Several
small kisses were landing and now I was the one,... panting. I opened my eyes long enough to capture the image
of my Son, nestled between my open thighs, as his tongue sent waves of arousal throughout my body as it glides
along my motherly flesh. His path was becoming closer to my protruding camel toe with each and every pass.I
tingled immensely when I recognized the full extension of his tongue, his sense of restraint, fading.

The fireplace crackled as the sounds of pleasure filled the room. My ability to remain silent was fading, my
moans now becoming more audible, which fueled him well. I was so pleased he was so receptive of my
offerings... so pleased.

Michael was now in a frenzy of sorts, his aggression became more evident. His long hesitant licks were now
more assertive and his saliva trails, nearing my soaking wet pussy. With every pass of his tongue I quivered,
almost jumping with anticipation of feeling him lick my camel toe. I literally was shifting in position almost to
avoid it, but he kept following in my direction. Licking my legs was truly my hidden agenda for the evening but
realized, we have graduated early. I leaned over to capture an image of his tongue canvasing my inner thigh and I
yelped; ' Oh Michael '.... ' Mommmmm ' ... he returned with, muffled by flesh.

Michael was bathing my inner thighs, his pace increasing. He was very content offering soft moans of
appreciation as he continued exploring them. I realized I didn't accurately forecast, how far I was willing to go
this evening. I was completely consumed by the act itself, enjoying it's rewards, while Michael explored even
more. I gazed at the target area,... as he grew closer. When I leaned forward again he rose up and attached
himself to my left breast.... sucking it feverishly.

' Ohhhhh Michael '.... I whispered, as he ravished my hardened nipple.

I cupped the back of his head, my eyes rolling back in lustful pleasure. His mouth was now stretched wide open,
his tongue and lips sucking madly on my breast. I dug my fingers into his scalp as he ravished my breast so
furiously. He trailed across my cleavage and began coating my right breast with his heated saliva as well.

' Ohhhh Michael '.... I cried out.

My nipples seems to dance in his mouth, in their own celebration. My body quivered, feeling my Son,... explore
my weaknesses. I was holding his head to guide him, but instead found myself, just holding on.
His mouth was grasping mounds of my flesh with such suction. My chest was gleaming in saliva and being
warmed by his breath. Michael was in heaven,... and so was I. A chorus of moans was heard expressing his

Suddenly I felt his erection pressed into my leg, as he leaned further into me. He knew and I knew, it was
touching my leg as he sucked my breasts so desperately. He knew it turned me on too, my sighs grew louder.
I pressed his face grinding it between my tits,... my pussy was overflowing with juices. I slid myself lower into
the sofa and thrusted my pelvis forward, in one movement. My legs were now wide and my pussy was almost
bursting out from the thin fabric, of my shorts below. I pulled Michaels head from between my breasts, and I
pushed him off of me completely. For a brief moment he stopped breathing all together, his hands gripping the
sofa, the room was silent. I looked directly at him with a more concerned look upon my face. The instant
separation startled him, and effected me greatly as well. I waited for him to realize, what I was about to offer.
I looked so deeply into his eyes,... for what seemed like three or four minutes,... his breathing resumed as he
stared back so fearfully,... almost terrified. I tilted my head and smiled; ' Ready? '... I whispered to him.

He took a deep breath as his smile returned to his face of anticipation. I purposely looked down at my parted
thighs, my pussy so forward,... and I placed my other foot on the seat of the cushion,... as my labia slowly slid
from under my shorts,... now fully exposed. Instantly, his jaw gaped open and the sound of one long exhale
escaped once again... as he gazed at my pussy.

' Oh god Mother '... he cried out.

' Oh my god '... he added.

I nestled into the sofa almost reaching for a pillow, to conceal my face. My heart was pounding so hard, he had to
hear it himself. From my perspective, I could see my thighs parted so wide, my feet on the sofa, my pussy
displayed like a treat. Michaels shocked expression faded into one of pure desire, his facial muscles relaxing
revealing a young man who has craved this opportunity,... for many sleepless nights. I stared at him absorbing his
thoughts as he gazed at my soaking partially exposed, pussy. There was no going back,...

He remained seated in front of me,... his focus, unwavering. He glanced into my eyes several times, then returned
his attention to my crotch. A wave of continuous exhales radiated from Michael and furiously so. He turned his
head away only to be drawn back by his sense of desire, his shyness fading.

Mentally, I was in a surrender mode.The present pace has already been altered and there is no denying my
willingness to please. Michael was mesmerized, his trembling hands placed firmly on the carpeted floor... so
focused on my camel toe... I must find the courage to speak the words he so wants to hear... and that time is now.

' Have you ever experienced this before Michael? '... I asked... my voice cracking and weary.

Michael just nodded his head slowly ' No' .... almost robotically as he gazed intently at my protruding vagina.

' Did Emily do this for you? ' ... I asked, so delicately. He nodded his head 'no' once again,... staring intently at
my parted legs. The tension was unbearable...
His mother was presenting an opportunity and he was more than willing to participate, his body going limp with
exhaustion almost anticipating,... my next command. Emily was a short period girlfriend from a year ago no
longer significant, I wasn't surprised by his response.

' Is there anything you'd like to try Michael? '... I asked,... so quietly.

' Oh yes '... he said... as he wiped the sweat from his hands on his trousers. He began to slowly rock back and
forth, his patience wearing thin, mine was equally eroding. His look of fascination was so arousing. Every
woman is aware of the pot she can stir with her sexuality,... but testing ones Son, is beyond words.

My heart was racing, my breasts are wet with his saliva, my nipples stiff and Michael is silently begging for
permission to explore even more.

' No one knows '... I whispered firmly... looking directly at him.

' No one knows, one knows ' ... he quickly confirmed.
' If there is anything you'd like to try,... here I am ' ...I whispered, so nervously so.

Michael gulped really hard and darted his eyes away but nervously, remained in position.

' Can I,........' Do what you like' ... I said, talking over him intentionally.

Michael braced himself against the sofa quivering in reaction. I nestled myself once again and spread my legs, so
willingly, in front of my Son.

' Please Mother '... he cried out, growing instantly restless. I silently nodded my head for him to sit even closer. I
reached for his hand and assisted him, between my legs.

' Oh my god '... Michael whispered.

Michael was now just inches from my soaking camel toe. The view itself sent me over the edge. There was no
going back,... no way. Michaels expression was priceless, his eagerness, his nervousness, all venting madly.

' Explore '... I whispered, my focus elsewhere allowing him an opportunity unsupervised, my body trembling in
fear and arousal.

' Do it Michael '... I whispered,... gazing into his eyes.

' I won't tell a soul ' ...I added... with a sexy tone.

I nearly jumped off the sofa when I felt Michaels mouth land on my pussy! It wasn't a soft lick as expected but
an open mouth engulfment of my entire pussy.

' Oh Michael ! '.... I cried out.

' Oh darlin '... I cried out even louder.

He waited until I rested back in place, my legs falling wide once again. He dropped back down and planted his
face directly back on my pussy. His face already,... glistening.

' Like that? '... I asked as I cradled his head in my hand.

' I want more,... I want more ' ... he yelped.

I pulled softly on his head watching him comply without hesitation. When I saw Michael open his mouth wide I
instantly cried out; ' Do it Michael '...
Michael gave my inner thighs a furious bathing then buried his face into my soaking camel toe.

' Oh Jesus '... I cried out, my body still resisting, my legs clamping shut around his head. Michael refused to
withdraw but instead began sucking on my pussy, as he held and parted my thighs wide.

' Oh my God !'... I whispered, holding his head so tightly in my hands now.
' Michael !' ... I whispered.

Michaels moans were so loud my comments fell upon deaf ears. I was no longer in control of the tempo as
Michael refused to restrain himself any longer. He placed his hands firmly on my thighs and pulled them wide
with aggression. My head flew back once more when I felt his face engulfing my soaking pussy. His tongue was
lapping away at my labia while it danced in joy. I wept in arousal as I felt his tongue attempt to dig past the
cotton fabric to explore his Mother even further. The crotch of my shorts were carving themselves into my
crevice. I could actually hear Michael savoring my juices....

I knew my efforts to control the pace were now fruitless. My subtle actions to reduce his aggression were also
ignored. My last opportunity to retreat was fading and fast. I have taunted Michael for years, all I can do,... is to
endure his appetite. I slammed my thighs together hard as I felt him dig his tongue beyond my shorts, digging
itself into my pussy. He clenched my thighs, holding them against his face with joy.

' Ohhhh yesssss !!! '... Michael cried out.

He pushed my thighs wide feasting on my pussy, my own strength to control him,... gone. When the shock
of the act itself subsided my desire to cease, evaporated. Minute by minute I began to accept the attention I so
longed for, my legs now conforming, resting wide. Michaels face was twisting from side to side sucking up
whatever juices he could find. His grasp on my ankles now firmly holding me in place. His breathing began to
regulate as he tasted his Mothers pussy,... for the first time.

' Yessss Michael '.... I whispered, in a committed tone.

' That's it baby ' ... I added... caressing his head softly.

' Oh my God,... oh my god '... kept coming from Michael, as he raised his head several times to catch his breath.
Michael was tasting his Mothers pussy,... and loving it !

' Eat your Mother '... I whispered, intending to raise his level of arousal,... and boy did it ever. Michael seemed to
shift gears and fast. He suddenly reached up and tried to pull my shorts off my body. I gripped his hands to stop
him,... guiding him back downwards. He fought to jam his tongue past my shorts,... so eager to relish my pussy. I
clamped my thighs together entrapping his head between them,... and I instantly came.

'Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh' ... I cried out.

' I'm coming '... I shouted.

Michael increased his tempo sucking and swallowing my juices as they flowed from either sides of my soaking
shorts. My legs were closing only to be held wide by Michaels refusal to cease. He pulled hard on my shorts to
the side and my pussy was suddenly,... free. Michael stared at me intently, then buried his face in my pussy. my
legs fell apart. Michael was now eating his mother...

I cried out profoundly when I felt him open his mouth and engulf my pussy, sucking on it with such aggression. I
spread as wide as I could, my pelvic thrust forward,... was sensational. I was so fixated on watching him fulfill
his enormous desire for sex, yet intrigued by his willingness to step over boundaries so willingly. Just observing
him ravish my pussy was fucking amazing. His need for sex was clearly more important than the morals we all
guard and respect. I too was guilty of the same offense, unable to embrace those morals myself. I completely
surrendered myself, and he knew it too. Once he knew I wouldn't retreat, he rested my thighs over his shoulders,
gripping my thighs tight. My head was spinning in arousal.

Up to this point I was just cooperating but his flowering talents were affecting my participation. Michaels tongue
was thrashing away on my clitoris, my body shuddering wildly in response. I did my best to remain complacent
but shortly there after,... began grinding my hips, ever so slowly. He suddenly peaked and began attempting to
remove my shorts once again. I pushed his hands away and clamped my thighs together in an effort to stop him.
He made another attempt,... just minutes later.

' Not yet Michael '... I whispered, his attempts to remove them,... ceased.

I began running my fingers thru his hair indicating total permission, for him to continue. My mind purred
listening to Michaels constant moans of satisfaction, as he lapped away on my hairless pussy. He rose several
times presenting his glazed dripping face as I trembled in reaction to his glory.

' Thank you so much Mother '... he cried out,... hugging me over and over.

I threw my arms around him and held him close, kissing his cheek as he nestled into my embrace.

' All for you Michael,... all for you '... I repeated softly.

Michael and I spent hours that evening indulging in something so long over due, yet SO forbidden. I no longer
questioned his commitment and found his willingness to take it a step further,... sensational. I absorbed Michaels
enthusiasm while he explored another opportunity. I simply adored the way he thoroughly investigated my legs
as he licked away capturing the scent of them, as well. Michael eagerly explored my body as I melted under his
youthful curiosity. Clutching his hair as he coated my inner thighs with yet another layer of saliva, was too much
to bare. The inner voices that once supported retreat are now silenced and more cooperative. My ability to remain
submissive is also fading, my pelvic thrusts now becoming more obvious. Michael was chewing away at the
crotch of my shorts,... my resistance,... gone.

Michael took advantage of every second fulfilling whatever oral fixation he had, that involved his mother. He
seemed captivated by my youthful flexibility during his brief moments of rest, still holding my ankles in awe.
His glazed eyes surveyed every inch of my exposed nakedness, with an expression of delight.

A rush of arousal swept through my body when I realized I was now certainly a member, of a secret society.
Weighing the risks and rewards has now been resolved... my decision, embraced. I also under estimated the the
level of erotica,... it was off the charts. I was basking in the taboo nature of it all yet ensuring, the curtains were
still closed. I have never felt so desired,... by such an enthusiastic participant. Volunteering to provide has
enveloped into something so wonderful,... yet addictive as well. My thighs are weakening, yet I refuse to
disengage,... his appetite, strong. My fingers are now well entrenched into his scalp as he devours his Mothers
pussy. The number of orgasms was unknown,... my pussy still aching,... still wanting something more.
Michaels whispering pleas were eroding whatever resistance, I still possessed.

By three in the morning,... my will to resist his advances, have diminished. My soaking shorts that once restricted
access now lay on the armrest of the sofa,... dripping onto the floor. Stronger than I, Michael is now holding my
legs, grasping them for support. My knees are pressed far beyond my shoulders and my pussy,... is being
completely ravished. My astonished cries of pleasure are being drowned by his intense appetite, for his Mothers
pussy. Torrents of juices are filling Michaels mouth,... he is eating his Mother, like a peeled orange,... sucking
my pussy dry.

My thoughts flashed in the past of the fun activities we enjoyed together when home alone, now replaced by a
more taboo interaction. I am truly a vested member of the naughty mothers that secretly exist, having crossed
that parental line.

This house is now among a few,... that hold a secret too forbidden to share, and too erotic to cease.
The leaves on the trees still blow in the wind,... the flowers still bloom along the sidewalk,... but when the
curtains are drawn at the Carsons residence,... only you are aware,... of whats occurring inside.

Like a scene out of a movie,... as the camera fades out of the room, only the sounds of forbidden pleasure
remain,........ ' That's it Michael... taste your Mother ' ......../ CarrieAnn

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